What fruit is best to eat at night? Is it possible to eat fruit at night or for dinner?

Many office workers They come home after a tiring day at eight or nine, or even ten in the evening. Usually the dining room closes at six in the evening, people are too lazy to go to the cafe, and the city dweller comes home hungry, tired and angry. I don’t have the strength to cook, I really want to eat. And in the refrigerator at this time semi-finished pizza, half a stick of sausages and cutlets beckons. Girls who take care of themselves through willpower will move away the pan with pasta and take up fruit or low-fat kefir. A conscientious man will make himself a couple of sandwiches from bread with ham or cervelat and calm down on that. However, are these midnight dinners really safe? “VM” found out what to eat and what to avoid when having dinner after nine o’clock in the evening from a nutritionist and nutritional engineer Maria Belevtseva.

First of all, let me once again remind everyone of a well-known truth. You can eat no later than three hours before bedtime. That is, if you came home from work at nine in the evening and went to bed at midnight or one in the morning, then the food will be processed in three hours. However, this only applies to “proper” late dinners. The recommendation not to eat after six is ​​harmful, since a person usually goes to bed late and a hungry body will experience enormous stress. In addition, metabolism slows down.


1. Fish and seafood

In the first half of the day we should eat more carbohydrates, and in the evening we should eat proteins with vegetables.

For a late dinner, fillet or sliced ​​pollock, chum salmon, some salmon or trout, salmon are suitable. Seafood is also good - shrimp, mussels, cancerous cervixes. Ideal option night dish of cod cutlets. We at the Plekhanov Institute at the Faculty of Technology in the laboratory have developed an ideal dietary dish for late dinners. We named him "Delip". Take cod fillet and mix with cottage cheese. Scroll the fish through a meat grinder, add an egg for binding. But under no circumstances should you use flour. Then you make quenelles, meatballs or cutlets. Bake in the oven or steam. You can’t fry, because when heated, the oil turns into a carcinogen and the body immediately converts the contents into fat. This is why nutritionists do not recommend frying any food.

2. Chicken breast chicken, turkey, rabbit meat and lean beef. You should eat meat only with a vegetable side dish.


3. Vegetable side dish or salad.

It can be any vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, regular cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, and so on. The fact is that protein moves very slowly through the intestines and needs to be “accelerated”. Vegetables help a lot in this matter, they are light and cleanse the digestive system well. You can prepare a salad, season it sunflower oil first spin or linseed oil, which must be purchased at the pharmacy in glass bottles. But no more than a tablespoon - oil is very high in calories. But it is useful - it contains omega-3 and omega-6. Which, by the way, as I found out, is not contained in olive oil.


4. Kefir.

One or two glasses will help suppress hunger and not harm your figure. Buy bifidokefir, preferably one made near Moscow (Ruzskiy), it is made with pasteurized milk and not from powder. Yogurts are of no use, they are a dead product. Drink kefir with a fat content of at least 3%, but not more than that. Calcium, which is contained in low-fat yoghurts, is not absorbed by the body. So it’s better to drink less, but the benefits will be greater.

5. Cottage cheese. Useful product.

Again, no need to take low-fat. 9% fat content is quite optimal. Just don't eat too much. It's better to drink it herbal tea with a spoon of honey.

1. Bread main enemy figures. This is a carbohydrate that is especially evening time quickly converted into fat. In addition, it is processed very slowly by the body. We eat bread mainly or with carbohydrate side dishes - porridge, cereals, macaroni potatoes, or as part of sandwiches with sausage, meat or cheese, which is very harmful to the body, especially if done in the evening. The fact is that bread should be eaten in the first half of the day and only with vegetable salads or a sandwich with cheese or butter. Other foods do not go well with bread at all. In order to digest bread, an enzyme is needed, which is secreted by the pancreas, and for meat, fish (proteins) or carbohydrates, other enzymes are needed. So the body gets confused. He does not understand what enzymes to secrete at a given time. Bread and meat (proteins) are not compatible. Eat no more than two slices a day and only whole grain bread.

2. Fruits and juices. In apples and others unsweetened fruits contains many acids that irritate the stomach, and starchy, sweet fruits such as bananas contain many calories. In addition, sweet and sour and especially sour fruits whet the appetite, since the acids they contain stimulate the production gastric juice. Therefore, people suffering from stomach ulcers should eat fresh apples not recommended at all. As for sweet fruits, they overload the pancreas, which is unacceptable in the evening. You can eat fruits in the first half of the day and not every day. You can’t eat them in the evening or at night because they move very slowly through the intestines and will ferment along the way. Fruits may cause flatulence and bloating in the afternoon. And when you are on the move, they are processed much better. Fruits also contain large number sugar, which is difficult for the liver to process into late time. The body must spend fats, but it turns out that it first processes sugar, and then takes on the main work.

