How to get into the real world. You can get into a parallel world by opening a mysterious door

The existing laws of physics do not deny the bold assumption that parallel worlds can be connected by quantum tunnel transitions. This means that it is theoretically possible to move from one world to another without violating the law of conservation of energy. However, the transition will require such a colossal amount of energy that cannot be accumulated in our entire Galaxy.

But there is another option. There is a version that passages to parallel worlds are hidden in so-called black holes; they can be a kind of funnels that suck in matter. Black holes, according to cosmologists, may actually turn out to be some kind of “wormholes” - paths from one world to another and back.

“In nature, there could be space-time structures like wormholes connecting one world to another,” believes Vladimir Surdin, senior researcher at the P. Sternberg Astronomical Institute, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. “In principle, mathematics allows their existence.”

The possibility of the existence of “wormholes” is not denied by Dmitry Galtsov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. He claims that this is one of the options for moving from one point to another at infinite speed.

“It’s true,” the physicist noted, “no one has seen “wormholes” yet; they have yet to be found.”

This hypothesis could be confirmed by revealing the secret of the formation of new stars. Astronomers have long puzzled over the nature of the origin of some celestial bodies. From the outside it looks like matter emerging from nothing. Such phenomena may be a consequence of matter spilling out into the Universe from parallel worlds. It can also be assumed that any body is capable of moving to a parallel world.

British medium Dame Forsythe made a loud statement more than ten years ago that she had found a passage to a parallel world. The reality she discovered turned out to be a copy of our world, only without problems, diseases and any hint of aggression.

Forsyth's discovery was preceded by a series of mysterious disappearances of teenagers at a funhouse in Kent. In 1998, four young visitors did not leave there at once. Three years later, two more disappeared. Then again. The police were knocked down, but found no evidence of the abduction of children.

There is a lot of mystery in this story. Kent detective Sean Murphy says the missing people all knew each other and the disappearances happened on the last Thursdays of the month. Most likely, a serial maniac is “hunting” there. According to Murphy, the criminal entered the funhouse through a secret passage, which, however, was not discovered by the police. As well as other traces of the killer’s activities.

After the searches, the booth had to be closed. Whatever one may say, it turned out that the wanted teenagers almost disappeared into thin air. After the mysterious premises were closed, the disappearances stopped.

“The exit to that world was in one of the distorting mirrors,” says Forsythe. - It was possible to use it, apparently, only from that side. Probably someone accidentally opened it when the first missing people were nearby. And then the teenagers who fell into this trap began to take their friends there.”

Crooked mirrors were also observed during the study of pyramids in Tibet by Professor Ernst Muldashev. According to him, many of these giant structures have various sized concave, semicircular and flat stone planes, which scientists called mirrors because of their smooth surface.

In the zone of their intended action, the members of Muldashev's expedition did not feel very well. Some saw themselves in childhood, some seemed transported to unfamiliar places. According to the scientist, through these mirrors, standing near the Tibetan pyramids, it is possible to change the flow of time and control space. Ancient legends say that such complexes were used to transition to parallel worlds, and, according to Muldashev, this cannot be considered a complete fantasy.

Australian parapsychologist Jean Grimbriar came to the conclusion that among the numerous anomalous zones in the world, there are about 40 tunnels leading to other worlds, four of which are located in Australia and seven in America.

What these “hellish tunnels” have in common is that chilling screams and groans are heard from the depths, and every year more than a hundred people disappear in them without a trace. One of the most famous places is a limestone cave in a Californian national park, which you can supposedly enter but cannot exit. There aren't even any traces of the missing.

There are “hell places” in Russia too. For example, there are rumors that there is a mysterious mine near Gelendzhik, which, according to local historians, has existed since the 18th century. It is a straight well with a diameter of about 1.5 m with polished walls. When a man ventured down into the mine a couple of years ago, at a depth of 40 m, the Geiger counter showed a sharp increase in background radiation.

