What is gliosis of the brain? Causes of cerebral gliosis, likely consequences, treatment

In this article we will look at the signs of cerebral gliosis.

During the functioning of neurons, various nerve impulses are transmitted throughout the human body. Certain factors contribute to instant destruction nerve cells, against which they are replaced by glial elements. In medicine, this condition is called cerebral gliosis. Similar physiological phenomenon serves as a natural process during the aging of the body. But it happens that microprocesses of exchange in to a large extent are disrupted due to decreased brain performance. Such a failure can occur if the foci of gliosis in the white matter grow significantly, becoming large-scale. We will tell you what gliosis is, what its symptoms are and how treatment is carried out in our article.

Basic information about pathology

Experts in the field of neurology believe that such a deviation in brain cells cannot be classified as a separate disease, since this pathology is most likely a consequence of other disorders in the brain. human body. Until the change cellular composition the brain does not become abnormal, the performance of glial nerve cells is not affected in any way, but rather, even the opposite. They can have a protective effect, preventing various injuries and infections from entering the affected areas of the brain.

By replacing areas of dead neurons, glia perform the function of the previous structure and supply metabolic processes brain tissue. But positive effect, associated with the formation of glia, occurs only before the onset of a certain state. Immediately after its achievement, any changes become pathological, which over time can manifest itself in the form of certain clinical manifestations. Now let’s figure out what causes cerebral gliosis.

The main reasons for the development of gliosis

The death of nerve tissue, and, consequently, brain gliosis can be provoked by various factors. Here are the most common of them:

Against the background of birth trauma, which is accompanied by asphyxia, the death of cellular neurons can occur. This pathology in the first few months does not in any way affect child development. Regression, as a rule, occurs after the sixth month, which is expressed in the form of mental and physical developmental disorders. Factors that directly affect foci of gliosis in the brain are the following:

  • Drinking alcohol. In the event that you use alcoholic drinks in moderation, it will help increase blood circulation. But increasing the dose of alcohol can provoke a disorder neural connections.
  • Taking drugs. Absolutely any type narcotic drugs may lead to inflammation of blood vessels with focal death of brain tissue.

Forms of pathology and the degree of its development

The initial stage of the formation of gliosis in the brain is usually asymptomatic. Doctors, as a rule, detect the clinical manifestation of disorders against the background of the subsequent pathological spread of the gliosis focus. During necrotic processes, large areas of the brain are released in place of dead neuron cells that form foci of gliosis. The forms of brain gliosis directly depend on different signs, nature and localization of its position:

  • Single gliosis of the brain. This supratentorial type of disorder appears as a result of aging of the body or during birth trauma in a newborn. Such a deviation does not manifest itself in any way and is not dangerous to humans.
  • Multiple gliosis of the brain can occur when there is a violation cerebral circulation. This condition may be a manifestation neurological pathology.
  • Periventricular manifestations affect the ventricles of the brain. As a result, cystic and gliotic changes may form.
  • Anisomophoric manifestations can be detected in any part of the brain. They are a consequence of the chaotic proliferation of glial fiber.
  • Perivascular disorders manifest themselves by entangling damaged vessels through glial cells, which is a sign of multiple sclerosis.
  • Subcortical foci of gliosis in the brain are diagnosed under the cortex.
  • Diffuse lesions form multiple foci of brain gliosis, which can subsequently spread to spinal cord.
  • The marginal appearance may involve the surface of the brain.

Symptoms of pathology and its consequences

Single occurrences of cerebral gliosis usually do not reveal themselves. Such lesions are discovered randomly during a magnetic resonance examination. However, if the pathology is not detected in time, gliosis will multiply, forming new islands atrophic change. The following symptoms Violations in the state of the body should certainly alert a person:

  • Observation of sharp and frequent changes blood pressure.
  • The presence of constant intense headaches that are not relieved by antispasmodics.
  • Observation of decreased performance with the appearance of periodic dizziness.
  • Loss of concentration and attention along with memory lapses.
  • A significant decrease in hearing, and, in addition, visual function.
  • Disturbance in the functioning of the motor system.

It should be noted that the manifestation of the disease with the intensity of its symptoms directly depends on the specific area where foci of gliosis have formed in the brain:

  • The supratentorial form can most often be expressed by visual impairment.
  • Gliosis in the white matter of the brain is often a consequence of traumatic brain injury and surgical intervention to this body. This disorder can manifest itself in the form of dizziness, and, in addition, in the form convulsive state brain
  • Frequent, but at the same time severe pain in the head may be a consequence of injury. In addition, such headaches can lead to gliosis of vascular origin, which will provoke constant pressure surges.
  • In the absence of any other diseases that stimulate glial proliferation, the appearance of gliosis can be considered as a primary pathology. Such changes are considered age-related and appear against the background of natural aging.