3. Pizza, pasta, pasta, cakes, chocolate, cookies - (carbohydrates). These are carbohydrates that are easily stored in fat. If you eat them from time to time in the first half of the day, then nothing bad happens. During the day, the body spends what it has accumulated, but in the evening a person hardly moves and has nowhere to spend calories.

Have you decided to carefully monitor your diet to lose weight? “Puzzled” your body physical activity and are you waiting for the results? This is very good. But many who have decided to take their body seriously have doubts and a reasonable question: what fruits can you eat when losing weight? We will examine this topic in the article.

About calorie content and glycemic index

Fruits are healthy fiber and contain no fat.. This is how those who do not give up their favorite fruits while on a diet console themselves. Their point of view has a right to exist: in small quantities natural sugars cannot harm weight loss. But you need to clearly understand what fruits you can eat in the morning or afternoon.

2 important reasons Do not exclude fruits from your diet even when losing weight:

  • They contain antioxidants. Antioxidants help remove free radicals, the harm of which lies in the oxidation of cells and the ability to cause various diseases.
  • They contain many micronutrients and vitamins. Without them, the body’s functioning will malfunction. First of all, the immune system suffers, hair falls out, and vision deteriorates.

But when choosing fruits, you should focus on 2 important indicators– their calorie content and glycemic index. The calorie content of some fruits differs significantly. You can find impressive examples further in the article. Yes, you yourself may have noticed that after eating, for example, a banana, you feel full, but after an orange, on the contrary, you may want to eat something more substantial. If you want to lose weight, eat fruits whose calorie content does not exceed 25-40 kcal.

Glycemic index (in Internet sources you can find the abbreviation GI) - an indicator that is responsible for how quickly the sugar level in the body rises after eating food certain products, as well as how high this sugar “jumps.” The higher the fructose, the higher its glycemic index. It’s easy to conclude that you should temporarily give up sweet fruits.

The amount of fiber also varies. The leaders in healthy fiber are apples, raspberries, lingonberries, grapefruit, rose hips, and peaches. The benefits of fiber are in establishing microflora in your intestines, accelerating metabolism, and improving intestinal motility.

What fruits can you eat at night when losing weight?

Many people will immediately answer this question – citrus fruits. And they will be right. But besides oranges and grapefruits, there are other fruits that you can enjoy after 6-7 pm. When consuming the following foods, the energy required to digest them exceeds their calorie content.

  • Citrus fruits (32-37 kcal per 100 g of product). Oranges, tangerines, pomelo, grapefruits and even lemons contain minerals and vitamins that speed up metabolism. You may have noticed that after eating these fruits the feeling of hunger often worsens. By the way, this is a small “minus” of these delicacies. Most recommended and useful fruit for dieters is grapefruit. Its ability to tone the body, eliminating excess fat, has been repeatedly noted. It's all about enzymes that burn calories. It is interesting to know that if after any dish with up to 800 kcal calories, you eat half a grapefruit, your figure will remain in shape.
  • Kiwi (50 kcal per 100 g of product). Kiwi was recommended to almost all of his patients by the French nutritionist Montignac. He claimed that by eating this fruit for breakfast before the main course, you can lose extra pounds even without grueling workouts. This is a hypoallergenic, rich in microelements and vitamin C product, 100 g of which contains no more than 60 kcal. The secret of the miraculous properties of kiwi is in soluble plant fibers. They suppress the feeling of hunger, and at the same time remove “garbage” from the intestines. In addition, the pulp contains carnitine, known for its ability to reduce lipid deposits.
  • Mango (67 kcal per 100 g of product). Mango has been used for weight loss and waist reduction for centuries. By eating one fruit a day you can burn 1 – 1.5 kg in a week. In a month, your weight can decrease even by 5 kg. The advantages include a laxative effect and lowering cholesterol in the blood, as well as containing a whole storehouse of useful microcomponents. The fruit makes amazingly tasty mousses and desserts with low-calorie yogurt.
  • Pineapple (48 kcal per 100 g of product). Everyone has heard that pineapple burns calories. But not everyone knows that there are so-called “girl” pineapples and “boy” pineapples. So, it is the “boy” fruits that will help you get rid of the excess, while the girls are rich in sugars and, on the contrary, will only harm your diet. But in general, the pulp contains bromelain, which provokes the production of gastric juice and the breakdown of proteins and fats. It is better to eat it after meals so that the food is absorbed faster without the formation of lipid deposits. And if you eat pineapple before meals, its juice will reduce the feeling of hunger and, accordingly, you will eat less.

