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Daisy flowers are considered a symbol of love and purity. They are tender and beautiful.

WITH Greek language translated as pearl.

Agree, you will want to plant such beauty in your garden plot.

Usually varieties of perennial daisy are grown, but despite its “perennial nature” it is still considered a biennial plant.

The active flowering phase begins in the second year after planting and after 3 years the flowers begin to become smaller, losing their decorative effect.

They look beautiful in flower beds, alpine hills, on borders, decorating a path, for example, or growing in containers near a pond.

They combine beautifully with tulips, forget-me-nots and.

Place and soil

Daisies love sunny areas without midday sun, although they will easily tolerate slight shading in loose loamy soil with deep groundwater. On sandy soils, daisies freeze, but in heavy loams they dry out, so in heavy soil it is better to add sand, peat and humus. The optimal pH level is 5.5-6.2. But despite their preference for soil, daisies bloom in any soil with a good drainage layer.

A month before planting, dig up 1 sq.m. add 200 g of lime, 50 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfate.

Planting daisies with seeds

In June-July, distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil, sprinkling them a little with soil, after 7-14 days shoots appear, and after 2 weeks the seedlings are picked according to a 10x10 cm pattern. At this time, monitor the soil moisture so that neither the seeds nor the sprouts dried up. Planted in a permanent place 30 days after picking (September) at a distance of 20 cm. Flowering will begin at next year, at the end of April. In the summer, before the second half of June, it is better not to plant daisies, since flowering will begin in the fall and most plants will not survive winter.

If you plant daisies in March-early April in a greenhouse, where the air temperature will be within 18°C, and at the end of May, transplant them into open ground, then their flowering will begin in 140-150 days.

As a container plant, daisies are planted according to the same principle, but with subsequent replanting after picking into a pot according to a 5x6 cm or 5x7 cm pattern.


Regular watering, avoiding drought. As a result, the flowers begin to become smaller and further stop flowering. After watering or rain, it is imperative to loosen the soil around the plants.

During the season, carry out 3 feedings with complex mineral fertilizer (April, July and September).

For more long period flowering, baskets of daisies that have already faded are pinched off to form new ones.

In autumn, daisies need to be mulched with spruce branches or peat with a layer of up to 8 cm, so that root system due to sudden changes in weather conditions, it did not rise to the surface of the earth. The same thing can happen from unsuitable soil structure.

Daisies are very resistant to diseases and pests, but as we know, even an old woman can get into trouble and one day caterpillars may still attack these beautiful flowers. Therefore, as a preventive measure, treat with Hom. In winter, the roots can be gnawed.

In June, stretching of peduncles and smaller flowers will indicate viral disease, so the bush needs to be removed along with the roots and small lump land. A gray coating on the leaves will indicate powdery mildew. Severely damaged specimens need to be dug up, and the remaining ones should be treated with a fungicide.

Reproduction of daisies

Abundant and unkempt self-seeding of daisies will lead to clogging of the area, so picking and planting should be done unambiguously. Flowers tolerate transplantation well at any time from spring to autumn in any phase of development, even during the flowering period.

Daisies are perennial or annual flowers. They grow in the form of dense bushes with inflorescences. The color is red, white and pink. In some places on Earth this flower is called the “eye of the day,” which has to do with its awakening. Daisies are one of the first to open their petals towards the rising sun.

Description of the daisy

These delicate but unpretentious flowers are considered to be a symbol of youth and innocence. In ancient times they were even used in the treatment of the mentally ill. They have a rosette of spade-shaped leaves; at the base of long leafless peduncles, the tops are crowned with single inflorescences in the form of baskets.

It is noteworthy that the size of wild ones is 3-4 times smaller than that of garden ones. The edges of the flower are framed by reed petals, and in the center - small, tubular. Flowering occurs in April - May.


All daisies cultivated in floriculture are divided into varieties, depending on the type and size of inflorescences and petals. Here are the most common ones.

  • Rose Gigantea - has large pink flowers. Flowering May - June.
  • Schneebel - has large white flowers. Has large number inflorescences. Peak flowering occurs at the end of spring - beginning of summer.
  • Snowball - has more than 25 large inflorescences. It looks fluffy, hence the name.
  • Etna - has deep burgundy flowers with an orange center. May have more than 20 inflorescences.
  • Pompon daisies are the smallest flowers, but the number of inflorescences can reach 40 pieces. Flowering April - June.
  • Perennial daisy - blooms for several years, gaining full strength in 2 years. The height can be up to 30 cm. It has elongated leaves in the shape of an egg, forming a basal rosette. The stem is smooth and erect. Inflorescences are collected in single baskets. The flowers are tubular with a yellow center. Color: red, white, pink. Flowering time is from late spring to early autumn.
  • Garden daisy - just like the one above, is perennial. It has a white or red color and a delicate terry texture. The flower is actively used both in covering flower beds and as a balcony house plant.
  • Terry daisy - have a color from white to red. They reach a height of 20 cm. They have large flowers up to 4 cm. Frost-resistant. Actively used in landscape design.

