How to get rid of envy of people? How to get rid of envy: wise advice.

9 238 4 Hello dear readers! Today we will talk about our feeling of envy, which often prevents us from living and moving towards our intended goal. Surely, in the company of peers, when someone shares their successes or new acquisitions or even future ideas, you inadvertently notice that you are offended. It seems to you that he is not worthy of this. That this person gets everything so easily, and you, putting so much effort, get much less. Sound familiar? Then this article is for you.

It is impossible to experience only pleasant feelings. Every feeling you experience carries information, both about those around you and about yourself. It is very important to learn how to correctly perceive unpleasant feelings. So, how to get rid of envy and anger?

1 Rule. In order to get rid of this feeling, first admit to yourself that it exists, become aware of it. Once you realize that you are jealous, look at the situation from the other side. Perhaps this person was sent to you as a guide for your own growth. If you imagine that he earned all this through great effort, hard and long work, you will experience a feeling of respect for him, because if you invest the same amount of effort and energy, you will also get what you want.

There are no absolutely happy and lucky people in the world. The feeling that victories are easy for others is very often false.

2 Rule. Don't let envy overwhelm you. Don't belittle your capabilities and don't extol others. Everyone pursues their own goals in life. Don't chase the goals of others, they may not suit you. Find your own guidelines in life and follow the intended path, as if “others” were not around.

3 Rule. Look at everything from the outside, perhaps you have achieved much more than your friend. Yes, he has a stable job, but he may not be happy in his marriage. And behind five apartments there is a misunderstanding with children, etc.

Of course, if we dig deeper, we will find out that the roots of our envy go deep into childhood. Perhaps you did not receive enough support at an important moment for you from someone close to you. In your first attempts to do something on your own, you heard criticism, which later sowed some self-doubt.

You may also experience feelings of being left out or unloved. But since they didn’t give you enough, it means they gave everything to someone else. Since we don’t know who, most likely someone is more successful than me. This is where envy of others’ success comes from and the feeling that it should belong to me.

4 Rule. To avoid drowning in the abyss of envy, define your own goals and write them down if necessary. Our article will help you with this. By writing something down on paper, you become more aware of what you wrote. Don't deceive yourself, set real plans for yourself. You should not compare yourself with others, it is important to compare yourself yesterday with yourself today. Classmates have long been building careers in law firms and boasting about promotions, and you decided to quit your job and start your own business - you shouldn’t envy them, you are free and independent, and they have certain obligations and a limit beyond which they will not go.

What is important to others may not be important to you.

It will be useful!

If you're suddenly overcome with envy, a simple exercise can help. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself in the place where you felt good or will feel good: in a house on the ocean, at the table of a street cafe in the historical district of Prague, flying on skis from the mountain with your grandmother in the village, or standing on the top of a cliff, or maybe lying in a clearing in a pine forest. forest. Completely immerse yourself in these pleasant sensations and try to fix them, linger in them for a while. Start thinking about the good things you have and the good things you will have.

A bad mood, against this background, is the result of accumulated envy and resentment. Because of this, we begin to make mistakes in our work, forget about our own goals, and doubts arise: “Are we moving in the right direction?” To break out of this circle of envy, cultivate a sense of gratitude for what you have: children, health, freedom, your favorite job. Appreciate what you have and don't envy anymore!

And finally, a video on our topic.

Envy can poison life and deprive you of joy; it has no limits, it is never satisfied. This feeling finds nourishment in everything, even in someone else's misfortune. Do not allow envy to develop; this vice must be eradicated in the bud.

Addiction is a bad feeling. And the worst thing is that it has a detrimental effect only on the one who envies and does not harm the object of envy at all.

So why torture your soul with stupid thoughts? Let's better learn how to stop being envious and get rid of such a vice once and for all.

1. Understand yourself

Often we envy not a person, but his position in society, believing that we ourselves are in no way inferior to this lucky person. To some extent, there is some truth in such thoughts. How often have you thought that “it is me, not he, who deserves more,” because you must admit that you thought so.

But what stopped you from achieving what you wanted? Indeed, you were in equal conditions, but, for example, Evgeniy worked more than you and therefore received a promotion.