Danger of developing gliosis

The location of the catalyst that causes pathological disorders primarily affects the consequences of gliosis of the brain substance. Pressure surges along with hypertension, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis and skull injuries can lead to subsequent formation of glia.

The life expectancy of people suffering from such changes primarily depends on the degree of damage to the systems and organs that are most important for life. Favorable prognosis of this disease depends on the timely diagnosis of disorders, and, in addition, on the adequacy of treatment. Next, we will look at what measures are being taken these days to treat brain gliosis.

Diagnosis and consequences of gliosis

Urine and blood tests do not give accurate information for diagnosis, therefore the examination is carried out using magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography(MRI and CT), angiography is also effective. Children are examined using neurosonography.

MRI will help identify the following abnormalities:

  • foci of gliosis, their number, size and location;
  • at what level the brain structures are affected;
  • what condition are the surrounding structures in?

Also, based on this procedure, there is a high probability of determining the cause of the pathology, which will make it possible to successfully overcome the disease in the future.

The lesion on MRI is determined from the ratio of extracellular and intracellular fluid in the existing formation.

There are several criteria that characterize the resulting image and provide information about the nature of the lesion:

  1. The intensity of the image matters - hyperintense and isointense signals are most often observed.
  2. The nature of the image is also assessed - there is a heterogeneous or homogeneous structure.

Gliosis of the brain and its treatment

In the event of suspicious symptoms, it is foolish to hope that the started process will not progress without the necessary treatment, remaining at its previous level. Even the most harmless disorder in a condition that is characteristic of gliosis of vascular origin can give various complications, ranging from complete loss of speech function to paralysis of the limbs, intellectual and mechanical disorders along with dementia.

live with similar symptoms it is possible, but all these manifestations will create discomfort for the patient, being at the same time very dangerous for his life. In the most severe cases, for example, with improper treatment or even in the absence of therapy, death is possible. In this regard, treatment for such a disease should begin immediately after it is detected. On MRI, foci of gliosis in the brain are very clearly visible.

Effective therapeutic methods to combat this pathology have not yet been developed. First of all, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that provoked this pathological algorithm. Such measures will help prevent the subsequent formation of a secondary lesion and stop the development and further aggravation of the disease.

One of the most important criteria within a warning further development disease is diet. First of all, it is necessary to exclude fatty foods, since it is precisely this that can positively influence the progression, and, in addition, the worsening of gliosis of the brain substance. This factor will have the greatest impact if the patient has congenital disorder in fat metabolism. Immediately after the recommendations of a specialist, it is permissible to use nootropic drugs along with vasoactive and metabolic means. But it must be said that the presented therapy is nonspecific. In the event that the factors that provoked the development are not eliminated pathological disorder, therapy will be useless.

How else can foci of gliosis in the white matter of the brain be treated?

Turning to Traditional Medicine

Many people can live for years without knowing about this disease. But it is not recommended to trigger glial brain disorders. The longer patients delay treatment, the more difficult it will be to cope with the consequences of the disease in the future. There are no drugs that would eliminate glial formations, since glial disorders are not classified as an independent disease. In order to improve the patient's well-being, traditional medicine turns to the following three areas of treatment:

  • Carrying out prevention. The adult human body early stage the disease can cope with negative changes on its own. Experts recommend that patients completely quit bad habits by changing their diet. It is also very important to adhere healthy image life.
  • Use of medications. Doctors prescribe necessary treatment the disease that provoked gliosis of the brain. If lesions appear, medications are prescribed that restore and strengthen the walls of the arteries. Drugs are also used that increase brain activity by improving nerve fiber conduction.
  • Carrying out surgical treatment. In the event that the patient exhibits abnormalities in work internal organs along with convulsive and epileptic seizures, then the appointment of neurosurgical intervention is considered appropriate.

Treatment of cerebral gliosis is not limited to this.

Turning to traditional methods of therapy

No matter how many medications are prescribed to the patient, additional maintenance of the body through the use of folk remedies will contribute to improvement general condition.

  • At the initial stage, in the presence of a few lesions, herbs perfectly support the human body, which help stabilize the blood supply system and increase metabolism.
  • If the patient develops obesity, a diet based on a raw food diet is recommended; fasting days With intermittent fasting. This will contribute to the overall cleansing of the body from various substances that interfere with its healthy functioning.
  • Taking tinctures and various decoctions, the action of which is aimed at combating the symptoms of the disease. You can already buy it at the pharmacy ready fees, which are balanced for treatment.

