How to improve your well-being using energy practices and more. Charge of vivacity

Our well-being is directly related to our state of health, and all our achievements depend on it - after all, painful and weak person can hardly count on success in life. As a rule, energetic and cheerful people achieve their goals: people come to them more often interesting ideas, they manage to do more - they are not hampered by weakness and ailments. Of course, a lot also depends on talents and abilities, but without good health they are of little use. So how can you improve your well-being?

We will devote our material today to the question of how you can improve your well-being. Let's consider the most effective ways improve your well-being and give some useful recommendations.

We know, but we forget

Of course, in order to improve your well-being, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and this applies not only to giving up bad habits (smoking, etc.), but also to nutrition - ready-made products from the store do not contribute to good health. Nutrition should be healthy and natural, and food should be fresh, and you should eat regularly - 4-5 times a day. To improve your well-being, sleep should also be sufficient - at least 8 hours a day, and physical activity is also necessary - do at least simple gymnastics.

Alternatively, sign up for a fitness class - now there are many such opportunities, fitness centers in major cities are located in each quarter, and attend classes 2-3 times a week.

Let's dwell in more detail on several points about which enough has been written, but people for some reason forget about it, or prefer “not to go into details,” and continue to eat sausage, chips and chocolate bars at lunchtime, go to bed at 3 a.m., whole sit for days without fresh air, and then they are surprised: I’m not feeling well...?

You need to start with nutrition

The founder of our good health is correct good nutrition. Let's figure out what foods you need to eat to improve your well-being.

A good mood and well-being are hardly possible without a substance such as serotonin, and it and its precursors are contained in natural products– for example, in natural vegetable oils: olive, flaxseed or coconut - they contain healthy fatty acids, without which our body would have a very difficult time.

To improve your well-being, remove refined foods from your diet, stop overcooking and overcooking food, add fresh fruit and vegetables, and watch yourself: literally in 2-3 days you will feel calmer and lighter - your mood will also improve. There should always be enough protein in your diet, and remember that it is found not only in meat: fish, shellfish, and dairy products are rich in it (especially natural yogurt) and mild cheese, eggs, soy products, lentils, and other legumes and plant foods.

For good health, women especially lack elements such as B vitamins and calcium - they lose them every month, during " critical days“, so you need to constantly replenish their reserves in the body.

In addition, under the influence of stress, which abounds in our lives, other nutrients are also lost, so we should not neglect vitamin and mineral complexes. Many vegetables, herbs, cereals, brown bread, dairy products, brewer's yeast and liver are rich in B vitamins.

As for calcium, it is found in many listed products, and also in nuts, especially almonds and brazil.

Despite the fact that everyone knows about these rules, most people try to solve the problem of well-being in other ways: they take stimulants - not only black coffee and strong tea - and more than once a day, but also alcohol, and do this often.

The impact is quick but brief, and then there is a sharp decline and depression occurs. This is not surprising: such “stimulation” can seriously disrupt hormonal background body, and then you will have to resort to the help of doctors and medications. But clean water you should drink up to 1.5 liters per day - sometimes feeling unwell is explained by dehydration, but the person doesn’t even think about it.

Sleep and movement

Night sleep is a separate and very important topic for improving well-being. If we sleep “haphazardly”, the body does not have time to recover, and again the hormonal balance is disturbed, and the result is the same - depression, and prolonged and chronic fatigue. Many working women are accustomed to “finishing” household chores right before bed, or watching TV shows that do nothing to promote relaxation and calm. nervous system. Stop active work should be no later than an hour before bedtime, and you need to go to bed calmly, and not “thump” on the bed in exhaustion: unfortunately, this method of “going to bed” is not uncommon. Drink a glass of milk or kefir some time before bed, and at night the body will more actively produce melatonin, a hormone known as a regulator of circadian rhythms, which slows down aging and improves the functioning of the immune system.

Physical activity and good sleep are directly related: to make it even easier to fall asleep, do simple exercises every day. physical exercise– the load can be very light, but the effect will be wonderful – just give yourself half an hour a day. Even if there is no place and time for exercise - this also happens - no one will stop you from walking on the street. Without sunlight depression manifests itself very quickly because the body stops producing vitamin D, and especially in winter, when the days are very short and we are indoors most of the time.

There is no need to skip breakfast, citing a lack of time or reluctance to eat in the morning. Of course, breakfast should be light - no need to eat sandwiches with sausage, but yoghurt, cottage cheese, juices and fruits will help you improve your well-being and increase your performance - even at the end of the working day you will still have enough strength. By the way, it is better to drink tea for a reason, but add ginger or cardamom to it - this will also help improve your well-being and strengthen your immune system.

