Why do you dream about a Guy's Friend? Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's best friend?

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Why dreaming Friend guy in dream By dream book? If you dreamed about it Friend your guy- interpret dream depending on your mood friend guy: if he is irritable, angry or sad - you and your guy There will be difficult times in your relationship, you can only survive them. dreamed what am I, my former boy and him best Friend We all sit together in nature. Friend my former name is Kirill, former name is Vanya. So, Kirill says to me: “Put your foot next to mine,” well, as if to measure, I put it: “Wow!” Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    I dreamed about it best Friend or good familiar, I dreamed about it your house friend Dreams with real participation existing and people close to you are far from uncommon. I dreamed about it Friend former guy, Friend your loved one or yours guy, I dreamed about it Friend husband in dream- physical attraction. Man-Friend may well evoke a vague (or obvious) sexual attraction in you - discuss this moment alone with yourself. Read more

  • Dream book "sonnik-mira"

    Friend former guy. Friend husband Which one I like. Dreams O the best friend. TO good news or a pleasant meeting. Besides, dream means that you are not alone and a kindred spirit is always will next to you. If you see in dream like yours best Friend having fun - to joyful events in your life, healing from illnesses. Friend sad or crying in a dream - a warning about some obstacles or difficulties on your way. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Dream Interpretation Friend guy in dream The interpretation of such a dream depends primarily on the form and mood in which you dreamed about it Friend guy. If he is cheerful, happy, then you can expect good news concerning your boyfriend or both of you. If Friend is sad and upset about something, then your couple will face various troubles, which confidence will help you overcome Friend V friend.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    See in dream former friend - dream says that this friend I need your help, if possible I should contact this person. Why dreaming Friend according to Women's dream book. Dream, Where dreaming healthy and happy Friend says they will come soon good news, possible Why dreaming Friend guy, husband. Great value in interpretation sleep is in the mood friend, which dreaming. If a girl will dream Friend her guy who is cheerful and happy, then you can expect good news concerning the young man. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    The girl who dreamed about it dream about shaking hands or hugging someone she doesn’t like - friend her guy will soon lose good girlfriend because of gossip. Why dreaming Friend guy- see in dream, How Friend guy goes away, to the fact that changes in life can interfere friendship and relations with guy. And if the dreamer leaves, then friendship will finished, and with guy will disagreements. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream Interpretation Mother and best Friend former guy. The order in which comments are displayed on a post: Why? dreaming fish man. to the entry: Dream Interpretation dreamed about it former boy.to entry: Why dreaming unknown girl. to the entry: In dream a person dies. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "qq"

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Why dreaming your arrival the best comrade - he will save you from troubles. Find in dream new - either get ready for the birth of a child, or new talents will open up in you. If friend became former enemy - do not rush to let your guard down, perhaps if a girl dreamed about it Mother guy, and the ladies had a nice conversation - a disagreement with a young man will end in reconciliation, and if both parents, changes will occur in fate. Friend upset in dream, cries - by dream book Miller, the dream promises separation, sadness, farewell. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    I dreamed about it former best Friend, V good in a good mood, feeling great? This means that a romantic meeting is possible soon. Such a vision gives a certain signal for the dreamer to prepare for it. According to these details, the vision can be interpreted more accurately. If in dream you and former boy had sex, this means: your intimate life is unsatisfactory, there is a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    After all, the news can be How good, and bad. It is possible that best Friend got into trouble and through dream asks for help. Also best Friend Maybe dream about person if he has recently thought about the best friend like this friendship should be preserved for as long as possible. Need to be appreciated the best friend. Such dream portends the sleeper positive changes in his life. And not so much in public life, but in personal life. Boy may meet a girl who will later will become his wife, and the girl - guy, her future husband. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Why dreaming former Friend in dream By dream book? See in dream former friend- dreams in which former girls, Friends- symbolize your unwillingness to let these people go; in reality you often think about them. Perhaps you are in a protracted quarrel and are haunted by feelings of guilt. Had a dream that I'm in my new home with my the best friend and friends, mine has arrived ex the best girlfriend with her guy because of which we stopped communicating. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    It is also generally accepted that if you see guy in dream, that means she’s not indifferent to him. At least he means something to you. Moreover, if you saw this person, or learned some news about him, then it is not surprising when he will dream.Such thoughts, as a rule, lead to not very good consequences, comparisons can generally lead to a break in relationships. You see that you are kissing your former– you will see him at some event. In modern dream books dreams O former guys symbolizes lack of attention...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed about it this dream...like mine boy went to someone's dacha and asked for mine friend take me there. Was evening, everything was in shades of gray, even Friend was dressed in something gray, and I'm lighter. He was calm and not emotional, didn’t even smile once, unlike me. We met and went to the station. We couldn’t get in for a long time. dreamed, What in dream I was friends With the best friend my guy with whom we are at odds. But in dream with him friend we played and had fun was so happy.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Also see friend guy in dream could mean that he will become your patron. Best Friendin dream means that everything is cloudless in your relationship, he will always provide you with the necessary support, you trust Friend friend in everything. To me dreamed that I'm running away from friends.But before that they deliberately locked me in the car. I started the car and became leave them. They ran after me. But all dream I have was feeling of fear. As if they wanted to do something to me that was not very pleasant for me or something that I didn’t want and was afraid of. That’s why I...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    See in dream former on the other hand, it may mean that you will never be able to be along with his former. Former young man like that dream clearly indicates what you think about your former regardless of good or these thoughts are bad. Often, dreamed former boy symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship for a girl, an imminent marriage or a marriage proposal. Dream Interpretation wanderer See in dream former guy- If the girl in dream feels only pleasant emotions, this indicates her readiness for new ones...Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Friend former guy he pestered me, kissed me, hugged me, confessed his love. What could this mean? Please answer. He lives now Fine, without denying ourselves anything, but we don’t communicate with him, but in dream he told me dreamed about it like some kind of drunk, in dream he pestered me, he looked terrible, was drunk and was much older than me dreamed that he was drunk, what can we say about him now, he is quite neat, and in dream was complete.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    to me dreamed about it my former boy we made peace with him and we’re done was Fine and this one dream me several times already dreaming!!!why would this be??with me dreamed about boy We were friends but recently we had a fight about it dream he kissed me... but I was already dating someone else guy...I still like Dima (who dreamed about it) but he doesn’t love me or is simple, I don’t know... yet in dream was she has a sister There is child but in dream their was two… dream was summer...well, actually. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "chemagina"

    I dreamed about it best Friend or good familiar, I dreamed about it your house friend- to good news; happiness and well-being. I dreamed about it Friend in trouble, Friend Is it sick in the blood? Friend fell ill and is in the hospital, Friend without an arm or disabled in dream- troubles and illnesses friend. Firefly: If Friend yours former guy wants to communicate with you, then no one will take him away. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Why dreaming Man By dream book: Man- Generally see in dream beautiful, Fine folded man means that you you will enjoy life to the fullest and will soon significantly improve your financial situation. Man– If a woman dreamed about it Beautiful, Fine folded man, in the near future she will enjoy life to the fullest and will happy in love and sex. But if seen man gloomy and ugly, disappointments and problems await her with her loved one. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream Interpretation considers a quarrel with guy good familiar dream means that in reality you have There is chance become Friend friend closer. if you saw in dream a rival you know in real life, you can safely cross her off the list of suspects: this dream means that she either does not pretend to be yours guy or not at all his taste. To me dreamed, What boy whom I love in dream he said that he didn’t love me, that he wanted to marry my classmate. What does this mean? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "qq"

    asyaengel asked in Horoscopes, Dream Interpretation, Interpretation dreams, Magic, Fortune telling. What does it mean to kiss in dream the best friend my guy? Dream it started with the fact that I dyed my hair (well, you know, not completely, but as they say, I did feathers) but essence not about this... I repainted it approximately red... after that it appeared in my bed Friend my guy...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    saw in dream girlfriend (my girlfriend the best friend), who died more than six months ago. She's dressed nicely, but she's crying a lot. I dreamed about it late Friend, I hugged and kissed him, he was cheerful and somewhat puzzled when I told him a phrase in the form of a poem that said that it’s like behind you like behind a wall, he then hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. Then he said that There is boy whose name is Alesk and he is interested in you, I also saw in dream little boy.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello, me dreamed, What former boy my friend killed her when I approached her in dream she has was the head was broken and a stick covered in blood lay nearby. friends tried to run away from someone in a car through the winter forest, then one of friends killed Drugov..we set off to drive further, but along other roads and, as a result, my the best friend killed( in dream I noticed that there is something between us was).Read more

