How to get rid of a cold. How to quickly get rid of a cold at home? Best Recipes

As soon as we feel that we are starting to get sick, we immediately want to quickly recover from a cold. And this is natural, since no one wants to get sick, and there is no time for illness. Unfortunately, even the wisest pensioner may not know how to properly cure a cold what to do and what not to do under any circumstances.

Today we will look at the main signs of a cold, where to start treating a cold and what helps against a cold. I propose to start with current mistakes that are so often made not only by young people, but also by adults.

Now I will tell you how not to treat a cold and how to make recovery not only quick, but also enjoyable. Errors that occur most often:

  • The first mistake. Houses and walls heal

Curing a cold at home seems like a fun activity. Even though the temperature has been high for two weeks, you still need to sit and wait for recovery. Herbs – good doctor, if you take them not the way you want, but the way you need. Consult with healers or your grandmother - these are the people who probably know more about herbs than the new generation. Try to do your best at home. But if signs of illness and fever do not go away for more than three days, go to the hospital.

  • Error two. More the better

If you are sure that a wide variety of medications will help quickly cure a cold, you are not at all on the right track. Some drug interactions can be strictly prohibited and the results can be disastrous. If you are going to combine the use of several medications, be sure to study the instructions for each active drug.

  • Error three. Feed the wolf's feet

Feet feed not only wolves, but also diseases. It is easier to cure a cold when your body is in calm state rather than in constant motion. When a cold comes to you, the body weakens for a short time, since the immune system tries to cope with the virus itself, so it spends large number energy that needs to be replenished. If you are constantly on your feet during such a difficult period for the body, quick recovery you don't have to wait.

  • Error four. Do you also take antibiotics at the first sign of a cold?

People who want it fast cure a cold , neglected general condition body. The body is a house in which it should be clean, tidy, fresh and everything in place. Now imagine that a thief has broken into this house and is trying to take away only the blinds from the kitchen. You want to kill the thief, causing harm to your home. For example, with murder you will destroy half the kitchen and the entire living room. This is very figurative, but such a comparison makes it clear that antibiotics should only be taken in extreme cases. After all, antibiotics do not act locally, but throughout the body. In particular, on the intestines, stomach, liver and kidneys. The common cold is treated with tablets, powders and tea. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

The most active drugs, which will help you quickly recover from a cold, are near you. I will present to your attention the current products and medications that you should take first as soon as you are planning to treat a cold.

Foods to take when you have a cold:

  1. lemon, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. In general, all citrus fruits should be added to the diet as soon as you realize that you have a cold. And in general, vitamin C should be taken not only during a cold, but throughout the year.
  2. ginger. Add ginger pieces to salad, soup and tea. The most effective influence Ginger has this effect when brewed with tea. Ginger will disperse blood throughout the body, which will provoke a quick recovery.
  3. honey. Honey will help you cure a cold with a bang. Honey is the first assistant for coughs and sore throats. And this is not surprising, because both children and adults love it for its sweet taste and usefulness.

Stay home. To quickly cure a cold, try to spend as much time as possible sleeping and bed rest. If your work is busy and you need to keep in touch, do so, only at home. Now it is no longer a problem to work remotely. If you borrow leadership position– entrust your affairs to your deputy and stay online to manage the situation. If you are not the boss yet, take sick leave. Health is always more important than any job.

Who wouldn't want to cure a cold at home? I think each of us first tries to recover at home, and only then goes to the doctor. Or it doesn’t work, depending on your luck. It’s easier to treat a cold at home, because everything is with you. So, what can you do to cure a cold without leaving home?

Inhalations. Any kind of thermal effect on respiratory system welcome. Possible options inhalations are a dime a dozen. I will only tell you about those that will help you cure your cold quickly.

  • Inhalation No. 1. Potato.

Potato decoction, or rather steam, helps cure colds at home. To do this, take 3 medium potatoes, add water and cook for 15 minutes. After that, open the lid of the pan and pour out the remaining water - you won’t need it. Then sit in comfortable position over the potatoes and cover your head tightly (so that there are no gaps) with a towel. You must take at least 70 breaths. For inhalation effectiveness, you can add flavored oil. It's better to add orange oil or juniper.

  • Inhalation No. 2. Mustard.

Boil water and add a tablespoon of mustard. Also make yourself a “house” above your head and breathe deeply. Only the number of inhalations and exhalations should be no more than 50, since it is easy to burn the mucous membrane with mustard.

  • Inhalation No. 3. Garlic.

Garlic inhalation will help treat colds. Take the sprig that holds the garlic clove, dry it and light it carefully. Inhale and exhale this smoke that the garlic will release. Take about 30 breaths.

To cure a cold at home in one day, stay home that day. Or better yet, in your room and on your bed. Don't do anything on this day. You don't even have to make your bed. Take a day off from everything, from your ordinary life. The house will help get rid of colds.