What low-calorie fruits can you eat while losing weight during the day?

  • Nihonashi pear from Japan. This exotic fruit contains only 40 kcal, but you rarely see it on the shelves. It differs from an ordinary pear in its less pronounced aroma, but in sweeter pulp. Our domestic pears also belong to the class of neutral fruits that will not lead to weight gain.
  • Apples (56 kcal per 100 g of product). Arrange unloading apple days for weight loss. They have a lot of fiber low level sugar and average calorie content. However, it is worth understanding that apple diets are not recommended for those who have stomach problems. In addition, you should not eat apples at night, as they can cause heartburn or bloating. A medium-sized apple contains on average 60-100 calories and has enough fiber to satisfy your hunger for a while.
  • Medlar. Another exotic fruit that you can afford on your diet is medlar, or loquat. Before use, remove the skin, as it has a specific taste. Calorie content is only 38 kcal. Externally it looks like a small peach.

Fruits that will destroy your diet results

Not all fruits are as healthy as those described above. There is a whole list of “pests” that can not only slow down the process of losing weight, but, on the contrary, lead to you gaining weight.

Know the pests by sight:

  • Grapes (70 kcal per 100 grams of product). It is impossible not to mention it on this list. It is rich in fructose and has a high glycemic index. Also causes fermentation in the stomach. So you should temporarily refrain from this sweet and high-calorie treat.
  • Bananas (91 kcal per 100 g of product). Another diet killer is banana. Its caloric content is beyond doubt, so it’s better to stay away from the shelves with these delicious tropical fruits. By the way, There is very little fiber in this fruit. Although, if your goal is not to lose weight, but to build muscle, then such a product may be quite appropriate on your table.
  • Avocado (208 kcal per 100 g of product). Avocado is very fatty product, it’s not for nothing that they make it excellent cosmetic oil. Rich polyunsaturated fats that break down cholesterol. But this product can be seen very rarely in the diet of those losing weight.
  • Watermelon (32 kcal per 100 g of product). Although watermelon consists mostly of water, this water is very sweet. In addition, the fruit has the highest glycemic index, despite the fact that the calorie content is relatively low. However, what task watermelon does very well is the removal of harmful waste and toxins. Therefore, it still makes sense to do a watermelon fasting day for those who want to lose weight.
  • Persimmon “Korolek” (67 kcal per 100 g of product). Persimmon is not dietary food, although it contains antioxidants and helps normalize intestinal activity.

There are several nuances that lovers of eating fruit should remember when on a diet. For example, that pineapple, although healthy, canned will not do anything good for your figure, rather the opposite. This applies to all fruits from the jar.

Avoid dried fruits. For example, the calorie content of prunes is 231 kcal (per 100 g). Agree: you hardly need such a killer dose of calories. Another example: a banana counts a satisfying product, since its calorie content is 90 kcal, but dry bananas calorie content is easy nightmare for dieters. Their calorie content is 250 kcal.

It’s not just what fruits you can eat, but also how you eat it that matters. Be sure to keep these tips in mind.

  1. If you try to eat moderately and count calories, We recommend replacing one meal with fruit. The easiest way for the body to cope with rejection is full breakfast and replacing it with a fruit mix. But you will have to get used to such a change in diet: you will feel slightly hungry.
  2. Forget about the coffee + fruit “duet” beloved by many girls. It is important to eat fruits on an empty stomach(if you decide to do this in the morning). The interval between a cup of coffee and fruit should not be less than two hours, otherwise you will put a lot of stress on your stomach, since the enzymes produced to digest these products are completely different.
  3. Eat only whole (and preferably fresh) fruits. Freshly squeezed juices from sweet or citrus fruits hit the pancreas hard, and unprocessed sugar is transformed into fat, which everyone hates. Do you need it?

Many people on a diet believe that eating fruits does not go against the desire to lose weight, because they contain only healthy fiber that does not cause extra pounds. Does this mean that while losing weight, you don’t need to deny yourself the desire to eat some fruit?