Try to find a job that is not too far from home if possible. Psychologists note that it is precisely those people who have to travel a long time to get to their place of work (and in the evening they also need to get back home) who suffer from depression more often than others, and they spend more money on it. Meanwhile, this time can be spent on more useful things - the same gymnastics.

If your job is sedentary, to improve your well-being, try to get up and move every hour: permanent sitting not only worsens health and well-being, but also shortens life expectancy. Movement also helps the body produce joy hormones - dopamine and serotonin, which improve mood and well-being.

On the weekend, visit the sauna or Russian bath: after it you will definitely feel better, as the body will begin to get rid of toxins. If you can't stand it high temperatures, it's okay: no one suggests you sit in the steam room for hours - 10-15 minutes once a week will be quite enough.

And one more, the best way. Hugging helps improve well-being: this has been shown for quite some time scientific research- so let's use it. It is hugs that help relieve fatigue and give strength, reduce the effects of stress, speed up recovery in case of illness and even have a rejuvenating effect.

And you can hug with anyone: with loved ones, relatives and friends, with parents and children, with work colleagues and even with bosses - at least, there are definitely no contraindications to this.

Hello, dear friends! Has this ever happened to you when you realize that you need to act, but you have neither the strength nor the desire? I want to sleep or just bury myself in TV, and preferably without anyone bothering me. Weakness, poor health - is there a way out? In reality, a person can fix everything himself, and in this article I will share with you my thoughts on how to improve your well-being using energy practices and more.

When you don’t want anything, this is a signal that a person is doing something wrong, moving in the wrong direction. There is an outflow of energy, but no replenishment. So it turns out that there is only enough energy to watch TV and then in a state of dozing, but there is no energy for the implementation of plans, or whatever, for implementation, even for the plans themselves. In general, what is possible is what you want. Well, let's try to change the situation so that we can and want to. To do this, let's look at simple but effective ways.

Just sleep it off

The first thing that comes to mind is relaxation. After all, we drive ourselves into a dead end. You need to love yourself at least a little and just get some sleep. But it also happens when you want to fall asleep, but you can’t, in this case, I suggest using meditative music, which helps the brain switch to more stable (“alpha” and “theta”) oscillation frequencies.

For example, during nap with my child I use recording Holosync: 15 minutes of rest - and while the baby is sleeping, you can do whatever your heart desires. Sometimes, while walking, I listen to the Omharmonic - it “switches” well and helps harmonize the state perfectly (the link to the gift recording of the Omharmonic is in the “Cribs on Success”, there is also a link to the “Exercise for internal balance"from the Silva Method). When I go to bed, I turn on a recording from Hypnotheka - in addition to relaxation, it also helps to reprogram the consciousness (there is a link to a gift recording from Hypnotheka in).


Are you eating right? Proteins, fats, carbohydrates? Are you consuming enough vitamins and minerals in your diet? Do you check or not eat genetically modified foods and foods filled with various stabilizers harmful to the body? Do you drink? sufficient quantity water? After all, we are made up of what we eat, and first of all, our well-being depends on what we eat.


Energy practices

Rest, of course, restores strength and helps normalize the movement of energy in the body, but as I was convinced own experience, there is something else that we don’t even suspect. And this something can significantly speed up the recovery of the body, and practically does not require time. I'm talking about energy practices, about working with the chakra system.

In order to improve the work of your energy channels, you just need to visualize them, that is, imagine how energy flows through them. Imagine how the chakras are filled with energy. And also, so that the energy does not leave, it is necessary to periodically break it.

Emotional rest

By emotional rest, I mean everything that can contribute to a positive perception of the world around us. And this is no less important than rest or energy practices. After all, when a person is filled with sad thoughts, situations will come into his life that will further affect the decrease in vitality. But as soon as you react positively, life immediately begins to improve.

For emotional release Anything that brings pleasure and enjoyment to life will do. Anything that raises vibrations. Just don't confuse pleasure with bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking and the like. I'm talking now about relaxing with friends, listening to good music, watching good films and programs (preferably romantic or comedy), communicating with children and animals.

This is how capacious the article turned out, which practically included all of mine. And you know, all this information deserves attention. If you are not lazy and act responsibly, you will certainly receive good results. Each of the points in this article has a positive effect on a person’s condition, but if you work at all levels, your well-being will improve much faster. I wish everyone health and prosperity.

With love and respect, Elena Azhevskaya.

