What can cause dermatitis. Dermatitis - symptoms and treatment: first signs, causes and types

Dermatitis is a general definition that implies inflammation of the skin caused by exposure to certain factors (internal or external). Dermatitis, the symptoms of which can develop as a result of biological, chemical or physical exposure from various types of factors, respectively, can manifest itself in a specific form, determined from the characteristics of this exposure; in this article we will look at what dermatitis is in general.

General description

Most often, physical impact manifests itself as mechanical irritation, if we focus specifically on environmental factors. Such an effect can be defined, in particular, as excessive pressure on the skin, its friction, temperature exposure, sunlight, etc. In addition, quite often dermatitis occurs due to exposure to chemical agents encountered in everyday life. This includes obligate irritants, whose action provokes characteristic changes upon contact with human skin in any case, as well as facultative irritants, which, this time, cause the disease we are considering in persons for whom hypersensitivity to any of the substances is relevant. In other words, these irritants include washing powders, personal hygiene products, oily and paint-and-varnish substances, which, again, are encountered in industrial or domestic conditions.

Dermatitis provoked by environmental factors manifests itself in the following:

  • callosity;
  • radiation dermatitis;
  • attrition;
  • intertrigo;
  • dermatitis arising from exposure to electric current;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • frostbite;
  • chills.

Regardless of the specific factor that provoked the development of the disease in any of its forms, all dermatitis have a common feature: the localization of the lesion, as well as its outline, are clearly limited in the area that was affected; the lesion disappears quickly enough after the irritating factor of influence (that is, the irritant itself) has been eliminated.

Dermatitis: main causes

Let us highlight in a little more detail the causes previously listed in the general description of the disease, against the background of which dermatitis develops.

  • Most often, dermatitis occurs in cold weather, and people with dry skin are almost always affected.
  • One of the main reasons for the development of dermatitis is a violation of the functions of the sebaceous glands.
  • Adult patients often experience the development of dermatitis against the background of relevant conditions such as allergies or diabetes.
  • The development of dermatitis is often promoted by a deficiency of biotin in the body, and this option is relevant for both adult patients and children.
  • Again, common allergens, but not always taken into account in the context of considering the possibility of developing dermatitis against the background of their exposure: hair styling products, hair dyes; nickel, which is part of belts, jewelry and other jewelry; dyes included in leather products; citrus fruits (peel in particular); latex.
  • Dermatitis is often caused by medications whose use requires application to the skin (in this case, the disease manifests itself as a side effect).
  • Fungal infections also cause dermatitis.
  • Allergies, whose manifestation is concentrated in the respiratory tract, are considered as one of the factors provoking the development of dermatitis. For example, in this case, an allergic runny nose may be identified that occurs due to contact with animal hair, pollen, ordinary household dust or other similar inhaled allergens. In this embodiment, prolonged tactile contact with them can continue the allergic effect, but directly on the skin.
  • The next reason that provokes the development of contact dermatitis is the previously noted contact with chemical irritants. In particular, this could be gasoline or household chemicals, motor oil or cleaning products, soap, etc. that have come into contact with the skin.
  • Like most other diseases, dermatitis often occurs against the background of prolonged experiences and stressful conditions of patients.
  • Intense sweating as a result of various conditions (temperature, excitement, physical activity), especially in combination with synthetic clothing, can also lead to the development of dermatitis.
  • In addition to the above, we also note the impact of a viral or bacterial infection, against the background of which, again, the possibility of developing dermatitis cannot be ruled out.

Types of dermatitis

The following main types of dermatitis are distinguished:

  • contact dermatitis:
    • simple dermatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • toxicoderma (toxic-allergic dermatitis);

In addition, it is customary to distinguish other main types of dermatitis, each of which occurs against the background of a specific influencing factor:

  • keychain dermatitis;
  • bullous dermatitis (artificial);
  • polymorphic dermatitis;
  • caterpillar dermatitis;
  • symmetrical dysmenorrheic dermatitis;
  • golden dermatitis;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • radiation (X-ray) dermatitis;
  • solar dermatitis;
  • dermatitis purpura;
  • follicular dermatitis;
  • cercarial dermatitis (schistosomatid dermatitis);
  • oral dermatitis (rosacea-like dermatitis);
  • Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • exfoliative dermatitis of newborns;

Dermatitis: symptoms

Dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of redness followed by skin irritation and itching. In a general consideration of the symptoms of dermatitis, we can distinguish three main stages that are relevant to the process of its development. In particular, this is an acute stage (acute dermatitis), which is accompanied by the formation of bubbles with liquid in them, also corresponding to various sizes. Accordingly, the main manifestations are reduced to the following definition of the condition of the skin within the affected area: redness, then suppuration, then swelling.

The lack of timely assistance determines the onset of a subacute stage in this process (which is also defined as moderate dermatitis), which, in turn, is characterized by the formation of crusts and scales.

The next, chronic stage, is accompanied by thickening of the skin combined with pronounced redness, as a result of which it gradually becomes dark red with a purple tint. As can be determined from the name of the stage, the disease is characterized by the duration of its course.

In addition to its own varieties, skin dermatitis can be of two types - eczematic dermatitis (eczema itself) and non-eczematic dermatitis. In the first case, the disease is difficult to cure; moreover, tactile contact provides the possibility of its transmission - in other words, the disease is contagious through ordinary touch. If we are talking about considering the second option, non-eczematic dermatitis, then this dermatitis develops against the background of direct contact with the irritant.

Mainly considering the disease in combination with its main variants of the above course indicates that more often in practice its manifestation is noted in the chronic form of the course (stage) of dermatitis with characteristic itching and redness of the skin. By the way, a family history of asthma, allergic rhinitis or hay fever also determines a significant risk of possible development of dermatitis.

