What to do if you slept all night. How to be alert all day if you haven't slept all night

A person spends approximately a third of his life sleeping. Some people think this is too much: time goes by, and in those hours that pass in hibernation, you can do much more than you can now.

However, if you reduce the duration of sleep, fatigue will gradually accumulate, and as soon as the weekend comes, the desire to sleep off will arise. What happens if you give up sleep altogether?

If you deprive a person of sleep

Almost all of us from time to time experience a sleepless night, after which we have to go to work or study. The second day of wakefulness is usually remembered by a painful feeling of fatigue, decreased alertness and performance.

Some people develop irritability, intolerance to other people's mistakes, or, conversely, inappropriate, slightly hysterical gaiety. And this is if you miss just one night of sleep! What if you don’t go to bed further? Doctors, having conducted experiments on volunteers, can accurately answer this question.

Two or three nights without sleep lead to impaired coordination of movements, deterioration of vision, and problems with the logic of speech. In some cases there is nervous tic and even nausea.

If you go four or five nights in a row without sleep, fatigue leads to extreme irritability. A person can attack his interlocutor with fists at the slightest provocation: because of a bad joke or even a misinterpreted smile. In addition, many people in this state experience hallucinations, like after a strong drug.

A week spent without sleep is characterized by trembling in the arms and legs, even in absolutely healthy person. In addition, memory begins to fail, gaps appear in it: a person cannot remember what he did a few hours ago. Due to difficulties concentrating, speech slows down greatly.

Ten to eleven days without sleep are fraught with fragmentation of thinking, falling into a state of complete indifference to everything around you.

If at this time you do not provide a person medical care, lack of sleep can be fatal.

The harm that insomnia causes to the body

Of course, lack or chronic lack of sleep is a powerful blow to the nervous system. However, only this negative impact not limited.

People who are chronically sleep deprived experience poorer performance over time. cardiovascular system, hypertension appears, there is a risk of stroke, and the heart wears out more than usual. The psyche also suffers, up to the appearance of suicidal tendencies.

Moreover, the connection between lack of sleep and the occurrence of diabetes mellitus and obesity: people who long time sleep less than theirs physiological norm, are more often susceptible to these diseases.

Lack of sleep also affects your appearance: the skin becomes sluggish, dry and takes on an unhealthy tint, the eyes become watery and red, the hair becomes dull, and with prolonged insomnia it even begins to fall out profusely. No wonder they say that best friend beauty is healthy, long sleep.

Detailed biochemical research showed that with prolonged insomnia, the body in large quantities produces the stress hormone cortisol, under the influence of which the renewal of brain cells slows down.

Even a short absence normal sleep its effect is similar to the effect of alcohol on the brain: 17-19 hours without sleep is equivalent to the presence of 0.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood, and 21 hours – to 0.8 ppm of alcohol. This is why being behind the wheel for a long time without sleep can be deadly for the driver and for those who are in the car with him.

If you didn't get a good night's sleep

Sometimes you can’t get a good night’s sleep - urgent work, interesting book or malaise makes it impossible to sleep normally. The next morning you feel tired, weak and have a general deterioration in your body’s condition.

In this case, if possible, it is advisable to spend at least half an hour daytime sleep: even such a short rest will give you vigor, improve your mood and performance.

April 8, 2015

The decision to stay up all night may be caused by various factors. Perhaps you have been invited to a party that will last until dawn, or maybe you need to study very hard for an exam. In order for a sleepless night to be as comfortable as possible for you, you need to be well prepared and follow a few simple recommendations. They will help you understand how to stay up all night.

Get some sleep beforehand

The first thing you need to do is get a good night's sleep the day before the upcoming experiment. This is very important, because otherwise you may simply switch off. I've had many sleepless nights in my life, so I know what I'm talking about. I even decided to write this post at night in order to better immerse myself in the atmosphere.

Moreover, if you don't get enough sleep the night before, it can affect your health to some extent. Imagine the stress your body experiences after two days spent without sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to preparation. It’s best to even “get laid” a little the day before. Let it be 9-10 hours or even more - the main thing is that you get enough sleep.

It is best to fall asleep a little later than usual, this will allow the body to adapt at least a little to stressful conditions. I recommend that you read my post about that. It will help you if insomnia decides to disturb your peace at this very moment. There are also very useful recommendations for every person.

Eat right

Because in this article we're talking about on how to stay awake all night and stay alert, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze this issue. One of important aspects is proper nutrition. For your sleepless night to be truly successful, you need to provide your body with everything necessary elements For proper operation. Otherwise you will feel additional fatigue and this is another one negative factor, which you need to get rid of.

It's best to focus on following techniques food:

  • Breakfast. You need to eat complex carbohydrates. Oatmeal or pasta made from durum wheat is ideal. It is enough to eat 100-200 grams to provide yourself with sufficient energy for the rest of the day.
  • Dinner. At this meal you need to eat something really filling and rich in nutrients. Ideal option in this case, a set lunch consisting of some soup, buckwheat porridge and a piece of meat. At the end you can drink compote.
  • Dinner. It needs to be done as late as possible. Roughly speaking, it should be the last meal before fighting insomnia. It's best to eat something light but nutritious. It could be a mixture of fruits and cottage cheese. It is better to take low-fat cottage cheese so as not to disturb the stomach again.

This should also include recommendations regarding the consumption of caffeine and foods with a lot of sugar. If you really want to understand how not to want to sleep, limit these particular components, and you yourself can feel the effect.

You should also prepare food that you will eat at night. This is very important, because in its usual state the body does not receive nutrients at night and can easily ask for food during your experiment. Cooking at night is rarely appropriate, so it's best to prepare in advance.

The list of night products includes:

  1. Some lean meat. Best option in this case it is fried chicken breast fillet;
  2. Fruits and vegetables;
  3. Nuts;
  4. If you feel like you don’t have enough food, you can boil some cereal (for example, rice).

The preparations are over, and you have come to the main process. Let’s say you don’t feel like sleeping for the first few hours, but then fatigue begins to creep in and your eyelids begin to gradually droop. What to do in this situation? Understand how you can not sleep.

Do some stretching exercises. They perfectly stimulate blood flow, and painful sensations will not allow the body to relax. You can use either exercises you know or special complexes. I recommend paying special attention to yoga, as universal method. You can simply open some video tutorial for beginners and repeat everything after the instructor.

You can also do a short warm-up. Remember what you did in physical education lessons: various rotations, strength exercises and static loads. Again, the Internet contains simply huge amount various complexes, each of which will help you.

Massage can help you cope with sleep. You don't have to call anyone for help. It is enough to massage your muscles on your body, face and limbs yourself. Of course, you are unlikely to reach the back, but there is special devices, which make this process easier. To understand how long to stay awake, I recommend watching gymnastics videos.

If you suddenly want to sleep, you can simply pinch yourself or bite yourself. Sharp pain will relieve short-term fatigue and get in order. You can also simply touch a hot iron or a boiling kettle. Cold water is another excellent remedy which helps you not want to sleep.

Chewing gum also helps fight sleep. The fact is that when our mouth works, the body thinks that food will now enter the stomach, so it starts necessary processes. And when they work, a person does not want to sleep, because the body needs to perform other functions. This is why it can be difficult to fall asleep after you have had a big dinner.

Another common problem is eye fatigue. Especially if you need a sleepless night to complete any tasks carried out on the computer. Chinese helps relieve fatigue acupressure(easy to Google), a small mask for 5 minutes made from tea bags, as well as a special warm-up for the eyes. Use any of the suggested methods.

The easiest way to stay awake until the morning is to turn on music. Let it be energetic, but at the same time not distract you from your main activity (if there is one). Moreover, you can listen to it both on headphones and through speakers. However, remember not to disturb someone else's sleep. Therefore, it is better to be less selfish.

How to not want to sleep at night

To stay awake at night, you need to constantly stimulate your mind and switch from one task to another. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to fully engage your brain, and it will come to the conclusion that it’s time to switch off. So, the main practices include:

  • Focus as much attention on one task as possible, but don't spend too much time on it. For example, you can use the Pomodoro technique. The idea is that you need to concentrate on a task for 25 minutes and then rest for 5 minutes. Try using this mode and you will soon notice that you don’t feel like sleeping at all.
  • Keep yourself busy with something useful. Knowing that you are doing something really important will help you cope with sleep. However, this requires that the cause really motivates you. I recommend setting yourself a challenging goal and challenging yourself. I wrote more in an article about that.
  • Talk. How long to stay awake at night? Have a lively conversation. Believe me, for a man no better incentive for lack of sleep than another person. Perhaps it will be some kind of heated argument, or maybe you will just get caught up in the memories - it doesn’t matter.
  • Be curious. Set yourself the task of finding the most detailed answer to one or more questions, and then go to the World Wide Web in search of information. It is advisable that the question be important - this will only add advantages to the motivation bank.