Well, by analyzing the cause-and-effect relationship, you can change those bad character traits in yourself that prevent you from achieving what you want. Start fighting your own laziness or indecisiveness and you will see that the appearance of positive bonuses as a salary bonus will not take long to come.

2. Fly in the ointment

Usually the person we envy seems to us to be an ideal in the flesh. Everything about him is good and wonderful. He is praised everywhere. And strangely enough, he is successful in all his endeavors. Although we don’t know for sure whether this is actually true?

After all, we usually only see the tip of the iceberg, the beautiful shell, so to speak, but no one knows what the candy will taste like. Perhaps the barrel of honey has long been spoiled by the proverbial spoon of honey. Agree that we often hear stories that famous people are deeply unhappy, even though they are successful and influential.

It is difficult for them to find love; their loved ones do not understand them and do not support them. Looking at the situation from this angle, you will probably find negative aspects in the life of your target. Perhaps he has other problems, for example, with children, or he is divorcing his wife, or simply due to constant work in front of a computer monitor, this person’s vision is deteriorating?

Think about these things and you will be surprised how your thoughts regarding this person will change. After all, he no longer seems to you like a celestial being, but a completely normal person with his own problems and experiences. Think more often about the fact that everyone has problems that you don’t know about. Try to help people, as if in advance. And where there is mutual assistance and compassion, there is no room for envy.

3. Don’t make yourself an idol

This simple truth has been known since the Bible. But how many manage to follow it? We all constantly compare ourselves to others. We are striving for something. We look up to someone. Willy-nilly, we develop a collective image, a sort of idol, of a better life.

But it has long been known that the best is the enemy of the good. Look at yourself. If you are alive, not sick, have a job and a reliable roof over your head, then you are already happy. Add to this the opportunity to communicate with loved ones and the pleasure of trips to the sea or the countryside.

4. You are a happy person

Try to appreciate what you already have - family, children, work. After all, the constant desire to obtain and conquer more and more amazing goals, to make dreams come true (or simple envy of those who have it all) leaves no time for simply enjoying the moment and life in general.

Reconsider your values. Prioritize by importance. Place the values ​​you already possess as the first item. Spend time with your family and children. It is the immediate joy of each new day for children that can bring tears of tenderness.

But they enjoy every little thing. Learn to see the good things that you have already become the happy owner of. And like, as you know, attracts like, which means that big changes will occur in your life. There will be even more good things in it, simply magical events will begin to happen (the child will bring a 5 in algebra) and there will be no room left for anger and envy.

5. Don’t put your health at risk

Doctors have long proven that emotions can influence our health no worse than viruses and infections. It is logical that positive emotions, such as joy and cheerful laughter, can heal.

This means then, negative emotions, for example, anger, resentment and envy can cause illness. Remember this rule every time a seed of envy sprouts in your soul. Immediately switch your mind to something good.

Think about how expensive it is to get treatment these days. One trip to the doctor often costs a pretty penny. And it is not always possible to make the correct diagnosis in time. And another plus to this is poor health and bad mood. Agree that these are not the most pleasant symptoms.

It’s better to spend that money on a family vacation, for example, on the seashore in Turkey, than on buying pills, isn’t it? Is it true! So, drive away envy with a filthy broom, we are fine without it.

Yes, by the way, try to lead a healthy lifestyle (don’t smoke or drink) and be sure to play sports (even just get into the habit of walking before bed). After all, the whole point is that during such activities and physical activity a hormone is produced that is responsible for a joyful mood. It is also called the hormone of happiness.

The envy of other people breaks through the energy field and creates problems in the material world. Today we will learn about practices to avoid these consequences.

As a rule, the cause of envy and negative attitudes of others is caused by a set of personal qualities of a person. Pride and ambition always attract the attention and hatred of ill-wishers. If those around you are hostile, your energy shell is deformed, then breakdowns occur, which leads to painful conditions and financial losses. Negative information and thoughts take up a lot of energy and destroy the field of success. When several people treat you with hostility, your energy weakens, and unpleasant situations are attracted like a magnet.

