How to treat cough with shortness of breath. Cough and heavy breathing: causes and treatment methods

There is no more natural and invisible process than breathing. This is the basis of the life of any organism. Conditions when it is difficult to inhale and exhale, pain in the sternum, tickling and coughing, shortness of breath due to lack of air - all these are manifestations various pathologies, which can only be gotten rid of by correctly identifying the original source. Most often, the above symptoms occur when various diseases organs of the respiratory system.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, while x-rays chest foci of infiltration, as with pneumonia, are not visible.

During the period of illness, shortness of breath due to lack of oxygen in the lungs is constantly present, intensifying with the slightest exertion. A severe cough is also characteristic: with bacterial bronchitis, greenish sputum comes out, with viral bronchitis (it starts with a dry, irritating cough) it comes out clear.

Important: during treatment, you cannot suppress the cough so as not to clog the bronchi with mucus.

When breathing, pronounced wheezing is heard, pain is felt in the chest, especially when inhaling.

Auxiliary products to the treatment package prescribed by the doctor:

  • for bacterial bronchitis: inhalation with the addition of dioxidin, furatsilin, chlorophyllipt, rivanol. These drugs relieve spasms, eliminate shortness of breath, and normalize breathing;
  • during treatment viral bronchitis Gipferon, Viferon will help;
  • Erespal relieves inflammation well and stimulates the discharge of sputum; it can even be used to treat a child up to one year old;
  • mucus thinners: Fluimucil, Lazolvan, Bromhexine;
  • expectorants (3 days after treatment with mucolytics): Mucaltin, marshmallow root, Thermopsol, Bronchicum, Herbion;
  • with severe shortness of breath, bronchodilators will help: Berotek, Salbutamol. It is also useful to do inhalations with Ringer's solution and mineral water.

During illness, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed: fruit drinks, decoctions, warm mineral water.

Folk remedies for treatment acute bronchitis:

  1. Grind sea salt into flour in a coffee grinder, pour into a container and inhale through your mouth the suspension formed when stirring with a spoon (40 deep breaths). In the first moments it takes your breath away. Relief occurs in 1-2 days.
  2. Onion inhalations: pour chopped fresh onions (1 piece) into the bottom of an empty kettle heated over a fire, attach a paper funnel to the spout and inhale onion vapors through it: inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose. The procedure is carried out at night, do not drink after it.
  3. For severe shortness of breath: chop 10 lemons and 10 medium garlic heads, mix with 1 kg of honey. Eat 2 tablespoons throughout the day. Chew and swallow slowly! Store the mixture in the refrigerator.
  4. To liquefy phlegm: mix chopped onion with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day.

Important: acute phase lasts about 2 weeks, but in the absence of adequate treatment it develops into chronic!

In the chronic form of bronchitis, shortness of breath will be constant, coughing occurs at the slightest provocation or cold.


  • sinusitis, otitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • obstructive bronchitis (pathological changes in the walls of the bronchi) leads to emphysema and heart failure.


Pneumonia is caused by inflammation of the lung tissue, in which the alveoli (air bubbles) fill with fluid and gas exchange becomes difficult. The first signs are the same as for a cold. However, if after three days there is no improvement, then it is quite possible that inflammation has begun.

Important: at the first suspicion, call a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment, since it is impossible to independently determine the causes of inflammation: bacteria, fungi or viruses.


  • severe dry cough in the early stages, possibly streaked with blood;
  • pain in the middle of the chest when breathing, aggravated by coughing (a decrease in the tidal volume of the lungs imposes additional load on the heart);
  • feeling of lack of air and heaviness in the sternum;
  • superficial rapid breathing;
  • temperature rise.

During an attack, severe shortness of breath, wheezing, and difficulty coughing occur. The main task of pneumonia is to provoke the liquefaction and evacuation of mucus from the lungs, making the cough as productive as possible.

