Dermatological preparations. Protective dermatological products Ointments for the treatment of skin diseases

The skin performs several functions at once - sensory, thermoregulatory, immune and, of course, protective. A person’s attractiveness, and therefore his success in society, largely depends on the condition of his skin. Therefore, it is not surprising that medications for dermatological diseases are always very popular. This section of the site contains everything you need to know about these drugs, so that everyone has the opportunity to regain their attractiveness as soon as possible! Moreover, with the help of the remedies described here, not only the symptoms, but also the causes of skin diseases are often eliminated.

Depending on the form of release, dermatological preparations can be as a powder, ointment, shake, paste, cream or gel. Funds are also classified according to the functions they perform - from this point of view, they can be intended for:

♦ dissolution/peeling of horny integuments;

♦ increasing the protective barrier;

♦ skin disinfection;

♦ elimination of seborrheic processes;

♦ soothes the skin, eliminates itching.

Note! This classification is conditional, since some drugs are capable of having several actions at once and, as a result, can effectively combat various ailments.

You can also restore damaged skin integrity with the help of dermatological products, as they can be used:

♦ for burns, bedsores;

♦ when treating the results of exposure of the skin to high humidity, cold, wind, sun, etc. (as well as for preventive purposes);

♦ for faster healing of wounds (including postoperative wounds);

♦ to relieve inflammation due to boils, dermatitis and other ailments.

It is worth noting that some drugs can only be dispensed with a doctor's prescription. We are talking about products containing potentially dangerous substances that can cause chronic and other diseases and side effects.

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Dermatological drugs are medications used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the skin, its appendages - hair, nails, and mucous membranes. The skin, despite its apparent simplicity, is a complex human organ that performs many functions (protective, thermoregulatory, respiratory, receptive). At the same time, the skin is susceptible to serious diseases, for the treatment of which the pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of drugs, both topical and for oral administration.

Hormonal agents. This subgroup is quite diverse due to the peculiarity of these drugs - hormonal agents, otherwise called topical steroids, effectively treat skin diseases that are accompanied by serious inflammation. Such diseases are eczema, dermatitis, lichen ruber and psoriasis. Topical steroids have an active suppressive effect on foci of inflammatory processes. Let's consider steroids of various degrees of activity:

  • "Deperzolon" in the form of an ointment. It is a weakly active anti-inflammatory steroid. Prescribed for eczema, dermatitis and other diseases.
  • "Afloderm". A cream prescribed for similar diseases. Has a medium degree of activity.
  • "Mesoderm". The most effective hormonal remedy for an identical range of skin diseases.

Topical retinoids. These skin preparations, containing vitamin A derivatives, can be seen on the prescription sheets of patients suffering from acne. Differin is most popular among dermatologists.

Antibiotics. They are used to treat diseases of bacterial etiology: impetigo, boils, carbuncles and others. Let's look at some antibiotics:

  • "Rozamet." A cream that has an antimicrobial effect for diseases such as rosacea and acne.
  • "Argosulfan". It is used for burns to prevent infection, as well as for purulent wounds.

Antifungal agents. They are used in dermatology to treat the following diseases: lichen, dermatophytosis, candidiasis. These skin products can be found on the market in various dosage forms:

  • "Mikospor". The release form - ointment, gel, solution or powder - is prescribed depending on the location of the fungal infection.
  • "Exoderil". Highly effective antifungal solution.

Also in dermatology, skin products used internally are widely used. They are prescribed for severe forms of eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis, as well as for such serious diseases as pemphigus.

Among the drugs used internally, hormonal glucocorticosteroids are especially often used. These are serious medications, the treatment of which requires periodic observation by a doctor and testing. As a rule, steroids of this group are sold in the form of injection solutions: for example, Diprospan.

There are also other groups of drugs for oral use: antiviral, antifungal, antihistamine, retinoids and others. It is important to note that they all require appointment by a specialist and strict adherence to the instructions.

This group of drugs includes drugs for the treatment of skin (from “derma” - skin) diseases:

  • antifungal, that is, used for the treatment of dermatomycosis;
  • antibiotics and antimicrobials, act on pathogenic bacteria and some viruses for skin diseases;
  • glucocorticoids are used, for example, in the treatment of eczema and allergic skin manifestations;
  • antiseptics – kill pathogenic microbes or inhibit their reproduction;
  • disinfectants – means that kill microbes in the environment (in the air, on the surface of objects, clothing, etc.).

Ammifurin: instructions and use of Ammifurin - reviews and description.> Ammifurin belongs to the pharmaceutical group of photosensitizing agents. Available as a solution intended for external use. The drug has a beneficial effect on increasing the skin's resistance to sunlight. In cases of irradiation with ultraviolet rays, the production of skin pigment, melanin, is activated. The combined use of Ammifurin and UV irradiation makes it possible to restore skin pigmentation in diseases such as vitiligo.

Amorolfine: instructions and use of Amorolfine - reviews and description.> Fungal skin diseases (most often the hands, feet, lesions of the nail plate) are a serious disease that requires medical intervention. Amorolfine is an antifungal drug developed specifically for the treatment of such diseases and used externally. The trade name of the drug is Loceryl, the international name is Amorolfine (the gross formula of the drug is C21H35NO).

Dermazol: instructions and use of Dermazol - reviews and description.> The drug Dermazol is a drug that is used to treat fungal infections. The spectrum of therapeutic action of the drug Dermazol is quite wide. The constituent components of the drug Dermazol can also have an antimicrobial effect. The drug can be produced in the form of tablets for oral administration, as well as cream and shampoo for topical use.

Dermovate: instructions and use of Dermovate - reviews and description.> Dermovate or according to the international name Clobetasol belongs to the pharmacological group of glucocorticosteroid drugs intended for topical use. The use of Dermovate is recommended for eczema, atopic dermatitis (widespread neurodermatitis), lichen simplex chronica (limited neurodermatitis), lichen planus, discoid lupus erythematosus, psoriasis (excluding pustular and extensive plaque psoriasis), as well as other skin diseases less resistant to treatment active glucocorticosteroids.

Duak gel: instructions and use of Duak gel - reviews and description.> Duak gel refers to drugs intended exclusively for external use. Duak gel is used for topical treatment of acne. The use of Duak gel is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to the drug, as well as to lincomycin. It is not recommended to use Duak gel for the treatment of children under twelve years of age.

Drapolene: instructions and use of Drapolene - reviews and description.> Drapolene is an effective antiseptic for external use, having a combined composition. The active components of the cream - cetrimide and benzalkonium chloride - belong to quaternary ammonium compounds. The antiseptic agent produces an antimicrobial effect on gram-positive bacteria; to a lesser extent, the cream is active against gram-negative bacteria. The drug does not show activity against bacterial spores and acid-fast bacteria.

Karipazim: instructions and use of Karipazim - reviews and description.> Karipazim is an enzyme preparation for topical use that has a proteolytic (protein-breaking) effect. The composition of the drug Karipazim includes a complex of enzymes capable of breaking down proteins and the essential amino acid lysocin, which has an antibacterial effect.

Candiderm: instructions and use Candiderm - reviews and description.> Candiderm, being a combination drug consisting of the antifungal substance clotrimazole, the antibiotic gentamicin and the antiallergic beclamethasone, Candiderm has already proven itself well in the treatment of various types of skin diseases. The instructions for candiderm recommend its use for the treatment of infectious-inflammatory, infectious, and allergic skin diseases.

Isoconazole: instructions and use of Isoconazole - reviews and description.> Isoconazole is an antifungal, antibacterial drug. Capable of having a fungistatic effect. It acts by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol and changing the composition of the microbial cell membrane. The area of ​​action includes mold and yeast-like fungi, yeast, dermatophytes, gram-positive microorganisms: streptococci, staphylococci and micrococci.

Iruxol: instructions and use of Iruxol - reviews and description.> Iruksol (Unguentum Iruxol) is a combined enzyme preparation containing chloramphenicol and clostridiopeptidase A, as well as other peptidases. The product is produced from Clostridium hystolyticum. Iruksol ointment has a wound-healing, wound-cleansing, antibacterial effect. It was created to combat the development of infection on the skin. Iruksol has the ability to prevent the development of infection, promote granulation and cleansing of wounds, and accelerate regeneration.

Ichthyol: instructions and use Ichthyol - reviews and description.> Ichthyol is an effective pharmaceutical agent that produces anti-inflammatory, analgesic and some antiseptic effects. It is used (externally) for many diseases and skin lesions (dermatoses, burns, furunculosis, etc.), intravaginally - for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area, administration using electrophoresis is used in the treatment of hypertrophic scars (resorption of infiltrate).

Glue bf-6: instructions and use Glue bf-6 - reviews and description.> Glue bf-6 is an alcohol solution of a special phenol-formaldehyde synthetic resin, rosin and polyvinyl butyrol with the addition of a plasticizer, used in medical practice. The use of BF-6 Glue is indicated for the treatment of microtraumas - abrasions, burns, wounds, cracks, cuts, scratches and other minor damage to the skin, as well as for applying a coating to dental measles during the surgical treatment of peri-root foci of infection in dentistry - cysts and granulomas.

Levomekol: instructions and use of Levomekol - reviews and description.> Levomekol ointment is a product for external use intended to accelerate wound healing. The active substances in Levomekol ointment are chloramphenicol and methyluracil. In addition, the ointment contains auxiliary substances that increase the depth of penetration of the active substances into the tissue.

Collalysin: instructions and use of Collalysin - reviews and description.> Collalysin powder is an enzyme drug used in the treatment of eye diseases and eliminating the consequences of inflammatory processes. The active substance in Collalysin is the enzyme collagenase, which breaks down the main component of connective tissue - collagen. It is connective tissue that represents scars of any origin.

Melagenin: instructions and use of Melagenin - reviews and description.> Melagenin is a new drug that stimulates the synthesis of melatonin in the skin. The drug activates skin restoration processes. Melagenin is based on human placenta. Melagenin is available in the form of an alcohol solution and is intended for external use. Melagenin belongs to the clinical-pharmaceutical group of photosensitizing drugs.