How to protect yourself from the negative impact of envious people

Many religious teachings use the practice of forgiveness, and offense is generally considered sinful. But for our consciousness it is not always easy to forgive the offender and treat our enemies with love. On the other hand, resentment and hatred provoke ill-wishers to much worse actions and actions. The most effective way to protect yourself from enemies and envious people is to strengthen your spiritual strength and create a protective shell for your biofield. It is very important to avoid despondency and learn to control your emotions. Our energy field is defenseless when we are at the peak of any emotion. Energy vampires, for example, try to provoke conflict and cause irritation or aggression in order to gain vitality. If you remain in a calm and peaceful state, your subtle fields maintain a harmonious structure.

Protection in direct contact with an ill-wisher

You can use the technique of returning negative energy during direct contact with an ill-wisher. At this moment it is worth saying out loud or mentally: “Take away your evil, give away my strength and luck.” You cannot turn your back on a person who is hostile. In such a situation, an “afterbirth” occurs, which attracts trouble. The mechanism of this influence is that when you walk, your ill-wisher sends you negative attitudes that penetrate the biofield and begin to work. Always try to protect yourself from such influence and not allow the enemy to look at your back.

Daily morning technique for protecting yourself from external negativity

In order to create energetic protection, you need to strengthen your energy shell every day for forty days using one of the ancient practices. Every morning before you get out of bed, you need to create an energetic protective cocoon. To do this, take twelve deep and even breaths. Feel all parts of your body: starting from the tips of your toes and ending with the head area. Imagine a warm red ball forming in the abdominal area. This ball begins to rotate clockwise and becomes brighter and warmer. This ball then turns into a ball of thread. You wind this thread clockwise, starting from the legs and ending at the crown area. Then you take 7 inhalations and exhalations, imagining how the energy as you inhale fills your spine with warmth. As you exhale, try to feel cool and light. After this, repeat winding the thread, but counterclockwise, starting from the crown and ending with the tips of the toes. Then place your right hand on your navel and your left hand on your forehead. Try to feel calm and peaceful by tracking the movement of energy flows in the body. After this, take twelve even breaths. This practice restores energy and creates a protective shell. By performing it for forty days, you will be able to protect yourself from the energy holes of envious people and ill-wishers.

Evening cleansing of negative energy

To remove negative energy in the evening, you can use charged water. To do this, take a glass of clean water, preferably spring water. Place the glass between your palms, mentally imagining how this water is filled with radiant light and vitality, send positive thoughts and attitudes. After this practice, drink water in small sips, imagining how water, entering the body, penetrates every cell of the body and dissolves all accumulated negativity. Every day, each of us washes our face, brushes our teeth and performs a number of necessary procedures. But not everyone works with their subtle energy and cleanses their biofield. By performing the suggested practices regularly, you can create protection from envious people and negative attitudes of hostile people.

A friend bought an apartment and you envy him? Come to us, we know how to get rid of envy! Let’s kill this black feeling in ourselves and enjoy life!

Hello, my dear readers of the site Diary of Success!

Let's talk about human envy and how this you can get rid of envy!

No matter what a person envies, he will receive nothing except bitterness, humiliation and self-destruction.

The power of this feeling is capable of destroying a human life, regardless of the subject of envy.

And discussions about black and white, good and bad envy are nothing more than a myth.

This feeling has only one meaning - it fills the soul with bile and we cannot!

If a person cannot admit envy even to himself, he automatically falls into its trap.

Recognition makes it easier to work on yourself and brings liberation from this poisonous emotion.

To reveal envy in yourself, and then get rid of envy- You need to listen carefully to yourself and your feelings.

Envy has many masks; it can be jealousy, admiration or severe rejection of someone.

What are the real reasons for envy and how to get rid of envy?

    Stop comparing yourself to others!

    Just think, why do envious people compare each other?

    But because I want to find someone like myself in order to calm down and continue to do nothing!

    For example: “I don’t have my own apartment...But there’s a whole crowd of people like me - and everyone somehow lives without their own home! Therefore, I’m not the only one, which means everything is ok!”

    But as soon as the envious person sees his own peer, who earned his own money for personal housing with his own labor, everything immediately changes the other way around...

    An envious person loses his mood, some worm gnaws at him inside, he becomes covered in blackness and he can’t get it out of his head that someone is better and more successful than him!

