Pediatric gynecology around the clock. Pediatric gynecologist: when to go to the doctor

Morozov Children's Gynecology Hospital is the only one of its kind in Moscow that provides both emergency and planned medical care. assistance to children and adolescents with gynecological pathologies. Available only for residents of Moscow, Moscow region, and Moscow regions.
The gynecology department of the Morozov hospital has 20 beds, including shared accommodation for young children (with only one parent).
In the gynecological department, treatment is provided to children up to 18 years of age who have been diagnosed with any defects due to gynecological diseases, as well as defects of the reproductive system.
In pathology, the problem of the reproductive health system, both in early childhood and neonatal age, is, first of all, a violation of sexual development, which is directly proportional to disruption of the endocrine system, neoplasms, as well as enzymopathies, various mutations at the gene level. This also applies to developmental defects, both internal and external genitalia, and the formation of the perineum. The given data quite often exist together with other defects. At older ages, patients with pathologies of a reproductive nature undergo both surgical and medicinal correction for developmental defects, and they are also provided with high-quality adaptation after surgery in a certain field, depending on the disorders.
Every year more than 50 reconstruction operations are performed for various defects regarding the formation of the pelvic organs. Innovative methods are used that were created and introduced at the Morozov State Budgetary Institution "Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital of the Department of Health" when performing operations regarding gender correction.
Children of all ages who have been diagnosed with puberty disorders are under observation in the pediatric gynecology department of the Morozov Hospital. And also, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, various types of tumors in the uterine area. We provide qualified assistance to children with traumatic lesions of the genital organs, including acute and chronic diseases of both the external and internal genitalia. This ensures both recovery and overall improvement of the patient’s condition.
Adolescent girls with breast diseases (such as ductal ectasia, various types of cysts, malformations, mastitis, fibroadenomas) receive high-quality treatment.
The Department of Gynecology at the Moscow Children's City Clinical Hospital today is the main practical basis of the Department of Reproductive Medicine, as well as Surgery, FPDO MGMSU (head of the department is Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, chief freelance specialist in obstetrics and gynecology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. L.V. Adamyan). The employees of the gynecological department constantly conduct scientific research, consistently providing the public with the latest scientific discoveries and achievements at conferences and the press.
On the basis of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, a reproductive health center for children, including a reproductive health school for children and their parents, was formed. They were formed in order to carry out sanitary and consulting work in a timely and high-quality manner, as well as improve the literacy of the population in the field of medicine.
The gynecology department of the Morozov hospital is equipped with the latest equipment in the medical field. All operations performed are performed only using high technologies, namely, the best innovative endoscopic techniques.

Examination methods performed by the gynecological department of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital:
Ultrasound examination (radiation type diagnostic department)
computed tomography (radiation diagnostic department)

Manipulations and quick surgical interventions performed by pediatric gynecology:
removal of foreign bodies from the vagina
removal of tumors from the vagina
puncture, hematoma and abscess drainage of external reproductive organs
dissection of synechiae of the labia minora
puncture, hematoma and abscess drainage of the mammary glands
removal of benign tumors in the mammary glands
diagnostic laparoscopy
laparoscopic adnexectomy
laparoscopic cystectomy, removal of paraovorial cysts
laparoscopic tubectomy
laparoscopic oophorectomy
detorsion and fixation of laparoscopic type relative to the appendages in case of torsion of the uterine appendages
laparoscopic biopsy of the pelvic organs
laparoscopic removal of gonads, gonadal cords
removal of the laparoscopic nature of the uterine horn of the additional type
laparoscopic electrocoagulation (ovarian cauterization)
wedge-shaped laparoscopic ovarian resection
laparoscopic-type dissection and excision of adhesions of the female genital organs
separation of intrauterine synechiae
excision of the intrauterine septum
restoration of the vulva and perineum
restoration of the vaginal walls
removal of tumors on the labia
plastic surgery of feminizing type regarding external genitals
resection of the labia minora
clitoral operations
vaginal reconstruction
excision and closure of the fistula of the female genital organs
hymen incision
hymen restoration