Let's talk in more detail about another component - switching. Let's say for you main goal in a sleepless marathon - write a certain number of articles. However, if you only do writing, then very soon you will get bored with this activity and want to sleep even more. How to get out of such a situation? That's right, you need to dilute the work with something more interesting.

If you don’t want to change your activity, for example, if it’s difficult to finish a project, then just change the environment. Let's say you did the job in your personal room - move to the kitchen and finish what you want. This can be applied to any other type of activity. If it is not possible to change the environment, then simply move to another part of the room. Let's say if you wrote while sitting on the couch, sit at the table and vice versa. This will help you learn how to stay awake the whole night.

Since we are talking about the situation, we should dwell on it in more detail. How bad do you think you want to sleep on the street? That's right, very weak. Therefore, if you feel that sleep is starting to overcome you, just get outside. 10-15 minutes is enough to put your brain in order for another couple of hours. This will be easiest for smokers.

Foods that help you stay awake

I’m unlikely to open America to you if I say that coffee allows you to stay alert longer. This drink blocks certain regulators in our brain that are responsible for fatigue. Be careful because frequent use coffee will make you addicted to this drink. Therefore, I recommend starting with strong black tea. Moreover, it works more effectively.

Energy drinks may also help. They can be purchased at the nearest store, where you can go during your next walk given in the advice above. By the way, they are the ones recommended by Western authors who write about how you can stay awake at night. I don’t recommend spending money on expensive drinks, since they have virtually no difference in their composition.

In addition, they can help you regular products nutrition. And you need to eat at night, as mentioned above, otherwise fatigue will quickly take its toll. An egg is best in this regard, as it cooks quickly and contains large number useful substances. You can boil it or fry it in a pan.

You can also make a fruit salad. Just take all the fruits you prepared in advance, chop them into a bowl, pour over the yogurt and eat. It will turn out very, very tasty, nutritious and healthy. Don't forget about nuts - they are very important component nutrition.

If you really want to eat, you can prepare a full meal. Take a few pieces of meat, fry them, and then prepare some side dish. Of course, this will require much more from you temporary investments, but you need to learn how to stay up all night and stay alert.

One of the most important tips is that you need to drink a lot of water. This will allow you to stay alert for a very long time. Moreover, if your body does not receive enough moisture, it will begin to get tired of dehydration faster. It is best to add ice to the water so that the cold will invigorate you. And, of course, we must not forget about constant trips to the toilet, which also add a few points to the lack of sleep.

This concludes the article about how to stay up all night. To be honest, I’m already thinking about going to a soft bed, but I’ll try to hold on. On my own behalf, I can add that it is better to prepare in advance some interesting, exciting film that will allow you to stay alert for a long time.

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After a fun party, a night of intensive preparation for exams, overtime A working day is coming, which you need to get through safely. It’s hard to get involved in the work process and stay alert the next day. The body requires rest, reactions slow down slightly, attentiveness and productivity decrease. Appears around lunchtime strong desire sleep. There are several tricks on how to recover from a sleepless night and last until the evening.

The best option is to sleep for an hour and a half in the morning. A short nap relieves stress, increases the ability to absorb information, and improves physical condition. The body receives a small supply of energy, which helps to last through the day. Don't think about how to wake up after morning sleep if you haven't slept all night. In 90 minutes, sleep will go through all stages, enter fast phase. At this moment it is easy to wake up. After waking up, you don’t feel drowsy or tired. When time is short, try to fall asleep for 20 minutes. Drink coffee to help you get up easier. Caffeine will take effect within 20 minutes and provide easy awakening. As much as you might want to stay in bed and take a nap for a few minutes, get up right away. A minute can turn into a longer time. The brain will enter a phase deep sleep and it will be very difficult to wake up.

Invigorating smells that activate the brain help. Inhale the aroma of citrus, pine, eucalyptus after sleep, nutmeg, juniper. If rush jobs at work, late parties, and studying at night are the norm for you, buy a bottle of aromatic oil and apply a few drops on a handkerchief. You can use it at work when you feel sleepy. This way, even if you haven't slept all night, you can be more or less all cheerful day.

The next stage of preparing the body for the working day after a sleepless night is a small morning exercises. It will help you finally wake up, improve your well-being, and activate the activity of all body systems.

