Hormonal remedy Janine. Cross-drug interactions

Janine, a drug that is essential for a woman’s health. The instructions for use describe all its advantages from contraceptive action to restoration of pathological hormonal imbalance.

Release form and cost

1. Tablets:

2. Dragee:

  • round in shape, milky in color, covered with a gelatin shell;
  • the price of Janine dragees varies from 1020 rubles. up to 2700 rub. for 1 package.


Janine (instructions for use of tablets and dragees contain the names of its constituent elements) has the following composition:

1. tablets:

  • ethylestrateriene diol;
  • a progestin available in combination with estrogen – dienogest;
  • carbohydrate of the disaccharide group;
  • carbohydrate polymer, transparent paste – corn starch;
  • incompletely fermented hydrolyzed starch - molasses;
  • cane sugar;
  • aqueous concentrate of monosaccharides;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • wax from Brazilian palm leaves;
  • amphoteric titanium oxide;

2. dragees:

  • ethinyl estratriene diol;
  • progestin, in combination with estrogen;
  • milk sugar;
  • potato leucoplasts;
  • hydrolyzed collagen protein;
  • silicate mineral;
  • magnesium salt and stearic acid;
  • cane disaccharide;
  • grape sugar;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • carbonic acid and calcium salt;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • tetravalent titanium;
  • palm waxy substance.

Advantages of the drug

The drug Janine is a complex drug consisting of hormones for planning pregnancy and treating inflammatory hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body.

The value of the medicine Janine lies in the following action:

Disadvantages of the drug

Janine (the instructions for use do not describe the disadvantages of the drug) has special instructions that should be followed:

Medicinal properties

The drug Janine has medicinal properties and is used for many pathological conditions of the body:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the ovaries, uterine cavity, paired tubes that connect the female organs;
  • with low hemoglobin;
  • prevents the formation of tumors in the ovaries and uterus;
  • treats some forms of mastopathy;
  • used in the treatment of acne;
  • with diffuse baldness;
  • the drug Zhanine reduces the functioning of the exocrine glands, which helps treat seborrhea;
  • strengthens bones;
  • treats pathological fragility of bones due to impaired metabolic processes;
  • relieves pain in the mammary glands during mastopathy;
  • relieves premenstrual edema.

Indications for use

Janine (instructions for use explain that first of all this drug is an oral contraceptive) has indications for the following diseases:

Contraindications for use

Janine, like any pharmacological agent, has contraindications, which are described in the instructions for use:

Side effects and overdose

The instructions for use of the drug Janine describe the side effects that you may encounter while taking this medicine.

1. Infections:

  • mucous inflammatory process in the vagina;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries and tubes;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • herpetic lesions of the oral cavity;
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • sinusitis;
  • flu.

2. Tumors of unknown etiology:

  • fibroids;
  • fatty breast tumor;

3. Blood and lymph:

  • decrease in hemoglobin.

4. Immunity:

  • allergic reactions;
  • autoimmune pathologies.

5. System of endocrine glands:

  • Manifestation of male characteristics in women (hair growth, deepening of the voice).

6. Metabolic processes:

  • increased desire to eat;
  • psycho-emotional disorder due to excess weight.

7. Mental disorders:

8. Neurological disorders:

  • migraine pain;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • nervous excitability disorder syndrome.

9. Visual system:

  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • redness of the eye membranes;
  • escillopsia;
  • decreased vision.

10. Hearing aid:

11. Cardiac system:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia.

12. Vascular system:

  • varicose veins;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • thrombosis of veins and arteries.

13. Organs of the chest:

  • respiratory failure;
  • decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood.

14. Abdominal cavity:

  • inflammation of the stomach;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • stool disorder;
  • urge to vomit;
  • nausea.

15. Skin:

16. Connective tissue system:

  • lower back pain;
  • pain in the body and joints;
  • muscle inflammation;
  • pain in arms and legs.

17. Reproductive system:

  • chest pain;
  • bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • swelling;
  • vaginal leucorrhoea;
  • pain in the uterine cavity;
  • diffuse damage to the mammary glands.

18. Disorders:

  • fatigue;
  • general swelling;
  • local swelling.

19. Research:

  • weight gain;
  • increased levels of cholesterol and glucose in the blood;
  • weight loss.

20. Genetic pathologies:

  • the appearance of excess mammary glands.

Overdose symptoms

Severe symptoms of exceeding the permissible dose of the drug Janine are unlikely.

They can only appear in hormonally immature girls in the form of:

This condition does not require special treatment. In rare cases, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and use enterosorbents.

How to switch to taking the drug from other contraceptives

Janine (the instructions for use provide clear and understandable recommendations) requires a special transition to this drug from other means that protect against unwanted pregnancy.

1. Changing oral contraceptives:

  • It is imperative to take the drug Janine the next day after taking another type of pharmacological agent.

2. Changing the latex ring and TTS:

  • It is necessary to take the tablet or dragee Janine on the day when the latex ring or TTC was removed, but no later than the next day.

Choosing the first day of admission

If the body has not taken any contraceptive medications, then you need to start taking the drug Janine from the 2-4th day of the monthly cycle.

Prescription in case of change in the onset of the menstrual cycle

If there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, then it is necessary to exclude a possible pregnancy.

In case of a negative test, you need to take Zhanine’s medicine until the start of a new cycle, and drink the drug 2-4 days after the return of menstruation.

In case of violation of the dosage regimen

There are certain rules according to which you need to take the drug Janine.

If you miss a medication dose, you must:

1. At 1 – 2 weeks you need to take the forgotten dose of the drug. You can take several tablets or pills at once. After that, you need to use the drug as prescribed according to the instructions. But in the next week you need to use a condom during sexual relations.

2. At 3 weeks. The danger of falling protection and the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy, after a week's break in the use of the drug Janine, the following occurs very acutely:

  • you need to take a forgotten dose of medicine and need to take several pills or tablets. Then continue therapy as usual according to the regimen. There should be no breaks between the plates of the drug. There may be slight bleeding from the vagina after starting the next plate. This shouldn't be alarming.
  • There is another option for taking the medicine if you miss it in the third week. It is necessary to leave the use of Janine from the remaining plate. In this situation, the period of absence of the drug Janine should not be a week.

Further use of tablets or dragees should be continued with the next tablet of the drug. In the absence of bloody discharge, which is mandatory if the regimen for using the drug Janine is violated, an unwanted pregnancy may occur.

Rules for admission after childbirth or abortion

There are certain rules for taking the drug Janine after childbirth and abortion:

Selection of drug by age

The drug Janine does not require special dosage selection according to age. The only exception is that this drug does not need to be used during the postmenopausal period.

Instructions for use

Zhanine tablets or dragees must be consumed according to the scheme - 1 pc. per day, constantly, at approximately equal intervals. If necessary, drink it with a small amount of water. The medicine must be taken every day in a row for 21 days, without omissions or breaks.

The use of dragees or tablets from the subsequent plate should be started after a week's rest. During this period there will be bleeding without stopping. This type of bleeding, starting 2-3 days after the last dose of the medicine from the plate, will end with the start of a new three-week course of contraceptive therapy.

Janine and endometriosis

The drug Janine is a combination medicine that is not only a contraceptive, but is also used for the growth of connective tissue of the uterine cavity - endometriosis.

One of the components of the drug Janine is a progestin in combination with estrogen. This combination affects the unnatural growth of endometrial connective tissue, stopping it.

For pathologies of the uterine cavity, Janine’s tablets or dragees must be used according to a special regimen - it is called “long-term”. What distinguishes Janine from the usual use of the drug is the continuous use of pills or tablets for 63 days.

During therapy it is necessary to consume 3 tablets of the medicine. Then you need to rest for a week. With this type of treatment, there will be no menstrual cycle for the entire 3 months.

Scheme for using the drug for uterine fibroids

Fibroids should be treated with Janine if certain rules are followed. Tablets or pills should be used for 3 months without interruption.

Every day you need to drink 1 pill or tablet at a certain time. For therapy, 3 tablets of the drug are required. After the course of therapy, you need to take a week's rest. During this period there will be bleeding associated with the menstrual cycle.

In the future, it is necessary to conduct a follow-up examination. If necessary, the course of therapy is extended for an additional 90 days.

Why is Janine prescribed after surgery to remove fibroids?

As a rule, during surgical treatment of all types of fibroids, the uterus must be removed. Therefore, the prescription of the drug Janine is necessary to restore hormonal imbalance.

The effectiveness of drug treatment

The decision to treat with Zhanine is made only by a doctor, in accordance with the examination and the presence of chronic pathologies.

It is necessary to use Janine only either until the lump has grown to 2 cm, or in the postoperative period, as hormone replacement therapy.

The effectiveness of using the drug Zhanine is high, within 80%. But treatment should be carried out only as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Analogs of the drug Janine

The drug Janine has analogues or drugs with a corresponding effect and composition.

1. Tablets Silhouette:

2. Naadin tablets:

  • The drug contains progestin, estradiol, polyvinylpyrralidone, milk sugar, ethylene glycol polymer, amphoteric titanium oxide, thermoplastic polymer, corn starch paste, molasses, carbonic acid and calcium salt
  • Naadin tablets must be used as an oral contraceptive systemic drug;
  • the price for this type of tablet varies from 410 rubles. up to 580 rub.

The hormonal drug Zhanine in the instructions for use is described as a modern, effective, contraceptive drug, which, if used correctly, can protect not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also cure hormonal imbalance and its consequences, such as fibroids and the proliferation of endometrial connective tissue.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about Zhanine tablets and other contraceptive drugs

Hormonal contraception. What is this:

Janine is a low-dose monophasic combined oral contraceptive with an antiandrogenic effect. The medicine contains ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. Contraceptive pills Zhanine are available in the form of pills, the quantitative content of the drug in the package is 21 pieces.

Auxiliary components are: lactose, starch, gelatin, glucose, povidone, titanium dioxide.

Janine has a contraceptive effect by changing the viscosity of mucus. When using the drug, ovulation is suppressed, and cervical mucus becomes impermeable to sperm.

Dienogest is a progestin component of the drug Zhanine and helps to provide an antiandrogenic effect and improve the blood lipid profile. When using the drug, an increase in high-density lipoproteins (“good” cholesterol) is observed.

Patients who use low-dose monophasic oral contraceptives, including Janine, experience the development of the following positive effects:

  • The menstrual cycle is normalized.
  • Reducing the intensity and duration of bleeding.
  • Elimination of painful sensations during the next menstruation.
  • Reducing the risk of iron deficiency anemia.

According to the results of clinical studies, the use of birth control pills Janine decreased the number of cases of endometrial and ovarian cancer.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of the drug Zhanine is the provision of contraceptive effects.

Thanks to its multicomponent composition, Janine can be used in the complex treatment of breast diseases, including mastopathy.


The use of the drug Zhanine is contraindicated in the presence of one of the following conditions:

The development of thrombosis and thromboembolism (including the presence of these diseases in the patient’s history), including pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, stroke, deep vein thrombosis and cerebrovascular disorders.

The presence of conditions that precede the development of thrombosis.

For migraine, which is accompanied by the development of focal neurological symptoms.

For diabetes mellitus, which is complicated by vascular disorders.

For pancreatitis, which is accompanied by severe hypertrigceridemia.

For liver failure and severe liver disease. If liver tests are normal, taking the drug Janine is possible with the approval of a doctor.

When identifying and hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms or if they are suspected.

With the development of bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin.

In case of hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the drug.

If any of the listed diseases develop while taking the drug Zhanine, you must stop using the pills and immediately consult a doctor.

Use with extreme caution

Janine should be used with extreme caution and after carefully weighing the potential benefit against the perceived risk in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Risk factors that can contribute to the development of thrombosis: smoking, obesity, arterial hypertension, migraines, major surgical interventions, heart valve defects, hereditary predisposition to the development of thrombosis.
  • Other diseases that can contribute to the development of peripheral circulatory disorders: diabetes mellitus, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, lupus erythematosus, sickle cell anemia.
  • With hereditary angioedema.
  • With elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood plasma.
  • For liver diseases.
  • During the postpartum period.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If pregnancy is suspected, as well as during breastfeeding, the use of the drug Zhanine is contraindicated.

If pregnancy is detected while using the drug Janine, the drug should be stopped immediately.

According to the results of extensive epidemiological studies, there was no increased risk of developing any defects in children whose mother took sex hormones before pregnancy.

There is also no increased risk of toxic effects if the drug was taken inadvertently in the early stages of pregnancy.

When using the drug Zhanine during lactation, the risk of reducing the amount of breast milk increases and its composition changes. Sex steroids or their compounds can be excreted in breast milk.

Directions for use

Janine must be taken in the order indicated by the numbers on the package. The pills are taken daily, at approximately the same time of day. The medicine should be taken with a small amount of water.

The pills are taken without interruption for 21 days. Taking the next package can begin after a 1 week break. During this time, withdrawal bleeding should develop. Bleeding begins a few days after taking the last pill.

How to start taking the drug

If you did not take any hormonal medications in the previous month, then taking Janine’s medication should begin on the first day of the menstrual cycle. If necessary, you can start taking pills from days 2 to 5 of the cycle, but in this case there is a need to use barrier methods of contraception.

If you are switching from other contraceptive drugs (this group includes combined oral contraceptives, vaginal rings and transdermal patches), then taking Zhanine should start the next day after taking the last tablet from the previous package.

If switching from vaginal rings or transdermal patches, taking Janine should begin on the day the ring is removed or the patch is removed.

When switching from contraceptives that contain only gestagens (these include Mirena, mini-pills), taking Janine can begin on any day. In this case, the use of barrier methods of contraception for 1 week is required.

How to take the missed pill?

If a dose of the drug was missed, additional recommendations must be followed.

If the missed period is less than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect of the drug will not decrease. In this case, you should take the drug as quickly as possible. Further reception is carried out according to the usual scheme.

If the missed period is more than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect is reduced. In this case, the use of the pill should not be suspended for more than 1 week. In order to suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian regulation, 1 week of continuous medication is required.

  • Missed 1 week of admission. The drug should be taken as soon as possible in the first week, even if this means taking two tablets at once. Further reception is carried out according to the usual scheme. In the future, it is necessary to use barrier methods of contraception for the next 7 days.
  • Skip in week 2. Taking the drug in the second week: you should take the missed tablet as soon as possible, even if this means taking two tablets at once. If during the first week the drug was taken in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, then the use of barrier methods of contraception is not required.
  • Skip in week 3. Third week: The risk of decreased effectiveness increases as the drug break approaches. You should take the missed pill as quickly as possible, even if this means taking two pills at the same time. When you run out of pills from the current package, you should immediately start taking a new package. In this case, the development of bleeding is unlikely, but spotting may be observed.

If you skipped taking the drug Zhanine and no bleeding is observed during the break, then it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

If a woman begins vomiting or diarrhea within 3-5 hours after taking the drug, additional contraceptive measures must be used. It is also necessary to adhere to the recommendations regarding the usual skipping of tablets.

If a woman wants to change the start date of her next menstruation, she should take pills from a new package without interruption. Reception can be carried out for as long as it is necessary to delay the next menstruation. When using the drug from a new package, mild spotting may be observed.

Side effects

While using Janine tablets, the following undesirable side reactions may develop:

Most often, patients note the development of headache, soreness and hardening of the mammary glands.

Infrequently, the drug can contribute to the development of vulvovaginitis, candidiasis, increased appetite, decreased mood, the development of dizziness and migraines, increased or decreased blood pressure, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, acne and rash, itching, intermenstrual bleeding, swelling of the mammary glands , development of dysmenorrhea, ovarian cysts, increased fatigue, poor health, weight gain.

In rare cases, the drug may contribute to the development of cystitis, fungal infections, candidiasis, herpetic lesions of the oral cavity, influenza, bronchitis, sinusitis, uterine fibroids, anemia, allergic reactions, anorexia, depression, mental disorders, insomnia, aggression, ischemic stroke, cerebrovascular disorders, dystonia, dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, impaired visual acuity, sudden hearing loss, tinnitus, cardiovascular disorders, tachycardia, increased heart rate, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, hot flashes, varicose veins, pain in the veins, gastritis, enteritis, dyspepsia, allergic and atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, seborrhea, hirsutism, orange peel, myalgia, pain in the back and limbs, cervical dysplasia, menstrual irregularities.

Women who used the drug Janine most often reported the following complications:

  • Venous thromboembolic complications.
  • Arterial thromboembolic complications.
  • Cerebrovascular complications.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Hypertriglyceridemia.
  • Liver tumors.
  • Worsening of the course of systemic and chronic diseases.

An increase in breast cancer diagnosis rates has also been reported.

In case of an overdose of the drug, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and spotting may develop. A doctor's examination and symptomatic treatment are required.

Additional information

During the use of oral contraceptives, changes in laboratory parameters of carbohydrate metabolism, adrenal and thyroid hormones, as well as coagulation parameters may be observed. As a rule, changes do not exceed acceptable limits.

A woman should inform her doctor who prescribes the use of Zhanine about all concomitant diseases. Hormone replacement therapy should be carried out only after a careful balance of benefits and harms.

Before prescribing such a drug, the doctor must familiarize himself with the patient’s medical history, identify the presence of hereditary pathologies and conduct a comprehensive examination (measurement of blood pressure and heart rate, determine body mass index). A gynecological examination includes examination of the mammary glands, as well as a cytological scraping from the cervix.

The doctor should warn the patient that taking Zhanine is not able to protect against HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases.

The effectiveness of the drug decreases if you miss taking pills, with the development of vomiting, diarrhea, as well as incorrect drug interactions.

During the use of hormonal contraceptives, the regularity and intensity of bleeding may vary (from spotting to more abundant and prolonged). The effect of the drug on bleeding can be assessed after a period of adaptation of the body to the new drug. The duration of the period can be 2-4 cycles.

If the patient continues to complain of irregular bleeding after 2-4 cycles, then a comprehensive examination is required to exclude malignant neoplasms or pregnancy.

The risk of thromboembolism increases during the first year of using the drug. In patients who take low-dose oral contraceptives, the risk of developing thromboembolism is several times higher than in women who do not take such drugs.

In women with a history of a hereditary form of angioedema, the symptoms of the disease may be aggravated by the use of Zhanine.

The ability of the drug to influence psychomotor reactions and driving has not been identified.

Drug interactions

If used concomitantly, use of oral combination contraceptives may increase cyclosporine concentrations and decrease lamotrigine plasma and tissue concentrations.

Concomitant use of antifungal drugs, veropamil, macrolides, antidepressants and grapefruit juice may increase the concentration of dienogest in the blood plasma.

If it is necessary to combine Zhanine with antibacterial drugs (excluding rifampicin and griseofulvin), barrier methods of contraception should be used for 1 week after discontinuation of antibiotics.

Analogues and cost

The cost of the drug Janine for the period of autumn 2016 was formed as follows:

  • Janine dragee No. 21 – 900-1200 rubles.
  • Janine dragee No. 63 – 2050-3400 rub.

Analogues of the drug Janine are the following drugs: Diecyclen and Siluet. If necessary, replacement of the drug should be carried out only in agreement with the attending physician.

Janine is a new generation hormonal contraceptive for systemic use. The action of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the secretion of gonadotropic pituitary hormones, inhibiting the maturation of follicles and suppressing ovulation.

The contraceptive effect of Zhanin is due to the suppression of ovulation, increased viscosity of cervical secretions, changes in the endometrium, which reduces the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg.

Active ingredient: 1 dragee contains ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg, dienogest 2 mg.

Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic estrogen hormone that is normally produced in women by the ovaries and adrenal cortex. When administered orally into the body, it performs all the functions of endogenous (own) estrogen. After oral administration, ethinyl estradiol is rapidly and completely absorbed. It is not excreted from the body unchanged. Ethinyl estradiol metabolites are excreted in urine and bile in a ratio of 4:6.

Dienogest can be called an analogue of natural progesterone; this compound has antiandrogenic activity and improves the blood lipid profile (increases HDL). Dienogest is almost completely metabolized. A small part of dienogest is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.

Indications for use Janine

  • Oral contraception (prevention of unwanted pregnancy);
  • Acne (acne), seborrhea;
  • Hirsutism;
  • Androgenic alopecia.

According to the instructions, Zhanine is recommended to be taken by women who have regular sex life to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The effect of the drug is not limited to the contraceptive effect. Taking Janine's pills is accompanied by normalization of the menstrual cycle, a decrease in the pain of menstruation and the intensity of discharge, which significantly reduces the risk of developing anemia associated with iron deficiency.

Sometimes, when taking the drug, there were cases of a decrease in the manifestations of endometriosis.

Instructions for use Janine, dosage

The pills should be taken orally in the order indicated on the package, every day at approximately the same time, with a small amount of water. Janine should be taken 1 tablet/day. continuously for 21 days.

Taking tablets from each subsequent package should begin after a seven-day break in taking the drug, during which withdrawal bleeding (menstrual bleeding) should occur. It usually begins on the 2-3rd day after taking the last pill and may not end until you start taking a new package.

If used irregularly, the therapeutic and/or contraceptive effect after Zhanine may be reduced; for this reason, it is important not to forget about taking the drug in a timely manner. The acceptable delay in taking Janine is 12 hours. The next pill is taken at the usual time.

Features of application

Before starting or resuming use of the drug Janine, it is recommended to obtain a complete medical history (including family history) and exclude pregnancy.

For children and adolescents, Zhanine is indicated only after menarche.

After menopause, the drug Janine is not used.

Consuming alcohol and fatty foods does not affect the effect of the hormonal drug. No contraindications have been identified for driving vehicles or working with precision machinery.

Side effects and contraindications Janine

  • soreness and tension of the mammary glands, their enlargement, swelling and the appearance of discharge from the nipples;
  • spotting and breakthrough uterine bleeding;
  • headache, including migraine;
  • changes in libido (both decreased desire and increased interest in sexual intercourse);
  • decrease/changes in mood, swings, emotional surges;
  • poor tolerance to contact lenses;
  • visual impairment;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • changes in vaginal secretion;
  • skin rash, urticaria;
  • erythema nodosum;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • generalized itching;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • fluid retention in tissues, swelling;
  • change in body weight, both upward and downward;
  • allergic reactions.

Rarely, an increase in the level of plasma triglycerides, a decrease in carbohydrate tolerance, increased fatigue, and diarrhea are observed.
Other undesirable effects have been observed in women while taking combined oral contraceptives.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, spotting (mucus, clots, blood particles, etc.) or metrorrhagia. No serious adverse events have been reported following overdose.

Treatment: symptomatic treatment. There is no specific antidote.


  • presence of thrombosis at the time of admission or in history;
  • migraine with focal neurological symptoms currently or in history;
  • presence at the time of admission or in the history of signs indicating future thrombosis (example: transient ischemic attacks, angina pectoris);
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  • the presence of a sufficient number of reasons for the occurrence of venous or arterial thrombosis;
  • the presence at the time of admission or a history of jaundice or dangerous liver pathologies (until the liver recovers);
  • pancreatitis with severe hypertriglyceridemia currently or in history;
  • the presence at the time of admission or a history of benign or cancerous liver pathologies;
  • calculated hormone-dependent cancer pathologies of the genitals or mammary glands or the likelihood of their presence;
  • discharge of blood from the vagina of unknown origin;
  • pregnancy or symptoms thereof;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to any components of the contraceptive.

Analogues of Janine, list of drugs

Analogues of Janine by action and scope of application, list:

  1. Midiana;
  2. Diana-35;
  3. Regulon;
  4. Marvelon;
  5. Yarina;
  6. Lindinet 30;
  7. Levonorgestrel;
  8. Mirena;
  9. Lactinet;
  10. Postinor.

It is important to understand that the instructions for use of Zhanine tablets, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used for independent treatment, prescription or other therapeutic actions. Replacing Janine with an analogue should be carried out by a specialist; dosage adjustment may be required. Before using the drug, it is important to consult a doctor.

Janine is the choice of those who want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy without using a condom and other local contraceptives and also solve a number of other problems, for example, reduce the manifestations of endometriosis. Like any drug, Janine has side effects and contraindications. An experienced gynecologist will help you weigh the pros and cons; a visit to whom is mandatory before taking medicinal pills!

Selecting a hormonal drug for contraception is not easy. In addition to protecting against pregnancy, many of these products help cope with skin problems (acne), menstrual irregularities, and ovarian cysts. “Janine” is able to interfere with the balance of sex hormones, reducing the manifestations of hyperandrogenemia. This is his positive side. But the instructions for use of “Zhanine” indicate many side effects. How is the drug tolerated and is it safe?

Hormonal medications should be selected together with a gynecologist. Despite their general similarity (they contain estrogens and gestagens), the effect of use can vary greatly. “Janine” is a drug that is not suitable for everyone.

Composition and principle of action

"Zhanine" is a low-dose monophasic combined oral contraceptive. Each concept has an important meaning:

  • low-dose– the hormone content is relatively low;
  • monophasic - each tablet contains the same dose of medication;
  • To combined – the composition contains estrogens and gestagens, which simulate a woman’s two-phase menstrual cycle;
  • oral – tablets are taken orally.

The composition includes the following hormones.

  • 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol. Mimics the effect of estrogen. Ethinyl estradiol increases the viscosity of cervical secretions, which impairs sperm motility in the cervical canal.
  • 2 mg dienogest. Acts on the pituitary gland, suppressing the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which leads to a lack of growth of new follicles. As a result, the ovaries are in a “dormant state” without ovulation. The distinctive ability of dienogest is that it has antiandrogenic activity. Thanks to this, after some time of use, the manifestations of hirsutism decrease.

Constant low concentrations of hormones in the blood affect the endometrium of the uterine cavity, leading to its atrophy. This entails a decrease in the abundance and duration of menstrual bleeding, as well as a decrease in foci of endometriosis throughout the body.

After entering the intestine, the drug is absorbed into the systemic circulation. It undergoes transformation in the liver, creating additional stress on the organ and bile ducts. Metabolic products of “Zanina” are excreted in feces and urine.

When to use

The main purpose of hormonal tablets "Zhanine" is to provide protection against pregnancy. Additionally, the drug is used to treat the following conditions:

  • endometriosis - thanks to the “dormant state” of the ovaries and a decrease in the activity of the pituitary gland of the brain, all foci of endometriosis (including adenomyosis) are significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in the severity of pain, spotting, and heavy menstruation;
  • when – prescribed after conservative and surgical treatment of ovarian cysts, including endometriotic ones, for a period of three to six months;
  • uterine fibroids – like all contraceptives, it can somewhat reduce the growth rate of nodes;
  • for mastopathy - regular use reduces the likelihood of developing mastopathy by half, and also reduces symptoms such as pain and tension in the mammary glands;
  • with endometrial hyperplasia – can be used as a treatment for benign endometrial hyperplasia and glandular polyps;
  • with polycystic disease - the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces the manifestations of hyperandrogenemia and its effect on the entire body;
  • for chronic adnexitis - regular use leads to attenuation of inflammatory processes in the appendage area, reducing the likelihood of ovarian dysfunction;
  • for cosmetic effect– while taking “Janine”, the severity of acne (pimples) on the face, back and arms decreases, however, the effect does not last long after stopping the medication (one to two months).

In addition, "Janine", like other contraceptives, has a rebound effect - after discontinuation, the likelihood of multiple pregnancies increases due to the activation of the ovaries and the simultaneous maturation of several follicles.


Contraindications to taking the drug correspond to those common to all hormonal drugs containing estrogens and gestagens. The list includes the following states:

  • allergic reactions to drug components;
  • history of blood clots, tendency to them;
  • migraines, even if the last episode was a long time ago;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • prosthetic heart valves;
  • arterial hypertension of the third and fourth degree;
  • prolonged immobility, for example, after fractures;
  • diseases of the liver, biliary tract;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • suspected or specified malignant tumors;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown cause;
  • smoking;
  • overweight with an index of more than 40;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;

How is it transferred

With careful selection of the drug, “Zhanine” is well tolerated. However, during use, the following side effects may occur with a frequency of more than one case per thousand women taking the medicine:

  • headache, migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting, bowel dysfunction;
  • increased appetite and weight gain;
  • hair loss, rash and itchy skin;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • decreased sexual desire (libido);
  • recurrent candidal colpitis;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • tearfulness, irritability, depression.

Reviews about birth control pills "Janine" are contradictory. Some people do not observe side effects and use the drug for contraception or treatment for many years, while others cannot withstand even a week of use due to unpleasant changes in their well-being and behavior.

With a frequency of less than one case per thousand of women taking the drug, the following side effects occur:

  • relapses of viral and bacterial infections;
  • insomnia;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • skin diseases such as seborrhea, psoriasis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • enteritis, gastritis.

In cases of overdose, side effects intensify. Treatment in these cases is symptomatic.

In addition, in the first months when taking Janine, a woman may be bothered by periodic spotting from the genital tract and even intermenstrual bleeding. This is explained by the body getting used to the new regimen of a fixed dose of hormones. Usually the adaptation period takes no more than two to three months, otherwise it is necessary to replace the drug or adjust the dosage regimen.

"Janine": instructions for use

The regimen for taking Zhanine tablets is no different from that of other oral contraceptives. The main postulates are as follows:

  • pills are taken - inside, wash down with a small amount of water; for 21 days, take one tablet from the package;
  • start of use - must coincide with the first day of menstruation in the first month;
  • reception time is strictly fixed, for example, always in the morning at 6.00;
  • after finishing packaging - it is necessary to take a seven-day break, usually on the second or third day menstrual flow appears;
  • after a seven-day break - you should start taking a new package.

“Janine” can be drunk without interruption for many years. After discontinuation, ovarian function is restored within three to six months. To delay menstruation, you can take two packages of the drug without a seven-day break. In this case, the cycle will be 42-45 days. However, you should not get carried away with such properties of the drug, as this can lead to acyclic discharge and bleeding.

Frequent clinical situations

Often the indications for use of the drug are various situations and diseases. You should take Zhanine tablets taking into account the following points.

  • After an abortion, miscarriage. If the pregnancy was terminated in the first trimester, you should start taking the pills on that day or the next day. If an abortion or miscarriage occurs in the second trimester, it is recommended to start taking it on days 21-28; you don’t even have to wait for menstruation, provided that pregnancy is excluded.
  • After childbirth. The drug is allowed to be used only after completion of lactation. If a woman does not support breastfeeding, starting is possible no earlier than 21-28 days after birth.
  • After others OK. You should start drinking Janine during a seven-day break or taking dummy pills. If a transdermal patch, Mirena intrauterine device or vaginal ring is removed, it is recommended to take the first tablet on the same day. If injections of hormonal drugs were used, the start should coincide with the first day of the intended injection. When switching from mini-pills (containing only gestagen), the intake can be timed to any day.

If you miss a pill

Reviews from doctors and women point to the fact that most often one has to deal with a violation of the pill regimen. How to take “Janine” correctly in such cases? If 12 hours have not passed since the scheduled time, you must take the missed tablet, and then the next one at the appointed time. If 12 hours have already passed, the action algorithm is as follows:

  • first week of admission– take the missed pill as quickly as possible, and the next one according to the usual schedule; additional methods of protection must be used within a week;
  • second week of admission- take the missed pill immediately, no additional protection is needed if the dosage regimen has been followed up to this point;
  • third week of admission– you can either continue taking the pack and start the next one without a seven-day break, or take a break of a week on the missed pill and then start a new pack.

What affects efficiency

While taking Janine, various situations are possible, including illness conditions. You need to know that some drugs and symptoms can reduce the contraceptive effect of pills:

  • antibiotics - macrolides (for example, Azithromycin, Johamycin, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin), penicillins (Amoxiclav, Ampicillin), tetracyclines (Doxycycline);
  • antifungal drugs –"Ketoconazole";
  • antidepressants– “Fluoxetine”;
  • anticonvulsants –"Carbamazepine";
  • for blood pressure - Diltiazem.
  • vomiting and diarrhea - if the episode occurs within four hours of taking the pill, additional contraception must be used in the next week; if after four hours, the protective effect remains, the drug is already completely in the blood.

Considering the interaction with other medications, side effects and contraindications for use, “Zhanine” should only be prescribed by a doctor. He must be made aware of the regular use of other medications.


There are complete analogues of the drug with the same composition and dose of active substances. The list is as follows:

  • "Silhouette";
  • "Diecyclen";
  • "Bonade."

Tablets "Zhanine" for endometriosis, hyperandrogenemia, after removal of ovarian cysts are the drug of choice. The medicine is suitable for the prevention of acne in women with disrupted hormonal levels, as well as simply for contraception. The drug is prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor, as it has contraindications and complications from use.

One of the most reliable methods of contraception for women is hormonal tablets. Here all the facts and knowledge about the drug Janine are described and collected in detail, instructions for use for all kinds of health conditions.

The drug is sold in the form of dragees, 21 pcs. in a plate that is covered on one side with foil. The name and dosage of the drug must be written on the foil. An analogue of Janine is difficult to find on the domestic pharmacological market, since the drug is distinguished by the quality of its active ingredients, which the manufacturer has carefully taken care of.

General description

The active ingredients are dienogest and ethinyl estradiol - these are chemical substances that belong to the contraceptive pharmacological group of drugs. It is considered one of the best in the subgroup “female sex hormones: estrogens, gestagens.”

The hormonal drug Zhanine is a combination drug that has a low dosage of estrogen and progestogen in the desired ratio. It is taken exclusively internally, that is, orally, washed down with plenty of water. It is necessary to strictly observe the same intervals of time between taking pills.

Janine's action is caused by suppression of the ovulation process, as well as thickening of the mucus of the cervical canal of the uterus. A change in the density of this mucus affects the penetration of sperm into the uterus, which not only complicates the process of conception, but also reduces the possibility of infection and bacteria entering the uterine cavity.

According to the results of the study, long-term and regular use (according to the instructions) of Zhanine birth control pills leads to stabilization of the menstrual cycle, helps reduce bleeding during menstruation and reduces pain associated with blood flow to the organs during menstruation.

During research, it was noted that out of 1000 women who take the drug without interruption for a year according to the instructions, the percentage of unwanted pregnancy is 0.001%.

Women who do not take combined oral contraceptives lose about 200 ml of blood during their periods. With such monthly blood loss, girls often develop iron deficiency anemia. This disease is associated with iron deficiency in the body and is accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, as well as general manifestations of asthenovegetative syndrome. Taking Janine reduces blood loss during menstruation and also shortens the duration of bleeding.

Effect of the drug

The contraceptive effect of the drug is associated with suppression of the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. Janine maintains the desired concentration of estrogen in a woman’s blood, which eliminates the possibility of pregnancy.

One of the contraceptive properties of Janine is also the thickening of the mucus of the cervical canal of the cervix. Normally, the egg is most often fertilized either in the fallopian tube or in the uterine cavity. After fertilization, the egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus 7-8 days after conception.

Changing the physical characteristics of the cervical mucus prevents sperm from entering the uterine cavity, which reduces the risk of pregnancy. Thickening the mucus of the cervix reduces the possibility of inflammatory diseases of the uterus due to the ingress of bacteria, viruses and protozoa.

The body's response to taking Janine

Janine contains hormonal substances, so it is taken exclusively orally and washed down with plenty of water. This allows you to increase the rate of dissolution of the pills and accelerate the absorption of the drug into the body.

Drinking water after swallowing tablets prevents the tablet from sticking to various parts of the esophagus. After the tablets dissolve in the digestive tract, the active substance of the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream and after 2-3 hours its concentration in the blood increases to its maximum. After entering the blood through the blood vessels of the small intestine, the drug binds to serum proteins that are part of the blood elements, most often with albumin, and is delivered to the organs of the reproductive system.

The drug is completely eliminated from the body within two days, and therefore, to maintain good concentrations, it is necessary to take the drug at the same time every day. A decrease in the concentration of hormones in the blood can reduce the contraceptive effect.

Rules for using the drug Janine for various diseases

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of Janine is absolutely contraindicated. It is worth clarifying that the studies conducted on the drug did not show any negative effects on the phenotypic and genetic characteristics of the child. But with a deeper study of the effect of contraceptives on a woman’s body, some concerns arise about their harmlessness for small children.

When planning a pregnancy, you should stop taking combined contraceptive drugs 1-3 months before conceiving a child. This will restore basic hormonal levels. For some diseases, on the contrary, it is recommended to plan to conceive a child immediately after stopping the drug. You can clarify this issue with your attending physician.

You should be very careful when taking Janine for any kidney disease, since it is the filtration barrier of the kidneys that removes this contraceptive from the body. Therefore, if kidney disease occurs, you should immediately consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist about the problem. Of course, this problem often does not cause difficulties for urologists, but a specialized consultation with a specialist will never hurt.

Women with severe liver diseases, especially in the stage of subcompensation and decompensation, are contraindicated in prescribing and taking any oral contraceptives. This is due to the perception of any drug by our body as a poison.

And when any medicine enters the body, the liver begins to actively work to get rid of it in the shortest period of time. This condition of the liver has a very bad effect on overall health and often leads to a worsening of the disease.

Girls should definitely consult a gynecologist about the possibility of taking this drug, and it is also worth noting that it is recommended to use it only after the onset of a regular menstrual cycle. Menopausal women are also not recommended to take Zhanine due to the high risk of thromboembolic complications.

Rules for use and dosage

Many women turn to gynecologists asking them to tell them how to take hormonal medications correctly and for how long. This paragraph of this article describes in detail all the main points of the instructions for use.

The rules for taking combined hormonal drugs must be treated very scrupulously. Taking it according to the instructions will not only provide almost one hundred percent contraceptive results, but will also reduce possible side effects.

The drug is taken orally at the same time every day, washed down with water. It is strongly recommended to take Janine for the first time only after the start of regular sexual activity and the onset of a regular menstrual cycle. Usually the drug can be taken from the first day of menstruation (the first day of the menstrual cycle). Duration of administration is 21 days according to the order indicated on the package. After taking it for three weeks, you need to take a break for one week. Your period begins within 2-4 days. After 7 days of so-called rest, you need to start a new course.

You need to start taking medicinal tablet contraceptives taking into account certain circumstances:.

  1. Rule out diseases of the kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland.
  2. Consult a gynecologist about the need to see Janine.
  3. Rule out hormonal imbalances and gynecological diseases.
  4. It is necessary to consult a doctor when switching from one type of contraception to another, since in this case there are many features. But the main one is to avoid breaks between taking contraceptives.
  5. When deciding to take combined drugs for contraception, you need to make sure there is no pregnancy.

If you decide to take them, they will provide you with complete protection from unwanted pregnancy. But there are situations when taking a pill of the drug was missed, and then the risk of possible pregnancy increases depending on the number of days missed.

If you miss one day of administration (the time between doses is less than 36 hours), you must take the missed pill as quickly as possible. In this case, over the next 7 days you need to use additional contraception, for example a condom (if the missed pill occurred in the 1st or 3rd week of the cycle).

If you are taking Janine continuously for the second week and miss one day of dosing, take the missed pill as quickly as possible, even if you have to drink 2 pills at once. Additional contraception is not required in this case.

If, after taking Janine for 21 days and stopping it from the 22nd day of the menstrual cycle, menstruation does not begin within 3-4 days, then it is necessary to exclude pregnancy, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system in the woman.

Overdose symptoms

An overdose of Janine is extremely rare in medical practice, but still it cannot be completely excluded from the list of possible conditions. When taken correctly, an overdose is impossible, since the drug is eliminated from the body almost completely within 48 hours.

In some diseases, an overdose is still possible. These include glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, renal amyloidosis, polycystic kidney disease, chronic hepatitis, fatty liver hepatosis, chronic cholecystitis in the stage of decompensation and other diseases that cause changes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system of a woman. Symptoms of Janine overdose begin gradually, and often women do not associate them with taking the drug. Specific symptoms of an overdose will be nausea, occasional vomiting, and abdominal pain.

To eliminate an overdose, it is necessary to stop taking the drug. Overdose symptoms are very similar to other diseases. You need to contact a specialist who, upon examination, will make sure that this condition is caused by an overdose and will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Side effects

Combined contraceptives have many side effects. This is due to their influence on many body systems. But often the correct prescription of the right medication, as well as taking it according to the instructions, minimizes possible side effects.

During the drug study, some women experienced some side effects while taking Janine. From the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and pain in the lower abdomen were most often noted. Vomiting or loose stools, flatulence, intestinal colic, and constipation were rare.

From the genitourinary system, pain and enlargement of the mammary glands and an increased amount of vaginal discharge are observed in equal proportions. The phenomenon of discharge from the mammary glands is rare.

In a healthy woman, the discharge is clear or slightly cloudy in color, without odor or various impurities. With various inflammatory diseases or with hormonal imbalance, the discharge changes its character. The color varies from brown to green depending on the pathogen. The smell becomes unpleasant.

Pathological impurities, for example, blood, will indicate a serious health problem. Do not confuse bleeding, which is periodically possible when using Janine, with bloody impurities in the discharge.

On the part of the central nervous system, the most common manifestations of side effects of the drug are headache and bad mood. But these side effects are more likely associated with excessive attention to one’s condition, as well as focusing on little things.

On the part of the visual organ system, intolerance to eye lenses, or rather unpleasant sensations when wearing them, rarely occurs. Some women notice weight gain. Most note its decrease, which greatly pleased them. Allergic reactions are observed quite rarely and are most likely associated with additional and auxiliary substances that are part of the drug.

When should you not take Janine?

The most dangerous side effect of Janine is the formation of blood clots, their movement in the body, which, if they enter the pulmonary system, can cause thromboembolism. There are women's health conditions in which it is strictly forbidden to use Janine. Diseases that are contraindications for taking contraceptives include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system;
  • past diseases: myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, pulmonary embolism, thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the lower extremities, vascular thrombosis, varicose veins;
  • the presence of chronic diseases: angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation, cases of transient ischemic attacks;
  • migraine, especially in combination with focal neurological symptoms;
  • diabetes mellitus and its complications;
  • a health condition in which the risk of thromboembolic disease is very high: obesity, sedentary lifestyle, frequent long-term airplane travel, addiction to alcohol, smoking;
  • hypertension with high blood pressure numbers;
  • surgical interventions that are accompanied by immobilization of one part of the body for longer than 3-5 days;
  • persistent lipid metabolism disorders;
  • liver diseases that cannot be corrected by diet;
  • high risk of cancer;
  • severe pathology of the body's hormonal system;
  • instability of the menstrual cycle of unknown etiology;
  • possible pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Is it possible to take Janine with other pharmacological drugs?

Combined oral contraceptives significantly affect all functions of the body's systems, so combination with other drugs with constant use can negatively affect health and, most importantly, increase the possibility of unwanted side effects.

Preparations that contain St. John's wort, as well as barbiturates, rifampicin, felbamate, increase the excretion of the drug from the body, which reduces its concentration and significantly reduces its properties as a contraceptive.

Medicines that fight HIV infection and conventional antiviral drugs can negatively affect the liver, so the drug will be eliminated from the body more slowly. Delaying the drug can lead to a large number of side effects, as well as aggravate the unwanted effects of taking both drugs.

While taking antibiotics, another method of contraception should be used, as antibiotic therapy reduces the effectiveness of COCs, which may increase the risk of pregnancy.

The abundance of female hormones has a positive effect on a woman’s mood, the condition of her skin, hair, and nails. Typically, while taking Janine, women note a decrease in fatigue during the working day, improved sleep, and an increase in libido. One of the most popular reviews is the reduction in headaches, which quite often accompanies young girls throughout the day. The positive effect of taking Janine is in all cases visible in the state of the girl’s nervous system.

Taking combined contraceptive drugs is also justified for some diseases of the female reproductive system. Such diseases include:

  • endometriosis;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • precancerous diseases of the uterus and adnexal organs;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • diseases of the mammary glands that are associated with hormonal imbalance.

For endometriosis, the contraceptive drug Janine is very often prescribed. Endometriosis is characterized by pathological proliferation of endometrial cells of the uterine cavity beyond its boundaries. Depending on the degree of proliferation of this tissue, categories of disease severity are distinguished. Janine reduces pain and bleeding during menstruation, and also improves health conditions.


Summarizing all of the above about the combined contraceptive drug of German origin Janine, and also taking into account all the knowledge about the rules and instructions for use and prescription, it is necessary to summarize the analysis of the effect of this drug on the woman’s body.

The positive aspects of taking Janine will undoubtedly be a contraceptive effect on the female body, a change for the better in a woman’s hormonal levels, which has a positive effect on her mood, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Also, this drug has gained a leading position in a number of medicines for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, because currently planning pregnancy is the basis for the health of the unborn child and his mother. The product has proven itself for the treatment of endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as other disorders of the female reproductive system.

The drug has negative effects due to the variety and multiplicity of effects on almost all body systems. Taking Janine can cause side effects from the digestive, reproductive, and circulatory systems.

Janine's treatment is indicated for girls with regular sex life who have one sexual partner.

Correct adherence to the instructions for taking Janine will ensure one hundred percent prevention of unwanted pregnancy, and will also reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms in women and facilitate the transition to menopause. Before purchasing the drug, be sure to consult with a gynecologist to exclude possible pathologies of the genitourinary system, as well as assess hormonal levels at the time of examination.



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