General data of the gynecology department of the Morozov hospital
Qualified employees of the gynecological department
Head Department of MD Elena Viktorovna Sibirskaya, chief freelance specialist, including gynecologist for children and youth in Moscow and the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest qualification category. Gynecologist - endocrinologist. Associate Professor of the Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Moscow State Medical and Dental University Member of the Russian Union of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, interregional public organization "Association of Children and Adolescent Gynecologists", member of the Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, member of the Russian Association of Gynecologists-Endoscopists and the Russian Association of Endometriosis

In 2007, Elena Viktorovna Sibirskaya successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis in the direction of “Mechanisms of disturbances of the menstrual-ovarian cycle in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus,” and in 2011, she also successfully defended her doctoral thesis “Uterine bleeding of the pubertal period - new in the clinic, diagnostics , treatment and prevention."
Elena Viktorovna Sibirskaya today is the author of more than 250 works in science and medicine, including the first two sections in textbooks on obstetrics and gynecology, three sections in manuals and manuals of an international nature, and two recommendations on methods. Participated in the formation of standards and protocols for the provision of medical care to women and girls with gynecological diseases.
Elena Viktorovna Sibirskaya has experience with absolutely all types of gynecological operations of all complexities.

Who is a pediatric gynecologist?

A pediatric gynecologist is a doctor who studies the normal functioning of the female body, as well as diseases that are associated at different periods of a woman’s life with the characteristics of her body. A pediatric gynecologist observes, monitors and prevents child diseases in this area.

Competence of a pediatric gynecologist

The task of a pediatric gynecologist is to prevent gynecological diseases, so that the girl (future woman) is aware of all possible troubles associated with gynecological diseases that interfere with the normal reproductive function of a woman.

A pediatric gynecologist prepares the girl’s body so that she can easily become a mother in the future and give birth to healthy children. He examines the genital organs of girls, monitors congenital diseases, treats and advises on issues related to puberty and maturation.

An examination by a pediatric gynecologist can be done in a children's clinic, an aesthetic medicine clinic and gynecological consultations at your place of residence.

When examining girls, the gynecologist examines the genitals and, if necessary, performs a vaginoscopy. This is an examination of the vagina with a special device - a vaginoscope. This is often done when a foreign body is suspected in the vagina. After this, smears are taken, culture for pathogenic flora with determination of sensitivity to menopause, as well as tests for urogenital infection.

What is the difference between a pediatric gynecologist and an adult?

The functions and structure of the genital organs of women and girls are different. To understand the peculiarities of children's diseases, the doctor should receive special training, therefore a gynecologist and a pediatric gynecologist are different specialties.

Gynecological diseases in children often occur without pronounced manifestations characteristic of women. Therefore, they are difficult to identify, which can lead to a chronic form of the disease. Specialized training of a pediatric gynecologist allows them to be identified and then treated.

A qualified pediatric gynecologist can use leading questions to find out from the child and adolescent about existing problems that children are embarrassed to talk about due to age and shyness.

A pediatric gynecologist must know pediatrics and child psychology, in addition to gynecology.

What organs does a pediatric gynecologist treat?

The list of organs dealt with by a pediatric gynecologist includes:

  • Fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina.
  • Vagina, thyroid gland.

Diseases treated by a pediatric gynecologist

A doctor in this area of ​​medicine treats:

  • Cystitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis.
  • Candidiasis (thrush).
  • Juvenile bleeding and absence of menstruation.
  • Endometriosis, inflammation of the uterine appendages.
  • Swelling of the genital organs.

In what situations should you contact a pediatric gynecologist?

For the first time, a pediatric gynecologist examines a girl in the maternity hospital to identify abnormalities in the development of the genital organs. Newborns may experience hormonal crises that are associated with the supply of hormones from the mother through breastfeeding. In this case, the mammary gland may become enlarged and painful, and the discharge from the labia may increase.

The problem in girls is inflammation of the vulva. Often this is not infection from adults, but the introduction of microbes from the intestines, skin, dirty hands against the background of diaper rash or chafing from a diaper.

In older girls, vaginal inflammation may occur due to touching the organs and introducing a foreign body into them. In this case, the symptoms are similar to thrush (candidiasis).