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    Why dreaming Man By dream book: Man- If you dreamed about it cute man- then you you will happy. If you saw in dream scary man- then a hard life awaits you. Man- See in dream man- a sign that promises you support and protection in difficult situations. If you dreamed about it Beautiful, Fine folded, pleasant man, then in reality you can plunge headlong into pleasure - they will not leave any consequences other than pleasant memories. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Get good news that will improve your mood and allow you to forget about despondency. Dreaming that an acquaintance kisses man▼. I dreamed about it kiss a friend men- there is a need to clarify relations with dreamed person. Why dreaming kiss with former a man▼. Kiss former man in dream- you are about to experience an event that will cause you considerable surprise. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "womanjournal"

    If dreamed about it boy stranger who were rude and gloomy, and at the same time left behind unpleasant sensations, then in the near future you will face sad and severe disappointments, as well as some difficulties. An incredibly cute stranger who in dream cares and kisses, prepares you for popularity and fame in reality. If outwardly boy unpleasantly struck, then in reality they can expect serious unrest due to men, which used to be was good friend and a friend.Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream Interpretation Miller offers several interpretations of why dreaming former boy with another girl: former boy with another girl symbolizes resentment against fate, dissatisfaction with oneself and existing state of affairs. Similar symbols happen to be seen in dream when in reality the situation is not the best way. What dreamed, portends unexpected support from the outside. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello today dreamed about it very strange for me dream, to me dreamed about it boy my the best friends, to this guy in real life I don’t experience anything and don’t consider it in any way (since I myself There is boy) At the same time, I see him very rarely. But in dream We were together, he climbed up to me, hugged and kissed me, I felt like myself there. not comfortable because I understood that There is boy I have this too boy my friend, in the end in dream It turns out we slept together even though we both understood that we had cheated on our other halves! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Put up in dream With former guy- nostalgia, inability to forgive the grievances caused. The fact that you put up in dream with a once close person, indicates, first of all, that you have not completely forgotten about him, Former boy as before, it occupies a huge place in your soul. But recently dreamed about it dream that we still communicate the same way as the best Friends. I don't even know what this is for.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a Friend dream about and what does it mean:

Friend - A dream in which you see a friend is usually a reflection of upcoming events, that is, what you see in a dream will soon happen in reality.

Seeing a friend in a dream and laughing with him means separation from him, helping him means receiving long-awaited help, arguing with him means his infidelity, seeing him dead means unexpected news, talking to a dead friend means important news, his words - Truth.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Friend in a dream?

Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream foretells good news from them. It is possible that you will soon meet them or one of their relatives.

Seeing your friend sad or exhausted means that illness and suffering await him.

A dream in which your friends are dressed in dark clothes promises illness for you or them. If they appear to you in the form of animals, then your enemies will break off your warmest relationships.

If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety and concern for your loved ones.

If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal, like a statue, you will have to accomplish a lot of what you have planned and a sense of justice will always be inherent in you. If you see it far below, this indicates that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old friends during the period of prosperity. If this statue is out of the blue or on the same level as you, your attempts to interfere with someone’s activities will fail. If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that, breaking the ties of friendship, you will begin to look for new experiences.

Seeing a friend with a white bandage on his face means that you will be hurt by a person who will try to maintain friendly relations with you.

Shaking the hand of someone who has deceived you and seeing him leave sad, means that you will have disagreements with a close friend, and then, possibly, alienation. You're going to lose something.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about losing a friend?

Former friend - seeing your ex-friend in good health means receiving a gift or good news in the near future.

Seeing your ex-friend sick means that it is time for you to let go of memories and enjoy the pleasant moments of the present.

To see your ex-friend and yourself in some new unfamiliar place - get ready for troubles at work. You also lose interest in real life events.

A girl dreams about her ex-friend - you haven’t let go of the relationship with him. If you dream about him constantly, you need to call him, make an appointment and figure everything out completely so that the dreams don’t happen again.

Having sex with an ex-friend in a dream means you are sexually dissatisfied.

A former friend dreams of a quarrel with a present one.

A guy's friend - seeing him cheerful, joking, having a good time in his company - a good relationship awaits you with the guy.

Why do you dream about a guy’s friend? If he leaves you somewhere, then such a dream can mean changes in life, even breaking up with your boyfriend.

Also, seeing a guy's friend in a dream can mean that he will become your patron.