  1. Parte body. Draw in the bath hot water, add flavored oil, cinnamon and orange peels. You can also add bubble bath, but without strong smell. Any chemical exposure to the airways can have a negative effect and cause your body to become stuck in the middle of recovery.
  2. Desk legs. Fill a bowl with hot water and place a kettle with the same amount next to you. hot water. For effectiveness, you can add a spoonful of mustard. As soon as you feel that the water has begun to cool, add hot water from the kettle. Sit like this for at least 20 minutes. Caution - if you have a high temperature, steaming of any kind is prohibited!

An equally effective process that will help cure a cold at home is gargling. If you do not pay attention to redness and wheezing in the throat in time, this can develop not only into a cough, but also into bronchitis and so on. The most important thing is to remove viruses from the entire body at once. So to speak, strike all affected areas of the body.

You need to treat a cold not only with home remedies, but also with pharmaceutical ones. If you to useful products nutrition (fresh vegetables and fruits, self-prepared compotes and broths) add powdered teas and antiviral tablets, the disease will subside in a matter of hours.

To cure a cold in one day, add sleep to all aspects of treatment (home and medication). Good sleep After delicious tea and steaming the whole body or legs, it will give you vigor and health. So, don't be lazy and do your best on the first day. Never delay to such an extent that you cannot do without a hospital.

Let's be honest: quickly curing a cold does not mean forgetting about it forever. The fact is that quick, safe treatment of a lingering cold will harm the entire body even more than the cold itself. Firstly, never sit at home until the last minute, until it gets really bad. If you know that you cannot treat a cold at home, immediately call the doctor treating you at home. Or contact your nearest clinic.

Secondly, if you are allergic to certain substances, under no circumstances buy medications for treatment yourself. Be sure to consult your doctor. Doctors, as a rule, know more about the composition of medications and will be able to prescribe the correct treatment for you.

So that you can get rid of a cold relatively quickly, time the time you take your pills and tea. Take the tablets strictly according to the schedule, and drink the tea once every hour. This is how you deal the absolute blow to your illness.

What an adult can take for a cold is not always allowed for children. Yes, everyone known drugs for the treatment of children over 12 years of age, they have their own analogues for children. For example, in preparations for adults it is used more paracetamol, which is not suitable for children.

Hit with vitamins. How can you cure a cold in a child without harming the baby? The best thing, of course, is all home remedies. It’s a good idea to make teas from raspberry, blueberry and currant jam. You can add a thin slice of fresh lemon to this tea. This collection is an excellent combination of vitamin C, which is so necessary for colds.

Useful amulet. Buy your child a Kinder surprise to cheer him up and take a yellow box for a future amulet. Place a few chopped garlic cloves in it. Make two holes opposite each other in the yellow box, thread it and hang it on the child. The child will find it both interesting and useful - he won’t even notice how he will breathe in the garlic smell, which will help quickly cure a child’s cold.

Fresh air can treat colds in children. One hundred percent information, which, by the way, also applies to adults. The air that accumulates in the room where you stay during illness is saturated with viruses and germs. By inhaling them, they remain in the child’s body, which negatively affects the immune system. Ventilate the room in the morning and before bed for 20-30 minutes in warm seasons and 10 minutes in frosty seasons and rest assured about your baby’s health.

Milk will help cure colds quickly. You can drink it both at night and throughout the day. To make milk medicinal, bring it to a boil, add fat (butter will do) and sugar. Also, when the milk has cooled, you can add a little honey. You need to drink this solution before you are going to lie in bed for two hours. If you are going to run to the pharmacy for medications, postpone the appointment warm milk for later.

Wine as a first aid for colds. Warm wine helps cure a cold in one evening. When you first feel that you are starting to get sick, immediately warm up the red wine. I advise you not to waste money and not buy cheap wine, since powder is not what you need now. Mulled wine is the first drink taken when you have a cold. There are many recipes delicious cooking. I will share some of them, the most delicious ones, with you right now.

  • Coffee mulled wine. For 6 servings: 2 cups of espresso, a third of a glass of cognac or brandy, a glass of sugar and half a liter of red wine. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and place over low heat. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove.
  • Mulled wine with orange. One orange, a carton of orange juice, a bottle of red wine, a glass of sugar. This is a very vitamin and sugar-rich drink that will help you perk up. By the way, I didn’t add orange juice and I liked it better. I think this is due to the increased acid concentration found in juices.
  • Mulled wine "Christmas". Based on the name, you might think that this is an exclusively festive drink. Not at all, on the contrary, this is the most healthy and fortified cocktail. Why - you will now understand for yourself.

Ingredients: 300 ml. water, 300 ml. red wine, cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey, half a glass of sugar, two apples, two oranges, half a grapefruit, star anise, cloves, black tea and hibiscus - a tablespoon each.