The primary elements of dermatitis include formations such as plaques, swelling, vesicles and papules, and the secondary elements are scales, cracks and crusts. In general, the symptoms of dermatitis boil down to the following manifestations:

  • inflammation (with characteristic redness);
  • swelling;
  • burning sensation;
  • increased temperature in the area affected by inflammation;
  • the appearance of manifestations corresponding to the form of dermatitis in the form of bubbles, blisters, etc.


Diagnosis of dermatitis consists of an initial blood test. To exclude the possibility of mycotic skin lesions joining the current processes, seeding and microscopic examination of scales from the area that has been affected is also carried out. Allergic dermatitis requires various types of allergy tests, mainly skin tests are used for this. In frequent cases, the allergic nature of the factor acting as an irritant is determined through a blood test (increased lg E level). Based on the results of the studies, an appropriate assessment of the patient’s condition is made.


Initially, treatment of dermatitis requires the elimination of a specific factor acting as an irritant. Methods of external therapy are determined based on the general state of the process: its intensity, the nature of the resulting elements of the rash, the state of the body as a whole, etc.

Acute processes in which blisters appear in combination with erosive surfaces after they disappear, bandages with a 3% aqueous solution of boric acid (3 grams of powder and 100 ml of water) are used. Quick and safe elimination of skin manifestations of the disease is ensured by the non-hormonal drug Skin-cap, which also prevents the development of a secondary infection against the background of dermatitis. It is used externally and contains activated zinc pyrithione, whose effectiveness is quite comparable to hormonal drugs, with which, as noted, it has nothing in common. This option provides an antibacterial and antifungal effect. In case of extensive lesions with simultaneous weeping, the best option would be to use an aerosol. For dry skin, cream is best used (this will provide the necessary hydration).

The addition of a secondary infection can be judged by the formation of honey-yellow crusts that form on the erosion itself; in addition, one can note the presence of cloudy contents formed in the bubbles (their covers require opening when subsequently applying Levomekol ointment, this is done twice a day, that is, every 12 hours).

Pruritic dermatitis requires the use of antihistamines and desensitizing drugs (standard dosage). During the treatment process, it is necessary to adhere to a diet in which obligate allergens are subject to exclusion, that is, those substances whose accumulation in the body will lead to allergic reactions in those individuals who are not generally prone to allergies. Such products include chocolate, coffee, fish, citrus fruits, and eggs.

Some cases of dermatitis require the use of hormonal creams, however, these are usually quite advanced options, and in any case, such drugs can only be used if directly prescribed by a doctor. Please note that their long-term use can lead to skin atrophy (otherwise, to thinning). Such creams are not used for the face!

Corticosteroids can provoke skin atrophy, the use of antibiotics can lead to the formation of resistance by bacteria with the subsequent development of allergies, therefore, treatment of dermatitis requires the exclusive supervision of a doctor in terms of prescribing drugs, their dosage and duration of the course.

To diagnose the disease, you need to consult a dermatologist.

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Treatment of dermatitis

Causes of dermatitis

Usually, dermatitis is not complicated by other types of disorders, but when it develops into a chronic form, it causes severe discomfort, itching and burning.

Treating dermatitis at home

Both simple contact and allergic dermatitis do not cause hospitalization. Their therapy is easily carried out at home, but consultation with a specialist is advisable, and sometimes you may need to visit a medical facility for treatment and the same diagnosis.

During the treatment of dermatitis, it is advisable to exclude from the diet:

  • food allergens (chocolate, mushrooms, honey, cocoa, oranges and others),
  • extractive substances (broths, jellied meat).

In order to prevent relapses during the inter-relapse period, courses of treatment with histaglobulin can be carried out.

What medications are used to treat dermatitis?

For allergic dermatitis, general hyposensitizing therapy is indicated:

  • sodium thiosulfate,
  • calcium chloride or gluconate intravenously,
  • calcium gluconate,
  • antihistamines - and others,
  • diuretics, especially in the presence of significant edema (furosemide),
  • enterosorbents,
  • in severe cases - corticosteroids.

As local therapy:

  • corticosteroid ointments and aerosols - oxycort, polcortolone,
  • shaken mixtures.

Treatment of dermatitis with traditional methods

The use of folk remedies for the treatment of dermatitis is not always able to eliminate the problem, but it is usually possible to alleviate the symptoms. Take note of the following substances that can be used as home remedies:

  • decoctions of medicinal herbs - 2 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs, leave in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain after another 45 minutes and use to wipe the affected areas of the skin; will do
    • series,
    • currant bark,
    • viburnum bark,
    • licorice root.
    • tricolor violet leaves,
    • chamomile flowers
  • ointments - prepared by combining fats (chicken, goose, pork) and oils (sea buckthorn, castor), which are mixed in a water bath and then left to cool;
  • compresses from herbal infusions prepared similarly to the procedure described above; will do
    • elecampane root
    • oak bark,
    • horsetail grass,
    • felt burdock grass,
    • lemon balm herb,
    • calendula flowers
  • baths - the water temperature should be no more than 40 °C, and preferably 37-38 °C, add 5 liters of decoction to a full bath of water (boil 200 grams of herbs in 5 liters of water for 15-20 minutes); will do
    • nettle,
    • oregano,
    • wild rosemary,
    • chamomile,
    • blue cornflowers
  • aromatherapy - using lavender, geranium, sandalwood oil.

Treatment of dermatitis during pregnancy

Treatment of dermatitis In pregnant women, it must be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor in accordance with his prescriptions and recommendations. Depending on the type of dermatitis and the general condition of the pregnant woman, antihistamines and sedatives are usually prescribed. Preference is given to topical drugs - antipruritic talkers, calamine creams and corticosteroid ointments.

The doctor will recommend that the expectant mother adhere to a strict diet - avoid fatty, salty, spicy, sweet foods, dyes, preservatives, and exotic foods. Treatment will certainly take place against the background of eliminating the factor that provokes dermatitis, and for pregnant women this is usually pets, dust, old books, clothing fabrics, household chemicals or cosmetics.