Contrasting water treatments will be of great benefit. Such a small stress for the body promotes the release of adrenaline. A small release of the hormone stimulates the nervous system and provides the brain with additional blood. A contrast shower washes away the remnants of lethargy, the person feels collected, ready for study or work.

If a woman hasn't slept all night, she will try to disguise sleepy look. Bright light is considered the enemy of sleep. During gymnastics and beauty treatments, turn on the upper bright lighting, which will reduce drowsiness and give a signal to the brain that it’s time to wake up.

What to eat for breakfast

Don't neglect breakfast, especially after a sleepless night. Treat yourself to healthy foods that give you energy. A good option is oatmeal with berries or fruits. You can eat cottage cheese, eggs, hard cheese. If you don't have time, eat nuts. When it's hard to wake up and get up in the morning, drink coffee instead green tea. It gives a good tonic effect. There is just one trick: brew the tea leaves for no more than two minutes. After prolonged brewing, the drink acquires calming properties.

After a hard night, the morning will be cheerful if you eat a piece of dark chocolate. It promotes the production of endorphins, which will lift your mood and make your brain work. Good coffee will help you cheer up, but several cups of an invigorating drink drunk in a row will overstimulate the nervous system.

How to stay awake during the day

Don’t despair if you haven’t managed to follow the previous recommendations. A short nap in transport will help you recover and significantly improve your condition. Nuts will replace breakfast, and a run to your place of work will invigorate you.

A night without sleep reduces the perception of information. Put off difficult tasks until 10 am. The body adapts to this time. But by 13-14 o'clock drowsiness will again begin to overcome you at the workplace. People who are constantly sleep deprived know how to cheer up after a sleepless night. Try to find 20 minutes to sleep during lunch. To wake up easier, you need to repeat the trick with coffee. The first minutes after waking up will be difficult, but later the body will thank you for the short rest by increasing its performance. There will be enough energy until the end of the working day. But what to do if you can’t sleep and need to focus on work?

A few tips will help you get through the day after a sleepless night:

  • Do some exercise.
    Run up a few steps sports exercises will increase the volume of blood flowing to the brain. You will immediately feel invigorated.
  • Refresh yourself.
    Wash your face, or open the window, go outside, lower the air conditioner temperature.
  • Take a break from food.
    Eat an apple or light sandwich, a piece of chocolate. Heavy food will make you drowsy. To sleep well at night, you will have to give up caffeine-containing drinks after lunch.
  • Maintain an upright posture.
    Correct posture while sitting allows you to maintain alertness.
  • Take a pleasant break.
    Laughter and positive emotions stimulate brain activity.

The next peak of sleepiness occurs at 18-19 hours. Resist the urge to take a nap and go to bed at your usual time. A short nap in the evening will disrupt your routine. The day will end with you being awake, you will not get enough sleep again. The morning will begin with a difficult awakening, and in the afternoon you will want to sleep again.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don’t know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016.

Sleep is necessary for normal operation human body. There are situations when, after a sleepless night, you need to be “in shape” throughout next day. It's very difficult to stay awake if you didn't sleep all night the night before. How to do this, what to do?

How to stay awake if you want to sleep?

Each organism lives according to its own biological rhythm. When the time comes for rest and sleep, unbearable fatigue and heaviness descend on the entire body. At this point, it seems that there is no way to cope with drowsiness.

It turns out that such a state sharp decline strength lasts for an average of 20 minutes in a person, and then a surge of energy occurs.

How to survive this third of an hour - you won’t be able to just sit. You need to do something, deceive the body, i.e. do something that is not usually done during this period.

For example, perform several exercises, the simplest ones. Over millions of years of existence of the human body, it has been transmitted at the genetic level that activity at the “wrong” time is a danger. All forces are mobilized, and drowsiness instantly disappears. There is a myth that coffee invigorates you for a long time and prevents you from falling asleep.

This is not so, or rather, it’s the other way around. A cup of coffee will help in the first 15-20 minutes, the caffeine is quickly absorbed and blood pressure rises. Then, after 40-50 minutes, you will feel even more sleepy. This happens because coffee contains substances that can lower blood pressure. Will take you to sleep new strength. Although everyone is different, a cup of coffee affects each person differently.

How to stay awake for a day (24 hours), two are the best ways

Instead of coffee, green tea is the most suitable invigorating drink. Both drinks contain caffeine same amount, but tea also contains theanine. In combination with caffeine, it gives an invigorating effect.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are borrowed from yogis. You need to take a breath and exhale sharply. Perform the exercise 10 times. These actions warm up and affect the gland, which affects circadian rhythms, responsible for “sleep-wakefulness”.