What you need to do to feel better and have a lot of energy throughout the day and be healthy. There are several simple rules, which you should follow throughout the day and then wellness will be your constant companion. You don't have to make drastic changes to your lifestyle to improve your well-being. You can do this without actually noticing it. Below are the rules you must follow and good mood then it will not leave you, and you will know how to improve your well-being.

1. Charging

Morning exercises should definitely be included in your daily schedule, this great way improve your well-being. You don't have to exercise all morning or spend several hours in gym, but devote 10-15 minutes to exercise in the morning and you will be ensured of vigor throughout the day. Even after making several simple exercises, squats or jumping rope will have you feeling better in no time! Plus, exercise is good for your health and waistline. How to improve your well-being? Do exercises in the morning!

2. Sleep

Again, due to our busy schedules, we do not get enough hours of sleep every night. This is one of the main problems modern man. Lack of sleep kills health; the body simply does not have time to recover. If you have trouble falling asleep, don't watch TV or reduce your internet time right before bed. Also, try not to drink tea or coffee too late. How to improve your well-being? Sleep more!

3. Clean water

If you drink 3 glasses of water, 4 glasses of coffee or tea every day and think you're drinking enough water, think again. Your body needs water (not coffee or tea) to function properly. Your goal is to drink 7-8 glasses of water every day and you will feel a change in your body, you will feel better.

4. Proper nutrition

It may sound obvious and even boring, but most of us eat unhealthy foods all the time, day after day. However, eating healthy is not as difficult as you think. After you start doing right choice food, you'll never want to eat a bag of potato chips or a box of your favorite ice cream. Sticking to healthy eating you will increase your energy, improve your well-being and you will not have to lose excess weight, since your weight will be under strict control proper nutrition. How to improve your well-being? Eat right!

5. Work

When you're productive, you feel happier, and that's one answer to feeling better. When you feel happier, you feel better. And when you feel better, you will be able to do more things in one day. Don't watch TV, don't go to social media, and try to do more useful things during the day. Don't forget to do your to-do list in the morning. This will help you stay organized and complete your tasks with less stress and more productivity.

6. Vitamins and microelements

Vitamins play important role in keeping your body healthy, so make sure you get your vitamins every day. While the best way is to get everything essential vitamins through your diet, you can also choose a set of multivitamins for yourself. Before taking any multivitamin, you should consult your doctor to find out whether you need it or not. How to improve your well-being? More vitamins!

7. Positivity

A positive mood is the key to a long life. Positive thoughts can help boost your energy levels and improve general condition health. Life is full of stressful situations and it is difficult to remain cheerful when everything is going wrong, but your positive attitude will help you solve any problem and deal with any stress faster and easier. Your positive attitude is especially good for your heart health. Smile and stay positive and live happily ever after! How to improve your well-being? More positive!

The author of the article suffers from multiple sclerosis. Despite the irreversible nature of the disease, the author is deeply convinced that a person is able to help himself. Let him not completely recover from the illness that befell him, which is impossible by definition, but significantly improve his well-being with the help of simple and completely accessible means for everyone.


A powerful spirit saves the body. (Hippocrates)

I would like to introduce readers to my ways of maintaining good physical shape, of course, to the extent that this word is appropriate for a disabled person with my illness.

We will talk about cold showers, diet and self-hypnosis. About the data three conditions wellness is undoubtedly known to everyone. The trouble is that, knowing about the undoubted benefits of each, we do nothing, absolutely nothing to put them into practice - to apply them in our daily lives.

These three, very effective, in my opinion, ways to significantly improve your well-being are relevant not only to diseases like mine. They are kind of universal, if you like. Since with my very difficult illness, these methods helped put a brake on this irreversible disease, which, you see, is already important, then, without a doubt, they will help everyone else.

How to believe in yours vitality, strengthen them in order to resist the disease and much more, I set out in the brochure “How to stop being afraid incurable disease and start overcoming it.” Since the format of this article does not allow us to discuss this topic in more detail and detail, we will briefly outline only each of the three components of improving our well-being and their important role for us.


It's better not to start than to stop halfway


First of all, start taking a shower in the morning. Warm, very warm, any - whatever feels most comfortable to you. The most important thing is to start. A shower in the morning gives you energy and a good, I would say, mobilizing mood.

But this is not enough, your goal is to feel good. Gradually, not necessarily every day - this is absolutely useless, make the water a little cooler.

From hot water go to warm, then to lukewarm. If you are used to a little warm, move on to cool. The line between the last two definitions is very thin, depending on everyone’s perception.