At proper treatment the infiltrate leaves the bronchopulmonary lumens within 2-3 weeks, but during this period you can alleviate the condition and speed up the removal of sputum using the following means:

  • inflammation is relieved by taking anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, for a child in the form of suppositories or syrups) and drinking large amounts of liquid (fruit drinks, herbal teas, rosehip decoction, juices);
  • for liquefaction and removal of viscous sputum: Fluimucil, ACC, Bromhexine, Ascoril, Ambroxol. Herbal infusions: licorice root and marshmallow (Doctor MOM syrup), plantain, pine buds, thyme, sage, anise fruits.

To treat a child, you can use Lazolvan, saline solution and alkaline mineral water in the form of inhalations.

A classic folk recipe for treating coughs is radish with honey: cut a hole in the center of the vegetable, put honey in it, leave for 3 hours and take the juice released a teaspoon three times a day.


It is an inflammation of the trachea. Tracheitis usually occurs infectious nature, but can also be allergic.

Main symptoms:

  • bouts of dry cough with discharge purulent sputum(with bacterial and viral tracheitis), occurring on inspiration or during laughter;
  • raw pain and heaviness in the chest;
  • dyspnea;
  • wheezing.

The cough gets worse in the evening, and the most severe attacks come at night.

Treatment consists of a course of antibiotics, antihistamines or antiviral drugs depending on the nature of the disease.

As adjuvant therapy: inhalation with essential oils and alkaline mineral water. You can drink Eucabal and Ambroxol syrups.

Important: untimely treatment allergic tracheitis can lead to complications in the form of bronchitis and development bronchial asthma.

False croup (laryngotracheitis)

This is an infectious disease respiratory tract, often affects children from 2 months to 6 years. It starts out just like a common cold.

Symptoms in a child:

  • sore throat;
  • breathing heavily, wheezing;
  • severe “barking” cough;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • after 2-3 days the voice becomes hoarse;
  • pronounced swelling of the larynx.

Attacks usually occur at night: the child loses his breath, chokes with a strong, hysterical cough, which causes pain in the chest, and gasps for air. Parents are frightened by complaints: “I can’t breathe!”

Relief during an attack:

  • give a semi-sitting position;
  • provide cold, moist air (do not take it outside in winter, otherwise laryngeal spasm will occur);
  • give warm drink type of milk or mineral water;
  • if you have a nebulizer, then a 5-minute inhalation with a 0.05% naphthyzine solution will help (1 ml per 5 ml of saline solution, 1% drug diluted in a ratio of 1:10);
  • Give any allergy medicine: suprastin, fenkarol. This will help relieve swelling, and a small single dose will do no harm.

But in some cases emergency medical care is required:

  • the child’s skin has turned pale, fingertips and lips turn blue;
  • coughs less often, has difficulty breathing with wheezing when active participation chest (inspiratory dyspnea).

This means that the lumen of the larynx is narrowed to a critical size (decompensated stenosis), that is, there is not enough air for normal life support.


It begins with malaise, muscle and joint pain, and then the following symptoms join:

  • dry debilitating cough affecting the bronchi and accompanied by pain in the sternum;
  • dyspnea;
  • sore throat.

Treatment should begin by boosting the immune system: taking medications based on interferons, vitamin C, and drinking plenty of warm fluids.

Dry cough with influenza is the body’s reaction to the causative agent of the disease in the form of clearing the throat; sputum begins to be produced only on the 3-4th day. It is necessary to get rid of this symptom, since irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat will lead to the appearance of microcracks and attachment bacterial infection. You can suppress a non-productive cough in the first days with the help of the drugs Stoptussin, Libexin, Omnitus.

When a wet cough appears, mucolytics will help to quickly remove sputum without causing its excessive formation: Carbocysteine, Ambroxol, Mucaltin, Lazolvan, Linkas.

Important: You should not give it to your child on your own. similar drugs, since due to the poor development of the respiratory system, he may not be able to cough completely.

Whooping cough

A severe infectious disease that affects the mucous membranes of the bronchi, larynx and lung tissue. Children are usually affected, but it also happens in adults.


