How to prepare dill water for newborns. How to make dill water for babies: recipes, dosages and recommendations

With the help of dill water, you can quickly and effectively get rid of infant colic, but in order for this to happen, you need to know how to use this natural remedy and how not to cause complications in the baby’s condition. Read these and other tips for preparing and using dill water in this article.

The first months of a child’s life are incredibly difficult both for the baby himself, adapting to life outside the womb, and for his parents, who are trying in every possible way to facilitate this adaptation.

The situation is also complicated by the fact that starting from 3-5 weeks, the baby may experience so-called colic - pain caused by bloating, during which the baby cries furiously and tightens his legs. An excellent carminative that came to us from the past - dill water - will help cope with excessive gas formation.

Beneficial properties of dill water for children

Dill water is an effective remedy that is used to combat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but it is best known for its active use in newborns suffering from colic.

The effect of this natural medicine is to relieve spasms, which promotes the release of gases accumulating in the intestines. Thus, thanks to dill water, you can get rid of bloating, colic and flatulence.

Dill water

In addition, dill water helps improve digestion, which is very important for the baby’s immature digestive system, and also has an antimicrobial effect.

Being a natural remedy, dill water does not cause side effects, like many medicinal suspensions used to combat colic.

Video: Why do you need dill water?

Preparation of dill water for newborns

Despite its name, dill water is not prepared from dill at all, but from its relative, fennel. The seeds of this plant are collected, dried and used in the pharmaceutical industry as a digestive aid.

Many mothers use regular garden dill as an ingredient in dill water and claim that it has the same effect as fennel.

The traditional component of dill water is fennel, but dill is also actively used for this

Dill water can be purchased ready-made in the prescription department of pharmacies. But since not everywhere there are such departments and it is sometimes problematic to purchase a ready-made remedy, you can prepare a carminative drug yourself. One of the following components is suitable for this:

  • fennel essential oil
  • fennel tea
  • fennel seeds
  • dill seeds

Fennel seeds

Depending on what component you will use, there are several recipes for preparing dill water:

  1. Based on essential oil - 1 liter of distilled water requires 1 ml of fennel oil, which can be measured using a sterile syringe.
    2. Based on dill seeds - pour a teaspoon of dill seeds or greens with a glass of boiling water and leave the mixture for an hour, after which the mixture must be strained
    3. Based on fennel seeds - 2-3 g of crushed seeds, pour 250 g of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then filter through a fine sieve
    4. Preparing tea - 1 bag of fennel tea is poured with a glass of boiling water and left until completely cooled.

Fennel tea

It is important to use only distilled or special baby water when preparing dill water, because it will be used for a newborn baby.

Video: How to make dill water yourself?

How often should children be given dill water?

Dill water can be used to prevent gas formation and to directly combat it. For the purpose of prevention, dill water is given to the baby three times a day, and if colic occurs, the remedy is given once at a time when the baby experiences pain and problems with the passage of gases, which are accompanied by prolonged crying and bloating.

During colic, the baby cries non-stop

The dosage of dill water for infants is the same in any case: no more than 1 teaspoon of the product should be given at one time. If colic occurs frequently in a child, the frequency of administration can be increased to 6 times a day.

How to give dill water to a baby?

Dill water is given to babies from the second week of life. Of course, such a small child will not be able to drink the product from a spoon, so you can give dill water to your child like this:

  • mix into a small amount of expressed breast milk or formula in a bottle with nipple
  • pour the product itself into a bottle (teaspoon) without mixing with anything
  • try to give the remedy from a sterile syringe

Dill water can be mixed with milk or baby formula

If the child willingly agrees to drink dill water in its pure form, then it should be given in between feedings or before meals.

How long does dill water last?

The beneficial properties of dill water are preserved for 30 days, provided that it is stored in the refrigerator.

This applies to products purchased at the pharmacy, but dill water prepared independently can “last” for so long only if it was prepared under conditions of absolute sterility, which is practically impossible.

For your baby, it is best to prepare new dill water every time - this way it will not lose its properties and will bring maximum benefits.

In addition, the preparation process is simple and convenient, so there is no need to prepare the product once a month and expose the fragile body to danger.

Why is an overdose of dill water dangerous?

  • Although dill water is a completely natural preparation, significant consumption of it still has negative consequences.
  • If you give your baby an increased dose of dill water or repeat the dose too often, this can lead to loose stools and too much gas.
  • There is also an opinion that dill water in large quantities helps lower blood pressure

With an overdose of dill water, colic may intensify

Therefore, you should not overdo it with the use of the remedy, because an immature child’s body can react differently to it, and if colic does not go away after using dill water and relief does not occur within half an hour, then such a remedy is simply not suitable for the child and preference should be given to other carminatives drugs.