Mark all your actions (for you they will be nothing less than achievements) in taking a cold shower in a notebook: when you started, after what time you switched to cool water, and then to cold, when the count increased (more on that below), on what day reached the minute and so on. To control the time spent under a cold shower, it is useful to have in the bathroom hourglass. Although, I must say that instead of sand there is some kind of thick liquid mass in my watch - they are specially designed for water procedures.

Judging by my diary entry, I took a cool shower for almost three weeks - 20 days. After cool shower You need to quickly rub your body thoroughly with a towel (back, arms, chest and back again), and after putting on a robe, proceed to your head. First, thoroughly rub the neck-cerebellum, the back of the head, then the crown, top and sides. In the same order, rub your head with a towel at least three times until you feel pleasant warmth.

Returning to what was said, I’ll clarify: after rubbing my body, I quickly put on a T-shirt, a shirt, and first fasten it with one button - so that it’s convenient to put on a robe. Having put on my robe, I button up my shirt with 2-3 more buttons and wrap it up. Only then do I start rubbing my head. This is done so that the body heated by the towel retains heat. For this purpose, leaving the bathroom, I put on a warm sleeveless vest over my robe - a “shower jacket”, in simple terms.

20 days after I started taking a cold shower, I realized that it was time to switch to cold showers: I was “mature” for this mentally and prepared my body.

Another important reminder: stand under cold shower certainly follows with conviction: NOW IT WILL BE GOOD - because it will really become good! God forbid, you must stand under a cold shower by force, overcoming yourself. “Might can win any victory, but that victory is short-lived” - Lincoln. If you force yourself into the bathtub, it won’t last you long - one or two days, no more, or even once will be enough. However, if you follow these recommendations, fear of cold water before it has time to take root in you and you will perceive the cold water quite normally, you will smoothly, so to speak, enter it.

When you feel ready to take a cold shower, take it that way.

First, pour cold water over your body in the following sequence: face, chest, back, arms, legs. After this, place your head under the cold stream for a second, that is, for a moment that corresponds to a one-two count. NO MORE! Then transfer the stream of water to the body. You won’t be under a cold shower for long, depending on how you feel.

After you direct a cold stream onto your body for the first time in the shower, the body involuntarily wants to straighten up, stretch, and therefore it should hold on to something or lean on something. Stretch with pleasure, from the heart. In the future, the body will no longer have such a urge.

For a week, your head should be under the cold stream for 1-2 seconds: that’s exactly how long it will take you to count one or two to yourself. The time the body spends under cold water is based on self-perception. In this procedure, the head is more important, which is why we are talking about it.

Place your head under the cold stream (at the same time) twice: at the beginning of your shower and before finishing it. Do this for five to seven days.

Gradually increase the mental count of your head being under cold water at the beginning and end of your shower: up to three, four, five.

You begin to get used to a cold shower, and in the morning you will strive to take it. It feels good to be under it, you feel positive from this procedure.

Pour cold water over your head more often - three times, four times. At the same time, increase your mental count.

“You’ll learn to walk, and then at least run” - from the moment you start taking a cold shower:

On the 13th day, I doused my head three times at the beginning, and on the 16th day three times and at the end of the shower, until I counted: one or two.

After three months, I brought my time under a cold shower to two minutes. Further faster: after two minutes in a week - up to four.

Six months later (it was the month of August, when cold water is not so cold, a tautology, but...) my head was under a cold stream five times as follows: counting up to 50 - body, counting from 50 - head (up to 80-90), then up to 100 - body.

Why do I count? Firstly, it is not burdensome, and secondly, it allows you to control the time you spend in the shower.

In general, the duration of a cold shower should also be based solely on how you feel. It’s nice - wait, if you feel discomfort - turn off the water, rub yourself. Don't strive for records - they are not needed. Remember: the best is the enemy of the good. When taking a cold shower, what is important is not leaps and bounds forward and “walking” speed, but a confident, albeit slow consolidation of the achieved result. The very fact that you are standing under cold water is already good!

It should be said that about five to seven minutes after you leave the bathroom, you may experience a “knob” (chills). Don’t be alarmed - you’ve rubbed yourself well, it’s okay - this is a healthy reaction of the body. Immediately after breakfast, and often during it, the “beating” will stop, the body will warm up, and before going back to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I take off my sleeveless vest, robe, and shirt.

I am convinced that a cold shower in the evening is especially beneficial. The body heats up during the day, and heating, especially overheating, is of no use to any body (a bathhouse, a beach, like physicists, we neglect friction). The body must be cooled, like a carburetor in an overheated car engine. An evening shower is necessary to cool the body.

After an evening cold shower, the mood is completely different. Just as cheerful as after the morning, but something different appears. This difference in sensations can be expressed this way: in the morning - a boy, in the evening - an experienced person who knows his worth. Try it, compare your feelings with mine.