It must be emphasized that treatment with folk methods may only be effective as a supplement to traditional therapy, which should be prescribed by specialists. Long-lasting effect from the use of drugs and treatment with traditional methods will not be achieved until the cause of glial formation is eliminated. Next, we will find out what preventive measures will help people avoid developing this disease.

How long do adults with cerebral gliosis live? This frequently asked question. More on this later.

Carrying out prevention

In order to be able to prevent the progression of glial formation and exclude the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to follow some rules of prevention, here are the main ones:

Presented above preventive measures are useful for all people, they will significantly limit the possibility of developing such an undesirable disease as cerebral gliosis. In addition, they can help slow the progression of an existing disease.

Prognosis of life with cerebral gliosis

It is worth noting that the consequences of an increase in the number of gliosis cells directly depend on the location of the catalyst that provoked this pathology. Forecasting for full life depends on the degree of damage to life important systems and organs. The sooner changes can be identified and quality treatment, the more favorable the prognosis for the patient.

Gliosis is not independent disease. Its essence is in changing the normal morphological properties of the brain substance. Thus, cerebral gliosis is a symptom that occurs in some cases. This process is destructive in nature - that is, it is disrupted normal structure organ.

With gliosis, part of the substance of the brain, which has undergone atrophy under certain circumstances, is replaced by cells of a special connective tissue. This process can be compared to scarring skin lesions- on the spot deep wound a rough scar of connective tissue appears. The same is observed in the brain with gliosis. Only instead of connective tissue, neuroglial cells grow there.

This is a state that initial stages prevents further damage to brain cells, which is a protective mechanism. However, foci of gliosis in the white matter of the brain can increase and this leads to disruption normal functioning CNS, as neuronal atrophy occurs. Both children and adults can suffer from it.

The main reason for the formation of gliotic changes is the death of neurons and their processes. In this case, the compensatory mechanism is activated and the voids that appear in the brain tissue are filled with internal neuroglial cells.

Neuronal death can occur as a result of various processes:

There are many reasons for the occurrence of cerebral gliosis. It can appear at any age. Also, gliosis of the brain can form as a result of the physiological death of neurons - during the aging process of the body.


Since glial changes in the brain can occur in any part of the brain, they distinguish different shapes this pathological process.

  1. Predominance in glial proliferation cellular elements speaks of an anisomorphic type.
  2. If the opposite prevails, glia fibers are formed fibrous type Gliosis.
  3. They speak of the marginal type if pathological changes are found only under the membranes of the brain.
  4. The focal type is observed if the pathological zone occupies a small delimited area of ​​the brain substance and has a capsule;
  5. The opposite diffuse process covers the entire brain - the white matter is cystically altered;
  6. The perivascular type is characterized by pathological changes around the vessels.
  7. Periventricular type - gliosis is located around the ventricles of the brain.

How it manifests itself

In some cases, this process may not manifest itself in any way. This happens quite rarely - when the growth of gliosis foci does not involve functionally active areas.

Another option is the appearance of nonspecific symptoms - these include the following:

  • Constant headaches, accompanied by lability of blood pressure; before an attack of pain, an aura resembling a migraine may occur;
  • Dizziness and increasing fatigue that occur despite proper rest;
  • Weakening of memory and coordination disorders.

This can be observed with single and small foci of gliosis. As the lesions spread and enlarge, more specific symptoms appear:

  • when the lesion is localized in the frontal lobes, speech impairment and mental problems are noted;
  • damage to the parietal lobe leads to the inability to make precise movements;
  • at pathological process speech impairment and vestibular disorders will be observed in the temporal lobes;
  • a lesion in the occipital region manifests itself in various visual disturbances.

Further progression of the disease leads to seizures of epilepsy.

The next separate variant of manifestation is the symptoms of the underlying disease that caused the occurrence of foci of gliosis in the brain. In this case, the symptom itself does not manifest itself - all signs relate to the underlying disease and disappear with its treatment. But if the underlying disease is not treated, areas of gliosis in the brain will increase.

  1. In TBI, focal and cerebral symptoms varying degrees of severity. Their nature will depend on the conditions under which the traumatic brain injury was received and what area it damaged.
  2. When supratentorial foci of gliosis form - in the cerebellum - coordination of movements and gait will suffer.
  3. With gliosis of vascular origin, the symptoms of encephalopathy come to the fore. May also be affected olfactory tract, which will be manifested by an abnormal sense of smell.
  4. The consequences of demyelinating diseases lead to loss of sensory and motor functions.

