IPR FSS Social protection. Honey

FREE production of complex individual orthopedic shoes for persons with disabilities. The condition in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is the presence of a disability group, the presence of an entry in the IPR (individual rehabilitation program) on the prescription of complex orthopedic shoes. Next, either a referral from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation / the social committee. protection of the population, or compensation of the cost with the transfer of funds to the patient’s account (FSS of the Russian Federation, social protection committees). The right to compensation is 2 pairs per year for an adult and 4 pairs for a child.

An example of atypical shoes with severe lymphastasis (elephantiasis).

Inspection, taking measurements, plantogramming, etc. (the initial stage of preparation for “compensatory modeling”)

The most important component of complex orthopedic shoes is an individual orthopedic insole that forms a contact/support surface for the patient’s foot. There should not be excessively rigid orthopedic insoles due to their design! The main function of the foot (its arched structure), in addition to support and locomotor, is spring-shock absorption (can be compared to the action of the suspension in a car). When the arches are laid out rigidly, the amplitude of their subsidence at moments of peak loads sharply decreases; accordingly, their main function is minimized, not to mention the discomfort for a patient of any age.

Artificial arch support must compensate for the lost/missing part of the spring-shock absorption function of the foot, as well as neutralize abnormal valgus/varus alignment of the feet due to a modified (beveled) supporting surface.

Parents should know!

In children under 1.5 -2.5 years of age, in most cases (with normal development, absence of significant congenital pathologies, excessive hypertonicity, etc.) there is a moderate flattening of the arches of the feet, valgusation of the foot under load and, as a consequence, moderate X- figurative installation of the knee joints. This is due to the “stage” of development of the musculoskeletal system and, in particular, the insufficient functionality of the muscular-ligamentous system and its individual elements (the process of formation, development, strengthening, etc. is underway). In this case, it is necessary to orthose the child’s foot ONLY IN THIS CASE , if the angles of abnormal settings are excessively expressed relative to the age characteristics and require immediate correction. Other “measures” should be aimed at strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

Parents should know!

Not for all pathologies of children's feet is it reasonable to prescribe orthopedic shoes with high, rigid ankle boots. For example, with a flat-valgus foot, it is important to understand the cause of the pathology. In most cases, it will be a weakness of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus (its individual elements). When fixing a child’s foot with rigid ankle boots, the load on one’s own muscles is reduced... The muscles, without receiving full load, either slow down their development (volume, functionality), or muscle atrophy develops, which aggravates the cause of the pathology and makes your child a “long-term patient.”

Parents should know!

The X-shaped installation of the knee joints, the so-called “X”, must be corrected in childhood. This will be helped not only by a comprehensive method of exercise therapy, massage, orthoses and splints (for abnormally large angles), but also by timely elimination of valgus position of the feet. When the foot valgues, a lateral, frontal load occurs on the knee joint, which provokes an increase in the angles of the X-shaped installation and negates the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures.

Parents should know!

One of the reasons for the appearance of scoliotic posture in a child may be a biomechanical reason - functional or anatomical shortening of the lower limb. Even a small shortening within 1 cm leads to a distortion of the pelvic bones relative to the supporting surface, a shift of the axial load to the shortening side and the formation of (usually) an S-shaped scoliotic arch.

In this case, “ordinary” rehabilitation measures are ineffective until this biomechanical/anatomical cause is eliminated (compensation for shortening with orthotics - shoes, insoles).

Documents for compensation of IPR FSS are issued (certificate with a seal, cash receipt, sales receipt with a stamp, receipt with a stamp)

  • at the point of purchase in ORTOMINI retail stores
  • included in the parcel when sent
  • sent by registered mail

Formulations for FSS compensation are filled out according to the IPR card

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation all categories of disabled people, subject to an Individual Rehabilitation Program (IPR card), have the right to free provision of technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products that meet their special needs and increase their level of independence in everyday life.

What products can I receive compensation for?