Accommodation in the garden

Daisies are quite frost-resistant, so they can be grown in northern regions. Requires a sunny location for planting. Any soil will do, except if it is too acidic or alkaline.

It is important to ensure sufficient drainage so that soil moisture is retained and sufficient respiration of the root system occurs. Some species can even be grown on the balcony, as already described above. These flowers are perfect for flower beds and alpine slides.

Growing daisies from seeds

Thanks to their unpretentiousness, growing daisies from seeds will not be difficult for any summer resident. The easiest way is to plant directly in open ground. However, they usually use purchased or self-created seedlings. This allows you to grow plants that are more resistant to pests and climate fluctuations.

Soil preparation and seed treatment

Before sowing seeds, the soil is cleared of weeds using herbicides. Loosen the soil to a sufficient depth to provide enough air for plant growth. Remove small debris. This general recommendations, applicable for all types of plants. What is required directly for daisies is a moist substrate, with a pH of 5.5-6.2, with minimum quantity salts

Planting seeds

Both coated and regular seeds are used. 3-4 pieces are sown in special cassettes. regular ones in each cell. Until the stage when the seeds germinate and the cotyledons develop, it is necessary to maintain high soil and air humidity. Typically this takes up to 21 days. Until the end of this period, the seedlings should be kept cool.

After the cotyledons open, the humidity is reduced to such an extent as to prevent drying. Watering is carried out exclusively in morning time. The first fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers, in a weak concentration, which is gradually increased as the leaves grow and the plant develops.

After about 5 weeks, the seedlings are transplanted into pots and fed with iron chelate. It is important to maintain a fairly low temperature throughout this period and monitor the root system. Excessive growth or accretion will weaken the ability of the flower to adapt in the future. In the winter months, the temperature is reduced even more, and at the beginning of spring they begin to gradually increase.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Seedlings are planted in open ground in August, at a distance of 20 cm from each other. After a successful winter, the daisies begin to bloom in the spring. For planting, it is best to choose an open sunny place, loamy, loose soil with a moderate organic content. In dry and windy times, careful watering is required.

It should be fed at the beginning of flowering. Before wintering, they need to be covered with dry leaves.

Caring for Daisies


Daisies require regular watering. Especially in dry, hot weather. Without this measure, the flowers begin to shrink and gradually die. It is important that the soil is well drained before watering. Without this, it will not be possible to retain moisture required quantity time and breath lower parts plants will be insufficient.


A flower requires a lot sunlight, at least 6 hours a day. This means that it is best to plant on the south or east side of the property or house, as these places receive the most light. Of course, you should take into account the specific features of your home, due to the possibility of trees and other elements blocking the light.

Fertilizing the soil

The daisy is a delicate flower. Therefore, feeding must be competent and in compliance with all the rules, otherwise it can cause harm. Flowers already planted in open ground are fed in May. For example, using this liquid fertilizer: 2 tbsp. Nitrophoska + 2 tbsp. Dilute Agricola-Fantasia with 10 liters of water and pour 1 liter under each bush. During the season, several fertilizing should be done with fertilizers of similar composition.

More examples of suitable fertilizers:

  • mullein infusion;
  • 8 g of potassium sulfate + 25-30 g of superphosphate + 15 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq.m.

Wintering of perennial daisies

Daisies tolerate winter well due to their frost resistance. These plants are able to preserve even flowers and leaves under the snow, without requiring any special shelter. But there is one caveat - the roots of young plants are very vulnerable and require care. It is customary to add peat under them.

Reproduction of daisies

Daisies are propagated by dividing bushes, seeds and cuttings. The most selective type is cuttings. It allows you to preserve the most valuable varieties of flowers.

Daisies give abundant self-seeding, which is not very good, due to the deterioration of the varietal qualities of the seeds. This phenomenon needs to be fought. It is noteworthy that the flowers withstand transplantation well. This will help not to lose the frequency of the variety and get rid of ugly brothers.

Collection of seed material

The seeds of these flowers can not only be bought, but also collected from flowering plants ourselves. If you decide to acquire seeds without resorting to the monetary system, then you need to do as follows. Collect sufficient quantity fading inflorescences. After this, you need to dry them in the sun, spreading thin layer. This can be done throughout the entire flowering period.