Turn on bright lights

You can deceive the body by turning on the light not only in the room where you are, but throughout the entire room. In this case, the brain will be deceived, because it is more difficult to fall asleep during the day. This remedy will also help you feel more energetic after a sleepless night or on a cloudy day.

Cold in the room

If you haven't slept all night, how to help your body stay awake the next day - here's another recipe. stuffy, warm room causes a feeling of drowsiness, therefore, in order to feel a surge of energy, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Freeze your body, the coolness will drive away sleep, make you do more movements - all this interferes with the sleepy state. In such a situation, the brain is activated and there is a surge of energy.

Take a cool shower

Will help you cheer up contrast shower. This remedy is not recommended for use if alcohol was consumed at night, since the blood vessels in this state are dilated and should not be strained. In this case, it is better to take a warm bath.

You can recharge your energy for 3-4 hours by making a coffee scrub in the shower. The procedure to rinse will help you get rid of the sleepy state. cold water wrists or just wash your face vigorously.

Don't overeat at night. Give up sweets in favor of a light dinner

Here the advice may vary, depending on the specific organism. For some it's better before sleepless night there is nothing. In any case, dinner should be light. It is not recommended to eat sweets.

High-calorie and fatty foods are undesirable. The body spends a lot of energy digesting food, and this causes a feeling of drowsiness. The feeling of hunger, on the contrary, invigorates.

Drink coffee and energy drinks, but in small portions

It is believed that drinking a cup will help you cheer up. But, as mentioned above, the effect will be temporary. There is a proven “sleep + coffee” system. After drinking a cup of drink, you should try to immediately fall asleep for a quarter of an hour. During this microsleep, the body recharges with energy.

The most important thing in this system is not to sleep longer, since after 90 minutes another stage of deep sleep will begin.

By interrupting it, a person will feel even more defeated. This is a controversial method, since not everyone will be able to fall asleep during this period. Experts who study human sleep at a professional level are also skeptical about such an anti-drowsiness remedy. Perhaps this will help someone - everything is individual.

How can you stay awake if you haven't slept all night? try energy drinks.

In this case, you need to be careful. Be sure to read the composition of the energy drink. The source of energy is caffeine, which is as much in a can as in the same volume of coffee (80-100 mg). The second component of energy is glucose and sucrose. But further, the composition may contain additional ingredients that need to be taken into account.

Let's look at some:

  • Taurine– the norm for a person is 400 mg per day (there can be up to 1000 mg in a jar), its harmlessness has not been proven;
  • L-carnitine and glucuronolactone- these substances in human body contained in required quantity and help with stress. In energy drinks, the dose of these substances is tens and sometimes hundreds of times higher than the norm and the consequences of such an amount have not yet been studied;
  • Ginseng extract in large quantities can cause unwanted changes blood pressure, there is a feeling of anxiety

If you have opted for an energy drink, then look at the composition and remember that you should not abuse it. And if you decide to cheer yourself up with taurine, look at what foods it is contained in to supply your body with exactly that.

Strong tea

Tea also contains caffeine, in combination with thiamine, it has a milder and longer effect. There is more of it in green than in black. Experts do not recommend drinking tea before bed, as the pulse quickens, blood flows faster through the vessels and it is not easy for the body to fall asleep in this state.

Better to chew gum

To drive away sleep, you can chew chewing gum, for example, with menthol. In this case, it is not what you chew that is important, but the process itself. The brain prepares to digest food and the pancreas secretes insulin, the whole body is awake.

Walking and exercise

A good help to relieve drowsiness is any simple exercise for vigor and energy. Follow the simplest ones: head turns, squats, jumping in place, etc. This will speed up the blood, improve the flow of oxygen, and the body receives additional energy.

This simple complex will help quickly invigorate the body and mind.

Switch from your main activity to a more interesting one

If you need to work during the day, how can you stay awake if you haven’t slept all night. In an efficient way is a periodic switch from the main type of work to doing something more interesting. It could be a hobby that will drive away sleep.

For women who work from home, cleaning is a great way to cheer up. Each person chooses for himself what type of activity is suitable for raising energy.

Listen to loud and energetic music

To stay awake, you can turn on music. It should not be loud and annoying. It is better that the music is unknown and the words are difficult to understand.

Then the brain is forced to turn on and start working, because music affects certain areas of the brain.