  • Canes, crutches, walkers
  • Wheelchairs
  • Orthopedic children's shoes
  • Adult orthopedic shoes
  • Orthopedic products for joints (Bandages, orthoses, splints)
  • Orthopedic products for the spine (posture corrector, corsets, Shants collar)
  • Anti-hernia and post-operative bandages
  • Orthopedic insoles and foot devices

What needs to be done to receive compensation from government agencies for IPR?

1. Contact the medical institution at your place of residence to fill out the form

088u-06 “Referral for medical and social examination by an organization providing medical and preventive care.”

Form 088у-06 is valid for 1 month from the date of registration.

2. Contact the medical and social examination service at your place of residence to establish the disability group and develop an individual rehabilitation program (IPR).

Children under 18 years of age are prescribed from 2 to 4 pairs of orthopedic shoes (complex orthopedic or simple orthopedic shoes) per year (2 pairs with insulated lining and 2 pairs without insulated lining) according to the IPR card.

Adults are compensated for up to 2 pairs per year.

3. Find out the amount of possible compensation for an independent purchase using an IPR card from the Social Insurance Fund authorities at the place of registration.

Dear customers!

Anyone in need, simply based on a medical report, can receive monetary compensation from the state for orthopedic products, orthopedic shoes, orthopedic insoles by contacting the social support department of the Social Policy Department or the MFC at their place of residence (except for dental and eye prostheses)

No age limit!

Find out and take advantage of your benefits!

There is such a resolution in every region of Russia, every region and city!

Department of Social Protection of the Population

Social protection of the Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg (Resolution of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region dated April 20, 2016 N 273-PP.

Compensation for expenses associated with the purchase of prosthetic and orthopedic products for non-disabled people (except for dental and eye prostheses) (type such a request with a title in a search engine)

Provided to citizens living in the Sverdlovsk region (any region, any region, city, town) who do not have a disability group, but for medical reasons, need prosthetic and orthopedic products.

Documents required to apply for compensation (no age limit)

  1. Passports of adult family members (original and copy of full name pages, registration)
  2. Medical certificate confirming the presence of medical indications for the provision of a prosthetic and orthopedic product
  3. Documents confirming payment for the cost of a prosthetic and orthopedic product (cash receipt order, cash and sales receipts indicating the name of the prosthetic and orthopedic product, its type and model and date of purchase).
  4. Child's birth certificate (original and copy)
  5. Certificate from place of residence about family composition (valid for 10 days)
  6. Divorce certificate, Paternity certificate - for single-parent families (original and copy)
  7. Marriage certificate, in case of different surnames (original and copy)
  8. Documents (certificates) confirming the income of each member of the citizen’s family for the three calendar months preceding the month of filing the application for compensation
  9. Consent of adult family members to the processing of personal data
  10. Account details with a credit institution
  11. SNILS
  12. Certificate from the Pension Fund confirming the absence of disability

How to get orthopedic shoes for free if such a need arises? First you need to visit an orthopedist, and then the Social Security Administration. This organization will provide a document stating that interested parties are entitled to benefits. It is with him that they go to the official orthopedic center to order the necessary shoes.

State law states that a child who needs corrective shoes is entitled to free orthopedic shoes. But few people are aware of this fact. Moreover, in order to receive for free in the Russian Federation what is supposed to be free of charge, the interested person should show an extraordinary mind, great patience and perseverance. Yes, and you can’t do without certain tips. But first, it would be nice to understand what corrective shoes are and what their features are.

Corrective shoes: who needs them and why?

The task of orthopedic shoes is to treat, correct and prevent disorders of posture, gait, and flat feet. It has a huge number of advantages over a regular pair of shoes or boots:

  • such shoes have a structure that helps correct progressive foot deformities;
  • its tailoring takes place taking into account all sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements;
  • It is possible to manufacture such products to order according to the child’s personal parameters, taking into account the testimony of the orthopedic doctor.

But the main advantage that orthopedic shoes for children have is preserving the health of children, because no medications or exercises will help so much in the correct formation of the foot, gait, and posture.