You need to start with water. It needs to be brought to a boil, add fruit. Immediately turn the heat down, pour in the wine and add the spices. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove the pan from the stove. Let the mulled wine brew for about ten minutes, after which you can enjoy the excellent taste of the drink.

If you like soft drinks, replace the wine with pomegranate or cherry juice. But remember that blood-boosting wine will help quickly cure a cold.

To quickly get rid of a cold, take everything you need, except people. People can serve as carriers of infection and unnecessary viruses without knowing it. When hosting people as a guest, tie yourself gauze bandage and offer to purchase the same headband for your guest. This way, you will protect both yourself and your friend from a viral infection.

To cure a cold, take vitamins. Ask at the pharmacy effective complex a vitamin that will strengthen your immune system and help the body cope with the disease faster.

  1. Silvered. Oddly enough, silverware helps get rid of colds. Silver kills germs – fact. You can use silver everywhere. For example, sit down to eat soup - eat the soup with a silver spoon. Stir tea with a silver spoon, and eat salads with a silver fork. If possible, purchase a silver knife to cut food with. Be careful: citrus fruits cannot be cut with a silver knife - oxidation occurs and the silver will not be able to kill microbes. By the way, silver can turn black due to the influence of acid.
  2. Mustard plasters and ointments. Ointments smell unpleasant, but they have an effect and help treat colds. So, if you are not going to work tomorrow, apply chest, feet, area behind the ears and wings of the nose with warming ointment. The ointment can be mixed with a few drops flavored oil. Place mustard plasters overnight if you do not have a fever. They will help get rid of cough and wheezing in the throat.
  3. Nasal rinsing. A runny nose is the “first friend” of a cold. He always comes with her. To make a runny nose go away quickly, rinse your nose with a solution or regular warm water. Make a solution from soda and salt (half a teaspoon of soda + a teaspoon of salt per glass warm water). This kind of solution will clean your nose well. After this procedure, wait 30 minutes and apply drops or spray to your nose.
  4. Gargle. Gargle with the same solution throughout the day. Especially remember to rinse before and after meals. Before eating, you need to rinse so that the viruses that are in the food do not get inside. oral cavity. After eating, you need to gargle to clear your sore throat of food debris.

Water rescuer. If you want to cure a cold at home, don't forget about plain...water! Water is the source healthy life. Best to drink melt water. When you drink water, always think about pleasant things and say to yourself “I’m healthy, I’m the best.” healthy person" This is not self-deception, but self-suggestion, that in lately practiced in all seminars and lectures around the world.

Warm yourself up. Don't let your body freeze. Constantly monitor the air temperature in the room where you are. The body is weak and sensitive to any kind of changes in the air. If you get even a little cold, your cold may come back.

My voice has disappeared. A common occurrence during colds, which for some reason frightens patients. Vocal cords weaken with the mildest illness. The tonsils may become inflamed and become larger - do not be alarmed, this is the body’s reaction to a viral infection. Wear a warm scarf not only outside, but also in your apartment. Don't neglect the hat. The hat will protect your ears and head from the cold wind.

In this article we looked at the most effective methods complex treatment, we looked at all the mistakes that people so often make, which hinders the full speedy recovery. The most important rule for any disease: do not lose heart. All illnesses go away.

It is very important to remain calm and sober. Don't forget that more important than health nothing happens, especially work. If you cannot work at full capacity now, work at ten percent. During a cold, the body spends energy fighting the virus. So, take a rest and get better!

Discomfort in the throat, cough, runny nose, fever... A cold creeps up unnoticed and strikes suddenly. It’s especially disappointing if the illness started the day before important event: a long-awaited vacation, a loved one’s birthday or an important interview. What to do? How to get rid of a cold as quickly as possible?

How to get rid of a cold quickly

Hide symptoms

If you need to be at your best tomorrow, but your snot is flowing like a river and your head is pounding, you should take a medicine that fights the symptoms of a cold. Similar drugs so many:

  • Flukold;
  • Coldflu;
  • Theraflu;
  • Anvimax;
  • Fervex;
  • Coldrex, etc.

Any pharmacy will be able to recommend a similar remedy. But you should be aware that such medicines do not fight colds, but only temporarily eliminate symptoms: cough, headache, runny nose, fever. Typically, these drugs can be taken for no more than a few days at a time.

Eat, wash, sleep

A cold goes away much faster if you carry it not on your feet, but while in a warm bed. It is advisable to take out sick leave and distance yourself from work, school, and household chores as much as possible. Free time should be devoted to getting enough sleep. Complete rest It will add strength to the body to fight the cold, and the patient will very soon feel better. You need to sleep in a ventilated, but not cold, room.

It is also important to eat foods that enhance the body's ability to fight colds. The “sick person’s diet” should include:

  • lemon. A “classic” cold remedy thanks to the vitamin C it contains. Tea with lemon, warm lemonade, boiled water with a slice of lemon - excellent drinks during illness. You can add honey to them to taste;
  • chicken broth. It has been found that this dish accelerates the removal of mucus from the nose, thereby reducing swelling and clearing the airways. Vegetarians can limit themselves to lean vegetable broth: it is easily digested and gives the body strength;
  • ginger. It removes toxins and eliminates inflammatory processes. It is beneficial to drink a drink prepared as follows: 1.5 tsp. add finely grated ginger to boiling water, wait 5 minutes, pour the resulting infusion into a glass. If desired, add a slice of lemon or orange, honey, cumin. The ginger drink has a unique taste, so you should drink it a little at a time;
  • garlic. It perfectly fights viruses, which makes it indispensable during illness. Garlic speeds up recovery due to its bactericidal properties;
  • Orange juice. It is advisable to give preference to freshly squeezed juice rather than store-bought juice in a cardboard box. Orange is rich in vitamin C and helps relieve cold symptoms;
  • herbal tea. Mint, chamomile, sage - these medicinal herbs are excellent at fighting the disease. Need to replace regular black or green tea for herbal decoction: it is both healthy and tasty. To enhance the effect, you can add honey or lemon to the drink;
  • honey. His healing properties no one doubts it. Honey has a diaphoretic effect on the body, which helps remove toxins through the pores of the skin. Also, consuming honey strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to colds. It is enough to stir 1-2 tsp. honey in a glass of warm water and drink as needed.

A sick person should give preference to boiled or stewed dishes. It is necessary to avoid fried, spicy, salty foods: they only irritate the already inflamed mucous membranes. Also, someone with a cold should drink a little more fluid than usual. This will help remove bacterial and viral waste from the body more quickly, thereby reducing the treatment period. But you should not drink forcefully: too much liquid will increase the load on the kidneys, which are already somewhat weakened during a cold.

Many people with a cold mistakenly believe that they should not wash during illness, so as not to aggravate their condition. This is fundamentally wrong: water washes away toxins released through the pores from the skin, preventing them from being absorbed back. Sometimes an invigorating shower is enough to make the illness go away.

Home physiotherapy treatments

The disease will quickly recede if you influence the biological active points located on the face. The massage is performed as follows:

  1. Use your index fingers to make circular movements, massaging the wings of your nose.
  2. With light pressure, stroke the skin under the lower eyelid.
  3. Use your fingertips to massage the center of your forehead, gradually moving your hands to your temples.
  4. Rub your chin intensively with your palms.

During a cold, massage should be performed at least 4 times a day. Average duration procedures – 15 min.

After completing the massage, you should do inhalation. It is necessary to prepare a decoction from medicinal herbs, such as mint and eucalyptus. Add a few drops of natural essential oils: cloves, lavender or lemon. Then you need to cover your head with a towel and bend over to the bowl with the broth. You should inhale the steam slowly for 5 to 15 minutes. depending on how you feel.

Also, we must not forget about the “standard” set of procedures against colds, such as:

  • gargling with a soda solution or herbal infusion;
  • rinsing the nose with saline solution;
  • steaming your feet in a bath with mustard powder added.

It is advisable to combine several methods of fighting a cold: then you can get rid of it in 1-3 days, depending on the severity.

Cold prevention

To avoid getting sick, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. In the cold season, before leaving the house, lubricate your nose with baby cream. Its fatty base will retain viruses and prevent them from penetrating into the body. You can also use oxaline ointment.
  2. Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands in mandatory It is necessary before each meal, after communicating with a cold person or returning from the street.
  3. Ventilate the room regularly. It is advisable to open the window in the morning and evening for 15-30 minutes. depending on the weather, and also hourly for 2-5 minutes. throughout the day. This is especially true for rooms where several people are present at the same time.
  4. If it is impossible to avoid contact with infected people, you should chew a small peeled piece of ginger from time to time.
  5. Take in the morning contrast shower. Upon returning home from work, shopping, etc. public places Be sure to rinse your body with warm water.
  6. During the period when colds are especially “popular,” rinse the nasal mucosa several times a day with saline solution.
  7. Before drinking tea or coffee at work, rinse the cup with boiling water to kill the viruses that have settled there.
  8. Increase disease resistance with proper nutrition. You need to include more fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, and herbs in your menu. Garlic and everything that contains vitamin C are especially useful: oranges, cabbage, spinach, kiwi, celery, tomatoes, raspberries, parsley.
  9. Drink “anti-cold” teas. One of good recipes: add 0.5 tsp to 0.5 liters of boiling water. finely grated or chopped ginger, 1 cinnamon stick, 7 pcs. carnations, 8 pcs. cardamom After 5 min. add 200 ml of milk to the drink. Wait until it boils and turn off the heat. This drink is good to drink every night before bed.

The cold is familiar to every person, so many people do not pay attention to it at all. And in vain. After all running cough and a runny nose can develop into something more serious. So, having sensed the first signs of the disease, you should immediately begin to cure it. After all, at first it is much easier to do this than when the viruses become firmly entrenched in the body. Be healthy!


Hello, my dear readers! The calendar says autumn, which means rainy and cold weather promotes the development of various colds upper respiratory tract. A cold is something that disrupts our plans, so we want to get rid of its symptoms as quickly as possible and return to our usual activities as soon as possible. Folk remedies that can be used at home will help with this.

I offer you recipes that I found in old health magazines. These inexpensive remedies will help you quickly get rid of a cold. Important condition effective treatment - it should be started immediately at the first signs of the disease.

First, it should be noted that there are about a hundred different viral infections that we used to call colds.

Acute respiratory viral infection(ARVI) - a group of clinically and morphologically similar acute inflammatory diseases respiratory organs, the causative agents of which are pneumotropic viruses. ARVI is the most common group of diseases in the world, combining influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial, rhinovirus and adenoviral infection and other catarrhal inflammations of the upper respiratory tract. In development viral disease may be complicated by bacterial infection.

These infections are very different clinically. I have already written about how ARVI and influenza differ, read. Let me briefly say that with the flu, the symptoms of intoxication come to the fore - headache and muscle pain, severe weakness, body aches, high temperature, which may later be accompanied by a cough and runny nose. And the signs of ARVI are a runny nose, cough, sore throat, the temperature may not be high or may not be there at all, the symptoms of intoxication are mild.

Infection with all infections occurs mainly by airborne droplets Incubation period lasts from several hours to 3-5 days.

Colds - how to cure them quickly

Once I held a competition on my blog “”. To my surprise and joy, readers sent many recipes to the competition that they effectively used in their practice. In addition to the tips in this article, I advise you to read the treatment recipes from this competition.

As I already noted, the first signs of a cold are malaise, runny nose, sore throat, slight fever. Therefore, at these first signs, we quickly begin treatment. What does traditional medicine offer?


At the first signs, the patient must be isolated from others, especially from small children and pregnant women. Since infection occurs through airborne droplets (the pathogen is released when talking, sneezing, coughing), it is rational to wear a mask to prevent infection of other family members.

To destroy already “flying” viruses, use phytoncides of onion or garlic, which can be cut, placed on plates and placed in rooms. Ventilate the room more often.


Lack of appetite is normal defensive reaction body, so if the patient refuses food, do not force him. will only do good. On these days it is necessary:

  • cleanse the intestines (take infusion of hay, buckthorn, steelweed, castor oil);
  • Drink more fluids: at least 1.5 liters of water per day will be beneficial cranberry juice or lingonberry juice with honey, herbal tea with honey, tea with raspberry jam, birch sap.

Traditional recipes for treating colds

Garlic drops

As soon as the first signs of a cold appear, inhale a couple of fresh onions or garlic several times a day.

Or make garlic drops. To do this, pour 100 g of crushed garlic into 1 glass of vodka and shake well. Let it sit for a day, and then drop 2-3 drops directly onto your tongue and then spread the medicine over the entire surface of your mouth with your tongue. Then swallow. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for 3-4 days.

Sandwich paste

Grate 100 g cheese on a fine grater, mix with 100 g softened butter, finely chopped parsley, chopped 4 cloves of garlic and 10 nut kernels. Mix everything thoroughly.

Spread the paste on bread and eat during your meal. Don't worry: there will be no garlic smell; the parsley will neutralize it.

Cough remedies

  1. Take 3 bay leaves, 3 black peppercorns and 3 cloves. Brew them with 0.5 liters of boiling water, let them brew and drink 2-3 sips at a time.
  2. Recipe from Vanga. Boil together 1 unpeeled potato, 1 onion and 1 apple in a liter of water. Drink the decoction 2 times a day during the illness.
  3. Take 2 aspirin tablets and 2 teaspoons of honey, mix until smooth. Place the resulting pulp on the bronchi area, cover in a plastic bag or cling film and wrap it in something warm and leave it overnight. This method will help get rid of cough for both children and adults; the cough will disappear very quickly.
  4. Your throat begins to scratch and a dry cough torments you - chew a dill seed and everything will go away!

For sore throat

  • At the first signs of a sore throat, gargle several times a day with a solution of soda (1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water), and then with a solution of furacillin with the addition of alcohol tincture calendula. The next day you will no longer feel signs of a sore throat.
  • If you missed the first signs, then additionally gargle with garlic tincture (mix 100 g of grated garlic with any antiseptic tincture and 100 g of water), sage tincture (1 glass of boiling water with 1 tablespoon of sage), beet juice, collanchoe juice.
  • As soon as your throat gets sore, immediately chew one clove and then spit it out. It helps with sore throat, runny nose and cough. You can chew it constantly, cloves destroy germs.

