How to measure blood pressure without a tonometer: the most well-known methods. How to determine blood pressure without a tonometer Check blood pressure at home

A tonometer is a relatively new device, it was created about three centuries ago, but measuring blood pressure was practiced long before its appearance. The ancient Egyptians were able to determine the level of tension in the vessels of the circulatory system by the pulse. The advent of a tonometer greatly simplifies this task, and the latest modern models are generally automated, which allows you to complete the procedure in just a few seconds.

However, unforeseen circumstances occur when you urgently need to set your blood pressure level, but the device is missing or broken. In what ways can you measure pressure without a tonometer and what is required for this?

First of all, each of us should know our normal blood pressure level. True, in individual episodes its rhythmic frequency may be individual due to the presence of certain factors. These include:

  1. Age.
  2. Body type.
  3. Psycho-emotional state.
  4. Times of Day.
  5. Ambient conditions.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Meteor dependence.
  8. Poor nutrition.
  9. Taking certain medications.
  10. Individual body temperature.
  11. Pathologies of the urinary system.
  12. Overwork.
  13. Hormonal imbalance.

The presence of serious diseases such as hypertension or hypotension also needs to be taken into account. The main clinical picture of these diseases is manifested in sharp jumps in blood pressure, both upward (hypertension) and downward, which is characteristic of hypotonic pathology. Patients with these ailments require constant monitoring of blood pressure levels to timely prevent the development of complications.

  • Systolic level - add your age multiplied by 0.6 to the number 102, add the resulting result with the weight indicator multiplied by 0.1.
  • Diastolic level - add your age multiplied by 0.5 to the number 63, and add the total amount with the weight indicator multiplied by 0.15.

However, such calculations provide only an approximate figure for the actual state of blood pressure. Note: a low indicator indicates disturbances in the cardiovascular structure, a high indicator indicates heart pathology.

Today, there are two types of methods that allow you to find out blood pressure parameters without a device:

  • High quality.
  • Quantitative.

Using qualitative methods, the blood pressure level is established without numbers, based on the presence of:

  1. Patient's complaint.
  2. External symptoms.
  3. Heart rate parameter.

The quantitative option represents the state of blood pressure in numbers, through the use of a pendulum and a ruler.

Let's take a closer look at each of these options, which can help the patient understand exactly what kind of pressure the blood flow has.

The method of determining pressure without a tonometer based on symptoms and complaints is often used by those people who have individual health problems, when it is not possible to connect them with anything:

  • Nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Unexplained soreness.

Such symptoms appear quite rarely in completely healthy people, but as practice shows, about 85% of complaints and signs still appear due to impaired blood pressure. Therefore, based on the characteristics of the present clinic, it is possible to preliminarily determine whether blood pressure began to increase or decrease.

The table below shows characteristic symptoms that will help the patient determine high or low blood pressure without a device.

Nature of the symptom Increased blood pressure Low blood pressure
Headache Painful pulsation and pressing discomfort in the area of ​​the temples of the head Pressing and aching pain in the back of the head
Dizziness Appears in rare episodes Quite intense
Increased weakness Doesn't appear Symptomatic sign
Trembling and tension In hypertension it is always observed Absent
Facial skin tone May have a permanent color or turn red due to a strong rush of blood Pallor, a strong manifestation of earthiness
Excitement, anxiety Common symptom Occurs sporadically
Manifestations of excessive sleepiness Occasionally Appears constantly
Heartbeat Excessive Weakened
Nosebleed Occurs with very high blood pressure Absent
Vomiting and nausea Occurs periodically Appears once
Redness of the white of the eye Present Absent

In addition to individual pathological signs for high and low pressure, there are also common abnormal manifestations. Their presence can lead to extremely erroneous calculations, so they are not taken into account when checking pressure. These symptoms include:

  • Fainting.
  • Darkening in the eyes.
  • , shortness of breath.
  • Pressing and painful discomfort in the sternum.

It must be emphasized that even doctors with significant practice experience can only correctly determine blood pressure parameters based on their presence in 70% of incidents. Therefore, for an ordinary person this technique cannot be considered completely reliable.

The degree of correctness of blood pressure can be easily calculated from the pulse, since their indicators are very closely interrelated, that is, by the nature of the state of one of them, deviations in the second can be determined. However, even in this case, it will not be possible to find out the maximum accuracy of blood pressure, but it is quite possible to establish approximate parameters, which can also be important.

How to measure blood pressure without a tonometer using the pulse, and how accurate will the results of such readings be? If you don’t know what the beat frequency of a normal pulse is, then it is set based on the person’s age, so for people of different age groups the normal indicator is considered to be:

  1. 20-45 years – 70 beats/min.
  2. 50-55 years – 74 beats/min.
  3. 60 years and older – 79 beats/min.