And since several volunteers who were trying to examine the well had already died from a strange disease, the descent was immediately stopped. There are rumors that the mine has no bottom, some kind of incomprehensible life flows there, in the depths, and time, breaking all laws, accelerates its course. According to rumors, one guy went down into the mine, and got stuck there for a week, and he came up, already gray-haired and old.

Aged in an hour and a half, 32-year-old Ioannos Kolofidis, a resident of a village located on the Greek island of Tilos, climbed out of the well to the surface. The local well has long been considered bottomless. The water in it remained icy even in the heat.

It's time to clean it. Kolofidis volunteered to do this work. He put on a wetsuit and was lowered into the shaft. The work took about an hour and a half. Three people from time to time pulled up a bucket of silt. Suddenly, frequent impacts on metal were heard on the surface. It seemed that Kolofidis was begging to be picked up as soon as possible.

When the poor fellow was pulled out, his comrades were almost speechless: in front of them on the ground lay a decrepit old man with absolutely white hair on his head, a long beard and in shabby, worn-out clothes. But what happened in the well remained a mystery - a few hours later Kolofidis died. An autopsy showed that he died of old age.

Another creepy well is supposedly located in the Kaliningrad region. In 2004, two shabashniks, Nikolai and Mikhail, contracted to dig a well in one of the villages. At a depth of about 10 m, the diggers heard polyphonic human groans from the ground under their feet. In horror, the diggers climbed out. Local residents avoid this “cursed place”, believing that it was there that the Nazis carried out mass executions during the war.

An ancient castle, located near the town of Comcrieff (Scotland), recently became a place of disappearance for adventure lovers. The current owner of the castle, Robert McDogley, purchased it inexpensively simply out of interest. Below is his story:

“One day I stayed until midnight in the basement, where I discovered ancient books on black magic. Dusk fell quickly, and the blue glow emanating from the large central hall seemed strange to me. When I entered there, a bright bluish-gray sheaf of light emanating from a three-meter portrait, the colors of which during the day seemed so worn out, hit me in the face that it was impossible to see the drawing.

Now I clearly saw a full-length man depicted on it, whose clothes were clearly incompatible parts of costumes from different eras - from the 15th to the 20th centuries. When I came closer to take a better look at everything, the heavy portrait fell off the wall and fell on me.”

Miraculously, Sir Robert survived. But rumors about what happened spread quickly and began to attract quite a lot of tourists. One day, two excited elderly ladies entered and climbed into the niche that opened behind the portrait after it fell. And immediately... they disappeared into thin air.

Rescuers knocked on all the walls and went through all the rooms with special radars, but found nothing. Psychics brought in as experts came to the conclusion that a door to a parallel world, “sealed” for several centuries, opened in the castle, where the tourists disappeared. However, neither psychics nor police decided to test this assumption and enter the niche.

The astral plane, to one degree or another, attracts every person interested in mysticism. Who doesn’t want to personally verify the existence of a parallel world and gain superpowers?

In the astral plane, you can instantly move to any point on the planet, visit inaccessible and forbidden places, and come into contact with otherworldly entities. Some mystics go further - regular astral travel allows them to develop their magical abilities well.

But how can you enter the astral plane without negative consequences for yourself? To do this, you need to act slowly and require some preparation. Attempting to immediately perform the techniques described at the end of this article will not bring the expected results and will only set the researcher back. So first, a little theory. However, if you are confident in your abilities, then you can immediately proceed to practice.

What is the astral body

By definition, this is one of the seven subtle bodies of a person, located between the etheric and mental bodies. Mystics inextricably link the astral body with human emotions, his feelings. Therefore, when entering the astral plane it is very important to keep a “cool head”, i.e. abstract from any emotions. Feeling impatience, excitement, anger, sympathy, etc., you will not be able to objectively perceive the astral plane. And, most likely, you will be immediately thrown back into your physical body.

Is it possible to damage the astral body? No, because it is not material in the generally accepted sense. In the astral plane you are not in danger of drowning, burning in fire, crashing, or dying from a bullet. However, at first it is difficult for a beginner to get rid of the habitual fear. This can be taken advantage of, which often take on frightening forms in order to frighten the neophyte.