This is partly true, but with some nuances. For example, you need to know exactly what fruits you can eat at night and what you shouldn’t. Even late at night will not harm the figure:

  • citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits);
  • mango;
  • kiwi;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • pineapples.

The above-mentioned fruits can be safely consumed without fear of gaining weight even after six in the evening. Exception - read below.

What fruits can you eat at night?

Each of these options is worth exploring in more detail.


If it’s already late and sleep doesn’t come due to an unabated feeling of hunger, good option- apple. It is best if it is green, since such fruits contain less sugar than red or yellow ones.

To make it easier to digest the fruit, you need to peel it.

Important! Nutritionists say that for some people, apples are just an appetite stimulant. Should be studied individual characteristics your own body, and if you really want to, bake one apple in the oven - in this form it will definitely satisfy your hunger.


No nutritionist has any doubts about them: if you want to know what fruits you can eat at night and whether you are allowed to eat a tangerine, orange or grapefruit in the evening, the answer will be a definite “yes”. Citrus fruits are not as high in calories as all other fruits (one hundred grams of one tangerine contains approximately 40 kcal), but at the same time they are sweet and very tasty.

Orange or grapefruit will speed up work digestive system and will provoke the release of gastric juice. The most suitable evening dessert for people on a diet is citrus.

Citrus fruits have a wonderful effect on all systems human body, For example:

  • eliminate weakness, fatigue, normalize sleep;
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Contraindications to the consumption of these fruits include the presence of stomach or intestinal ulcers, as well as gastritis.


One hundred grams of this fruit contains only 67 kcal. A few centuries ago, society ladies actively used mangoes for weight loss. They say that by eating one fruit a day, you can lose about 1.5 kg in a week. If you follow this diet for a month, the result will be a loss of approximately 6-7 kg.
Main benefits of mango:

  • laxative effect;
  • reducing blood cholesterol levels;
  • saturating the body with useful microelements.

To diversify your diet while losing weight, you can cook delicious desserts, for example, mousses and puddings.


The French nutritionist Montignac was the first to announce the use of a fruit such as kiwi for weight loss. His works claimed that if you eat one kiwi before breakfast, you can lose weight without physical activity.

This fruit is rich in vitamins and other microelements, and one hundred grams contains 60 kcal. The main secret of losing weight with kiwi is the soluble plant fibers it consists of. They satisfy the appetite while simultaneously clearing the intestines of toxins. Also, kiwi pulp contains carnitine, which eliminates subcutaneous fat deposits.

What fruits should you not eat at night?

It is better to forget about these fruits when thinking about evening dessert.


They are really high in calories, although they have such beneficial properties as relieving fatigue and weakness. A person who is losing weight should have an evening snack without a banana.
For those who just want to enjoy it delicious fruit and doesn’t want to lose weight, you can prepare a cocktail with the following ingredients:

  • half a banana;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 50 ml carrot juice;
  • a drop of honey.

Mix the ingredients in a blender and drink the cocktail no later than two hours before going to bed.


Many people love it, but is it possible to eat these berries in the evening while following a diet? The answer is no. You can eat a few grapes only during the day, or better before noon, so as not to gain weight, because one hundred grams of this product contains more than 70 kcal.

Grapes are an excellent remedy for raising the tone of the body; it contains a large amount of glucose, which eliminates fatigue and makes a person cheerful and energetic.

So, when choosing a fruit that you want to eat at night, you need to be careful and remember the consequences of the choice.

What fruits should you eat at night? Is there harmful fruits. Recommendations for individual fruits. Proper nutrition. What fruits help you lose weight? Can you gain weight by snacking on fruit at night?

If you want a quick answer. At night you can eat bananas, grapes, mangoes, figs, apricots, prunes. The last meal is desirable no later than 19:00. Because every organ has its own biological clock, for example, the pancreas, which “goes to sleep” around 21:00, and by this time it should have calmed down. Simply put: if you eat before bed, insulin, which begins to be released, will inhibit the hormone of sleep, growth, and so on.

A joke of humor, ridiculous stereotypes or truth? How to understand the correctness of this expression if working days ordinary person lasts up to 20-21 hours. Can a “snack” of fruits and berries be considered a full dinner or is it a real salvation from excess weight? This article will answer these and many other questions.

Many people are confident that when choosing between a sandwich with cheese, sausage and a bunch of grapes, the choice must fall on grapes. And only a few know whether it is possible to eat fruit at night while losing weight or adhere to a different diet.