Allergy in newborns to dill water

Very rarely, a child may develop an allergic reaction to dill water. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of a traditional rash, red spots on the body, but other symptoms may also occur:

  • vomit
  • flatulence
  • loose stool
  • swelling of the mucous membrane

Manifestation of allergies in the form of pimples on the face
  • If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to stop giving the baby the remedy and switch to another drug for colic that does not contain fennel or dill.
  • Such an allergic reaction may occur due to the fact that the child’s digestive system is very immature and it is difficult for it to cope with certain substances that are not broken down and absorbed due to poor production of the necessary enzymes
  • We should also not forget that dill, like fennel, is a plant capable of extracting from the soil heavy metals and other substances that are present in the soil on which the plant grows. They can cause poisoning, which will also be accompanied by vomiting and loose stools.

Contraindications to taking dill water

In order for dill water to have only positive effects, parents must strictly control the dosage

The cheapness and naturalness of dill water sometimes push parents to extremes in its use. For example, many compassionate mothers begin to fear colic like hell and, to prevent it from occurring, give the child dill water instead of regular water.

Since each body reacts differently to both food and medications, it is worth considering the possibility of individual reactions when monitoring the child’s condition after taking dill water.

If the mother notices changes in stool, rashes, or strange behavior in the child, the drug should be discontinued and consult a pediatrician.

Dill water is a time-tested remedy that has proven its effectiveness over more than one generation. But lately there has been more and more talk that the effectiveness of dill infusion is exaggerated.

According to many doctors, a carminative can occur from drinking plain water, not necessarily dill. Experts also talk about the greater benefits of raisin water, which contains potassium, which is so necessary for intestinal function.

Disputes about the effectiveness of dill water are baseless if it helps your baby

Whether to believe the assumptions of some doctors or trust the experience of mothers and grandmothers is a personal matter for everyone. If you see a visible effect from dill water and the absence of side effects, then there is no reason not to give this remedy to your baby. The main thing is that the mother should feel calm about her child, and that the baby should feel comfortable exploring the world and developing.

Video: Dill water for baby colic. Komarovsky

Dill water will help eliminate flatulence and facilitate the passage of gases. The product has a beneficial effect not only on the digestive tract, but also helps normalize blood glucose, strengthens liver and heart cells, prevents obesity and is useful for both adults and children.

Dill water has a positive effect on digestion

Release form and composition of dill water

It is a concentrate from the seeds or essential oil of dill (a type of fennel); it is also called fennel water.

The product is available in the form of a solution and herbal tea. The liquid is packaged in glass bottles with a volume of 15 to 100 ml. Seed powder is sold in bags, like regular tea - 20 pcs. in packaging.

What does the drug that improves digestion consist of: it contains an extract from fennel seeds and purified water.

The photo shows what the product is and in what packaging it is distributed.

A bottle of dill water that you can buy at a pharmacy

Where to buy, price and analogues

Ready-made dill water is sold in any pharmacy. How much the product costs depends on the form of release:

  • liquid concentrate in drops – 227 rub. for 15 ml;
  • children's herbal tea in bags - from 77 to 127 rubles. depending on the manufacturer.

If the pharmacy does not have regular dill water, it is replaced with drugs that have similar pharmacological effects. The most popular analogues are:

  • Happy baby – 260 rub. for 15 ml;
  • Children's tea Health – 175 rubles;
  • Babykalm – 340 rub.;
  • Plantex - from 320 to 640 rubles;
  • Dill seeds for preparing a decoction – 30 rubles;
  • Biogaia - from 570 rub.;
  • Espumisan – from 250 rub.

Dill water can be replaced with espumisan

Fennel seed concentrate, as well as herbal tea, is the simplest and safest option to get rid of flatulence and colic, and normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. Analogues are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and contraindications.

Indications for use

  • colic;
  • bloating;
  • difficult passage of gases;
  • stool retention.

The product will help improve intestinal function, soothe irritated mucous membranes and eliminate painful abdominal cramps.

No less effective is a natural medicine for adults. Fennel seed concentrate will help:

  • eliminate bloating;
  • normalize metabolism, which allows you to cope with excess body weight;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessel walls;
  • cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • remove mucus during bronchitis, soothe the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Fennel seed solution helps nursing mothers improve lactation. An indispensable remedy for normalizing the menstrual cycle.