Create a nuisance

When working after a sleepless night, create inconvenience for yourself. In a relaxed position, sitting comfortably, you can quickly fall asleep. It is better to sit on a hard chair, because if you experience discomfort, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep.


Massaging certain points will help get rid of the sleepy state. Massage: crown, back neck, earlobe, the point between the index and thumb, as well as the area under the knee. Massage treatments relieve tension and improve blood circulation.


If you haven’t slept all night, and you need to be on your toes during the day, then there are many ways to stay awake. One of them is a strong smell. It can be pleasant or, on the contrary, disgusting.

For peace of mind nervous system In aromatherapy, rosemary, eucalyptus, and mint oils are used. You can just smell the coffee beans.

Find a great experience: watching a comedy or horror

One way to relieve drowsiness is to watch a comedy or some video with a funny plot, or a scary movie. It is advisable to watch while sitting and not lying in bed. Perhaps this will give energy to the body and for some time it will be easier to bear the consequences of a sleepless night.


This doesn't mean you should tickle your armpits. You need to do this with the tip of your tongue, upper sky. Strange as it may seem - this effective way get rid of drowsiness.

Find company to stay awake

If you have to stay awake in company, then remove sleepy state it will be much easier. You can chat and remember funny stories, or discuss some kind of joint event. Or you can just argue about something.

Internet disputes on social networks or forums

Alone will help relieve drowsiness social media. You can enter into a debate by finding a suitable topic, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

How to stay up all night and be refreshed in the morning for work

How to try not to sleep in the morning if you haven't slept all night? It is necessary to prepare for the working day in the morning. If time allows, you can sleep for an hour and a half. This will help the body relieve tension and improve physical condition. You need to get up immediately and not let your body relax.

The aromas of juniper, citrus, and coffee help you quickly perk up.

Maybe a few drops aromatic oil Apply on a scarf and use throughout the day if you suddenly begin to feel drowsy.

The next thing to do is charge. It will help activate all body systems, invigorate and improve physical condition. A contrast shower will help add energy.

Such a small stress will help the release of adrenaline, the brain will receive an additional rush of blood, and the whole body will be filled with energy. Water procedures will finally wash away the lethargy and sleepy state, and the bright light will tell the body that the night is over.

How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks

A night spent without sleep should end with breakfast. It is desirable that food energizes the body. For example, oatmeal with the addition of berries or fruits. You can include cottage cheese, hard cheese, and eggs in your breakfast. If you don’t have time to have breakfast, then snack on any nuts. Green tea has a good tonic effect.

When brewing, you must remember not to hold the tea for more than 2 minutes, as then the tea can have the opposite calming effect. Dark chocolate and well-brewed coffee will invigorate, relieve tension, and improve your mood. You should not overuse coffee; large amounts can negatively affect the nervous system.

IN public transport short nap will help restore strength; jogging to your workplace will finally wake up the body. A night without rest reduces attentiveness and perception of information.

By 10 o'clock in the morning the body has fully adapted and you can get back to work. By 13-14 o'clock drowsiness begins to creep into the body again. You can sleep for 20 minutes during lunch and drink coffee.

If you can’t sleep at work, the following tips will help:

  • Do a few simple exercises;
  • Run up the stairs several times;
  • Wash, ventilate the room, if possible, do lower the temperature in the room;
  • You can eat something light: an apple, a sandwich, chocolate;
  • Try to keep a straight posture - this allows you to maintain a cheerful state;
  • Distract yourself with something pleasant or humorous.

The next stage of drowsiness occurs at 18-19 hours. If you haven't slept all night, it's very difficult to stay awake during this period. How to overcome drowsiness - try to sit through this time and then the next night will become a real rest for your soul and body.

  • Sleep longer the night before;
  • Try to reduce the load, physical, including;
  • Eat little at night, avoid high-calorie foods. You can eat a piece of chocolate or some fruit.

9 exercises to keep you energized throughout the day

Who doesn’t know the feeling when in the morning you want to stretch and stretch the muscles that have become stiff during the night. The body just needs to warm up before a whole day of work. Therefore, you need to make it a rule to do exercises in the morning. In addition, such simple exercises will help relieve fatigue and drowsiness.

Benefits of doing exercises for vigor and energy:

Exercise for vigor and energy will help you wake up. Light intense movements will make the heart pump blood faster, which will give a surge of vigor, and the remnants of sleep will disappear.