In addition, an evening cold shower is very disciplined and allows you to be collected.

Thanks to the diet, I have no problem taking an evening shower. Previously, I ate abundantly, as they say, “to satiety.” The body, heavy after eating, wants nothing but peace. After lunch he is exhausted, food takes a long time to digest. Before you have time to really digest it, it’s already midday, and then dinner is just around the corner. There can be no talk of any soul.

Only when I “got” on a diet, when the body became noticeably lighter, when my thoughts cleared - by the way, pay attention to the connection: “lightening” the body through diet also affects our thoughts. I assure you: they will certainly become clearer and cleaner.

An evening shower is not much different from a morning shower. If in the morning I start taking a shower immediately with cold water (then warm - body hygiene and cold again), then in the evening - with very warm water. At this time, you should not create for the body stressful situation. After standing for half a minute under very warm water(I don’t put my head under it), having warmed up the body, I immediately move on to cold water.

I usually take an evening shower before dinner. I prefer this time. The body, no matter how hard you rub it, cools down after a cold shower. In the morning I warm him up with breakfast and hot tea. If it’s before dinner, I’ll use it to warm the body. If you take a shower before going to bed, you need to drink again to “warm up” hot tea. But after dinner you don’t want to eat or drink, and it’s not recommended. In a word, it’s better before dinner.

Besides pleasant sensations from the evening cold shower, and perhaps this is the main thing, I became noticeably less dependent on weather conditions and less sensitive to weather conditions.

I started taking cold showers, not being a cold-tolerant person. If you take it as written above, it is impossible to catch a cold or get sick from it. There will be no discomfort from a cold shower if you start taking it gradually, as they say, “with a light touch.” You won’t shudder at the mere mention of cold water - there is no harm from it, and the benefits for us are undoubted and tangible.

Last but not least, in addition to lightness, I have vitality, and as paradoxical as it sounds given my illness - confidence in the future!


"Keep your head cold*), stomach in hunger, and your feet are warm"

*) see previous subsection

The diet began with the fact that I noticed that after a heavy meal it was difficult for me to get up from the table - my legs were heavy, and my head too.

Restrictions on food (for me this is the so-called diet) had an immediate effect: I rose from the table easily, but with a feeling of hunger. But when, after a very short time, the feeling of hunger disappears, another feeling appears: satiety and, for some reason, satisfaction with oneself.

I repeat once again: when talking about diet, I do not mean by this word any recommended products, but exclusively their quantity.

Especially strict diet Of course, I don’t adhere to it, although if it’s impossible, but I really want to... I eat what I want, but not enough.

In food, it is necessary to exclude the abuse of anything: everything is good in moderation. Common truths seemed not worth talking about, but no. Take a closer look at your breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can refuse some components of dishes, and it’s completely painless for yourself.

We often eat mechanically, without much difficulty in choosing products and their variety. So, for some, “cabbage soup is thin, but for others, beads are small,” you say. It is possible and even certain that it is true: “he who knows what he knows, eats his dinner the same way.” And if you look at everyday things with different eyes: remember, even in the era of Soviet food shortages they managed to minimum set products to prepare very tasty and healthy (!) food, and also varied.

When eating, you should never focus on your stomach - it doesn’t get enough until it’s full. And the human brain, as they say, “slows down”, in youth slang: it takes him 15-20 minutes to understand how full he is. Until this reaches him, we continue to eat and fill our stomachs. It is no coincidence that the British say that you need to leave the table feeling hungry. And here it is appropriate to recall the words of the ancient Roman physician Claudius Galen: “get up from the table slightly hungry - and you will always be healthy.”

Feel your head, watch the sensations in it. As soon as you feel that your head is getting heavier from the food you have eaten (regardless of its nature), a slight noise has appeared in it - immediately put down the fork, spoon, move the plate away: that’s it, the meal is over. The head in this case acts as a kind of indicator of changes in your well-being. The main thing is to be in agreement with your body, to be able to hear it in time. But the stomach, you say, is also part of the body, why not listen to it? But this is where priorities come into play: which of the two parts of the body is more significant for you, listen to that one. This is something from the category of “I eat to live, but I don’t live to eat.”

By the way, you should listen to your head as an indicator of changes occurring in you not only while eating. Whatever you do, whatever you do, your head is your fixer, the limiter of any kind of activity. Of course, this applies mainly to people suffering vascular diseases, or predisposed to them.