Effect of medicines based on dill seeds

Medicine from dill seeds has the following effects on the body:

  • cleansing– toxins and harmful substances are removed, cleansing not only the intestines, but also the blood vessels;
  • laxative– gently and effectively helps with constipation;
  • vasodilator– lowers blood pressure in hypertension;
  • diuretic– improves kidney function, stimulates urine flow and prevents swelling, especially during pregnancy;
  • helps increase lactation;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • relieves spasms in the intestines and promotes the free passage of gases.

From newborns to babies 4-6 months old, fennel water is a real salvation from painful colic. And for older children and adults, it is a faithful companion in the fight against problems of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, and also an assistant in losing weight.

How to prepare dill water at home?

It is not necessary to buy ready-made fennel concentrate. It is not difficult to prepare dill water with your own hands.

Recipe with fennel seeds

Grind 1 tbsp. l. beans using a coffee grinder. Pour the raw materials into a small container, pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Dill water can be made from fennel seeds

The drink should infuse for at least 40 minutes, after which it should be strained and placed in the refrigerator. Shelf life – up to 30 days.

Recipe with regular dill seeds

Pour 1 tsp into a glass. dill seeds, pour boiling water to the top, leave for 45 minutes. The strained infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Before drinking previously prepared dill water, remove it from the refrigerator and warm it to room temperature.

Purchased dill water is diluted in the following ratio - 2-3 drops of concentrate per 1 tbsp. water for newborn babies and infants. For children over 3 years old and adults, dilute 10-15 drops in half a glass of water. If an oil extract is used, then the ratio is different - dilute 1-2 drops of the product in 1 liter of water.

Instructions for using dill water

Treatment with dill water begins with small doses to observe the body's reaction. If there is no allergy, the dosage and frequency of administration are gradually increased to 5-6 times a day.

To determine how the body will react to water, you should start with small doses.

For best results, take dill water before meals. If we are talking about babies and infants, it is allowed to take water before or after feeding.

How to take for colic

1 tbsp. l. solution or 1 tsp. homemade decoction (infusion) up to 6 times a day. Add the drink to the mixture, breast milk or drink from a spoon. Treatment should be regular and not interrupted. Otherwise, the positive effect will be weak or completely absent.

Recipe for a nursing mother

Half an hour before feeding, drink half a glass of solution or decoction. The result is increased lactation and improved milk composition.

Nursing mothers can drink half a glass of dill water before feeding

For edema during pregnancy

In the morning and evening, drink 1/3 cup of dill infusion or prepared solution. Take the medicine for at least a week, but do not abuse it, otherwise there is a risk of premature birth.

Recipe for weight loss

Before each meal, drink 0.5 cups of dill water (homemade or prepared from concentrate). The drink will be more beneficial if its use is combined with a vegetable diet or proper nutrition.

For infants against constipation

1-2 tsp will help improve bowel function and loosen stools. dill water 3-5 times a day. The solution acts gradually, and emptying occurs by the end of the day or the next day. Regular consumption of fennel water helps prevent constipation and increased gas formation.

Dill water helps relieve constipation

For adults, the dosage is higher – ½ glass 3-5 times a day. The laxative effect occurs after 30-40 minutes.

Drinking dill water daily for a month will help cleanse blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, nourish the heart muscle with nutrients, and stabilize the menstrual cycle. Dosage – 1/3 glass of liquid 3-5 times a day.

Possible side effects

Abuse of the drug causes side effects - skin rashes and diarrhea. If the patient has kidney stones, blockage of the bile ducts is possible, which is accompanied by severe pain in the right hypochondrium and attacks of nausea. Frequent consumption of the medicinal drink greatly lowers blood pressure and increases gas formation.


An overdose of fennel water is very rare. If negative symptoms appear - vomiting, frequent diarrhea, painful abdominal cramps - stop using the colic remedy. In the future, strictly adhere to the dose and frequency of administration.


Water from fennel or dill seeds has virtually no contraindications. The exceptions are the following conditions:

Contraindication for use - allergy to dill or fennel

  • allergy to fennel, dill;
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder;
  • children up to 2 weeks of age.

Take with caution during pregnancy. Moderate use of the drug has a positive effect on the body of the mother and the unborn baby, but abuse can be harmful to health.

Colic occurs in many newborns, causing parents to want to help the baby in any way. Dill water is considered an effective remedy for relieving colic. Is it really useful and how to prepare such a liquid for a baby?


For babies

Dill water has the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Calming
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anticonvulsant
  • Mild diuretic and choleretic effects
  • Eliminate headaches

This liquid relaxes the intestinal muscles, which helps eliminate gases. By using dill water regularly, you will improve your baby's digestion and relieve him of tummy pain.

For nursing mother

Dill water also has a beneficial effect on lactation. In nursing women, this remedy normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, soothes, and also stimulates milk production.


  • Dill water may not help a baby with colic and may even cause bloating.
  • You may develop an allergy to this liquid.

It cannot be said with certainty that dill water will definitely help with colic. It can even cause bloating. Monitor your body's reaction

Recipe for cooking at home

Although the water is generally called dill, it is most often not dill that is used to prepare it, but fennel (its other name is “pharmacy dill”).

However, you can prepare dill water at home from both fennel and dill - from the seeds of these plants. The water for preparing this drink must be purified, and all utensils must be rinsed with boiling water before use. Children in the first month of life should be given dill water only in freshly prepared form.

With fennel seeds

Pour crushed or whole dry fennel seeds (3 grams) into a ceramic container and pour boiling water (200 ml). First, the container should be kept in a water bath for twenty minutes, and then left for about 45 minutes (if the seeds were used whole, then you need to leave longer). After straining, give it to your child.

Dill water from fennel seeds would be the best option.

With dill seeds

A teaspoon of dill seeds should be poured into a glass of boiled water and left for about one hour. The child is given this water after filtering.

Preparing dill water from dill seeds is not much different from preparing it from fennel seeds

From fresh dill or fennel

If you have fresh dill or fennel, you can make tea from them. Dill greens are crushed, a tablespoon of raw material is poured into 100 ml of boiling water. The product is infused for one hour, filtered and cooled. This tea is used like dill water.

You can even make dill water from fennel or dill.

Fennel essential oil

Fennel essential oil is also suitable for preparing dill water. Take 0.05 milliliters of fennel aroma oil per liter of water. The solution is kept in the refrigerator for up to one month, and before use it is heated so that the liquid is at room temperature.


The initial dosage of dill water is a teaspoon. It is given three times a day, observing the baby's reaction. If the baby does not respond to receiving dill water with negative symptoms, the number of doses can be increased to 6 per day.

How long to give dill water depends on the child. Once digestion is normal, you no longer need to give fluids.

How and when to give dill water?

For babies receiving breast milk, dill water is given from a spoon, and for bottle-fed babies, you can pour this liquid into a bottle or syringe without a needle, although it is still more convenient to dose with a teaspoon.

1 tsp Give your baby dill water before meals; if there is no negative reaction, you can give this water 6 times a day

Dill water is given before feeding. Children often like its taste and newborns drink this liquid with pleasure. If the child does not want to drink it, you can mix dill water with a small amount of a product already familiar to the baby - expressed breast milk or formula. If the mother does not want to supplement the baby with any liquids, so as not to interfere with lactation, she can drink half a glass of dill water herself before each feeding (30 minutes before).

If a child suffers not only from colic, but also from other digestive disorders (the child has constipation, poor appetite, diarrhea), the use of dill water will not be effective. If such symptoms are present, we recommend that you show your baby to a doctor.

Modern analogue

Pharmaceutical preparations made from fennel seeds are pharmaceutical dill water and the well-known drug "Plantex". This drug is available in powder form. It is dissolved according to the instructions both in water and in breast milk. Plantex can be given to newborns from the age of 2 weeks.

Plantex is a preparation of natural origin, which is more convenient to use compared to dill water

Opinion of E. Komarovsky

A well-known doctor recommends giving dill water to a newborn up to 100 ml per day, although Komarovsky does not believe that fennel or dill have any pronounced therapeutic effect for colic. He is sure that drinking even regular water helps the baby improve digestion, and dill water is quite capable of replacing plain water.

After birth, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract begins an active process of adaptation of the digestive system to food intake - breast milk or formula. As a result of this process, after about a month, almost all babies. They are caused by excessive gas and bloating.

Symptoms of intestinal colic most often occur during or immediately after feeding a newborn. The child draws in his legs, starts crying, and blushes. Only natural bowel movements and removal of gases bring relief to the baby. Any mother in such a situation wants to alleviate the suffering of her child. A time-tested remedy will come to the rescue - dill water.

Dill water is a proven remedy for colic for babies.

Dill water for newborns is a solution of fennel oil (0.1%). People call fennel “pharmaceutical dill,” which is why the tincture of its fruits was called dill water. Children can be given dill water to help relieve intestinal colic almost from birth.

A modern analogue of dill water is the drug Plantex. It is made from fennel seed extract and comes in powder form. It must be dissolved in breast milk or water in the proportion specified in the instructions. The drug can be used from the second week after birth.

However, if the baby, in addition to intestinal colic, has other symptoms of indigestion, dill water will not help. If you have upset stool (,), bloating, or loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor.

What are the benefits of urop and dill water?

Preparations based on dill and fennel have a huge number of beneficial properties:

  • Cleanses the body of putrefactive formations and helps the production and cultivation of beneficial microscopic flora;
  • Reduces and relaxes smooth muscle spasms;
  • Helps facilitate blood flow to almost all corners, dilates blood vessels;
  • By expanding, it reduces pressure on the intestinal walls;
  • Is a diuretic;
  • Calms and relieves inflammation in the body;
  • Stabilizes heart function;
  • When taken continuously, it increases the passage in the bronchi, removes the resistance of air flows entering the bronchi, and does not allow them to stagnate in the respiratory tract;
  • When coughing, dilutes mucus and promotes its removal;
  • Improves bile secretion;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Enhances mother's lactation.
  • It is a wonderful remedy for constipation.
  • Has antibacterial properties.
  • Improves kidney function.
  • Calms, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and sleep.
  • ... and helps heal ulcers, all kinds of wounds and fractures.

Dill water does an excellent job of removing gases in babies by relieving spasms of the intestinal muscles. Its regular use will relieve your baby of pain and improve the digestion process.

The benefits of dill water for women who are breastfeeding have also been noted - it normalizes digestion and has a slight calming effect.

Dill water for infant colic - Dr. Komarovsky

Buy or prepare dill water at home (cooking recipe)

Purchasing ready-made dill water is quite problematic. You can buy it in pharmacies that have a prescription department, where medications are filled on the spot according to a prescription. The average price for dill water is 150 rubles per 100 ml.

But don’t despair if there is no pharmacy with a prescription department nearby. In this case, you can buy “Plantex”, which is prepared from fennel fruits or “pharmacy dill”. It is sold in dry sachets. "Plantex" can be given to a baby from the age of two weeks, just from the time when the baby begins to experience intestinal colic. Also, instead of dill water and Plantex, medications such as "" and "" will relieve a newborn's intestinal colic.

The recipe for making dill water at home is very simple:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  1. Pour a teaspoon of dry fennel seeds, previously ground in a coffee grinder or blender, into a glass (250 ml).
  2. Fill with hot water.
  3. Let it brew for 40-45 minutes.
  4. Strain.
  5. No more than one spoonful of water should be added to expressed milk/baby formula and given to the newborn. For very small infants from two weeks to a month you need to drip 15 drops onto the tongue. Store for a day.

You can make dill water using fennel essential oil. It is necessary to dissolve 0.05 g of oil in a liter of water. This solution can be stored for about a month in the refrigerator. It is then warmed to room temperature before administration.

How to prepare dill water if you don’t have fennel?

Instead, you can simply use regular dill seeds:

  1. Pour boiling water (1 cup) over dill seeds (1 tsp).
  2. Let it brew for an hour.
  3. Strain.

If you have fresh dill, you can brew dill tea for kids. To do this, pour one tablespoon of chopped dill into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Strain, cool and use as dill water.

The water for making any product should be purified, and all utensils should be rinsed with boiling water before cooking. Babies up to a month old are given only freshly prepared dill water.

Method and amount of dill water use

How to give your baby dill water depends on the method of feeding.

For breastfed children, dill water is given from a spoon, and for bottle-fed children, it can be poured into a bottle. Although the best way to take the medicine would be a spoon - it’s more convenient to dose dill water.

Mothers who are faced with the joy of motherhood often experience many health problems with their baby. One of the problems of infants is the appearance of colic. In this case, dill water for newborns is used, which will be discussed in more detail below.

What is dill water for?

In almost all infants, you can notice bloating and colic. This state of the digestive system is observed with increased gas formation, because the digestive system of infants is not yet accustomed to adult food. For a mother who is feeding her baby regular food, dill water will help ease his condition. It helps well against colic, and you can brew it at home.

Dill water, the recipe for which is given below, has been used for many centuries to treat bloating in children. Despite the fact that this is a traditional medicine, doctors recommend drinking it even for babies. The instructions say that it can be prepared not only from fennel. Let's try to find out what is needed for preparation and what is the dosage.