If the focus of gliosis is a consequence of aging of the body, there will be observed typical signs senile dementia:

  • Memory loss;
  • Changes in emotional sphere- this occurs when the cortex of the right frontal lobe is damaged;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Motor dysfunction.


This condition is most often discovered accidentally - during examination for other neurological diseases.

The main method for detecting gliosis in the brain is neuroimaging.

For this purpose, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used. At the same time, in areas white matter darkening will occur.

Using puncture of the amniotic sac and subsequent examination of the resulting fluid, the presence of congenital gliosis can be assumed.

Necessary treatment

To date effective treatment There is no way to restore neurons. All therapy for gliosis is aimed at slowing down the expansion of these lesions. This is done by treating the underlying disease.

In case of TBI, treatment is carried out in an intensive care unit. Therapy is aimed at preserving the functionality of neurons.

Vascular pathologies are treated medications aimed at restoring normal blood flow.

Infectious lesions require treatment with antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

Even severe gliosis cannot be treated surgically. Any operation is damage, which is the cause of pathology.

Treatment also requires adherence to a special diet. The most important thing that is required of a person is to completely eliminate foods containing fats. It is believed that the progression of pathological glial proliferation accelerates impaired fat metabolism. Therefore, a person has to switch to a low-fat diet and count the number of calories in food.


The pathology is progressive. Even a small lesion can grow to a large size. TO fatal outcome this disease does not lead to, but can disrupt a person’s social adaptation.

For fast transfer nerve impulses from human brain To muscle tissue and back, in the tissues of the central nervous system located huge amount neurons. Their function includes generating and transmitting signals. Support and provide normal work neurons, glial cells located in the brain.

Glia replace areas of brain tissue damaged by injury or other disorders and contribute to the continuation of metabolism in the body.

Brain gliosis is a disease in which the number of glial cells begins to rapidly increase, forming so-called adhesions or scars. Development pathological changes occurs at the site of necrotic phenomena.

What is cerebral gliosis

Most neurologists agree that gliosis changes in the brain are not separate disease, but rather a consequence of other pathological changes.

Glial cells proliferate due to defensive reaction an organism trying to replenish missing neurons. As a result, at the site of necrotic phenomena and damage to the soft tissue of the brain, a kind of “scar” or scar grows.

Causes of gliosis

As already noted, gliosis is not an independent diagnosis, but rather a consequence various violations and abnormalities associated with brain atrophy or necrotic tissue phenomena. Typically, the proliferation of glial cells is observed in the following diseases:
  1. Tuberous and multiple sclerosis.
  2. Inflammatory processes associated with neuroinfection.
  3. Brain hypoxia.
  4. Traumatic brain injuries and concussions.
  5. Birth injuries.
  6. Prolonged hypertension and hypertensive crisis.
  7. Encephalopathy.
  8. Postponed surgeries.

Vascular gliosis of the brain is a pathological abnormality that at the initial stage in most cases is asymptomatic and only during the development of disorders does it manifest itself clinically.

Increasingly, when determining the etiology of the disease, doctors point to the direct impact of two factors:

  • The influence of alcohol - moderate doses of alcohol lead to improved blood circulation and brain metabolism. But overuse drinking causes critical damage to neural connections.
  • The influence of drugs on the development of gliosis - recent studies allow us to conclude that taking narcotic drugs leads to atrophy of brain tissue, necrosis and vascular inflammation.
    Almost all patients who take drugs, even for medical purposes, experience initial degree Gliosis.
Depending on the nature and localization of the process, it is customary to distinguish the following types of glial proliferations:
  • Periventricular gliosis of the brain - growths are localized in the ventricles. Often accompanied by carpal tumors.
  • Single supratentorial foci of cerebral gliosis of vascular origin - arise as a result of birth trauma or natural processes aging. There is no cause for concern and is asymptomatic.
    Numerous supratentorial lesions are a consequence of disruption of normal circulation and indicate the presence of neurological pathological changes.
  • Anisomophoric gliosis - glial fibers grow without restrictions, randomly located in different departments hemispheres.
  • Perivascular disorders - diagnosed due to development, multiple or tuberous sclerosis. Glial cells grow around the affected vessels.
  • Diffuse - accompanied by multiple foci of gliosis in the white matter of the brain. Often, the lesion spreads throughout the entire area of ​​the brain tissue, descending to the spinal region.

Small foci of glial formations are often discovered incidentally using MRI examination or angiography. Signs single outbreaks appear as the scar grows and the accompanying atrophy of soft tissues.

What manifestations are characteristic of gliosis?