The two mandatory ages when you need to see a gynecologist are at 6-7 years old before entering school and at 11-12 years old before the onset of puberty. At the age of 7, a girl should know about the rules of hygiene that should be followed when caring for herself. At 12 - this is the beginning of the menstrual cycle, when you should familiarize the girl with how the menstrual cycle proceeds and about possible problems that may be associated with it.

From the age of 14, it is advisable for a girl to regularly visit a pediatric gynecologist with or without her parents.

In adolescents, irregular periods are often observed at the beginning of menstruation. The reason for this may be stress, unfavorable environment, nervous stress, poor nutrition, poor sleep and daily routine, etc.

Laboratory tests and diagnostics that a pediatric gynecologist may prescribe

  • Detailed blood and urine analysis.
  • Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko and Zemnitsky.
  • Blood group Rh factor.
  • Urine analysis for ketones and daily prytheinuria.
  • Fecal analysis for helminthiasis, coprogram.
  • Analysis of scrapings for enterobiasis.
  • Fecal occult blood test.
  • Alpha fetoprotein (AFP), tumor marker of the uterine body CYFRA Ca 21-1; breast tumor marker (CA 15-3).
  • Ovarian tumor marker (CA 125); carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA); dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S).
  • Cortisol, estradiol, luteinizing hormone (LH), osteocalcin.
  • Paratrohormone, progesterone, prolactin.
  • Somatotropic hormone (GH), total and free testosterone.
  • Urine culture and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).


  • Cytological examination of scrapings from the cervix and histological examination.
  • Microscopy of urogenital smear, vaginoscopy.
  • Ultrasound, polypectomy.

In adolescence, girls must observe the rules of genital hygiene more carefully than in childhood. During the period of maturation, the uterus secretes secretions under the influence of female sex hormones (pubertal leucorrhoea). Therefore, if the genitals are not washed, they can cause irritation, itching and inflammation.

Teenagers who do not menstruate should wash their external genitalia 1-2 times a day.

During menstruation, the genitals are especially susceptible to infections. Blood is an ideal environment for the life and proliferation of bacteria. Therefore, at this time you should wash your external organs with water and detergents for intimate hygiene. During this period, visiting saunas and baths is prohibited. You should wash your face in the shower, and wash your genitals using movements from top to bottom, the anus last. Underwear should be changed daily.

During menstruation, it is better to use sanitary pads, and tampons in exceptional cases. Both should be changed as often as possible. Pads soaked in menstrual fluid are a source of unpleasant odor and a favorable place for the development and proliferation of bacteria.

General and intimate hygiene should be observed in the armpits and chest area. During adolescence, the sweat glands are actively functioning, so if you do not wash your armpits, the pores will become clogged and an unpleasant odor will appear. Taking a shower twice a day should be a lifelong rule.

During adolescence, increased hair growth often appears on the thighs, legs, chest and arms. Girls actively begin to fight this (plucking, shaving, depilation and epilation). You should consult a doctor about this problem, since increased hair growth can be caused by endocrine disorders.

Parents need to know that girls have “female” diseases. In preschool age, inflammation of the genital organs is more common. In newborns and girls of twelve years of age, developmental anomalies (deformities) of the genital organs are detected more often than at other times. From the age of nine, deviations in sexual development and menstrual irregularities can be expected.

Problems are not always detected in a timely manner. The girl and her parents may not suspect anything, especially if they don’t know what to look for. Meanwhile, there are 4 main signs: leucorrhoea, pain, bleeding and impaired puberty. It rarely happens that the same girl has all these signs at the same time. Even one of them is a sufficient cause for concern. True, it is not always justified. Parents, even before contacting a doctor, should understand what happened, and if necessary (if there is no doctor nearby), provide first aid.

Pathological leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea - discharge, discharge from the genital slit. This is not always a sign of illness. Every woman, at any age, has scanty, odorless, watery discharge. In girls of the first year of life, as well as over the age of 8 years, leucorrhoea is profuse; it may contain streaks of viscous mucus that do not cause skin irritation or itching. When they dry out, they simply leave yellowish, starchy-looking stains on the panties.