  • bouts of dry cough, often causing hemorrhage mucous membranes;
  • fever, weakness;
  • muscle and headache;
  • noises and wheezing when breathing;
  • tachycardia, lack of air.

Whooping cough cannot be cured without antibiotics. Levomycetin, Ampicillin or Erythromycin are usually prescribed. Antipsychotics are also often used to help reduce the frequency of coughing attacks.

A severe cough and shortness of breath in an adult are symptoms that cause severe discomfort. Unfortunately, these signs occur quite often. The reason for the appearance of these symptoms lies in a viral, infectious or bacterial infection respiratory system. Unpleasant syndromes cannot go away on their own, therefore, at the first attacks and general ill health, the patient must undergo drug treatment.

Therapy for inflammation of the respiratory tract is carried out in accordance with the nature of the inflammation. In case of serious pathology, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs wide range actions. If the cause of shortness of breath and cough lies in viral nature illness, the patient is prescribed antivirals. Other types of inflammation can be eliminated with the help of anti-inflammatory and restorative medications.

The most common phenomenon during the season of intensification of acute respiratory illnesses is a dry cough. This unpleasant syndrome is accompanied by increased body temperature, shortness of breath, hoarseness in the throat, pain in the sternum and a number of other symptoms.

You can find out why your chest hurts and how to cure it.

In addition to cough, patients often complain of fever, shortness of breath, lethargy, fatigue, and loss of performance. Such symptoms indicate an infectious inflammation of the throat mucosa.

A severe and debilitating cough causes sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and other manifestations that interfere with the quality of life. If a cough is not paid attention to in time, it can develop into pneumonia, tuberculosis, acute or chronic bronchitis.

Besides, annoying cough only indicates the beginning of a serious pathology that occurs in the body. The reason for the formation of the inflammatory process lies in an infectious lesion of the respiratory system. In addition, a cough can occur due to viral or bacterial proliferation in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, lungs or bronchi.

Besides the banal viral infection, the causes of shortness of breath and cough may lie in an allergic reaction. The most common irritants are pet hair, flowers, dust, dirt, perfumes, and chemicals. Treatment allergic cough It starts with eliminating the allergen itself. After which the patient is prescribed drug therapy, details of which can be found.

Any of the listed signs should be a reason to contact a qualified doctor. Otherwise there is a risk dangerous development illness.

Features of treatment

Dry cough and shortness of breath appear against the background of many inflammations, but most often the cause of the disease lies in an infectious lesion. Typically, an unproductive process causes painful sensations in the sternum and lungs. But with the right drug therapy After just a week, the cough becomes milder and less debilitating.

To relieve attacks and reduce inflammation in the respiratory system, it is important to know how to treat a cough with shortness of breath. After a series laboratory research, the adult patient is prescribed the following therapy:

It is very important during treatment observe dosage, which was prescribed by your attending physician. If it is not possible to consult a specialist, follow the rules described in the annotation to medicine. When any side symptom treatment should be reconsidered and replace the drug that caused it unwanted reaction to analog.

Besides traditional methods, cough can be eliminated with the help of traditional medicine. You can find out how to brew decoctions and apply a compress.

For children

If treatment for an adult patient takes place within two or three weeks, then getting rid of cough in children is much more difficult. The thing is that the child’s immune system is weak in itself, so many drugs for inflammation can cause serious side symptoms.

Causes of cough and shortness of breath

Dyspnea refers to breathing difficulties that manifest as attacks. Often the patient's shortness of breath is accompanied by a cough. The situation is fraught with oxygen starvation, which can cause great harm the body and cause the death of its tissues. The combination of cough and shortness of breath is accompanied by chest pain. pressing sensations in it, as well as bluish skin on the chest.

Possible following reasons occurrence of cough in combination with shortness of breath:

  • acute and chronic forms of diseases of human organs and respiratory systems, these include bronchial asthma, pneumonia, chronic forms of bronchitis, as well as other diseases;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • Often the reasons for what happens are hidden in mental illness, which include a reactive form of psychosis, sepsis, claustrophobia, as well as other conditions observed in both children and adults;
  • influence of external factors such as allergic diseases, smoking, drug use;
  • advanced age of a person, due to which shortness of breath combined with cough is a natural reaction of the body.

Very often, drug use and smoking cause shortness of breath in people young. Unfortunately, even children are susceptible to this. When treating in this case, attention should be paid to eliminating the cause of what is happening. Only a competent doctor can fully understand such a situation.

Shortness of breath, cough with sputum

The combination of shortness of breath and cough with sputum is typical for people over 50 years of age, who have previously smoked or smoke in at the moment. Very often, shortness of breath progresses; a cough may appear at the same time as it, or may occur after some time. The color of sputum is pale gray, it appears in morning time or goes out throughout the day.

Shortness of breath combined with cough can also occur in a child. In most cases, the cause of this combination is the occurrence of a serious illness. This is exactly what happens in children; shortness of breath in a child is a sign chronic illness. The combination of shortness of breath and cough with sputum in a child should not be ignored.

Dry cough with shortness of breath

A dry cough with shortness of breath is characteristic of acute bronchitis. It appears when viral diseases, such as whooping cough, influenza, measles. A dry cough with shortness of breath is accompanied by a burning sensation, scratching sensations in the chest area. Some sticky sputum appears three days after these symptoms appear. The sick person feels general malaise, weakness, severe chills, increased body temperature, as well as migraines and muscle pain. Examination of the lung cavity shows the presence of scattered dry wheezing and harsh breathing.

If a dry cough continues for several days, while it occurs in attacks and is accompanied by sputum with mucus and pus, an increase in body temperature, rapid breathing and an increase in pulse, the acute form of bronchitis should be distinguished from bronchial pneumonia. It is characterized by dry wheezing, combined with moist, fine-bubble wheezing. In this case, cases of bronchial obstruction are common.

A dry cough with shortness of breath in a child indicates the need for urgent medical care. medical care. It is characteristic of many painful conditions, such as common diseases of the respiratory systems: asthma, pneumonia. This can also happen when congenital defect heart, deficiencies, lung function, poor airway patency. In the event that a child suddenly develops shortness of breath with a dry cough without apparent reason he needs emergency medical care.

Paroxysmal cough with shortness of breath

Paroxysmal cough combined with shortness of breath in most cases is caused by inflammatory reactions, as well as chemical, mechanical and thermal factors. It can be caused by pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, as well as the presence foreign bodies in the trachea and bronchi. Requires separate consideration various shapes pneumonia.

With lobar pneumonia, a paroxysmal cough during the first three days painful and dry, then may be noted to produce sputum that has a rusty tint. At the same time, the body temperature increases, and the person suffers from severe chills. Rashes are possible on the skin, sharp pain occurs in the chest when breathing, breathing becomes rapid and the person’s heartbeat quickens. Carrying out laboratory examination notes dullness of percussion sounds and increased trembling of the voice. At the same time, breathing acquires rigidity, which was absent before.

With influenza pneumonia, a paroxysmal cough in combination with shortness of breath may first be dry, then it is accompanied by the release of mucopurulent sputum. From time to time there are inclusions of blood in it. Influenza pneumonia is characterized by intoxication, which causes an increase in body temperature. General condition The patient's condition worsens sharply and he experiences severe pain in the chest area. At clinical options Leukocytosis is observed, pulmonary edema develops, hemoptysis begins, and the patient’s breathing becomes heavy.

How to treat cough with shortness of breath

To carry out high-quality treatment of cough accompanied by shortness of breath, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the combination of these two factors. It is imperative to find out exactly what caused these symptoms. Complete treatment Without this it is impossible, moreover, rash actions will only harm the patient and aggravate his already difficult condition.

It is also not advisable to take traditional medicine for treatment at your own risk without the approval of such a measure with your doctor. They will not show proper effectiveness, in best case scenario the effect of their use will be minimal.

If the cause of cough with shortness of breath is bronchial asthma, to correct the general situation, the inflammatory process in the bronchi should be eliminated. This can be done through regular use of anti-inflammatory drugs, inhalants, and cromoglycic acids.