  1. Your tone and mood will improve. Exercises should not be hard and pleasant, then the brain will begin to produce happiness hormones, which will immediately affect your mood. But it’s so important to start the day with a smile and a positive attitude.
  2. Exercise promotes weight loss by accelerating metabolism, helping to burn more calories, which leads to the loss of excess fat.
  3. By doing exercises, willpower is trained. After all, for example, in the morning you really want to soak up a little longer in a warm bed.
  4. Exercise helps strengthen the immune system. The right start day helps the body fight infections and keeps the body youthful.

Having understood why warming up the body is so important, let's consider a few simple exercises:

By doing these simple exercises every morning or afternoon, you will feel a surge of strength and vigor for the whole day.

How to keep children awake (if necessary at night during a flight)

It can be more difficult to force a child to stay awake. This happens in in rare cases. For example, you are about to fly for the first time with a child. If he is at the age when he is able to understand, then he can be prepared in advance. To do this, you need to tell us what an airplane is and how interesting it is.

It is necessary to generate interest in the upcoming flight. During the flight, to prevent your child from falling asleep, you can allow him to do things that are prohibited in everyday life.

For example, play longer computer games on the tablet, watch cartoons. In between games, you can let your child walk around the cabin (of course, when this is allowed). It is necessary to change entertainment so that the child switches from one activity to another.

How to avoid falling asleep while driving

Experienced truck drivers know several ways to avoid falling asleep on the road. Let's look at the main ones that will help those who rarely go on a long journey.

  • Conversation with a fellow traveler. It is advisable that one of the passengers watch the driver and have conversations with him. Brain scientists say that interesting conversation stimulates brain activity. In this situation, the main thing is not to get too carried away by the conversation and keep your eyes on the road. If suddenly a fellow traveler starts to doze off or falls asleep, it is better to move him to the back seat, because... the sight of a sleeping person, like a yawning one, is transmitted like a chain reaction;
  • It is recommended to listen to music loudly while on the road. It is believed that it should be rhythmic, giving vigor. It is advisable to sing along, as at this moment more air enters and the body is saturated with oxygen. While singing, remembering the words, you force your brain to work, which means you won’t be able to fall asleep;
  • Many truck drivers crack sunflower seeds on the road. The process of cleaning and chewing distracts from sleep. You can nibble a carrot or eat an apple - this is healthier and healthy food. Sour lollipops have an “anti-sleep” effect. If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then as soon as you want to sleep, you can put a piece of lemon in your mouth or just smell it. Many professionals use this tool. The smell of lemon stimulates the hypothalamus, which is responsible for concentration in critical situations;
  • Energy drinks. As a liquid, everyone chooses something that helps them stay awake. Coffee comes first, everyone has their own dose. According to experienced drivers, caffeine lasts for an hour and a half, and they advise adding lemon to your coffee. It contains glycolic acid, which has a tonic effect. You can use, with caution, the following tonics: tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus and others. Some experienced drivers suggest drinking a glass of cold juice to relieve drowsiness. After all, warm liquids soothe, and cold liquids activate all processes in the body;
  • You can change the position of the seat back. While moving, try to tense and relax the muscles of your arms and legs, massage your ears, and stretch your neck. It is very useful to stop once an hour and do a few simple exercises;

Healthy foods for energy

To relieve fatigue and gain energy, the body needs, in addition to various procedures, special tonic products.


One of the causes of fatigue is considered to be dehydration. You need to drink regular cold water, especially in the morning. Black and green teas contain caffeine and thiamine, which are good for toning and invigorating.

Fruit teas are enriched with vitamins. Citrus juices are rich in vitamin C, and their smell stimulates brain activity.


Various nuts will help you recharge your energy. It is better to choose cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts. Excessive consumption is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Meat, eggs


For a complete energy breakfast, oatmeal with a small amount of raisins or nuts is perfect.

Apples and banana

In addition to vitamins, this fruit contains the substance quercetin or flanovol. It forces the muscles to produce more energy. Bananas contain a large amount of potassium, which is responsible for the nervous system. An eaten banana can energize the body for several hours.

Drugs from the pharmacy that promote wakefulness

You can buy adaptogens at the pharmacy - these are plant origin, helping to counteract external influences, increase stress resistance.

Except vitamin complexes for vigor and energy, of which there are many, among the safe ones natural adaptogens the following herbs:

  • Ginseng root– has a stimulating effect during physical and mental stress. The effect of the drug occurs immediately. Before use, you should consult your doctor about the dosage. Ginseng is available in tablets, granules, extracts and tinctures;
  • Chinese lemongrass helps relieve fatigue and fill the body with energy. To achieve the desired result, you must take the full course, strictly following the instructions;
  • Eleutherococcus can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a tincture or extract. Even after one use the tone increases. After full course fatigue decreases;
  • Rhodiola rosea also called “golden root”. It is believed that this is an alternative to anabolic steroids, for active people. Use after reading the instructions, strictly following the recommendations

Consequences of a sleepless night

Anyone feels exhausted after a sleepless night. This is not surprising, because it is violated biological rhythm, and the following violations are also possible:

Poor memory and poor concentration

During sleep, the body cleanses itself of harmful substances accumulated during the day. Therefore, due to a sleepless night, the cleansing process is disrupted. Scientists compare the effects of a night without sleep to a concussion. Same symptoms: tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, loss of concentration.

High stress levels

After several nights without sleep, the human body experiences stress. If there is no normal rest, then you can get high level stress. In this state, a person becomes irritable, a feeling appears constant fatigue, sleep disappears. Such a person is deprived of pleasure; he does not even notice the good things that happen around him.

Weakened immune system

As a consequence constant lack of sleepweak immunity, a person often gets sick, there is a feeling of constant fatigue and overwork. Therefore, if you haven't slept all night, it is important not only to know how to stay awake, but also how to recover from a sleepless night.

At night, the human body recovers after working day, cleansing of cells and tissues occurs. Getting adequate sleep is incredibly important for normal functioning all human organs.

If you sometimes have to work at night, it is important to know how to recover and not neglect the advice of medical specialists. It is necessary to remember negative impact lack of sleep. You should take care of your body, because good sleep for him this is the main thing.

Useful videos on how to fight sleep

These tips are scientifically proven and tested by our editor-in-chief.

1. Chewing gum

Chew menthol gum. The main thing about it is not even the refreshing menthol, but the chewing movements. So you deceive the brain, which is activated, suggesting that now you will need to digest food. To do this, it secretes insulin, which causes a feeling of cheerfulness.

2. Cool

Open the windows, let me in fresh air, turn on the air conditioner or fan. Warm and stuffy spaces make you feel tired. The cold keeps the brain alert and forces the body to activate to maintain constant temperature necessary for the proper functioning of organs.

3. Physical education

Jump, do squats, do a couple of push-ups from the floor. Any physical exercise at intervals of 20-30 minutes will help speed up the blood and improve the flow of oxygen to the cells, and therefore give additional energy to the body. The best option is a short walk. Studies show that 15 minutes of walking gives new energy for two hours of work.

Source: depositphotos.com

4. Washing

Rinse your wrists with cold water. This technique allows you to quickly cool the body. It is also useful in the summer when it is very hot, or when you need to get rid of headaches caused by high temperatures.

5. Hunger

Skip a meal. The body spends a lot of energy on digesting it, so after a heavy lunch you feel lethargic and drowsy. A slight hunger invigorates.

6. Music

Listen to fast, annoying music at low volume. Music evokes a strong emotional response that engages many parts of the brain. If possible, sing along or at least bob your head to the beat. Melodic and familiar music will not do. You need something rhythmic, but unpleasant to the ear - it evokes more emotions. The sound should be such that it is difficult to make out the words of the song. This will force the brain to work, as it will “listen” and turn on its attention.

Source: depositphotos.com

7. Lighting

Turn on the bright light. The best thing, of course, is to go outside, but if the sun has already set, then internal clock you can still cheat by turning on all the lights in the house. The fact is that the body’s circadian rhythms, among other things, react to light: when there is little light, the body thinks it’s time to sleep.

8. Massage

Massage the top of the head, the back of the neck, the earlobes, the point between the big and index finger and the area under the knees. These points help relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation.

9. Pranayama

Try breathing exercise from the practice of yoga. It is called kapalabhati and consists of taking a normal inhalation and a sharp, accentuated exhalation. Repeat this about 10 times. This technique is warming, invigorating and works on the pineal gland, which influences the so-called circadian rhythms ( sleep - wakefulness).

Source: depositphotos.com

10. Aromatherapy

Engage your olfactory receptors. Strong smell- pleasant or disgusting - quickly puts you on alert. In aromatherapy, the following oils are usually offered to stimulate the nervous system: rosemary, eucalyptus, mint. If there is no oil nearby, you can simply inhale the aroma of coffee beans several times.



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