Foci of gliosis of vascular origin in the brain lead to disorders brain activity and tissue atrophy. As it develops, the patient begins to experience manifestations characteristic of other diseases of the central nervous system:

A feature of people with cerebral gliosis, especially in late stages disease is the presence neurological symptoms and central nervous system disorders. Signs do not allow identifying the localization of disorders without instrumental diagnostics.

Why is gliosis dangerous for human health?

The consequences of gliosis are primarily associated with the localization of the catalyst that caused the pathological changes. Glial formations are a consequence of encephalitis, pressure surges and hypertension, multiple sclerosis and trauma.

Life expectancy depends on how severely work life has been affected important organs and body systems. A favorable prognosis of the disease depends on early diagnosis of changes and adequately prescribed therapy.

What treatment is needed for gliosis?

On at the moment There is no effective treatment for glial scars. When determining how to treat gliosis, the attending physician will conduct general diagnostics body and prescribe therapy aimed at the source - the catalyst that provokes the disease. Prescribed drugs for treatment are also intended to prevent the appearance of new foci of pathological changes.

Methods for determining brain damage in gliosis

The state of health with gliosis changes is not absolute indication to diagnose the disease. For successful therapy It is extremely important to determine the reasons for the development of deviations. Therefore, when disorders appear in the functioning of the central nervous system, it is necessary to carry out instrumental methods diagnostics:

Gliotic transformation frontal lobes often caused by the aging of the body and occurs in older people, without the presence of “accompanying” pathologies, which are primary factor changes.

Traditional medicine against gliosis

Gliosis is not a separate disease. Therefore, there are no drugs that effectively eliminate glial transformations.

Traditional medicine uses three main areas of therapy that help achieve significant improvements in the patient’s well-being.

  • Prevention of disease - in the early stages of the disease, the body is able to independently cope with negative changes. The patient is advised to change eating habits, lead a healthy and moderate active image life, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Drug therapy is prescribed conservative treatment. Drugs that improve brain activity and conductivity are widely used nerve fibers. Treatment of cerebral gliosis of vascular origin is carried out with the help of agents that strengthen the walls of the arteries and restore their elasticity. For atherosclerosis, therapy is carried out aimed at combating the disease.
  • Surgical methods of treatment - neurosurgical intervention is rarely required. The operation is prescribed if the patient has neurological manifestations: epileptic seizures, convulsions and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.
    Multifocal multiple foci of gliosis in the brain structure are not subject to surgical treatment. The patient is prescribed lifelong conservative therapy. During surgery, tumors are removed, blood vessels are bypassed, or cerebrospinal fluid accumulated due to glial scars is drained.

Folk remedies for gliosis

Few outbreaks on early stage can be removed using traditional methods of therapy. Herbs that improve metabolism and stabilize the blood supply system will help.

It is believed that the fight against obesity helps to improve the patient’s well-being, therefore, traditional treatment therapeutic fasting, fasting days, raw food diet, etc. are often used.

The use of decoctions and tinctures is aimed at overcoming the symptoms of the disease. Diskoreim is usually prescribed, red clover, hemlock and ready-made medicinal mixtures.

Effective therapy for gliosis is aimed at combating the catalyst that caused the changes. Without eliminating the causes of glial formations, long lasting effect from using any of the listed methods there won't be.

Nerve impulses in our body are transmitted through the work of neurons. But in some situations they can be damaged and replaced by glial cells. This process is medically called cerebral gliosis. It is physiological and always accompanies the natural aging of the body. However, in some cases, significant proliferation of glial cells becomes large-scale. As a result, the performance of the brain decreases, which leads to disruption of the body's metabolic processes.

What is gliosis?

Neurologists are confident that gliosis changes are not a disease, but are just the consequences of some pathological changes in the brain. The proliferation of glial cells occurs as the body's defense and response to the death of neurons that need to be replaced. Foci of gliosis appear in the place where damage to brain tissue or other necrotic phenomena occurred and can be observed in any part of the brain (frontal, occipital, etc.). As a result, a kind of scar appears in this place.

When foci of gliosis occur in large quantities, we're talking about about the proliferation of glial cells of a pathological nature. They can appear as a result of certain diseases and develop in white or gray matter brain after the death of neurons.

Causes of gliosis

Brain gliosis can develop in the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • Tuberous sclerosis.
  • Concussion or other traumatic brain injury.
  • Inflammations that could arise as a result of neuroinfections.
  • Hypertension that progresses over time long period time.

  • Birth injuries.
  • Previous brain surgeries.
  • Encephalopathy.

At the initial stage of development of brain gliosis, the patient does not experience any symptoms and only when the foci of gliosis become large enough do clinical manifestations appear.