A best friend in a dream means that everything is cloudless in your relationship, he will always provide you with the support you need, you trust each other in everything.

Why do people who are sick, sad, or poor dream about their best friend - an unpleasant surprise. A quarrel with your best friend may mean a quarrel in reality.

Old friends - you are overcome by banal nostalgia. You'll be downloading from the old days, when everything was simpler.

Why do you dream about old friends - if they are healthy and everything is fine, then pleasant changes in life await you; if you receive disappointing news about old friends in a dream, then you will have to prepare for troubles and illnesses in reality.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Friends

  • A dreamed friend is cheerful and healthy - to good news, a meeting with a dear person.
  • A friend who is gloomy or has a darkened face is a harbinger of illness and worries.
  • Shaking a friend's hand means breaking ties.
  • a friend in the form of an animal - enemies seek to separate you from your close circle.
  • Why see a friend on a hill - everything you plan will come true, you will be fair to others on the way to your goal, you will achieve success through honest work.
  • Dreaming of a friend far below - warning. When you achieve success, you forget about old connections, true friendships, and move away from loved ones.
  • If you dream of many friends in a dream - you are too jealous.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a friend?

  • Dreaming about a friend’s home means close happiness in love.
  • Dreaming of making a new friend means a new acquaintance; for family people this promises a new addition to the family.
  • Why see a sudden change in the appearance of a friend - your partner will betray you, and you will break up with him.
  • I dreamed about a friend - quarrels with a loved one are possible out of nowhere.
  • Dreaming of an ex-girlfriend in a dream means parting with a loved one due to misunderstanding, listen to the words, surround with care.
  • For a girl to see a meeting with a friend in an unpleasant, secluded place - a warning that she will soon be visited by love for a bad person.
  • Traveling in the company of friends means the future marriage will be happy.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a friend - Absent for a long time - someone will remember past achievements; died - got married; to see sick - bad news; joyful - good news.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a Friend

Seeing a friend in a dream means that in the near future fate will seem to lead you by the hand, bypassing all possible obstacles. You will be provided with excellent conditions for your relationship with your loved one; you will be able to realize all your long-conceived dreams and plans. Several wonderful days await you, which will help strengthen your relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Seeing a friend - Intimate, pleasant conversation.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about a Friend?

  • Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream foretells good news, meetings with people dear to you.
  • Seeing a friend upset or sick means illness and suffering.
  • If you see your friend in the form of an animal, a quick separation from loved ones is possible.
  • If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that you will really leave him in search of new experiences.
  • To symbolize separation from or loss of a friend, you also have a dream in which you shake hands with a sad person.
  • If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal, you will be able to accomplish a lot of what you had planned earlier.
  • If you see it far below, this foretells that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old affections.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Friend - your deceased friend appeared in a dream - trouble. A healthy friend means separation.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed about a Friend

If you dreamed about your friend, it means that in reality you will soon see him. If this event took place just the other day, your dream may mean that a friend will ask for your help in a matter in which he is competent.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did Friends dream about spiritual sources?

Friend - intimate conversation.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a friend?

Good conversation // separation; dies - well-being; died - got married; deceased - trouble; sick - bad news; rejoices - good news to be friends with a stranger - self-interest, income.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Seeing a friend in a dream - You urgently need to see your friends from the tourist club (music studio).

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about a Friend?

Why do you dream about a Friend - Your deceased friend appeared in a dream - a nuisance. A healthy friend means separation.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

Why do you dream about a Friend in Indian culture?

What does a friend mean in a dream - This is most likely one of your assistants in the subtle world. Remember the color of his clothes, white is good, shining ones are the best. If I am wearing dark clothes, they have a dirty aura, with low vibrations of the energy body.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen Friends

Seeing a dying friend in a dream means well-being.

Friends - Separation.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Why do you dream of Friends? There will be meetings, perhaps with those whom you have seen. They remember you. Unpleasant dream about friends they may have problems.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of a vision about a Friend from your dream

Why do you dream of Friends, acquaintances, relatives - Some of them died in the plot of the dream, but in reality they are alive - a calm period of life, a peaceful state of consciousness; very rarely - the meaning of the dream is literal.