If a child has a cough with shortness of breath, this is often due to the immaturity of the child’s respiratory system. The cause may also be asthma and respiratory diseases. Successful treatment involves establishing exact reason occurrence of the disease. Eliminating the disease itself, which caused the cough with shortness of breath, will relieve the child of unpleasant sensations. General relief of the sick child’s condition is also important. Cough with shortness of breath during bronchitis can be effectively eliminated by using means to dilate the bronchi. These include Bronholitin. If difficulties arise with the removal of sputum from the respiratory system, it is recommended to take mucolytic drugs. which include Mukaltin. If a child’s breathing is difficult due to asthma, it can be alleviated by taking Eufillin.

If a child’s cough with shortness of breath appears suddenly and its course is quite intense, it is advisable to call the child ambulance. Before her arrival, the child must be calmed down, placed on a flat surface, and the room ventilated. You should also empty his stomach and chest. Library medical advice Full site

The main complaints of patients with the development of respiratory diseases are complaints of shortness of breath, cough, hemoptysis, pain in the chest area. In addition, in the presence of certain respiratory diseases, fever, general weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, headache, poor sleep, etc. may be observed.

Shortness of breath is one of the important symptoms diseases of the respiratory system, as well as some other diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. Shortness of breath is understood as a violation of frequency, depth, and sometimes rhythm breathing movements, depending on the disorder of the respiratory regulation mechanisms or on the body’s need for increased gas exchange.

Subjectively, with shortness of breath, a person feels a lack of air, as a result of which there is a need to breathe more often and deeper. If in this case there is more difficulty in inhaling, then such shortness of breath is called inspiratory; it occurs due to narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, trachea, bronchi (foreign body, edema, tumor). In the presence of bronchial asthma, emphysema, obstructive bronchitis, shortness of breath occurs, in which exhalation is more difficult ( expiratory dyspnea ). With the development of a number of lung diseases (lobar pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.), heart failure, when the supply of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide from the body are disrupted, both inhalation and exhalation are difficult. This kind of shortness of breath is called mixed. In patients with lung diseases, the cause of shortness of breath is impaired ventilation of the pulmonary alveoli, which leads to changes in gas exchange and arterialization of blood in the lungs (oxygen starvation). An increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, as well as other acids (lactic, etc.) leads to irritation respiratory center and the appearance of shortness of breath. Shortness of breath can be subjective and objective, physiological (during physical activity) and pathological (in the presence of respiratory, cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems, some poisonings, etc.). It can develop as a result of a decrease in the respiratory surface of the lungs (pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax, atelectasis, pulmonary emphysema, high diaphragm, etc.).

Attacks of intense shortness of breath that occur suddenly are called suffocation. It can occur with bronchial asthma. embolism or thrombosis pulmonary artery, pulmonary edema, acute edema vocal cords. Attacks of suffocation are also observed in the presence of cardiac asthma due to weakening of the left ventricle, which sometimes leads to pulmonary edema.

Coughing is a complex reflex-protective act that occurs as a result of the entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract and the accumulation of secretions there (sputum, mucus, blood), caused by the development of various inflammatory processes. Reflexogenic (cough) zones, irritation of which causes coughing, located in the areas of branching of the bronchi, in the area of ​​the tracheal bifurcation. Cough can occur reflexively in patients with dry pleurisy.

The development of various respiratory diseases is characterized by cough . having an appropriate character. When interviewing patients, you need to find out the nature of the cough, the time of its appearance, duration, etc. By its nature, the cough can be dry (without sputum) and wet, with discharge various quantities sputum. It is also important to find out whether the cough is constant, occurs in attacks, whether it is intense or minor (coughing), its nature (barking, rough, loud, quiet, hoarse, hoarse, difficult, soft, free), at what time it appears (at night, in the morning, evenly throughout the day, during cooling), etc.