With a runny nose

  • If you have a runny nose, pour dry mustard into your socks at night. Place mustard plasters on your calves and heels, bandaging them tightly.
  • If the child does not have allergies, then mix honey and aloe juice. Twist a cotton swab, dip it in the resulting paste and insert it into one nostril. After 5 minutes, remove this flagellum, and insert another flagellum moistened with the mixture into the other nostril. The authors of this recipe call this treatment “walrus”. This makes the child laugh and he pretends to be a walrus, thus the child comes to terms with the need to walk with one nostril that is already difficult to breathe.

The simplest inhalations at home

1st method. Apply 3 drops of fir, eucalyptus or sage essential oil to the fan blades. Turn on the fan for 3 minutes.

2nd method. Apply 3-5 drops of any of the above essential oils to a hot frying pan. Inhale vapors with windows and doors closed.

3rd method. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, drain the water, cover your head with a blanket and breathe over the steam for 10 minutes.

Prevention of colds

It is known that it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. In the arsenal traditional medicine there are quite a few inexpensive means. And although summer had just ended, we ate fresh vegetables and fruits, our immunity still needs support. Therefore, in anticipation of an epidemic, it is necessary that foods rich in vitamin C be present in the diet.

Lemon oil. Place 1 lemon in hot water for a few minutes, and then grind it together with the zest through a meat grinder, add 100 g of softened butter and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Mix thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. Make sandwiches with this butter.

Garlic milk. Squeeze the juice out of the chopped garlic. Dilute 8 drops in 1 tablespoon of warm milk garlic juice. Drink the product several times a day. This remedy is good for prevention during the season of increased incidence of ARVI and influenza.

A mixture of lemon, garlic and honey. Take 6 lemons, 4 medium heads of garlic, 200 g of honey. Grind the garlic and lemon in a meat grinder, add honey. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the container with the mixture with gauze to allow it to breathe, and leave it for 10 days in a cool, dark place; the refrigerator will do. Take a teaspoon of the mixture 3 times a day, after diluting it in 1 glass of water, or eat 1 teaspoon of the mixture, and then rinse your mouth with water. Course – 2 months.

To strengthen the immune system

  • Drink rosehip decoction. Place 2 tbsp in a thermos. spoons of fresh or dried berries rose hips, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink rosehip infusion at least 3 times a day.
  • Eat honey instead of sugar. It can be added to porridge, warm tea, half a teaspoon. Provided that there is no allergy to it.
  • Give preference to salads dressed olive oil. It is good to add finely chopped garlic to such salads, so the salad will be more piquant. Make salads with raw carrots and green apple, season with sour cream.
  • Gnaw raw carrots. It is useful not only for teeth and gums, it is a storehouse of useful vitamins.

Dear readers! As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the treatment and prevention of colds. The main thing is not to waste time and immediately begin treatment at the first signs. If you miss the moment, the disease will be more difficult to cure and you will have to resort to treatment antiviral agents. Delayed treatment can lead to the development of complications, and here you can’t do without antibiotics.

Now in everything medical institutions Russia has received an anti-influenza vaccine. I wrote about why you should get vaccinated against the flu. I think that after reading this article, you will understand that this is one of the effective methods flu prevention.

Perhaps you have yours too signature recipes, how to cope with a cold, share them in the comments. And I end here, I wish you strong immunity and be healthy!

Cold- an extremely unpleasant illness, it often overtakes us quite suddenly, causing a lot of problems. Of course, the most best method The fight against every disease is its prevention. However, if you still failed to protect yourself from infection in a timely manner and you do not have the opportunity to see a doctor, you can treat the cold yourself at home. Treating a cold at home - basic recipes and tips.

Treating a cold at home

IN effective treatment flu, as well as any cold and cough at home in children and adults, the following recipes will help:

  • An excellent way to fight infection is with the most common foot baths.. A mustard bath is most effective. To prepare it, you will need one tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard powder and 5-7 liters of very warm, almost hot water. You need to fill the basin with water, pour it in mustard powder and stir thoroughly. After this, lower your feet into the prepared bath and keep it there as long as the water is very warm. After taking a bath, it is recommended to dry your feet very thoroughly with a cotton towel and put on warm socks made from natural materials.

  • The next simple, proven method is ordinary ginger. b. There's nothing easier than cooking it yourself healing drink for treating colds at home based on it. Take ginger root fresh. Finely chop it or grate it on a medium grater. To prepare a liter of drink you will need 3-4 teaspoons of grated ginger, which is poured with boiling water and infused for several hours. By the way, you can add three tbsp to the drink. spoons of cognac to increase the warming effect - of course, if our patient is not a child.