Which doctors should you contact if you have dermatitis?

The diagnosis of simple dermatitis is to identify an exogenous factor.

To establish the diagnosis of allergic dermatitis, anamnesis plays an important role, as well as skin testing, which is especially important when identifying occupational allergens.

Laboratory tests can be used: immunological reactions with specific antigens.

Differential diagnosis is made between simple and allergic dermatitis. Clinical features that distinguish allergic contact dermatitis from simple:

  • dermatitis develops after repeated contact with substances during a certain latent period necessary for the development of sensitization;
  • the rash is localized not only at sites of contact with certain substances, but also in distant areas of the skin (mainly erythema-squamous, papular, of varying severity);
  • allergic contact dermatitis is accompanied by signs characteristic of eczema: microvesiculation, true polymorphism, tendency to relapse, secretion of ichor;
  • dermatitis does not always regress after eliminating contact with the substances that caused its development.

Allergic dermatitis is differentiated from eczema.

The information is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.


Skin pathologies of an allergic nature cause internal discomfort and cosmetic defects to the patient. Treatment of dermatitis in adults is possible with official medications and folk remedies against all skin manifestations of the disease. The approach to health problems is comprehensive. Initially, identify the main allergen and eliminate the pathogenic factor. Then you can use ointments as prescribed for atopic dermatitis in adults.

How to treat dermatitis in adults

The disease is of an allergic nature, so any treatment begins with a diet and complete exclusion of the potential allergen and additional use of antihistamines. The doctor carefully studies the external symptoms of dermatitis and recommends undergoing a clinical and laboratory examination to clarify the form of the disease and the characteristics of intensive care. With dermatitis, the patient's appearance leaves much to be desired, so it is recommended to act immediately.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults

Dermatitis is a consequence of intoxication of the body, so its treatment in adult patients and children must be comprehensive. Doctors suppress the effect of the allergen with antihistamines, but taking them orally is sometimes not enough to completely heal. Here are the medications that need to be included in the treatment of dermatitis in adults:

  1. Antihistamines for dermatitis: Claritin, Fenistil, Suprastin, L-Cet, Cetrin, Zirtec, Telfast, Loratadine.
  2. Non-hormonal ointments: Protopic, Eplan, Fenistil, Elidel, Losterin, Destin, Thymogen, Naftaderm, Videstim, Isis.
  3. Hormonal ointments for the effective treatment of complicated forms of dermatitis in adults: Elokom, Akriderm, Celestoderm.
  4. Local antiseptics for relieving symptoms of inflammation in adults: Lincomycin and Erythromycin ointment, Celestoderm.
  5. Antibiotics for oral use for complications of dermatitis: Rovamycin, Doxycycline, Sumamed, Zitrolide, Erythromycin.
  6. Probiotics: Bifidobacterin, Linex, Lactobacterin, Acipol to restore intestinal microflora in adults with dermatitis.


The main irritant in this clinical picture is the sun's rays and the body's increased sensitivity to them. After infection, the skin will look heterogeneous, bumpy, and the patient experiences an acute sensation of itching, burning, and complains of increased swelling of the inflamed skin. The following medications are recommended as effective treatment:

  1. To eliminate the provoking factor, it is recommended to use products with methyluracil or zinc.
  2. For productive restoration of damaged dermis, Panthenol spray is prescribed externally to pathological lesions.
  3. To strengthen weakened immunity, vitamins of groups C, E, A, B and preparations with x content are appropriate.

Treatment of contact dermatitis

Photodermatitis is an atypical form of contact dermatitis, which is associated with direct interaction with a provoking factor from the environment. The main task of the patient is to eliminate contact with the irritant, remove the external symptoms of the disease with medication, and eliminate their dependence in the future. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Corticosteroids: Advantan, Elokom, Lokoid creams.
  2. Antihistamines: Cetrin, Erius, Claritin, Zyrtec.
  3. Local antiseptics: Burov's liquid.

Seborrheic dermatitis

When oily scales appear on the head, which periodically itch and itch, seborrheic dermatitis is suspected. This is a consequence of increased activity in the body of a yeast fungus that feeds on sebum. Seborrheic dermatitis predominates in children in the first days of life, but is extremely rare in adults. Foci of pathology in adults are observed on the eyelids, in all folds of the skin.

To quickly recover from seborrheic dermatitis, the characteristic scales should be treated daily with olive oil so that they fall off quickly and painlessly. Additionally, it is recommended to review your diet and exclude fatty, spicy and smoked foods from your daily diet. You can use special medicated shampoos to moisturize dry skin that is prone to flaking.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis

If the skin is damaged, there is a suspicion of an allergic reaction of the body. This is one of the forms of dermatitis in adults, which requires a revision of daily nutrition to eliminate the pathological process. Synthetic components in food, semi-finished products and preservatives should be completely removed from the daily menu, since more often they become the same irritants. Therapeutic nutrition includes plant foods as a source of antioxidants and natural fiber.

Food dermatitis in adults

This form of dermatitis is chronic, and the patient goes into the category of eternal “allergy sufferers”. To maintain general health, it is necessary to regularly perform therapeutic and preventive measures. The components of the dishes must be hypoallergenic, otherwise the characteristic rash in different parts of the dermis will bother the patient more and more often. Allergens are often red vegetables and fruits, processed foods and preservatives, citrus fruits and berries.