    He begins to come up with some incomprehensible stories for himself (such as that his peers were helped by his parents, or he sells drugs, or he is a thief - that’s why he was able to buy a house) just to calm down!

    But in fact, what prevents an envious person from achieving success is passivity!

    You need to listen to others less!

    Just imagine, a girl lives: she works, helps the elderly, develops, goes to training to improve her personal growth.

    And then everyone agreed and began to torment her with the same question: “Like, why are you still not married? They’ve been supporting you for years!”...

    After a while, this girl begins to want to get married, at least it’s ingrained in her subconscious that she needs to get married quickly, otherwise it’s somehow awkward in front of others!

    And then, without realizing it, she begins to envy her friends who are already married...

    And now we need to turn on rehabilitation for this girl so that she can start as soon as possible get rid of envy!

    Just like that, with nothing, you can create envy!

    Not knowing your real desires!

    From childhood, our parents taught us that we need to study with straight A's, after which we need to get a prestigious job: as a lawyer, economist, lawyer, but in no case as a dancer or poet; earning a lot of money, not living in poverty, going to Cyprus is prestigious, but relaxing in a dacha near the river is shameful; have your own car, since they travel on public transport alone!

    From all this it emerges that we unconsciously begin to envy successful people, those who have: cars, apartments, who go on vacation abroad 5 times in 1 year...

    Think about can be truly happy at your own dacha: lie down in a hammock, take your favorite book, spread a sandwich with apricot jam - and LAFA!

    After all, this is also true pleasure, you just need to be able to discern it!

“There is not a single vice that is so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only upset themselves, but also darken the joy of others.”
R. Descartes

    What do you get true pleasure from? Think about it!

    First, try to find yourself, feel what activity gives you pleasure - concentrate on it!

    Then you will completely occupy yourself with creating your own happy life, and you will not even remember such a bad word as envy!

    Eliminate envious people from your environment!

    These people will constantly try to put pressure on you and make you turn away from the right path, they will pull you along with them, telling you that someone has something better!

    Try to communicate with those who will persistently strive for something, who will support you.

    And if you do everything correctly, your envious friends will disappear on their own!

    Increase your self-esteem!

    To stop envying someone’s appearance and accompanying success, it is necessary first of all in your own eyes.

    By taking care of one's own appearance and beauty and improving one's style, manners, and ability to present oneself, a person will begin to believe in his own attractiveness and irresistibility!

    In the soul of a self-confident person there is simply no room left for bitter and malicious envy.

    She will leave the soul forever!

    What are you jealous of? The material benefits of others?

    Material wealth and position in society are very popular objects of envy.

    Anyone who envies this should think about what is hidden behind the façade of this general well-being.

    As a rule, this is hard work and long hours, to which personal life, time, strength and health are sacrificed.

    If you're lucky, things can also be far from rosy.

    Lucky people always have weak points that are not affected by luck.

    Transform your envy into purpose!

    Envy can be transformed into a goal.

    The desire to achieve this goal should be based on clearly defined tasks and systematic actions to implement them.

    And heavy sighs, irritated glances and bilious attacks against a more successful person must be forgotten for the sake of the success of the goal.

    Appreciate what you have!

    If a person is not able to appreciate what he has, his appearance and inner world, if he cannot imagine life without luxurious apartments, beautiful companions, dinners in expensive restaurants or adoring fans, he definitely cannot be happy!

    Such a person lives by self-deception.

    He believes that he will get satisfaction from life if he gets what others have.

    As a rule, this type of people, even having received what they want, finds the next object for lust, and therefore for envy.

    It’s worth thinking about whether all this is necessary, because everyone has their own style and needs.

    Perhaps a person is not satisfied with his own inner world, but the other one has a better attitude towards life.

    Then you should think about your character.

    Depending on it, a person is able or not to experience happiness, but beauty, fame and wealth have nothing to do with it.

    And this is a scientific fact.

    If we take this statement as the basis of our life’s credo, then a person will be at the crossroads of his desires until the end of his days.

    He will spend his life comparing himself with someone, his life with someone else, he will exhaust himself with constant dissatisfaction, envy and anger.

How to get rid of envy and anger: recommendations from a psychologist. How to stop being jealous of people, friend.