Sometimes a so-called “nervous” cough is noted; it is formed by increased excitability of individual parts reflex arc, as a result of which the cough reflex can be caused by minor irritation. In other cases, the impulse that causes the occurrence of a “nervous” cough may come from the cerebral cortex (during hysteria). The occurrence of a “heart” cough . which is observed in the presence of various heart diseases, is due to the development of concomitant congestive bronchitis or pleurisy, as well as reflex irritation what comes from the heart.

A dry cough is observed with the development of laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumosclerosis, bronchial asthma, dry pleurisy, bronchitis, if the lumen of the bronchus contains astringent sputum, the release of which is difficult. A wet cough occurs in the presence of chronic bronchitis, when the bronchi contain liquid secretions, as well as inflammation, tuberculosis, lung abscess (if it ruptures) and bronchiectasis. The amount of sputum depends on the nature of the disease (from 10-15 ml to 2 l). In some patients, the sputum may be clear and white, in others it may be greenish, dirty, or rusty or bloody. Some patients indicate difficulty in sputum discharge. Sometimes it leaves in a small amount (liquid or thick), sometimes it is released " mouth full"(in case of rupture of a lung abscess, development of bronchiectasis disease). The sputum can be very bad smell(in the presence of abscess and gangrene of the lungs).

Constant cough happens to patients chronic diseases respiratory tract and lungs ( chronic laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract). Intermittent cough observed in people. who are sensitive to cold, in the morning in smokers and alcoholics, in patients with cavities in the lungs or bronchiectasis, as well as after a change in body position, when sputum enters the bronchus, irritates the mucous membrane and causes a cough reflex. Periodic coughing in the form of an attack is observed in patients with whooping cough. In case of swelling of the vocal cords (laryngitis, whooping cough), the cough has a barking character. In patients with damage to the vocal cords (tuberculosis, syphilis, paresis due to external compression recurrent nerve) cough may be silent, hoarse. A quiet cough (coughing) occurs at the first stage of lobar pneumonia, with the development of dry pleurisy and at the initial stage of tuberculosis. Night cough is observed in the presence of tuberculosis, lymphogranulomatosis, malignant tumors when enlarged lymph nodes of the mediastinum irritate the reflexogenic zones of the tracheal bifurcation, especially at night during the period of increased tone vagus nerve, which triggers the cough reflex. Sometimes due to irritation of the vomiting center, which is located in medulla oblongata near the cough center, a strong, convulsive cough causes vomiting.

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Pathological shortness of breath appears with various diseases of the respiratory system. The main symptom is progressive shortness of breath. Shortness of breath in children with bronchitis is characterized by a lack of air in the lungs. Shortness of breath in a child with bronchitis may indicate that an acute form of the disease is developing.

The cough can be periodic or constant. A persistent cough is observed less frequently (mainly with laryngitis, bronchitis, especially in the presence of bronchiectasis, with compression lymph nodes mediastinum).

At wet cough big diagnostic value has the characteristics of sputum discharge, the quantity and quality of which differ sharply with different lesions of the trachea bronchial tree.

7) “Foamy” - may be due to pulmonary edema. Shortness of breath is also common in patients with respiratory diseases.

Shortness of breath in a child: the most common causes

By its nature, shortness of breath can be inspiratory, expiratory and mixed. It is necessary to distinguish between shortness of breath and its origin (physiological and pathological). Physiological shortness of breath occurs during physical exertion and psycho-emotional arousal.

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Inspiratory dyspnea occurs in the presence of a mechanical obstruction in the upper respiratory tract (larynx, trachea). Narrowing of the small bronchi and bronchioles due to their spasm smooth muscle, edematous-inflammatory changes make it difficult to exhale, i.e., expiratory shortness of breath appears (bronchial asthma).

Other diseases of the lungs and chest that cause shortness of breath

Dyspnea is rapid, difficult breathing, which, along with edema, very often accompanies heart disease. Dyspnea in these cases has characteristic features, which make it possible to distinguish it from breathing disorders due to diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

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With lung diseases, it is often the other way around: it is difficult to exhale or there is mixed shortness of breath - it is not clear what is more difficult.