How to treat toxicoderma

Proper treatment of dermatitis begins with the productive elimination of a dangerous allergen that entered the body with food or through the respiratory tract with further distribution through the systemic bloodstream. In addition, infection with a toxic substance can occur through injection. For productive treatment, a definitely hypoallergenic diet and vitamin intake are required. There is a permanent intensive care regimen for adults, which in practice includes the following areas:

  • home use of cleansing enemas for the productive removal of intoxication products;
  • internal intake of enterosorbents, diuretics, which also remove toxins from the blood and other biological fluids;
  • administration of a solution of sodium thiosulfate, calcium chloride intravenously in order to strengthen weakened immunity;
  • taking antihistamines orally: Cetirizine, Tavegil, Loratadine, Claritin, Chloropyramine;
  • use of glucocorticosteroids in the form of Prednisolone and its derivatives in severe clinical situations.

How to treat dermatitis on the body in an adult

If the disease is detected at an early stage, the use of antihistamines internally and externally is sufficient treatment. In complicated clinical pictures with the appearance of purulent wounds and exudative rashes, oral antibiotics in the form of tablets and the use of external corticosteroids are necessary. If signs of dermatitis are preceded by increased activity of a fungal infection, treatment should include antifungal agents.

Drug treatment

The attending physician decides whether to take hormones or antibiotics, based on the characteristics of the clinical picture. If there are no complications, the adult patient is prescribed antihistamines orally. These are tablets Claritin, Loratadine, Cetrin, Suprastin, Fenistil, L-Cet, Tavegil and others. The course of intensive therapy varies between 7-14 days and is adjusted by the doctor on an individual basis. If one allergy medicine is not suitable, it must be replaced, taking into account the body's compatibility with the active components.

Additionally, pay attention to representatives of the following pharmacological groups:

  • sorbents: Enterosgel, activated carbon;
  • probiotics: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte;
  • antibiotics: Rovamycin, Doxycycline, Sumamed, Zitrolide, Erythromycin;
  • antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Famvir, Valtrex, Alpizarin;
  • multivitamin complexes for dermatitis.

Local treatment

Dermatitis appears not only on the face; the presence of a characteristic rash is possible on the back, buttocks and other parts of the body. If taking pills kills a pathogenic infection from the inside, then the external use of creams and ointments helps to effectively eliminate a cosmetic defect, reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations, and completely eliminate discomfort from your daily life. Here are the medications doctors prescribe for the treatment of dermatitis in adults:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Elokom, Diprosalik or Akriderm;
  • local products for skin regeneration: Solcoseryl, D-panthenol, Bepanten;
  • corticosteroid drugs: Elokom, Afloderm, Lokoid, Advantan.
  • antifungal agents: Triderm, Pimafucort;
  • local antibiotics: erythromycin ointment;
  • antimicrobial compounds: Fukortsin;
  • local antiseptics.


The use of herbal preparations is appropriate as part of complex treatment, since their independent use for adults gives rather mediocre results. For dermatitis, positive dynamics are provided by herbal remedies with chamomile, string, lemon balm and St. John's wort. Medicines such as calendula-based ointment, medicinal chamomile extract, evening primrose ether, and stinging nettle have proven themselves well.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

To speed up the treatment of dermatitis in adults, it is necessary to undergo a course of special procedures in a hospital setting. Such sessions are prescribed by the attending physician, who also stipulates the number of procedures to achieve the desired effect. Here's what every potential allergy sufferer needs to know:

  1. Electrophoresis with intal, diphenhydramine, calcium chloride reduces the feeling of itching of the skin and relieves swelling.
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation of the skin to relax the nervous system and eliminate unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis.
  3. Applications with paraffin or ozokerite to prevent massive peeling of overdried dermis.
  4. Electrosleep for instability of the nervous system and pronounced signs of chronic insomnia in dermatitis in adults.

Treatment of dermatitis in adults with folk remedies

The disease can be eliminated using alternative methods, but at an early stage of the pathological process. Treatment of dermatitis is successful if the foci of pathology are regularly treated with decoctions of chamomile, stinging nettle, and string. The composition is prepared using the classic method - 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per glass of water, but the amount of the finished medicine depends on the abundance of foci of pathology. An adult should perform home procedures daily, supplementing them with official methods.


The main goal is to eliminate allergens from the daily menu. For dermatitis in adults and not only food should be hypoallergenic. In order to promptly identify the irritant, during the next attack of dermatitis, for successful treatment, it is recommended to take a blood test to study the pathogenic flora. The daily menu should contain plant fiber, natural antioxidants, and natural vitamins.

Dermatitis is a skin disease that occurs due to exposure to external and internal factors on the body. The disease is divided into several types, depending on the cause and symptomatic picture.

Various types of skin dermatitis affect both children and adult men and women. Next, we will look at everything about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment with medications and folk remedies of such types of dermatitis as: infectious dermatitis, atopic, seborrheic, contact dermatitis, allergic and dry type. Photo examples of each type of dermatitis are included for clarity. Some shock photos are hidden in the spoiler.

Causes of dermatitis

All skin diseases are divided into two types, depending on the reasons that led to their development. Dermatitis can be acquired or congenital. If one of the parents has a skin disease, in 9% of cases it will be passed on to the child at birth. Such dermatitis is extremely difficult to treat; as a rule, drug therapy only helps to reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Acquired dermatitis occurs due to various diseases and the influence of negative factors that cause an allergic reaction in the body, which is manifested by skin rashes. Allergic dermatitis occurs for the following reasons:

  • emotional and mental exhaustion under the influence of severe stress;
  • excessive exposure to the open sun;
  • a negative reaction to external irritation that occurs upon contact with household chemicals and body care products. Allergic dermatitis, in most cases, occurs due to various foods. Occurs in childhood;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • weakened immune system due to the presence of chronic diseases in the body.

Manifestations of allergic dermatitis are redness of the skin, peeling and itching. Increased tearing of the mucous membranes of the eye may occur. Often, in patients with allergic dermatitis during its exacerbation, dry and. Symptoms go away immediately as soon as the body’s contact with the allergen stops. The most common causes of allergic dermatitis are wool, dust, cosmetics, and medications. Dermatitis most often appears on the hands.

Types of dermatitis in adult men and women

Dry type dermatitis

This type of dermatitis, like dry dermatitis, appears, in most cases, in winter due to exposure to cold and wind on the body. Dry skin dermatitis has the following clinical picture:

  • severe dryness of the skin on the feet;
  • peeling on the heels, up to the appearance of cracks;
  • itching on reddened areas of the skin;
  • severe redness of the skin.

Photo of dry dermatitis:

Dry type dermatitis - this type of disease manifests itself, in most cases, in winter due to exposure to cold and wind on the body.

Dry dermatitis occurs not only in the cold season, but can also be provoked by stressful situations and may have a genetic predisposition. Dry skin dermatitis worsens in the presence of various infectious and viral diseases.

Contact type of dermatitis

Contact dermatitis has a similar clinical picture to the allergic type of dermatitis. Occurs through direct contact with an allergen. For example, when wearing clothes made of synthetic materials or wool, if a person has allergies. This group of dermatitis also includes photodermatitis - a skin reaction to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Occurs during tanning under open sunlight.

The symptoms and treatment of contact dermatitis are very simple. The disease is easily diagnosed. The main signs of contact dermatitis:

  • redness of the skin is clearly localized;
  • exfoliation of dermal cells.

Despite the fact that the treatment of contact dermatitis is simple and quick, it must be started immediately when the first signs are detected. Otherwise, the disease will drag on and worsen. At the site of redness, bubbles with moist contents will appear, and the itching and feeling of discomfort will only increase.

This is what contact dermatitis looks like:


Seborrheic dermatitis is the most complex type of skin disease, which occurs due to an exacerbation of pathogenic microflora present in the human body - saprophytes. Saprophytes, at the time of their intensive reproduction, affect the sebaceous glands, causing their dysfunction and changing the biological composition of sebum. Seborrheic dermatitis on the face and other parts of the body has two forms - dry and oily.

Dry dermatitis on the head and facial skin manifests itself in constant itching and peeling of the skin. Skin particles come off in small scales, which cannot be removed with the help of cosmetic products. For oily seborrheic dermatitis, a characteristic sign is the appearance of purulent formations, and the intense secretion and accumulation of sebum makes the skin shiny.

The disease occurs at any age. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis should be comprehensive.

In the photo, Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is the most complex type of skin disease, which occurs due to an exacerbation of pathogenic microflora present in the human body - saprophytes

Perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis occurs, in most cases, in people in the age group of 20-35 years. It appears as redness of the skin around the lips, on the bridge of the nose and on the eyelids. The color of the spots varies from soft red to burgundy.

The cause of perioral dermatitis is the use of cosmetics and household chemicals and body care products. Perioral dermatitis often appears when using toothpastes that cause allergies, lipsticks, and shaving products. These factors are exacerbated by a weakened immune system. A pathogenic virus can remain in a depressed state in the body for a long time, and manifest itself under the influence of several factors. The period of exacerbation is observed, most often, in the presence of infectious or viral diseases. Treatment of perioral dermatitis is simple - at the first signs of the disease, it is enough to change your personal hygiene products, preferably using hypoallergenic products.

Etiology of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis in adults occurs due to improper treatment of allergic skin inflammation. May have a genetic predisposition.

Pay attention! The appearance of atopic dermatitis is a harbinger of eczema, and its signs cannot be ignored.

Symptomatic picture of atopic dermatitis:

  • redness of the skin in certain areas;
  • itching and peeling;
  • After some time, a crust appears in place of the red spots.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis should be comprehensive. In cases where atopic dermatitis is part of an atopic disease, treatment should be aimed at correcting concomitant pathologies ( bronchial asthma, hay fever).

Sodermix cream helps to increase the effectiveness of pathogenetic treatment aimed at controlling itching and improving skin repair. The absence of side effects and good tolerability of Sodermix cream allows it to be widely recommended for inclusion in complex therapy for children and adults with atopic dermatitis.

Acute period

During this period, intensive therapy is carried out with the prescription of glucocorticosteroids, drugs and membrane stabilizers. When an infection occurs, antibiotics are prescribed. In the acute period, medications are prescribed either orally ( in the form of injections and tablets) and externally ( creams, aerosols).


During the period of remission ( fading) maintenance therapy is prescribed, which includes sorbents, vitamins, moisturizing creams and emulsions. During this period, prevention of atopic dermatitis, physiotherapeutic and spa treatment are also carried out.

Drug therapy for the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Drug therapy is basic in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. It includes a wide range of medications.

Groups of drugs used for atopic dermatitis:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • drugs;
  • immunosuppressants of the macrolide class;
  • moisturizers of various groups.


This group of drugs is traditional in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. They are prescribed locally ( in the form of ointments), and systemically ( orally in tablet form). Drugs in this group vary in degree of activity - weak (), moderate ( elocom) and strong ( dermovate). However, recently, the effectiveness of these drugs has been called into question, since very often their prescription is complicated by secondary infection.


These drugs have an antiallergic effect. By blocking the release of histamine, they eliminate redness, relieve swelling, and reduce itching. They are mainly prescribed in tablet form, but can also be given as injections. This group of drugs includes medications such as chloropyramine (), clemastine,.

Ointments and creams for the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Drug name Mechanism of action Directions for use
Group of glucocorticosteroids
Hydrocortisone Inhibits allergic reactions and the development of edema in the lesion. Reduces redness. Apply a 1 mm layer onto the affected areas of the skin twice a day.
Elokom Relieves swelling and has an antipruritic effect. It is recommended to use ointment in case of severe peeling of the skin and cream if inflammatory infiltration predominates.
Dermovate Has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. Apply a thin layer once or twice a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks.