When using this recipe To treat colds in children, honey, cinnamon, vanilla or other spices are added to the drink to taste. A liter of drink is drunk in 1 day.

  • Another recipe for adults is ordinary mulled wine.. You can find many of his recipes on the Internet. As a rule, the most effective in treating colds are those that contain natural cranberry, apple and orange juice. It's useful and at the same time tasty remedy will help you get rid of infection in the body and “soften” a sore throat.

  • It has been proven in practice that ordinary baking soda is also excellent medicine for a cold. Our grandparents liked to use this method, however, it is still very popular to this day due to its simplicity and accessibility to everyone.

An excellent remedy when the first signs of illness appear is hot milk with the addition of soda in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of milk. This drink should be drunk in small sips and always very warm, and treatment should begin as soon as you notice any symptom of a cold.

In addition, simple soda is used to prepare good rinse, intended for the throat, is a great way when you cannot tolerate milk. ½ cup of water with 1/2 teaspoon of soda added is used as a rinse several times a day.

  • Good old banks. Cupping is a technique that has been known to mankind for several hundred years; it was popular in Ancient Egypt and China.

Everything is simple here - hot vessels heated over a fire are placed on the patient’s back.

  • Propolis– representing great value a beekeeping product that helps people with many ailments. Treatment of infectious diseases was no exception. Popular experts are confident that propolis can cure the disease in one night.

To do this, a small amount of propolis is added to a glass of hot milk and drunk by the patient, who should immediately go to bed, covered with a warm blanket. The next morning relief sets in, and the signs of the disease begin to quickly subside. A gargle is also prepared on the basis of propolis, for which you can use its alcohol tincture.

  • Oddly enough, but beer lovers, in the absence of contraindications, can be treated for a cold with their favorite drink. Hot (more precisely, very warm) beer is prepared by heating in a water bath.

A glass of foamy drink is drunk before bed.

  • Of course, when listing home recipes, one cannot fail to mention preparations based on medicinal plants. Thousands of different recipes for medicines prepared using flowers and herbs in all countries of the world are passed down from generation to generation, from century to century. In this case, fees will be effective based on:
  1. daisies,
  2. yarrow,
  3. wormwood,
  4. licorice (pronounced hormone-like, expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, ideal for the treatment of bronchitis, relieves cough),
  5. mint,
  6. St. John's wort herbs,
  7. primrose and many others - it is not possible to list them all in one article.

Herbs are used both in mixtures and separately. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herb are poured with hot, just boiled water and left to infuse (preferably in a thermos).

Or cook in a water bath for 15 minutes and cool. After a couple of hours, you need to strain the product, and it is ready for use. It can be taken orally (honey is added to bitter decoctions), or can be used as a rinse.

  • By the way, as a rinse high efficiency Hydrogen peroxide has proven itself to be excellent. It is diluted in water in the proportion of 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide + 50 ml of warm water. Rinses are used 2-3 times a day until the signs of the disease disappear.

  • Separately to point about medicinal plants I would like to mention viburnum. A decoction of these red berries is taken very warm, adding honey. Take 1 tbsp per glass of water. spoon of viburnum berries.

This drink is also suitable for those who have a cold during pregnancy, as well as for nursing women and small children.

  • Another “adult” recipe – vodka with pepper. For 1 glass of vodka, take 1 teaspoon of red hot pepper ground pepper, mixed and drunk in one gulp. After this, the patient wraps himself in a blanket and goes to bed.

If herpes appears on your lip

For the treatment of manifestations of labial herpes ( older generation calls this phenomenon “cold on the lips”), there are several recipes:

  • Ointment with garlic and apple. A grated apple with a couple of cloves of grated garlic is mixed and applied to the affected area in the form of an application.
  • Earwax. Extracted from ear canal and is also applied to the affected area.
  • A cooled tea bag is applied three or four times a day for 15-20 minutes. to the area affected by herpes.
  • Cope with herpetic rashes Aloe or Kalanchoe also helps - their juice lubricates the area where there are manifestations of this infection.
  • You can prepare an ointment for herpes from the juice of calendula flower petals. 1 teaspoon fresh juice mixed with Vaseline in equal proportions, this composition should be lubricated with problem areas.

If your kidneys are affected

Pay attention! If you experience symptoms that suggest kidney damage, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the well-known pyelonephritis, there are other diseases of the renal system that require intensive care!

However, if you know that after hypothermia, mild pyelonephritis resulted from a cold in the kidneys, and you do not need hospitalization, and the symptoms are not severe, then decoctions of medicinal herbs can help you cope with inflammation. Antibiotics and other medications can be effectively combined with them.