Levosin: instructions and use of Levosin - reviews and description.> Levosin (Laevosinum) is a drug that pharmacologically has antimicrobial, antibacterial, local analgesic, necrolytic, anti-inflammatory effects. Levosin ointment contains: sulfadimethoxine, methyluracil, trimecaine, chloramphenicol and polyethylene oxide. It is a combination drug used externally. Levosin cleanses the wound area of ​​necrotic tissue and stimulates regenerative processes.

Cutivate.> Cutivate is a medicine, a hormonal pharmacological preparation. It is a GCS for external use. Cutivate is characterized by its ability to provide pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antiallergic effects. The active ingredient is fluticasone propionate. When applied to the skin, the likelihood of developing inhibition of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system is minimal.

Levorin.> Levorin is a polyene antifungal antibiotic. The drug exists in various forms and is used for the treatment of candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract/oral mucosa/female genital organs, prostate hypertrophy, candidiasis, etc. On the pharmaceutical market, Levorin is presented in the form of external ointment, granules for oral suspension (for children), tablets , lyophilisate for external/internal solution, ointment, etc.

Oxygel: instructions and use of Oxygel - reviews and description.> Oxygel suppresses the development of anaerobes Propionibacterium acnes, increases the supply of oxygen to tissues, and inhibits the formation of sebum in the sebaceous glands. Oxygel penetrates the skin, transforming into benzoic acid, and therefore is an effective external remedy for combating acne. Oxygel has the ability to remove the stratum corneum of the skin; depending on the severity of acne, this drug can also be used for independent and complex therapy.

Neotigazon: instructions and use of Neotigazon - reviews and description.> The drug Neotigazon is a detmatoprotective agent and is used to treat skin diseases. The drug has the ability to restore the skin and promote tissue regeneration. The drug Neotigazon is used to treat skin diseases that are accompanied by problems with the appearance of keratinization. This is how the drug Neotigazon is prescribed to combat psoriasis, ichthyosis, lichen planus, and Darier's disease.

Mikoseptin: instructions and use of Mikoseptin - reviews and description.> The drug Mikoseptin is an antifungal agent. The components that make up the drug Mikoseptin are active against a number of fungal pathogens. In addition, the composition of the drug Mikoseptin provides relief from skin irritation and also promotes healing of the affected area.

Olazol: instructions and use of Olazol - reviews and description.> Olazol belongs to the pharmaceutical group of antiseptic drugs. It is an aerosol intended for external use. Olazol contains anesthesin, boric acid, sea buckthorn oil and chloramphenicol. Olazol has local analgesic properties and a bactericidal effect. The drug helps reduce exudation and has a beneficial effect on the restoration processes occurring in the epithelium during wound healing.

Oxycort: instructions and use of Oxycort - reviews and description.> Oxycort is a complex drug whose therapeutic effect is due to the active ingredients - hydrocortisone and oxytetracycline. The first component, hydrocortisone, produces anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-sweat (preventing the release of fluid into the cavity) effects. The second active ingredient, oxytetracycline, is a tetracycline antibiotic acting against gram-negative/gram-positive microorganisms.

Sea buckthorn oil: instructions and use of sea buckthorn oil - reviews and description.> Sea buckthorn oil is a herbal medicine obtained from the berries or seeds of sea buckthorn. Used topically and orally. The use of sea buckthorn oil is indicated for burns and radiation injuries of the skin and mucous membranes, stimulation of wound healing, endocervicitis, atrophic pharyngitis, and gastric ulcer. Also indications for its use are: chronic colitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, ulcerative colitis, anal fissures, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Mometasone: instructions and use of Mometasone - reviews and description.> Mometasone is a drug that pharmacologically has glucocorticoid, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiexudative, antipruritic effects. It has the ability to induce lipocortins, proteins that inhibit phospholipase A2. As a consequence of this process, the liberation of arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids is inhibited and the biosynthesis of PG and leukotrienes is disrupted.

Naftifine: instructions and use of Naftifine - reviews and description.> Naftifine is a drug with an antifungal effect. Naftifine has the ability to inhibit 2,3-epoxidase, reduce the biosynthesis of sterols, especially ergosterol, which is part of the fungal cell membrane, and contribute to the accumulation of squalene in the cell. Naftifine has the property of exhibiting fungicidal activity against dermatophytes (including Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton rubrum and others), as well as fungistatic activity against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, including Candida albicans.

Teymurova's paste: instructions and use Teymurova's paste - reviews and description.> Teymurova's paste is a combined complex medicine. According to the instructions for Teymurov's Paste, it contains the following active ingredients: boric acid, salicylic acid, methenamine, sodium tetraborate, lead acetate, zinc oxide. Reviews of Teymurov's Paste indicate that the use of this drug is usually not accompanied by the appearance of adverse reactions.

Rozex: instructions and use of Rozex - reviews and description.> When applied topically, the drug Rozex has an anti-acne effect. The mechanism of this action is not precisely known (it is not associated with the effect on the Demodex folliculorum mite, which is found in the hair follicles, as well as the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and with any effect on the production of this secretion). Metronidazole, which is the main active ingredient in Rosex for topical use, is believed to have antioxidant activity.

Retasol: instructions and use of Retasol - reviews and description.> Retasol (isotretinoin) is a regeneration stimulator intended for external use. In fact, the drug is a biologically active form of vitamin A, which is synthesized independently by the body during normal functioning. Retasol is an antibacterial agent obtained in laboratory conditions, which eliminates inflammatory and seborrheic processes, as well as accelerates regeneration processes.

Oflocain: instructions and use of Oflocain - reviews and description.> The drug Oflocain is an antimicrobial and local anesthetic. The components of the drug have an antibacterial effect against a wide range of pathogens. The analgesic effect is achieved due to the inclusion of lipocaine in the composition of the drug - a drug with a pronounced effect against pain.

Pyolysin: instructions and use of Pyolysin - reviews and description.> The drug Pyolysin is a combination drug. The drug Piolysin is a remedy for external use; it helps fight pathogenic microbes, relieves inflammation, and has a stimulating effect on the immune system of the human body. The drug Piolysin is used to treat abscesses, bedsores, and burns.

Retin A: instructions and use Retin A - reviews and description.> Retin A (Latin name Retin-A) has the international name Tretinoin (Latin name Tretinoin). The drug is a natural metabolite of retinol; it disrupts the expression of genes that cause changes in protein biosynthesis. Retin A has the ability to penetrate cell membranes and form complexes with specific cytoplasmic receptors that penetrate the cell nucleus and bind to DNA.

Podophyllotoxin: instructions and use of Podophyllotoxin - reviews and description.> Podophyllotoxin is a drug with an antitumor effect, of plant origin, produced for topical use. Local external use of Podophyllotoxin is indicated for laryngeal papillomatosis in children, small papillary typical and atypical fibroepitheliomas of the bladder, external genital warts (Condylomata acuminata).

Psorkutan: instructions and use of Psorkutan - reviews and description.> Psorkutan is a medicine with the active ingredient Calcipotriol, used for the local treatment of psoriasis. This drug has virtually no systemic effect, only to a small extent influencing the metabolic processes of calcium in the body. Reviews of Psorkutan indicate a fairly high effectiveness of the product. The use of Psorcutan is indicated for the treatment of psoriasis in mild to moderate forms.

Psoriaten: instructions and use Psoriaten - reviews and description.> Psoriaten is a homeopathic pharmacological preparation used to treat psoriasis and other dry skin rashes. Available in ointment form. Medicinal ointment Psoriaten is effectively used in complex therapy, primarily for mild to moderate psoriasis. The effect of the drug Psoriaten is manifested in a decrease in the formation and separation of skin scales.

Zinc pyrithione.> Zinc pyrithione is a dermatotropic drug. The active substance is the chemical compound of the same name. It is represented by a complex compound containing zinc in its chemical structure. This substance is colorless, solid crystals that are used as a fungicidal and antibacterial agent. This complex compound was first known in 1930. Possessing antibacterial properties, it is effective against pathogens such as staphylococci and streptococci.

Skinoren: instructions and use of Skinoren - reviews and description.> Skinoren cream and gel have a detrimental effect on microorganisms that cause acne, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin, stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, prevent the appearance of “blackheads” - comedones, and also inhibit the formation pathological pigments (substances that cause dark spots to appear on the skin).

Sinaflan: instructions and use of Sinaflan - reviews and description.> Sinaflan ointment (also called sinaflan ointment or sinoflan ointment, the latter is a typo) is a drug for external use based on fluocinolone.

Skin cap: instructions and use Skin cap - reviews and description.> More and more often, people suffer from a disease such as psoriasis. A skin cap will help solve this problem. This remedy is used not only in the treatment of psoriasis, but also with other skin diseases. Skin cap is used externally only. Zinc pyrithioneate is the active substance of Skin-cap. It has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. It has a bacteriostatic (does not allow bacteria to multiply) and fungistatic effect (does not allow fungi to multiply).

Silocast: instructions and use of Silocast - reviews and description.> Silocast is a medicine that promotes hair growth and restoration. It belongs to the pharmacological group of dermatotropic agents. This product contains biologically active forms of silicon, which are powerful natural biostimulants. Silocast is a combined preparation in the form of a two-phase solution, the top layer of which is colored light yellow and the bottom layer is colorless.

Salicylic-zinc paste: instructions and use Salicylic-zinc paste - reviews and description.> Salicylic-zinc paste is a disinfecting (antiseptic), astringent and drying drug used for various skin diseases. Available in paste form for external use. It is a combination drug used for local treatment. The main active ingredients of the drug are Salicylic acid in combination with Zinc oxide.

Sebozole: instructions and use of Sebozole - reviews and description.> Sebozole is an effective antifungal agent with fungistatic and fungicidal effects. Active against dimorphic and yeast fungi, dermatophytes, eumycetes, streptococci and staphylococci. The active ingredient is ketoconazole. On the pharmaceutical market, Sebozol is presented in 3 dosage forms - ointments, tablets and shampoo.

Salicylic alcohol: instructions and use of Salicylic alcohol - reviews and description.> Salicylic alcohol is a keratolytic drug, saligenin, in the form of a glycoside (called salicin). Used for external treatment of skin diseases. It is the main source for the production of salicylic acid. In pharmaceutical practice, under the name “Salicylic alcohol”, a 2% solution of salicylic acid in ethyl alcohol is produced, used as an antiseptic. In low concentrations it is a keratoplastic, and in high concentrations it is a keratolytic pharmaceutical drug.

Sulfargin: instructions and use of Sulfargin - reviews and description.> Sulfargin is a drug that has an antibacterial effect. Used for external use. Instructions for Sulfargin that the bactericidal effect of the ointment is determined by the activity of silver ions, released when applied to the wound as a result of the dissociation of the silver salt sulfadiazine. The process of release of silver ions occurs gradually (the so-called moderate dissociation), which ensures the constancy of the antimicrobial effect of the drug.

Tambukan mud: instructions and use of Tambukan mud - reviews and description.> Tambukan mud is a cosmetic product, sulfide silt mud from the Tambukan salt lake. It is widely used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology. The instructions for Tambukan mud indicate that it is extracted from Lake Tambukan, located 9 km southeast of Pyatigorsk on the border with Kabardino-Balkaria. Lake Tambukan covers an area of ​​210 hectares and is located in the Predgorny district of Stavropol and in the Zolsky district of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Vitaon - Karavaev balm: instructions and use of Vitaon - reviews and description.> The Vitaon line from the Karavaev balm series are products intended for mucous membranes and skin. All products in this series contain oil extracts of medicinal plants - wormwood, mint, yarrow, thyme, rose hips, St. John's wort, chamomile, caraway, calendula, celandine, fennel, pine buds.

Depantol: instructions and use of Depantol - reviews and description.> The drug Depantol exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and is a good remedy for fighting bacteria and fungi. The drug Depantol also helps saturate the body with vitamins, improves the general condition of the body, and makes a person look better. In addition to this drug, Depantol is used as a healing agent for wounds and other skin damage; due to its antiseptic properties, the drug prevents infections from entering the wound.

Vinilin: instructions and use of Vinilin - reviews and description.> The drug Vinilin (Shostakovsky balm, international name - Polyvinox) is an antiseptic agent that is available in the form of a balm or solution. Doctors and scientists have studied the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Vinilin, and also that this drug promotes the rapid restoration of the mucous membrane and skin, and also has wound-healing properties.

Gerpevir: instructions and use of Gerpevir - reviews and description.> The drug Gerpevir is an antiviral drug. The components of the drug act on viral cells, preventing their reproduction. This drug is an effective remedy in the fight against herpes viruses, is used as a prophylactic agent, and also promotes faster healing. The drug Gerpevir can be prescribed for the treatment of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes by herpes viruses.

Griseofulvin: instructions and use of Griseofulvin - reviews and description.> The drug Griseofulvin is an antibacterial drug that is active against fungi - dermatomycetes. The drug Griseofulvin is used as a treatment for dermatomycosis affecting the scalp, epidermophytosis of smooth skin caused by trichophyton, as well as in cases of damage to the nail plates by pathogenic fungi.

Daivonex: instructions and use of Daivonex - reviews and description.> Daivonex is a drug with an antiproliferative effect for the treatment of psoriasis. The active ingredient of the drug is Calcipotriol. Calcipotriol is a natural analogue of vitamin D, stimulating morphological differentiation and suppressing the proliferation of keratinocytes, which is the basis of the therapeutic effect of this drug in psoriasis. Daivonex is a powerful and effective inhibitor of T-lymphocyte activation processes, type 1 interleukin.

Galmanin.> Galmanin is an antiseptic drug that is a combination of salicylic acid and zinc oxide. The use of Galmanin is indicated in the complex treatment of subacute eczema of various origins, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) of the feet, allergic and atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, diaper rash, pyoderma, rosacea, acne, ulcerative skin lesions with predominantly exudation phenomena.

Triderm: instructions and use of Triderm - reviews and description.> Triderm is an ointment and cream intended for the treatment of skin diseases. The composition of Triderm cream and ointment includes betameson, gentamicin, clotrimazole and excipients (the ointment contains liquid paraffin and white petroleum jelly). The effect of Triderm cream and ointment is due to the interaction of active components.

Fukortsin: instructions and use of Fukortsin - reviews and description.> Fukortsin, or, in other words, Castellani liquid belongs to the group of antiseptics and disinfectants, and is also used for some fungal skin diseases. But before you start treatment, you need to have a doctor’s prescription and carefully read the instructions for Fukortsin. The main difference between this drug is its bright dark red color with a pungent odor. Few people know that Fukortsin smells precisely of phenol, which is part of its composition.

Fungoterbin: instructions and use of Fungoterbin - reviews and description.> Fungoterbin is an antifungal drug for topical and oral use, widely used to treat various types of fungi. Belongs to the group of allylamines. The drug has a fungicidal effect on such types of fungi as dermatophytes (T. mentagrophytes, T. violaceum T. rubrum, etc.), molds (Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Cladosporium, Aspergillus) and some dimorphic fungi.

Uniderm: instructions and use of Uniderm - reviews and description.> Uniderm is a medicine whose main component is mometasone. This active component of Uniderm is a glucocorticosteroid of synthetic origin. The use of Uniderm is indicated for inflammation and itching in dermatoses of various origins, as well as for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, dermatoses in the scalp, allergic rhinitis, seasonal and chronic rhinitis for the purpose of treatment and prevention.

Fluorocort: instructions and use of Fluorocort - reviews and description.> The drug Fluorocort is used in dermatology. The drug is used topically. The drug Fluorocort is used to treat skin diseases that are caused by various reasons, including those resulting from a bacterial or viral infection, and also caused by fungal pathogens. Thus, the drug Fluorocort is prescribed for the treatment of eczema, as a means of combating anogenital itching, for the treatment of dermatitis, neurodermatitis.

Travocort: instructions and use of Travocort - reviews and description.> Travocort belongs to the pharmacological group of glucocorticoids and is a drug with antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects. This is a yellowish or white opaque cream, the active substances in which are isoconazole nitrate and diflucortolone valerate. Isoconazole is a synthetic imidazole derivative. Produces a local antifungal and antibacterial effect. It has a fungistatic and, at increased concentrations, a fungicidal effect.

Terbizil: instructions and use of Terbizil - reviews and description.> Terbizil (international name Terbinafine) is a new drug that is designed specifically to combat fungi, because today mycoses are one of the most common diseases. For the complex treatment of fungal infections, Terbizil is available in two forms - tablets and creams, although the active substance in both forms of the drug is terbinafine, which actively fights fungi such as yeast, mold and dermatophytes.

Travogen: instructions and use of Travogen - reviews and description.> Travogen is a medicine for the complex treatment of fungal diseases of the skin. The instructions for Travogen indicate that it has a very wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. The use of Travogen is indicated for the treatment of fungal infections of the superficial layers of the skin, fungal diseases of the feet (mycoses of the feet), groin area, hands, erythrasma, trichophytosis, epidermophytosis, candidiasis, microsporia, fungal infections localized in the genital area.

Fucicort: instructions and use of Fucicort - reviews and description.> Fucicort is an effective combination drug belonging to the group of glucocorticoids. Produces antipruritic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in the treatment of many skin diseases, including various dermatitis (seborrheic, atopic, allergic, etc.), chronic lichen, discoid lupus erythematosus, eczema, etc. The active ingredients are betamethasone valerate and micronized fusidic acid.

Enteroseptol: instructions and use of Enteroseptol - reviews and description.> The drug Enteroseptol is an antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent. The drug Enteroseptol exerts its effect directly in the intestines, without being absorbed into the blood and without causing a systemic effect on the body, therefore the drug is considered as a local antibiotic. The drug Enteroseptol can be prescribed as a treatment for dyspepsia, diarrhea, enterocolitis, and dysentery.

Elokom: instructions and use of Elokom - reviews and description.> Elokom lotion, ointment and cream are hormonal drugs intended for topical use. When applied externally, Elokom lotion, cream and ointment have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. The drug Elokom reduces itching, rashes and redness of the skin.

Tsindol: instructions and use of Tsindol - reviews and description.> Tsindol is an anti-inflammatory agent that has a wound-healing and anti-allergic effect. Tsindol also reduces pain and has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. The composition of Tsindol mash includes zinc oxide and auxiliary substances (glycerin, starch, alcohol, medical talc, distilled water).

Chlorophyllipt: instructions and use of Chlorophyllipt - reviews and description.> Chlorophyllipt is a remedy with pronounced anti-staphylococcal and anti-inflammatory activity. The active substance in Chlorophyllipt is an extract of eucalyptus ball leaves, consisting mainly of different types of chlorophyll. The advantage of Chlorophyllipt is its effect on strains of staphylococcus that are resistant to traditional antibiotics.

Exoderil: instructions and use of Exoderil - reviews and description.> Exoderil is a drug that has an antifungal effect. Exoderil can be produced both in the form of an ointment or cream, and in the form of a solution for external use. Exoderil solution may have a yellowish tint or be completely colorless. The liquid has a characteristic odor of alcohol. In this case, the substance contains 1% of the active substance naftifine.

Zinocap: instructions and use of Zinocap - reviews and description.> Zinocap is a medicinal product in the form of an aerosol or cream for external use. The active ingredient of the drug is zinc pyrithione. The instructions for Zinocap state that this aerosol has antiproliferative, antibacterial and antifungal effects when used externally. The antibacterial effect of the drug Zinocap is manifested against many bacteria, including streptococcal, staphylococcal, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas, Proteus.

Ebermin: instructions and use of Ebermin - reviews and description.> In the practice of medical work, surgeons, traumatologists and dermatologists, there are often cases when patients are delivered with problems such as burns, wound injuries, ulcers and trophic skin lesions. For their treatment, the drug Ebermin (trade name - Hebermin, English), a drug of the latest generation of drugs, created on the basis of scientific developments in biotechnology and genetic engineering, has recently been increasingly prescribed.

Econazole: instructions and use of Econazole - reviews and description.> Econazole is a medicinal product in which econazole nitrate is used as the main active ingredient. Econazole has a local antifungal (fungicidal or fungistatic, it depends on the concentration) and antibacterial (bactericidal) effect. The drug has the ability to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol, as well as other sterols that regulate the permeability of the fungal cell wall.

Ectericide: instructions and use of Ectericide - reviews and description.> Ectericide is an antibacterial drug that is active against predominantly pyogenic (pyogenic) microflora, Proteus, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. The use of Ectericide is indicated for the complex treatment of postoperative and traumatic wounds, wound surfaces, complications of purulent wounds with infection, slowly granulating and long-term non-healing wounds, carbuncles, furuncles, fistulous forms of osteomyelitis, trophic ulcers with suppuration, burns, burn surfaces.

Elekasol: instructions and use of Elekasol - reviews and description.> Elekasol is a combination drug of predominantly herbal origin that has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Elekasol is active against staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, and Escherichia coli. This drug also stimulates reparative processes. The use of Elekasol is indicated for complex therapy of diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as ENT organs.

Argosulfan: instructions and use of Argosulfan - reviews and description.> Argosulfan is an antibacterial drug for external use. The instructions for Argosulfan indicate that this drug promotes the effective healing of wounds and wound surfaces of burn, trophic origin, purulent nature and others, thus providing effective protection against further infection.

Adapalene: instructions and use Adapalene - reviews and description.> Adapalene is a drug from the group of synthetic retinoids for the treatment of acne. The instructions for Adapalene indicate that this drug is a representative of a new generation of synthetic retinoids and belongs to naphthoic acid derivatives. Adapalene has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, sebostatic, comedonolytic, anticomedogenic and action.

Castellani Liquid: instructions and use Castellani Liquid - reviews and description.> Castellani Liquid (Fukorcin) is an antiseptic drug with an antifungal effect. This drug is used for disinfection, used in therapy and for the prevention of some skin diseases, produces an antifungal, fungicidal, antiseptic effect in the presence of infectious pathogens on the skin and mucous membranes that are sensitive to the ingredients of Castellani Liquid (Fukortsina).

Aseptolin: instructions and use of Aseptolin - reviews and description.> Aseptolin is a medicinal drug, an antiseptic used for external use. The instructions for Aseptolin indicate that this drug has a pronounced antiseptic effect and is characterized by pronounced activity against gram-positive, as well as gram-negative bacteria and a number of microorganisms.

Betasalik: instructions and use of Betasalik - reviews and description.> Betasalik is a medicinal product produced by the manufacturer in the form of an ointment for external use in the treatment of dermatoses and dermatological pathologies, which are accompanied by symptoms of hyperkeratosis. Betasalik has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic, keratolytic, antimicrobial effects and effects. Betamethasone dipropionate, which is part of this drug, inhibits the release of interleukins and other inflammatory mediators.

Shostakovsky Balm: instructions and use of Shostakovsky Balm - reviews and description.> Shostakovsky Balm is a medicinal product related to antiseptics, regenerants and reparants. The active ingredient of this drug is Polivinox. This drug has a pronounced enveloping, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-relieving) and wound-healing effect. Available in the form of a balm - a solution for external use.

Vagotil: instructions and use Vagotil - reviews and description.> Vagotil belongs to the pharmacological group of antiseptics intended for external and local use. Vagotil is available in the form of a solution intended for topical use. Vagotil has pronounced antiseptic properties, has not only bactericidal, but also fungicidal, antiprotozoal and hemostatic effects. Vagotil has an astringent and cauterizing effect.

Boric alcohol: instructions and use of Boric alcohol - reviews and description.> Boric alcohol is a solution of boric acid in ethyl alcohol (usually 70% ethanol). Boric alcohol (name in Latin Solutio Acidi borici spirituosa) belongs to the pharmacological group of antiseptics and disinfectants. Boric acid in alcohol solutions in concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5% are prepared with ethyl alcohol of 70% concentration and are used both as an antiseptic and as an antipruritic agent to wipe healthy areas of the skin near lesions of pyoderma.

This group of drugs includes drugs for the treatment of skin (from “derma” - skin) diseases:

  • antifungal, that is, used for the treatment of dermatomycosis;
  • antibiotics and antimicrobials, act on pathogenic bacteria and some viruses for skin diseases;
  • glucocorticoids are used, for example, in the treatment of eczema and allergic skin manifestations;
  • antiseptics – kill pathogenic microbes or inhibit their reproduction;
  • disinfectants – means that kill microbes in the environment (in the air, on the surface of objects, clothing, etc.).

Ammifurin: instructions and use of Ammifurin - reviews and description.> Ammifurin belongs to the pharmaceutical group of photosensitizing agents. Available as a solution intended for external use. The drug has a beneficial effect on increasing the skin's resistance to sunlight. In cases of irradiation with ultraviolet rays, the production of skin pigment, melanin, is activated. The combined use of Ammifurin and UV irradiation makes it possible to restore skin pigmentation in diseases such as vitiligo.

Amorolfine: instructions and use of Amorolfine - reviews and description.> Fungal skin diseases (most often the hands, feet, lesions of the nail plate) are a serious disease that requires medical intervention. Amorolfine is an antifungal drug developed specifically for the treatment of such diseases and used externally. The trade name of the drug is Loceryl, the international name is Amorolfine (the gross formula of the drug is C21H35NO).

Dermazol: instructions and use of Dermazol - reviews and description.> The drug Dermazol is a drug that is used to treat fungal infections. The spectrum of therapeutic action of the drug Dermazol is quite wide. The constituent components of the drug Dermazol can also have an antimicrobial effect. The drug can be produced in the form of tablets for oral administration, as well as cream and shampoo for topical use.

Dermovate: instructions and use of Dermovate - reviews and description.> Dermovate or according to the international name Clobetasol belongs to the pharmacological group of glucocorticosteroid drugs intended for topical use. The use of Dermovate is recommended for eczema, atopic dermatitis (widespread neurodermatitis), lichen simplex chronica (limited neurodermatitis), lichen planus, discoid lupus erythematosus, psoriasis (excluding pustular and extensive plaque psoriasis), as well as other skin diseases less resistant to treatment active glucocorticosteroids.

Duak gel: instructions and use of Duak gel - reviews and description.> Duak gel refers to drugs intended exclusively for external use. Duak gel is used for topical treatment of acne. The use of Duak gel is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to the drug, as well as to lincomycin. It is not recommended to use Duak gel for the treatment of children under twelve years of age.

Drapolene: instructions and use of Drapolene - reviews and description.> Drapolene is an effective antiseptic for external use, having a combined composition. The active components of the cream - cetrimide and benzalkonium chloride - belong to quaternary ammonium compounds. The antiseptic agent produces an antimicrobial effect on gram-positive bacteria; to a lesser extent, the cream is active against gram-negative bacteria. The drug does not show activity against bacterial spores and acid-fast bacteria.

Karipazim: instructions and use of Karipazim - reviews and description.> Karipazim is an enzyme preparation for topical use that has a proteolytic (protein-breaking) effect. The composition of the drug Karipazim includes a complex of enzymes capable of breaking down proteins and the essential amino acid lysocin, which has an antibacterial effect.

Candiderm: instructions and use Candiderm - reviews and description.> Candiderm, being a combination drug consisting of the antifungal substance clotrimazole, the antibiotic gentamicin and the antiallergic beclamethasone, Candiderm has already proven itself well in the treatment of various types of skin diseases. The instructions for candiderm recommend its use for the treatment of infectious-inflammatory, infectious, and allergic skin diseases.

Isoconazole: instructions and use of Isoconazole - reviews and description.> Isoconazole is an antifungal, antibacterial drug. Capable of having a fungistatic effect. It acts by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol and changing the composition of the microbial cell membrane. The area of ​​action includes mold and yeast-like fungi, yeast, dermatophytes, gram-positive microorganisms: streptococci, staphylococci and micrococci.

Iruxol: instructions and use of Iruxol - reviews and description.> Iruksol (Unguentum Iruxol) is a combined enzyme preparation containing chloramphenicol and clostridiopeptidase A, as well as other peptidases. The product is produced from Clostridium hystolyticum. Iruksol ointment has a wound-healing, wound-cleansing, antibacterial effect. It was created to combat the development of infection on the skin. Iruksol has the ability to prevent the development of infection, promote granulation and cleansing of wounds, and accelerate regeneration.

Ichthyol: instructions and use Ichthyol - reviews and description.> Ichthyol is an effective pharmaceutical agent that produces anti-inflammatory, analgesic and some antiseptic effects. It is used (externally) for many diseases and skin lesions (dermatoses, burns, furunculosis, etc.), intravaginally - for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area, administration using electrophoresis is used in the treatment of hypertrophic scars (resorption of infiltrate).

Glue bf-6: instructions and use Glue bf-6 - reviews and description.> Glue bf-6 is an alcohol solution of a special phenol-formaldehyde synthetic resin, rosin and polyvinyl butyrol with the addition of a plasticizer, used in medical practice. The use of BF-6 Glue is indicated for the treatment of microtraumas - abrasions, burns, wounds, cracks, cuts, scratches and other minor damage to the skin, as well as for applying a coating to dental measles during the surgical treatment of peri-root foci of infection in dentistry - cysts and granulomas.

Levomekol: instructions and use of Levomekol - reviews and description.> Levomekol ointment is a product for external use intended to accelerate wound healing. The active substances in Levomekol ointment are chloramphenicol and methyluracil. In addition, the ointment contains auxiliary substances that increase the depth of penetration of the active substances into the tissue.

Collalysin: instructions and use of Collalysin - reviews and description.> Collalysin powder is an enzyme drug used in the treatment of eye diseases and eliminating the consequences of inflammatory processes. The active substance in Collalysin is the enzyme collagenase, which breaks down the main component of connective tissue - collagen. It is connective tissue that represents scars of any origin.

Melagenin: instructions and use of Melagenin - reviews and description.> Melagenin is a new drug that stimulates the synthesis of melatonin in the skin. The drug activates skin restoration processes. Melagenin is based on human placenta. Melagenin is available in the form of an alcohol solution and is intended for external use. Melagenin belongs to the clinical-pharmaceutical group of photosensitizing drugs.

Levosin: instructions and use of Levosin - reviews and description.> Levosin (Laevosinum) is a drug that pharmacologically has antimicrobial, antibacterial, local analgesic, necrolytic, anti-inflammatory effects. Levosin ointment contains: sulfadimethoxine, methyluracil, trimecaine, chloramphenicol and polyethylene oxide. It is a combination drug used externally. Levosin cleanses the wound area of ​​necrotic tissue and stimulates regenerative processes.

Cutivate.> Cutivate is a medicine, a hormonal pharmacological preparation. It is a GCS for external use. Cutivate is characterized by its ability to provide pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antiallergic effects. The active ingredient is fluticasone propionate. When applied to the skin, the likelihood of developing inhibition of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system is minimal.

Levorin.> Levorin is a polyene antifungal antibiotic. The drug exists in various forms and is used for the treatment of candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract/oral mucosa/female genital organs, prostate hypertrophy, candidiasis, etc. On the pharmaceutical market, Levorin is presented in the form of external ointment, granules for oral suspension (for children), tablets , lyophilisate for external/internal solution, ointment, etc.

Oxygel: instructions and use of Oxygel - reviews and description.> Oxygel suppresses the development of anaerobes Propionibacterium acnes, increases the supply of oxygen to tissues, and inhibits the formation of sebum in the sebaceous glands. Oxygel penetrates the skin, transforming into benzoic acid, and therefore is an effective external remedy for combating acne. Oxygel has the ability to remove the stratum corneum of the skin; depending on the severity of acne, this drug can also be used for independent and complex therapy.

Neotigazon: instructions and use of Neotigazon - reviews and description.> The drug Neotigazon is a detmatoprotective agent and is used to treat skin diseases. The drug has the ability to restore the skin and promote tissue regeneration. The drug Neotigazon is used to treat skin diseases that are accompanied by problems with the appearance of keratinization. This is how the drug Neotigazon is prescribed to combat psoriasis, ichthyosis, lichen planus, and Darier's disease.

Mikoseptin: instructions and use of Mikoseptin - reviews and description.> The drug Mikoseptin is an antifungal agent. The components that make up the drug Mikoseptin are active against a number of fungal pathogens. In addition, the composition of the drug Mikoseptin provides relief from skin irritation and also promotes healing of the affected area.

Olazol: instructions and use of Olazol - reviews and description.> Olazol belongs to the pharmaceutical group of antiseptic drugs. It is an aerosol intended for external use. Olazol contains anesthesin, boric acid, sea buckthorn oil and chloramphenicol. Olazol has local analgesic properties and a bactericidal effect. The drug helps reduce exudation and has a beneficial effect on the restoration processes occurring in the epithelium during wound healing.

Oxycort: instructions and use of Oxycort - reviews and description.> Oxycort is a complex drug whose therapeutic effect is due to the active ingredients - hydrocortisone and oxytetracycline. The first component, hydrocortisone, produces anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-sweat (preventing the release of fluid into the cavity) effects. The second active ingredient, oxytetracycline, is a tetracycline antibiotic acting against gram-negative/gram-positive microorganisms.

Sea buckthorn oil: instructions and use of sea buckthorn oil - reviews and description.> Sea buckthorn oil is a herbal medicine obtained from the berries or seeds of sea buckthorn. Used topically and orally. The use of sea buckthorn oil is indicated for burns and radiation injuries of the skin and mucous membranes, stimulation of wound healing, endocervicitis, atrophic pharyngitis, and gastric ulcer. Also indications for its use are: chronic colitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, ulcerative colitis, anal fissures, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Mometasone: instructions and use of Mometasone - reviews and description.> Mometasone is a drug that pharmacologically has glucocorticoid, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiexudative, antipruritic effects. It has the ability to induce lipocortins, proteins that inhibit phospholipase A2. As a consequence of this process, the liberation of arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids is inhibited and the biosynthesis of PG and leukotrienes is disrupted.

Naftifine: instructions and use of Naftifine - reviews and description.> Naftifine is a drug with an antifungal effect. Naftifine has the ability to inhibit 2,3-epoxidase, reduce the biosynthesis of sterols, especially ergosterol, which is part of the fungal cell membrane, and contribute to the accumulation of squalene in the cell. Naftifine has the property of exhibiting fungicidal activity against dermatophytes (including Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton rubrum and others), as well as fungistatic activity against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, including Candida albicans.

Teymurova's paste: instructions and use Teymurova's paste - reviews and description.> Teymurova's paste is a combined complex medicine. According to the instructions for Teymurov's Paste, it contains the following active ingredients: boric acid, salicylic acid, methenamine, sodium tetraborate, lead acetate, zinc oxide. Reviews of Teymurov's Paste indicate that the use of this drug is usually not accompanied by the appearance of adverse reactions.

Rozex: instructions and use of Rozex - reviews and description.> When applied topically, the drug Rozex has an anti-acne effect. The mechanism of this action is not precisely known (it is not associated with the effect on the Demodex folliculorum mite, which is found in the hair follicles, as well as the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and with any effect on the production of this secretion). Metronidazole, which is the main active ingredient in Rosex for topical use, is believed to have antioxidant activity.

Retasol: instructions and use of Retasol - reviews and description.> Retasol (isotretinoin) is a regeneration stimulator intended for external use. In fact, the drug is a biologically active form of vitamin A, which is synthesized independently by the body during normal functioning. Retasol is an antibacterial agent obtained in laboratory conditions, which eliminates inflammatory and seborrheic processes, as well as accelerates regeneration processes.

Oflocain: instructions and use of Oflocain - reviews and description.> The drug Oflocain is an antimicrobial and local anesthetic. The components of the drug have an antibacterial effect against a wide range of pathogens. The analgesic effect is achieved due to the inclusion of lipocaine in the composition of the drug - a drug with a pronounced effect against pain.

Pyolysin: instructions and use of Pyolysin - reviews and description.> The drug Pyolysin is a combination drug. The drug Piolysin is a remedy for external use; it helps fight pathogenic microbes, relieves inflammation, and has a stimulating effect on the immune system of the human body. The drug Piolysin is used to treat abscesses, bedsores, and burns.

Retin A: instructions and use Retin A - reviews and description.> Retin A (Latin name Retin-A) has the international name Tretinoin (Latin name Tretinoin). The drug is a natural metabolite of retinol; it disrupts the expression of genes that cause changes in protein biosynthesis. Retin A has the ability to penetrate cell membranes and form complexes with specific cytoplasmic receptors that penetrate the cell nucleus and bind to DNA.

Podophyllotoxin: instructions and use of Podophyllotoxin - reviews and description.> Podophyllotoxin is a drug with an antitumor effect, of plant origin, produced for topical use. Local external use of Podophyllotoxin is indicated for laryngeal papillomatosis in children, small papillary typical and atypical fibroepitheliomas of the bladder, external genital warts (Condylomata acuminata).

Psorkutan: instructions and use of Psorkutan - reviews and description.> Psorkutan is a medicine with the active ingredient Calcipotriol, used for the local treatment of psoriasis. This drug has virtually no systemic effect, only to a small extent influencing the metabolic processes of calcium in the body. Reviews of Psorkutan indicate a fairly high effectiveness of the product. The use of Psorcutan is indicated for the treatment of psoriasis in mild to moderate forms.

Psoriaten: instructions and use Psoriaten - reviews and description.> Psoriaten is a homeopathic pharmacological preparation used to treat psoriasis and other dry skin rashes. Available in ointment form. Medicinal ointment Psoriaten is effectively used in complex therapy, primarily for mild to moderate psoriasis. The effect of the drug Psoriaten is manifested in a decrease in the formation and separation of skin scales.

Zinc pyrithione.> Zinc pyrithione is a dermatotropic drug. The active substance is the chemical compound of the same name. It is represented by a complex compound containing zinc in its chemical structure. This substance is colorless, solid crystals that are used as a fungicidal and antibacterial agent. This complex compound was first known in 1930. Possessing antibacterial properties, it is effective against pathogens such as staphylococci and streptococci.

Skinoren: instructions and use of Skinoren - reviews and description.> Skinoren cream and gel have a detrimental effect on microorganisms that cause acne, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin, stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, prevent the appearance of “blackheads” - comedones, and also inhibit the formation pathological pigments (substances that cause dark spots to appear on the skin).

Sinaflan: instructions and use of Sinaflan - reviews and description.> Sinaflan ointment (also called sinaflan ointment or sinoflan ointment, the latter is a typo) is a drug for external use based on fluocinolone.

Skin cap: instructions and use Skin cap - reviews and description.> More and more often, people suffer from a disease such as psoriasis. A skin cap will help solve this problem. This remedy is used not only in the treatment of psoriasis, but also with other skin diseases. Skin cap is used externally only. Zinc pyrithioneate is the active substance of Skin-cap. It has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. It has a bacteriostatic (does not allow bacteria to multiply) and fungistatic effect (does not allow fungi to multiply).

Silocast: instructions and use of Silocast - reviews and description.> Silocast is a medicine that promotes hair growth and restoration. It belongs to the pharmacological group of dermatotropic agents. This product contains biologically active forms of silicon, which are powerful natural biostimulants. Silocast is a combined preparation in the form of a two-phase solution, the top layer of which is colored light yellow and the bottom layer is colorless.

Salicylic-zinc paste: instructions and use Salicylic-zinc paste - reviews and description.> Salicylic-zinc paste is a disinfecting (antiseptic), astringent and drying drug used for various skin diseases. Available in paste form for external use. It is a combination drug used for local treatment. The main active ingredients of the drug are Salicylic acid in combination with Zinc oxide.

Sebozole: instructions and use of Sebozole - reviews and description.> Sebozole is an effective antifungal agent with fungistatic and fungicidal effects. Active against dimorphic and yeast fungi, dermatophytes, eumycetes, streptococci and staphylococci. The active ingredient is ketoconazole. On the pharmaceutical market, Sebozol is presented in 3 dosage forms - ointments, tablets and shampoo.

Salicylic alcohol: instructions and use of Salicylic alcohol - reviews and description.> Salicylic alcohol is a keratolytic drug, saligenin, in the form of a glycoside (called salicin). Used for external treatment of skin diseases. It is the main source for the production of salicylic acid. In pharmaceutical practice, under the name “Salicylic alcohol”, a 2% solution of salicylic acid in ethyl alcohol is produced, used as an antiseptic. In low concentrations it is a keratoplastic, and in high concentrations it is a keratolytic pharmaceutical drug.

Sulfargin: instructions and use of Sulfargin - reviews and description.> Sulfargin is a drug that has an antibacterial effect. Used for external use. Instructions for Sulfargin that the bactericidal effect of the ointment is determined by the activity of silver ions, released when applied to the wound as a result of the dissociation of the silver salt sulfadiazine. The process of release of silver ions occurs gradually (the so-called moderate dissociation), which ensures the constancy of the antimicrobial effect of the drug.

Tambukan mud: instructions and use of Tambukan mud - reviews and description.> Tambukan mud is a cosmetic product, sulfide silt mud from the Tambukan salt lake. It is widely used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology. The instructions for Tambukan mud indicate that it is extracted from Lake Tambukan, located 9 km southeast of Pyatigorsk on the border with Kabardino-Balkaria. Lake Tambukan covers an area of ​​210 hectares and is located in the Predgorny district of Stavropol and in the Zolsky district of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Vitaon - Karavaev balm: instructions and use of Vitaon - reviews and description.> The Vitaon line from the Karavaev balm series are products intended for mucous membranes and skin. All products in this series contain oil extracts of medicinal plants - wormwood, mint, yarrow, thyme, rose hips, St. John's wort, chamomile, caraway, calendula, celandine, fennel, pine buds.

Depantol: instructions and use of Depantol - reviews and description.> The drug Depantol exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and is a good remedy for fighting bacteria and fungi. The drug Depantol also helps saturate the body with vitamins, improves the general condition of the body, and makes a person look better. In addition to this drug, Depantol is used as a healing agent for wounds and other skin damage; due to its antiseptic properties, the drug prevents infections from entering the wound.

Vinilin: instructions and use of Vinilin - reviews and description.> The drug Vinilin (Shostakovsky balm, international name - Polyvinox) is an antiseptic agent that is available in the form of a balm or solution. Doctors and scientists have studied the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Vinilin, and also that this drug promotes the rapid restoration of the mucous membrane and skin, and also has wound-healing properties.

Gerpevir: instructions and use of Gerpevir - reviews and description.> The drug Gerpevir is an antiviral drug. The components of the drug act on viral cells, preventing their reproduction. This drug is an effective remedy in the fight against herpes viruses, is used as a prophylactic agent, and also promotes faster healing. The drug Gerpevir can be prescribed for the treatment of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes by herpes viruses.

Griseofulvin: instructions and use of Griseofulvin - reviews and description.> The drug Griseofulvin is an antibacterial drug that is active against fungi - dermatomycetes. The drug Griseofulvin is used as a treatment for dermatomycosis affecting the scalp, epidermophytosis of smooth skin caused by trichophyton, as well as in cases of damage to the nail plates by pathogenic fungi.

Daivonex: instructions and use of Daivonex - reviews and description.> Daivonex is a drug with an antiproliferative effect for the treatment of psoriasis. The active ingredient of the drug is Calcipotriol. Calcipotriol is a natural analogue of vitamin D, stimulating morphological differentiation and suppressing the proliferation of keratinocytes, which is the basis of the therapeutic effect of this drug in psoriasis. Daivonex is a powerful and effective inhibitor of T-lymphocyte activation processes, type 1 interleukin.

Galmanin.> Galmanin is an antiseptic drug that is a combination of salicylic acid and zinc oxide. The use of Galmanin is indicated in the complex treatment of subacute eczema of various origins, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) of the feet, allergic and atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, diaper rash, pyoderma, rosacea, acne, ulcerative skin lesions with predominantly exudation phenomena.

Triderm: instructions and use of Triderm - reviews and description.> Triderm is an ointment and cream intended for the treatment of skin diseases. The composition of Triderm cream and ointment includes betameson, gentamicin, clotrimazole and excipients (the ointment contains liquid paraffin and white petroleum jelly). The effect of Triderm cream and ointment is due to the interaction of active components.

Fukortsin: instructions and use of Fukortsin - reviews and description.> Fukortsin, or, in other words, Castellani liquid belongs to the group of antiseptics and disinfectants, and is also used for some fungal skin diseases. But before you start treatment, you need to have a doctor’s prescription and carefully read the instructions for Fukortsin. The main difference between this drug is its bright dark red color with a pungent odor. Few people know that Fukortsin smells precisely of phenol, which is part of its composition.

Fungoterbin: instructions and use of Fungoterbin - reviews and description.> Fungoterbin is an antifungal drug for topical and oral use, widely used to treat various types of fungi. Belongs to the group of allylamines. The drug has a fungicidal effect on such types of fungi as dermatophytes (T. mentagrophytes, T. violaceum T. rubrum, etc.), molds (Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Cladosporium, Aspergillus) and some dimorphic fungi.

Uniderm: instructions and use of Uniderm - reviews and description.> Uniderm is a medicine whose main component is mometasone. This active component of Uniderm is a glucocorticosteroid of synthetic origin. The use of Uniderm is indicated for inflammation and itching in dermatoses of various origins, as well as for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, dermatoses in the scalp, allergic rhinitis, seasonal and chronic rhinitis for the purpose of treatment and prevention.

Fluorocort: instructions and use of Fluorocort - reviews and description.> The drug Fluorocort is used in dermatology. The drug is used topically. The drug Fluorocort is used to treat skin diseases that are caused by various reasons, including those resulting from a bacterial or viral infection, and also caused by fungal pathogens. Thus, the drug Fluorocort is prescribed for the treatment of eczema, as a means of combating anogenital itching, for the treatment of dermatitis, neurodermatitis.

Travocort: instructions and use of Travocort - reviews and description.> Travocort belongs to the pharmacological group of glucocorticoids and is a drug with antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects. This is a yellowish or white opaque cream, the active substances in which are isoconazole nitrate and diflucortolone valerate. Isoconazole is a synthetic imidazole derivative. Produces a local antifungal and antibacterial effect. It has a fungistatic and, at increased concentrations, a fungicidal effect.

Terbizil: instructions and use of Terbizil - reviews and description.> Terbizil (international name Terbinafine) is a new drug that is designed specifically to combat fungi, because today mycoses are one of the most common diseases. For the complex treatment of fungal infections, Terbizil is available in two forms - tablets and creams, although the active substance in both forms of the drug is terbinafine, which actively fights fungi such as yeast, mold and dermatophytes.

Travogen: instructions and use of Travogen - reviews and description.> Travogen is a medicine for the complex treatment of fungal diseases of the skin. The instructions for Travogen indicate that it has a very wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. The use of Travogen is indicated for the treatment of fungal infections of the superficial layers of the skin, fungal diseases of the feet (mycoses of the feet), groin area, hands, erythrasma, trichophytosis, epidermophytosis, candidiasis, microsporia, fungal infections localized in the genital area.

Fucicort: instructions and use of Fucicort - reviews and description.> Fucicort is an effective combination drug belonging to the group of glucocorticoids. Produces antipruritic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in the treatment of many skin diseases, including various dermatitis (seborrheic, atopic, allergic, etc.), chronic lichen, discoid lupus erythematosus, eczema, etc. The active ingredients are betamethasone valerate and micronized fusidic acid.

Enteroseptol: instructions and use of Enteroseptol - reviews and description.> The drug Enteroseptol is an antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent. The drug Enteroseptol exerts its effect directly in the intestines, without being absorbed into the blood and without causing a systemic effect on the body, therefore the drug is considered as a local antibiotic. The drug Enteroseptol can be prescribed as a treatment for dyspepsia, diarrhea, enterocolitis, and dysentery.

Elokom: instructions and use of Elokom - reviews and description.> Elokom lotion, ointment and cream are hormonal drugs intended for topical use. When applied externally, Elokom lotion, cream and ointment have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. The drug Elokom reduces itching, rashes and redness of the skin.

Tsindol: instructions and use of Tsindol - reviews and description.> Tsindol is an anti-inflammatory agent that has a wound-healing and anti-allergic effect. Tsindol also reduces pain and has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. The composition of Tsindol mash includes zinc oxide and auxiliary substances (glycerin, starch, alcohol, medical talc, distilled water).

Chlorophyllipt: instructions and use of Chlorophyllipt - reviews and description.> Chlorophyllipt is a remedy with pronounced anti-staphylococcal and anti-inflammatory activity. The active substance in Chlorophyllipt is an extract of eucalyptus ball leaves, consisting mainly of different types of chlorophyll. The advantage of Chlorophyllipt is its effect on strains of staphylococcus that are resistant to traditional antibiotics.

Exoderil: instructions and use of Exoderil - reviews and description.> Exoderil is a drug that has an antifungal effect. Exoderil can be produced both in the form of an ointment or cream, and in the form of a solution for external use. Exoderil solution may have a yellowish tint or be completely colorless. The liquid has a characteristic odor of alcohol. In this case, the substance contains 1% of the active substance naftifine.

Zinocap: instructions and use of Zinocap - reviews and description.> Zinocap is a medicinal product in the form of an aerosol or cream for external use. The active ingredient of the drug is zinc pyrithione. The instructions for Zinocap state that this aerosol has antiproliferative, antibacterial and antifungal effects when used externally. The antibacterial effect of the drug Zinocap is manifested against many bacteria, including streptococcal, staphylococcal, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas, Proteus.

Ebermin: instructions and use of Ebermin - reviews and description.> In the practice of medical work, surgeons, traumatologists and dermatologists, there are often cases when patients are delivered with problems such as burns, wound injuries, ulcers and trophic skin lesions. For their treatment, the drug Ebermin (trade name - Hebermin, English), a drug of the latest generation of drugs, created on the basis of scientific developments in biotechnology and genetic engineering, has recently been increasingly prescribed.

Econazole: instructions and use of Econazole - reviews and description.> Econazole is a medicinal product in which econazole nitrate is used as the main active ingredient. Econazole has a local antifungal (fungicidal or fungistatic, it depends on the concentration) and antibacterial (bactericidal) effect. The drug has the ability to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol, as well as other sterols that regulate the permeability of the fungal cell wall.

Ectericide: instructions and use of Ectericide - reviews and description.> Ectericide is an antibacterial drug that is active against predominantly pyogenic (pyogenic) microflora, Proteus, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. The use of Ectericide is indicated for the complex treatment of postoperative and traumatic wounds, wound surfaces, complications of purulent wounds with infection, slowly granulating and long-term non-healing wounds, carbuncles, furuncles, fistulous forms of osteomyelitis, trophic ulcers with suppuration, burns, burn surfaces.

Elekasol: instructions and use of Elekasol - reviews and description.> Elekasol is a combination drug of predominantly herbal origin that has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Elekasol is active against staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, and Escherichia coli. This drug also stimulates reparative processes. The use of Elekasol is indicated for complex therapy of diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as ENT organs.

Argosulfan: instructions and use of Argosulfan - reviews and description.> Argosulfan is an antibacterial drug for external use. The instructions for Argosulfan indicate that this drug promotes the effective healing of wounds and wound surfaces of burn, trophic origin, purulent nature and others, thus providing effective protection against further infection.

Adapalene: instructions and use Adapalene - reviews and description.> Adapalene is a drug from the group of synthetic retinoids for the treatment of acne. The instructions for Adapalene indicate that this drug is a representative of a new generation of synthetic retinoids and belongs to naphthoic acid derivatives. Adapalene has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, sebostatic, comedonolytic, anticomedogenic and action.

Castellani Liquid: instructions and use Castellani Liquid - reviews and description.> Castellani Liquid (Fukorcin) is an antiseptic drug with an antifungal effect. This drug is used for disinfection, used in therapy and for the prevention of some skin diseases, produces an antifungal, fungicidal, antiseptic effect in the presence of infectious pathogens on the skin and mucous membranes that are sensitive to the ingredients of Castellani Liquid (Fukortsina).

Aseptolin: instructions and use of Aseptolin - reviews and description.> Aseptolin is a medicinal drug, an antiseptic used for external use. The instructions for Aseptolin indicate that this drug has a pronounced antiseptic effect and is characterized by pronounced activity against gram-positive, as well as gram-negative bacteria and a number of microorganisms.

Betasalik: instructions and use of Betasalik - reviews and description.> Betasalik is a medicinal product produced by the manufacturer in the form of an ointment for external use in the treatment of dermatoses and dermatological pathologies, which are accompanied by symptoms of hyperkeratosis. Betasalik has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic, keratolytic, antimicrobial effects and effects. Betamethasone dipropionate, which is part of this drug, inhibits the release of interleukins and other inflammatory mediators.

Shostakovsky Balm: instructions and use of Shostakovsky Balm - reviews and description.> Shostakovsky Balm is a medicinal product related to antiseptics, regenerants and reparants. The active ingredient of this drug is Polivinox. This drug has a pronounced enveloping, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-relieving) and wound-healing effect. Available in the form of a balm - a solution for external use.

Vagotil: instructions and use Vagotil - reviews and description.> Vagotil belongs to the pharmacological group of antiseptics intended for external and local use. Vagotil is available in the form of a solution intended for topical use. Vagotil has pronounced antiseptic properties, has not only bactericidal, but also fungicidal, antiprotozoal and hemostatic effects. Vagotil has an astringent and cauterizing effect.

Boric alcohol: instructions and use of Boric alcohol - reviews and description.> Boric alcohol is a solution of boric acid in ethyl alcohol (usually 70% ethanol). Boric alcohol (name in Latin Solutio Acidi borici spirituosa) belongs to the pharmacological group of antiseptics and disinfectants. Boric acid in alcohol solutions in concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5% are prepared with ethyl alcohol of 70% concentration and are used both as an antiseptic and as an antipruritic agent to wipe healthy areas of the skin near lesions of pyoderma.

Group of drugs



Vegetable oils, petroleum jelly, lanolin, lard, glycerin, spermaceti, silicone compounds, powders (zinc oxide, talc, starch, white clay)

Antiseptic (antimicrobial) )

Aniline dyes, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, boric acid (2-5%), chlorhexidine, preparations containing antibiotics, sulfonamides


Preparations containing acyclovir, tromantadine, alpizarin, interferon, etc.


Boric acid (1-2%), silver nitrate, tannin, ichthyol, corticosteroids

Benzyl benzoate, tar, sulfur, green soap, acetic acid, mercury gray ointment, esdepalletrin, lindane, crotamiton, etc.

Fungicidal and fungistatic

Tar, sulfur, iodine preparations, undecylenic acid, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, nystatin, etc.

Permissive (reducing)

Sulfur, naphthalan, ichthyol, tar, dermatol, resorcinol, salicylic acid (2-3%)

Keratolytic, cauterizing

Salicylic, lactic, benzoic acids, resorcinol, silver nitrate, podophyllin, “Solcoderm”, “Condilin”, “Ferezol”


Menthol, anesthesin, diphenhydramine, carbolic, citric, acetic acids

Photoprotective e

Salol, quinine, tannin, zinc oxide, methyluracil

Dermatological dosage forms (description, formulation)

P u d r s - powdery substances that are used in the form of powders. Mineral powdered substances (zinc oxide, talc) and organic (starch) are mixed together in various proportions. They are designated as indifferent powders.

Action. Drying, degreasing, cooling, vasoconstrictor.

Indications . Acute and subacute dermatitis without weeping, with increased sweating and increased sebum secretion. To treat erosions and ulcers, sulfonamides, xeroform, and dermatol are added to the composition of powders. If there are signs of pyoderma, antimicrobial substances (bismuth, dermatol, sulfonamides) are added to them, and menthol and anesthesin are added to enhance the antipruritic effect. To obtain fatty powders, naftalan oil is added.

Starch should be excluded from powders in case of excessive sweating, especially in skin folds (causes fermentation).

Examples of powders

Method of application . Powder the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

RAWithTVOrs- a liquid dosage form obtained by dissolving a solid or liquid medicinal substance in distilled water (less often in ethyl alcohol). For lotions, anti-inflammatory, astringent, and disinfectant substances are prescribed in the form of solutions.

Action . Cooling, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, astringent.

Indications . Acute inflammation of the skin with weeping or without exudation (limited eczema, acute dermatitis, etc.) to reduce weeping, swelling, burning, itching in the affected areas. Typically, lotions are applied to limited areas of the affected area several times a day (1-3 days) until the weeping decreases (acute inflammatory phenomena). With longer exposure, the skin in the lesions becomes dry and cracks may appear. During protracted processes, it is recommended to change the composition of the lotions. It is advisable not to use lotions in infants.

Methodology applications . 4-6 layers of gauze soaked in the solution are applied to the affected area. Change every 3-5 minutes for an hour or more, 2-3 times a day.

Examples of recipes for lotions

LOSIONS- soluble or suspended medicinal components. Combine with water (alcohol) and other physiological solvents. The liquid part, evaporating, provides rapid cooling and drying effects, medicinal substances enhance the anti-inflammatory effect.

E m u l s i i- liquids with an oil content of 30%. Semi-liquid-semi-solid systems of visco-elastic consistency. Popular in the treatment of superficial inflammatory dermatoses. When applied to the skin, the liquid part of the emulsion evaporates, cooling the skin, and the oil and medicinal substances are absorbed, enhancing the anti-inflammatory effect.

K relo - liposomal emulsion. Liposomes are lamellar fat crystalline structures alternating with aqueous “blobs.” Crelo, together with administered medications (corticosteroids), provides an anti-inflammatory effect, skin hydration and physiological evaporation of water.

INhbAlTsVAemseVhVeWithAnd- tiny powdery substances suspended in water; water and glycerin; water, glycerin and ethyl alcohol. Before use, the suspension is thoroughly shaken (“chatterbox”). “Chatterbox” consists of 30-40% powder substances (zinc, talc, starch) and 60-70% liquid (water, water and glycerin, glycerin and alcohol). After the water evaporates, the powders applied to the skin remain on it in a thin layer. Glycerin keeps them on the skin for many hours. Alcohol helps accelerate the evaporation of water from the surface of the lesions. Other drugs can be added to this dosage form: ichthyol, anesthesin, sulfur, etc.

Oil mash (liniments), which consist of zinc oxide (30%) and vegetable oils (70%), are used as a local anti-inflammatory agent.

Action . Water mash: anti-inflammatory, drying, antipruritic. Oil suspensions: anti-inflammatory, softening, exfoliating.

Indications . For acute and subacute skin lesions without weeping (dermatitis, allergic rashes, etc.). "Chatterboxes" can be used without applying bandages.

Methodology applications . Shake before use. Apply with a swab to the affected area 2-3 times a day.

Examples of chatterbox recipes

A E R O S O L I- a dispersed system consisting of a gaseous medium in which solid and liquid drugs are suspended. They usually contain corticosteroids, antibiotics, antimycotics and are available in special sealed containers with a valve device.

Action. The mechanism of action is similar to shaken suspensions.

Indications. Various degrees of inflammation of the skin, including those accompanied by oozing, pyoderma, complicated by inflammation of mycosis.

Method of application . The affected areas are irrigated from a balloon 2-3 times a day.

M az- a dosage form based on fat or a fat-like substance. The use of the ointment stops the skin from breathing, causes a slight increase in its temperature, loosening of the surface layers and dilation of blood vessels in the affected areas, due to which the absorption of the active substances contained in this dosage form occurs.

The base used is yellow petroleum jelly and lanolin (equal parts), purified lard, vegetable fats, oils, naphthalan, and silicone compounds.

Sulfur, tar, salicylic acid, naphthalan, ichthyol, resorcinol are introduced into ointment bases; for pyodermic deposits, antibiotics are added, taking into account the possibility of sensitization.

Hydrophobic ointments contain fatty substances (vaseline, lanolin, naphthalan, lard, etc.), provide “warming” of the skin and a deep effect of the administered medicinal substances on the infiltrative inflammatory process.

Hydrophilic ointments contain synthetic silicone compounds that allow the skin to breathe.

Action . In small concentrations (up to 3%), for example, salicylic acid, resorcinol, introduced into the ointment base, cause a keratoplastic effect (exfoliating, epithelizing, anti-inflammatory, easily absorbable), in high concentrations (3-5% or more) - keratolytic (exfoliating , exfoliating, pronounced absorbable).

Method of application . Counting on a keratoplasty effect, small concentrations of active substances are used and the lesions are lubricated 2-3 times a day. To obtain a keratolytic effect, increasing concentrations of active substances are used. Lubricate the lesions 2-3 times a day under a bandage, including a compress 2 times a day.

Examples of ointment prescriptions

Creams differ from ointments in the content of water in the fat base. If water particles are surrounded by oil (“water in oil”), then a fatty ointment (cream) is formed, if vice versa (“oil in water”), then a non-greasy emulsion ointment (cream) is formed.

More often a cream is used, consisting of equal parts of lanolin (animal fat), petroleum jelly (or vegetable oil) and water.

Synthetic fat-like substances - derivatives of cellulose, ethylene oxides, etc. - are often used as the basis for proprietary creams.

Hydrophilic creams contain 30% oil in water. Provide hydration, skin softening, anti-inflammatory effect. They act for a short time (several hours).

Creams containing lipobase - creams with water as a constant phase, but with a higher fat content (70%) than in oil-in-water creams. Creams contain a non-ionized emulsifier, which forms lamellar fat crystalline structures alternating with water bubbles that form liposomes, and are the most physiological local anti-inflammatory agents. The corticosteroid drug “Lokoid-Lipocrem” was created based on liposomes.

Hydrophobic creams They are a system of water (30%) in oil. They create an oil film on the skin, preventing water evaporation, rehydrate the skin, promote the penetration of medications, thereby providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

Antipruritic (diphenhydramine, menthol), exfoliating (salicylic acid) substances, urea, vitamins A, E, corticosteroids and other agents are often added to creams.

Action. When applying creams, the skin is softened and moisturized, cleansed of scales and crusts. At the same time, her breathing is preserved, cooling, vasoconstrictor, and anti-inflammatory effects appear.

Indications . For dry flaky skin, cracks, subacute dermatitis (eczema), itchy dermatoses, some infiltrative-desquamative (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, ichthyosis) and other dermatoses.

Method of application . Lubricate or lightly rub into affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Examples of prescriptions for some creams

Ol. Persicorum_

Aquae destil aa 50.0

Lubricate the skin 2 times a day.

Triamcinoloni 0.04

Zinci oxydi 3.0

Aq. destil. 7.0

Ol. Helianthi aa 10.0

Lubricate the lesions 2 times a day.

P a s t e d e r m a t o l o g ical- is a mixture of equal quantities of fatty substances and indifferent powders. They act deeper than talkers, but more superficially than ointments.

Action . Anti-inflammatory, drying, cooling, do not stop skin respiration.

Indications. For acute and subacute inflammation without weeping (dermatitis, herpes, subacute eczema, etc.). In case of chronic infiltrative inflammatory process (chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, etc.), fatty pastes are prescribed, while increasing the content of fatty substances in the dosage form and regulating the content of active substances (salicylic, carbolic acids, sulfur, tar, naphthalan, ichthyol, ASD and etc.), you can get keratoplastic (reducing) or keratolytic (absorbing) effects.

Method of application . Apply a thin layer to the lesions 2-3 times a day. Do not use on areas with abundant hair and weeping.

It is usually applied without a bandage.

Examples of recipes for some dermatological pastes

Pastae Zinci 40.0

Apply to lesions

2 times a day

Acidi salicylici 10

Amyli tritici aa 12.5

Vaselini ad 60.0

Apply to the lesions 1-2 times a day (Lassara paste).

Warp dermatological L a k o v- elastic collodion with 10% castor oil or traumacitin (rubber in chloroform). Salicylic, carbolic, lactic acids, resorcinol, tar and other substances are added to the base. The varnish hardens on the skin in the form of a thin film; the substances contained in it penetrate deeply into the skin. It is removed with gasoline.

Indications. For the treatment of calluses, warts, nail plates with onychomycosis, plaque psoriasis, for detachment of the stratum corneum.

Method of application. Apply once to the lesion for 3-5 days, then apply ointments for 1-2 days, shower; the cycles are repeated.

Examples of some dermatological varnishes

Ac. salicylici 12.0

Ac. lactici 6.0

Collodii elastici ad 100.0 Lubricate the lesions once a day.

Resorcini aa 10.0

Collodii elastici ad 100.0

Apply to plantar warts once a day.

Warp dermatological plasters- wax or rosin, which provides its thick and sticky consistency. Keratolytic concentrations of salicylic acid, urea, iodine, carbolic and acetic acids, lead oxide, etc. are introduced.

Action. Active absorbable, exfoliating, loosening, disinfectant, fungicidal, depending on the substances introduced.

Indications. For the removal of calluses, loosening of nails, treatment of the nail bed with onychomycosis, trichomycosis, verrucous form of lichen planus, limited neurodermatitis, purulent-inflammatory processes in the skin.

Method of application. Before use, the patch is heated, the lesion is wiped with alcohol (gasoline), and changed once every 2-3 days. The patch adheres well to the skin and nails.

Examples of some dermatological patches

.Antipruritics can be divided into two groups.

The first group of antipruritic drugs has only an antipruritic effect, without affecting the pathological process in the skin. It includes drugs: menthol, anesthesin, citric and carbolic acids, vinegar solutions, antihistamines, chloral hydrate, dyes, etc. . This group of products is used more often in the form of alcohol solutions for lubrication and rubbing of itchy areas of the skin.

The second group of antipruritic drugs also affects the pathological process in the skin. These include preparations of sulfur, tar, salicylic acid, corticosteroids, etc. These substances are mainly included in the composition of mash, pastes, ointments, and creams.

Indications. Itching, adult pruritus, urticaria, neurodermatitis, erythema multiforme, insect bites and other diseases accompanied by itching.

Method of application. Lubricate itchy areas 2-3 times a day.

Examples of prescriptions for some antipruritic alcohol solutions

Sp. aethylici 70% ad 100 ml

Wipe affected skin.

Ac. Carbolici 2.0

Sp. Aethylici 70% ad 100 ml

External. Lubricate the skin when itching.

TOPICAL CORTICOSTEROID REMEDIES effectively suppress the skin inflammatory reaction, including allergic, due to the vasoconstrictor effect and inhibitory effect on the release of cytokines (interleukins, g-interferon) from lymphocytes and macrophages, inflammatory mediators from eosinophils and neutrophils, reduce the metabolism of arachidonic acid, suppress the activity of hyaluronidase. Corticosteroids (especially fluoridated ones) reduce the rate of cell division, which is important for infiltrative-desquamative dermatoses (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, lichen planus, ichthyosis, etc.).

Corticosteroids for topical use are divided into 4 groups:

    Very potent: beclomethasone, galcinonide, diflucortolone, clobetasol.

    Potent: beclomethasone, betamethasone, hydrocortisone butyrate, desonide, diflucortolone, triamsinolone, fluclorolone, fluocinolone, fluocinonide, fluprednylidene.

    Possessing strong activity: hydrocortisone with urea, deoxymethasone, fluocortolone, fluocinolone, flurandrenolone.

    Weak: hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone.

When the affected areas are infected, they are not used without the addition of antibacterial agents, since there is a possibility of increased inflammation and dissemination of the process.

When applied to large areas of lesions (especially erosive-ulcerative ones), there is a significant risk of resorption of local fluorinated corticosteroids and suppression of adrenal function, while their teratogenic effect cannot be excluded.

Therefore, when prescribing local corticosteroid drugs, the following recommendations should be followed:

At the beginning of treatment, not very active drugs of the hydrocortisone and prednisolone group are used;

If they are ineffective, a highly active drug is prescribed until a pronounced improvement is obtained, after which they switch to a less active drug;

The preparations are applied to the lesions in a thin layer, giving the skin a slight shine;

Drugs should be prescribed in small quantities to prevent overdose and monitor the progress of the treatment process;

Occlusive dressings should only be used for short periods of time;

Highly active drugs are prescribed for discoid lupus erythematosus and lichen planus, moderately active drugs for psoriasis, and with low activity (hydrocortisone, prednisolone) for eczema and dermatitis.

For infected skin lesions, antimicrobial and antimycotic agents (neomycin, clotrimazole, heliomycin, nystatin, etc.) are added to corticosteroids, but the steroid does not prevent possible reactions to these substances.

In the absence of infection, corticosteroids are used in their pure form.

Adverse reactions develop more often during treatment with potent corticosteroids. They are expressed in the addition of infection, skin atrophy (sometimes irreversible), stretch marks, local hirsutism in young women, perioral dermatitis, local depigmentation, acne.

You should not use potent corticosteroids on the skin of the face (with the exception of discoid lupus erythematosus) and eyelids (due to the possibility of developing glaucoma).

Contraindications to the prescription of local glucocorticosteroids (especially highly active ones) are bacterial, viral, fungal dermatoses, perioral dermatitis, specific skin infections (tuberculosis, syphilis), skin tumors, pregnancy (lactation), extensive skin lesions, dermatoses in children under one year of age.



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