Chemical composition of quail eggs. Quail eggs - benefits

Chicken eggs have always been considered healthy and nutritious food for a person. They can be found in the refrigerator of almost every housewife. But recently, quail eggs have become increasingly popular, as they are considered more healthy and dietary than chicken eggs. Is this really so - let's figure it out together.

What is the difference between quail eggs and chicken eggs?

Quail eggs, like chicken eggs, have enormous nutritional value for humans. But if you compare these products with each other, they differ somewhat in appearance, in composition and benefits for the human body. A little lower in the article we will describe in more detail the composition of microelements in chicken and quail eggs.

By appearance

The differences between quail eggs and chicken products begin with their external signs. Next is their comparative characteristics.

Did you know? IN Ancient Egypt Quail testicles were called ampoules of health; in China they were used in healing, and in the Russian state they were always used in preparing culinary delights for the imperial table.


Miniature quail products, white, with dark stains and inclusions, have a fragile shell that is easily crushed into flour. The average weight of one unit is 10-13 g.


Chicken eggs are larger, have a uniform color from white to light brown, with a dense shell.

The weight of chicken eggs depends on the breed, climate zone and conditions of detention, and averages 50-55 g.

By composition

The table shows the composition of chicken and quail eggs for comparative analysis their beneficial properties:

Composition per 100 g Quail




Fats and fatty acids 11.0 g 9.8 g
Squirrels 13.0 mg 12.7 mg
Carbohydrates 0.3 g 0.7 g
Saturated fats 3.7 g 3.0 g
Polyunsaturated fats 1.4 g 1.5 g
Monounsaturated fats 4.3 g 3.7 g
Omega-3 fatty acids 44.1 mg 74.1 mg
Omega-6 fatty acids 941 mg 1149 mg
Cholesterol 845 mg 424 mg
Ash 1.0 g 9.8 g
Water 74.2 g 75.7 g
Micro- and macroelements:
Phosphorus 225 mg 192 mg
Sodium 140 mg 139 mg
Potassium 131 mg 133 mg
Calcium 64.1 mg 53.1 mg
Magnesium 13.1 mg 12.1 mg
Iron 3.7 mg 1.9 mg
Manganese 0.01 mg 0.01 mg
Zinc 1.6 mg 1.2 mg
Copper 0.1 mg 0.1 mg
Selenium 32.1 mcg 31.8 mcg
Fluorine - 1.2 mcg
Calorie content (kcal) 159 150
Vitamin A 0.47 mg 0.25 mg
Vitamin D - 36 mg
Thiamine (vitamin B1), mg 0.3 mg 0.1 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.7 mg 0.4 mg
Niacin (vitamin B3) 0.3 mg 0.2 mg
Choline (vitamin B4) 264 mg 252 mg
Pantothenic acid(vitamin B5) 1.9 mg 1.5 mg
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 0.3 mg 0.2 mg
Folate (vitamin B9) 67.0 mcg 48.0 mcg
Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) 1.7 mcg 1.4 mcg
Vitamin K 0.4 mcg 0.4 mcg
Alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) 1.2 mg 1.1 mg
As we see from the table, big difference there is no difference in the chemical composition between the products, so we can conclude that both types of product are useful.

But you can notice that quail eggs lead in the amount of monounsaturated and saturated fats, some vitamins (A, B4, B9, B12), and chicken eggs have fluoride, vitamin D, which is absent in quail eggs, and they are also richer in Omega-3 and Omega-3 fatty acids. 6.

Chicken eggs contain half as much cholesterol.

By benefit

Next, we will talk about the benefits that both types of product bring to the consumer’s body.


  1. Due to the fact that one testicle contains the daily norm of cholesterol (up to 25 percent) and protein (up to 2 percent), this makes this product indispensable during intense physical activity.
  2. It is recommended to be consumed by people who want to maintain a normal weight: it is permissible to eat 1-2 eggs during the day, without exceeding the specified number of calories per day.
  3. The protein contained in the product, polyunsaturated fats and folic acid can support normal level female hormones.
  4. Due to their rich chemical composition, testicles are recommended during pregnancy.
  5. On the male body, quail eggs can provide benefits similar to the effect of taking Viagra.
  6. In the nutrition of a preschooler (1-2 pieces per day) they are an indispensable product for preventing developmental delays. mental development, and daily use by a schoolchild (2-3 pcs.) will make it easier to remember and assimilate the school curriculum.
  7. The product is indicated for diseases gastrointestinal tract and bronchial asthma.
  8. The product is dietary and, when consumed regularly, helps eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome.
  9. Eating eggs removes toxins and radionuclides from the body.
  10. Protein contains large dose interferon, so it should be used by patients with weakened immune systems, with precancerous conditions, after operations and with various inflammations.
  11. High iron content helps eliminate iron deficiency anemia.
  12. The increased content of vitamin A helps fight eye diseases.
  13. Important!When growing and keeping quails, antibiotics are not used, because... due to their high body temperature (+42° C) salmonella and other microorganisms do not survive. Therefore, this product does not need to be subjected to heat treatment, which preserves its nutritional value and allows it to be eaten raw.

  14. The presence of B vitamins improves performance nervous system.


  1. The presence of vitamin D serves to prevent osteoporosis and destruction of dental tissue, and is also useful for people who do not have the opportunity to spend enough time in the sun.
  2. Easily digestible protein is useful for sports and mental stress.
  3. The presence of lecithin (3 g in one egg at daily requirement 4-10 g) helps the liver remove toxins and poisons, normalizes its functioning, and also helps fight deposits of “bad” cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Lecithin also has a positive effect on the functioning of brain cells.
  4. The amount of choline contained in 2 testicles, if consumed every day, will be sufficient for prevention oncological diseases mammary gland in women.
  5. Availability folic acid will improve the health of women planning pregnancy, will help to bear healthy child, safely give birth to him and feed him.
  6. Niacin helps the formation of germ cells and has a beneficial effect on brain activity.
  7. Vitamin A prevents cataracts and protects optic nerves and neutralizes the adverse effects of the environment.
  8. Important!Compared to quail eggs, chicken eggs are not as safe in their raw form due to the threat of salmonella insemination, so before eating they must be washed with soap and cooked for at least 10 minutes.

  9. Vitamin E and luten are needed for normal operation heart and blood vessels, and also improve vision.

Use in cooking

In world cuisine, quail eggs occupy the first place of honor among similar products. They are also gaining popularity among our chefs.

Here are some ways to use these miniature products:

  • cold, hot snacks (sandwiches, salads, toast);
  • as part of sauces for meat, fish and vegetables;
  • for preparing liquid and pureed first courses;
  • for any baking (in the ratio of 1 chicken egg to 4 quail eggs);
  • as part of dairy desserts;
  • in the preparation of mayonnaise;
  • as part of drinks (egg cocktail, etc.);
  • omelette and poached eggs;
  • marinating boiled eggs in a complex brine.

Chicken products are also widely used in the cuisines of the world and are irreplaceable products.

Quail eggs- a product that has acquired a lot of myths about its fabulous properties. The product is eaten as completely healthy people to maintain wellness, and those who have a history of any diseases. Moreover, if you compare quail eggs with chicken eggs, the former are ahead of their competitors in almost all indicators.

Let's try to figure out why they are cheaper and at first glance no different from quail ones. chicken eggs cannot be compared with them. Are quail eggs really resistant to salmonella, so they can be safely eaten raw? What are the benefits and harms of using of this product What are the benefits of quail eggs, are their shells eaten, what are the benefits of quail eggs for women and many other questions will be discussed below.

Usually, before eating any product, people try to find out about its properties: will it be harmful, will its use lead to an irreparable outcome? Speaking about quail eggs, you can be sure that they do not contain any substances dangerous to humans. Moreover, they contain unusually large number macro- and microelements, everything in them is useful: yolk, white, nutritious shell.

Despite small size egg and its low weight (a quail egg weighs only 12 g), the composition of a quail egg can truly be called unique, because its closest “relative” - a chicken egg, despite its greater weight (about 50 g), cannot boast of such characteristics, even calorie content . A more clear comparison of sizes will be visible in the photo or video.

Most important components quail eggs are given in the table:

Thanks to these components contained in one quail egg, this product can be placed in first place among all products of animal origin. In addition, the egg contains components that are not listed in the table: phosphorus, cobalt, copper, calcium, and so on.

Quail egg white contains essential amino acids, which are involved in the process of cell regeneration, as well as in their formation. From a small amount is vital important acids that humans need daily, quail eggs contain three: tryptophan, methionine and lysine. These amino acids are considered essential and have a powerful effect on the body as a whole. So, if an adult does not receive enough lysine, this can lead to a decrease in immunity. At insufficient quantities methionine, liver function sharply decreases, that is, the risk increases higher level cholesterol and pancreatitis, diabetes often develops.

Last but not least, the amino acid tryptophan is involved in the production of serotonin, which is popularly called the hormone of happiness.

In addition, quail eggs contain other components. For example, they contain 13 g of protein, and energy value is 155 kcal (calories) per 100 g of product. This protein content, as well as low calorie content, is the reason why eggs are so often eaten during diets and weight loss. Athletes also actively use this property, increasing productivity with the help of special nutrition.

It is worth mentioning vitamins, which are also contained in quail product. The most valuable is riboflavin, that is, vitamin B2. Just 100 g of eggs contains a child’s daily requirement of this vitamin or half adult norm. In addition, the egg yolk contains other vitamins such as B1, A and PP, as well as many antioxidants.

How to eat eggs correctly

It is worth saying that quail eggs can be eaten in several variations:

  • raw (drink them);
  • boiled;
  • baked;
  • fried.

To correctly calculate the daily requirement, it is worth correlating the number of eggs eaten with the person’s age. So, children under three years old are recommended to eat 1 or 2 eggs. In the period from 3 to 10 years, you can increase the number to three pieces. Those older than this age can eat no more than 6 pieces per day. Higher consumption is fraught with negative consequences.

If you want to gain from consuming a product therapeutic effect, you should wait a period of one week, 14 days, or better yet, a month, and eat eggs every day (several times a day) during this time. It is the systemic use of this product that will be of a therapeutic and prophylactic nature, otherwise special effect it will not be possible to notice. In addition, in this case, quail eggs are usually eaten on an empty stomach.

There is an opinion that raw quail eggs are the most useful, since heat treatment has not yet changed them chemical composition. The contents of the egg are drunk by making a small hole in the shell. Indeed, the benefits of raw quail eggs are great. However, you must be 100% sure that the quail bird was not sick with anything and laid eggs quality product, which can be consumed as food. If you buy eggs in a store, that is, you cannot personally check their quality, it is better to cook them, and then eat the eggs without fear, enjoying all their beneficial properties.

How long can the product be stored? The shelf life of quail eggs is quite long: 30 days, but they must be stored under certain temperature conditions, that is, in the refrigerator. You can determine the freshness of an egg by placing it in water. If it starts to float, it means it is no longer fresh, the expiration date has passed and it is undesirable to eat it.

Are children allowed to eat eggs?

As for children, quail eggs are an ideal product for them, that is, they can definitely be eaten. We will try to list the main reasons why it is worth introducing your child to them:

  • First of all, especially if we're talking about about very young children, this is a rather interesting process, because the quail egg is small, and its shell has an unusual spotted color. In addition, they can even be painted any color for Easter.
  • Also, the benefits of eggs are invaluable, this was discussed in detail earlier. All the substances contained in them are extremely necessary for a growing organism. Just 1 or 2 eggs a day - and the baby’s vision will not deteriorate, and his memory will delight in clarity. There is a general positive effect on the development of the child’s nervous system. At proper nutrition the baby only dreams good dreams, and the mood is always cheerful.
  • It should also be said that quail eggs are hypoallergenic product, even a child who is prone to allergies can use it.

Quail eggs in treatment

Egg in many literary sources are described as a symbol of procreation, as well as excellent health, and for good reason. After all, with the help of the same quail eggs, you can significantly improve your well-being, as well as recover from many diseases, in addition to the main treatment.

What goals can be achieved by knowing the healing properties of quail eggs:

  • increasing immunity;
  • enrichment of the usual diet;
  • cholesterol reduction;
  • positive influence on the development of the child’s nervous system;
  • removing toxins and so on.

As for diseases, you can alleviate the course of many gastrointestinal diseases: stomach ulcers, gastritis, and so on. You can also significantly reduce the treatment time for pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, some heart diseases if eggs are consumed regularly. It is worth saying that a positive effect is noted on all internal organs.

Pregnant women and those who are engaged breastfeeding, it is necessary to eat eggs on an empty stomach for the reason that this product is a prevention of pathologies of fetal development in the womb, it has a beneficial effect on the structure bone tissue tooth, which so often deteriorates during pregnancy, will also significantly increase immunity expectant mother. It is worth paying attention to this natural product for those whose age has exceeded 50 years. Its intake is important, as it will help prevent cholecystitis, and also rid the body of accumulated for many years cholesterol. Many doctors note that regular consumption of quail eggs helps get rid of the formation of characteristic plaques on blood vessels.

The product also has a specific purpose: eggs trigger the process of removing radionuclides. This is relevant for those who deal with chemical reagents, as well as radioactive substances, that is, they work in hazardous industries. Eggs are also prescribed as a diet, for example, for those who are undergoing a course of chemotherapy, have undergone surgery, or are in a state of fight against oncology.

The number of kilocalories contained in quail eggs is considered ideal.

How eggs are used in the cosmetics industry

The benefits of quail eggs for women lie not only in their use as food. Often mention of this product can be seen on labels cosmetics in the composition. Where is quail egg enzyme added? Positive qualities The product is actively used in the production of care products in cosmetology for the face, body and hair.

It is also possible to make your own self-care product at home using simple recipes preparations. It's simple and useful.

If you have dry skin with wrinkles, you can prepare a mask containing eggs (three quail yolks) and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and then evenly distributed over the skin of the face. Keep the mask on for at least 20 minutes, after which the mixture is washed off.

For oily skin and combined form A quail egg can again come to the rescue. However, here you will no longer need the yolk, but the white, and it must be thoroughly beaten. The peculiarity of this mask is that there should be several layers, and each subsequent one must be applied by hand to the previous one only when it is completely dry and crusty. Just as in the previous case, the mask is washed off with warm running water.

Is quail egg used for hair care? Yes, using masks based on it for dry and brittle hair is especially effective. You will need 3 eggs (both yolk and white), 70 ml of any vegetable oil, honey - 3 tbsp. l. The ingredients must be mixed; it is better to use a kitchen blender, so the mixture will be as homogeneous as possible. The resulting mixture is applied along the entire length of the hair, wrapped in plastic wrap and covered with a towel to create a thermal effect. You need to keep such a mask on your head for at least one hour, during which time it will have time to release all the nutrients. Conduct similar procedures required at least once a month.

Quail eggs - benefits for men

What are the benefits of quail eggs for men? We can say that quail eggs on an empty stomach are a godsend for the male body, their usefulness is high. Many countries have long been familiar with unique medicinal properties quail eggs, for example, the Japanese introduced the product into daily diet to support eternal youth by lowering cholesterol levels. There is no other nation that has remained so young and energetic for so long.

Residents of Bulgaria, and especially the male half of the country, love quail eggs for the reason that they have a positive effect on potency and erectile function. Many reviews claim that the effect of the product can only be compared with Viagra. Now you can buy a special cocktail made from the quail component. It is sold on the Internet under the trade name “Molodost”, but in essence it is an ordinary “mogol mogol”. Why is he so popular? The fact is that the contents of the egg have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the male genital organs, improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs (increases potency), as well as stimulating the production of male semen.

This product has been popular in Germany for many years. The Germans often resort to a special proprietary method of maintaining youth and fortitude: they are accustomed to taking 3-4 raw quail eggs as a treatment instead of breakfast and washing the product down with 10 ml of cold vodka or tincture of hazelnut. Many people associate this tradition with the fact that the sex industry in Germany is developed like nowhere else. This is a reason for men to think: perhaps it is really worth replacing the usual scrambled eggs or sandwich with such an unusual cocktail or drink.

How to properly boil eggs

Those who encounter the product for the first time ask a completely logical question: how long to cook it? After all, it is so important to bring it to the desired consistency, but not to overcook it and not leave the yolk raw. In the first case, there is a high risk of destroying everything useful substances, minerals and vitamins, in the second - eat a product that has not undergone sufficient testing heat treatment and may contain bacteria. So, in order to prevent such a development of events, remember: you need to cook a quail egg for exactly 5 minutes. When the eggs have surfaced, the product is ready. If you want to cook it by frying, you will have to wait at least 3 minutes, and do this with the lid closed.

The risk of contracting salmonellosis still exists. Despite numerous studies that quails do not suffer from this disease and cannot be a carrier of the infection, there is an opinion that this is not the case. For this reason, you should still play it safe and cook the eggs thoroughly, especially when it comes to children.

Regardless of what you are going to do with the eggs in the future: eat raw, fry, bake or boil, you need to wash the product. This is the most important hygiene requirement, the implementation of which will serve preventative measure in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

Is the shell useful?

A quail egg is considered a unique product also because all its components are useful: the yolk, the white, and even the shell, which is rich in calcium. This is explained by the fact that the shell of quail eggs contains potassium carbonate and trace elements such as iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc and at least 20 others important elements. Separately, it is worth mentioning molybdenum and silicon, because the content of these components in the regular menu is quite meager.

The shell is also taken internally as food additives to main food. The egg must be thoroughly washed under cold running water, then boiled until tender, that is, hard-boiled. After complete cooling, the product must be peeled and crushed to a powder. This mixture can be added to any food, because taste qualities it does not have, which means it will not be able to change the taste of the dish.

The shell in powder form can even be given to children over one year of age. Its use is especially relevant in cases where the child has developmental pathologies skeletal system, for example, dysplasia or dislocations. This is due to the fact that the product high content calcium.

When else is shell therapy useful? Women resort to this technique when they want to improve the condition of their hair and nails. Also, its regular use will forever relieve the phenomenon of constipation, help you forget about bleeding while brushing your teeth, sleepless nights and skin rashes, it will lower cholesterol levels.

You yourself control the amount of food additive, because there cannot be too many quail egg shells. To enhance the effect of the shell, many add a few drops of freshly prepared lemon juice, and also a little fish oil, this cocktail is considered ideal for maintaining and improving health.

What can you cook from quail eggs?

Quail eggs are eaten not only separately from other food products, but you can find a lot of successful combinations where the dish will remain both tasty and healthy at the same time. Using this product as an ingredient can be a real treat for the stomach. Let's talk about the most popular recipes based on quail eggs.

Omelette. You will need 8-10 quail eggs, 100 ml of milk. It is necessary to mix the ingredients using a whisk or mixer, add salt and pepper to taste. You can cook an omelette either in the oven or in a frying pan; it does not matter and does not in any way affect the taste of the future dish. If you choose a frying pan, then the frying time should be at least 5 minutes, and it is important to cover the omelette with the frying pan and turn on medium heat.

Soup with quail eggs. The process of preparing soup remains classic; it can be vegetable soup, rice soup, or even hodgepodge. A distinctive point will be the addition to final stage preparing the first course of raw quail eggs beaten in a glass.

Quite often, a quail egg is the star of salads. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. You can prepare a classic summer salad, for example, mix tomato, cucumber, herbs and add an egg. Or make Olivier, but instead of a chicken egg put finely chopped quail. You can add a quail egg to baked goods; you can even bake a wonderful biscuit based on it.

Who should use the product with caution

A lot has been said about the benefits of quail eggs. But, unfortunately, even this unique product, like quail eggs, should be consumed with caution by some people. You need to know about the benefits and harms, as well as contraindications.

The dangers of quail eggs affect those who suffer from food allergies or have individual intolerance of this product. Despite the fact that quail eggs, according to scientists, are hypoallergenic, in some cases it may cause allergic reactions, especially when the product is new to the menu and the volume of its consumption is large. Say no to this product in that case.

Those who have problems with protein digestibility, as well as with the formation of stones in their teeth, should approach the consumption of the described product with caution. bile ducts. If you have such problems, you should consult your doctor and also reduce your consumption of quail eggs.

Now you know how beneficial properties quail eggs and contraindications. They contain a unique complex nutrients and vitamins necessary for humans. However, they must be consumed wisely, following the recommended standards, only in this way the effect will be 100% positive.


What effect do quail eggs have on the body? What harm can they cause and how to use them correctly.

Quail eggs are a product that is famous for its composition and multifaceted effect on the body. Nutritionists assure that taking such eggs will help the body of pregnant women, children, and people weakened by disease. But is the product as useful as they say it is? How much protein is in a quail egg, and does it contain cholesterol?

Effect on the body and indications

Research has proven that quail eggs are beneficial for the body. Their the action is multifaceted:

  • Ensuring full growth, accelerating the synthesis of useful elements (hormones, antibodies and enzymes).
  • Strengthening bone tissue, optimizing the hematopoietic process.
  • Normalization of the central nervous system, elimination of depression.
  • Replenishing the body's needs for nutrients.
  • Protecting the liver from toxic effects.
  • Removing “bad” cholesterol.
  • Strengthening immune systems s.
  • Rejuvenation of the body.

Indications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • anemia and rickets;
  • liver diseases;
  • dystrophy and tuberculosis;
  • problems with potency;
  • mental retardation;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • eliminating the negative effects of radiation;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • delayed mental development.


The unique properties are due to the rich composition of the product. Here it is worth highlighting the following criteria:

  1. Nutritional value . When compiling balanced nutrition The important question is how much protein is in one quail egg? Main feature product - BJU ratio. So, 100 grams contains:
    • squirrel - 11.9 g;
    • carbohydrates – 0.6 g;
    • fats – 13.1 g.

    As you can see, there is more fat in a quail egg, and the protein level is even lower than in a chicken egg (the latter has 12.8-13 grams).

  2. Amino acids. Another advantage - wide range amino acids in the composition. The protein contained in the product is quickly broken down in the stomach and covers the needs for useful elements. Amino acids are supplied in ideal proportions. In addition, some of them are essential, which are not synthesized by the body and come only from food. Deficiency leads to health problems. Quail eggs contain the most methionine (its volume is twice as high as in chicken eggs). It contains tryptophan and lysine in abundance.
  3. Fats. The advantage of quail eggs is the presence of fatty acids. How many grams of fat are in a quail egg, and what are they represented by? The composition is as follows:
    • Omega-3 fatty acids – 44 mg;
    • Cholesterol – 844 mg;
    • Omega-6 fatty acids – 950 mg.

    Compared to a chicken egg, a quail egg has twice as much cholesterol. This fact caused active discussions and led to false stereotypes that eating them is harmful.

  4. Vitamins and minerals. The advantage of the product is a large amount of iron, magnesium, retinol and B vitamins. In addition, the composition contains a sufficient amount of fluoride and calciferol. But most of the vitamins are destroyed during the preparation process or after entering the body, but minerals are absorbed almost completely.

The harm of cholesterol

Today there is a lot of discussion about the benefits of the product in question. This is not surprising, because quail eggs contain large amounts of cholesterol and have a negative effect on circulatory system. Is it that scary?

Average weight of one egg – 10-12 grams. This means that it contains no more than 80-90 mg cholesterol at daily norm V 300 mg. It is worth distinguishing the content harmful substance in food and blood. It has been proven that cholesterol coming from outside has almost no effect on the content of the latter in plasma. In addition, cholesterol coming from food is divided into two types - good and bad. The second accelerates the process of formation of plaques in the vessels, and the first prevents this from happening.

Experienced nutritionists assure that healthy person 2-3 eggs per day are not capable of causing harm. This news shocked society, because it seemed that eggs were the main source of nutrients, vitamins and fats. Now it turns out that abuse of the product leads to heart attack, vascular sclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A number of studies have been carried out against this background. As a result, it was found that eating eggs does not increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the same vegetarians who do not consume animal products also exhibit vascular sclerosis.

Scientists have proven that amino acids in protein are beneficial for AIDS. Quail eggs strengthen the immune system, which is important for such a disease. If there is no cholesterol, then the opposite process occurs - the risk of developing infections and tumors increases.

Reception features

The high cholesterol content in quail eggs worries many people. But this don't be afraid, if you prepare the product correctly and do not abuse it. There is an opinion that eggs are allowed to be taken raw. Despite the fact that quails rarely suffer infectious diseases, such cases do happen. In addition, there are no guarantees of the carrier’s integrity and the absence of infections on the shells. The best solution– prepare the product (fry or boil).

What are the cooking secrets? To preserve nutrients, eggs should not be boiled for more than five minutes. If you choose the option of frying, then do this more than 2-3 minutes is prohibited. It is recommended to wash the shells before cooking to avoid infections. It is recommended to use small dishes for cooking. This guarantees the solution to two problems - saving water and accelerating the boiling process.

Regarding permissible quantity eggs per day:

  • Children under 3 years old are not recommended to have more than two eggs.
  • From the age of three to ten years there should not be more than three.
  • From ten to eighteen years old, you cannot include more than four pieces in your diet.
  • Between eighteen and fifty years of age, up to six eggs are recommended.
  • At the age of fifty and above, you should not exceed the norm of 5 pieces.

Contraindications and harm

Before eating quail eggs, remember the other side of the “coin”:

  1. Contraindications:
    • Impaired protein digestibility.
    • Diseases of the intestines and stomach.
    • Allergic reactions. Although, you shouldn't be afraid of this. Numerous studies have shown that this product is hypoallergenic.
    • Gallstone disease. This is explained by the release of bile and the appearance of colic when the product is abused.
    • Obesity.
    • Atherosclerosis. The issue of taking quail eggs in the presence of such a disease is being discussed today. The factors that support the defense are that with the intake of eggs, beneficial substances enter the body (one of them is choline), which accelerate the utilization of dangerous cholesterol.
  2. Harm of the product in question is as follows:
    • Risk of salmonella infection. There is an opinion that high temperature quail bodies are a guarantee of the destruction of dangerous microbes. But the opposite happens. At this temperature, salmonella develop without problems, and die only at 56 degrees Celsius. This is another factor that makes you reconsider your desire to eat raw quail eggs. To avoid risks, it is allowed to eat, but from those birds in whose health there is confidence.
    • High cholesterol levels. The danger of this element for the body has not been canceled.

Application in cosmetology

Hundreds of dissertations have been written on the topic of quail eggs and cholesterol, the content of which is higher than normal. At the same time, another quality of the product is missed - effectiveness in cosmetology, and specifically in the matter of preparing masks. If you mix olive oil and yolk, the result is an ideal composition for eliminating oily skin. For dry skin A whipped egg white mask is suitable. Such procedures normalize the fat content of the epidermis and nourish it with vitamins.

For healthy hair you need mix 2-3 yolks with 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. After adding honey and stirring ready mask applied to the hair roots and strengthens them.


Let us draw the following conclusions:

  • Raw quail eggs are often not safe. They may contain infections such as salmonella and pullorosis. If the bird is healthy, then there is no harm from taking raw product there won't be. On the other hand, there remains one more source of risk - the shell, where dangerous infections also often accumulate.
  • Quail eggs contain a large amount of cholesterol, but they also contain choline. It ensures “eating” of the harmful substance and reduces harm to the circulatory system.
  • Quail eggs are often used for weight loss, but not because of their low calorie content. The reason is the presence of choline, which breaks down fat and normalizes carbohydrate metabolism.

ABOUT medicinal properties quail eggs were known back in Ancient China, however, their real study began in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century. Japanese scientists have established the fact that the elimination of radionuclides from the body is accelerated by regular consumption of quail eggs, and also that they contain substances that inhibit growth cancerous tumor. However, if you decide to use quail eggs in your diet, the benefits and harms of this product should be considered different sides, especially when used for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

An egg is a unique invention of nature, which contains both the seed of life and a complete set of substances for its development. However, due to the colossal diversity of all living things emerging from eggs, their chemical composition is different and adapted to the evolutionary conditions. It is he who determines biological value, even the uniqueness of the product.

To say why quail eggs are useful, it is necessary to evaluate the chemical composition of a quail egg. To do this, you can take a well-studied chicken egg, which is found in the diet of almost every person, as a standard. A comparative assessment of their nutritional value indicators shows that the differences between them are small (Table 1), with the exception of the content of saturated fatty acids. Here, quail eggs outperformed chicken eggs by almost 20%. Considering that saturated fatty acids are necessary not only as participants in energy metabolism, but also as a building material for cell membranes and synthesis of hormones - their value for a growing organism is undeniable.

Table 1: Nutritional value of chicken and quail eggs, g/100 g of product

The unique beneficial properties of eggs in general and quail eggs in particular are determined by the content and availability of macroelements, microelements and vitamins (Table 2). While inferior to chicken in the content of macroelements such as sulfur and sodium, quail are confidently ahead in the content of phosphorus and magnesium, which ensure the formation of bones and the stable functioning of the nervous system.

Considering the differences in the content of microelements, it can be noted that quail products exceed chicken products in the content of iron, copper and cobalt by almost 20%, and in chromium - three times. Iron is part of hemoglobin in oxygen metabolism, is involved in the synthesis of hormones and nucleic acids, its deficiency can be deadly. Copper is responsible for the functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, and its deficiency can threaten anemia, hair loss, loss of performance, and general fatigue of the body. Cobalt is involved in hematopoietic processes, regulates hormonal metabolism, promotes the process of tissue regeneration. Chromium attributed to essential microelements, is responsible for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, is capable of removing radionuclides and heavy metals. Its deficiency can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension and atherosclerosis. It is important that chromium is practically not absorbed from medicines and is only available in organic form.

According to the content of a number of vitamins, i.e. substances, most of which the human body is not able to produce on its own, quail eggs exceed chicken eggs by 1.5-2 times. Separately, it is necessary to say a few words about choline, the content of which in quail products was more than 2 times higher than in chicken products. This substance is a hepatoprotector and is part of lecithin, which supports active work brain. In addition, choline helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, which means the possibility of developing hypertension or heart disease is significantly reduced.

So, even as a first approximation, you can assess whether quail eggs are healthy and whether it is worth replacing the usual chicken omelet or scrambled eggs with them.

Table 2: Contents chemical elements in chicken and quail eggs, mg/100 g of product

Chickens 192 176 156 140 134 55 12
Quail 218 124 147 144 115 54 32
Chickens 2500 83 29 4 6 10
Quail 3200 112 30 14 2 14
Chickens 0,25 0,07 0,44 0,14 7 0,19 2 251
Quail 0,47 0,11 0,65 0,12 5,6 0,3 0,9 507

Use in baby food

Analysis of the chemical composition of quail eggs showed that the most important compounds contained in them ensure the formation of almost all body systems. You can give quail eggs to children with early age, however, when feeding infants, pediatricians still advise waiting up to a year if food allergy has already manifested itself. In the diet of children, both younger and school age they must be present, but the method of use may be different.

Children under 3 years old should have no more than 2 pieces per day, preferably boiled, although it all depends on the child’s health, allergic manifestations, as well as on his preferences. Older children can already be offered raw egg, it is only important that it is fresh and from a trusted manufacturer; it must be washed before use, since no one has canceled external infection. In this case, the benefits of quail eggs for children will manifest themselves when consumed half an hour before meals, for example, as eggnog. At this age you can eat 3 pieces a day. It is important to use them systematically, at least for six months. Consumption of quail eggs throughout the entire growth period child's body will bring tangible benefits that will be reflected in good health and active mental development.

Use in women's and men's diets

A special role is given to quail eggs in the nutrition of women in different periods life. Due to the high content of substances that regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism, they are part of the nutritional system that ensures control over body weight. Daily use A cocktail of beaten quail eggs with a spoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon and ginger will provide the body with energy, optimize metabolism and help more effectively deal with stressful situations.

The benefits of quail eggs are invaluable for women preparing for the birth of a child. Its high content of mineral elements, especially iron and chromium, as well as vitamins contributes to correct formation fetus and provides beneficial influence on the mother's body. There is evidence that regular consumption of raw quail eggs by pregnant women on an empty stomach reduces the threat of miscarriage and mitigates the manifestations of toxicosis.

Except internal use, they can also be used as a component in home cosmetology. An egg mask for hair will make it shiny, and in the case of thin, dry hair egg yolk used as detergent. With regular use, the hair structure is restored and growth accelerates. It is also very useful when using egg face masks to replace a chicken egg with a quail one. The effectiveness of such a product will be much higher, and depending on the addition of other ingredients, the mask can be nourishing, moisturizing or toning.

Talking about men's nutrition It should be noted that the benefits of quail eggs for men have been noticed for a long time, but have not yet been fully appreciated. Firstly, it must be said about the slightly higher protein content in a quail egg compared to a chicken egg, and secondly, the point is not so much in its quantity as in the amino acid composition. But the most important thing is mineral composition. Thanks to love minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, copper and iron, the sexual arousal, potency increases and the quality of sexual secretion improves. Great help in maintaining men's health Quail eggs will provide a good, and maybe even excellent, level if consumed regularly.

Healing properties

Unique combination macro- and microelements in a quail egg, noticed by observant healers, served as the basis for the creation of legends about miraculous properties this product. However, the benefits of quail eggs, both for very young and for very adults, are possible only if they are used correctly: certain age, V the right amount and in appropriate preparation. Treatment with quail eggs is not a panacea, but an opportunity to help the body in a stressful situation.

Quail eggs have a higher calorie content than chicken eggs and protein is optimally balanced amino acid composition, and also good content macronutrients. These properties allow them to be actively used in sports nutrition and with severe physical work, as well as after illness in recovery period. In this case, it is advisable to eat boiled eggs, since the digestibility of boiled protein is much higher, and the mineral elements are not destroyed during cooking.

For diseases of the stomach organs, it is recommended to exclude large amounts of animal products from the diet. For pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas - animal foods are not recommended at all, with the exception of raw or scrambled eggs of quail eggs and steamed fish. This disease is often accompanied by others inflammatory processes organs of the stomach and intestines, since when one organ becomes ill, the load on the others increases. For example, when peptic ulcer, especially if high acidity gastric juice, a raw quail egg will help, lowering the acidity level.

Myths about quail eggs

Like most healthy products Having recently appeared in the diet of Russians, quail eggs are overgrown with myths and rumors advertising them as a panacea for all diseases, but their unconditional benefits do not deprive them of some contraindications.

Myth 1. Raw quail eggs are absolutely safe

Quails, like any bird, can suffer from infections such as pullorosis and salmonellosis. In the first case food intoxication In one person it is relatively easy, but in the second person it is very difficult with possible serious complications. Fresh quail eggs from a healthy bird are absolutely safe, but their shells can become a source of infection. Theoretically, if feces from a sick bird gets on it, the infection can spread inside. However, if you follow the rules of hygiene when raising birds, infection will be unlikely. If you observe the shelf life of quail eggs, be confident in the manufacturer and wash the shells with soap immediately before use, you can safely eat them raw.

Myth 2. Quail eggs have no cholesterol

The cholesterol content in quail eggs is higher than in chicken eggs (Table 1). In general, cholesterol ensures many biochemical processes, for example, the formation of sex hormones or the synthesis of vitamin D. Another question is that with its excess, cholesterol is not included in the metabolism, but begins to clog blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis. IN quail yolk There is a large amount of choline, a substance that makes cholesterol capable of being “eaten” by all cells that need it. Therefore, cholesterol eaten with quail eggs does not accumulate in the blood, but, on the contrary, its content decreases.

Myth 3. Quail eggs are a low-calorie product and therefore contribute to weight loss

In fact, how many calories are in a quail egg have been calculated for a long time (Table 1), and this product is not considered low-calorie. However, they actually appear in weight loss diets, and all thanks to the same choline, which is involved in the regulation fat metabolism. In addition, the high content of chromium in a form accessible to the body normalizes carbohydrate metabolism and helps break down fat. Good composition Vitamins allow the body to cope with stress, which can be caused by a strict diet.

A little about cooking

Nutritionists have long been arguing with doctors about how to consume quail eggs, and they are all arguing with manufacturers. It is obvious that in each specific case it is necessary to take a creative approach to solving the problem. There are no less ways to prepare them than chicken ones, including non-traditional ones, for example, quail eggs Benedict.

However, cooking remains not only the safest cooking option, but also provides the most easily accessible method of consumption for the body. At the same time, the question of how long to cook quail eggs so that they remain as healthy as possible is far from idle, since the chemical composition of the product changes. Therefore, you should decide how to cook quail eggs, guided by the purpose of use. Traditionally, they can be cooked soft-boiled, in a bag and hard-boiled, varying in cooking time, from 2 to 5-7 minutes. In this process, the main application of force is aimed not so much at hard-boiling a quail egg, but at cleaning it, since the shell is very difficult to separate from the contents. To make cleaning easier, it is better to boil it in salted water - 20-30 g per glass - and immediately lower it from boiling water into cold water. After 5 minutes they can be cleaned.

Special scissors for quail eggs will help you break the shell. The rather fragile shell does not break when struck with a knife, but crumbles; the film underneath is quite strong and does not tear easily. As a result, shell fragments often end up in the dishes, and some of the contents remain on your hands. Scissors help to carefully open the egg without splinters, which is convenient for daily use.

When choosing food for yourself and your loved ones, a person chooses healthy and long life or illness and a weak existence, and this choice is not always conscious. However, if it is done correctly, then everything that quail eggs are useful for will ensure movement in the right direction. Especially if they were demolished by quails raised with their own hands on their own mini-farm.



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