Understanding the etiology of gliosis, doctors are confident that its occurrence is directly influenced by:

  1. Alcohol. With moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages, blood circulation increases. But when the doses are large, neural connections are disrupted.
  2. Drugs. Their consumption leads to the death of brain tissue and inflammation of blood vessels. Having examined patients who were forced to use narcotic substances By medical indications, the development of gliosis was revealed.

Based on where the focus of gliosis is observed, the following types of growths are distinguished:

  • Periventricular - localized in the region of the ventricles and in most cases cystic-glial changes in the brain are observed.
  • Single supratentorial manifestations occur as a result of natural aging of the body or when birth trauma in a baby. This condition has no symptoms and does not pose a danger to humans.

Periventricular leukoaraiosis – rare disease brain due to disruption of its blood supply. We have collected information on the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

  • Numerous supratentorial - appear due to impaired blood circulation in the brain. Their occurrence indicates neurological pathologies.
  • Perivascular disorders are a consequence of multiple sclerosis. In this case, glial cells entangle damaged vessels.

Find out more about multiple sclerosis you can from the video from Elena Malysheva and the experts of the “Live Healthy!” program:

  • Anisomophoric - appears when glial fibers begin to grow chaotically. Can be detected in different parts of the brain.
  • Diffuse - the appearance of multiple foci in the white matter. Very often, such a lesion is observed in all parts of the brain and can affect the spinal region.
  • The subcortical focus is detected below the cerebral cortex or directly below it.
  • Residual - occurs at the site where there was inflammation or other damage to brain tissue.

Small and isolated foci of gliosis are detected as a result of magnetic resonance imaging or angiography. Signs of isolated manifestations can only appear with the growth of scars and damage to the soft tissue of the brain.

Signs of gliosis

Gliosis focus vascular nature, regardless of the place of origin (frontal, occipital or other lobes of the brain), contributes to disturbances in brain activity and the death of brain tissue. The larger the lesions become, the brighter the manifestations of this condition, which are very similar to the signs of other diseases of the nervous system:

  1. Intense headaches that can occur at any time. They are often associated with mental activity or trying to concentrate. Such conditions most often occur after trauma in temporal region, which is responsible for the associative perception of the surrounding world.
  1. Changes in blood pressure. This is how gliosis manifests itself, associated with disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels. When the brain vessels become pinched or their tissue atrophies, the patient’s well-being deteriorates significantly.

  1. Dizziness. This condition can occur as a result of injury or surgery.
  2. Cramps may occur after surgery.


The consequences of an increase in the number of gliosis cells depend on the localization of the catalyst that provoked the pathology. The prognosis for a full life will depend on the degree of damage to vital organs.

The earlier the change was identified and quality therapy was provided, the more favorable the prognosis for the person.


The proliferation of glial tissue does not have any special symptoms. Therefore, if the patient experiences any manifestations of dysfunction of the nervous system, the doctor prescribes a detailed examination, which can reveal the formation of gliosis. These diagnostic methods include:

  • Computerized (CT) or magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging. These methods allow not only to identify changes in the brain, but also to determine the cause of their occurrence. Tomography using contrast agent allows you to detect abnormalities associated with vascular dysfunction, the presence of brain tumors and other abnormalities. MRI makes it possible to detect changes in the white matter of the frontal lobes that cannot be seen using any other diagnostic methods.
  • An electroencephalogram can detect disturbances in brain activity. Lesions formed in the white matter often contribute to the appearance of epilepsy attacks. Therefore, the EEG of the brain detects an increase in seizure activity, which makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of seizures.

Find out how an EEG works from a doctor functional diagnostics Krupnova Yulia Alekseevna:

Gliotic transformations of the frontal lobes often provoke natural aging of the body, so it is usually diagnosed in elderly patients. This condition is normal.


Since cerebral gliosis is not considered an independent disease, there are no medications or folk remedies for its treatment.

Treatment with traditional remedies

To improve the patient’s condition, 3 areas have been developed in medicine that help improve the human condition:

  1. Prevention. At the initial stage of change, when there are single foci, regardless of their location (frontal, occipital or other lobes of the brain), the body is able to get rid of negative changes without any consequences. To do this, you need to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, which includes avoiding bad habits, playing sports, etc.

  1. Drug (conservative) treatment. For this purpose they are appointed medicines, the action of which is aimed at normalizing brain activity and transmitting nerve impulses. If a patient has vascular problems, he is prescribed medications that restore and strengthen the walls of the arteries.
  1. Surgical intervention. It is used extremely rarely. An operation can be prescribed only in the case of neurological manifestations: convulsions, epileptic seizures, etc. The operation is possible only in the case of single lesions. Multiple lesions are not subject to surgical treatment. The operation allows you to remove cystic-glial changes, tumors, perform shunting or remove accumulated fluid.