I’ll finish the conversation about diet with the words of our famous heart surgeon Leo Bockeria: “follow correct mode nutrition. The saying “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy” is complete nonsense from the point of view of cardiology. Eating in the morning, when the body has not yet woken up, is anti-physiological. Starving in the evening, we do not give the opportunity restoration of the nervous system(emphasis mine - Ig.P). You need to eat just enough to live comfortably until next appointment food. Prerequisite maintaining health - maintaining a constant weight.”

The main and pleasant thing for me as a result of the diet: not a heavy, down-to-earth state of the body, but an easy-to-rise one.


Power over yourself is the highest power


Every owner has good, reliable workers, but there are also careless ones, quitters, slow-witted workers, hacks. So it is with your organs: some work reliably and properly, while others, due to circumstances and, as a rule, insufficient attention to them on your part, become loose, out of control and cause a lot of trouble.

But if the owner gets rid of bad workers, then we can’t get rid of them. You can only influence: physically (medicines, drugs) and morally (self-hypnosis, auto-training) with ultimate goal subordination of these careless organs, and the body as a whole, to one’s will.

Let’s focus on the moral impact. This should not be treated with disdain, much less brushed aside.

There are cases when a person, in a moment of danger, manifested previously unfamiliar body capabilities. Either he could jump over an obstacle of unimaginable heights, or he could climb God knows what without any means at hand. The body mobilizes in a moment of danger, all the reserves that are in calm state people are, as it were, in suspended animation.

To mobilize the body's reserves, there is no need to seek help from stress. The body’s capabilities should be “educated”, cultivated, that is, to put it simply, grown.

First of all, we need positive emotions- they have a very beneficial effect on the body.

In the morning you need to set yourself up in a “mobilization” mood. Promotes composure and smartness morning exercises. But for me it is more correct to call it “stretching”.


The body, which has become stiff during the night, should be straightened and stretched. First, let’s restore breathing: arms are lowered along the body, slightly away from it. Then we inhale deeply simultaneously with a sharp swing of the right hand to the left shoulder. Exhale: when the right hand reaches the left shoulder. And I do this sharply alternately with my left and right hands 30-35 times in a row. While performing the exercise, tell yourself with conviction: fresh air enters the brain, refreshes it, ventilates it.

By the way, in order for fresh air to really “ventilate” the brain, the room in which we do exercises must itself be ventilated first.

Second exercise: feet shoulder-width apart, arms horizontally bent at the elbows, hands at the center of the chest. One-two - as you inhale, springily point your elbows towards your back; as you exhale, one-two - we extend your arms to the sides. I do the exercise four to five times.

Then, from the same starting position, we straighten our hands horizontally bent at the elbows while turning our shoulders alternately to the left and right sides.

The third exercise is also feet shoulder-width apart and the same springy movements of the hands towards the back: simultaneously raising the left vertically and arbitrarily lowering the right. Alternating the position of the hands, I also do the exercise four to five times.

During the second and third exercises I think about chest, about the entry of fresh air into the lungs, about the flexibility of the lower back and spine.

Next, fourth exercise (first there will be 4a): right hand rests on the lower back, and with the help of a highly raised left hand, we lean as far as possible to the right. Then vice versa. Feet shoulder width apart. This is what I call “stretching.” While doing the exercise, tell yourself: the spine and lower back become more flexible. Overture to “stretching” is the previous exercise.

To straighten out more fully, we supplement the fourth exercise with the following - 4b: move the palm lying on the lower back a little closer to the spine, and when swinging the other hand up and in the opposite direction thumb push your waist forward a little while simultaneously pushing your shoulder blades back.

Then, holding your hands on your hips, make a hula-hoop movement with your pelvis, that is, supposedly rotating the hoop. It's not at all burdensome, even pleasant. Of course, feet shoulder width apart.

Next: sharply raising the left, and then right leg try to reach your toes with your fingertips. You won't be able to reach your fingers, but you can quite easily reach your ankle. And again tell yourself: the spine and lower back become more flexible. Try not just to swing your legs, but to reach for your ankle and stretch. I do the exercise eight to ten times.

And finally, the seventh exercise: I squat down (with my back straight, at least I try to keep it that way) no more than five to seven times. It is advisable to lift your heels off the floor.

That's it, my stretching exercise is finished. Raising and lowering my arms high, I inhale and exhale. By the way, I do a deep inhalation and exhalation, raising and lowering my arms high (three or four times) after almost every exercise - and the oxygen we need enters the head and relieves excess tension.

Why did I highlight the seven exercises above? Through trial and error, I settled on them as optimal for me: they do not create discomfort or special tension, and at the same time they allow me to warm up and stretch well.

