Interesting questions for forfeits. Best wishes for games

Fanta game is a game that can be played at any age. It is interesting for both children and adults, and mixed groups of different ages. You can play forfeits for the New Year, for a birthday, or just with a group of people to have fun.

The name of the game “Fanta” comes from the German “Pfand” - pledge, mortgage.

There are several varieties of the game:

Forfeits with the presenter. Each player pledges one personal item. This could be an item of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name on it, or any valuable item that you would be sorry to part with. For example, a mobile phone or a watch. Players place things in a common bag or box.

The presenter turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?” The presenter assigns each phantom his own task. The person who owns the item must complete it. Moreover, the presenter also has to redeem his collateral. In the classic version, deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Forfeits with cards. Each player writes his wish on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected and mixed. You can also prepare a deck of forfeits in advance - cardboard cards with tasks for the players. Next, either the players, without looking, draw out their phantom tasks, or the presenter shuffles the cards and distributes them to the players. Participants in the game must remember that they themselves may encounter their own task. Therefore, it is better not to wish for something that you yourself do not dare to accomplish.

Forfeits with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever's match goes out will fulfill the players' common wish. This game option is not suitable for children. Matches are not a toy for children!

Tasks for playing forfeits for children and for any company:

  1. Draw a portrait of yourself or a portrait of your neighbor on the left (options: in one minute, with your eyes closed, holding a pencil in your mouth).
  2. Draw a portrait of the birthday boy or Santa Claus by holding a felt-tip pen between your palms.
  3. Depict some fairy tale hero: Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Kolobok, etc.
  4. Draw some animal: lion, pig, hedgehog, cat, monkey, etc.
  5. Draw some kind of bird: a crow, a swallow, a rooster or a chicken, etc.
  6. Portray a famous person or movie hero: Marilyn Monroe, Rinata Litvinova, Jackie Chan, Spider-Man, Terminator.
  7. Draw a cartoon character: Shrek, Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Homer Simpson.
  8. Pantomime an alarm clock, perfume, ice cream.
  9. Pantomime a New Year's cracker.
  10. Pantomime a sparkler that refuses to light up.
  11. Show without words a request to screw in a light bulb.
  12. Draw a mirror (you go around all the guests, and everyone looks at you, and you must portray it).
  13. Kiss everyone.
  14. Confess your love to someone present without words.
  15. Draw 7 different emotions on your face.
  16. Tell a poem.
  17. Read the poem as if you were falling asleep.
  18. Write a poem about the birthday boy.
  19. The birthday boy says any word, and you must quickly come up with a rhyme for it.
  20. Sing a song (you can make the task more difficult - make him sing under the table or with matches in his teeth).
  21. Sing a song about a little Christmas tree, pressing a spoon or pencil to your nose with your upper lip.
  22. Sing a verse of a children's song (for example, about a grasshopper), replacing all the nouns in the text with words derived from the name of the birthday boy or the neighbor on the left.
  23. Perform the melody of the song “Two Cheerful Geese”, smacking your lips - “sending kisses” to the birthday person or the neighbor on the right.
  24. Play the tune of the song “Let them run clumsily...” with your finger on your lip.
  25. Answer “yes” to any question asked by each player in the group.
  26. Come up with a congratulation so that all words begin with “P” and “G” (any letters).
  27. Dance the dance of the little ducklings (possible options: swan lake, lezginka, gypsy).
  28. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  29. Pretend to be an airplane and run around the room with the sound “vzhzhzh”.
  30. Walk on all fours around the room, saying “I’m the only lunar rover, peep, pip...”
  31. Say “Oh, how beautiful I am (beautiful)!” 7 times in different ways, looking in the mirror without laughing.
  32. For each player, name 2 qualities for which you like him.
  33. Give a compliment to the neighbor on your left and pass this task around.
  34. Yawn until you make someone else yawn.
  35. Salute with your right hand and at the same time extend your left hand forward with your palm clenched into a fist and your thumb raised up. Say at the same time: “Wow! Birthday!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.
  36. Spoon feed the player on the right (all players can).
  37. Tell us about your favorite toy.
  38. Tell a joke.
  39. Draw a symbol of the coming year.
  40. Imagine yourself as an astrologer or fortune teller and predict what awaits each of the guests next year.

If the options for playing forfeits for children are too boring for your company and you want a thrill, then take a look

Do you want to throw away all modesty and finally throw some logs into your fireplace of love?

Then you definitely need this game!

This is an erotic game for married and regular couples. With her, your LOVE will flare up in an incredible way.
This is a truly EXCLUSIVE game! With her, “smoldering” LOVE will simply flare up with heat, and the bedroom will turn into a “den of debauchery”, or a “cloud of heaven”, if someone likes it that way. The chance that one of the two will not only be bored, but even think about cheating, with this game is guaranteed to be zero.

The Fanta game is divided into several groups:

  • For singles or “new acquaintances”- “Shura-mury”, “Pepper”, “Coffee break”, “Tete-a-tete”, “Coffee in bed” and “Holiday romance”
  • For regular couples- “Boredom Bomb”, “Fuel on the Fire”, “Absinthe”, “Sweet Couple”, “Beaujolais”, Caramel Paradise”, etc.
  • For "fun company"- “Shake”, “Cocktail”, “Bottle”, “Tusa”, “Gulyanka” - for corporate parties

This game "Absinthe" I ordered from the official website, direct link.

Bright box made of thick cardboard with a magnetic clasp.

Inside the box is a catalog of poses, game rules, an advertising brochure, a mask and 4 decks of cards.

Catalog- Thick glossy pages with very colorful and clear pictures. I can’t show it, the rules don’t allow it, but you can look at it on the official website.

Mask- made of black fleece, very soft. The smell went away after the 2nd wash.

Cards- 4 decks of 50 cards, each deck a different color. The easiest deck is the white one, and the hardest one is the red one.

In general, my husband is angry about anything except a hunger strike... But some cards from this game made him hysterical.

White cards.

The tasks are “simple” for warming up, most of the tasks are on the topic of romantic dates, going somewhere and plans. Can be done not only at home.

And this is something that is unacceptable for us. Well, how? How did these white and fluffy ones get such strange tasks?

Yellow forfeits.

Quests, sensations and a lot of role-playing games. Cards give free rein to your imagination in a playful way. Role-playing games are of course not easy, but if you put aside shyness and get into the role, then everything will go like clockwork. This is difficult for my husband, but I think in five years he will take the initiative into his own hands.

And these again do not suit us.

Pink cards.

I like them better than the others. The tasks were well chosen for a married couple; if we would not have come to this ourselves before (or would not have thought of it), then it was these forfeits that pushed us to do this.

But there was some absurdity here too.

Red forfeits. The most "burning".

A catalog of poses comes with them and some pink forfeits to help. My husband and I haven't gotten to these cards yet, we just like the "action" tasks more. And we are unlikely to ever be ready for this.

A couple of truly strange tasks.

When we play , then we immediately go through all the cards and remove those that are not suitable for us. I was already thinking about throwing away the extra ones, but then I decided to leave them - what if the cockroaches in my head run wild? kidding

Nobody canceled their rules , select the ones you need and draw one at a time, yes please, pull out one or two cards a day from action tasks, even better

In fact cool assignments , I like that 50% of the forfeit must be completed the next day or a week later, this does not allow the relationship to “stagnate”. After all, if earlier just going to the cinema on weekends was a joyful “going out” experience, now with the task of getting tickets to the last row and remembering your youth, it is simply impossible not to be in anticipation of the film. This is extreme, which is missing in long-term relationships.

And 20% of tasks are performed outside the home, which also prevents you from lying in bed. Tasks mainly with a romantic touch - meeting in a cafe, hotel, park, etc. Also 10-15 tasks for a massage, breakfast in bed and cute pranks.

Of course, we all have different tastes and colors, we rejected the red deck and 25 cards in total from the rest of the forfeits. Perhaps you will like all the forfeits.

We invite you to download cards that are suitable for the holiday.

Task options:

  1. Show off the fireworks so that everyone around you can guess what it is.
  2. Draw a scene from the cartoon “Tom and Jerry.” Call other participants to help you.
  3. Draw a scary monster.
  4. Depict any cartoon character so that everyone around you can guess what it is.
  5. With your eyes closed, tie the shoelaces of another participant in the game.
  6. Draw some animal so that everyone around you can guess who it is.
  7. Take a felt-tip pen or pencil in your mouth and, without using your hands, draw a balloon on a string.
  8. Guess the riddle: A house grew up in a field, the house is full of grain. The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up. We walk the house shaking on a golden pillar.
  9. Take water into your mouth and try not to swallow or spit it out for 1 minute while those around you make you laugh.
  10. Draw a mirror and “reflect” one of the game participants in it.
  11. Give a compliment to everyone present.
  12. Take one participant in the game as your assistant, tie your left hand to his right leg, and walk around the entire room together.
  13. Take several game participants as your assistants and together portray the Bremen Town Musicians.
  14. Remember your favorite song and sing an excerpt from it, adding “Ku-ku” after each line.
  15. Close your eyes and describe from memory what the participants in the game are wearing.
  16. Say the tongue twister “If “if” before “after” twice, then “after” after “if”. If “if” is after “after”, then “after” is before “if”.
  17. Picture your mom putting on makeup in front of the mirror.
  18. Fill your mouth with sweets or nuts and say the tongue twister 3 times: “Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked on a dryer.”
  19. Tell a funny incident or anecdote in a sad voice.
  20. With the help of two participants, portray the characters in the painting “Three Heroes.”
  21. Take several game participants to help you, pretend to be a steam locomotive and wagons. Drive several stops, picking up and dropping off passengers.
  22. Put your shoes on your right foot on your left, and your left on your right, and walk around all the rooms.
  23. Say the tongue twister three times: “The gorilla cooked the hamadryasHercules. And the hamadryas thanked.”
  24. Pretend to be talking on the phone.
  25. Portray any athlete so that others will guess.
  26. Sing the chorus of any song while hopping on one leg.
  27. Close your eyes and draw a funny face.
  28. Close your eyes and draw a portrait of any participant in the game.
  29. Draw an evil hare, and then a kind and sweet wolf.
  30. Say the poem “I love my horse” in a scary voice (like in a horror movie).
  31. Tell the fairy tale “Turnip” by mixing up all the characters: “The grandmother planted her granddaughter, the granddaughter grew up...”
  32. Yawn until someone present also yawns.
  33. Place any fruit on your head and walk from one corner to another (diagonally).
  34. Bow to each person present in different ways, without repeating yourself.
  35. Name 10 names that start with one (any) letter.
  36. Get on all fours and walk around the entire room, pretending to be a bear.
  37. For 1 minute, pretend to be Princess Nesmeyana, during which time the rest of the game participants should make you laugh.
  38. In one corner of the room - cry, in another - laugh, in the third - yawn, in the fourth - fall asleep.
  39. Give one of the game participants an unusual hairstyle.
  40. Picture of a samovar.
  41. Go outside or onto the balcony and shout “Hello lunatics!”
  42. Guess the riddle: Not a beast, not a bird, the sock is like a knitting needle. It flies - it squeaks, it sits - it is silent.
  43. Crawl under the chair.

In the kit you will find 5 A4 sheets with ready-made cards and 1 sheet for writing forfeits yourself, as well as a cover for forfeits.

How to prepare forfeits:

You need to first print the cover for forfeits, then print the assignments on the reverse side. After all the sheets have been printed, you need to cut the sheets into individual cards.

One way to entertain a group is a simple game of forfeits. It’s unlikely that anyone doesn’t know, but just in case, let’s recall the meaning of the game: the player whose forfeit has fallen must complete some fun task.

You can organize forfeits for the New Year for both a group of children and adults. The main thing is to prepare the assignments correctly.

To make the game fun and without problems, it is better to prepare for it in advance. The option when guests at the table are given pens and paper with an offer to come up with and write a task for the game should be considered unsuccessful.

Not all guests have a developed imagination; some may have a peculiar sense of humor and lack such a character trait as tact. Therefore, the game may not be very fun. It is much wiser to come up with tasks for forfeits for the New Year in advance, taking into account the composition of the company that will take part in the entertainment.

Rules for writing assignments

When coming up with competitions for forfeits for the New Year, you need, first of all, to think about who the game will be played with. Activities that are ideal for children may seem boring at an adult party. And what is perfect for a youth group will be inappropriate at a family party to which grandmothers and aunties are invited.

What should be the ideal forfeits for a cheerful company? Here are some rules:

  • tasks should be easy to complete for all participants in the game. For example, if the game is being designed for a family that includes older people, you should not include a task option asking you to do the splits or make a “bridge”;
  • competitions should not be openly vulgar; it is better to choose tasks that the player will not be ashamed to tell his children and parents about;
  • assignments should be aimed at identifying creative abilities and talents;
  • There is no need to choose options for tasks that will take time to complete; the maximum that can be allocated for completion is 5 minutes. Otherwise, the other participants in the game will begin to get bored while the player is embroidering a picture or composing a poem;
  • when drawing up competitions, you should not touch on the “painful” points of the game participants, focusing on relationships, physical disabilities and other personal things;
  • It is strictly not recommended to include competitions like “drink a glass of vodka in one gulp” into the program. You need to understand that everyone’s body is different, and excess alcohol will not bring health benefits;
  • You also need to be careful with tasks related to eating foods at speed. Hasty eating of food is an unaesthetic sight; in addition, the player may choke, and the holiday will be overshadowed by the need to call an ambulance;
  • You should not offer players to eat something that is not very suitable, such as a spoonful of mustard or an onion; such a task, although it will amuse those around them, will not bring joy to the participant himself.

When creating assignments, you need to take into account the format of the events. Forfeits, ideal for a corporate event, may be inappropriate for a family holiday and vice versa.

For example, a fairly popular competition is in which the player must “fish” a piece of candy from a plate of flour without using his hands. It is clear that a lady with beautiful makeup is unlikely to be delighted if she is asked to complete this task, because in the process she will be stained with flour and will have to wash herself, washing off not only the flour, but also the makeup.

The main goal of the game organizer is not to amaze those present with creative thinking, but to have fun, creating a great mood for everyone present. The task is certainly not easy, but quite doable.

Tasks for a children's company

When coming up with forfeits for children for the New Year, you should choose simple but fun tasks. A few examples:

  • draw an image of the symbol of the year, holding a pencil or felt-tip pen in your left (for left-handed people in your right) hand;
  • depict any animal - rooster, cat, bear, etc.;
  • recite a poem or sing a song, the text of which contains the words “winter”, “new year”, “Santa Claus”, etc.;
  • depict a bunny jumping around a Christmas tree;
  • sit down three times, holding your ears with your hands and sticking out your tongue;
  • depict any object or action with pantomime (the object is indicated in the task) so that others understand what it is;
  • crawl under the table and crow from there;
  • say some tongue twister;
  • stroke your stomach and chest with your hands at the same time, but so that your hands move in different directions;
  • with closed eyes, determine by touch what kind of object the presenter gave him;
  • perform a given dance composition (for example, the dance of little ducklings or the dance of a savage from the “tumbo-jumbo” tribe).

Of course, when choosing funny forfeits for a children’s group, you need to take into account the age of the children; kids should be given the simplest possible tasks; for teenagers, you can come up with something more “tricky”.

Tasks for an adult company

If there are no children in the company, then you can use a variety of ideas for forfeits for the New Year. For example, tasks could be like this:

  • Having chosen a partner from the company of guests, perform with him the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden” from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”;
  • dial any number on the phone (at random) and congratulate the people who answered the phone on the holiday;
  • burst a balloon by sitting on it;
  • peel the tangerine and lay out the image of a Christmas tree from the slices;
  • perform a fiery dance, holding sparklers in your hands, you need to dance until the lights burn out;
  • depict a deer who worked all night in the team of Santa Claus, delivering gifts;
  • convey through pantomime the meaning of any (choice) proverb so that those present understand what it is about;
  • compliment your table neighbor or all the girls present;
  • sing a New Year's song with a Caucasian accent;
  • sing any famous song, replacing all the words with the sounds “oink-oink”;
  • peel the tangerine so that the peel comes off in one long strip without tearing;
  • depict some well-known sculpture.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to use the proposed tasks; you can come up with your own “cool” forfeits that will be appropriate in your company.

How is the game going?

You can play forfeits in different ways. Classic version of the game goes like this:

  • two presenters are selected, one will take out forfeits, the second will assign tasks without seeing whose forfeit is being played;
  • before starting the game, you need to collect small things from everyone playing, which are put into any large container - a bag, hat, vase, etc. Things should be recognizable, for example, if several people offer tangerines or napkins as forfeit, it will be difficult to figure it out ;
  • The first presenter randomly removes any forfeit from the container, and the second one sets the task. After the player completes the task, the deposit is returned to him.

If you want to add a little excitement to the game, you can use signed bills of the same denomination as forfeits. In this case, if the player refuses to complete the task assigned to him, then a volunteer from the guests can act instead. In this case, the deposit (bill) will go to the person who completed the task. Of course, this version of the game is only suitable for adult companies.

Second version of the game: First, the task is formulated, then the player who will carry it out is determined by lot. The drawing of lots can be carried out in different ways. For example, a well-known children's game when players walk in a circle around stacked chairs, and the number of chairs does not correspond to the number of players (there is one less chair). When the music is turned off, players must take a chair. Anyone who does not have enough space must complete the given task.

For a large company, you can use a deck of cards for drawing lots. Whoever gets the ace of spades (or the queen of spades) is appointed as the performer of the task.

So, if you prepare well, playing forfeits can entertain the company. Experienced holiday organizers assure that this game is fun, even if the company includes very serious people. After all, New Year is a special holiday when everyone wants to feel like carefree children.

The forfeit tasks themselves for 30 people are a little lower, but for now here’s a short instruction:

1. Copy them into Word.

2. Read the red text - these are my tips for you, briefly note them somewhere, then delete them. Or print for yourself as is, and for the 2nd copy - as written above.

3. Select 1 option from several in those items where there is a mark Leave ONE, and delete the unnecessary ones.

4. Subtract, check.

5. Print and cut as directed. And enjoy a merry holiday with game of forfeits.

And now the texts of the forfeits:

1. If you are a boss, give a compliment to your subordinate; if you are a subordinate, scold your boss.

2. Kiss someone who has the same task (wait and watch your significant other for this kiss).

3. Kiss someone who has the same task (wait and watch your significant other for this kiss)

Mix the forfeits well in the bag so that the paired forfeits do not come across one after another - this way the intrigue will last (it’s exciting who you’ll have to kiss)

Not a word about the kisses themselves: let them kiss as they want - on the cheek, on the nose, on the forehead, on the top of the head.

4. As you know, jokes are divided into decent and funny. Tell me a decent one. But to make it funny.

5. Dance with... (Santa Claus, boss, table neighbor). You choose the melody.

- leave ONE MALE option. What is important: gender does not change. If a man pulled out this forfeit, and the boss is also a man, it means that two men are dancing - at least for a minute, but they are dancing. Otherwise it's not interesting.

Prepare a selection of music.

6. Dance with ... (your table neighbor, Snegurochka, the closest female representative to your right (SHE chooses the melody). Everything is similar to the previous paragraph. Prepare your music selection.

7. The next toast is from you. Get ready.

8. Confess your love to the person sitting immediately to your right. again we do NOT change the gender - as it happened, it happened. It's funnier this way.

9. You will now be blindfolded and given 3 items. Guess by touch what it is. Comment out loud.

The items should already be in your bag with props (something funny, brought from home - a baby's pacifier, a wig, a soft toy. Sometimes you can't see the toys with your eyes open, but with your eyes closed you'll definitely laugh.

Also prepare a handkerchief or soft scarf in advance for blindfolding.

10. Do now what you have long wanted to do. Make up your mind - the next chance will not come soon.

11. Turn to the neighbor on your left and say 10 affectionate derivatives on his behalf.

12. Reveal to everyone the secret - with whom you will be... (celebrating the New Year, spending a vacation, having dinner today, breakfast tomorrow). Leave alone

13. Remember and recite a nursery rhyme or a serious poem that suits the situation.

14. Sing a song about today’s occasion - where would we be without it?

15. You will have to... (shoot a firecracker, ). If you are really afraid, then choose the victim yourself. leave ONE.

Place a firecracker in the props or set aside the champagne in advance.

16. Tell everyone - what do you expect from (this New Year, tomorrow, this month)? leave ONE

17. Pour champagne to someone you recently quarreled with - and make peace. Right now. Set aside the champagne ahead of time.

18. Say 5 sentences starting with the words “I want that...”

19. Thank your closest colleague for putting up with you))

20. Name the name from among those present who next year will have to become... (Father Frost, the host of this holiday, Verka Serduchka) leave ONE

21. Name a name from among those present who next year will have to become... (Snow Maiden, gypsy, host of this holiday) leave ONE

22. Name your main drawback and tell us how you deal with it.

23. Name your main advantage and ask your colleagues if they agree with you.

24. Treat the neighbor on your left with a piece of candy or a slice of orange, lightly biting it with your lips - the neighbor should accept it the same way.

Usually it’s funny, but if this phantom seems inappropriate, don’t write it. If you left it, make sure that the candies and oranges are not all eaten yet.

25. Invite someone present on a date - name the time, place, purpose.

Tell me that there are different types of dates - in addition to declaring love, there is signing an agreement and asking for money)))

26. Pretend to be a monument - any one you wish, existing or proposed.

27. Pretend to be... (a Christmas tree on December 31, a burning candle, just bought ice cream). leave ONE

28. Pretend to be... (a Christmas tree on January 15, a dying candle, melted ice cream). leave ONE

29. Imagine that your neighbor at the table is a bottle of champagne. Open it. If it doesn’t open, you can shake it))

30. Praise yourself and everyone present - for the fact that you all organized such an unforgettable holiday today!

31. Praise me for composing such cool forfeits for you

With wishes of cheerful forfeits,



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