Erosive gastritis: treatment with folk remedies. The best means of treating erosive gastritis using traditional methods

Gastritis, which is accompanied by destruction of the gastric mucosa, is called erosive in medicine. As the disease progresses, local erosion on the outer layer of the stomach grows and gradually affects a significant area of ​​it. Along with this pathological process, the symptoms also intensify.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of erosions on the surface of the gastric mucosa. Irrational lifestyle, poor diet, consumption of harmful foods and alcohol, taking certain non-steroidal medications, poisoning with chemical acids, infection with microorganisms. These are the main, but not all, factors that cause this formidable and dangerous disease.

Folk recipes against erosive gastritis

Before you begin self-medication, be sure to read this article: ““. Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive. An excellent help in the fight against erosive gastritis is the use of time-tested folk remedies.

1. The healing properties of sprouted wheat in the healing of erosions and stomach ulcers have long been noticed. It is very easy to germinate at home.

To do this, take a glass of whole grains, place it in a container and fill it with water (just to cover). Water must be added as necessary, since the grains must be kept moist. After a short time, the grain will “hatch”, then it is washed with running water and twisted in a meat grinder. Add a little olive oil (sunflower oil is also possible) to the resulting porridge-like mass. Take this mixture on an empty stomach.

2. It is recommended to use a decoction of lettuce for gastritis with erosive course. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of crushed leaves and let it brew for a couple of hours. You need to drink the infusion in the morning and at night, half a glass. It is also very useful for this disease to drink fresh juice from lettuce leaves.

3. You can cure your stomach if you drink aloe juice every day before meals. Dosage: one teaspoon. Course of treatment: 45 days. You can also mix the juice with honey in equal parts.

4. A decoction of calamus root will improve appetite and relieve pain. You need to pour one and a half tablespoons (tablespoons) of crushed root into half a liter of water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Take 100 ml of this decoction before meals.

5. The following medicine is prepared: 50 grams of thyme herb is poured with 0.5 liters of white grape wine. Place the container with the contents in a dark place and let it brew for two weeks, shaking occasionally.

After this, the drug is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and boiled for one minute over low heat. Then the container with the tincture is wrapped and allowed to stand for another 5 hours. The strained infusion is taken 70 milliliters in the morning and evening before meals.

6. The oldest known folk remedy for all kinds of stomach pain, as well as erosions and ulcers, is sea buckthorn oil. It has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The oil should be consumed half an hour before meals, one teaspoon. Course of treatment: one and a half months.

7. Plantain juice with honey has a wound-healing effect on the gastric mucosa. They are mixed in equal parts. Take the product daily, a teaspoon before meals.

9. Alcohol tinctures of propolis and mumiyo are effective in treatment. They must be taken daily before meals. Dosage: 25 drops. Also suitable.

10. Taking milk in the morning and evening on an empty stomach will heal the stomach if you add 1.5 grams of mumiyo to it. This remedy should be taken for at least 1 month, then you can take a ten-day break and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. You must take only whole milk!

11. Erosive gastritis can be cured with cabbage juice. It should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. You can add squeezed celery for taste. The course of treatment is three months.

12. Such an old remedy is also known. Take three liters of birch sap, put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, throw 50 grams of calendula into it and cook it all for 10 minutes over low heat under a lid. Next, the broth is wrapped and kept for 10 hours in a warm place. After this, add a glass of natural honey (preferably flower honey) and stir thoroughly. The finished product should be stored in a cool place. It is recommended to drink the drink in the morning 40 minutes before meals.

13. For stomach problems, oak bark is used. Prepare a decoction. You need to pour one spoon of bark into half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, leave and strain. Take a quarter cup of the decoction.

14. 100 grams of birch buds are poured with one liter of vodka or moonshine, left for 10 days in a dark place. Take a teaspoon.

15. A decoction of chamomile in milk has wonderful healing qualities. To prepare it, take five tablespoons of the plant’s flowers, place it in a saucepan and add 250 milliliters of milk. Next, this composition is put on fire, brought to a boil and allowed to brew. After an hour, the drug is filtered through a fine strainer. This milk remedy is prepared daily and drunk a glass in the morning for a week.

Expert opinion

Erosive gastritis is often accompanied by minor or moderate bleeding from damaged vessels, so such patients go to the hospital immediately. However, there are often cases when a person does not pay attention to the unusual color of the vomit and tries to overcome the disease on his own. Alas, this is impossible.

Even if you turn to traditional medicine, you will not find a panacea for erosive gastritis. Only during the recovery period can you use herbal remedies to restore the gastric mucosa. Also, do not forget about your diet: you need to eat often and in small portions, dishes should be warm and easy to digest.

16. Onion juice has a wound-healing effect. Before taking it, it should be diluted with water 1:1 to make only a quarter glass of liquid mixture. The drug is drunk half an hour before meals.

17. You need to bake the onion until it turns brown, cool it and mash it or rub it through a sieve. This mass should be poured into a glass of milk and taken warm on an empty stomach in the morning. After such a “breakfast” you cannot eat or drink for 3 hours. Treatment takes three weeks.

18. Brazilian healers treat erosive gastritis with pineapple juice. It should be drunk three times a day on an empty stomach. It is prepared only from fresh fruit. Canned food is prohibited! The product relieves pain and inflammation in the stomach well, and also perfectly heals the mucous membrane.

To successfully treat erosive gastritis with folk remedies, one should not forget about diet. You should also avoid stressful situations, nervous tension and anxiety. An important role for stomach health is played by measures to increase immunity, proper rest and sleep.

It is important to remember that drinking alcohol or smoking causes irreparable harm to the diseased organ. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it in the future, and in many ways, by limiting and depriving yourself. Take care of your health!

Unfortunately, due to poor nutrition and bad habits, our immunity and saprophytic microflora primarily suffer. Helicobacter is considered to be just such, it begins to actively multiply in the stomach, thereby causing inflammation of the gastric mucosa: gastritis occurs and its most unfavorable form with the appearance of erosion is erosive gastritis, the treatment of which should be carried out strictly after consultation with a gastroenterologist.

The disease poses a serious danger to our body. If left untreated, an ulcer may develop and stomach bleeding may occur. We will consider the symptoms of the disease and treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies, some official medicine and a therapeutic diet in this article.

Symptoms of the disease

The state of the acid-forming function of the stomach has a great influence on the symptoms (manifestations) of the disease:

  • Gastritis that occurs against the background of increased acidity. If the acidity of gastric juice exceeds the normal value, the patient complains of pain after eating and severe heartburn. Treatment of the disease must begin when the slightest symptoms appear, without leading to complications, and in the initial stages, the effectiveness of treating erosive gastritis with folk remedies is great. Although it is worth recalling that with this variant of gastritis, antibacterial therapy is mandatory in the presence of Helicobacter.
  • Gastritis that occurs against a background of low acidity. The signs of this disease are less pronounced, in the first place - discomfort in the stomach, belching of air, heaviness in the epigastrium. But the pain syndrome persists, increased pain is observed after eating, after 30 minutes - 1-1.5 hours, depending on which part of the gastric mucosa is eroded. The examination in such cases must be thorough; the nature of the occurrence of erosion can be different. The most important thing is to exclude a malignant process in time.

As already mentioned, erosive gastritis is characterized by the formation of erosions on the gastric mucosa, and erosions can be of different sizes. Without effective treatment, the disease can last a long time, reducing a person’s quality of life. And, of course, the likelihood of complications (bleeding, ulcers) remains high.

The development of an inflammatory process of an erosive nature can occur under the influence of junk food, alcohol or certain medications (steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). In addition, erosions in the stomach can occur against the background of kidney disease, liver disease or diabetes. Treatment is then adjusted accordingly.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • pain of a different nature, depending on the intensity of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, from dull, aching to cutting pain with extensive erosive surfaces;
  • pain and heaviness in the upper abdomen;
  • severe heartburn and nausea, developing into vomiting during an exacerbation;
  • anemia (if the stomach disease is in an advanced stage).

It is worth noting that these are common symptoms of gastritis. In each individual case, depending on the course of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body, symptoms may vary.

Treatment of erosive gastritis

Treatment of the disease must be carried out immediately so that complications do not appear. Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the root causes of the development of pathology:

  • The right way of life. Try to change your lifestyle a little. It is advisable to completely eliminate or at least minimize stressful situations. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day.
  • Healthy eating. If you feel discomfort in the stomach, it is better to avoid junk food altogether, not only during an exacerbation. In addition, try to avoid eating fast foods and canned foods. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and juices from sour fruits and berries.
  • Be careful with medications! If you are taking certain medications and notice problems with your gastrointestinal tract, you should immediately inform your doctor. Most likely, the treatment regimen will be revised. But you should also consult a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe diagnostic examinations, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, he will tell you how to treat erosive gastritis and select effective treatment regimens.

Important! In no case should you treat erosive gastritis on your own: if the medications are chosen incorrectly, the situation will only worsen.

Gastroenterologists note that good results are obtained by treating erosive gastritis with folk remedies in the complex therapy of this disease. Especially if treatment is started in the initial period of the disease, or traditional medicine is used in combination with the main treatment program. Let's look at the most effective of them:

Propolis tincture

For gastritis accompanied by unbearable pain, propolis tincture can help relieve symptoms. Add twenty drops of tincture to 100 ml of warm boiled water and mix well. The tincture should be drunk 3 times a day before meals. After the first days of use, the pain should go away, but the course of treatment must be continued for 3 weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil

Our grandmothers also knew how to treat gastritis: of course, sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn has a wound-healing effect and also soothes inflammation. Freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice is diluted with olive oil in a one to one ratio. It is recommended to infuse the resulting mixture for 72 hours, and then put the jar in the refrigerator. Take one spoon (teaspoon) on an empty stomach. The course of therapy is 14 days.

Aloe and honey

Honey and aloe are also used to treat erosive gastritis. Place 5 aloe leaves in the freezer for 1-2 days, and then grind the plant in a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the crushed leaves and mix it with honey (1:1). It is recommended to eat a teaspoon of the mixture on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 21 days. Aloe has a wound healing effect, and honey relieves inflammation.

wheat sprouts

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies is performed using wheat sprouts. First, we will get sprouted wheat: spread the wheat grains on damp gauze, periodically sprinkling them with water. When the first sprouts appear, grind them in a meat grinder and dilute them with olive oil in a ratio of six to one. The medicine is taken for 5 days on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons.


Folk remedies used in the treatment of gastritis include the use of mumiyo. Take a mummy pea and dissolve it in a glass of warm milk. Then add honey (a tablespoon) to the liquid. Drink milk in the morning and evening hours for 30 days, but after 14 days you need to take a break of 5 days. Milk and mumiyo are effective even in advanced stages of gastritis.

Oat tincture is used to treat erosive gastritis of the stomach. The folk remedy is prepared simply: soak oatmeal for twelve hours, then add salt to the infusion and cook it until jelly forms (over low heat). Oat jelly has enveloping properties, having a positive effect on the gastric mucosa.

Don't forget about the decoction of flax seeds. An excellent enveloping, antacid agent. Undeservedly forgotten, potato juice relieves inflammation and has excellent healing properties. And under no circumstances should you forget about the diet.

Erosive gastritis is treated with folk remedies and a special diet. Healthy foods protect the lining of the stomach, helping to restore it.

  1. Fatty and excessively salty foods, as well as smoked foods, should be excluded.
  2. Replace hot sauces with rosemary and saffron.
  3. It is recommended to eat small portions up to 6 times a day.
  4. It is advisable to exclude sour and too sweet juices from the diet.
  5. Dishes should be slightly warm.
  6. It is advisable to eat your last meal 3 hours before bedtime.
  7. It is better to avoid whole grain bread.
  8. The diet for erosive gastritis includes a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages, smoking and coffee.
  9. Avoid using aspirin.

In conclusion, I would like to summarize that no matter what treatment method you choose, you cannot win the fight against this disease without consulting a gastroenterologist. Don't get sick!

Gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases. If an erosive lesion is detected during the diagnosis of the disease, this type of disease is usually called erosive gastritis. Experts include the following as the main causes of gastrointestinal diseases: poor diet, cigarette abuse, love of fast food and fried foods, frequent stress, use of certain non-steroidal drugs, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection. All this provokes the development of erosive gastritis.

Using traditional medicine, it is possible to treat erosive gastritis under the supervision of a physician.


An important feature of the disease is that when it is advanced, erosion quickly grows, affecting the walls of the stomach. If no measures have been taken to treat erosive gastritis, the palotological process is carried out more actively, as a result of which the patient begins to feel the symptoms of the disease more strongly. The main signs of the disease include:

  • aching pain that occurs on an empty stomach, as well as between meals;
  • the patient suffers from heartburn, belching with a sour taste, and frequent nausea;
  • sometimes it manifests itself as black stool, which indicates internal bleeding;
  • an aggravated dangerous illness in its acute course causes vomiting of blood;
  • refusal of food, even favorite dishes do not arouse interest;
  • feels dry in the mouth;
  • excessive sweating and salivation appear;

Complex treatment

Immediately after the appearance of signs of the disease, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist, who will immediately refer the patient for examination, based on the results of which he will prescribe treatment. If the diagnosis has confirmed the symptoms and treatment has been prescribed, all that remains is to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

It should be noted, which occurs in an acute form, can only be treated in a hospital. For this, the patient is admitted to the intensive care unit.

If Helicobacter pylori is detected, the patient is prescribed antibiotics; during treatment for gastritis, the doctor also prescribes antacids, acid blockers, anti-inflammatory and antisecretory drugs, PPIs, and bismuth preparations.

Important! An advanced disease may cause bleeding in the stomach.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine recipes are often used to treat the disease. But before you start treating gastritis with folk remedies, it is necessary that it be approved by your doctor. It is important to understand that folk recipes cannot replace any medical drug; they should be used in combination. Also, folk recipes are used as a preventive measure to prevent the development of the disease. Doctors approve of the treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies, the most effective recipes of which we present to your attention:

  1. Sprouted wheat helps heal erosions and ulcers. To cure erosive gastritis, this recipe will help. You need to take a glass of whole grain, fill it with water, gradually the water will be absorbed by the grain, so it needs to be topped up. When the grain “hatches”, it is washed and passed through a meat grinder. The result is a paste, to which we add just a little olive oil. If you don’t have such oil on hand, you can replace it with sunflower oil. The mixture is taken on an empty stomach.
  2. When treating the disease, you can use effective decoctions from various medicinal plants. For example, treatment can be carried out with a drink made from lettuce. To prepare it, take a spoonful of leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water over them, and leave for several hours. Drink the decoction in the morning and after the last meal, in a volume of half a glass.
  3. Exacerbation of gastritis can be stopped with aloe juice if taken daily before each meal. It is necessary to observe the dosage - 1 tsp. The entire course of treatment lasts 45 days. The juice can be mixed with honey in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons per glass of drink.
  4. A decoction of calamus root will help relieve the most painful symptom, namely pain. Take 1.5 tbsp. l. root in crushed form and fill it with 1.5 liters of water, then boil for about 20 minutes over low heat. Drink 100 ml of the drink before meals.
  5. A medicine made from thyme and white grape wine will also help; for this, take 50 grams and 0.5 liters of ingredients, respectively. The “potion” should stand in a dark place for about two weeks, shake it periodically. Then the drink is brought to a boil, and then boiled for a minute over low heat. Next, the broth should be wrapped and allowed to stand for another five hours. After filtering, drink 70 ml every morning and evening before meals.
  6. Sea buckthorn oil is considered the oldest folk remedy that fights stomach pain, erosions and ulcers. It promotes healing and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The oil is consumed on an empty stomach before meals in a volume of 0.5 tsp, the course of treatment should be at least 1.5 months.
  7. The healing of wounds on the mucous membrane is facilitated by the use of plantain juice, to which honey is added. You need to mix the ingredients in equal parts. As for the intake - 1 tsp. before meals every day.
  8. Bee bread along with honey is also recommended by experts for gastritis. These two products are combined in equal parts and taken 1 tsp.
  9. , mumiyos are considered indispensable during complex therapy for the disease. They are consumed every day before meals, 25 drops.
  10. Taking whole milk daily in the morning and evening on an empty stomach can cure the disease, provided that 1.5 grams of mumiyo are added to it. It is important to note that the product helps if you use it throughout the entire month, after which it is recommended to take a break of 10 days and, if necessary, repeat this course again.
  11. Cabbage juice is used for any form of gastritis; it is drunk on an empty stomach every morning for three months.
  12. An ancient medicine is considered to be a drink made from three liters of birch sap and 50 grams of calendula. Everything is mixed and boiled, and then kept for 10 hours in a warm place. After this time, one glass of honey is added to the “potion”. The resulting medicine is stored in the refrigerator and consumed before meals.
  13. During diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oak bark is used to prepare a decoction from it. For this, 1 tbsp. l. bark, pour 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil, let it brew and filter. Drink ¼ cup of decoction.
  14. Use 1 tsp. A drink made from birch buds also has a beneficial effect on the healing process. So, 100 gr. kidneys need to be filled with 1 liter. vodka and let it brew for about 10 days, only in a dark place.
  15. Every day, those suffering from gastritis are advised to prepare a chamomile decoction with milk. To prepare the milk product you need 5 tbsp. l. plants pour 250 gr. milk and boil, then let it brew. Within an hour the drink is ready, after straining you can drink it immediately. The course of treatment is one week.
  16. Allows quick healing of the mucous membrane, which is diluted with water 1:1. The drug is drunk before eating dietary meals. You can also bake the onion and then rub it through a sieve. The mass is poured with 1 glass of milk and drunk on an empty stomach every morning for three weeks. The drink must be warm.
  17. In Brazil, pineapple juice is used for gastritis, which is preferably drunk 3 times a day on an empty stomach. It is better to refuse purchased juice and make it yourself from fresh fruits. This remedy prevents pain well and helps healing.

When diagnosing erosive gastritis, treatment with folk remedies will be successful if the patient also does not forget about the diet. But any traditional medicine recipe will be useful only in combination with drug therapy, because it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure gastritis with decoctions and infusions alone. An important role on the path to recovery is played by adequate sleep, avoidance of nervous tension and an active lifestyle. Remember that every disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Take care of your health!



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