Folk remedies

Single gliotic changes in the initial stages can be treated using traditional methods. For this, various herbs are used that improve blood circulation and improve metabolic processes in the body.

There is evidence that when people who are obese lose weight, their well-being improves significantly. Therefore, for those who have overweight, recommend special diets, fasting days and other methods of losing weight.

Excess weight is not only a problem for the brain. but also for the whole organism as a whole

Infusions and decoctions medicinal herbs help cope with a range of symptoms that a patient may experience when neurons are replaced by glial cells. For this, hemlock, discorea, and clover are used.

In order to permanently get rid of the manifestations of gliosis, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the catalyst that led to the changes. If this is not done, the effect of treatment will be short-term.

So, to begin with, let me remind you that I was prompted to do an MRI of the brain by bad symptoms that did not stop for three months. I'll try to describe the symptoms:

Systemic, almost continuous mild dizziness, almost imperceptible, but very unpleasant.
The constant “fogginess” of the perception of the environment, the “downedness” and lethargy in the head - I can’t describe it better.
Sometimes it skidded when turning, could “not fit” into a door frame, hit the corner of a table, etc. Not often, but, as they say, I paid attention.
My ability to work has deteriorated quite noticeably - let me remind you that my main tool is a computer. It has become difficult to work, is not the right word...
Chronic fatigue - by the end of the day you can’t do anything at all, just drive away bad thoughts about your worthless health.
Problems with sleep – I began to wake up periodically early and could no longer fall asleep. In my case, early is 5 am, I usually slept until 6.30 – 7 am. I go to bed quite early, at 23:00, and someone will say that this is quite enough, but I know how much I need... I have become very sensitive to “lack of sleep”. By the way, chronic early awakening is one of the main complaints to this day, but it has only gotten worse. But that will be a separate story...
Periodic, but not frequent or severe headaches. Quite long-lasting (2-5 hours), mainly in the hemispheres and frontal region, there were no occipital pains.
With this “set” I decided to go for an MRI of the brain. Why go straight to an MRI without any referrals from a neurologist? Most likely, the fact that just shortly before I developed these symptoms played a role was my ex-wife died of cancer. The story is a little different and quite long, I won’t tell it all, I’ll just say what concerns the topic of MRI. So, as far as I know, her complaints were very similar to mine: no “wild” headaches, dizziness, unsteady gait, etc. As a result, based on the results of an MRI of the brain, she was diagnosed with a tumor (or metastasis to the brain, I can’t say for sure). So I decided that before seeing a neurologist, I had to “dot the I’s,” which is what I did. It was scary - beyond words!

Now the results. The MRI conclusion (2007) states: MRI picture of a single lesion in the white matter of the brain - probably of vascular origin. Signs of moderate external hydrocephalus. For big picture I'll give you a scan full text research results:

The doctor who wrote the conclusion did not find anything “military” in the study, did not see any tumors or neoplasms. Regarding “Single lesion in white matter” round eyes didn’t do it, said that most likely the result hypertensive crisis or even congenital, it cannot pose any particular threat and can hardly serve as the cause of my dizziness.

Later, while looking at the MRI results saved on DVD at home, I found this “black hole” in my head:

At the appointment with the neurologist, it was generally not possible to clarify the picture. I did not receive any specific comments about the single lesion, or about hydrocephalus, or even about the “black hole”. Everything is in general terms, like “nothing fatal.” General recommendations etc. etc. Moreover, I visited two neurologists. They prescribed Cerebrolysin, vitamins and sedatives. They told me to periodically monitor him and do an MRI about once every two years to monitor his dynamics. They seem to have calmed down, but on the other hand, there are no concrete measures. Doctors, of course, know better, but it’s alarming.

There were no changes, much less improvements in my condition. I took the prescribed courses - in vain. Over the years, I performed 4 more MRI studies of the brain. The picture remained almost unchanged. Here are excerpts from the MRI report (2012):

The wording “single” was somewhat annoying, i.e. in plural. The next visit to the neurologist calmed me down a little - I saw practically no reaction to the wording of the conclusion.