Inhabitants of the astral plane

Charles Lethbeater writes that in the astral world Dead people remain for some time, awaiting their next incarnation. However, when entering the astral plane, only those who are allowed to do so will be able to meet with deceased relatives and friends.

The parallel world is inhabited by lower (elemental) entities that are capable of taking on various forms and even exerting some influence on the physical world. Sometimes they are called, although this definition is not entirely correct. During your first exit into the astral plane, the “demon” will try to intimidate you, so you do not need to succumb to provocation. It is important to remember that there is no real danger.

Preparing for astral travel

Most researchers agree that the best time for the first attempts at astral flight is evening or night. Although, as you acquire the necessary skills, you will be able to easily leave your body at any time of the day. You can use your own bed as a “take-off platform”. But if you feel an irresistible desire to fall asleep, then it is better to lie on the floor.

Like everything previously unknown, entering the astral plane frightens beginners. Therefore, if you feel insecure and want to protect your physical body from astral entities (although this is not particularly necessary), use the following advice. Dissolve a little salt in a glass of water and sprinkle the area around the bed with this liquid. With this action you create.

Next, you should lie on your back and perform any known to you (the link to the page with music and exercises will open in a new window). Your goal is to completely relax and, if possible, get rid of thoughts. Listening to light, quiet music for relaxation is allowed. You need to slowly wait for one of the following sensations to appear:

  • Your body has increased in size and lost its shape
  • The ability to hear surrounding sounds has disappeared, you seem to have gone deaf
  • You are rocking as if on waves or on a swing

Once one of these signs appears, it is very important to remain calm and detached. The joyful excitement of “finally it worked!” will immediately throw you back.

Your first flight

So, you are in a borderline state. Rocking “as if on the waves” indicates that the astral body has almost separated from the physical shell. Now mentally imagine your astral double. You should literally see this shell rushing upward towards the ceiling. This method of astral exit requires a certain amount of willpower - you need to concentrate and at the same time relax as much as possible.

Another way to “go on a trip” is considered simpler, but it does not always work. You just need to pay close attention to your mind before going to sleep. There is a moment when consciousness turns off and a person falls into sleep. If you manage to maintain consciousness until then, the assemblage point will shift and you will “wake up” in the astral world.

The third method will require lengthy preparation. You will have to make astral travel your obsession. Set a date for yourself to enter the astral plane (in a month or a month and a half) and then remember several times every day what you plan to visit on such and such a day. This idea should be firmly imprinted in your brain, then on the appointed day and hour the subconscious will help you enter the astral world.

It is recommended for a beginner to keep a diary in which to record all attempts at astral exit, unusual effects and conditions, and other achievements. Such “chronicles of astral travel” will subsequently help you monitor your progress and, possibly, eliminate previously unnoticed errors.

Training should be regular, but no more than once a day. If you feel overtired, it is advisable to postpone attempts for a few days. Otherwise, irritation and anger will become an insurmountable barrier. It is not recommended to try to travel to the astral plane after a difficult day.

During training, it is advisable to adhere to a light diet. The consumption of alcohol and other substances that can alter consciousness is unacceptable! Sylvan Muldoon states that astral projection while intoxicated will be uncontrollable. You will not be able to return to your physical body for several hours.

For thousands of years, people have wanted to cross the threshold of mystery and find out what lies on the other side of reality. How to get to another world? There is no final answer to this question, but it is simply impossible to turn a blind eye to the huge number of facts, testimonies of real people and scientific explanations.

What is a parallel world?

The parallel world, or the fifth dimension, is a space invisible to the human eye that exists along with the real life of people. There is no dependence between him and the ordinary world. It is believed that its size can vary greatly: from a pea to the universe. Patterns of events, rules of physics and other “firm” statements that are valid in the human world may not work at all in the invisible reality. Everything that happens there may have slight deviations from the usual way of life or differ radically.


