What to do if bitten by a wasp. Human-inflicted bites

Man is reputed to be a literate, intellectually developed and civilized creature, however, oddly enough, people bite each other. This happens by various reasons- during play, sexual euphoria, fights, as well as in some psychopathological conditions, when a person is not able to monitor his actions and be responsible for them. According to emergency room statistics, children and mental health patients are the most likely to bite. unhealthy people, which is not surprising.

Let's take a closer look at what needs to be done if a person had to experience a bite from someone like him, what to pay attention to and how to behave in the future.

General information

Approximately 10-15% of the total number of human bite wounds are infected with various bacterial or viral agents. The bacterial inoculum of a bite contains about 100 million different microorganisms per milliliter of liquid, and the entire “family” is represented by 190 various types. Many of these microorganisms are anaerobic, thriving in the weak redox environment of tartar found between a person's teeth or in areas of gum disease. Such a rich set of different microbes is not capable of causing active pathological processes only in people who have been bitten and have very high level immunity.

It is worth noting that infections associated with human bites are quickly resolved modern means wound treatment and are dangerous if the skin is damaged. But this is only possible with timely access to a medical institution. Patients often wait until the infection has manifested itself before seeing a doctor, which is very wrong approach to the question. By the time of manifestation clinical signs rapid development of microbes at the wound site and their spread throughout the body is possible. Therefore, as they say, the faster the better.

Except mechanical damage and contamination of the wound with routine microflora, which can cause active inflammation and suppuration, a number of severe diseases are transmitted through a human bite infectious diseases. These include hepatitis B and C, the virus herpes simplex(HSV), syphilis, tuberculosis, actinomycosis and tetanus.

Practical experience shows that it is biologically possible, but very unlikely, to become infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through human bites. However, in any case, it’s probably not worth the risk.

Why do people bite

The causes of human bites can be different. Most often, an incident occurs in the following cases:

  • Aggressive behavior, often in combination with alcohol.
  • Rough sexy game or violence.
  • Domestic violence.
  • Child abuse.
  • Occupational injuries, which are common among dental clinic staff.
  • Bites to the nose are a common punishment for adultery in several cultures.
  • Accidents during sporting events.
  • Aggressive play of children in children's centers.
  • Self-harm resulting from emotionally unstable behavior or mental disorders. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is an uncommon disorder that involves self-harm through biting.

Bite symptoms

A human bite is usually obvious, but sometimes the victim may not know or remember being bitten. This often happens, for example, if the bite occurred while the person bitten was drunk. Many people do not want to tell others about such a delicate incident if the dental injury was caused during a fight or sexual play.

Although the mechanics of injury from a human bite are generally harmless, if only because human teeth are not as sharp, one must be careful not to ignore the injury. Microbes definitely got into the wound, but how the personal immune system will react to this is still a big question.

Signs of skin breakdown

Damage to the skin significantly increases the risk of infection and may lead to the introduction of a tetanus vaccine if it is not known whether the person bitten has been vaccinated against this disease. Tears in the skin are often obvious, but can sometimes be surprisingly difficult to diagnose. Damage to only the outer layers of the skin is already dangerous, and if there is a light, and even more so bloody, fluid in the wound, then treatment is necessary in any case.

I would like to draw your attention once again to the fact that during a bite, it gets into the wound. huge amount different microorganisms, and they immediately begin their development. If general system If a person's immunity is weak, then a harmless, at first glance, injury can cause tragic consequences.

If, nevertheless, microbes begin to defeat immune bodies, then it can be noted following signs infections (please note that infection can occur even with correct processing bite wounds):

  • Increased pain and sensitivity.

Although all bites hurt at first, the soreness goes away over time. However, if the bite site begins to hurt more and more, this is the first sign of infection. In this case, pain is most often accompanied by increased sensitivity, which is felt well even from a slight touch to the wound. Similar sign develops more often a couple of days after the bite, but may appear later.

  • Expanding the boundaries of redness.