Here latest study, I present his results in full, because I noticed (in my opinion) very bad dynamics. MRI GM 2013:

I highlighted with a yellow marker the point that made me worry. On the first MRIs, single lesions were 0.3 cm, but here the figure was 0.4 cm. Of course, I understand that I am getting older, my health is not getting better, but still the picture was depressing. Another appointment with a neurologist - again nothing. The doctor explained the increase in lesions “most likely due to an error or different resolution capabilities of the devices.” Well, what to do is to believe... Moreover, it is more profitable than thinking about the bad.

Plus, a lipoma of the interhemispheric fissure appeared. Just some kind of kick-ass...

The last visit to the neurologist ended with another course of Cerebrolysin (now intravenously) and Mexidol intramuscularly. Plus 20 days of taking Tagista. Plus, the conversation again turned to antidepressants. But more on that later...

On my last visit, I asked the doctor a question about multiple sclerosis. The neurologist categorically denied the diagnosis of MS, but I will still tell you why I once again had an MRI and why I again saw a neurologist.

I think that many VSD students have gone through similar torments and doubts, so in next post Let's talk a little about the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Comments (from archive):

Yuri 10/16/2014
All the research you have done should not cause any particular concern. All the experts who looked at you are absolutely right about this. And “foci of gliosis” in themselves are not an independent diagnosis, but are always causally related to some disease or some dysfunction of the body. In your case, vascular origin is assumed. I recommend an ultrasound examination (Doppler, triplex) of the central nervous system of the brain. Perhaps you have HNMK.

Yana 11/29/2014
I had an MRI and they wrote me exactly the same conclusion, I have instability in my gait, and other things, but the neurologist prescribed meds, but I didn’t even look at the disc, I don’t know what to do.

Sasha 03/17/2015
Good afternoon! Tell me, what does my MRI report mean? a single focus of gliosis in the right frontal lobe, most likely of vascular origin. Liquorodynamic disturbances in the form of expansion of the convexital subarachnoid spaces of the frontoparietal regions. normotypical variant of the structure of the arteries of the circle of Willis without signs of decreased blood flow in the peripheral branches cerebral arteries. moderate asymmetry of blood flow vertebral arteries D>S. Thank you!

Irina 04/17/2015
Damn, eprst, you are a man. Pull yourself together and don’t listen to your pseudo-sores like that. I’m not yet 30, but I already have a lot of real illnesses, but I’m not discouraged. They say correctly, women are tougher than men!

Mikhail 04/21/2015
This is the problem and isolated areas of gliosis of 0.3 cm were also found.
MS is still denied. Write to me, if you wish, we can discuss what to do next and what diagnostics to undergo, because I also don’t know exactly what to do.

Elena 05/04/2015
My MRI showed a single lesion with a hyperintense signal in T2 measuring 4 mm. And they also said, it’s okay... My vision disappears more and more after each attack of headache. It’s getting more and more difficult to walk and they can’t find the reason. At the MS center they said, just in case, to re-do an MRI in half a year and that’s it..

Tatyana 07/11/2015
in the white matter of the frontal and parietal lobes, subcortically, a few vasogenic foci measuring 0.5 cm are detected.
what does it mean?

[email protected] 21.07.2015
Female, 73 years old, complaints: headaches, confusion. Conclusion: MRI picture of multiple supratentorial foci of gliosis (vascular origin); moderate internal (triventricular) hydrocephalus. Single post-ischemic lacunar cysts of the area basal ganglia left. Diffuse cortical atrophy. What is the reality? How serious is it? What are the treatment options?

Evgeniya 07/24/2015
Citizens, comrades, ah!!! Please respond. Has anyone found a cure for this infection?

Sergey 07/30/2015
Hello, I have multiple foci of gliosis up to 0.9 cm, is this very bad??

Konstantin 09/06/2015
I have the same problem, is there a group for this diagnosis?

NATALIA 09.09.2015

Doc (Author) 09.09.2015
Signs of a brain are already good :) This is a joke, as I hope you understand.
You didn't rewrite the conclusion word for word - that's it. But that doesn't matter.
The second thing is important - there is no professional consultant doctor here, much less several narrow specialists. What you will be answered here can be regarded as nothing more than an assumption, which in most cases may be wrong.
You should contact a specialized forum, for example, the corresponding section of Rusmedserver. But, my experience suggests that they are unlikely to pay attention to your conclusion, because in the opinion of the neurologist there is nothing “worthy of attention” in this conclusion.
My advice to you is to see a full-time neurologist, it will be more helpful.

Well, if you are so urgent and the wording “vasogenic foci of GM” (that sounds correct) frightens you, then these are nothing more than “foci of vascular origin”, which, after all, were mentioned in this post and in the comments and are found they are not that rare. Again, in my opinion personal experience, neurologists practically do not pay attention to their presence, especially if they are “few”



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