  • Ready-made herbal teas called “ Kidney collection"are sold in every pharmacy. They have analgesic, decongestant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. They usually include:
  1. spiraea,
  2. raspberry,
  3. dandelion,
  4. raspberry,
  5. birch leaf,
  6. celandine,
  7. burdock,
  8. Ivan-tea,
  9. chamomile,
  10. cetraria,
  11. cowberry.
  • In addition, as part of decoctions and separately, the following are used:
  1. elder,
  2. half-floor (erva woolly),
  3. poplar and others.

Two tbsp. spoons of herbs pour 1 liter. water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes. with the lid closed in an enamel bowl. Take 3-4 times a day daily for two months, sometimes the course is extended.

Treating a four-legged friend

If your dog has a cold, sneezes and coughs, then it is important for him, as for a person. correct mode, namely: timely good nutrition, warmth, sleep and access to water. Treatment of colds in dogs is generally not much different from that in humans.

If the animal lives in the yard, then it needs to be temporarily moved to warm room and provide constant access to fresh water. Walking in the cold season should be reduced to 20 minutes.

Try to ensure that your dog does not have contact with his fellow dogs during the period of illness, since colds in dogs are also transmitted by airborne droplets, and also because your pet is now weakened and more susceptible to other infectious diseases.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat colds in dogs. herbal teas, immunostimulants, antibacterial agentsveterinary drugs And traditional methods, vitamin and expectorant preparations.

Pay attention! Recipes that include alcohol and large amounts of honey are strictly contraindicated for animals! Toxic effect Alcohol's effect on a dog's body is extremely high! There are other contraindications, and if you are not sure that the drug can be given to an animal, do not risk it, since the physiology of a dog is different from that of a person, although we get sick in the same way.

At high temperature a dog, like a person, suffers and needs an antipyretic. You can give your animal paracetamol, however, it is important to calculate the dosage very carefully! It is better to have this done by a veterinarian.

More safe method drug reduction the temperature will be set for the dog rectal suppository from a number of children's antipyretics, for example, “ children's Panadol" On large dog Take ½ candle (cut lengthwise), ¼ for medium, 1/6 for small.

When a dog has a cold or cough, add a decoction (prepared according to a “human” recipe) to water or drink, including: coltsfoot flowers, licorice root and plantain leaf.

If you notice discharge from the animal's eyes or nose, then carefully wipe it with a cotton swab, after moistening it in chamomile decoction or regular weak solution furatsilina. If your dog has hard crusts on his nose, soften them using Vaseline oil, and then carefully remove. Treatment is carried out daily 2-3 times a day until symptoms disappear.


All homemade recipes presented in the publication are not only incredibly effective, but, in addition to this, are very easy to prepare and use, and are also accessible to absolutely everyone. Choose and use for your health!

Among them herbal infusions and teas, rinses, compresses and much more.

Helps effectively initial stage colds mulled wine. Big percentage Vitamin C and spices accelerate and warm the blood. To prepare this magical drink you need to take:

Dry red wine;
- a glass of water;
- 7-8 cloves;
- a little nutmeg;
- 2 ;
- lemon or orange;
- a little ginger;
- sugar (optional).

All ingredients (except citrus fruits) are added to boiling water. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Add lemon or orange slices. Heat the wine and mix it with the prepared mixture.

You can enrich the drink with raisins, dried apricots, cardamom or add a little black pepper.

At cold symptoms Hot baths help to warm up well. But not for the feet, but for the fingers. Dip your fingers into hot water for a while. Pull it out and repeat the procedure several times. The body quickly warms up, blood flow increases.

Lemon will help relieve sore throat. To do this, you just need to suck the slice. The inflammation goes away very quickly.

Extraordinary tea

A good remedy for preventing colds is. This drink is prepared from hibiscus petals and is sold in regular stores. To cook healthy tea you need to take:

One teaspoon of dry petals;
- a glass of boiling water;
- a teaspoon of sugar.

Hibiscus petals are poured with boiling water and infused for 5-10 minutes. Sugar is added to tea.

Hibiscus is not recommended for use by patients with gastritis and ulcers due to great content citric acid.

Salt water

One of effective ways The treatment for colds is to gargle and rinse the throat and nose with salt water. To prepare the rinse, you need to take:

A glass of boiled very warm water;
- a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt);
- a teaspoon of baking soda;
- from 10 to 20 drops of iodine.

Stir the solution and rinse every one and a half to two hours.

To rinse the nasal cavity, you need to prepare a weak brine and inhale it, closing first one nostril, then the other. When the salt water gets into your sinuses, it will clear out any accumulated mucus.

The solution irritates the nasal mucosa. Therefore, we must try to make it not very strong, so as not to burn the mucous membrane.

Compresses and wraps


Inhalations have a good effect aromatic oils: fir, eucalyptus, lemon and many others. They can be used to refill an aroma lamp or lubricate the earlobes or the area above the upper lip.



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