Some changes in skin color can be expected immediately after a bite, particularly in the form of bruising and redness. After a couple of hours the picture becomes even brighter, but subsides on the third or fourth day. If this does not happen, and the blueness is increasingly replaced by redness, then this serves as a warning sign of infection.

  • Development of edema.

Some swelling occurs on initial stage and, as a rule, reaches a maximum on the first day. If the damaged area swells on the second or third day after the bite, then infectious inflammation can be suspected.

  • Increase in temperature.

A human bite is not characterized by an increase in overall body temperature. There may be only slight warmth around the circumference of the wound. On early stages infectious process fever may also not be observed; this is typical for the period when the infection begins to spread through the patient’s blood. It is a very unfavorable symptom.

  • The presence of pus is usually more late sign infections.

Many people know that thick pus is auspicious sign, but liquid - no. But in any case, if the immune system has coped with the microbes that have entered the wound, then there should be no pus at all. By the way, pus should be distinguished from a flowing translucent serous fluid that can ooze from the wound in the first hours after the bite. This is normal and not a cause for concern.

  • Red stripes located in the direction from the center of the wound to its periphery indicate the development of severe inflammation.

This state is in official medicine is called lymphangitis, and popularly – “blood poisoning”, although this process has nothing to do with blood flow. Inflammation is the basis lymphatic vessels– parts of the body’s defense system against infection. Signs and symptoms of lymphangitis should prompt an immediate visit to a medical facility.

  • Enlargement and tenderness of the lymph nodes, which are the second half protective system the body in the fight against pathological agents.

Most often, the lymph nodes become inflamed in the areas closest to the bite site. For example, if bacterial inflammation develops in the arm area, it will definitely be affected lymph nodes on inside elbow or axillary area on the same hand.

When should you definitely seek help?

Our answer is always. As already noted, after being bitten by a person you need to seek medical attention. professional help in any case, even if outwardly the wound looks insignificant. First of all, to prevent the development of such dangerous disease, like tetanus, and secondly, to eliminate the risk of developing infectious inflammation.

If there is any suspicion that part of the tooth is in the bite wound (and this happens), it is necessary to remove this foreign body first. Of course, further routine treatment of the bite can be carried out at home, but doctors have more experience working with such injuries.

Types of bites

Such a simple topic, it would seem, but there are so many different conventions. For example, not the least important place in the treatment of a human bite is the place where the injury was made and the teeth themselves:

  • Damage to the fist area.

Often, wounds in the areas of the finger joints occur during a fight, when the dominant hand flies into the area of ​​the victim's dental arcades. Most of all, in this case, the so-called “cauldrons” - the protruding dome-shaped surfaces of the finger joints - suffer. there is damage here high risk infection.

The skin here is very thin, especially in untrained people, and the tendon that controls all the joints of the finger is close. Therefore, one blow to the teeth can lead to a rupture of this tendon, or it is damaged later if there is an active inflammatory process. All this is fraught with disturbances in flexion and extension of the finger joints located above.

  • Bite with molars.

The force of the bite from the molars will always be stronger, which means the injury is deeper and will take longer to heal. In addition, these teeth always contain more microorganisms that can cause an inflammatory effect.

  • Bites with loss of tissue.

If some skin and muscle are lost during the bite, the person should seek immediate medical attention. The surgeon is often able to restore lost tissue if it is first preserved and cleaned. This phenomenon is especially often observed when biting off a finger.

  • Bite in the genital area.

An orgasm that occurs to a sexual partner during oral sex is often the cause of a bite on the penis. It is even possible to completely bite off the head or part of the tissue of the preputial sac. For a man, this is a fatal number, since bleeding from the wound during an erection will be very strong. In this case, you need to apply a ligature as quickly as possible below the bite site and call emergency assistance. Restoring the penis is most often not possible.

  • Deep bites often occur in soft fatty or muscle tissues rich in a network of blood vessels.