After harvesting, they are sown as seedlings in March and throughout the summer. Flowering, however, will only be observed after a year.

Dividing the bush

This is done as follows:

  1. At the end of summer, almost all the leaves are cut off from a healthy bush. A petiole of about 8 cm in size remains. The roots are also shortened.
  2. The bush is divided into 3-5 parts.
  3. Each part should be rooted, after which they will continue to grow.


When propagated by cuttings, side shoots are separated using a sharp knife and planted in wet soil. They need to be covered with lutrasil on top. They will take root in two weeks, but will produce flowers only after a year. This procedure is usually carried out in May - June.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Daisies can be found in almost any garden. They are a wonderful decoration for flower lovers and do not require too much care. You can find them everywhere! In city parks, in flower beds, in greenhouses and even on the balconies of amateur gardeners.

Have you already tried to decorate your property with these fluffy beauties? What types have been used and for how long? What impressions did your proximity to these beautiful flowers leave you with?

Daisies are biennial flowers; they bloom in the second year of planting. The flower is unpretentious and does not cause any particular difficulties in growing. However, experienced gardeners have their own secrets on how to plant daisies so that they bloom this summer.

Growing daisies from seeds

Traditionally, daisies are propagated by seed, sowing the seeds directly into open, moist soil. Sowing begins in mid-June, and the seeds are not buried in the soil, but lightly sprinkled with sand. They need light, moisture and warmth to germinate. The bed is immediately well watered and covered with film. At favorable conditions Shoots appear a week after planting.

Daisies grow very quickly, so they will soon need to be picked right in the garden bed. It is most convenient to plant flowers at a distance of 20 cm from each other. With good care, a powerful rosette of leaves will grow over the summer. But this method has one drawback - the daisies will bloom only next spring. There is no need to worry about delicate plants in the cold season; daisies tolerate frost well.

Important! There is no need to allow daisies to self-sow, despite the simplicity of this method. Every year, with independent propagation, the flowers become smaller and their decorative qualities deteriorate.

How to grow daisy seedlings

Not many gardeners know that growing daisies through seedlings is the most the best way to see flowering this year.

Before planting, prepare individual containers in advance, since the root system of seedlings is fragile and is easily injured during picking. Seeds should be sown immediately in separate pots.

Planting of daisies begins at the end of February or beginning of March. To do this, prepare a loose substrate that absorbs moisture well. A regular soil mixture from flower shops will do. The principle of cultivation is the same as when sowing in open ground. The seeds are not buried in the soil, but distributed on its surface. The main task of a gardener is to create suitable conditions.

1. Bright light. Seeds need good lighting to germinate. cloudy days additional lighting will be needed. Duration daylight hours should be at least 12-14 hours a day.

2. Comfortable temperature. Immediately after planting, the room temperature is maintained at 20-22 degrees. After emergence of seedlings, it is lowered to 16 C.

Water the seedlings carefully, trying not to moisten the soil too much.

This simple method allows you to grow strong daisy seedlings that will tolerate transplantation into open ground well.

When to plant daisy seedlings in open ground

Daisies are not capricious plants, but before planting it is still worth preparing the site in advance.

To grow a flower, take a bright and warm place. The composition of the soil does not have special significance, but it’s better if it’s loose and nutritious. When growing daisies in heavy soil, frequent weeding and loosening will be required, so it is better to add sand and humus to the soil. This will not only improve the composition of the soil, but also make caring for daisies easier.

Advice! You should not plant daisies in lowlands, as stagnation of melt and groundwater leads to problems with the plant’s root system.

The timing of planting seedlings depends on the region of residence and weather conditions. Usually the plant is transferred to open ground in late May or early June.

Scheme for planting daisies in the garden with photos

Planting of daisies is carried out using the transshipment method, trying not to destroy the earthen lump. If the seedlings were grown in peat tablets or pots, they are not removed.

Planting holes are placed according to a 20x20 cm pattern so that the plants have enough space to develop. Each hole is watered abundantly, and the planted flowers are pressed tightly with earth.

Caring for daisies in a flower bed

One of important rules– timely watering. The root system of plants lies shallow, so it dries out quickly. As a result, the inflorescences become smaller, dry out, and double forms lose their quality.

Daisies are watered every other day, but in hot summers they will need daily watering. If this is not possible, then the soil around the flowers is mulched with humus. This method not only retains moisture, but also maintains the soil in a loose state. In addition, in hot weather, mulch protects the roots from overheating.