Another respiratory symptom, which often occurs with heart disease, is a cough.

The mucus is thick, viscous, and may contain a small amount of blood, which turns the sputum tan or red. The cough sharply intensifies when moving to a horizontal position.

Cough caused by heart failure is practically not treatable with any expectorants, pharmaceutical or folk.

The danger of a heart cough is that an infection can quickly develop in lungs that are swollen and clogged with mucus, and then severe pneumonia can develop. If a cough is accompanied by shortness of breath, swelling, or chest pain, you should immediately consult a cardiologist and not self-medicate!

If the disease began with progressive shortness of breath against the background of bronchial asthma, especially in a non-smoker, chronic asthmatic bronchitis is likely. Shortness of breath is a periodically recurring condition that a person may initially simply not notice.

Therefore, if a person experiences severe shortness of breath when walking quickly or during relatively moderate exercise, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Shortness of breath - nature, causes, diagnosis and treatment

At the same time, the person feels that he does not have enough air. If we are not talking about violations nervous regulation breathing, then in the process of shortness of breath the lack of oxygen in the body is restored. Shortness of breath may be a consequence of severe physical activity, and a symptom indicating the development of serious diseases.

Shortness of breath with bronchitis occurs due to the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the lungs.

A severe cough causes numerous inconveniences, so every sane person wants to get rid of unpleasant symptom as quickly as possible. Quite often, inflammation in the respiratory system is accompanied by itching, burning and irritation of the throat. Seizures appear with severe pain in the chest and lungs, causing difficulty breathing. In addition, patients often complain that they stop breathing altogether.

Only a qualified doctor can alleviate suffering at such a moment. To determine further treatment, the patient should undergo a detailed diagnosis. It will help you install real reasons inflammation, on the basis of which the patient will be prescribed the necessary medications.

Attacks of dry and nonproductive cough do not occur as an independent symptom. The cause of these symptoms lies in a viral, infectious or bacterial inflammation respiratory system. Often a debilitating cough is accompanied by severe wheezing in the throat and pain in the chest.

Why it hurts in the lungs and how to treat a cough in this case is described.

Impaired breathing is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Therefore, cough should be treated at the first attack.

If discomfort accompanied by respiratory failure, the patient needs urgently apply for medication assistance. Otherwise, there is a risk of pneumonia, tuberculosis, acute or chronic bronchitis and other, but no less dangerous diseases.

Attacks of shortness of breath and breathing problems occur as the first symptom of bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and other inflammations. As a rule, at this time the patient is tormented by a non-productive process. Extremely rarely observed wet cough, which is accompanied by an outflow of sputum due to viral or infectious inflammation. Most often, the cause of the pathology lies in bacterial growth in the mucosa.

Let's determine why a cough is accompanied by breathing problems.

Acute bronchitis

The main reason for holding your breath when coughing is acute bronchitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi or bronchial tree is accompanied by severe pain, an unproductive process and other symptoms. Most often, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • weakness, fatigue, feeling of weakness, fatigue;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • acute rhinitis;
  • increasing the functioning of the sweat glands;
  • frequent headaches.

In addition, patients note education shortness of breath. The appearance of such a symptom indicates severe course diseases.

To avoid a chronic form of development, the patient must follow the rules of treatment and exclude independent decision-making.

Predisposes to the formation of the disease hypothermia, infectious inflammation upper sections respiratory tract, decreased immune systems. Besides this, common reason development of bronchitis – this is smoking.

Acute bronchitis may be independent disease, but usually it occurs against the background of the development of acute respiratory disease. In order not to complicate the pathology, bronchitis should be treated with complex impact. Otherwise, there is a risk of transition acute form into the chronic stage.

The main sign of the development of acute bronchitis in adults and children is development of a painful cough. It arises as defensive reaction to a specific irritant that caused inflammation in the respiratory tract. At first, the cough is dry and unproductive, but after a few days it changes into a wet form.