What does it mean when you dream of a Friend - Help; the friendly, creative, reasonable part of the sleeper’s character. Died - for his wedding; separation.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Friend - To the enemy with a full range of deceit.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing a friend’s betrayal in a dream means reconciliation with him.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Friend (girlfriend) – Seeing your friend sick in a dream means his betrayal.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

Good friends are not only pleasant communication, but also mutual help and support in difficult moments of life. This is how things are in real life, but it often happens that friends come to us in our dreams. Let’s try to figure out what friends mean in a dream using popular dream books that have explanations for a wide variety of dreams.

English dream book

By turning to this source, you can find out what childhood friends mean in dreams. The vision of sick and infirm comrades testifies to the hot-tempered and contradictory nature of the sleeping person. If your friends are happy and healthy, it means that your friendship is not in danger, and all their affairs are in perfect order.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

This dream book explains in detail what a guy’s friends mean in dreams. If they are in a good mood, this is a sign that your relationship with your partner will be successful, and the comrades themselves will patronize this in every possible way. If a guy’s friends move away from you in a dream, it means that some changes are coming ahead, and separation from your loved one cannot be ruled out.

Eastern dream book

The interpretation of what childhood friends may dream about depends on their state of mind in the vision. If they are happy and cheerful, it means that good news and a long-awaited meeting with dear people lie ahead. If friends suffer from some kind of illness or are in trouble, this is a sign that health problems await them.

Family dream book

This source interprets what it means to dream of a quarrel with friends as follows. This vision is a symbol of the fact that you crave new experiences and adventures that should replace old attachments. If the comrades of a sleeping person appear in bright clothes, it means that he will have to worry about his loved ones.

Women's dream book

Why do beautiful ladies dream of good friends? If they appear healthy and happy, this is evidence that pleasant meetings and news are ahead. When friends dream of being sick and sad, it means that you can expect various ailments.

Miller's Dream Book

A famous psychologist explains in his own way what friends might dream about. If they dream of being in good health, it means there will be a long-awaited meeting and good news. If your friends' faces are sad or darkened, this is a sign that illness is possible in the near future. When a friend appears in the form of an animal, it means that some ill-wishers are trying to separate you from dear people.

dreamed about my husband's friend

The meaning of a dream with a husband’s friend in Miller’s dream book depends on the situation or form in which this person dreamed. If he dreams of being sick or sad, this is an unkind sign. Also, adversity is a dream of a deceased friend, or his death (funeral). A husband's friend dressed in a red suit can take on a different meaning. This means that he or his loved one will interfere with you and your husband in your personal life. If in a dream a person is significantly shorter than you, he needs your help.

husband's friend in a dream what is this for

According to Vanga’s dream book, an old acquaintance of your husband is a harbinger of something connected with events of the past. If you dreamed of a friend’s kiss or his hug, it means he is moving away from both you and your husband. But if you dream of a person with whom you are already in a quarrel, then this is a good reason to re-establish relations with him.

husband's friend in a dream

In Tsvetkova’s dream book, a dream about her husband’s old friend foreshadows something good. Most likely, you will unexpectedly receive some kind of reward or be thanked for something. If you dream of a new friend, then most likely he is against your relationship or considers your husband unworthy of you.

Why do you dream about your husband's friend?

In the Islamic dream book, a woman’s dream about her husband’s friend means that they will soon quarrel over men’s values.

Why do you dream about your husband's friend?

If you dreamed of your husband’s friend, then, according to Freud’s dream book, you will stand between two men. Most likely, problems, misunderstandings or a quarrel between two friends may arise because of you.

Did you dream about a close friend? Expect unusual events. Further interpretation of the dream is entirely based on the details of the dream, the state of the friend and personal feelings in the dream. Dream books offer ready-made decryptions.

Why do you dream about a friend according to Miller’s dream book?

If you dreamed of a happy and healthy friend, you can count on receiving good news soon. In addition, such a dream promises a meeting with a person dear to your heart.

Seeing that a friend is very upset or has a sick complexion is a bad dream, foreshadowing illness and suffering.

A dream where your friend appears in the form of some kind of animal means that enemies or ill-wishers will soon separate you from your loved ones.

Seeing a friend dressed in red or bright clothes, you need to be prepared for imminent troubles and worries.

Seeing a friend standing on a pedestal in a dream means that soon you will have a lot of things to do, which will ultimately lead to the accomplishment of everything you have planned.

Leaving a friend in a dream means that in real life you will have to break off a long relationship with someone and go in search of new acquaintances and impressions.