It has an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect. It also constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling at the site of inflammation. The ointment is applied several times a day ( depending on the severity of the lesion) within 3 weeks.
Macrolide group
Elidel Blocks the release of inflammatory mediators, thereby providing an antiallergic effect. The product is applied in a thin layer and gently rubbed into the affected surface. The procedure is performed twice a day for 6 – 8 weeks.
Antihistamine group
Fenistil gel Blocks H1 receptors, thereby preventing the release of histamine. The gel is applied to the itchy surface for 3 to 5 days.
Ointments and creams from various groups
Ichthyol ointment The ointment prevents excessive keratinization of the skin. It also has an antiseptic effect, thus preventing secondary infection of atopic dermatitis. The ointment is applied once or twice a day to areas of rough skin.

Isis cream

Has an antiseptic effect, increases metabolic processes in the skin. Deeply moisturizes the skin and restores the lipid layer. Apply the cream with light circular movements morning and evening to damaged areas of the body.
Silver sulfathiazole Promotes wound healing and prevents the development of secondary infection. A thin layer of 1 - 2 mm of ointment is applied with a tampon to the affected surface twice a day.
Emollient creams
Topicrem Restores the lipid barrier of the skin, eliminating the feeling of tightness. Apply to dry areas of skin twice a day.
Lipikar Intensively moisturizes the skin, relieves itching and promotes wound healing. Lubricate areas of dry and rough skin once a day.
Trickzera Reduces skin hypersensitivity, moisturizes and restores the lipid layer. Apply the cream to previously cleansed skin once or twice a day.
Atoderm Moisturizes the skin and eliminates its hypersensitivity. The cream is applied to slightly damp but cleansed skin twice a day.
Xemosis Relieves irritation and has a calming effect on the skin. Apply to previously cleansed skin once or twice a day.
Ointments and creams that accelerate the healing process
Solcoseryl Thanks to its composition, it promotes tissue healing and enhances restoration processes in the area of ​​inflammation. The gel or ointment is applied directly to the wound surface, which is previously cleaned. Apply 1 – 2 times a day, and if necessary, cover the wound with a bandage.
Actovegin Increases metabolic processes at the healing site, thereby accelerating the healing of wounds and other elements of atopic dermatitis. The ointment is applied in a layer of 2–3 mm to the affected surface twice a day.
Methyluracil ointment Has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates and accelerates healing. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the previously cleaned damaged surface. After application, fix with a bandage.

The choice of dosage form of the drug, be it ointment, cream or emulsion, depends on the form of atopic dermatitis and the stage of its development. So in the acute phase, which is accompanied by weeping and the formation of crusts, emulsions, tinctures and aerosols are recommended. For example, chamomile tincture is prescribed ( which has antiseptic properties) or Burov's fluid. If the acute phase is not accompanied by maceration ( moist softening of the skin), then you can use creams and pastes. For chronic atopic dermatitis, ointments are prescribed. Any pharmaceutical drug intended for the treatment of atopic dermatitis is available in several forms. For example, solcoseryl is available in both ointment and gel form.

Tablets for the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Drug name Mechanism of action Directions for use
Suprastin Blocks histamine receptors, thereby preventing its release in atopic dermatitis. One tablet three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 100 mg, which is equal to 4 tablets. Apply within 5 – 7 days.
Clemastine Prevents the development of edema, eliminates itching. 1 mg each ( one tablet) twice a day.


Reduces itching and redness, facilitates the course of the allergic process. One tablet ( 10 mg) once a day.
Sodium cromoglycate Stabilizes the cell membrane, preventing the release of inflammatory mediators from it. Prevents the development of allergic reactions. Two capsules ( 200 mg) 2 to 4 times a day. Capsules should be taken half an hour before meals.


Inhibits the release of histamine and other mediators, thereby eliminating their effects. The tablets are taken orally with meals. One tablet is recommended ( 1 mg) morning and evening.
Tablets that normalize emotional background


Has a stress-protective effect, relieves tension. The daily dose of the drug is 150–300 mg, which is equal to 3–6 tablets. This dose is divided into 3 doses.
Bellataminal Relieves increased excitability and has a calming effect. One tablet 2 to 3 times a day. It is recommended to take the tablets after meals.
Persen It has a pronounced sedative effect and has a mild hypnotic effect. 2 tablets three times a day. For insomnia, take 2 tablets before bed.
Atarax Relieves tension, has a moderate sedative and hypnotic effect. The average dose is 50 mg per day, which corresponds to 2 tablets of 25 mg. As a rule, the dose is divided into 3 doses - half a tablet in the morning and at lunch, and one whole tablet at night.
Amitriptyline It has a pronounced sedative effect, eliminates tension, and normalizes the emotional background. Initial dose – 50 mg per day ( 2 tablets). After 2 weeks, the dose is increased to 100 mg per day.
Diazepam Relieves nervous tension, anxiety, has a moderate hypnotic effect. The daily dose is 5 – 15 mg ( 3 tablets of 5 mg each). It is recommended to divide the dose into 2 – 3 doses.
Tablets that normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract
Smectite Adsorbs toxic substances in the intestines and has a protective effect on the intestinal mucosa. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in 100 ml of water and taken after meals. The daily dose is from 2 to 3 sachets of the drug.
Lignin It has a detoxifying effect, adsorbs harmful microorganisms and their toxins from the intestines. Increases local . The drug is taken before meals 3-4 times a day. The paste is diluted in a small volume of water.
Bifidumbacterin Normalizes intestinal microflora, increasing nonspecific. One - two sachets twice a day. The contents of the sachet are diluted in 50 ml of boiled water.
Hilak forte Regulates the balance of intestinal flora, restores the intestinal mucosa, thereby increasing its protective properties. A special pipette ( included with the drug) measure out 40–50 drops, which are diluted with a small amount of water. Drops are taken with meals. The daily dose is 150 drops, divided into 3 meals.