The multiverse is an invention of science fiction writers. Recently, scientists are increasingly turning to the works of science fiction writers, because many years of observational experience have shown that they almost always predict with amazing accuracy the development of events and the future of humanity. The concept of the multiverse suggests that, in addition to the world familiar to earthlings, there are a huge number of unique worlds. Moreover, not all of them are material. The earth is connected to other invisible realities at the level of spiritual connection.

Speculation about the existence of parallel worlds

Since ancient times, there has been much speculation about whether the fifth dimension actually exists. It’s interesting that the question of how to get to another world was asked by great minds of the distant past. Similar thoughts can be found in the works of Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios. Some have even tried to prove the existence of the “other side” through scientific research. Democritus argued that absolute emptiness conceals a large number of worlds. Some of them, he says, are very similar to ours, even in the smallest details. Others are completely different from earthly reality. The thinker substantiated his theories based on the basic principle of isonomy - equal probability. Pundits of the past also spoke about the unity of time: the past, present, future are at one point. It follows from this that making the transition is not so difficult; the main thing is to understand the mechanism of transition from one point to another.

Modern science

Modern science does not at all deny the possibility of the existence of other worlds. This moment is studied in detail, something new is constantly discovered. Even the fact that scientists around the world accept the theory of the multiverse already speaks volumes. Science substantiates this assumption using the principles of quantum mechanics, and supporters of this theory believe that there are an incredible number of possible worlds - up to 10 to the five hundredth power. There is also an opinion that the number of parallel realities is not at all limited. However, science cannot yet answer the question of how to get into a parallel world. Every year more unknown things are revealed. Perhaps in the near future people will be able to travel instantaneously between universes.

Esotericists and psychics claim that it is quite possible to get into another world. However, please note that this is not always safe. In order to penetrate the secret world, it is necessary to change the way the brain works. It is advisable to practice the following: lying on the bed, try to fall asleep, relax your body, but keep your mind conscious. Achieving this or similar consciousness will be difficult at first, but it is worth continuing to try.

The main problem for beginners is that it is very difficult to relax the body and be conscious at the same time. In such cases, a person unbearably wants to twitch, move at least a little, or he simply falls asleep. About a month of training - and you will be able to accustom your body to such practice. After this, you should plunge deeper into the new state. Every time new sounds, voices, pictures will appear. Soon it will be possible to move to another reality. The main thing is not to fall asleep, but to realize that you have crossed the threshold of a parallel world. This method is also possible in another variation. You need to do the same thing, but immediately after waking up. Having opened your eyes, you need to fix your body, but keep your mind awake. In this case, immersion into another world occurs faster, but many cannot stand it and fall asleep again. In addition, you need to wake up only at a certain time - preferably around 4 am, since it is during this period that a person is at his most subtle.

Another way is meditation. The key difference from the first method is that there is no connection with sleep, and the process itself must occur in a sitting position. The difficulty of this approach lies in the need to clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts that constantly visit a person as soon as he tries to concentrate. There are many techniques to tame unruly thoughts. For example, you should not interrupt the flow, but give it freedom, but not join in, but be just an observer. You can also concentrate on numbers, a specific point, etc.

The danger that other worlds conceal

The reality of parallel worlds is fraught with many unknowns. But the real threat that can be encountered on the other side is malevolent entities. In order to control your fear and avoid trouble, you need to know who and what causes anxiety. Entering a parallel world will be much easier if you know that frightening entities are just products of the past. Fears from childhood, movies, books, etc. - all this can be found in parallel reality. The main thing is to understand that these are only phantoms, not real beings. As soon as the fear of them disappears, they will disappear on their own. Residents of invisible worlds are mostly friendly or indifferent. They are unlikely to frighten or create trouble, but still you should not irritate them. However, there is still a chance to meet an evil spirit. In this case, it is enough to overcome your fear, because there will still be no harm from the activity of the otherworldly entity. Do not forget that the past, present, and future are in contact, so there is always a way out. You can also think about home, and then the soul will most likely return to the body.

How to get to a parallel world through an elevator

Esotericists claim that the elevator can help in the transition to a parallel world. It serves as a “door” that you need to be able to open. It is best to travel through the elevator at night or in the dark. You must be alone in the booth. It is worth noting that if any person enters the elevator during the ritual, nothing will succeed. After entering the cabin, you should move through the floors in the following order: 4-2-6-2-1. Then you should go to the 10th floor and go down to the 5th. A woman will enter the booth, you cannot talk to her. You should press the button for the 1st floor, but the elevator will go to the 10th. You cannot press other buttons, since the ritual will be interrupted. How do you know when the transition is complete? There will only be you in the parallel reality. It should be noted that there is no point in looking for a companion - the escort was not a person. In order to get into the human world, you need to perform a ritual with the elevator (floors, buttons) in the reverse order.

Gateway to another reality

You can penetrate another reality with the help of a mirror, because it is a mystical gateway to all other worlds. It is used by sorcerers and magicians who have the necessary knowledge. Passing through the mirror is always successful. In addition, with its help you can not only travel to other universes, but also cast magic. That is why the custom of hanging mirrors after a person’s death continues to this day. This is done for a reason, because the soul of the deceased wanders around his home throughout the day. Thus, the astral body says goodbye to its past life. The soul itself is unlikely to want to harm its relatives, but at such moments a portal opens through which various entities can enter the room. They can frighten or try to drag the astral body of a living person into a parallel reality.

There are several rituals with mirrors. To answer the question of how people get into parallel worlds, it is necessary to understand the essence of the mirror ritual, because it is this object that is the original guide to another world.

Mirror and candles

This is an ancient method that is still used today. You need to place two mirrors opposite each other. They must be parallel. The candle must be purchased in advance from the temple. You need to place it between the mirrors so that you get a corridor of many candles. Don't be alarmed if the flame starts to fluctuate, this could very well happen. This means that invisible entities are already with you. You can use more than just candles for this ritual. LEDs or color panels are suitable. But it is best to use candles, since their blinking corresponds to the frequency of the human brain. This helps a person enter a meditative state. And you must enter it, because, being conscious, you can be very scared. The consequence may be not only an interrupted ritual, but also another entity joining you. The ritual must be performed in complete darkness and silence. There should only be one person in the room.

Mirror and prayer

You need to buy a round mirror on Saturday. Its perimeter should be covered with the words “Our Father” on the contrary, written in red ink. On Thursday night you need to place a mirror under the pillow, mirror side up. You need to turn off the light, go to bed and say your name backwards. This must be done until sleep overtakes. A person will wake up in another world. In order to get out of another reality, you need to find an animal in it that will be exactly the same as in real life, and follow it. The danger of the whole action is that the guide may never be found, and the astral body will forever remain in a parallel world or, even worse, between worlds.

Path to the past

For many years and even centuries, people have wanted to know the answer to the question of how to go back in time. There are two known ways that can move a person through time. The most famous are “wormholes” - small tunnels in space that serve as a link between the past and the present. But... Scientific research shows that the “hole” will close faster than a person can cross its threshold. Based on this, it can be argued that as soon as scientists find a way to delay the opening of the tunnel, they will become justified not only from an esoteric, but also from a scientific position.

The second way is to visit places on Earth that have a certain energy. Such journeys have a huge amount of real evidence. Moreover, sometimes people don’t even know how to get into the past, but end up there by accident, having visited an energetically strong place on the Earth. A territory with pronounced supernatural energy is called a “place of power.” It has been scientifically verified that the operation of any installations there deteriorates or even fails. And those indicators that can be measured are off the charts.

Working with the subconscious

Another way is to work with the subconscious. How to get to a parallel world using your brain? Quite difficult, but doable. To do this, you need to enter a state of strong relaxation, create a gate and go through the portal. Sounds simple, but to achieve results. several factors are required: great desire, mastery of meditation techniques, the ability to visualize space in detail and... lack of fear. Many people say that when they achieve results, they often lose touch with the other world out of fear. It takes some time to overcome it, so you should be prepared to find yourself in another reality at any moment.