How to get free correction shoes?

The government decree states that a child under 16 years of age can count on receiving free corrective shoes in the amount of two pairs (summer and winter) once a year, and should also be provided with free orthopedic insoles (one pair every six months). For people with disabilities, this norm has been increased: they are required to be provided with 4 pairs of corrective shoes per year. But how is it issued?

To get orthopedic shoes, which, as the law says, is due to every child in need, you must first see an orthopedic doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination, check the condition of the feet and posture, and also send you for x-rays. If deviations are revealed during the examination, the doctor will write out a specific direction for the manufacture of corrective shoes and insoles.

Then you need to find out whether this particular child is eligible to be provided with corrective shoes for free. For this purpose, they visit the Department of Social Protection of the Population. It is there that the decision is made regarding the provision of preferential correctional shoes. Such a decision is made on the basis of certain documents indicating the preferential status of a person.

This could be documentation from the clinic indicating the diagnosis and doctor’s orders, confirming the preferential status of the paper (a document indicating the status of a mother of many children, confirming disability, pension certificate), as well as a civil passport. As a rule, free correction products are provided:

  • disabled people;
  • children who need foot correction;
  • large families (three or more children in a family);
  • socially vulnerable layers of citizens (with income below the established subsistence level).

After receiving a document from the Social Security Administration that a certain person is entitled to free corrective shoes, you can immediately go to an orthopedic shoe manufacturing point (salon, workshop). If there is a need to produce complex orthopedic shoes, then it is much easier to place an order at a factory for the production of corrective shoes. Wherever a person turns, it is natural that he needs to cooperate with an organization that has official status, which can easily issue the necessary papers (invoice, cash receipt).

As a rule, they must contain the name of the organization, its legal address, the type of services provided to the person, as well as their cost. It goes without saying that such a document must have the seal of the enterprise.

Important nuances

In any center for the production of orthopedic shoes chosen by a person, they are sewn according to the instructions of an orthopedic doctor. Such shoes are not given away for free, that is, you still need to pay for them yourself. But in the future, such persons are entitled to compensation from the Social Security Administration if they provide the above documentation.

There is also one more very important nuance: although the costs of corrective shoes are reimbursed, such compensation has a certain limit - this is the amount beyond which parents will not be reimbursed. So this detail should be taken into account when choosing the right product at the orthopedic center. But this, of course, is not a problem if parents are not embarrassed by the difference that they will need to pay extra from their own pockets. In addition, an important point is that free shoes are provided only to children with foot deformities. So you shouldn’t rely on this option if the child only needs to prevent flat feet.

It is possible that the procedure for obtaining free corrective shoes is somewhat different from the algorithm described above in a particular region, so it is recommended that you first clarify this issue with the Social Security Administration at your place of residence.

An individual rehabilitation program involves specially created devices that are used for therapeutic purposes. They are used to correct flat feet and prevent it. Also used for posture and gait disorders. The wearing of such shoes must have a medical justification, and the individual characteristics of the patient are taken into account.

In what cases will such shoes be needed?

This type of shoe is used for longitudinal, transverse deformation, as well as a combination of their types. Wearing is possible with plano-valgus axial disorders, deformation of the big toe, bone deviations, relative or complete shortening of the foot. Shoes according to IPR are used when there is deformation of the legs, including damage to the joints. It is used for injuries, spurs, arthritis, bone diseases of the legs, and diabetic feet. Recommended to wear if you have club feet or are prone to sprained ankles.

Most often, such shoes are prescribed to minors. Wearing children's shoes with ortho-properties allows for foot correction during the development of the musculoskeletal system. These shoes should be worn from approximately two years of age. The category of users also includes women during pregnancy. Rapid weight gain and abdominal growth lead to a shift in the center of gravity and uneven load on the legs. This provokes pain in the feet, swelling, and calf cramps.

Athletes who experience constant overuse can develop foot and musculoskeletal injuries. Shoes are also recommended for those who spend most of the day on their feet.

Who can get free orthopedic quality shoes?