It is useful for parents to know that there are children who, not only at school age, but also in preschool age, have copious viscous or watery discharge. These are “loose” girls who tend to be overweight, more often blonde, with thin mucous membranes and a superficial arrangement of blood vessels. In this case, leucorrhoea is nothing more than an “effusion” of the liquid part of the blood. You may notice an increase in leucorrhoea after the girl was worried, quarreled, or ate chocolate, pickles, marinade, or roast. Without dramatizing this, you should more carefully monitor personal hygiene rules and remind your daughter of the need to abstain from spicy foods.

So far we have been talking about normal, physiological leucorrhoea, but there are also pathological ones. They often indicate inflammation of the genital organs.

How to recognize inflammation? The mother asks the girl to lie on a table or trestle bed, covered with a clean diaper, and bend her knees. With thoroughly washed hands, carefully part the labia. Long preparations and staring can worry and confuse the child. The easiest way to do the inspection is in the bathroom, before bathing.

If the inflammation began recently (several days), redness, swelling (swelling) of the labia, perineal skin, including the anus area, will be visible. The inflamed surfaces are sometimes covered with a moist yellowish-gray film. Less common are itching, bleeding, ulceration of the affected areas (as if the skin has been torn off), and pain. General health hardly worsens.
Pathological leucorrhoea is a constant sign of inflammation. Their difference from physiological ones immediately catches the eye: abundant, mucous-purulent or purulent, foamy, with an admixture of curdled crumbs or blood. A very characteristic putrid smell, the smell of feces, rotten fish, etc. If the child is not treated, inflammation from the genital organs spreads to the anus, rectum, and bladder. Prolonged inflammation can lead to adhesion and fusion of the labia or wart-like growths.

Inflammation of the genital organs occurs in weakened girls, in children with inflammatory disease of the liver, kidneys or intestines. It can also be caused by worms. But most often it is caused by errors in compliance with hygiene rules. It is no coincidence that inflammation occurs more often in girls from those boarding schools and orphanages where hygiene requirements are relaxed, and from families in which this issue is not taken seriously.


Gonorrheal inflammation of the genital organs is rare in girls. If at an older age infection occurs as a result of sexual intercourse, then children become infected exclusively through domestic means from their parents or service personnel. Household infection with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases is possible due to poor child care, when using a washcloth, towel, bathtub and basin (not previously disinfected) shared with adults or other children, or when staying in the same bed with sick people.

Purulent and profuse leucorrhoea, as well as deterioration in general well-being, increased body temperature, and urinary disturbance are signs for which you should immediately consult a doctor. After treatment, the schoolgirl is allowed to return to classes immediately after being discharged from the hospital.

Stomach ache

They are often associated with intestinal sluggishness and constipation. Usually the pain disappears after the bowels are regulated and the stool is normalized. Consequently, abdominal pain does not always indicate a gynecological disease: it occurs with worms, inflammation of the gallbladder, prolapsed kidney, inflammation of the intestines, etc. Distinguishing these features is not the task of the parents, but of the pediatric surgeon, but parents should navigate this issue.

Intermittent, mild pain in the lower abdomen in the form of short attacks often appears at the very beginning of puberty (from 7 to 9 years of age or at 12 years of age), as a harbinger of the imminent appearance of menstruation. Severe paroxysmal pain at 12-13 years of age can be caused by a tumor of the genital organs or a congenital malformation.

Minor pain, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis, aches, are observed in every third girl during menstruation. As you get older, these symptoms go away on their own. However, about 1 in 10 girls have severe pain. They do not allow you to continue studying and may be accompanied by vomiting, loss of consciousness, itching, hives, swelling, etc. In such cases, the help of a pediatric gynecologist is necessary.

Deviations in puberty

Violation of the “sequence” of such events or a significant shift in timing towards advance (premature ripening) or lag (delayed sexual development) should attract the attention of adults around the girl and become a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

The absence of menstruation in a girl over 14 years old should be alarming. True, if her secondary sexual characteristics are well expressed, then after establishing a diet and routine, menstruation will finally come. If at the same time the daughter complains of monthly abdominal pain that lasts 1-3 days, we can assume that her period is already coming and only there is no menstrual flow. This happens with congenital closure of the exit from the genital tract. Most often, the obstacle is the hymen, which lacks an opening (as a congenital feature). The prognosis in this case is the most favorable. It is possible that there is not only no menstruation, but also weakly expressed secondary sexual characteristics (underdeveloped breasts, sparse pubic and armpit hair); in this case, numerous studies and observations by an endocrinologist, geneticist, gynecologist and long-term, multi-year treatment will be required.

Inflammation of the genital organs (external) and vagina

If the problem appeared for the first time and not very long ago (1-2 weeks), then it may be possible to do without the help of doctors. This is especially important for those who live far from the clinic. It is enough to exclude spicy, irritating foods from the diet, carefully follow the regime, change panties daily (clean, ironed on both sides), regulate bowel function and carry out local treatment using sitz baths.

The results of sitz medicinal baths are not inferior to irrigation of the vagina, spraying of medicinal aerosols, injection of powders, and insertion of “balls” or “sticks” with medicinal substances into the vagina.

Simultaneously with the start of therapeutic baths and for 2 weeks after, you should feed the child more than usual amounts of acidophilus, yogurt, sour cream, and cottage cheese.
In case of unsuccessful treatment or recurrence of inflammation soon after treatment, the girl should be urgently shown to a specialist.

Warn so you don't have to treat

In childhood, the reproductive system is still unstable and fragile, so any “little thing” can disrupt the functioning of the gonads for a long time and even forever (as, for example, after a long fast “for the sake of being slim” or overeating).

A girl experiences intoxication (poisoning) especially often during her life. Poison enters a girl’s body, as a rule, unintentionally: with frequent constipation, with worms, with infectious diseases, with appendicitis, etc. Timely treatment reduces the degree of poisoning and reduces the risk of late complications.

Smoking, drugs, and alcohol have a very adverse effect on the unformed body. The longer this lasts, the more the paths to future motherhood are cut off. Every drop of poison (nicotine, alcohol, other “poison”) is a “blow from around the corner” into the unborn child. Female reproductive cells are not renewed or replaced with new ones; “traces of indiscretion” are imprinted on them, as if in wax.
However, to today's girl, future motherhood seems distant, unrealistic and not very desirable (this is an omission of family upbringing). The task of adults is to warn, to reason, to show the dubiousness of pleasure (“high”).

Excessive physical or mental stress can also disrupt puberty. So, not everyone can play big sports. Some parents, for reasons of prestige, require their daughter to get exceptional grades at school. In addition, the girl manages to study in several schools or clubs at once: languages, soft toys, music, dancing, singing, etc. This is a child who is always sleep-deprived, nervous, bitter or lethargic, weak-willed, with a sore stomach, poor posture, upset menstrual cycle - all this is called by doctors - “disease of excellent students.”

Sexual processes may also deviate due to disruption of circadian rhythms. If a girl reads or does homework late into the night, watches TV, i.e. experiences a lack of sleep, it is the menstrual cycle that is upset as one of the main rhythmic processes that depends on the change of day and night. For girls who come from a different time zone, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted.

Is it possible to prevent deviation of sexual development? This issue is decided by the doctor individually. However, there are some common “home remedies”.

Thus, if there is a delay in physical and sexual development, extracurricular activities should be reduced, sleep hours increased, and the child taken for summer vacation to a dry, sunny area (not by plane, but by train, preferably with intermediate stops with friends; take this into account on the way back). Food should be rich in proteins, vegetables, herbs; To stimulate the appetite, marinades, pickles, caviar, and smoked foods are acceptable. Physical education classes are highly desirable, and games of moderate mobility are useful.

For girls who are noticeably ahead of their peers, it is important to streamline their study, rest, and sleep routines. Reduce the number of television programs you watch. Avoid stimulating or disturbing situations at school and at home. Excessive tanning and trips to the south are not advisable. It is important to limit such types of meat foods as fried and smoked meat, not to give strong broths (it is better to cook with vegetable broth); limit cereals, flour products, sweets, spices.

Typically, a young patient first meets with a pediatric gynecologist if she gets sick or feels the birth of a new life within herself. Does it make sense to get acquainted with pediatric gynecology at a tender age, long before adult problems appear? It turns out that it is better to do this as early as possible!


Young people who are the age of Nabokov's Lolita do not know who a pediatric gynecologist is and in every possible way avoid visits to the doctor due to their ignorance of possible problems associated with their puberty. As for very young girls, everything is decided for them by parents who are convinced that their 3-5-7 year old daughter does not need pediatric gynecology. Moscow, along with the regions of Russia, is no exception to this approach, although recently the situation has been changing for the better.

This is not entirely the right approach. The fact is that it is at an early age and adolescence that it is easiest to prevent many gynecological diseases. By the way, the belief that girls are stronger than boys and cope with illnesses more easily is wrong. If we talk about modern teenage girls, then a pediatric gynecologist encounters all kinds of disorders and chronic diseases of the genital organs in the fair half of the younger generation more often than a urologist encounters similar phenomena in young men. Let's try to understand this situation and get answers to a number of questions in pediatric gynecology.


Any girl, regardless of age, has the same genitals as an adult woman. The tiny female creature that is born still has neither teeth nor hair, but already has a uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. And since there is an organ, it is possible that some painful processes may develop in it.

According to the observations of modern pediatric gynecologists, from 15 to 25 percent of preschool girls and teenage girls who have not yet reached adulthood suffer from various gynecological pathologies. These include inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, cysts, fibroids, and menstrual dysfunction. They need to be identified and treated promptly. Otherwise, they can not only undermine health, but also cause reproductive dysfunction in later childbearing years.


The first examination of the external genitalia is carried out in the maternity hospital shortly after the birth of the child. Its main purpose is to identify the sex of the newborn. In addition to this planned postpartum examination, two more mandatory medical examinations have been established with the participation of a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist. Both of them are carried out centrally. The first is when the child enters school, at 6-7 years old. The second is during puberty, at 12-13 years old, when most girls already begin menstruation. Upon reaching the age of 15, a girl can go to a teenage/children’s gynecologist in Moscow alone or together with her parents. Such visits for preventive purposes are recommended 1-2 times a year. An additional, unscheduled examination by a doctor is also possible, which can be caused by both complaints and all sorts of various deviations from the norm.


It is especially important in pediatric gynecology to keep under control all kinds of abnormalities that indicate menstrual dysfunction. Menstruation is considered normal if it regularly repeats every 21, 24, 28 or 32 days (this interval is set individually for each organism). The duration of each menstruation should not exceed 7 days. In case of longer, irregular, painful or too heavy menstruation with large blood loss, you should definitely consult with a specialist at the pediatric gynecology center. To clarify the rhythm of menstruation, each girl should keep a calendar, marking the first and last day of each menstruation and making special notes about whether the bleeding was heavy, how the menstruation went - with pain or without pain. All this information will allow, if necessary, to more accurately determine the cause of menstrual dysfunction when contacting a pediatric gynecologist.

Perhaps, to eliminate painful phenomena, it will be enough to limit yourself to taking special medications. However, it is possible that other assistance will be needed. In any case, preliminary laboratory diagnosis is necessary.


Of course, it can, but such independence is not always justified. Let’s say that a pediatric gynecologist, during a routine medical examination, discovered some kind of gynecological disease in a girl. To clarify the diagnosis, he needs to ask a lot of questions: about the diseases the girl suffered in childhood, about birth injuries, about adverse effects on the fetus during pregnancy. Will the child be able to answer them? Hardly.

Therefore, if a girl is not yet 14 - 15 years old, we suggest that she come to an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist together with her mother. In this case, the doctor should under no circumstances put pressure on his young patient: call the parents, notifying them of the upcoming visit, or find out why the girl did not show up for the appointment, for example, through the school principal, etc. According to the current legislation in the Russian Federation, the age at which you can go to a gynecologist alone and have complete confidentiality of the visit is 15 years.


Apparently, girls who are sexually active are afraid that their parents will find out about it. Their fears are in vain: after a young patient reaches a certain age, now 15 years old, the doctor has no right to transfer information received during an appointment to anyone without her consent. But this, of course, as we all understand, should be ideal; in reality, a doctor in a clinic or a district antenatal clinic is unlikely to adhere to such conventions if the mother is nearby and after the examination wants to privately communicate with the doctor.

Another reason is fear of the gynecological chair, but this is also not a reason to risk your health. Firstly, the first visit to the gynecologist is not always accompanied by an examination of the patient in the chair. Secondly, the girl should know that, say, during a medical examination, she may well refuse the doctor’s request to undress and take a seat in the “scary” chair.

Some girls do not go to a teenage gynecologist because they are afraid of losing their virginity. I would like to reassure them: this will not happen, since a pediatric gynecologist examines a girl completely differently than a woman. As a rule, the examination involves a manual examination, which is carried out not through the vagina, but through the rectum. If you need to examine the cervix and vagina, the teenage doctor uses special, thin gynecological speculums and vaginoscopes, which are carefully inserted through the holes in the hymen without damaging it.


Diagnosis of any problem in pediatric gynecology requires special professional training. As a rule, gynecological diseases in a child’s body develop latently and have very mild symptoms, so it is quite difficult to identify them. The art of a pediatric gynecologist is to select a set of diagnostic tests that will allow one to detect, for example, a small tumor in a small child or determine the cause of juvenile bleeding in a teenage girl by barely noticeable signs.

In addition, a pediatric gynecologist must not only be a professional in his field, but also, to a certain extent, a psychologist. After all, if an adult woman openly talks about the problems that brought her to the appointment and answers the questions posed with utmost precision, then the girl hides a lot from the doctor - either she is embarrassed, or she believes that there is no need for the doctor to talk in detail about all sorts of little things. She doesn’t even know how important these “little things” are in diagnosing and choosing treatment tactics.

Girls need to consult a pediatric gynecologist for preventive purposes when there is a genetic predisposition to female diseases or in case of detection of any dysfunctions of the female genital area. A visit to a pediatric gynecologist is a very delicate matter, which should preferably be done in a very correct form, taking into account the age and immature psyche of the child. In order to establish a diagnosis of the disease, the pediatric gynecologist will conduct a survey and examine the genital organs. The qualifications of the doctor in this situation are very important; in the Semeynaya clinic you will find specialists of a high professional level.

When should a girl be taken to a pediatric gynecologist?

Girls, just like adult women, have routine preventive examinations, which gynecologists recommend:

  • 1.5-2 years is the age when it is recommended to show the girl to a gynecologist for the first time to check for congenital defects of the genital organs
  • 5-6 years - the so-called transitional age, during which the immune system can malfunction and any slightest cold can lead to inflammation of the genital organs
  • 10-11 years - the age when secondary sexual characteristics are formed
  • 13-15 years - age of puberty, appearance of the monthly menstrual cycle
  • from 15 years old - annual examination

Symptoms that require a visit to a pediatric gynecologist

  • discomfort in the area of ​​the labia and vaginal opening, in the form of itching and burning;
  • unnatural discharge;
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • the appearance of spotting at an early age;
  • acute pain syndrome in the lower abdomen;
  • hormonal disorders, expressed in the discrepancy between development and the child’s age.

Make an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist

How a girl is examined by a gynecologist

The examination is very delicate, taking into account the age and psychological discomfort of the little patient. A pediatric gynecologist examines little girls on a couch rectally, through the final section of the intestine. If, to diagnose a disease, there is a need to examine the vagina, the doctor uses special dilators and a vaninoscope, without causing unpleasant sensations and without affecting the girl’s hymen. There are cases when a more accurate instrumental examination is needed, then the doctor may prescribe:

  • echography;
  • laboratory testing of blood and urine;
  • hormonal testing;
  • additional examination by specialized specialists.

Where to find a pediatric gynecologist

At the Semeynaya clinic, children's gynecologists receive consultations in comfortable conditions, with all the necessary diagnostic equipment, which allows you to do all the diagnostics in one visit and not force the child to go through the procedure of visiting a gynecologist several times. Our doctors have a wealth of experience and treat their little patients very correctly.

Consultation with a pediatric gynecologist

To ensure that an appointment with a gynecologist does not cause unpleasant sensations in your child, go through the first consultation with qualified specialists. To do this, call the Semeynaya clinic and make an appointment with a doctor.

Pediatric gynecology at Semeynaya - effective treatment at affordable prices.

Make an appointment with a specialist at the Semeynaya clinic

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