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The existing laws of physics do not deny the bold assumption that Parallel Worlds can be connected by quantum tunnel junctions. This means that it is theoretically possible to move from one world to another without violating the law of conservation of energy. However, the transition will require such a colossal amount of energy that cannot be accumulated in our entire Galaxy.

But there is another option. There is a version that passages to parallel worlds are hidden in so-called black holes; they can be a kind of funnels that suck in matter. Black holes, according to cosmologists, may actually turn out to be some kind of “wormholes” - paths from one world to another and back.

“In nature, there could be space-time structures like wormholes connecting one world to another,” believes Vladimir Surdin, senior researcher at the P. Sternberg Astronomical Institute, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. “In principle, mathematics allows their existence.”

The possibility of the existence of “wormholes” is not denied by Dmitry Galtsov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. He claims that this is one of the options for moving from one point to another at infinite speed.

“It’s true,” the physicist noted, “no one has seen “wormholes” yet; they have yet to be found.”

This hypothesis could be confirmed by revealing the secret of the formation of new stars. Astronomers have long puzzled over the nature of the origin of some celestial bodies. From the outside it looks like matter emerging from nothing. Such phenomena may be a consequence of matter spilling out into the Universe from parallel worlds. It can also be assumed that any body is capable of moving to a parallel world.

British medium Dame Forsythe made a loud statement more than ten years ago that she had found a passage to a parallel world. The reality she discovered turned out to be a copy of our world, only without problems, diseases and any hint of aggression.

Forsyth's discovery was preceded by a series of mysterious disappearances of teenagers at a funhouse in Kent. In 1998, four young visitors did not leave there at once. Three years later, two more disappeared. Then again. The police were knocked down, but found no evidence of the abduction of children.

There is a lot of mystery in this story. Kent detective Sean Murphy says the missing people all knew each other and the disappearances happened on the last Thursdays of the month. Most likely, a serial maniac is “hunting” there. According to Murphy, the criminal entered the funhouse through a secret passage, which, however, was not discovered by the police. As well as other traces of the killer’s activities.

After the searches, the booth had to be closed. Whatever one may say, it turned out that the wanted teenagers almost disappeared into thin air. After the mysterious premises were closed, the disappearances stopped.

“The exit to that world was in one of the distorting mirrors,” says Forsythe. - It was possible to use it, apparently, only from that side. Probably someone accidentally opened it when the first missing people were nearby. And then the teenagers who fell into this trap began to take their friends there.”

Crooked mirrors were also observed during the study of pyramids in Tibet by Professor Ernst Muldashev. According to him, many of these giant structures have various sized concave, semicircular and flat stone planes, which scientists called mirrors because of their smooth surface.

In the zone of their intended action, the members of Muldashev's expedition did not feel very well. Some saw themselves in childhood, some seemed transported to unfamiliar places. According to the scientist, through these mirrors, standing near the Tibetan pyramids, it is possible to change the flow of time and control space. Ancient legends say that such complexes were used to transition to parallel worlds, and, according to Muldashev, this cannot be considered a complete fantasy.

Australian parapsychologist Jean Grimbriar came to the conclusion that among the numerous anomalous zones in the world, there are about 40 tunnels leading to other worlds, four of which are located in Australia and seven in America.

What these “hellish tunnels” have in common is that chilling screams and groans are heard from the depths, and every year more than a hundred people disappear in them without a trace. One of the most famous places is a limestone cave in a Californian national park, which you can supposedly enter but cannot exit. There aren't even any traces of the missing.

There are “hell places” in Russia too. For example, there are rumors that there is a mysterious mine near Gelendzhik, which, according to local historians, has existed since the 18th century. It is a straight well with a diameter of about 1.5 m with polished walls. When a man ventured down into the mine a couple of years ago, at a depth of 40 m, the Geiger counter showed a sharp increase in background radiation.