Certain categories of citizens can count on receiving individual products free of charge. Children with disabilities can receive up to four free pairs of ortho shoes per year. Children under sixteen years of age receive a pair of summer and a pair of winter shoes per year. One pair of insoles is issued every six months.

Also, those who have disabilities, families with three or more children, socially vulnerable citizens whose income is less than the established minimum wage, as well as children who need foot adjustments can count on receiving a free pair with ortho-properties.

What do you need to get free shoes?

Social protection authorities compensate for the costs of purchasing ortho-shoes under the IPR. To receive compensation, you must complete several steps. First of all, you should go to an orthopedist and undergo a medical examination in order to have medical indications for the use of complex shoes with ortho-quality.

Next, you need to visit the MFC or the department of social protection of the population, presenting the received medical report and a copy of your identity document and registration information. There you receive a certificate stating that the issuance of ortho-products is possible. After this, you should go to a shoe store or to the manufacturer, presenting orthopedic recommendations. Payment for the goods is made by the patient. He then receives compensation from the defense authorities. The refund amount has a maximum limit that you need to keep in mind when purchasing the product.

You can buy specialized shoes in our

Orthopedic shoes for an individual rehabilitation program are specially designed products to be worn for therapeutic purposes. Used for the correction and prevention of flat feet, gait and posture disorders. Specialized shoes are worn according to the doctor’s instructions, taking into account the patient’s personal parameters.

When do you need shoes according to IPR?

The list of indications for the use of individual orthopedic shoes includes:

  • longitudinal, transverse and longitudinal-transverse flatfoot;
  • plano-valgus axial deviations;
  • first toe deformities, bone deformities and bunions;
  • relative or absolute shortening of the foot;
  • deformities of the lower extremities, including lesions of the ankle, knee and hip joints;
  • consequences of traumatic injuries;
  • heel spur (painful bony prominence);
  • diseases of the bones of the lower extremities;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • diabetic foot syndromes. In the case of a complicated course of the disease, hypersensitivity and trophic ulcers occur;
  • clubfoot, turning the heel in or out;
  • Tendency to sprains in the ankle area.
  • Minors. Children's orthopedic shoes are designed to correct the foot during the development of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedists recommend starting to wear it at 2 years of age.
  • Pregnant women. With sudden weight gain and abdominal enlargement, the center of gravity in the body shifts. As a result, it becomes more difficult for the body to distribute the load evenly across the feet. This leads to swelling, pain in the feet and cramps in the calf muscles.
  • Athletes. Athletes and travelers are exposed to serious, regular workload. There is an increased risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and feet (fractures, sprains, dislocations).
  • Persons whose work requires prolonged standing.

Who is eligible for free orthopedic shoes?

Some categories of persons can receive products selected according to the patient’s IPR. Disabled children are given 4 pairs of free orthopedic shoes per year. Children under 16 years old receive 2 pairs per year (winter and summer). 1 pair of insoles is provided every 6 months.

Free orthopedic shoes can be received by:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • large families;
  • socially vulnerable segments of the population with income below the minimum wage;
  • children who need foot correction.

How to get orthopedic shoes for free

Compensation for orthopedic shoes according to the IPR is provided by social protection authorities. To obtain it, you must proceed in the following order:

  1. Visit to the orthopedist. The patient goes to the clinic, visits an orthopedist, initiates a medical commission and receives a conclusion on the medical indications for the provision of complex orthopedic shoes.
  2. Contact the MFC. The person visits a multifunctional center or social welfare department. You will need to provide a medical report and attach an application, a copy of your birth certificate or passport, and registration information.
  3. Obtaining a certificate from social security about the possibility of free issuance of orthopedic products.
  4. Contact a shoe store or manufacturer with recommendations from an orthopedist. The patient pays for the goods himself, and then receives monetary compensation from the social security authorities. There is a maximum refund that must be considered when purchasing a product.

Clients can order and purchase specialized shoes in the ORTEKA network of orthopedic salons.



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