Each stretching exercise has a beneficial effect on the body - you will feel it yourself. Try to record all the positive changes in your consciousness: let’s say I do this exercise better on the count of three, and even more confidently on the count of four.

Of course, I do all the exercises in a T-shirt with open window(window). I close the window after taking a shower, because it is more pleasant to leave the bathroom into a room where there is fresh air.

Now, after exercise-stretching, shaving and water procedure- cold shower.

While I’m in the shower, I imagine how a stream of water “cleanses”, “washes” my brain, “rejuvenates” it, makes my body stronger; the latter is more of a statement than an idea). I say these words not just in my mind, but as if I “talk” to my brain, I see it, I convince it, I “connect” it to my words, I instill them in it. And when I do this kind of work with my brain, I even “switch off” for a few fractions of a moment. In any case, under a cold shower, self-hypnosis, in my opinion, is more effective. The brain and consciousness are two different substances for me.

Because I'm sick multiple sclerosis I imagine the process of restoring the protective layer of nerve fibers - myelin as follows: a nerve fiber in the form of a wire is wrapped (already wrapped!) in myelin like an insulating tape. Of course, it is best to turn directly to the neuron in your imagination, but, alas, I “ appearance“I can’t grasp it at all. It doesn’t matter what kind of image you come up with, it is important that it is as bright and tangible as possible. To receive desired effect, you should “see” as clearly as possible how the disease (this or that) goes away and the body heals. I imagine the process of restoring the protective layer almost constantly, being not only in the bathroom,

Always connect your brain to your actions and vice versa, all your actions should take place against the background of self-hypnosis of simple words: I can (what you want to be able to do); I will succeed (succeed); I did it better than before. Say the words to yourself without any force or pressure, but with a feeling of calm statement of positivity. Say this to yourself constantly, feel the process happening in your brain. Words of suggestion are implanted, imprinted, strengthened in the brain in order to remain in it forever. Let me note in passing: self-hypnosis leaves no room for the bad, the pessimistic, and the like. negative thoughts, A simple words suggestions will turn into truths for you.

Recovery normal functions The body is promoted by autogenic training. I’m not discovering America and I’m not reinventing the wheel - I’m talking about common truths known to everyone. The only problem, I repeat, is that we know about them, but we are in no hurry to follow them and apply them in our everyday life. The effectiveness of autogenic training in the treatment of many chronic diseases is known and a sufficient amount of literature is devoted to this topic. I don’t make it my task here to generalize and retell their content (and I haven’t read that much of them), I just want to draw your attention to this recovery method nervous regulation many processes. Relatively recently, I began to use autogenic training to overcome my illness. Not even like that - not in overcoming an illness - about an illness with my autogenic training and there can be no question, but tuning the body to a positive effect, ascertaining it.

An evening cold shower greatly contributes to this. The very fact of accepting it is already a good self-hypnosis. For me, it became important not so much as strengthening the body, but rather strengthening the character. Very, very effective. In addition, an evening shower mobilizes you and your body, allowing you to be in good shape.

Going to bed. If something bothers me, I convince myself, I convince myself that it will go away at night and everything will be fine in the morning. In the morning, often, everything really returns to normal and this no longer surprises me.

Working on myself, and in it a cold shower takes the main place, also affected my budget - I began to spend less on medicine. This is important because the medicines we need are by no means cheap.

A set of health measures, as they say, of soul and body, will help you gain strength to withstand life’s circumstances and boldly overcome difficulties. Mental well-being, and it will become inherent in you, will allow you to find peace of mind.

After all, as the ancient Romans said, “nothing is difficult if you have the desire.” First of all, we must conquer ourselves. Only by winning victory over yourself can you boldly fight any difficulties. In the Chinese Shao-Lin Monastery they say: it doesn’t matter. How many enemies can you defeat, the main thing is to defeat yourself!

Convinced, PUZZLE healthy life you will succeed, provided that the last fragment of it is an evening cold shower..

Health, as they say, cannot be bought, but it can be improved or even done. Make yourself healthy like in that children's Do-It-Yourself toy. Being healthy for us does not mean running a hundred meters against time. Health for us is self-confidence and a “brake” on diseases, the use of medications only to the minimum required, and also... a good mood from feeling all the positive changes in yourself!

Today is mine healthy spirit lives in the "matrix" healthy body. I constantly convince myself (I state): all my organs function normally, uninterruptedly. Immune system strengthens - I’m healthy, the body becomes younger, myelin “envelops and wraps” nerve fibers and helps accelerate the transmission of impulses along them. I want and will walk without a cane, I want and will go up and down the stairs without holding the railing. It will happen, it will certainly happen - it’s happening now. Even if the distance is not great and the stairs are not so steep, there is a beginning.

I would be very grateful to everyone who read the article and wished to respond to it. Your comments and additions will certainly be taken into account by me when further refining the topic: how to stop being afraid of an incurable disease and start overcoming it

Please send your comments and suggestions by email E-mail : [email protected]


As we reach middle age, maintaining a healthy body becomes more and more difficult. However, 10 best recommendations below will help you maintain excellent health. Get started now!

Relieve stress. It's no secret that stress can have a negative impact on your brain and body, especially as you age. At the same time, various diseases develop, such as sleep problems, heart disease and depression. Of course, your body can handle a certain level of stress naturally, but you also have to help him with this.

Make it a habit to de-stress every day.. Even just humming your favorite tune is one way you can help positive influence for your health. You can read a book, take a walk, or simply relax with your eyes closed for a few minutes.

Drink more water . Of course daily consumption large quantity Liquids will not make you completely healthy, however, there are still some benefits for the body. Keeping your body adequately hydrated helps normal operation joints and inflow nutrients to all organs, and also helps your kidneys and liver eliminate waste and harmful substances from the body.

Commit hiking . When it comes to ways to improve your health, nothing could be easier. Movement will help you. Walking strengthens your heart and bones, improves sleep, and reduces stress levels. Walking also helps keep your mind sharp, minimizing the natural memory loss that comes with age. A study of 6,000 women aged 65 and older found that those who walked at least 4 km a day had 17 percent less memory decline than women who walked less than 1.5 miles a day. km per week. Therefore, choose comfortable shoes and go for a walk!

Visit your doctor regularly. Do this all the time, not just when something hurts. This procedure is the most important point of all the ways to improve your health. The doctor will answer any questions you have about more healthy life and will help you make sure that your body is ready for regular physical activity. It can also detect the onset of a disease before you have any symptoms.

Play mind games . In fact, many games, be it crosswords or computer games, can improve your health by reducing symptoms of dementia and keeping your mind sharp.

Read the labels. One of the simplest and most useful things can be done by you right in the kitchen or in grocery store. Reading food labels provides you with information that will undoubtedly benefit your health. women's portal What you should pay attention to first of all depends on your specific nutritional needs, goals, and health status. Also, please note that you should not take into account advertising labels on the front of the package, such as low-fat, low-calorie. They may mislead you. Analyze the composition of the product indicated on the label. First of all, pay attention to the amount of fat, sodium and carbohydrates. And in each case, the lower the value specified, the better. The amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients such as fiber plays a big role. Also, one of the most important aspects, is the serving size. This will help you determine the number of calories in your food.

Avoid sugary drinks. Stay away from sparkling water. A standard bottle of soda contains the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. A recent study found that even one serving of soda per day may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in men by 20 percent, and increases the risk of diabetes in women by 25 percent. Diet sugary drinks are also not a good choice.

Eat fruits and vegetables daily. Fruits and vegetables contain many vital nutrients such as calcium (bone health), fiber (reducing the risk of developing coronary disease), iron ( healthy cells blood), potassium (normalizes blood pressure), vitamin A (vision, skin) and vitamin C (teeth, gums). Also, try to make fish part of your diet at least twice a week. This product contains very little sodium and is an excellent source of protein, which helps maintain health for all cells in the body and is used to build muscle mass and tissue restoration. In addition, fish contains a lot of vitamin B12, which is a key component of blood. This substance is used to produce new cells and maintain a healthy nervous system. One more important element contained in fish is omega-3 fatty acid, which can improve heart health and help with conditions such as arthritis and depression. Also, fish oil great source vitamin D. And, in addition, consumption fish oil will help you.

Control your portion size. Your rule should be the following. The plate should contain one fist-sized portion of protein, grain and vegetables. If you think this is too small, use smaller plates.

Sleep more. As you age, it becomes more difficult to get enough sleep. The rhythm of our biological clock changes, and we become more susceptible to insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea. Lack of sleep can lead to the development various diseases. In particular, to changes in the level of hormones in the body that regulate our metabolism and appetite. Thus, lack of sleep can lead to excess weight and the occurrence of stress. One of the most important things that contributes to good sleep, is a new mattress. Research has shown that many older people sleep on the same mattress for more than 10 years. Therefore, with age, the mattress becomes less comfortable, which means we do not get quality sleep. In addition, doctors recommend avoiding caffeine and alcohol.

Try these 10 simple ways improve the condition of your body today, and you will have great mood and a healthy future!



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs