For representatives of this sign, September 2019 will be a very romantic and beautiful month. You will float on a wave of romance and be able to add depth and warmth to your ongoing relationship. Some single people will be able to find their soulmate and feel happy and wanted. In order not to scare away your luck, do not be afraid to surrender to your feelings and believe in the most romantic dreams.

Married representatives of the sign, and those who have a regular partner, may again feel that romance has returned to the relationship. You can do even ordinary household chores with pleasure and indulge yourself with your family. Try to go out into nature more often or walk in a nearby park.

Not only will you learn a lot of new and interesting things about your loved one, but you will also be able to feel loved and desired. The only thing that can darken your relationship is problems with children, especially growing ones. Having felt freedom, they may use it differently than their parents would like.

Single representatives of the sign will be able to make several acquaintances. Many of them will lead to friendly and deep emotional relationships, but among them there may be a person with whom over time you will feel on the wave of romance.

For some Cancers, September will be a turning point in their personal lives: you will meet your destiny and be able to find a person with whom you will be happy. The main thing is not to try to control the process and treat this person too rationally: do not be afraid to surrender to your feelings and go with the flow. Fate may have a romantic turn of events in store for you that you never expected.

Cancer Woman: Love Horoscope for September 2019

Representatives of the sign will be the center of male attention this month. The stars promise you a romantic turn of events, provided that you do not act too rationally or choose a partner with your mind rather than your feelings.

Feel free to go on dates, meet in the most romantic places, accept gifts and flirt. Luck will be on your side if you devote yourself completely to romance. It is possible to renew an old acquaintance and connection, which will bring you many pleasant moments. However, the relationship is unlikely to be the same again.

Family representatives of the sign will feel the attention of their other half. Perhaps many common affairs will fade into the background, and you will be able to devote yourself to love and be with your loved one more often.

Looking at old photos, visiting friends, or finishing some unfinished business will revive your family relationships, filling them with warmth and depth. Try not to control this process and do not try to find reasons not to communicate: the time of romance will bring you closer and help you find new common points that were not there before.

Cancer Man: Love Horoscope for September 2019

At the beginning of the month, you will be surrounded by female attention, even if you do nothing to impress. Perhaps there is a woman in your circle who has liked you for a long time, but you are only learning about it now.

Listen to your heart: it is possible that a relationship in which a woman takes the initiative will not lead to anything good. Therefore, try to gently stop her, or not respond to signs of attention, as there is a great danger of becoming henpecked or significantly aggravating the relationship. Therefore, if a woman you know is not attractive to you, let her know this to avoid unnecessary conversations in the future.

Married Cancer men will have the opportunity to show their feelings. In a sincere conversation, you can learn a lot of new things about your soulmate that you didn’t even suspect before. To feel again on the wave of romance and love, relax together more often, without even leaving home.

Old memories, postcards, letters and photographs will help you refresh your senses. Try to be together in public more often, go on visits or celebrate holidays together. This will help you find reasons to be proud of your significant other and even be a little jealous.

What awaits crayfish in September.

Representatives of the zodiac house, whom nature has awarded with a lively, agile mind and a taste for risky games, will have to commit daily violence against their own nature for almost the entire September 2019: work long and painstakingly, often without receiving the expected profit or moral satisfaction from the efforts expended. Very often, this state of affairs is explained by the main mistakes that Cancer will make during this period of life, says the horoscope for September 2019. Cancer is not ready to make any compromises, is inconsistent, and tries to tackle several things at once. Despite the fact that you have to spend a lot of effort at work, many things never get off the ground, which will cause constant irritation and a desire to lash out at others.


Many Cancers will withdraw into themselves, and the rest will begin to openly conflict, emphasizing their importance and explaining their failures by other people's shortcomings or mistakes. Both actions will not lead to anything good. But at the same time, representatives of the zodiac house are now categorically not recommended to indulge in despondency. Powerful intellect, incredible memory and the ability to concentrate on the most important things should not be used by Cancers for self-criticism. If you quickly realize your mistakes and make efforts to correct them, new horizons will open up for the representatives of the sign, you will see new alternative solutions to long-standing problems.


In family relationships, Cancers will also have to overcome many pitfalls, warns the horoscope for September 2019. Cancer will feel the influence of Mercury, which may cause some married representatives of the zodiac house to become disillusioned with their union. Almost all Cancers are very loving, but at the same time their family ties are strong and tie them tightly to their partner. But if Cancer suddenly discovers that they are not reciprocating their feelings, they will instantly become disappointed in their love relationship. Neither common life nor children can stop Cancers who suspect that they are not loved or respected enough. In order to constantly be in the perspective of his love, the Cancer spouse must awaken feelings in him every day. Cancers hate everyday life in love and sexual relationships. They firmly believe that marriage should be concluded once and forever, but if you have planted a seed of doubt in the soul of the representatives of the sign, then sooner or later your union will end in a breakdown. If you have a vacation coming up in September 2019, spend it with your family. Large company, noisy parties are not for you now . Relaxing with a group of friends involves drinking alcohol, and this is currently contraindicated for you.

Cancer Woman

At the beginning of autumn, many Cancer women will receive great pleasure from reading interesting books, attending cultural and social events, and participating in intellectual conversations. The time has passed when representatives of the zodiac house were happy to waste time on empty chatter; now you are ready to devote it to self-development and self-improvement. Now, even with a stretch, you can’t even be called a participant in gossip about the lives of celebrities; you are not ready to chat for hours with your girlfriend about anything. Forward and only forward! There are so many interesting things in the world that you have no idea about, but you are ready to learn and comprehend everything new.

Shopping will only be successful if you decide exactly what purchases you want to make before you even get to the store. Spontaneity and impulsiveness of choice will disappoint.

Cancer Man

At the beginning of September 2019, a Cancer man can easily become a victim of an offensive prank or deception. It will not be easy for you to get to the true state of affairs, so remain alert and do not show your inherent naivety. If someone does manage to deceive or prank you, do not let this happen twice - a repetition is not far off.

At the beginning of autumn, you will have to devote a lot of time to everyday problems, says the horoscope for September 2017. The Cancer man will be tirelessly busy with minor repairs, and his thoughts will be with worries about various minor troubles, such as utility bills not paid on time. Dedicate your weekend to your favorite hobby. Whether it's fishing, hunting, or cross-stitching, a hobby will make you feel rested and more focused to complete your daily responsibilities.

Cancer children

Throughout September 2019, little Cancers will overwhelm their parents with complaints about the injustice of the world around them. In their opinion, he is not structured correctly, his own talents and merits are underestimated, both by adults and peers, and the requirements for them are much higher than for all other children. You should not scold your child or accumulate irritation about his behavior. The state of affairs will change exactly at the moment when the influence of Uranus on the fate of Cancer weakens. But you shouldn’t expect this until the last ten days of the month. Be patient.


The health of the representatives of the sign is currently not affected by any of the heavenly bodies. Therefore, the form in which Cancers will be, both physical and psycho-emotional, in September 2019 depends only on themselves.

If you have problems with your cardiovascular system at the beginning of autumn, you need to be especially vigilant and pay attention to your health. Blood pressure monitoring will allow you to “keep your finger on the pulse” and take the necessary actions in time in case of significant pressure surges. Among Cancers there are many both hypertensive and hypotensive people. Taking into account the fact that representatives of the zodiac house very often do not care about their health and disease prevention, the consequences can be the most tragic. At the beginning of autumn, the treatment undertaken, if any, will become very effective, despite the fact that now none of the planets will be able to exert their negative effect. General healing procedures will also have a good effect on the body: exercise, massage, hardening, diet therapy.

Horoscope for September 2019, Cancer often gives in to despondency.
Spend your vacation with your family.
A Cancer woman should not make spontaneous purchases.
Horoscope for October 2019.

At the beginning of autumn, Cancers should especially protect their feelings. Success in matters of the heart in September will depend entirely on the desires and actions of the representatives of this zodiac sign themselves. An accurate love horoscope for September 2017 will help Cancers get past difficult times and find happiness in love.

The behavior of lonely Cancers in September will determine their success in meeting new people and communicating with the opposite sex. The first weeks of autumn will require representatives of this zodiac sign to concentrate and determine future plans. Hints from friends and relatives at this time will only get in the way, so free Cancers during this period will have to concentrate as much as possible on what they imagine their ideal personal life to be. The love horoscope for Cancers recommends in September 2017 not to rush into starting a new relationship, otherwise you may not find mutual understanding in them regarding the main goals.

Relationships with loved ones for Cancers in September may be overshadowed by disagreements. Many couples will be surprised to discover that their priorities in life are not always aligned. For married Cancers, during this period it is very important to find a common language with the other half and try to resolve pressing issues together. This should be done alone and in a calm environment, otherwise minor disagreements can lead to serious conflicts. You shouldn’t even listen to the advice of strangers at this time, as this can cause a wave of indignation in your partner and reproaches him for lack of independence.

Love horoscope for Cancer women for September 2017

Single girls born under the constellation Cancer can expect the usual attention from fans and new acquaintances at the beginning of autumn. Most likely, the first dates scheduled in September 2017 could be the beginning of a new and serious relationship. However, during this period, free Cancer girls will need not only the ability to find a common language with the opposite sex, but also clearly set goals for the future regarding fateful events. Some Cancer girls will have a meeting with their ideal in September, which may soon turn into planning a wedding and life together.

Calmness and a favorable atmosphere in the family life of most Cancer women in September will depend on their wisdom and ability to find compromise solutions. You should not drag out controversial issues with your spouse and remember that mentioning the opinion of your mother or friends can provoke quarrels. The stars recommend that married Cancer women in September make all decisions regarding the future of the family only with the family members themselves, strengthening their authority with the help of maternal and marital tenderness and tolerance. During this period, the younger generation may need the advice of a Cancer woman, so Cancer women should not wait until they ask the opinion of their elders, but offer their vision of the situation in a gentle form.

Love horoscope for Cancer men for September 2017

In the first month of autumn, single Cancer men will be more receptive than usual to the opinions of friends, girls around them and loved ones. This will not help many of them in communicating with the opposite sex. The love horoscope for September 2017 advises free representatives of the constellation Cancer to show more independence and perseverance in achieving their goals in the first month of summer. This will help Cancer men in September feel more confident in communicating with girls and be responsible for their actions.

In September, the character of people born under the constellation Cancer will clearly show a tendency to practice without excessive theory. With assertiveness and determination, you will implement every goal you set, and this determination will gradually begin to develop into excessive self-confidence. This is perhaps the most dangerous moment of September 2017 for you! Your tendency towards arrogance will be aggravated in every possible way by your September antagonist. It will be Saturn (a planet with great “authority”).

What specific troubles will Saturn send you, and how to deal with them? We have already said that you will have only one trouble - self-confidence, vanity and arrogance. You should reduce these qualities in your character to the bare minimum as soon as possible! For September 2017, there will be a pronounced “collectivism”, which will clearly be harmed by your selfish behavior. This period can bring you great success. Again, there is only one condition - if you do not alienate those around you with your incredible arrogance.

What can I say, you will really have an incredibly large number of reasons to “raise your self-esteem to the skies” in September! Of course, you will achieve this large-scale success not alone, but with the support of your powerful heavenly patron. In this matter, a conservative scenario awaits you (the only “guardian” for you at the beginning of autumn 2017 will be the Moon, the traditional leader of your zodiac sign).

The Moon will help you draw up a clear plan for everything you want to achieve in life, and then teach you how to achieve a new goal over and over again, without looking back at minor troubles and hitches. In a word, your success obviously cannot be called cloudless, but you will eliminate all the problems that impede your victory quite quickly.

In the first month of autumn 2017, Cancers will experience new experiences and interesting meetings, some of which will be completely unexpected. You are easy-going, and romantic adventures will not keep you waiting.

Love and relationships are closely related to communication; it will be more varied and deeper. If there are important issues that you would like to discuss with your spouse or lover, then this period is quite suitable for this. It will not be difficult for you to understand each other and come to a common opinion.

The stars are favorable to lonely Cancers. External attractiveness will allow you to significantly expand your circle of fans and admirers. If you have been interested in someone for a long time, but lacked the determination to reveal your feelings, then now is a good time for love confessions. Organize an unusual romantic date, and then frankly tell him or her about your passion.

If you are married, the stars also do not recommend keeping your feelings to yourself. There is no point in hiding when you don’t like something about your spouse’s behavior. Take time to voice your opinion. If you structure your monologue correctly, then there is every chance that your significant other will analyze his actions and stop causing trouble.

The influence of Pluto in the house of the Cancer partner this month is emphasized by aspects of other planets. The activation of Pluto can kickstart transformations in your personal life. Your loved one will become the main character of the period, and if you are alone, then this will become problem number one, which can well be solved.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for September 2017

A month of intense but productive work awaits you, and from time to time you will experience amazing luck. This is an active period for career development, when great achievements are possible.

Cancer's house of communications is filled with planets, with the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus transiting through it. September 2017 is full of trips, meetings and intense communication. Find time to learn something new and develop your professional skills. It is a good idea to enroll in a training course or undergo training.

Establishing business relationships with other people and organizations will play an important role in your work. You may receive profitable offers of cooperation, and you will enter into new contracts. Your success at work will be noticed by management and rewarded financially.

The benefic planet Venus is located in the Cancer house of money until September 20, 2017, indicating a special interest in this topic. Positive aspects of Venus indicate the emergence of new sources of income and profitable avenues. It's important to take your time when it comes to financial decisions and negotiations. Stay practical and don't spend too much on beautiful but useless things.


The month will bring a lot of fuss, which will make you irritable. Find enough time for rest and relaxation to maintain good health. Remember that autumn is coming with its seasonal colds. To strengthen the body, try hardening procedures. There is a risk of injury and accidents; you must be careful in transport and when traveling.

You are endowed with a special gift of persuasion. Use your powers of persuasion for important things!



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