It is necessary to take all measures to stop the bleeding and contact an ambulance for help. The bleeding will be stopped and the wound will be surgically sutured.

  • Knownly infected bites.

In people leading an unhygienic lifestyle, the number of microorganisms in oral cavity increased several thousand times. In addition, such people often suffer from a whole bunch of venereal diseases, tuberculosis and others. If you are lucky enough to become a victim of a bite from such a person, you will have to spend some time in a hospital bed to completely eliminate infection.

  • Bites in children receive the most attention due to the weakness of their immunity and general physical weakness.

Contact medical institution shown anyway.

  • Bites in other special areas - the ear and nose - can become a problem due to the presence of cartilage there.

For the reason low level blood flow in these parts of the body, infection here can be very difficult to treat and can cause permanent damage.

What will the doctor do?

After contacting a medical institution, the doctor will begin to assess the situation, usually with a series of questions that will allow him to obtain information about how the bite occurred, when, what were performed preliminary procedures and what symptoms the patient experiences. Next will be performed next steps, depending on the complexity of the wound:

  • Physical examination includes inspection of the wound and assessment of damage.

For small bites, a quick examination is sufficient; for deeper ones, the doctor may additionally numb the area in order to conduct a more thorough examination of the injured area.

  • X-ray.

The majority of bites do not require such investigation, unless there is a suspicion of a broken bone or the presence foreign body in a wound that is not visible to the naked eye. And although it sounds strange, after a good fight, fragments of the victim’s teeth are often found in the tissues of the dominant hand, and only with the help of X-rays.

  • Blood tests are most often not required for human bites.

An exception may be infected bites when the patient is detained for inpatient or outpatient treatment. Blood tests may include HIV testing (to determine initial state), as well as syphilis, gonorrhea and tuberculosis.

Help yourself

In conclusion, I would like to highlight a few main points of first aid, which must be provided to a person who has been bitten. Often this is done independently:

  • Stop bleeding, if any, by all accessible ways– applying a tourniquet, tight bandage, simple pressure.

All subsequent manipulations should be carried out only after the bleeding has stopped.

  • All parts of the tissue should be preserved if they were separated during the bite.

A wide flap of muscle, skin or part of a finger can be sewn back; throwing your body parts around is not recommended. In addition, you need to make sure that the tissue will be delivered to the hospital. Before this, it is advisable to first clean it of coarse dirt and place it in plastic bag With ice water, but not ice.

You can use mild soap, but do not soak the damage with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide - this can cause even more tissue damage. Good rule cleaning the wound - something that causes an unbearable burning sensation or increased pain probably brings more harm than good.

  • You should not bandage a wound unless it is necessary to stop bleeding.

It is best to leave the wound uncovered until it can be checked by a doctor.

  • Ice may be applied to relieve pain.

To do this, wrap the ice in a towel and gently apply it to the area. This will reduce pain and reduce the development of swelling. Do not apply ice directly to the skin because it may freeze it. Some doctors recommend 15 minute intervals between applying ice every 15 minutes. This sequence is repeated until the person is taken to a medical facility.

A wasp can bite a person anywhere: in nature, in a city park, or just on the street. This especially happens in summer period when insects are most active. Both adults and children can suffer from a wasp sting. This is especially true for children, since they are interested in everything, and they don’t mind touching a striped insect.

Are wasp bites dangerous and what to do if bitten by a wasp? The article talks about how to provide first aid in case of a bite. Both adults and children should know about these rules, as unpredictable consequences are possible.

Firstly, you can see what the wasp has bitten or feel, as well as hear characteristic sound wasp flight. There are other signs indicating that it was a wasp that bit. For example:

  • Swelling immediately appears at the site of the bite.
  • A red-pink hue appears within the bite area.
  • Skin itching appears.
  • There is a sharp throbbing pain.
  • In the case of a bite in the facial area, the tissues become very swollen and hemorrhage is possible.
  • Children and women are much more susceptible to wasp stings.
  • If the tongue is bitten, severe swelling of both the tongue and the oral cavity is possible.

In addition, in certain cases, anaphylactic reactions may develop. For example:

  • Severe swelling appears.
  • The bite site changes color.
  • The skin turns pale.
  • Nausea appears.
  • Unbearable itching.
  • Possible attacks of suffocation.
  • Hemorrhages within the eyes.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Attacks of pain in the chest and abdominal area.
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Malfunctions of the heart.

Wasp stings are especially painful and therefore cause a lot of trouble. It should also be remembered that a wasp, compared to a bee, can make not one, but several bites if provoked. Therefore, taking this factor into account, wasps should not be teased. But if the wasp does bite you, then don’t panic. It is important to provide first aid in a timely manner, as any situation is possible. So, what to do if you are bitten by a wasp:

  • If the wasp does bite you, you should not wave your arms trying to drive the wasp away. This can make the situation worse and instead of one bite you can get several.
  • Incorrect behavior can provoke an attack by several insects, then you will not be able to get away with a slight fright.
  • After a bite, it is better to slowly leave the unfortunate place, leaving the wasp or wasps alone.
  • Wasps flock to sweets, so similar situations occur during the period when compotes or jams are prepared for the winter. It is better to do this not outdoors, but indoors, otherwise there will be no end to these insects.
  • To have less problems, you need to know how to behave correctly in different situations.

A wasp sting is not the worst thing. The scary thing is that not everyone knows how to help a person so that they don’t manifest themselves. negative reactions body for a bite. Often, a person’s life depends on competent actions. That's why:

  • There is no need to look for stings, as is the case with bee stings. Wasps do not leave a sting only if the wasp is killed during the bite.
  • It is better for the victim to move to the shade and sit comfortably. In cases of nausea or difficulty breathing, it is better to ensure that the head is in an upright position.
  • The bite site is wiped citric acid, vinegar solution or just clean water, if there are no other liquids on hand.
  • To reduce pain and swelling, it is necessary to apply cold compress.
  • If this happened on vacation outside the city, then you can find a leaf of plantain or dandelion and apply it to the wound, but before that it is better to wash it.
  • The next stage is treating the bite site with Finistil-gel, Psilo-balm or Rescuer cream to reduce the risk factor.
  • Take an allergy pill. Such drugs should always be in any person’s first aid kit, especially when preparing for a trip to nature. Children need children's medications.
  • All this time you need to monitor the person’s health. If there is a constant deterioration in your health, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.
  • If a child has suffered from a wasp sting, he should definitely be seen by a dermatologist.
  • The victim should drink plenty of fluids to quickly remove the poison from the body.

Interesting to know! On the planet, somewhere around 2 percent of people suffer from excessive sensitivity to various insect bites. However, not everyone knows about this before the first bite. If someone has not encountered such a problem as a wasp sting, then it is better to always carry an antihistamine with you. You also need to have an idea of ​​what types of allergens this remedy is most effective against.

When the reaction to a wasp sting is inadequate, it is possible negative consequences, in the form of additional bites, and when wrong actions local allergic reactions are possible, which lead to complications.

Sometimes people end up in the hospital only because there was no reaction to a wasp sting and the wound was not treated with anything, which leads to secondary infection.

Therefore you cannot:

  • Scratching the wound, making it even more accessible to pathogens.
  • Trying to get rid of the poison that has long entered the bloodstream.
  • Drink alcohol, which can enhance the effect of the poison.
  • Smoking.
  • Cauterize the bite site, which leads to more extensive damage.

It is better to treat the bite site with medications, in the form of gels or ointments. This will minimize negative consequences. Antihistamines should be taken in combination with such drugs.

It is permissible to treat bite sites:

  • Psilo-balm.
  • Fenistil-gel.
  • Fluorocort.
  • Diprospan.
  • Balm “Rescuer” against insect bites.

Application similar drugs leads:

  • To reduce swelling.
  • To improve blood circulation at the site of the bite.
  • To reduce itching.
  • To reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions.
  • To reduce pain.

It is possible to use the following antihistamines:

  • Suprastinex.
  • Fexofenadine.
  • Cetrin.
  • Diazolin.
  • Claritin.
  • Tavegil.
  • Suprastin.
  • Erius.

May not always be at hand medicines, so we have to remember folk recipes. If you use natural ingredients, then they act just as effectively, without any negative consequences.

What you can use if you are bitten by a wasp:

  • Aloe juice or pulp.
  • Plantain or dandelion leaf.
  • Parsley, if chopped.

What to do:

  • Rinse the bite site with clean water, then apply one of the plants to the site.
  • Before doing this, the leaves should be washed well, at least with your saliva.
  • Every half hour, you need to replace the product with a fresh one.

Note! You should not wrap the affected area with cling film or cellophane, as this will not allow the wound to breathe. The best option is a bandage, gauze or a piece of cotton fabric.

Wasp stings are not as harmless as some people think. If someone has already been bitten by a wasp, and he knows how his body reacts to it, then there will be no special problems, but if a person does not know how his body can react, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. If you are bitten, you will need to see a doctor:

  • When develops anaphylactic shock.
  • When a person is bitten by a wasp in the facial area: in the eye or tongue.
  • When swelling develops and breathing is difficult.
  • When a person is bitten not by one wasp, but by several.
  • When the bite site is very swollen, accompanied by redness.
  • When it fell or rose sharply blood pressure and general weakness is felt.
  • When a wasp bit a child.
  • When the skin changes color to pale.
  • When a person feels general malaise.
  • When a person's heart rhythm is disturbed.

If a person knows that his body reacts inadequately to insect bites, then he should say so out loud and demand that doctors be called immediately.

First aid for a human bite: what is the danger of such a bite? What should you do if you are bitten by a person?

Is a human bite dangerous?

Let's start with the fact that bites humans are actually as dangerous as bites from numerous wild animals. Sometimes human bites are considered even more dangerous. Their main danger based on the possibility of infection by one or another infectious pathologies, which the attacker suffers from. This can be either viral hepatitis, HIV infection or tuberculosis. Such bites are also dangerous because they can provoke the onset of suppuration of the affected area. First aid when bitten by a person, it involves both thoroughly washing the affected area with running water and applying it to the wound sterile dressing, as well as treating the affected area with disinfectants such as alcohol, iodine, brilliant green and others. If you cannot even imagine what the health condition of the person who bit you is, then immediately consult a doctor.

In terms of prevalence, human bites occupy third place. The leading positions are occupied by cat and dog bites. In most cases, bites are inflicted by children during play or a fight. Sometimes very significant bites are a consequence love pleasures. Quite often people who help patients with convulsions or epileptic seizures are also bitten.

A human bite is considered to be as dangerous as an animal bite, or even more dangerous. This fact is explained by the fact that in the mouth of the biter there may be an accumulation of certain viruses or bacteria. According to statistical data, it is human bites that in most cases become the cause of the development of certain infectious complications. In addition, with such a bite it is easy to become infected with hepatitis IN And WITH or the herpes virus. The most complex and most common form of bite is considered to be “ clenched fist injury", which is the result of a fight during which one person hits the other in the teeth. As a result, damaged skin of the finger joints appears on the face. This kind Wounds tend to become inflamed, causing blood infection. Plus, with such bites, dislocations or fractures of the finger bones are often observed.

First aid for a human bite

If you are bitten by a person and end up with skin damage, then:
  • Wash the wound very well copious amounts soapy water.
  • Cover the affected area with a bandage made of clean cloth or a handkerchief, this will help stop the bleeding.
  • Get help from one of disinfectants and treat the affected area. It could be like alcohol solution iodine, as well as brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply a bandage using a sterile bandage.
  • Seek help from a specialist doctor in order to prevent the development of certain complications ( It is especially important to do this if you are one hundred percent sure that the person who bit you is sick with something.).

Suffering from human bites more people than from dog and cat bites. Such bites can lead to serious damage skin, subcutaneous soft tissues and even blood vessels.

Human bites are much more dangerous than bites from any other mammal. Why? The human mouth contains many microbes and viruses that are dangerous to humans, including herpes viruses, syphilis, tuberculosis, and cytomegalovirus.


Bleeding from a human bite can be light or heavy. If the bite causes a laceration, bleeding will occur immediately, followed by bruising and swelling.

If taken immediately, infection may occur.

Symptoms of infection are as follows:

  • suppuration;
  • swelling;
  • redness.

What to do

If a human bite breaks the skin, seek immediate medical attention. In this case, they can be entered dangerous bacteria or viruses.


  • Before administering first aid, wear rubber gloves to protect against blood-borne infections. If you don't have gloves, use waterproof material: plastic bags, oilcloth, several layers of gauze pads, or ask the victim himself to hold the bandage on the wound.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before providing assistance and immediately afterwards.

Treat the wound

If heavy bleeding no, wash the wound with soap and water for 5-10 minutes to prevent infection. Then rinse it under running water.

  • Do not rub the wound - you may damage the tissue.
  • Use antiseptics and home remedies only for superficial damage, unless the skin is broken. You can use a balm with antibiotics.
  • Do not tape or cover the wound with anything. This increases the risk of infection.

Now apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Cover the wound with sterile gauze and apply a bandage.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible to ensure better cleaning wounds. The victim may need an antibiotic, a tetanus shot, and stitches.

How are human bites treated?

In case of violation skin the severity of the damage is assessed. The wound is washed again. Samples may be taken from the victim to determine the presence of certain bacteria.

The doctor may be able to remove dead tissue, especially for wounds on the arm. At deep wounds stitches are placed on the face. The victim may need antibiotics and a tetanus shot to prevent infection.

Can you get AIDS from a human bite?

There are no known cases of AIDS infection from a bite. However, if you are bitten by a person with positive analysis for acquired immunodeficiency virus, get tested for AIDS immediately and repeat the test after 3 months and after six months.

What to do if a child bites

Children of different ages They bite for various reasons. Your child can be both an attacker and a victim.

When does a child under one year old bite?

A child bites when he is teething or when he is exploring an object. When teeth appear, do not allow your child to bite you.

How to stop biting while breastfeeding

These bites can be quite painful. It is necessary to wean the child from biting the breast. Don't laugh or exclaim when your baby bites you - he may think it's fun and bite you again.

If bitten, stop feeding immediately. Use your finger to gently lift your baby's lips away from the breast. Weaning will help stop your baby from biting.

If your baby's bite breaks the skin on your breast or nipple, see a doctor.

When a baby bites

A baby who is just starting to walk bites when he is teething and when he experiences aggressive feelings. A child under one and a half years old does not understand that a bite causes pain to another.

Wean your child off a bad habit

If your child bites other children, firmly say “no” and temporarily isolate him. If you are attentive and consistent, your preschooler will understand that biting other people is unacceptable.

When a schoolboy bites

Allergies caused by insects develop very quickly. The most severe are the bites of Hymenoptera. It is important for everyone, especially parents of small children, to know what to do if bitten by a wasp.

Allergies caused by insects develop very quickly. Hymenoptera bites are the most severe

Many people know how hot a place stung by a wasp can be. The sensation of a wasp sting is unpleasant, although not dangerous for healthy person. The area around the bite becomes red, swollen and painful, and after 1-2 days all manifestations begin to disappear on their own.

However, in some cases, a stinging insect can actually harm a person. It depends:

  • depending on the type of wasp, since they sting differently;
  • from a person’s reaction to the poison injected during a wasp sting.

Not all people are aware of their sensitivity to Hymenoptera bites. Therefore, every adult should know what to do if bitten by a wasp.

Thanks to this knowledge, you can save not only your life, but also the life of another person.

The rules of assistance differ depending on which particular representative of the Hymenoptera bit the victim. Without recognizing the insect, you can waste time (for example, looking for a sting in a place that is inflamed after a bite) or use the wrong medicine, which will worsen the condition of the injured person.

Before brushing off an insect, you need to inspect it. The wasp is a slender representative of the Hymenoptera, with distinct stripes and spots. The bee is denser, its entire body is covered with many fibers.

To get rid of mosquitoes and midges, as well as wasps and moths, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject mosquito repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

Many people know how hot it is to be stung by a wasp.

If it reacts instantly: the affected area will turn red and swell slightly. If an insect stings the neck, lips, or eyelid, the swelling will be greater. Reaction to a wasp sting in people with weak immunity and in allergy sufferers it is expressed more intensely than in healthy people.

You need to know if you have been bitten by wasps, what may occur, in addition to swelling, with a moderate allergy:

  • irritating itching at the point where the insect stung;
  • Numerous blisters with liquid may appear around the wound after a wasp sting, in the area of ​​swollen and red skin;
  • rhinitis, watery mucus from the nose;
  • redness of the eyes, lacrimation.

In severe allergies, in addition to the main symptoms, the following may appear:

  • swelling of the face and neck;
  • the voice becomes hoarse due to severe swelling lips and tongue, it is difficult for the victim to speak;
  • nausea with vomiting, diarrhea;
  • heavy breathing, feeling of suffocation;
  • rapid pulse;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • dizziness, fainting:
  • lethargy or, conversely, agitation, fever;
  • increase in temperature;
  • throbbing pain in the temples;
  • pain in the abdomen.

The allergic reaction is expressed quite quickly, within 5-20 minutes. How stronger allergies, the faster symptoms will appear. The patient’s well-being depends on how quickly they can help him.

Some symptoms are not immediately noticeable. They appear 1-2 days after the bite, and then gradually disappear. This reaction is typical for moderate allergies. But the most serious and dangerous reaction– anaphylactic shock (can develop instantly or within 30 minutes, the result is cardiac arrest) and Quincke’s edema (possibility of suffocation).

However, such complex cases are rare. With such a reaction of the body to a bite, it is very important to correctly and quickly provide assistance to the victim and give an injection, since his life depends on it.

It is no less dangerous when a person is bitten by several wasps (or hornets). In this case, even if the person does not suffer from allergies, the body’s reaction will be violent:

  • hemorrhages under the skin, as well as internal hemorrhages;
  • unbreakable body temperature, which can rise to critical levels;
  • the face, neck and whole body gradually swell;
  • convulsions.

The reaction of a healthy person’s body to what is received for the first time most often occurs in mild form. However, in case of repeated bites, the body will react more severely.

What to do if bitten by a wasp or bee (video)

First aid

It is simply impossible to ignore or not notice that you have been bitten by a representative of the Hymenoptera, since the affected area will be very hot, as if you had been burned. In this regard, the wound is quite easy to detect.

The first thing to do if you are bitten by a wasp is to inspect the damaged area. If your “offender” was really a wasp, you will not see the sting: wasps do not leave it in the body of the victim. The exception is if you manage to kill an insect.

What to do if you are bitten by a wasp:

  • wipe the wound with an antiseptic;
  • apply a cold compress to the damaged area;
  • accept antihistamine, suppressing the effect of the allergen;
  • drink fluids constantly;
  • if necessary, contact your doctor.

Some symptoms are not immediately noticeable. They appear 1-2 days after the bite, and then gradually disappear

If you have been stung by a wasp, everyone should know what to do if the allergy develops in a more severe form.

  1. If you have allergies and have an auto-injector with you, use it immediately.
  2. Call a doctor.
  3. Make sure there is no sting in the wound (if there is, carefully remove it).
  4. If the insect “pricked” in the arm or leg, secure the tourniquet above the injured area (instead of a tourniquet, you can use a belt, belt, scarf, or cloth).
  5. If the stung area is on the body, where to apply pressure bandage impossible, be sure to first apply a product containing acid (for example, a slice of citrus fruit) to the bite site: this will help neutralize some of the poison, then cover the wound with a cold compress or place a metal object in it.

It is necessary to remove all jewelry, as well as those clothes that, in case of severe swelling, can put pressure on the body.

Calling a doctor is required

When the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you should call a doctor in the following cases:

  1. If a wasp stings a small child.
  2. The insect stung in the facial area (lips, tongue, neck, chin).
  3. There are numerous bites.
  4. The symptoms are very mild, but the victim feels discomfort in the abdominal area, there is painful urination, dark colored urine.

A bite to the neck is very dangerous for a person’s life, as the swelling can cover the victim’s respiratory tract. Even if the symptoms are not pronounced at first, you should definitely dial 103.

How to help your child

If a child is bitten by a wasp, all parents should know what to do. The main thing is not to panic. In general, children do not have a strong allergic reaction to hymenoptera bites - with the exception of babies who are allergic. Sometimes it is enough to simply treat the stung area with an antiseptic or use one specially designed for this purpose. medicine(for example, “Rescuer” balm, which can be used for children of any age), the child will feel lighter and recover quickly.

Before treating a wasp sting, reassure your child. Make sure that the damaged area does not come into contact with the fabric and does not disturb the baby. After this, clean, treat the wound and put a cold bandage on it. Be sure to visit your pediatrician.

What to do if bitten by a wasp (video)

The use of folk remedies

There are many allergy medications available. If the body's reaction is manifested only by redness of the stung area and slight swelling, an antihistamine and a cold compress will bring significant relief and will help the victim recover faster from the bite.

Except drug treatment for mild allergies, you can relieve pain and reduce swelling folk remedies. At home, to eliminate the consequences of a bite, you can do the following:

  1. Apply compresses (with ice, lemon, vinegar).
  2. Apply half an onion or an apple slice to the affected area.
  3. Treat the wound with parsley or mint juice.
  4. Baking soda (mix with water to form a paste) will help relieve redness and swelling.
  5. Moistened piece granulated sugar partially neutralizes the poison from the wound.
  6. Thyme juice will relieve inflammation.
  7. Kalanchoe juice will stop the burning.
  8. Sorrel juice is used as a pain reliever.

There are many excellent medicines, components, preparations and ointments that are aimed at reducing the consequences of an unpleasant proximity to the world of insects

Possible errors

What to do if stung by a wasp is clear. But not everyone knows what not to do.

  1. Don't waste time looking for the sting; wasps don't leave them in the wound.
  2. Do not press on the wound, as this will only worsen the situation: the poison cannot be extracted this way, but the speed of its spread throughout the body will increase.
  3. Do not scratch the wound to prevent infection.
  4. Without good reason don't take the strong ones antihistamines(if the allergy is of moderate severity, it is enough to take a Suprastin tablet).
  5. Do not limit your fluid intake as drinking plenty of fluids will help slow down the process of poisoning the body.

Why does a wasp sting?

It is important to know that a wasp only bites when it is defending itself. If an insect appears near you, do not drive it away with sudden movements, and do not try to knock down or kill the wasp with your hand. Best option in this case, calmly step aside and brush it off with a newspaper (towel or any item of clothing).


People who experience insect bites allergic reaction, during the spring-summer period, they are required to carry with them a passport issued by a doctor. In the document, the specialist will indicate all the necessary information about the patient: full name, date of birth, place of residence, telephone number, conclusion, number of the attending physician, medications that will help the victim with a hymenoptera bite.

You also need to have a syringe and medications with you, which are written about in your passport. The availability of drugs and their expiration date should be checked regularly.

During the period of activity of wasps (bees, hornets), try to constantly use by special means that repel insects. When going out into nature, wear closed clothes, exclude perfumes and cosmetics, especially those with sweet odors.

If you are nevertheless stung by a wasp or other Hymenoptera insect, immediately use a first aid kit and call an ambulance.

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