And since several volunteers who were trying to examine the well had already died from a strange disease, the descent was immediately stopped. There are rumors that the mine has no bottom, some kind of incomprehensible life flows there, in the depths, and time, breaking all laws, accelerates its course. According to rumors, one guy went down into the mine, and got stuck there for a week, and he came up, already gray-haired and old.

Aged in an hour and a half, 32-year-old Ioannos Kolofidis, a resident of a village located on the Greek island of Tilos, climbed out of the well to the surface. The local well has long been considered bottomless. The water in it remained icy even in the heat.

It's time to clean it. Kolofidis volunteered to do this work. He put on a wetsuit and was lowered into the shaft. The work took about an hour and a half. Three people from time to time pulled up a bucket of silt. Suddenly, frequent impacts on metal were heard on the surface. It seemed that Kolofidis was begging to be picked up as soon as possible.

When the poor fellow was pulled out, his comrades were almost speechless: in front of them on the ground lay a decrepit old man with absolutely white hair on his head, a long beard and in shabby, worn-out clothes. But what happened in the well remained a mystery - a few hours later Kolofidis died. An autopsy showed that he died of old age.

Another creepy well is supposedly located in the Kaliningrad region. In 2004, two shabashniks, Nikolai and Mikhail, contracted to dig a well in one of the villages. At a depth of about 10 m, the diggers heard polyphonic human groans from the ground under their feet. In horror, the diggers climbed out. Local residents avoid this “cursed place”, believing that it was there that the Nazis carried out mass executions during the war.

An ancient castle, located near the town of Comcrieff (Scotland), recently became a place of disappearance for adventure lovers. The current owner of the castle, Robert McDogley, purchased it inexpensively simply out of interest. Below is his story:

“One day I stayed until midnight in the basement, where I discovered ancient books on black magic. Dusk fell quickly, and the blue glow emanating from the large central hall seemed strange to me. When I entered there, a bright bluish-gray sheaf of light emanating from a three-meter portrait, the colors of which during the day seemed so worn out, hit me in the face that it was impossible to see the drawing.

Now I clearly saw a full-length man depicted on it, whose clothes were clearly incompatible parts of costumes from different eras - from the 15th to the 20th centuries. When I came closer to take a better look at everything, the heavy portrait fell off the wall and fell on me.”

Miraculously, Sir Robert survived. But rumors about what happened spread quickly and began to attract quite a lot of tourists. One day, two excited elderly ladies entered and climbed into the niche that opened behind the portrait after it fell. And immediately... they disappeared into thin air.

Rescuers knocked on all the walls and went through all the rooms with special radars, but found nothing. Psychics brought in as experts came to the conclusion that a door to a parallel world, “sealed” for several centuries, opened in the castle, where the tourists disappeared. However, neither psychics nor police decided to test this assumption and enter the niche.

 27.11.2011 05:50

Mathematicians and quantum physicists argue that parallel worlds, or, in scientific terms, other levels of life, may well exist on our planet. However, ordinary people refuse to believe this, and scientists themselves do not yet have reliable evidence of their scientific assumptions. However, cases of people coming into contact with parallel worlds have still been recorded.

The book “The Secret of Parallel Worlds” by the famous Russian researcher of anomalous phenomena Vadim Chernobrov tells about an episode that occurred in England. For a very long time, the girl could not get out of the forest onto the hillside, which was clearly visible to her, due to the fact that she found herself inside a certain space surrounded by an invisible but insurmountable wall. She tried for several hours to escape from this trap: she screamed, walked and ran her hands along the invisible wall, vainly searching for a way out. They were already looking for her, but the rescuers passing very close to her not only did not see the girl, but did not even hear her cry for help, although she clearly saw and heard them. When the search group left, the transparent wall suddenly disappeared by itself, and the girl returned home unhindered.
If you follow the logic, then any living creatures located on the other side of such a wall, invisible to us under normal conditions, can also watch us, hear our every word, while we are not even aware of this kind of “surveillance”.