When caring for daisies, do not forget about feeding. They prolong flowering and make it brighter. Plants need to be fertilized at least twice a season. Use complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

How to propagate daisies

Despite good care for daisies, over time they lose their decorative effect. Experienced gardeners propagate flowers not only by seed, but also by vegetative methods. Dividing the bush and cuttings allows you to preserve the varietal qualities of the plant.

The division of the bush is carried out in early autumn. The mother bush is dug up and divided into several parts, all formed buds are removed, the roots of the plant are cut by 5 cm. This will allow the plots to take root well in the new place. Young plants quickly take root and continue to grow.

Important! If the plot is left without roots, then plant it directly, new roots will grow from the base of the cutting.

You need to take cuttings from daisies at the end of summer. With a sharp knife The side shoots are separated from the plant and rooted in moist soil. As a rule, this takes up to two weeks. The resulting plants bloom the next season.

Diseases and pests

Miniature daisies are rarely affected by diseases and pests. Growing them is a pleasure. However, during viral epidemics the plant may become sick. This can be determined by appearance.

1. Pedicels elongate at the beginning of summer.

2. Inflorescences become smaller.

3. The leaf cover changes color and becomes pale.

Unfortunately, viral diseases cannot be treated, so at the first sign the plants are uprooted and burned. The planting site is thoroughly disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Caring for daisies after flowering

Flowering of daisies ends gradually, so their seeds are collected once a week. Withered baskets are cut off, the seeds are shaken out and stored in a paper bag. If there is no such need, then the baskets are simply thrown away.

Daisies tolerate frost well, but in snowless winters their root system may suffer from low temperatures. For this purpose, in late autumn, the soil around the flowers is mulched with a thick layer of humus, sawdust or peat. The mulch layer should be at least 8 cm, which will protect the roots from freezing.

Important! If the roots of the plant are exposed and appear on the surface of the soil, then mulching is carried out in any case.

Growing garden daisies is an easy and fun activity. Even a beginner in gardening can cope with it. It is enough to understand the timing of planting, properly organize care, and promptly cover the plants for the winter.

Beloved by gardeners, these little “pearls” (translated from Greek “margarita” means “pearl”) are unpretentious. We decided to grow daisies - planting and caring for them in the open ground will not take much time. But growing perennial daisies will be successful if certain rules are followed.

Planting and growing daisies in open ground

Daisies can also be kept at home, in flower pots. But their main place is in garden beds.

Planting daisies seedlings

Many gardeners prefer to plant daisies in open ground with seedlings that they grew themselves or bought at the market. In this case, you don’t have to guess whether the seeds will sprout or not, and when purchasing, you can choose strong, healthy seedlings of the desired variety.

Plant small bushes as soon as the soil warms up. IN middle lane In Russia this happens in mid-May. When planting, you should try to preserve the soil around the roots. The desired distance between plants is 12-15 cm. Then the green new shoots are watered, the soil around each bush is compacted, and ideally sprinkled with mulch. Mulching protects the soil from drying out, helps conserve moisture, and prevents weeds from growing.

If there is a threat of frost, young daisies are covered with film at night.

Division, cuttings

A gardener can also enlarge his bed of daisies by dividing existing adult bushes. This is usually done when the plant is in its third year and needs to be rejuvenated.

Daisies are divided in July.

One bush can be “disassembled” into 9-10 small ones.

A little earlier, in May and June, it is not difficult to propagate your daisies using cuttings. Leaves are cut off from plants. After this, the leaves are planted - either in open ground or in flower pots. It is advisable to use a covering material at first, or cover the leaves glass jars. Usually the roots appear within two weeks, and the following year the daisies begin to bloom.

Propagation of daisies by seeds in open ground

Propagating daisies by seeds has its advantages. You can sow seeds collected from your plants. Or you can buy daisies of any variety inexpensively.

In some countries, daisies are considered the flowers of love. On their petals, young beauties wonder whether their future betrothed loves them. The daisy is considered the plant of love, purity and innocence.

In cooking, daisies are used for cooking vitamin salads, along with nettles and spinach. This is useful for normalizing or speeding up metabolism. Marinated daisy buds with tarragon are added to soups and main courses. The petals can be used to decorate snacks and salads, and will also be very beneficial for the body.

In pharmacology, daisy inflorescences and leaves are prepared for many drugs.

The collection of plant parts occurs at the peak of flowering, closer to August. It is necessary to store only in bags for up to a year. Open or gas drying is unacceptable, as they are lost. positive properties daisies. Drying is carried out in ventilated rooms: balconies, attics or attics. Optimal temperature 35 degrees.

More information can be found in the video.



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