Despite the mass of beneficial properties given to us by nature itself, fortified fresh fruits contain many complex ones. Digests such substances with great difficulty. It is especially difficult for those who are passionate about sports. It is best to “eat fruit” in the afternoon, in the first half of the day, or during intense training.

But it is better to change the nightly diet itself. Fruits in small quantities will help useful role when consumed an hour or two before bedtime.

List of fat burning vitamins:

  • C - citrus fruits, apples, pineapple, kiwi, pomegranate, raspberries, lemon;
  • D - all spring fruits and citrus;
  • E - , apples, green fruits
  • B12 – avocado, kiwi
  • B1 - currant, strawberry, plum
  • P - dried fruits
  • Ca - pomegranate, quince, passion fruit, strawberry

The natural acid of the fruit activates the secretion of gastric juice and promotes hunger. When counting calories, per 100 grams. accounts for about 40-50 cal. Subsequently, those calling for a thorough “cleaning” of the refrigerator in night shift. Also, these products should not be consumed after lunch or. It is better to completely replace your morning diet with mixed salad. If you feel hungry between breakfast and lunch, you can relieve it by eating a banana.

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What fruits should you not eat at night?

As already mentioned, fruits, with increased content acidity, it is better not to use at night. First of all, you should pay attention to apples. To the question: “is it possible to eat fruits at night when losing weight in the form of a dessert”, the answer will be this: they can be eaten in right time and at proper preparation. First of all, you should remember that you should stop eating any food an hour before bedtime.


Starchy fruit that replaces good nutrition And banana is high in calories. In this case, it will indeed be easier to eat lightly toasted toast with cheese. The banana puts significant pressure on the pancreas, irritating it. This dish is suitable for daytime day and instead of an afternoon snack.


A bunch of grapes is a high-calorie treat that instantly increases blood sugar. Grapes provide a quick boost of energy, can cause insomnia, but do not give a feeling of fullness to the stomach.


The large red berry under the green, durable crust is oversaturated with sucrose and water. Of course, you should not eat this dish at night. Satiety will pass extremely quickly, but the “coveted sweetness” will show extra folds on your stomach much earlier than you finish your journey from the bedroom to the bathroom.


Such a representative of the destruction of fats as the yellow “pot-bellied” sailed to us from the sun warm countries- the most ferocious enemy in the fight against overweight. Pineapple can also be classified as both harmful and healthy nutrition. Many have noticed the aftertaste effect on their lips. If you eat too much of it, a characteristic tingling sensation will begin - high concentration acids corrode the mucous membrane.

That is why pineapple should not be eaten when the stomach is empty, otherwise there is a risk of intestinal disease and ulcers.

Interesting on the topic:

What fruits can you eat at night?

Of course, fruits, according to their characteristics, are completely different and each carries individual beneficial properties. Therefore, it is 100% certain that eating them at night is prohibited.

Eating citrus fruits as a nighttime treat can speed up the digestion process. an hour before bedtime you will feel best friend in the fight against excess weight. Orange juice when losing weight will give restful sleep and will add efficiency and energize you after waking up. As a bonus, there are only 40 kcal per hundred grams of orange products.

A grapefruit cocktail balances cholesterol and is responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. Do not forget about the acidity of these products and monitor the amount of food you eat. Citrus juice consumed on an empty stomach can cause gastritis and ulcers.


Banana dessert is like two sides of a coin. If it was previously agreed that it is better to forget this treat before bed, now we can point out some exceptions. First of all, you should pay attention to your work schedule. If the door of your home opens much later than 18.00 or even 20.00 and the last meal was taken at lunchtime or, for example, at 16-17.00, then in this case a banana will play a positive role in your diet. Also, there are people who watch their excess weight, but avoid strict diet, or adherents of calorie counting. In this case, banana will also be useful when consumed at night.


If a banana can oversaturate the body, then an apple, which causes a feeling of hunger with its acids, helps to arouse the desire to eat as many bananas as possible. But, when used wisely at night, it fills the body with necessary and rare chemicals, lowers cholesterol, is responsible for cell rejuvenation, saturates the body with iron, improves immunity. A couple of slices an hour before bedtime will have a positive effect on the harmonization of your body. Most useful enzymes are contained in apple peel. That is why be especially careful when choosing a variety.

It is best to avoid apples that are too beautiful, shiny “Photoshopped” - most likely, such products are oversaturated with harmful chemicals that enter your body along with the peel of the product.


Grapes are perhaps the sweetest delicacy of all. possible berries. Juicy elastic fruits attract attention and cause an irresistible desire to taste this forbidden fruit before bed. And there is an exception here. Grapes will be beneficial if a pleasant meal awaits you a few hours before bedtime. romantic dinner or meeting with close friend over a glass of dry wine. In combination with wine drinks, this fruit is harmonious and healthy.

Figs, apricots, prunes

If a fragrant, cheerful trio appears on your menu, it will be simply excellent. The combination of such a vinaigrette enhances the regeneration of bone tissue and is responsible for the work immune system the body, removes toxins and, indeed, without harm to health, saturates the body with the necessary enzymes for harmonious work. Figs and dried apricots are used to prevent oncological diseases. These types of fruits are acceptable in sports diets, and at Olympic training camps, and in large rehabilitation centers Russia.


An exotic guest in Russia who finds himself on Russian market relatively recently, but its usefulness took over the shelves of refrigerators faster than expected. Mango is one of those fruits that you can eat at night when losing weight before going to bed and it is advisable to consume them with dairy products. Mango promotes weight loss, improves digestion, removes toxins from the body and promotes normal, restful sleep.

Let's sum it up

The article showed what fruits you can eat at night when losing weight, the list of products is extensive:

  • Apricots (peaches);
  • Figs;
  • Mango;
  • Apples in small quantities;
  • Pineapple;
  • Pear, etc.

You should not rely on stereotypes and the myth about losing weight that this is the easiest and most harmless way to lose weight and rid yourself of hunger.

In fact, whichever fruit pleases you the most can be tasted, but in reasonable quantities, without replacing your full nutrition with it. All selected fruits that you are going to eat that night if you are dreaming of losing weight should be thoroughly washed and cut into small slices. You should not eat apples, pears, and citrus fruits in a chaotic manner. Make sure that the product enters the esophagus thoroughly chewed. This will make it easier for the body to absorb nutrients.

Fun starts:

  • Don't wait until the next day to start losing weight. Those who wait for Monday will see on Sunday how much weight you have lost.
  • Are you hungry? Eat an apple. Would you like an apple? Don't want to eat!
  • If you have to bite into a canapé, it's a sandwich: don't lie to yourself.
  • A wide ass is not as scary as an insatiable façade

It is worth remembering that oversaturation of the body with acidic and glucose elements can lead to disastrous consequences, so the benefit can turn into harm and overweight will not seem like a problem: at least it awaits you allergic reaction on the product.

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Eating at night is strictly prohibited for those with poor metabolism. In addition, if you eat at night or late in the evening, the stomach will no longer digest food, it will simply “stand up.” However, apart from regular food, consumption of fruits at night is not recommended. Scientists from Britain recently published a statement that extra pounds appear not only from fatty foods. Especially for this, we suggest you read why you shouldn’t eat fruit at night.

Specific reasons why fruits are harmful at night

It cannot be said that fruits are so harmful that they should be completely excluded from the diet in the evening. However, those that are too sweet or too sour should be removed from the nutritional program. This is explained by the fact that fruits at night carry sucrose and acids that interfere normal operation stomach and intestines in the evening, because they are inactive. Acid will irritate the stomach, sucrose will make the pancreas work an order of magnitude faster, and fiber will have difficulty making its way through the intestines.

The main causes of harm to fruits are identified:

  1. Indulging in fruits at night affects cardiovascular system, increases blood pressure;
  2. Increased load on the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract), which is fraught with flatulence, bloating, irritation;
  3. Some fruits are high in calories, so it will happen speed dial weight;
  4. After consuming even unsweetened apples, your appetite will increase, and you will want to “put out” it with a sandwich or something else;
  5. Stomach irritation from acid from fruits.

In order not to want to eat at night after fruit, you need to wait 10-20 minutes after consumption and drink 1-2 glasses of water. After this, the thirst to “eat” will disappear, and you will not overload your body. It is worth noting that it is necessary to limit fruit consumption at night, based on the reasons given above.

When is the best time to eat fruit?

A good question for those who have decided to eat right and watch their figure. Nutritionists claim that best time for fruits - the first half of the day. At the same time, they warn that it is better not to eat apples, bananas or oranges on an empty stomach, because. they will only make the situation worse.

First you need to have a hearty breakfast, and then eat fruit. They will be absorbed much better than in the evening. These are the explanations that can help you understand why you shouldn’t eat fruit at night.



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