Heparin injections are contraindications. Why do pregnant women need blood thinner injections? Therapy in special cases

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What kind of drug is heparin? When is it prescribed, who can and cannot use heparin?
Answers to these and other questions, as well as instructions for use heparin The medical college website (www.site) will help you find it in this article.

What kind of drug is heparin?

Heparin is a drug that prevents blood clotting. Heparin is available in the form of liquid for injection and forms for external use. In this article you will receive information about heparin in liquid form.
Once in the body, heparin inhibits the formation of fibrin. The effect of the drug begins immediately after its introduction into the body. Heparin activates blood movement in the kidneys, affects cerebral circulation, reduces the action of some enzymes. The use of heparin after myocardial infarction reduces the number deaths and reduces the risk of recurrent heart attacks. Heparin is also used for pulmonary embolism– in these cases the drug is administered into increased quantities. And to prevent venous thromboembolism, heparin should be used in reduced doses. Most quick effect occurs when intravenous use heparin. If you have done intramuscular injection, then the effect occurs in fifteen to thirty minutes, and if the injection is made under the skin, then it may take up to an hour for heparin to take effect.

In what cases is heparin prescribed?

If you suffer from deep vein thrombosis, coronary arteries, thrombophlebitis, then for the purpose of prevention severe consequences Heparin is prescribed. This drug is also used to treat patients with angina pectoris, after myocardial infarction, and for arrhythmia. If you have impaired blood flow in your kidneys, you should also think about using heparin.

Heparin is also used for surgical interventions ah so that the blood does not clot too quickly. Heparin is prescribed for certain types of heart defects, glomerulonephritis, bacterial endocarditis, lupus nephritis.

Who should not be prescribed heparin?

The use of heparin in the treatment of patients with poor clotting blood, with vascular aneurysm various localizations, with high blood pressure, with a stomach or intestinal ulcer, with severe liver diseases, during menstruation, in the postpartum period, and also after certain types of surgical interventions.

Only under the supervision of a doctor can heparin be used during pregnancy for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, pericarditis, as well as elderly women.

Are there any unwanted side effects with heparin treatment?

Yes, quite a variety of side effects can occur when treated with heparin. The body can react in different ways allergic reactions. Indigestion, loss of coordination, and migraine-like pain are also possible. Usually all these unpleasant symptoms go away as soon as you stop heparin treatment.

But with long-term use of heparin, more serious consequences, such as the development of osteoporosis, disturbance of calcium distribution.
You may also see discomfort such as pain, redness and swelling. Sometimes bleeding from the excretory organs may occur.

In what quantities is heparin used?

Heparin is prescribed either in the form of droppers or in the form of periodic injections into a vein or under the skin. Used as a preventive measure subcutaneous injection five thousand units per day. Between injections there should be intervals of at least eight and no more than twelve hours. But you can’t give injections in the same place.
Used for treatment different doses heparin, which depend on the disease and individual characteristics the patient's body. Do not self-prescribe heparin. This may have a bad effect on your health.

If you use any other medications, be sure to tell your doctor, as heparin interacts with many medications. You can safely use heparin together with

Heparin injections: instructions for use


Active substance: heparin - 5000 ME;
Excipients: benzyl alcohol, sodium chloride, water for injection.


clear, colorless or slightly yellowish solution.

Indications for use

Prevention and therapy: deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism (including in diseases of peripheral veins), coronary artery thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, unstable angina, acute myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation(including accompanied by embolization), DIC syndrome, prevention and therapy of microthrombosis and microcirculation disorders, renal vein thrombosis, hemolyticouremic syndrome, mitral valve disease heart (prevention of thrombosis), bacterial endocarditis, glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis. Prevention of blood clotting during operations using extracorporeal circulatory methods, during hemodialysis, hemosorption, peritoneal dialysis, cytapheresis, forced diuresis, when flushing venous catheters.


Hypersensitivity to heparin, diseases accompanied by increased bleeding (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, etc.), bleeding, cerebral aneurysm, dissecting aortic aneurysm, hemorrhagic stroke, antiphospholipid syndrome, trauma (especially traumatic brain injury), uncontrolled arterial hypertension, erosive and ulcerative lesions gastrointestinal tract; liver cirrhosis accompanied by varicose veins veins of the esophagus; menstrual period, threatened miscarriage, childbirth (including recent), recently performed surgical interventions in the eyes, brain, prostate gland, liver and biliary tract, condition after puncture spinal cord, pregnancy, lactation, children under 2 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation

Although heparin does not penetrate into breast milk, its administration to nursing mothers in some cases caused the rapid (within 2-4 weeks) development of osteoporosis and spinal damage.

Directions for use and doses

Heparin is prescribed as a continuous intravenous infusion or as regular intravenous injections, and also subcutaneously (in the abdomen).
For prophylactic purposes - subcutaneously, 5000 IU/day, at intervals of 8-12 hours.
The usual site for subcutaneous injections is the anterolateral abdominal wall (in exceptional cases it is injected into upper area shoulder or thigh), using a thin needle, which should be inserted deeply, perpendicularly, into a fold of skin held between the large and index finger until the end of the solution administration. The injection sites should be alternated each time (to avoid the formation of a hematoma). The first injection must be performed 1-2 hours before the start of surgery; V postoperative period administer within 7-10 days, and if necessary, more long time. The initial dose of heparin administered into medicinal purposes, is usually 5000 IU and is administered intravenously, after which treatment is continued using intravenous infusions.
Maintenance doses are determined depending on the route of administration:
- for continuous intravenous infusion, 1000-2000 IU/hour (24000-48000 IU/day) is prescribed, diluting heparin in 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
- with periodic intravenous injections prescribe 5000-10000 IU of heparin every 4 hours.
Adults with pulmonary thrombosis and moderate degree severity, the drug is prescribed intravenously at a dose of 40,000-50,000 IU/day, divided into 3-4 times; for severe thrombosis and embolism - intravenously at a dose of 80,000 IU/day, divided into 4 times with an interval of 6 hours. For health reasons, a single dose of 25,000 IU (5 ml) is administered intravenously, then 20,000 IU every 4 hours until daily dose 80000 - 120000 ME. With intravenous drip infusion to the daily volume infusion solution it is necessary to add at least 40,000 IU of heparin.
Doses of heparin for intravenous administration are selected so that the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is 1.5-2.5 times greater than the control. With subcutaneous administration of small doses (5000 IU 2-3 times a day) for the prevention of thrombus formation, regular monitoring of aPTT is not required, because it increases slightly. Continuous intravenous infusion is the most in an efficient way the use of heparin is better than regular (periodic) injections, because provides more stable hypocoagulation and is less likely to cause bleeding.
When performing extracorporeal circulation, a dose of 140-400 IU/kg or 1500-2000 IU per 500 ml of blood is administered. During hemodialysis, 10,000 IU is first administered intravenously, then in the middle of the procedure another 30,000-50,000 IU is administered. For older people, especially women, doses should be reduced.
For children under 2 years old this dosage form cannot be prescribed.
For children over 2 years of age, the drug is administered intravenously at a dose of 500 IU/kg/day under APTT monitoring.

Side effect

Allergic reactions: skin hyperemia, drug fever,

urticaria, rhinitis, itchy skin and a feeling of heat in the soles, bronchospasm, collapse, anaphylactic shock. Dizziness, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea.

Thrombocytopenia (6% of patients). Reactions of the first type are usually

manifest themselves in soft form and disappear after cessation of therapy; thrombocytopenia has severe course and can be fatal.

Against the background of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, skin necrosis occurs, arterial thrombosis, accompanied by the development of gangrene, myocardial infarction, stroke. If severe thrombocytopenia develops (a decrease in the platelet count by 2 times from the initial number or below 100 thousand / μl), it is necessary to urgently stop using heparin.

In the background long-term use- osteoporosis, spontaneous bone fractures, soft tissue calcification, hypoaldosteronism, transient alopecia, increased activity of liver transaminases.

Local reactions: irritation, pain, hyperemia, hematoma and ulceration at the injection site, bleeding (the risk can be minimized with careful assessment of contraindications, regular laboratory monitoring of blood coagulation and accurate dosage).

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, bleeding at the injection site, in areas exposed to pressure, from surgical wounds, as well as hemorrhages in other organs (adrenal glands, corpus luteum, retroperitoneal space).


Symptoms: signs of bleeding.
Treatment: for minor bleeding caused by an overdose of heparin, it is enough to stop using it. In case of extensive bleeding, excess heparin is neutralized with protamine sulfate (1 mg of protamine sulfate per 100 IU of heparin). It must be borne in mind that heparin is rapidly eliminated, and if protamine sulfate is prescribed 30 minutes after previous dose heparin, you only need to inject half required dose; maximum dose protamine sulfate is 50 mg. Hemodialysis is ineffective.

Interaction with other drugs

The effect of heparin is enhanced by some antibiotics (they reduce the formation of vitamin K intestinal microflora), acetylsalicylic acid, dipyridamole, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other drugs that reduce platelet aggregation (which remains the main mechanism of hemostasis in patients treated with heparin), indirect anticoagulants, drugs that block tubular secretion. Weakening - actihistamine drugs, phenothiazines, cardiac glycosides, nicotinic acid, ethacrynic acid, tetracyclines, ergot alkaloids, nicotine, nitroglycerin (intravenous administration), thyroxine, adrenocorticotropic hormone, alkaline amino acids and polypeptides, protamine.
Do not mix with other medications in the same syringe.

Features of application

Heparin cannot be administered intramuscularly, because possible formation of hematomas at the injection site.
The heparin solution may turn yellow, but this does not change its activity or tolerability.
When prescribing heparin for therapeutic purposes, its dose is selected depending on the aPTT value.
While using heparin, other drugs should not be administered intramuscularly and organ biopsies should not be performed.
To dilute heparin, use only 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Features of influence medicine on the ability to manage vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms:
Not described.
The ability of a drug to influence behavior or functional indicators body, interaction with tobacco, alcohol, food:
Not identified.


With caution
Persons suffering from polyvalent allergies (incl. bronchial asthma); arterial hypertension, dental procedures, diabetes mellitus, endocarditis, pericarditis, ICH, active tuberculosis, radiation therapy, liver failure, chronic renal failure, old age(over 60 years old, especially women).

Release form

Solution for injection, 5 ml in neutral glass bottles.
5 bottles with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

List B. Store in a dry place, protected from light at a temperature of 8 to 15 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

4 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

According to the recipe.

Heparin injections analogues, synonyms and group drugs

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Heparin is a drug related to anticoagulants direct action. Warns increased clotting blood and the formation of blood clots. When combined with fibrolysin, heparin prevents the formation blood clots which clog blood vessels. The safest form of Heparin is an injection solution. When used correctly, side effects that are inevitable with oral administration can be prevented.

Composition and principle of action

Main active ingredient drug - heparin sodium. The substance is a direct-acting anticoagulant. Acts directly on factors that lead to blood clotting. Reaching the lesion, Heparin has a whole series therapeutic effects:

  • blocks thrombin biosynthesis - the formation of complex compounds based on thrombin;
  • minimizes platelet aggregation, due to which the blood stops thickening;
  • inhibits the action of hyaluronidase, an enzyme that takes part in maintaining tissue permeability;
  • stimulates the fibrinolytic properties of the blood, due to which clots dissolve naturally;
  • improves blood flow in the heart area;
  • lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • makes the color of lipemic plasma lighter;
  • increases the activity of lipoprotein lipase;
  • suppresses the immune system and helps cope with autoimmune diseases(pathologies in which the body recognizes its own tissues as foreign and fights against them);
  • prevents the body from rejecting transplanted organs.

The anticoagulant effect of Heparin in the form of an injection solution begins almost immediately after administration of the drug into the abdomen or under the skin in another area. However, the effect is short-lived and lasts no more than 5 hours. When administered subcutaneously, the effect of heparin begins after 60 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed by doctors to eliminate disorders that are based on excessive blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. These include:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis of the main veins and arteries;
  • thrombosed hemorrhoids;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • recovery period after surgery blood vessels and hearts;
  • use of devices to maintain blood circulation.

The product is often used during laboratory research to prevent blood clotting. The drug is prescribed together with fibrinolytic drugs intended to dissolve blood clots.


Intravenous or intramuscular injection significantly limit the list of possible side effects. Despite this, Heparin has a number of contraindications:

  • diseases characterized by slow blood clotting;
  • increased bleeding and vascular permeability;
  • internal bleeding;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • inflammation of the ventricles and atria;
  • aneurysm;
  • subacute bacterial endocarditis;
  • chronic or acute leukemia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • inhibition of hematopoiesis bone marrow and a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood plasma;
  • venous gangrene.

Before using Heparin in the abdomen, shoulders or buttocks, we recommend that you undergo medical examination and exclude possible contraindications.

Heparin injections: instructions for use

The dosage of the drug in injections is determined individually depending on the disease and its severity. Typically, injections are performed by a doctor or specially trained person. At acute heart attack myocardium medical care appears right on the spot, even before transporting the patient to a medical facility.

The initial dose of Heparin is 15 t.-20 t. units. In a hospital setting, the patient is administered 40 thousand units of the drug per day for 6 days. The dosage is divided into 4 injections; during each procedure, the doctor must administer 4-10 units. The interval between administration of Heparin injection solution is 4 hours.

Important! An important nuance is tracking the time during which the blood will clot. When administering the drug, it should be 2 times higher usual indicators. Blood clotting time should be determined at least once every 2 days.

Discontinuation of the drug should not be abrupt. The dose is reduced gradually by 2500 or 5 units during each injection. There is no need to increase the interval between injections of the solution. From the 3rd day of treatment, indirect anticoagulants are introduced into the therapeutic course. If the patient feels well, on day 4-5 it is recommended to use only indirect anticoagulants for treatment.

For venous and peripheral thrombosis, the dosage is 20-30 thousand units of the drug (injected into a vein). From the second day, the dose increases to 60-80 thousand units. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Side effects

If you take Heparin intravenously for a long time, you may experience a number of side effects:

  • allergic reactions: redness of the skin, rashes resembling a nettle burn, severe burning and itching, the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose, fever, collapse and bronchospasm. In some cases, anaphylactic shock is possible. This serious condition which requires immediate medical attention;
  • internal bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and various organs. Hemorrhages are possible in the areas where the device was inserted;
  • skin reactions: pain, redness and blood accumulation in the injection area;
  • decreased platelet levels in the blood;
  • a sharp increase in eosinophils;
  • decreased fibrinogen reserves in patients with severe thrombocytopenia;
  • headache and dizziness, joint pain;
  • nausea, vomiting, liquid and frequent stool, lack of appetite;
  • increased blood pressure.

In patients with thrombocytopenia, the death of individual parts of the skin, the formation of blood clots in the arteries and the formation of gangrene, stroke and myocardial infarction are possible. If the product is used for a long time, side effects become: bone fragility, calcium deficiency in soft tissues, reversible baldness.

“I’m not afraid of injections, if necessary, I’ll inject myself!” - such slogans can be found on stands near vaccination rooms in children's clinics. If only adult patients could be encouraged in this way, especially those who are about to give themselves injections in the stomach for the first time. The very wording “inject in the stomach” sounds intimidating even for people who are persistent in spirit. But when it comes down to it, it turns out that this procedure is easily tolerated and even less painful than, for example, injections in the buttocks. One of the drugs that is prescribed for injection into the abdominal area is heparin. Let's take a closer look at what kind of medicine this is and why it is prescribed to be placed in the stomach.

Heparin: indications for use

The main effect of heparin injections is to prevent blood clotting. Once in the blood plasma, it is absorbed into it and activates the clotting enzyme antithrombin III. Once administered, heparin reduces platelet production in the blood. This drug is used for both prevention and direct treatment of thromboembolic diseases, such as:

  • atrial fibrillation;
  • high test for D-dimer (during pregnancy);
  • coronary heart disease;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • anticoagulation (prevention of blood clots);
  • blood microcirculation disorders;
  • thrombosis during heart surgery;
  • for blood thinning in artificial circulation devices;
  • postoperative complications on blood vessels.

Important! Doses of the administered product for injection are selected by the doctor individually.

Heparin can also be prescribed in combination with drugs that dissolve blood clots, such as Streptodecase, Fibrinolysin, etc.

Top 3 frequently asked questions about heparin

Injections are given strictly according to the instructions prescribed by the doctor. Depending on the disease, an individual dose is selected, as well as the method of using the drug “Heparin”. Below we provide answers to the most popular questions about heparin injections in the stomach.

Why is self-administration of heparin practiced?

This drug costs ~ 650 rubles. for 5 ampoules with a capacity of 5 ml (with an activity of 5,000 IU in 1 ml). This is a lot of money, considering that the medicine is not prescribed for 1-2 days, but for a longer period. Medical staff services can cost ~ 70-150 rubles. for an injection. Heparin also differs in that it must be administered into certain time days to thin the blood, this may be early or late hours, in which it is inconvenient to call a nurse at home. Therefore, even inexperienced patients often learn to do injections on their own.

Note! As a “hint”, you can ask the nurse to mark the places on the skin for injection with brilliant green to avoid touching the vessel or incorrectly placing the injection.

Is it necessary to administer the drug to the abdominal area?

Injections are prescribed into the abdomen because they are easier for the patient to administer on their own. Subcutaneous injection into the anterolateral wall is almost painless. For injection it is best to use insulin syringes. They are distinguished by the thinnest possible needle, which does not cause pain when inserted, moreover, the needle is practically not felt. In exceptional cases, injections are given in top part shoulder or hip.

How to decide to get an injection?

The first injection is the most exciting. It may be worth trusting a professional to show you how to properly administer heparin. If present panic fear pain, let someone close to you give the injection.

Also, for those who are forced to regularly inject themselves, you can purchase a device called a “Kalashnikov syringe pistol.” Device with funny name It almost completely automates the process of giving an injection, moves the needle quickly and painlessly, all that remains is to press the piston to inject the medicine, in our case heparin. The device is reusable and makes daily injections easier.

How to properly inject heparin into the stomach

In fact, there is nothing complicated in administering the medicine to the abdominal area; just follow the simple instructions:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and wipe dry. If the injection is not given to yourself, then be sure to wear sterile gloves (sold at the pharmacy).
  2. Before the injection, prepare everything you need: an ampoule with medicine, a syringe, a skin disinfectant (alcohol, calendula, hawthorn tincture, etc.), sterile cotton wool.
  3. Open the ampoule and take the medicine with a syringe.
  4. Wipe the skin with alcohol. At a distance of 2 fingers from the navel on the right or left, gather a fold of skin with two fingers of your left hand. The larger the fold, the easier it will be to insert the needle with the medicine.
  5. Insert the needle completely into the fold, while pressing the syringe plunger and injecting heparin. The speed of needle insertion needs to be adjusted to your feelings; this is an individual matter.
  6. Remove the needle and treat the injection site with alcohol-based cotton wool. Ready!

Video on how to learn how to give yourself an injection in the stomach:

Side effects of the drug "Heparin"

Upon appointment of this medicine in injections, its benefit is undeniably higher than the possible delayed harm. Subject to correct dosage heparin therapy has the desired effect and clinical picture disease changes in positive side. But there are cases when heparin causes complications and adverse reactions V various systems body.

Many people are wondering why Heparin injections are given in the stomach? Let's find out in this article.

We will look at the instructions for the Heparin solution intended for injections. This drug is supplied in pharmacies, as well as in hospitals. So, let’s find out why Heparin injections are prescribed and what they are side effects.

Form and composition

"Heparin" in the form of a solution is a colorless or light liquid intended for administration subcutaneously or intravenously. For every milliliter of this medical solution there are 5000 IU of sodium heparin as the main substance of this medicine.

The packaging for the drug is cardboard boxes in which ampoules or plastic bottles are placed in quantities of five or ten pieces. For inpatient institutions, Heparin is produced in cardboard boxes of fifty or one hundred units of 5-ml containers. To bottle the drug, transparent glass ampoules with a volume of 5 milliliters are used. They are additionally placed in contour packs of five pieces. Each pack contains one or two packages.

Storage conditions

The solution for Heparin injections is stored for no more than three years in a room where there is no high humidity and direct sunlight. Temperature conditions should be less than twenty-five degrees.


According to the instructions for Heparin injections, this drug is a direct-acting anticoagulant and is classified as a medium-molecular heparin. Once in the plasma, its action promotes the activation of antithrombin, which increases its anticoagulant properties. Thanks to the drug, the transformation of prothrombin into thrombin is disrupted with further inhibition of its activity. In addition, there is a slight decrease in platelet aggregation.

Having wide range pharmacological properties, Heparin injections help:

  • Increased renal blood flow.
  • Increased cerebral vascular resistance.
  • Reduced brain hyaluronidase activity.
  • Having a hypolipidemic effect, the drug promotes the activation of lipoprotein lipase.
  • Leads to a decrease in overall lung activity Sufractant.
  • Inhibition of excessive synthesis of aldosterone in the adrenal cortex.
  • Adrenaline binding.
  • Activation of parahormone.
  • Participates in the modulation of the ovarian response to hormonal stimulation.

The ability of the drug to interact with the enzymatic composition of the brain affects the increase in the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase and pepsinogens. Heparin injections have immunosuppressive properties. Patients diagnosed ischemic disease heart, taking this drug in complex treatment, can count on reducing the following risks:

  • Acute arterial thrombosis.
  • Sudden death.
  • Myocardial infarction or its recurrence.

Small dosages of Heparin are used for prophylactic purposes for the occurrence of venous thromboembolism, especially after surgical interventions. High dosage of the drug serves effective means for the treatment of thromboembolism pulmonary arteries or venous thrombosis.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

In accordance with the instructions for Heparin injections, administration this drug intravenously almost immediately leads to a slowdown in blood clotting, and subcutaneous use lasts from twenty minutes to an hour. It is possible to use the solution as part of inhalation, maximum effect from which it will be obvious only after a day. Anticoagulant effects are observed when the drug is administered in the following ways:

  • At intravenous administration the effect lasts up to five hours.
  • With subcutaneous injection up to eight.
  • The inhalation effect of the drug can last up to two weeks.

Regarding duration therapeutic effect to prevent the formation of blood clots, it lasts longer. Maximum concentration active component the drug in plasma is achieved after a few hours. Penetration into the placenta and mother's milk is not observed. The half-life of the drug is no more than one hour.


  • For prevention and therapy venous thrombosis of different etiologies.
  • As part of therapeutic and therapeutic measures for thromboembolic complications due to atrial fibrillation.
  • During the treatment and prevention of peripheral arterial embolism.
  • For the treatment of acute or chronic coagulopathy.
  • If the patient has coronary syndrome in acute form.
  • Against the background of myocardial infarction.
  • For therapy in the field of microthrombosis or all kinds of microcirculation disorders, and, in addition, for their prevention.
  • As part of the prevention of blood clotting when performing blood transfusions, when necessary.
  • During hemodialysis.
  • For use venous catheter in processing procedures.

Contraindications to their implementation

Prescribing Heparin injections is inappropriate and prohibited in the following cases:

  • The patient has a high level of sensitivity to the components of the solution.
  • If the patient has bleeding.
  • In the presence of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
  • Breastfeeding and, in addition, pregnant women.

Injections are given with caution in the following cases:

  • Patients with identified polyvalent allergies.
  • In conditions of a pathological or physiological nature, fraught with the development of bleeding of various types.

Not everyone knows why Heparin injections in the stomach are used?

Instructions for use

The Heparin solution is used by injection subcutaneously, and, in addition, intravenously, drip or jet injection. Typically, continuous infusion is given intravenously. Or regular injections into a vein are performed. Subcutaneous injection can also be performed on the abdomen. Intramuscular injections of this drug are not given.

Administration of this drug is not practiced outside medical institutions, in this regard, instructions with precise calculation dosages for therapeutic and maintenance purposes, including prophylactic use the drug is exclusively under the control of medical staff. Even when buying this solution in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription, the patient never injects himself, but seeks help in the treatment room of his clinic.

Injections during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Heparin injections are not recommended for women, although there is no risk of its active component penetrating the placenta. The use of this medication can threaten the expectant mother with spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

The release of “Heparin” is not observed with milk, but it must be borne in mind that the use of such treatment for a nursing woman is fraught increased risks development of osteoporosis.

"Heparin" for children

Heparin injections are prescribed to young patients extremely rarely and with great caution, especially before the age of three. The presence of benzyl alcohol in the composition of the medicine can cause an anaphylactoid or toxic reaction in a child.

What side effects are there from Heparin injections?

Side effects

Side effects after injections with this drug may include the following:

  • The occurrence of allergies. Patients after such injections experienced drug fever, skin hyperemia, urticaria, a feeling of heat in the area of ​​the feet, rhinitis and itchy sensations on the skin. Possible collapse or anaphylactic shock.
  • The appearance of bleeding. Bleeding may occur in the area where the medication is administered if this area is subject to compression.
  • There were complaints of pain along with the occurrence of ulcerations, and, in addition, hematomas in the areas where the medication was administered. Among other things, bleeding is often observed after injections.
  • Patients may experience dizziness along with headaches, eosinophilia, nausea with vomiting, increased blood pressure and decreased appetite. Joint pain and diarrhea cannot be ruled out.

Let's take a closer look at how Heparin injections are given in the stomach. They are not done during pregnancy.

Injections into the stomach

Why are Heparin injections given in the stomach? Such injections are prescribed due to the fact that they are much easier for the patient to administer on their own. Subcutaneous insertion into the anterolateral wall is almost painless. Insulin syringes are best suited for injections. They have the thinnest possible needle, which does not cause any pain during insertion, and the puncture is almost not felt. In exceptional situations, injections are placed in the upper shoulder or thigh.

Drug overdose

Symptoms of data overdose medicine expressed by obvious signs of bleeding. As soon as it appears slight bleeding, the drug must be discontinued.

If extensive bleeding develops in a patient who has suffered from an overdose, it is necessary to urgently transfer to the department of a medical institution, where there is everything necessary to immediately provide appropriate assistance in the event of anaphylactic shock. Medical observation required because the patient requires administration of protamine sulfate, which may cause severe allergic conditions. The dose with the frequency of drug administration as part of the treatment of overdose is calculated experienced specialist. Hemodialysis does not have any effect.

Interaction with other drugs

The presented medication can only be combined with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The combination of Heparin with other drugs is prohibited.

The effect of Heparin is enhanced when joint reception With acetylsalicylic acid, Clopidogrel and other similar antiplatelet agents. In addition, this effect is observed when combined with Warfarin or Acenocoumarol and other indirect anticoagulants.

A decrease in the anticoagulant effect of Heparin occurs, as a rule, when combined with antihistamines. Heparin solution has an effect on reducing the pharmacological properties of adrenocorticotropic hormones and insulin.

Now we know why Heparin injections are prescribed.

Additional instructions

Treatment with Heparin, especially in large doses It is not recommended to carry out outside medical institutions. Execution intramuscular injections forbidden. Also, when treating with this drug, it is not advisable to do biopsies, anesthesia, or any diagnostic procedures using punctures.

Heparin is diluted exclusively with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The yellow tint of the solution does not affect its beneficial properties and activity. No research has been conducted on the issue of driving safety.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use for Heparin injections.

Analogues of the drug

Analogs of this drug can be considered the same solution of sodium heparin, but from different manufacturers, for example, “Brown”, “Ferein”, “Gedeon-Richter” and others.


The solution of this drug is mainly supplied to medical organizations stationary type. However, with a doctor’s prescription, the patient can independently buy this drug at any pharmacy. His average cost Today, within the framework of retail sales, it is equal to approximately four hundred rubles.



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