Why do you dream about a friend - Vanga’s dream book

Seeing your old friend in a dream means a quick meeting, very unexpected and pleasant. If you dream that you are making a new friend, then you can expect a quick addition to the family - the birth of a child.

If you dream of a friend in a dejected or upset state, then most likely you will soon have to resolve old problems. To see in a dream several friends whom you have not seen for a long time - there is a high probability of separation from a person dear to your heart.

If you dream of a deceased friend, then you need to be prepared for serious trials, the reason for this is you yourself - the inability to forgive, to find compromises. If a friend who has passed away in a dream is dissatisfied with something, then a serious quarrel is soon possible.

If you dream that you are kissing your friend, then soon you will have to break up with him, we are not talking about a quarrel, most likely your friend will have to change his place of residence or go on a business trip.

Seeing an ex-friend in a dream - the dream suggests that this friend needs your help; if possible, you should contact this person.

Why do you dream about a friend according to the Women's Dream Book?

A dream where you dream of a healthy and happy friend says that good news will come soon, meetings with people you love are possible.

If you dream of a sick friend, the dream warns of imminent illness. Having seen a friend in a dream, you need to be prepared for gossip in your direction, family squabbles and discord.

If you dream that you and a friend are celebrating some holiday or event, then this dream foreshadows troubles for you. Most likely, you will need to take on this friend's problems. If you see an ex-girlfriend in a dream, then various types of losses are possible, from material expenses to a break with a loved one.

Why do you dream about a friend according to the Great Encyclopedic Dream Book

A dream in which you are traveling with friends means you will be very lucky in creating a happy family. If you dream of a friend (or friends) who looks like a dwarf, then your health will not leave you for a long time, both mental and physical. A dream in which you visit a friend (at his home, or even in the hospital) is considered favorable.

If a girl sees in a dream a friend with whom she will sit in some secluded and scary place, she needs to be prepared that she will soon fall in love with a bad person and at the same time lose all her friends.

A dream in which you are friends with a person you hate in real life warns that there is a high probability of being subjected to public insults and ridicule.

Why do you dream about a friend - English dream book

A dream in which a friend cries does not bode well; problems or illnesses will not be avoided. Seeing a dead friend in a dream is a good outcome of events; everything will end in a fun wedding.

Seeing a friend sick or infirm is a sign that it is necessary to change; a hot-tempered and quarrelsome character will not lead to good things.

If a friend appears in the guise of someone else, you should be careful; your enemy or rival will do everything to separate you from your loved one.

Seeing that a friend wants to hide from you or is covering his face is a sign that this person is only posing as a friend, but is actually plotting intrigues for you.

Why do you dream about a dead friend, deceased or the death of a friend?

A dream in which you see the death of a friend is considered unfavorable. But on the other hand, in dreams, death means renewal and a symbol of new life. Having seen such a dream, you should be prepared for the fact that significant changes will occur in life, which you need to calmly accept.

If in a dream your friend commits suicide, then in life you will have to worry a lot about some event.

Hugging a dead friend in a dream means getting rid of fears in reality. If a dead person is calling you somewhere, you cannot follow him, otherwise a serious illness or depression will seriously cripple you. When you hear the voice of a deceased friend in a dream, you need to understand that he is giving some kind of warning.

Dream Interpretation - old friend, childhood friend

In all dream books, an old friend who appears in a dream bears a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows pleasant surprises and meetings in the near future. But you should pay attention to the state in which your friend appears to you in a dream; if he is healthy and in a good mood, then the dream is favorable.

If your friend appears sick and sad, this indicates possible family quarrels. It is also worth finding time and meeting or calling this person; most likely, he needs your support or help.

Why do you dream about your ex-friend?

If you often dream of a childhood friend with whom you have lost contact, this indicates that you miss your past life, but the present one does not quite suit you.

In addition, the dream in which you see your former friend suggests that you will be betrayed by a very close person.

Why do you dream about a guy's friend or husband?

When interpreting a dream, the mood of the friend who is dreaming is of great importance. If a girl dreams of her boyfriend’s friend, who is cheerful and happy, then we can expect good news regarding the young man.

If a friend dreams of being upset and sad, various troubles await your couple, which can be avoided if you feel confident in each other. It is possible that the dreamed friend will be the cause of your quarrels.

We hope we helped you figure out why your friend is dreaming and only positive and good things await you.



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