So, how can you determine your blood pressure using your pulse? The proposed tablet indicates specific pulse deviations, by which you can independently find out what exactly is happening in the vessels.

You can study the pulse rhythm in any arteries that are more convenient for palpation, for example, in the following places of the body:

  • Inner arm bend area (elbow).
  • Femoral artery (groin area).
  • Armpit area.
  • Popliteal area of ​​the leg.
  • Dorsal artery of the foot.
  • Vessels located on the front side of the neck slightly below the angle of the jaw.
  • The outer side of the flexor area of ​​the lower 1/3 of the forearm near the outer edge next to the wrist, the so-called radial artery.

Finding out your blood pressure without a tonometer by setting the number of pulse beats is quite simple. To do this, you will need a stopwatch; a watch with a second function will work instead. Before you start measuring, you need to pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Before measuring, try to relax as much as possible.
  2. An hour before the procedure, do not drink drinks such as alcohol, tea or coffee. They can provoke an increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  3. Be sure to go to the toilet.
  4. Do not smoke in the last hours before the measurement - nicotine can lower or increase blood pressure.
  5. It is necessary to take the most comfortable position.
  6. Remove rings, bracelets and similar items from your hands that may interfere with normal blood flow and pulse function.
  7. During the procedure itself, it is forbidden to move or speak.
  8. With the middle and index finger of your right hand, lightly touch the wrist of your left hand and find the location of the pulse.
  9. To check its rhythm, you need to count the number of beats in 30 seconds, and then multiply this number by 2. The resulting number is the blood pressure level.

Normal rhythm is 60-80 beats/min, less than 60 – low blood pressure, more than 80 – high blood pressure. Be sure to consider your age category. To more accurately determine blood pressure, it is necessary to measure the pulse in both upper extremities. If there is a significant difference in pulse beats on the right and left hands, this indicates the development of serious cardiac pathologies.

There is another effective method for determining pressure without a tonometer using ordinary objects. You can measure blood pressure and obtain numbers without a tonometer using a ruler and a ring. However, it is worth keeping in mind that official medicine considers this method of checking pressure to be quite dubious, since no specific studies have been carried out on it, so there is no information about its reliability.

On the other hand, there are enough facts and reviews from people who claim that this method really works. Be that as it may, in some situations this option for determining blood pressure can be useful for patients with hypertension or hypotension. So, how to measure pressure with a ruler and ring if there is no special apparatus?

The technical side of this process is completely simple, the main thing is to carefully follow the sequence. In order to measure blood pressure at home, you need to make a pendulum, which will require:

  • A strong thread or thin cord 20 cm long.
  • A ring, either made of precious or other metal, or simply a piece of wire bent into a ring, is suitable as a load for the thread. A nut, pin, paper clip or needle will also work.
  • A ruler (plastic, wood, metal) 20-30 cm long, but a measuring tape will also work instead.

When all the necessary things are prepared, you can begin the procedure for measuring blood pressure:

  1. Attach a weight (ring or needle) to one end of the thread, and its other end should be free.
  2. Now you need to sit down or sit down or lay down the person whose blood pressure you will measure.
  3. Place the forearm on a fairly hard and stationary surface, so that its flexion side is directed upward. Blood pressure should be measured on the left arm, but is also allowed on the right.
  4. The ruler is positioned so that the beginning of its report is located strictly on the elbow bend. For greater convenience, you can place marks on the forearm at a distance of 1-2 cm.
  5. Now you need to take the free end of the thread and install the attached weight directly above the ulnar cavity of the forearm at the very beginning of the ruler report, so that the pendulum does not contact the skin, but is as close to it as possible (1-2 cm), while still being able to move freely.
  6. The pendulum itself needs to be held in a motionless position for several seconds, then slowly begin to move it over the surface of the forearm towards the hand.
  7. As the pendulum moves, it will perform random swings, but at some point the nature of its movement changes to more distinct oscillations in the transverse directions from the forearm and the ruler.
  8. This place needs to be marked with a dot, and see at what distance such swaying occurred. The resulting number must be multiplied by 10, this result will correspond to systolic blood pressure.
  9. Next, the ruler, with the beginning of its report, is moved to the first transverse skin fold, which is located just above the hand.
  10. Place the thread with the pendulum above the zero point of the ruler, slowly moving the load over its surface towards the elbow dimple.
  11. When the pendulum begins to exhibit pronounced movements in the transverse direction, these centimeters should be noted and again increased by 10. Thus, the lower state of pressure is determined.
  12. This completes the blood pressure check.