A person may begin to choke from coughing due to laryngitis. Inflammation of the larynx most often occurs as a consequence of the development of a cold or infectious lesion respiratory tract. In addition, the reason for the formation of laryngitis lies in measles, scarlet fever and whooping cough.

The development of the disease occurs due to long walks in the cold season, frequent breathing through the mouth, excessively dusty air, as well as smoking and regular consumption alcoholic drinks. In addition, inflammation of the larynx is accompanied by overstrain of this area. Singers and teachers are at risk.

The main sign of inflammation is coughing. It occurs as a natural reaction immune system, during which the body tries to eliminate inflammation and restore airway patency.

For reference! Symptoms of laryngitis in children are the same as in adults, but in most cases they are more pronounced and acute.

Cough due to laryngitis may continue up to three weeks. Quite often at this time, patients complain of severe pain and the inability to support breathing. Over time, inflammation changes its character and the cough transforms into a productive form.

At this time, active production of mucus or sputum occurs, which can clog the airways. If the rules of treatment are violated, a wet cough will not provide relief, but only will provoke the development of the disease.


Often, coughing disrupts breathing and makes every breath painful. Most often, such symptoms occur with pharyngitis.. Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining back wall pharynx is accompanied by a number of symptoms, but most often patients complain of severe violation breathing.

Most often diagnosed with acute pathological process, but in the absence of proper treatment and progression of the disease there is a risk of developing a chronic form of the disease. Usually pharyngitis is viral in nature, but bacterial reproduction is also possible.

Acute pharyngitis is quite often accompanied by tonsillitis.

Pharyngitis can manifest itself in different ways, but most often patients note pain when coughing, as well as a strong increase in body temperature, chills, fever, lethargy, and drowsiness. But main symptom, allowing to diagnose inflammation - This is a severe breathing disorder. Patients characterize this symptom as the inability to maintain breathing through the nose and mouth.

Lack of treatment for pharyngitis can lead to the development dangerous complications, among which lung abscess, rheumatism of the heart and joints.

How to get rid of a cough due to pharyngitis is described.

Bronchial asthma

Cough with heavy breathing true symptom development of bronchial asthma. Dangerous chronic non-infectious respiratory disease may cause manifestation strong signs. Typically, patients complain of pain in the lungs, wheezing in the throat, itching and burning in the throat.

Chronic inflammatory processes occur upon contact with various irritants or allergens. They can be pet hair, blooms, dust, dirt, perfume, cosmetics.

During the development of asthma, there is an almost immediate disruption of the bronchi, which leads to limited penetration of air flow. This process causes suffocation. Pre-patients note short and sharp breaths, as well as noisy exhalations accompanied by a strong cough.

If the disease is not treated, there is a risk of developing dangerous consequences,including pulmonary emphysema.


Heavy breathing can occur with tuberculosis. Infectious disease bacterial nature counts dangerous illness and demands immediate treatment. Most often, inflammation is diagnosed in people with low immunity, as well as with poor nutrition.

Tuberculosis is accompanied high temperature, shortness of breath, lethargy, feeling unwell. It is impossible not to notice the signs of the disease.

Inflammation may occur against the backdrop of unfavorable environment , where there is no support for sanitary and hygienic standards. For the development of the disease great influence affects the patient's quality of life. It is quite difficult to identify the age and risk group, since anyone can get tuberculosis regardless of lifestyle.

In the absence drug treatment with bacterial etiology of the disease there is a high risk fatal outcome . Therefore, at the first attacks of coughing and difficulty in breathing, seek qualified help.


If a patient complains of difficulty breathing and a severe cough, the first step is to undergo an examination in the office of an ENT doctor. After which, the specialist will answer the main question, what to do if it’s hard to breathe when you cough.

For viral, infectious or bacterial etymology, it is prescribed the following drug treatment:


Cough with heavy breathing requires urgent medical treatment. Don't hope that the inflammation will go away on its own or with the help of only traditional methods of treatment. Remember that attacks can be complicated by many symptoms that will only worsen the patient’s condition.



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