Properties of dill water

Before preparing dill water, you should know that fennel occupies a leading place among medicinal herbs intended for the treatment of colic. This fragrant herb was first cultivated and subsequently used in ancient times. Even today one can notice the active use of seeds in modern medicine.

In the pharmacy you can see many different solutions based on fennel; it should be noted that the use of teas based on this plant is very wide. They help improve the lactation of a nursing mother, improve digestion, reduce the occurrence of colic in children, and act as a mild sedative. It should be noted that there is no allergy when taking the product by a nursing mother.

Before giving dill water, you need to know that this is a special infusion of fennel. You can find it in any pharmacy, it does not cause allergies and is completely harmless. It should be noted that for its preparation, fennel seeds are taken, not dill. And the water got its name as a result of the similarity of the two plants.

This product allows a nursing mother to increase lactation and eliminate colic in the baby; the instructions indicate that allergies do not occur from the drug. You should take the product if discomfort occurs in your baby’s tummy. Colic is a normal condition that can be observed in 70% of all children. The condition is accompanied by the subsequent development of the digestive system and the preparation of the stomach of children for adult food.

In children, colic occurs in the first month of life. They may intensify as evening approaches during or after feeding. Their appearance can be triggered by allergies, malnutrition of the nursing mother, and even overheating.

Of course, parents are not able to calmly watch their children cry, so they wonder how much dill water they can take.

Dill water from the pharmacy

Before giving dill water, let's figure it out, the instructions say that the pharmaceutical preparation is created on the basis of fennel essential oil. This remedy for children can relieve spasms in the intestines, thereby removing gases out. After it, allergies do not occur; its use improves digestive processes and has antimicrobial effects.

Dill water is available in a 100 milliliter bottle. The ratio of all components of the drug is as follows: 1 thousand parts of purified water and one part of essential oil. For newborn children, to avoid allergies, such water is prepared under aseptic conditions.

The finished composition can be stored at home in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.

Water preparation and intake

If necessary, anyone can prepare dill water for children at home. How to make dill water? Everything is very simple; for this you will need a glass of boiling water and two grams of fennel seeds (dill). Before you start using the solution, you need to leave it for about 60 minutes and strain through cheesecloth.

It should be noted that for children under one month old, in order to avoid allergies, you can give only freshly prepared infusion to drink. The preparation of such an infusion for newborn babies is based on infusing fennel seeds in boiling water. This option can bring the maximum number of positive properties.

How much can you drink the infusion, what is its dosage? It is recommended to drink dill water from a bottle; the taste of such a drink cannot cause hostility in the baby; many infants drink it with pleasure. But if the baby does not eat anything other than mother’s breast milk (without adding artificial formula), you can give dill water from a teaspoon. This use will prevent the baby from getting used to the pacifier or bottle.

How to give fennel infusion?

The dosage may depend on the age of the baby. Before you decide how much medicinal water to give your child, you need to carefully monitor his condition; fennel can cause allergies, but only if the dosage is not followed. Breasts should be given one teaspoon of the product before feeding. Initially, you need to take dill water three times a day, if no side effects are noticed, then you can increase it up to six times a day. In addition, you need to understand that the dosage of the solution in the tea may vary greatly.

Therefore, before the initial stage of use, be sure to read the instructions.

What you need to know

Many mothers who decide to give this remedy to their children to relieve colic believe that it is completely harmless, so they can give it as a regular drink. But large doses of the drug can cause an allergic reaction, so even such a seemingly harmless drug must be given in accordance with the instructions, then you will not be at risk of an allergy.

It should be noted that dill water does not help in all cases; the effect of its use may be short-term. In some cases, for certain children, it may be completely useless, unable to help eliminate pain symptoms in the tummy. Sometimes such a remedy can be completely harmful; some parents noticed that after using such water their baby began to swell even more.

But most often, fennel-based water can help a newborn baby when discomfort occurs as a result of bloating. Therefore, many pediatricians recommend giving it to children. Fennel will also help nursing mothers in increasing the production of breast milk. But it is possible to treat emerging colic using dill water only when more serious causes of the baby’s anxiety and crying have been ruled out.

Of course, dill water can only alleviate the child’s condition, but cannot completely relieve him of painful sensations in the intestines. It will take some time for this reason to disappear on its own. Try to respond to the whims of the baby during this period as quickly as possible.

Let the parents be patient and calm, and let the child not get sick.



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