In my previous article, I defined envy, explained its causes, and talked about what envy can lead to if it is not controlled and reduced. In this article, I will give recommendations that will help you control envy of other people and reduce its negative impact on your life. I will also say a few words about what to do if you are envied, how to overcome hostility and condemnation from others.

First of all, it is worth accepting the fact that Each of us experiences envy from time to time. towards another person, this is a natural feeling and should not be ashamed of it. Despite the fact that envy is condemned by both society and religion, this feeling is inherent in all people, especially those who most zealously condemn others for feelings of envy. We cannot tolerate in others what we do not accept in ourselves.

“All that glitters is not gold,” or another person’s life may not be as good as we think. Social networks give people the opportunity to create the desired image of themselves and present a beautiful picture of their own life. Looking through the news feed of our friends, we sometimes catch ourselves thinking that we compare our achievements and successes, our partner, standard of living and well-being with what our surroundings show us in their photographs and posts. Sometimes someone else’s life seems almost ideal to us, so alluring and desirable, that we plunge into a viscous feeling of envy and slide into dissatisfaction with our own lives. It is worth remembering that the vast majority of people put on public display only the best moments of their lives, triumphs, which are often exaggerated, the most successful photos. No one wants to show their failures, problems and difficulties, which to one degree or another are always present in the lives of each of us.

Often we idealize what the object of our envy has , be it a partner, financial well-being, lifestyle or appearance. It seems to us that he got all this easily, that he was just lucky. In addition, we do not think about the pitfalls of possessing the value that we envy, about how the object of our envy actually got it. Do you want the same slim figure as your friend? Are you ready to go to the gym and pool 2-3 times a week, lead a healthy lifestyle, give up unhealthy foods, including your favorite cakes and chocolate? Or maybe you are jealous of a colleague who was recently promoted? In this case, ask yourself, are you ready to fulfill her duties, to bear the responsibility that this position implies?

There is a wonderful parable about envy.

The clerk, leaving the office, looked at the emperor's palace with its sparkling domes, and thought: “What a pity that I was not born into a royal family, life could be full of pleasures, I would do what I want and live as I please! ” And he walked towards the center of the city, from where the rhythmic knocking of a hammer and loud screams could be heard.

These workers were building a new building right on the square. One of them saw a clerk and thought: “Oh, why didn’t I go to study, as my father told me, I could now do not do hard work, but rewrite texts, and life would be so easy, carefree and joyful.”

And at this time the emperor approached the huge bright window in his palace and looked at the square. He saw workers, clerks, salesmen, buyers, children and adults, and thought how nice it must be to be in the fresh air all day, doing manual labor or working for someone and not thinking about politics at all, not marrying calculation, do whatever you want, not be afraid of assassination attempts and other accompanying high status. “What a simple and happy life my subjects must have,” he thought sadly.

Developing mindfulness helps you cope with your envy. , which I wrote about in the articles:

If you are aware of what and why you are doing at each moment in time, you are able to control it. When you look through photos of your friends and acquaintances, or when a friend enthusiastically talks about her next trip, or about her wonderful relationship with her husband, stop and realize what is happening to you now. How do you feel? What emotions are you experiencing? What thoughts come to mind? If you realize that you are jealous now, use this feeling to your advantage. Think of your envy as an indicator of dissatisfaction. What area of ​​your life needs change? In addition, it can be useful to ask yourself, do I really want what I currently envy? What is the price of owning this value and am I willing to pay it?

Developing gratitude helps reduce the negative impact of envy . Learn to appreciate what you have today. Having achieved success, we quickly forget about it, getting carried away by new goals and new projects. Don't devalue what you have achieved in your life, remember the effort you put into it and what you went through. At least once a day, say “thank you” to yourself and the world for what you have, for those people who are nearby, for the knowledge and skills that you possess, for the well-being that you have. Remember, millions of people living on Earth do not have half of what you have, many of them are struggling to survive and dream of the simple pleasures of life. Be grateful for where you are now, set bold goals and take steps to achieve them!

If you are envied and judged for your achievements, if someone spreads gossip about your life, makes caustic remarks, criticizes your appearance or personality in general, just remember and smile back at these people. Understanding and empathy help to overcome the negative attitude of others who see this world differently and your life seems to them a little different from what it really is.

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