In addition to the above medications, hyposensitizing drugs are used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. They are prescribed in the acute period of the disease and most often in the form of injections.

Drugs that reduce sensitization in atopic dermatitis

Spoiler with a shock photo of advanced Atopic dermatitis in a child all over the face and in a young girl.


Manifestations of infectious dermatitis

The disease occurs with the development of infectious diseases - scarlet fever. Often the cause of infectious dermatitis is improper treatment of the skin before medical procedures. Through small wounds and abrasions, and can enter the human body, which, at the site of penetration, cause inflammatory processes. The symptomatic picture of infectious dermatitis is pronounced - the formation of an abscess, an abscess, and skin rashes.

Manifestations of infectious dermatitis - the disease occurs with the development of infectious diseases - scarlet fever.

General manifestations of dermatitis and symptoms

. Acute form of skin dermatitis manifested by the sudden onset of itching on the skin, accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, and may occur. Some time after the appearance of the first symptoms, a clinical picture characteristic of one or another type of dermatitis begins to appear.

Chronic stages of skin dermatitis in adult men and women are the most difficult to treat. The disease may be in remission for a long time, but upon contact with an irritant, or during infectious diseases that reduce the protective functions of the immune system, a process of remission begins, with pronounced symptoms of skin dermatitis.

All types of dermatitis have a common clinical picture and symptoms:

  1. Skin itching. Depending on the type of superficial skin dermatitis, it has different intensity and duration. Itching itself is extremely rare. In most cases, it is accompanied by redness and rash. Depending on the nature of the itching, the doctor may diagnose the development of atopic dermatitis or seborrhea.
  2. Skin rashes. They have different manifestations. With the development of seborrhea, dry scales appear on the skin; during dry dermatitis, the skin becomes covered with small spots. The locations of rashes for any dermatitis are the face, neck, hands.
  3. Peeling skin accompanies any type of dermatitis. The severity is stronger in dry dermatitis and seborrhea.
  4. Skin redness– appears during relapse of dermatitis. It is extremely rare in chronic forms of skin dermatitis in adults and children.
  5. Exudation process– the formation of bubbles with wet contents inside – typical for untreated forms of dermatitis.

Lumpy dermatitis, which occurs in cattle, does not pose a danger to humans, but eating the meat of such animals must undergo careful heat treatment.

Symptoms of dermatitis in the photo

The photo shows a manifestation of dermatitis on the legs. Any dermatitis has two stages of development - acute and chronic.

Treatment of skin dermatitis

Treatment of various types of dermatitis in adults is accompanied by the use of antihistamines, which reduce the manifestations of the disease and destroy pathogenic microflora. Before treating the disease, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and identify the type of dermatitis. It is imperative to exclude contact of the body with factors that provoke a negative reaction of the body.

The concept of dermatitis includes a large number of skin diseases with different etiologies. Therefore, when dermatitis is detected, treatment is determined primarily by the main irritating factor, and its technique varies significantly in different cases of the disease.

Due to the difficulty of diagnosing the type of dermatitis, treatment should be prescribed after a thorough examination by a dermatologist. The treatment method can be based on different methods: medication, physiotherapy, invasive methods, folk remedies, etc. Quite effective treatment can be carried out at home, but only after consultation with a doctor.

Features of the disease

Dermatitis is a group of skin diseases characterized by an inflammatory reaction of the skin to various irritants of a physical, biological or chemical nature. The disease can be divided into two large groups: and toxicerma. Contact type involves direct exposure of the irritant to the skin. With toxicerma, dermatitis becomes a reaction of the skin to processes occurring inside the body when an irritant enters it.

Dermatitis has many varieties, the main ones can be distinguished: simple contact type, allergic, atopic, seborrheic, herpetiformis, eczema, urticaria. According to the manifestation of the disease, they are divided into stages:

  1. Acute stage: appears unexpectedly immediately after exposure to the stimulus in the form of vesicles, ends after the cessation of exposure.
  2. Subacute stage: crusty or scaly appearance.
  3. Chronic type: lasts for a long period with frequent exposure to the irritant on the skin.

The disease manifests itself in the form of various inflammatory formations, the main pathologies can be noted: primary formations - papules, vesicles, plaques, edema; secondary anomalies - cracks, crusts, scales. Such manifestations are accompanied by characteristic symptoms: redness as a result of an inflammatory reaction, swelling, itching, burning, local increase in skin temperature, a feeling of heat at the site of the lesion, blisters, blisters.

Main types of disease

Based on the manifestation of signs of the disease and the nature of the pathogenesis, some dermatitis can be noted. They have specific properties and are widespread.

  1. Dry dermatitis. Dry type dermatitis most often appears on the feet and has the following symptoms: chronic nature, dry skin (xerosis) up to cracking, itching, inflammation in the form of redness and exudates on cracks. If treatment measures are not taken, this disease causes other dermatitis with widespread localization. The disease is of a pronounced seasonal nature - cold, dry weather. It is most common in people with dry skin types and those prone to allergies, as well as in older people. The main causes of occurrence: exposure to low temperature, the presence of other diseases, hereditary predisposition, psychosomatic factors.
  2. , or skin itching (prurigo), is a reaction to irritation of the nerve processes, causing the need for scratching and increased excitability. According to localization, widespread (extensive) and local (local) types are noted. Widespread itching can affect the entire body and is provoked by the following reasons: allergic dermatitis, kidney and liver diseases, brain pathologies, functional abnormalities of the sebaceous glands, worms, allergies to wool or insects. Local itching most often occurs on moving parts of the body, areas with delicate skin, and open areas of the skin. Main causes: insect bites, contact dermatitis.
  3. Infectious dermatitis. The infectious type of disease is initiated by microorganisms in certain diseases (rashes due to smallpox, measles, scarlet fever) and as a result of infection due to mechanical damage to the skin (ulcers caused by staphylococci and streptococci). The inflammatory process can affect both the outer and deeper layers of the skin.
  4. Fungal dermatitis. Fungal dermatitis, or dermatomycosis, manifests itself in the form of characteristic rashes (mycids). They can appear in the form of primary (papules and pustules) or secondary (crust) rashes. This type of disease leads to decreased immunity and endocrine pathologies, decreased skin resistance, and increased skin moisture.
  5. may appear as an acute or chronic type and is characterized by severe itching. Signs of an acute type of disease: redness, swelling, primary type rash; chronic type: peeling of the skin, secondary weeping crusts, feeling of stuffiness in the ear. Main causes: fungal infection, mechanical or chemical damage to the skin, scratching.
  6. Red dermatitis, or lichen planus, forms on the joints of the upper extremities, on the side of the body, and in the mouth. It is a chronic variety with numerous nodular papules of pink-red color. Characterized by severe itching. Gradually, the papules merge, forming plaques of a gray-red hue, after the destruction of which brown spots remain.
  7. Food dermatitis, or food allergy, can occur even in infants and is chronic. The main symptoms in infants: redness on the cheeks and buttocks, scales on the head, diaper rash; in adults: upset stomach, flatulence, itching without rash formation, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, swelling of the extremities, fever. Food dermatitis is initiated by the following reasons: polluted atmosphere, hereditary predisposition, foods with allergens.

In order to decide how to treat dermatitis, it is necessary to differentiate the type of disease and identify the causative agent. It is very difficult to start treatment without consultation and examination by the attending physician.

Basic principles of treatment

Taking into account the variety of forms of the disease, dermatitis should be treated by following the basic principles:

In case of a sharp exacerbation, treatment of contact type dermatitis is based on the following conditions:

  1. Urgent elimination of external irritant.
  2. Large bubbles are punctured and their contents are released without removing the bubble shell.
  3. A bandage with a compress of Burov's liquid is applied, the compress is changed every 3 hours.
  4. Use an ointment based on corticosteroids.
  5. At a complex stage of the disease, a corticosteroid is prescribed (prednisone at a dose of 70 mg/day for 15 days with a gradual reduction in dose to 5 mg/day), administered orally.

For subacute or chronic contact dermatitis, a shortened course of compresses or ointments based on corticosteroids (betamethasone, dipropionate, clobetasol) is given.

Medicinal ointments and creams

Effective treatment of various types of dermatitis is carried out using ointments and creams of hormonal and non-hormonal types. The following non-hormonal agents can be recommended:

  1. Eplan: cream for itching, ulcers, cracks, eczema, acne, burns, bites, and also for protection against chemical irritants.
  2. Bepanten (Pantelon, Pantoderm): ointment and cream for dry skin, for various types of dermatitis.
  3. Skin-Cap: cream, gel; antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect, strong glucocorticosteroid.
  4. Escoderil: cream with antifungal effect.
  5. Radevit: ointment for allergic, atopic, contact dermatitis.
  6. Gistan: herbal extract, used for.
  7. Elidel: cream with anti-inflammatory effects.
  8. Protopic: ointment, good for treatment.
  9. Naftaderm: ointment with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic effects.
  10. Losterin: a cream that has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

In severe forms of the disease, hormonal ointments are used under the supervision of a physician:

  1. Celestoderm: ointment, glucocorticosteroid for various types of dermatitis.
  2. Advantan: ointment, cream, fatty emulsion, effective for any dermatitis.
  3. Flucinar: ointment, gel, used for dry dermatitis.
  4. Fucicort: cream for dermatitis with bacterial infection.
  5. Akriderm: ointment, glucocorticosteroid, good against allergic dermatitis.

Nutrition for dermatitis

When treating and preventing dermatitis, especially allergic and atopic types, it is very important to exclude from the diet foods that can provoke the disease. Products that often cause an allergic reaction and require extreme caution include the following:

  • foods high in protein: pork, fatty beef, milk, chicken eggs, fish roe, smoked meat, canned meat;
  • products of plant origin: legumes, sauerkraut, marinades, canned food, red vegetables and berries, tropical fruits, mushrooms, dried fruits;
  • drinks: sparkling water, yoghurt, cocoa, coffee;
  • dessert dishes: chocolate, honey, marmalade, caramel;
  • seasonings, sauces, mayonnaise, emulsifiers, dyes, all preservatives.

These products can only be consumed after an allergy test.

Herbal medicine as a method of treatment

A number of plants contain natural substances that can actively fight dermatitis pathogens and restore damaged tissue. Decoctions, infusions, solutions, ointments, and juices are prepared from plants for external and internal use in cases of illness. The following plants are widely used: celandine (usually juice is used), string (decoctions and infusions), periwinkle (decoction), fruits of Sophora japonica (infusion or decoction is used internally).

Traditional medicine recommends the use of the following compositions: birch tar in the form of ointment and soap; tea tree oil; mash (alcohol solution of white clay, zinc powder, novocaine); a mixture of petroleum tar and boric acid; potato juice; geranium oil You can offer some folk recipes for infusions based on medicinal preparations:

  1. Elderberry (10 g), calamus (15 g), St. John's wort (10 g), elm bark (10 g), elecampane root (5 g) are infused in vodka (100 ml).
  2. A series (1 tsp), hop cones (1 tsp) are infused in boiling water (150 ml).
  3. Hops with boiling water in a ratio of 1:4.
  4. Plantain leaves (5 leaves) are mixed with 70 ml of white wine.
  5. Aloe leaves (200 g), castor oil (150 g), red wine (50 ml) are mixed and infused.

Dermatitis has a large number of varieties with different pathogens and can appear at any age, starting from infancy. To carry out effective treatment, it is important to correctly determine the type of dermatitis and the cause of its occurrence. The treatment itself can be based on drug therapy for internal and external use, as well as traditional medicine methods.



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