It is preferable to check blood pressure using the pendulum method on both arms, which allows you to obtain more accurate information about pressure.

It is not difficult to measure pressure without a tonometer at home, but the methods proposed above cannot completely replace a measuring device that will actually show real blood pressure.

However, measurement options without a special device have a right to exist, because they can be used in emergency situations when there is no tonometer, and human life depends on competent and promptly provided assistance. In other episodes, the person decides for himself which way to check the pressure at home, but it is advisable to clarify the obtained calculations with a tonometer, especially for hypertensive patients.

Experts emphasize that using auxiliary methods of measuring blood pressure, patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases expose themselves to unjustified risk. After all, a difference of 2-3 measurement units can have a critical indicator and provoke serious situations that are dangerous to the patient’s life.

Last modified: November 26th, 2018 at 05:15 pm

Many people are concerned about the question of how to check their blood pressure at home, when a special device is not at hand, and the body’s signals give reason to be wary. However, even to carry out such a procedure without the appropriate device, you should know quite a lot about the norms and deviations of blood pressure. It is ideally necessary to know the methods of how to find out your blood pressure readings in order to be ready to take the necessary measures in time.

It is impossible to accurately measure blood pressure without a tonometer. There are ways that answer the question of how to understand high or low blood pressure. Without special devices, you can only find out whether it has increased or decreased.

It should also be remembered that first aid during high or low blood pressure can be completely different. You should not try to measure blood pressure yourself if your knowledge in this area is close to zero. It is better to call a doctor or ask a person who understands this aspect for help.

According to statistics, older people (after 50 years), as well as those whose life rhythm involves constant stress and physical activity, are more prone to a pathological decrease or increase in blood pressure. It wouldn’t hurt to reconsider your work rhythm, which may be full of “unjustified” stress. People with characteristic chronic diseases, as well as the presence of cardiovascular diseases, also suffer from a certain indicator. They rarely think about how to measure pressure without a tonometer, since the device is always at hand.

Finding out your blood pressure or another person's pulse is one of the most popular methods that many use in their practice. Despite the widespread assertion that the number of contractions of the heart muscle and blood pressure are in no way interconnected, medical research and statistics based on medical and social surveys state the opposite. So, you can measure your blood pressure without a tonometer.

A doctor is able to determine various diseases only by the rhythm and strength of the pulse: heart failure, disruption of the cardiovascular system, and others. It is quite difficult to draw such conclusions at home without a medical education. True, by the intensity of the pulse beat you can find out some blood pressure indicators that are important for health or making a future diagnosis.

There are many medical procedures, the prompt and simple implementation of which allows you to get a general idea of ​​​​the state of human health and possibly even prevent the development of serious diseases. Such measures, of course, include measuring blood pressure. Its indicators not only reflect the general physical condition of a person, but can also be direct signs of cardiovascular, endocrine and How to measure blood pressure? The easiest way is to see a doctor, but if this is not possible, then the procedure can be carried out at home.

To obtain correct results, you must follow the general rules. At least two hours before the procedure, stop smoking, drinking strong tea or coffee, eating food and taking medications. You should be calm, relaxed, and your body should not be subjected to significant physical stress. The measurement must be taken while sitting.

It can be said that blood pressure depends on many factors, such as age, weight, emotional and physiological state. The optimal difference between the upper and lower indicators should be about forty units. The norm for an adult is a blood pressure of 120 over 80. So, read below on how to measure blood pressure.

There are several devices that can be purchased for home use. The most convenient model is one that provides more accurate data and is quite inexpensive.

Such a device consists of a cuff equipped with Velcro, a rubber bulb and a pressure gauge, that is, the kit also includes a stethoscope - a special medical device that makes it possible to hear the heartbeat.

Many people wonder how to measure pressure using such a device. The procedure can be performed on any hand. The bottom edge of the cuff should be level with the bend of the elbow. It is usually wrapped several times and secured with an adhesive clasp. A stethoscope is placed under it and pressed, after which it is necessary to actively pump air using a bulb. The air should be released as slowly as possible: this will ensure high accuracy of the indicators. The result will be displayed on the pressure gauge. The number on which the arrow lingered at the first beat of the pulse means the upper pressure, respectively, the last beat of the pulse determines the lower. To clarify the data, you can perform the procedure on both hands. The disadvantages of this method include the need for the help of a second person. But how to measure blood pressure if you are alone?

The most popular option among the masses is an electronic tonometer, which is easy to use and allows you to carry out the procedure yourself.

Today there are models that operate both from mains and batteries, and also have a huge number of additional functions.

Now your knowledge of how to measure blood pressure has increased significantly. Having a device at home, you can easily do this. But the question may arise as to how

Some simply check your pulse, but this information is very general.

Many people practice the traditional method. You will need a thread, a ruler and a gold ring for this. The ruler must be placed along the left arm so that the value “0” is at the level of the bend of the wrist, where the pulse is felt. The ring, tied on a thread, is held at a close distance from the hand, moving from the wrist to the elbow. As soon as it starts to fluctuate, you need to look at the division of the ruler, the value of which will be the lower pressure. After this, continuing to move the ring along your hand, wait for repeated vibrations, which will indicate the upper pressure. The result must be multiplied by ten. Remember that this method is very approximate and contains many errors.

People suffering from hypertension or hypotension need to know how to measure blood pressure without a tonometer. After all, there are situations when there is no tonometer at hand, but the condition is close to critical and the patient needs help. Measuring blood pressure without a tonometer is an emergency measure that cannot be used for continuous monitoring of these indicators.

Determination of blood pressure by symptoms

An increase or decrease in blood pressure can be determined by symptoms. The only drawback of this technique will be the unreliability of the obtained figures. However, in critical situations, when a person reports that he is suffering from high or low blood pressure, knowledge of the symptoms significantly reduces the risk of complications of abnormal vascular resistance indicators. Having felt a deterioration in the condition, the patient can immediately take measures to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Objective symptoms

Symptoms that are noticeable to others:

  1. Changes in the whites of the eyes. When blood pressure rises, the eyes become “bloody”, and others notice the appearance of a pronounced vascular network.
  2. Changes in the skin. At high pressure values, the face acquires a red or purple tint, and a pronounced vascular network may appear on the cheeks. During a hypertensive crisis, pulsation of the cervical vessels is often noticeable even at a distance. A drop in blood pressure is manifested by pale skin and the appearance of cold sweat. Possible cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.

Feelings of patients with hypertension

A hypertensive person will suspect a jump in blood pressure based on these symptoms:

  • severe headaches, often throbbing in nature;
  • ringing in the ears and darkening of the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • feeling of numbness in fingers or tongue, lips, face;
  • cold extremities;
  • loss of consciousness.

Feelings of patients with hypotension

A person will recognize a critical decrease in blood pressure if he notices that he has:

  • sudden onset of fatigue;
  • loss of strength, desire to sleep;
  • absentmindedness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache is localized in the front of the head;
  • lack of air.

Important. If you have a blood pressure disorder, symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the pathology. However, the patient already knows the manifestations of his disease and should begin providing all possible assistance without waiting for the symptoms to intensify. If the clinical picture is pronounced, especially when outside the home, you should call an ambulance.

Determination of blood pressure by pulse

If you don’t have a tonometer at hand, you can most likely determine a decrease or increase in blood pressure by reading your pulse. The method is easy to use and accessible to everyone.

  • before measuring your pulse, it is better to lie down for a few minutes with your eyes closed, completely relaxed; if it is not possible to lie down, the procedure is performed while sitting;
  • determine the pulsation (in the most convenient place: on the wrist, on the carotid artery, etc.);
  • count the pulsation in a minute or 30 seconds (after counting, double the indicator).

The norm for an adult is considered to be a numerical value from 60 to 80 beats per second. If the indicator decreases - hypotension, if it increases above 80 - hypertension.

This method works well only if the patient knows the normal heart rate for himself; it is not always equal to the average values ​​​​accepted in medicine. If a person feels normal and has a pulse of 60 (or lower), a value of 89 beats already indicates a violation of the usual state.

In addition to the contraction frequency, you should pay attention to the resistance and filling of the vessel during the passage of the pulse wave:

  • With hypotension, the pulse is weakly filled, possibly thread-like.
  • Hypertension is determined by a powerful pulse impulse.

Important. The heart rate is influenced by many factors, ranging from physical or emotional stress to weather conditions. You can use pulse counting if you suspect a blood pressure failure, but only if there are symptoms of pathology, and if possible, use other methods.

Measuring blood pressure using a ruler

Measuring pressure without a tonometer is possible using a simple ruler, sewing needle, (paper clip or gold ring).

For the procedure you will need a needle and thread (7 cm) and a ruler from 20 cm:

  1. We tie a knot on the thread at a distance of 7 cm from the needle.
  2. We determine the pulse on the radial artery and set the ruler to zero at this point.
  3. Having placed the ruler from the pulsation to the elbow bend, we take the prepared thread with the needle in our hands.
  4. Without touching the ruler, you should slowly move the needle towards the elbow. The beginning of the needle swing will indicate the diastolic pressure, and the end will indicate the systolic pressure.
  5. After completing the procedure, we multiply the obtained values ​​by 2 (this will be the blood pressure value).

Instead of a needle, a light nut, a gold ring or a regular metal paper clip are perfect. Grandmothers who use this method say that the reliability of the results obtained is close to 100%. However, people measuring blood pressure in this way for the first time should not hope for the reliability of the data obtained. It is better to monitor your blood pressure with a tonometer.

Are these methods reliable?

Making a diagnosis based on the results obtained by these methods is impossible. The reliability of the results can only be confirmed when measured with a tonometer. However, for hypotensive and hypertensive patients, determining deviations from the norm by pulse or using a ruler can be indicators for adjusting blood pressure. After providing assistance and improving the condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to correct the treatment and monitor the disruption of the cardiovascular network.

Ruthless statistics show that vascular diseases are rapidly becoming younger. The numbers are astounding: every second death in the world is somehow related to hypertension. In the 20th century, progress has stepped far forward, giving people suffering from high blood pressure a huge number of technical means that make it possible to determine blood pressure parameters in a matter of seconds. Despite this, every hypertensive patient should know how to measure blood pressure without a tonometer in order to be able to control the disease in any circumstances. The simplest household items will help you cope with this task.

Is it possible to measure blood pressure without a tonometer?

The answer is clear: yes, it is possible. Having a set of familiar household items on hand and knowing a simple sequence of actions, you can determine your blood pressure with sufficient accuracy. Remember or write down simple techniques for measuring blood pressure at home so that acute manifestations of hypertension do not take you by surprise.

Signs of high blood pressure

If you decide to master the skill of independently measuring blood pressure, you should first find out how deviations from the norm manifest themselves. It is almost impossible to feel an increase in blood pressure with your body alone. To catch this moment, you need to be observant. The following signs may indicate that blood pressure is exceeded:

  • nausea;
  • causeless feeling of anxiety;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • rapid pulse;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • minute darkening in the eyes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • facial redness;
  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath;
  • swelling.

Signs of low blood pressure

Along with high blood pressure, there is the opposite problem, and it is called hypotension. In its specificity, this disease is no less dangerous. Low blood pressure often causes loss of consciousness. If you have been diagnosed with this disease, then learn to identify its manifestations based on your condition. Below is a list of signs indicating low blood pressure:

  • drowsy state;
  • feeling of weakness in the muscles;
  • pain in the back of the head;
  • attention deficit;
  • nausea;
  • weak pulse;
  • deterioration in coordination of movements;
  • feeling of lack of air.

How to determine pressure without a special device

Read on and find out how to measure blood pressure if you don’t have an automatic medical device at hand. The methods described below for measuring blood pressure using improvised means will help you out every day, helping you avoid critical situations. After studying each one, you can choose the most convenient one. Take into account the recommendations of specialists to be able to record changes in blood pressure levels and take appropriate medications in a timely manner.

The question of which hand to measure pressure on is worthy of special attention. Many people think that there is no difference, but this opinion is wrong. Modern medicine claims that even the slightest difference in blood pressure levels on the left and right arm may indicate that a person is at risk of developing serious diseases associated with blood vessels. A difference of several units can lead to irreparable consequences. Regardless of which way you prefer to measure blood pressure, you should always check both hands.

By pulse

A simple and yet effective technique that has become widespread throughout the world. If you know how to measure blood pressure using your pulse, you won’t need any special medical devices at all. The main thing is to learn how to correctly mark time and correctly perform basic mathematical calculations. So, let's find out how to measure blood pressure without a tonometer, using your pulse as a guide.


  1. Take a comfortable position on a chair at the table.
  2. Place a mechanical or electronic wristwatch next to you.
  3. Imagine something pleasant for 2-3 minutes to calm your nervous system.
  4. Gently place the fingers of your left hand on your right wrist. Make sure that the cuffs of clothing do not pinch the blood vessels.
  5. Count the number of beats in a 30-second time interval.
  6. Multiply the result by two to get the number of beats per minute.

A value of 60 indicates that blood pressure is low. Normal values ​​lie within the range of 60-80 beats per minute. If, as a result of calculating the pulse, the result is a value exceeding 80, it means that the pressure is increased. To cast aside doubts about the correctness of the measurements, perform the algorithm of actions again.

Video: how to measure blood pressure without a machine

If you do not fully understand how to find out your blood pressure without a tonometer, watch this video. The video clearly demonstrates the correct procedure for performing actions when measuring blood pressure using improvised means. Qualified specialists will explain how to measure blood pressure correctly. Follow these tips to avoid common mistakes.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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