It was in a similar situation that four participants in one of the expeditions to the Medveditskaya anomalous zone, in the north of the Volgograd region, found themselves in 1998. They perfectly saw and heard two people who appeared next to them, but those two did not notice them for a long time and did not hear their screams.
The belief in the existence of some other levels of life, worlds and dimensions arose on Earth with the advent of humanity. In all pagan religions, there was a firmly held idea that priests, prophets and prophetesses, as well as shamans and sorcerers, were able to temporarily pass into some other world in order to comprehend the secrets of the past and future. It is quite possible that there are some windows in space and time through which the named representatives of the human race can look into the past or future, as well as into the present behind the wall, invisible to ordinary people.
In many places on earth there are “cursed places” where various strange phenomena happen to people or where people disappear without a trace. Nowadays, some scientists call such zones chasms between neighboring realities, others - curvatures in the space-time continuum, and still others - portals leading to other dimensions. If an ordinary person falls into one of these anomalous zones, then this entry ends for him, as a rule, with disappearance without a trace and only in rare cases does he manage to escape, but with significant losses in physical and moral health.
Back in the 19th century, when there were no limousines, in the American state of Connecticut, two people caught in a thunderstorm and heavy rain - Colonel McArdle and Judge Wei - decided to take refuge in an abandoned wooden building. They did not know that local residents called this building a “house of horrors” and avoided it. A few years earlier, a whole family disappeared here - the head of the family, his wife and their five children. So, McArdle and Wei entered this house, closed the door behind them and immediately found themselves in complete darkness and deaf silence. They did not see a flash of lightning or hear the roar of thunder. This stunned them, and, feeling in the darkness with their hands for the heavy forged door, they opened it. Another room appeared before their eyes, in which darkness reigned. In this room, a faint greenish glow was coming from nowhere. Thanks to him, the travelers were able to see the shrunken corpses of adults and children lying on the floor. The judge entered this room and instantly disappeared. The colonel, standing at the half-open door, immediately slammed it. Then he was found lying in a semi-conscious state on the road quite far from the terrible house. Subsequently, he came to his senses, but until the end of his days he remained a mentally ill person. We must assume that McArdle and Wei ended up in another dimension. The unfortunate judge, apparently, went too deep into another world, and therefore disappeared.
According to the latest data from researchers, the transition zone between neighboring worlds tends to change its size and move. One must think that it was precisely as a result of this that in 1936, in a village not far from Krasnoyarsk, the entire population suddenly died out.
In Peru, in the town of Marcahuasi, there is a stone forest in which, according to researchers, there is a portal - an exit to other spatial dimensions. A few months ago, a dramatic story happened there with one of the young patients of the famous doctor Raul Rios Sentano in the Peruvian capital: she was partially paralyzed. It happened like this. The woman was relaxing at a campsite near Marcahuasi. Late in the evening, she and her friends went for a walk in the stone forest. Suddenly, the strollers noticed a small hut illuminated by torches, in which people were dancing. Rios' patient tried to be the first near the unusual sight, and her friend closely followed her. As soon as the women approached the hut, they immediately smelled cold. But the first of them, without attaching much importance to this, looked into the slightly open door and was surprised to see that the dancers were dressed in the fashion of the 17th century. She even rushed to go inside the room, but her friend, who was more aware of the anomalous zone of the stone forest, decisively pulled her hand back.
Subsequent examinations of Rios's patient showed that her body was paralyzed just as much as she managed to enter the space of the stone hut. It can be assumed that if a woman entered the room itself, she would either be completely paralyzed, or she would forever find herself in another dimension.
And yet, it is apparently impossible to make such a categorical conclusion, since there is still a lot of uncertainty in the phenomenon of parallel worlds. After all, the above-mentioned girl from England and the participants of the Medveditsky expedition returned safe and sound.
All the facts listed here, according to researchers, indicate that there are not two or three parallel worlds, but many, and, moreover, very different ones, noticeably different from each other.
It is quite possible that it is from them that UFOs and aliens, Bigfoot and various monsters like the Loch Ness appear.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs