Functions of the diencephalon and cerebral hemispheres (forebrain) of the brain. Presentation on the topic "Forebrain Functions"

Diverse, but the main difference between humans is the uniquely developed forebrain, and therefore most higher functions It is this department that distinguishes humans from animals. The author of this article had the opportunity to read the most interesting and modern literature on this issue, so you can read about the functions of the parts of the brain associated with intelligence.

The most new feature forebrain - planning and communication. This component of intelligence allows us to choose strategies during communication that will be beneficial in the long term. This is done by the anterior lobes of the cerebral cortex. This department is responsible for the ability to think, remember the past and critically evaluate our activities, think through possible scenarios of events and solve the good old Hamlet question of whether we should act or not. Our organization depends on the degree of maturity of this area of ​​the brain. So the functions of the forebrain are not such knowledge abstracted from life. Although, of course, you shouldn’t blame only your own people for sloppiness. biological features. This function can be developed.

All students and schoolchildren have no doubt about the importance of such a function of the forebrain as memory. This is also a function of the cerebral cortex. Why don't we remember what happened to us before we were two years old? Because the area of ​​the cortex that is responsible for conscious memory was still immature. Latest Research allow us to conclude that information storage is located in those zones where the impulse from the sensory organs arrived, therefore different types memories are associated with different areas in the brain. However, all zones are characterized by satiety and fatigue, so it is critical for good memory to get enough sleep (at least 7 hours), because it is during sleep that the brain transfers data from temporary resources to permanent ones. Therefore, when preparing for exams, it is good to split your day into two parts with an afternoon nap.

Emotions closely related to memory what the best teachers and leaders use. They present the material so vividly that students or workers leave a strong emotional imprint in their minds, and the person doesn’t even have to make an effort to remember. Emotions are not only associated with our performance, but also with immunity. In people who constantly experience negative emotions, the number of cells that fight the development of pathogens that penetrate inside us decreases. Negative emotions also increase cortisol levels, which damage the brain. Therefore, you need to try to deceive the areas in the brain responsible for emotions. How to do this? Force your facial muscles to relax, then force yourself to smile artificially. You will immediately feel your mood change. This function of the forebrain is not given enough importance in our rational world, but suppressed emotions very cruelly take revenge on a person through illness. Responsible for emotions different departments In humans, not only the forebrain works, but also the cerebellum.

Function speeches is critical for a person to feel good in society. Scientists, in addition, have noticed that a person who constantly shows speech activity has less risk of getting So talk, read to yourself, write - and you will be healthy for a very long time. At least three areas of the brain are responsible for speech: part of the frontal gyrus, rear end auditory cortex and the insula of Reille hidden in the depths.

Mathematical ability are very important to us in everyday life, even if girls allow themselves to make mistakes from time to time, attributing everything to “female logic.” The importance of this forebrain function is confirmed by the fact that for most highly paid professions It is critical to have good analytical brain function. Basic level mathematical abilities are approximately the same for everyone, and a lot depends on the attitude towards this activity and mood. Another interesting thing is that good musicians often have impressive mathematical skills.

Spatial thinking- also a very useful “in life” function. It includes the whole complex skills - this is the ability to notice details, and the ability to form a diagram of the arrangement of parts and compare existing data on similar structures with new ones. This process is mainly occupied by the same areas that are responsible for vision.

As you can see, the forebrain is the base of our intelligence, the article talked about different functions, which are components of intelligence. For those interested in the details, I recommend the book by David Gamon and Allen Bragdon, called “Superbrain. Operation manual."


The brain consists of the following sections: medulla oblongata, cerebellum, pons, midbrain, diencephalon and cerebral hemispheres.

The medulla oblongata, pons and cerebellum are classified as hindbrain, and the diencephalon and cerebrum - to forebrain.

IN medulla oblongata are centers protective reflexes - blinking and gagging, coughing and sneezing reflexes, and some others. Another group of centers is associated with nutrition and breathing - these are the centers of inhalation and exhalation, salivation, swallowing and secretion of gastric juice.

Bridge, responsible for movement eyeballs and facial expressions. The auditory tract also passes through the bridge.

Cerebellum coordinates movements, makes them smooth, accurate and proportionate, eliminates unnecessary movements, for example, those arising due to inertia.

Midbrain- the part of the brain where the centers that provide clarity of vision and hearing are located. They regulate the size of the pupil and the curvature of the lens, muscle tone. Thanks to them, the body's stability is maintained when standing, walking, running, or changing posture.

Forebrain consists of two departments: diencephalon And cerebral hemispheres brain. This is the largest section of the brain, consisting of the right and left halves.

Diencephalon consists of three parts- top, central and bottom. Central part thalamus. All information from the senses flows here. Here comes the first assessment of its significance. Thanks to the thalamus only important information enters the cortex big brain.

Bottom part the diencephalon is called hypothalamus. It regulates metabolism and energy. In its cores there are centers of thirst and its quenching, hunger and saturation. The hypothalamus controls the satisfaction of needs and maintaining constancy internal environment- homeostasis.

With the participation of the diencephalon and other parts of the brain, many cyclic movements are carried out: walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc., as well as maintaining posture between movements.

Large hemispheres of the brain. Each hemisphere is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal.

In the neurons of the cerebral cortex, the analysis of nerve impulses coming from the sensory organs occurs. So, V occipital lobe neurons of the visual zone are concentrated, in the temporal- auditory. IN parietal lobe, there is an area of ​​skin-muscular sensitivity.

The olfactory and gustatory areas are located on inner surface temporal lobes. Centers regulating active behavior, are located in the anterior parts of the brain, in the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. The motor zone is located in front of the central gyrus.

Right hemisphere controls the organs of the left side of the body and receives information from the space on the left. Left hemisphere regulates the functioning of the organs of the right side of the body and perceives information from the space on the right.

The main feature of the large human brain is that the right and left hemisphere functionally different. In the left hemisphere, as a rule, right-handed people have speech centers. Here the situation and related actions are analyzed according to individual parameters, generalizations are developed, and logical conclusions are drawn. The right hemisphere recognizes images and melodies and remembers faces.

Old and new cerebral cortex. Centers associated with complex instincts, emotions, and memory are concentrated here.

old bark allows the body to distinguish between favorable and unfavorable events and respond to them with fear, joy, aggression, and anxiety. This is where information about experienced events is stored in memory. This makes it possible, under similar circumstances, to take actions that will lead to success.

Into the new cortex information comes from internal organs and from the senses. In the frontal lobes, the most important one is selected from numerous needs and the goal of the activity is formed, a plan for achieving the goal based on an analysis of the situation and past experience.

From the above, we conclude that the brain is an organ that coordinates and regulates everything vital functions body and controls behavior. All our thoughts, feelings, sensations, desires and movements are associated with the work of the brain. And if it does not function, the person goes into a vegetative state: the ability to perform any actions, sensations or reactions to external influences. Scientists have found that:

Left hemisphere leads the following types mental activity:

— Mathematics

- Languages

— Logic

- Analysis

- Letter

— Other similar activities;

The right hemisphere is responsible for:

— Imagination

— Color perception

- Music

- Sense of rhythm

— Dreams

— Other similar activities.

Our intellectual work can be compared to the work of our muscles. The brain, just like muscles, can and should be trained so that it is always in good working order. excellent condition. The more we develop it, the more significant benefits he will bring to us in the future. Getting into a routine won't improve it and won't do us any good.

WITH scientific point point of view, the older we get, the more important role brain training plays. It stops the deterioration associated with brain aging and slows down this process. WITH medical point vision - this, of course, does not cure Alzheimer's disease or dementia, but it significantly reduces the rate of development of these processes.

If you want your brain to always be at its peak, then you need to follow the simple recommendations below:

Our brain loves:

1) Mental activity. Read more. Devote more time to reading a variety of literature: books, newspapers and magazines. Try to cover wide range areas of knowledge. Learning something new will not only keep your brain busy, but it will also make you smarter. Play educational games. Chess, checkers, scrabble, crosswords and sudoku, drawing and sewing will help develop your memory abilities.

2) Good nutrition. For the fruitful functioning of the brain and memory, complete varied diet. A lack of certain amino acids, vitamins and microelements will lead to memory loss and degenerative changes brain

Carbohydrates: The brain makes up only 2% of the body's weight, but consumes 20% of the energy. And the main source of energy is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates that are good for the brain are complex carbohydrates(porridge, durum wheat pasta, fruits and vegetables. If carbohydrates enter the body in insufficient quantities, then you will be “slow to think”, you will feel tired, because your brain simply will not have enough energy. Carbohydrates in the diet should be about 70%.

Proteins: The role of protein for the brain and memory is enormous. Proteins are building materials for nerve cells, and for neurotransmitters, without which the memorization process is impossible; and for hormones that determine brain activity. Proteins also perform the function of receiving and transporting energy - even if you eat well on carbohydrates, but there is not enough protein in your body, you will also feel tired and depressed, because energy can neither be absorbed by cells nor delivered to the necessary areas of the brain. And the brain no longer has anything to build the necessary tissues, hormones and neurotransmitters from.

Therefore, protein should be regularly present in your menu at least 3 times a week: beef, pork, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, milk). The diet should contain about 15% protein.

Fats: Along with carbohydrates, fats act as a source of energy. Most healthy fat is an Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that directly affects a person’s mental capabilities and memory. Therefore, your menu should include fatty fish (herring, salmon, trout, salmon) at least 2 times a week. Fats in the diet should be 15%.

3) Vitamins, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids , macro and micro elements.

4) Quiet, long sleep. During sleep, processes occur involving the most important neurotransmitter (the substance through which transmission occurs). nerve impulse between neurons) GABA. Without normal sleep, memory at the chemical level is unable to work at full capacity. In addition, the human brain is tuned to biological rhythms, change of day and night, so you need to sleep at night, since it is in the dark that the full recovery brain cells.

5) Classical music has a beneficial effect on brain cells.

6) Sports promotes the development of gray cells (During physical activity the brain is better supplied with blood and oxygen, which helps maintain its activity. It is equally important that while the muscles are working, a number of hormones necessary for memory function are released.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity or desire to go to gym, then increase motor activity: go dancing, skip the elevator, try to walk more. Daily sentries hiking improve brain function and prevent many diseases. Inactivity in the body will sooner or later lead to inactivity in the brain.

7) Aromatherapy– activates and relaxes the brain (Rosemary and sage increase blood flow to the brain, promote better functioning mind and body).

8) New impressions. Everything new has a beneficial effect on the brain (new people, new place, new experiences, etc.).

9) Sex and love.

Our brain doesn't like:

1) Lack of sleep provokes the development of toxic components in the brain.

2) Alcohol– kills brain cells.

3) Negative emotions(stress, anger, routine).

4) Inadequate, meager and monotonous nutrition.

5) Sedentary image life.

Forebrain consists of two sections - the diencephalon and the cerebral hemispheres. This is the largest section of the brain, consisting of the right and left halves.

Diencephalon consists of three parts - upper, central and lower. The central part of the diencephalon is called thalamus. It consists of two paired formations separated by the third ventricle of the brain. All information from the senses flows here. Here comes the first assessment of its significance. Thanks to the thalamus, only important information enters the cerebral cortex.

The lower part of the diencephalon is called hypothalamus. It regulates metabolism and energy. In its cores there are centers of thirst and its quenching, hunger and saturation. The hypothalamus controls the satisfaction of needs and maintaining a constant internal environment - homeostasis. With the participation of the diencephalon and other parts of the brain, many cyclic movements are carried out: walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc., as well as maintaining posture between movements.

Greater hemispheres of the brain divided by a deep anteroposterior fissure into left and right parts. In its depth there is a jumper connecting them from white matter - corpus callosum.

The surface of the cerebrum is formed by the cortex, consisting of gray matter. The bodies of neurons are concentrated there. They are arranged in columns, forming several layers.

Under the cortex is white matter, consisting of a mass of nerve fibers that connect the neurons of the cortex with each other and the underlying parts of the brain. In the thickness of the hemispheres, among the white matter, there are islands of gray matter in the form of nuclei, forming subcortical centers.

The surface of the hemispheres is folded. The protruding parts of the surface form convolutions, and the recesses - furrows. They greatly increase the surface area of ​​the cerebral cortex. The deepest grooves divide each hemisphere into four sharesfrontal, parietal, occipital And temporal(Figure 29). They are adjacent to the corresponding bones and therefore bear their names. The central sulcus separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe, the lateral sulcus separates the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobes.

Figure 29– Lobes of the cerebral hemispheres: 1 - frontal; 2- parietal; 3 - occipital; 4 - temporal

In the neurons of the cerebral cortex, the analysis of nerve impulses coming from the sense organs occurs (Figure 30). It is carried out in sensitive areas that occupy the middle and back parts of the brain. Thus, the neurons of the visual zone are concentrated in the occipital lobe, and the auditory zone is concentrated in the temporal lobe. In the parietal zone, behind the central gyrus, there is an area of ​​musculocutaneous sensitivity.

The olfactory and gustatory zones are located on the inner surface of the temporal lobes. The centers that regulate active behavior are located in the front parts of the brain, in the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. The motor zone is located in front of the central gyrus.

The right hemisphere controls the organs of the left side of the body and receives information from the space on the left. The left hemisphere regulates the functioning of the organs of the right side of the body and perceives information from space on the right. The main feature of the large human brain is that the right and left hemispheres are functionally different. In the left hemisphere, as a rule, right-handed people have speech centers. This is where the analysis happens.

Figure 30 The main zones of the human cerebral cortex with the outer (A) and inner (B) sides: 1 - motor; 2 - skin-muscular sensitivity; 3 - visual; 4 - auditory; 5 - olfactory and gustatory

situation and related actions according to individual parameters, generalizations are developed, and logical conclusions are drawn. The right hemisphere perceives the situation as a whole. This is where so-called intuitive solutions arise. The right hemisphere recognizes images and melodies and remembers faces.

In the cerebral hemispheres are formed temporary connections between signal, conditioned reflex stimuli and vital events. Through these connections, individual experience is accumulated.

Old and new cerebral cortex. Old bark is already present in reptiles. In mammals, its appearance is associated with the development of the sense of smell. It, like a belt, surrounds the base of the brain and includes the subcortical nuclei. Centers associated with complex instincts, emotions, and memory are concentrated here. The old cortex allows the body to distinguish between favorable and unfavorable events and respond to them with fear, joy, aggression, and anxiety. This is where information about experienced events is stored in memory. This makes it possible, under similar circumstances, to take actions that will lead to success. Unlike the neocortex, the old cortex cannot accurately recognize objects, estimate the likelihood of future events, and plan responses to their occurrence.

The neocortex receives information from internal organs and sensory organs. In the frontal lobes, the most important one is selected from numerous needs and the goal of the activity is formed, a plan for achieving the goal based on an analysis of the situation and past experience.

Here, with the participation of speech centers, scenarios of future behavior are developed. They are implemented by other departments of the head and spinal cord related to executive bodies.

Information about the results achieved comes through feedback to frontal lobes hemispheres and, depending on the effect obtained, the activity stops or continues in a modified form.

The forebrain (lat. prosencephalon) is the anterior part of the brain of vertebrates, consisting of two hemispheres. Includes the gray matter of the cortex, subcortical nuclei, and nerve fibers, forming white matter.

The forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain are the three main components of the brain that developed in the central nervous system.

In the five-vesicle stage of development, the diencephalon (thalamus, epithalamus, subthalamus, hypothalamus and metathalamus), as well as the telencephalon, are distinguished from the forebrain. Finite brain consists of the cerebral cortex, white matter and basal ganglia.

Diencephalon(diencéphalon) connects caudally with the midbrain, and rostrally passes into the cerebral hemispheres of the telencephalon. The cavity of the diencephalon is a vertical slit located in the midsagittal plane; this is the third cerebral ventricle (ventriculus tertius). At the back it passes into the midbrain aqueduct, and at the front it connects with the two lateral ventricles of the cerebral hemispheres through two interventricular foramina of Monroe (foramena interventricularià). The lateral walls of the third ventricle are formed by the medial surfaces of the right and left thalamus, the bottom - by the hypothalamus and subthalamus. The anterior border approaches the descending columns of the fornix (columnae fornicis), below to the anterior cerebral commissure (comissura anterior) and further to the terminal plate (lamina terminalis). Rear wall consists of the posterior commissure (comissura posterior) above the entrance to the cerebral aqueduct. The roof of the third ventricle consists of an epithelial plate. Above it is the choroid plexus. Above the plexus is the fornix, and even higher is the corpus callosum. Along the lateral walls of the third ventricle, from the interventricular foramina to the entrance to the cerebral aqueduct, hypothalamic grooves run, separating the thalamus from the hypothalamus. The thalami are connected to each other in the middle part of the third ventricle by a commissure - interthalamic fusion (adhesio interthalamica). The diencephalon includes several structures: the visual thalamus itself - the thalamus, metathalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus, pituitary gland.

Thalamus(thalamus) - the main part of the diencephalon. It forms the lateral walls of the third ventricle. Includes itself thalamusand metathalamus(lateral and medial geniculate bodies). The shape of the thalamus is ovoid, the narrow part is directed backward. The protruding posterior part of the thalamus is called the pulvinar, and in the anterior part the thalamus has the anterior tubercle. Below and lateral to the pillow there are oblong-oval tubercles: the medial (corpus geniculatum mediale) and lateral (corpus geniculatum laterale) geniculate bodies. The medial surface of the thalamus forms the lateral wall of the third ventricle, the upper and lateral are adjacent to the internal capsule of the cerebral hemispheres, and the lower borders the hypothalamus. Metathalamus(metathalamus) is represented by geniculate bodies located below and lateral to the pillow. The medial geniculate body is better expressed, lies under the cushion of the visual thalamus and, along with the lower thalamus of the quadrigeminal, is the subcortical center of hearing. The lateral geniculate body is a small elevation lying on the inferolateral surface of the cushion. It, together with the superior colliculi, is the subcortical visual center. The cushion and geniculate bodies contain nuclei of the same name. The external geniculate bodies include the so-called optic tracts, which are visual pathways, composed of already crossed axons of retinal ganglion cells. The internal structure of the thalamus consists of nuclear accumulations of gray matter separated by white matter. The thalamus has about 150 nuclei. They are divided into six groups: anterior, midline, medial, lateral, posterior and pretectal. In accordance with their functions, specific and nonspecific nuclei of the thalamus are distinguished. Specific, in turn, are switching (sensory and non-sensory) and associative nuclei. The axons of the cells of the thalamic nuclei approach certain areas of the cortex. Switching nuclei receive afferents from different sensory systems or from other parts of the brain, and direct their afferents to certain projection zones of the cortex. In the associative nuclei, afferents from other thalamic nuclei end, and the axons of their cells go to the associative zones of the cortex. Nonspecific nuclei do not have specific afferent connections with individual sensory systems, and their afferents rush diffusely to many areas of the cortex. The switching nuclei of the visual and auditory sensory systems are the nuclei of the lateral and medial geniculate bodies, and the somatosensory system is the posterior ventral nucleus of the thalamus. The association nuclei are the lateral and medial nuclei of the cushion. Nonspecific nuclei are concentrated mainly in the lateral, medial and middle groups thalamic nuclei. The thalamus is connected to all parts of the central nervous system. The thalamus is involved in the processing of sensory stimuli going to the cerebral cortex, and also regulates the wakefulness-sleep cycle.




The diencephalon, together with the brain stem, is covered from above and from the sides large hemispheres - telencephalon. The hemispheres consist of subcortical ganglia (basal ganglia), and have cavities -. The outside of the hemispheres are covered (with a cloak).

Basal ganglia or subcortical ganglia




Basal ganglia or subcortical nodes (nuclei basales)– formations are phylogenetically more ancient than the bark. The basal ganglia got their name due to the fact that they lie at the base of the cerebral hemispheres, in their basal part. These include the caudate and lenticular nuclei, united in the striatum, the fence and the amygdala.

Caudate nucleus




Caudate nucleus (nucleus caudatus) elongated in the sagittal plane and strongly curved (Fig. 3.22; 3.32; 3.33). Its anterior, thickened part is head– placed in front of the optic thalamus, in the lateral wall of the anterior horn lateral ventricle, behind it gradually narrows and turns into tail. The caudate nucleus covers the visual thalamus in front, above and on the sides.

Rice. 3.22.

1 – caudate nucleus;
2 – columns of the vault;
3 – pineal gland;
4 – upper and
5 – inferior colliculus;
6 – fibers middle pedicle cerebellum;
7 – pathway of the superior cerebellar peduncle (prepared);
8 – tent core;
9 – worm;
10 – spherical,
11 – corky and
13 – dentate nucleus;
12 – cerebellar cortex;
14 – superior cerebellar peduncle;
15 – leash triangle;
16 – thalamic cushion;
17 – visual thalamus;
18 – posterior commissure;
19 – third ventricle;
20 – anterior nucleus of the visual thalamus

Rice. 3.32.

Rice. 3.32. Brain - horizontal section through the lateral ventricles:

1 – corpus callosum;
2 – island;
3 – bark;
4 – tail of the caudate nucleus;
5 – vault;
6 – posterior horn of the lateral ventricle;
7 – hippocampus;
8 – choroid plexus;
9 – interventricular foramen;
10 – transparent partition;
11 – head of the caudate nucleus;
12 – anterior horn of the lateral ventricle

Lentil shaped core




Lentil shaped core (nucleus lentiformis) located outside the optic thalamus, at the level of the insula. The core shape is close to trihedral pyramid, with its base facing outwards. The nucleus is clearly divided by layers of white matter into a darker-colored lateral part - shell and medial – pale ball, consisting of two segments: internal and external (Fig. 3.33; 3.34).

Rice. 3.33.

Rice. 3.33. Horizontal section of the cerebral hemispheres at the level of the basal ganglia:
1 - corpus callosum;
2 – vault;
3 – anterior horn of the lateral ventricle;
4 – head of the caudate nucleus;
5 – internal capsule;
6 – shell;
7 – globus pallidus;
8 – outer capsule;
9 – fence;
10 – thalamus;
11 – pineal gland;
12 – tail of the caudate nucleus;
13 – choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle;
14 – posterior horn of the lateral ventricle;
15 – cerebellar vermis;
16 – quadrigeminal;
17 – posterior commissure;
18 – cavity of the third ventricle;
19 – pit of the lateral groove;
20 – island;
21 – anterior commissure

Rice. 3.34.

Rice. 3.34. Frontal section through the cerebral hemispheres at the level of the basal ganglia:

1 - corpus callosum;
2 – lateral ventricle;
3 – caudate nucleus (head);
4 – internal capsule;
5 - lenticular shaped core;
6 – lateral groove;
7 - temporal lobe;
8 – fence;
9 – island;
10 – outer capsule;
11 – transparent partition;
12 – radiance of the corpus callosum;
13 – cerebral cortex





Rice. 3.35.

Shell (putamen) by genetic, structural and functional characteristics close to the caudate nucleus.

Both of these formations have a more complex structure than the globus pallidus. Fibers approach them mainly from the cerebral cortex and thalamus (Fig. 3.35).

Rice. 3.35. Afferent and efferent connections of the basal ganglia:
1 - precentral gyrus;
2 – shell;
3 – external and internal segments globus pallidus;
4 – lenticular loop;
5 - reticular formation;
6 – reticulospinal tract,
7 - rubrospinal tract;
8 – cerebellothalamic tract (from the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum);
9 – red core;
10 – substantia nigra;
11 – subthalamic nucleus;
12 – Zona incerta;
13 – hypothalamus;
14 – ventrolateral,
15 – intralaminar and centromedian nuclei of the thalamus;
16 – III ventricle;
17 – caudate nucleus

Pale ball




The globus pallidus (globus pallidus) is mainly associated with the conduction of impulses along numerous descending paths into the underlying structures of the brain - the red nucleus, substantia nigra, etc. Fibers from the neurons of the globus pallidus go to the same thalamic nuclei that are connected to the cerebellum. From these nuclei, numerous pathways go to the cerebral cortex.

The globus pallidus receives impulses from the caudate nucleus and putamen.
The striatum (corpus striatum), which unites the caudate and lentiform nuclei, belongs to the efferent extrapyramidal system. The dendrites of striatal neurons are covered with numerous spines. Fibers from neurons of the cortex, thalamus and substantia nigra terminate on them (Fig. 3.35). In turn, striatal neurons send axons to the intralaminar, anterior and lateral nuclei of the thalamus. From them the fibers go to the bark, and thus the loop is closed feedback between cortical neurons and striatum.

During the process of phylogenesis, these nuclei were built on top of the nuclei of the midbrain. Receiving impulses from the thalamus, the striatum takes part in such complex automatic movements as walking, climbing, and running. In the kernels striatum the arcs of the most complex unconditional ones are closed, i.e. congenital reflexes. The extrapyramidal system is phylogenetically more ancient than the pyramidal system. In a newborn, the latter is not yet sufficiently developed and impulses to the muscles are delivered from the subcortical ganglia through the extrapyramidal system. As a result, the child’s movements in the first months of life are characterized by generalization and undifferentiation. As the cerebral cortex develops, the axons of their cells grow to the basal ganglia, and the activity of the latter begins to be regulated by the cortex. The subcortical ganglia are associated not only with motor reactions, but also with vegetative functions- these are the highest subcortical centers autonomic nervous system.





Amygdala(corpus atugdaloideum) (amygdala) – collection of cells in white matter temporal lobe. With the help anterior commissure it connects with the body of the same name on the other side. The amygdala receives impulses from a variety of afferent systems, including the olfactory system, and is related to emotional reactions (Fig. 3.36).

Rice. 3.36.

Rice. 3.36. Brain structures associated with the amygdala: afferent (A) and efferent (B) connections of the amygdala:
1 - thalamic nuclei;
2 – periaqueductal gray matter;
3 – parabrachial nucleus;
4 – blue spot;
5 - suture cores;
6 – nucleus of the solitary tract;
7 - dosal nucleus of the X nerve;
8 – temporal cortex;
9 – olfactory cortex;
10 – olfactory bulb;
11 - frontal cortex;
12 – cingulate gyrus;
13 – corpus callosum;
14 – olfactory nucleus;
15 - anteroventral and
16 – dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus;
17 – central,
18 – cortical and
19 – basolateral nucleus of the amygdala;
20 – hypothalamus;
21 – reticular formation;
22 – partition;
23 – substantia nigra;
24 – ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus; XXIII, XXIV, XXVIII – cortical fields



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs