What to feed a cat with urolithiasis. Urolithiasis in cats: treatment, signs, symptoms, diet, medications, medicinal food

There is no secret that when stones form in the kidneys (as well as the ureters or the bladder itself), the sensations are far from pleasant. And when large and sharp uroliths, together with urine, move along thin ureters, scratching them or even getting stuck, then the pain is not a barrier.

If the stone is stuck, thereby closing the excretory duct, then urine accumulates in the bladder (or cannot even leave the “limits” of the kidney). As a result, severe intoxication of the body. If help is not provided in time, it is unlikely that death will be avoided.

Causes of urolithiasis development

  1. Urolithiasis in cats develops mainly due to metabolic failure (metabolism is disrupted). Often the fault lies in an unbalanced diet. If you feed your pet exclusively with economy food (and it makes no difference whether it is dry or wet), then, most likely, in the near future you will notice symptoms of urolithiasis (UCD) in your cat.
    Manufacturers of budget brands do not balance their products by minerals. As a result, the balance inside the animal’s body is disrupted and salts begin to be deposited. Even if you alternate such food and food of natural (not industrial) origin, metabolic disorders cannot be avoided.
  2. Lack of free access to clean (filtered or boiled) water also often leads to ICD. Dry food swells in the stomach, thereby “pulling” moisture from the cells. This, again, leads to the main cause of this disease.
    Tap water (provided that a special filter is not built into the water supply) has a lot to offer. These are metal ions, salts, and other nasty things that do not bring any benefit. By consuming such liquid, the cat “overwhelms” its body and blood with unnecessary (even harmful) mineral compounds, which subsequently settle in the kidneys or urinary ducts.
  3. Digestive problems are also often responsible for the development of urolithiasis in cats. It is very important to detect digestive organ dysfunction in your pet in a timely manner. And this is not only the stomach and intestines, do not forget about the liver and pancreas, which also participate in digestion, producing specific enzymes.
  4. Sedentary or already obese pets are already prone to developing urolithiasis. Obesity is already a disturbed metabolism, and the consequence is urolithiasis, since cats have practically no active movement and an unbalanced diet.
  5. Almost everyone knows the joke about genetics. Something like “you can’t crush it with your finger,” but this also applies to cats. Genetic predisposition plays a role in metabolic disorders. Of course, knowing in advance that this disease has been registered in your pet’s family, you can try in every possible way to prevent it by regularly seeing a veterinarian.
  6. Do not forget that urolithiasis appears in cats that have recently had an infectious disease. Most often caused by pyogenic bacteria such as cocci (strepto- or staphylo-). Many diseases cause complications on the genitourinary system, as well as medications. That is why treatment of any disease (even the most trivial one in your opinion) should occur only after examination by a veterinarian and under his supervision.
  7. Too much protein in food. Meat, fish and cottage cheese are good. However, do not overuse them, otherwise kidney problems cannot be avoided.
  8. And no less common is the reason associated with pathologies of the genitourinary system (not only acquired, but also congenital). Many people mistakenly believe that castrated/sterilized pets suffer from urolithiasis more often precisely because the operation was performed. This is not entirely true.
    If a cat develops symptoms of urolithiasis, it is due to unbalanced feeding. Or if the operation to terminate reproductive ability was performed too early. During the period when the urethra has not yet fully “developed” and remains too narrow.

Symptoms of urolithiasis

Having dealt with the huge list of possible causes of urolithiasis, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the symptoms themselves. Knowing them, you will be able to contact your veterinarian for help in time. Make your cat’s condition easier, and even save his life, by contacting a specialist in a timely manner. Even the slightest suspicion of this disease should be a reason for you to be wary and closely monitor your four-legged friend.

  1. The most common clinical sign, which applies to almost all diseases, is loss of appetite. If your pet suddenly stops eating or eats very sluggishly and reluctantly, even his favorite treat, this is already a sign that something is wrong in the cat’s body. However, this is far from a necessary manifestation of the disease.
  2. What symptoms definitely indicate problems with the urinary system of your purr? This is a loud meow, restlessness on the tray while emptying the bladder. The animal is experiencing wild pain. After all, sharp stones move with urine, which scratch the mucous membrane of the urinary ducts.
  3. Only an inattentive owner will not notice that the cat has begun to run around very often. It feels like just a drop of urine, while meowing loudly. This happens because the animal is afraid of pain, trying only to “relieve pressure” in the urinary tract, and besides, the stones interfere with the normal outflow of urine. It stagnates and irritates the bladder receptors, which in turn send a “command” to the brain that it’s time to go to the toilet.
  4. Some symptoms can only be noticed when examining the contents of the tray. This is blood (the filler is pinkish). Blood in the urine appears due to the fact that the stone scratches the mucous membrane of the ducts, thereby damaging the capillaries.
  5. If you very carefully feel the tummy, it is tight and tense. And with light pressure, the purr experiences pain, letting you know about it by meowing, or by jumping away from you. A tense and painful tummy in a cat can be a sign of another disease. And consultation with a veterinarian is urgently needed.
  6. Many owners say that among the “usual” signs of ICD, symptoms such as changes in behavior were also noted. The cat became very affectionate, sometimes even too intrusive, and tried to climb into your arms and attract attention to itself. Or, on the contrary, overly aggressive, not allowing herself to be touched. And some, despite their upbringing, could “inflate” a puddle almost in front of the owner’s very nose, accompanying the process with loud meowing.

Treatment of urolithiasis

Have you noticed symptoms of urolithiasis in your pet (whether all at once or just a couple)? Go to the veterinary clinic immediately for an examination. Don't delay treatment. Some stones can come out on their own, while others clog the ducts, leading to severe intoxication and painful shock in the cat.

Don't prescribe anything yourself. No diuretics. First you need to make a correct diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan that is suitable for your animal. Your veterinarian will place a catheter to help facilitate the flow of urine.

As a result, stones will come out (if they are not very large), since the duct will become wider due to the inserted catheter.

If the uroliths are too large, you will have to undergo surgery under anesthesia. You can’t delay this, every hour is precious. The veterinarian will advise you on what to feed your four-legged friend to prevent this from happening again, and will select means to restore health and further prevent the disease.

Urolithiasis has recently become widespread among domestic cats. Timely diagnosis of the disease plays an important role in the prognosis and treatment of a pet. Modern veterinary medicine has an impressive arsenal of means for conservative treatment of pathology, so there are quite a lot of options for treating urolithiasis in cats. And they are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the animal’s body, the state of development of the pathology and the factors that provoked its onset. Surgical methods for removing formed stones are often used.

Read in this article

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

KSD in cats is a multifactorial metabolic pathology, accompanied by the formation of stones (stones, uroliths) of various mineral compositions in the kidneys or bladder, leading to disruption of the natural outflow of urine. Urolithiasis most often affects older cats, as well as cats, including neutered ones, due to the structural features of the urinary system.

The way urolithiasis manifests itself in cats is influenced by many factors: the stage of development of the pathological process, the type of stones, their location and quantity, age and individual characteristics of the animal. Symptoms that the owner needs to pay attention to:

  • Decreased appetite, lethargy, dull coat. The pet becomes detached, sleeps a lot, plays and moves little. The cat hides in secluded places, is apathetic.
  • Frequent visits to the litter box, small portions of urine. The animal literally squeezes out urine drop by drop.
  • Restless behavior when urinating. The cat may meow, scream pitifully, strain very much, and take an unnatural position in the litter box.
  • Urination may occur outside the litter box.
  • Urine is red or brown.
  • When palpating the abdomen, it is not soft, as usual, but hard and painful.

In the later stages of the disease, stones can completely block the ureters, leading to retention and fullness of the bladder. If urination stops completely, then this condition is life-threatening for the pet. Therefore, every responsible owner should know how to understand that a cat has urolithiasis in the early stages of development of the disease.

Having discovered signs of the onset of the disease, it is necessary to submit the animal’s urine for examination to a veterinary clinic. Laboratory analysis of urine is one of the informative methods for diagnosing urolithiasis in cats. Biochemical analysis of urine determines the presence of oxalates, uric acid, urea, tripelphosphates, calcium, sodium, and magnesium ions. These indicators help to determine which stones (oxalates, struvites, cystines) are in the excretory system.

If urine tests show that the cat has kidney stones, what should you do? Further, general and biochemical blood tests can be prescribed to confirm the diagnosis of urolithiasis and to exclude other kidney pathologies. An important indicator in this case is creatinine.

One of the most reliable methods for determining urolithiasis in cats is ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys and bladder. This painless and uncomplicated method allows you to identify not only large stones, their presence and size, but also fine sand in the kidneys and bladder. In some cases, an X-ray examination may be prescribed. In the arsenal of veterinarians there are also diagnostic methods such as intravenous excretory urography to identify X-ray negative uroliths. Computed tomography can also be used to make a diagnosis.

Treatment of urolithiasis

The choice of treatment methods for urolithiasis largely depends on the type and size of the stones, the stage of development of the disease, the age and general condition of the animal. In the presence of urinary sand, small round stones, struvite or urate stones, as well as the elderly age of the pet, complications of inflammatory processes, conservative treatment is used.

Drug treatment

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the next question that the veterinarian will have to decide is what to inject the cat with urolithiasis. Treatment of urolithiasis in cats includes the following steps:

  • relieving pain in a pet;
  • restoration of normal urine flow;
  • elimination of dehydration and intoxication;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;

To relieve the pain syndrome accompanying an attack, the animal must be prescribed antispasmodic drugs: “No-shpu”, “Spazgan”, “Papaverine”. Among the painkillers used are “Novocaine”, “Lidocaine”, “Baralgin”. In severe cases, in a clinical setting, the pet is given a novocaine blockade in the lumbar region.

If the cat does not pass urine, a veterinarian will perform a catheterization. The manipulation requires general anesthesia and is carried out in a specialized institution. After installing a catheter and draining urine, if sand is present, the bladder is washed with special solutions. If for some reason the blockage of the ureters cannot be eliminated, then cystocentesis (bladder puncture) is resorted to.

To relieve and prevent inflammation, the animal is given antibacterial therapy. Broad-spectrum drugs are used as antimicrobial agents: Cefazolin, Cobactan, Ceftiofur, Furagin, Cefadroxil and others.

“Cyston” and “Urodan” have nephrolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. If urine is detected in the blood, the pet is prescribed hemostatic drugs, for example, “Ditsinon”, “Vikasol”.

In order to maintain kidney function, Cantaren is prescribed, which activates reparative processes in the kidneys. For symptoms of dehydration and the development of renal failure, the animal is prescribed intravenous injections of glucose and sodium chloride solutions.

It is impossible to treat urolithiasis in cats without prescribing a diet. In each specific case, the veterinarian recommends one or another therapeutic feeding regimen depending on the type of stones. If struvite is detected, a diet aimed at acidifying urine is prescribed. Avoid foods rich in calcium. With oxalate stones, the intake of oxalic acid and calcium into the animal’s body is reduced. Most often, veterinary specialists prescribe specialized medicinal foods.

Surgical treatment

In the event that conservative treatment does not bring tangible results, with an advanced pathological process, the presence of large and insoluble oxalate stones, surgical methods of treatment are resorted to. If there is a blockage in the urinary tract, then surgery is the only way to save the pet’s life.

If there are stones in the bladder, a cystotomy is performed to remove insoluble stones and create a urethrostomy in a wide part of the urethra. When the urethra is blocked in cats, a perineal cystotomy is performed. In this case, the penis is amputated.


In some cases, when stones are found in the ureters, the retropulsion method is used. Its essence is that, using a special catheter, the stone is washed into the bladder. Then it is emptied and removed through a cystotomy. The choice of urethrostomy or cystostomy method for stone removal usually depends on the size of the stones. Large stones require a more complex operation - cystostomy.


The owner of a pet with urolithiasis should understand that this disease is a lifelong pathology. Options for the development of events depend on many factors. With timely treatment and early diagnosis, the prognosis is usually good. In the event that the treatment occurred in the late stages due to blockage of the ureters, the prognosis is cautious. If the animal is admitted to the clinic with urinary retention for more than 3 days, then the situation can be extremely difficult, assumptions about the development will be cautious and rather unfavorable.

Prevention of pathology

Many diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. This fully applies to urolithiasis. The owner should focus efforts on preventive measures rather than treating urolithiasis in cats. Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • feed animals with high-quality premium and super-premium food;
  • do not mix dry food and natural food;
  • do not feed the cat food from the table;
  • control your pet’s drinking regime;
  • water must be filtered or boiled;
  • not to allow;
  • maintain your pet's physical activity;
  • prevent hypothermia and overheating of the animal;
  • undergo ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys and bladder every six months;
  • submit your urine for analysis every 4 months.

Urolithiasis in domestic cats requires constant monitoring of the animal's condition and regular treatment. Surgery only restores the normal flow of urine, but does not solve the problem in the future. Being a disease associated with metabolic disorders, the disease requires a review of the pet’s lifestyle and constant adjustments to the diet.

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  • Urolithiasis in cats was discovered in the 70s of the 20th century. Initially, scientists assumed that the disease was caused by a virus. This assumption has not been proven. There was also a version that urolithiasis appears from dry food. And there was not enough evidence for this statement. Veterinarians now claim that low water intake and increased pH levels lead to the disease. This is due to the fact that cats have a weakened sense of thirst. Statistics show that this is the problem most often addressed to veterinary clinics.

    Causes of urolithiasis in cats

    Urolithiasis in cats (urolithiasis) is associated with metabolic disorders, which leads to the appearance of sand and stones. If the body is functioning properly, waste products should be completely excreted in the urine. What becomes dangerous is the fact that the pet may already have urolithiasis, but the owner will not notice the symptoms for several years.

    But for cats the disease is more complicated than for cats. The diameter of the male urethra is three times smaller than that of females. Persian cats and their mixed breeds are predisposed to the disease. Siamese, Burmese, and Carthusian cats also often get sick. Between the ages of one and six years, urolithiasis most often develops in cats. Veterinarians explain the reasons for this.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Urolithiasis causes a lot of problems in cats. Symptoms of the disease are very difficult to recognize at the beginning of its onset. During the first stage of the disease, the cat behaves as usual. She eats well, looks great and has not changed her usual behavior. If urolithiasis could be diagnosed at the first stages of its appearance, it would greatly facilitate the treatment of cats. Signs of urolithiasis in cats become clearly visible when the situation may threaten the life of the pet.

    Symptoms manifest in different ways. It depends on the shape, size and location of the stones. Acute uroliths cause discomfort to pets. It hurts the cat to go to the toilet.

    She spends longer than usual on a boat or under a bush. This is due to the fact that the stones, moving, injure the surface of the mucous membrane with sharp edges.

    Urolithiasis in cats begins with the appearance of a small sediment in the urine.

    Symptoms have 4 degrees.

    First degree:

    The cat begins to form crystals in the urinary tract. Owners cannot see this degree.

    Second degree:

    The first symptoms appear that an attentive owner can notice. This includes frequent urination, the appearance of blood in the discharge, and frequent washing of the genitals.

    Third degree:

    The symptoms are pronounced. The cat often goes to the toilet, cats constantly sit down, the urine comes out with blood, when urinating the pet meows, lies down heavily, is lethargic, the bladder is tight.

    Fourth degree:

    Dangerous for the cat's life. The cat stops going to the toilet, does not eat, convulsions and vomiting begin.

    Signs of urolithiasis in cats at an early stage can only be determined by a specialist at a veterinary clinic. Treatment should begin as soon as at least one of the above symptoms is noticed. Veterinarians recommend not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist.

    To make a correct diagnosis, the clinic must have a laboratory. Its presence will help you get results of blood and urine tests faster. It is also necessary to go to the veterinary hospital where they can do an X-ray and ultrasound.

    Urolithiasis. Medicines

    In cats, urolithiasis is treated using various methods.

    The basic principles of treatment are based on three points.

    1. Relieve acute conditions and restore urine flow. There are various ways to do this. Measures will depend on the complexity of the pet’s situation.
    2. Carrying out antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.
    3. Preventive measures: diet, herbal medicine, testing regularly once a month, ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system.

    Treatment of urolithiasis in cats is carried out based on the degree of its development at the time of treatment. The doctor chooses the method of treatment or surgical intervention. The main goal at any stage of the disease is to remove stones and sand from the animal’s body. The animal must free itself from particles that prevent it from freely carrying out its affairs. In this case, the veterinarian always prescribes a strict diet. A cat should eat food that does not provoke the formation of stones and sand.

    Medications that may be prescribed are aimed at relieving inflammation, spasm and pain. In such cases, the veterinarian prescribes the drugs “Baralgin”, “Spazmolitin”, “Atropine”, “Platifillin”, “Novocaine” and other drugs.

    Treatment methods for urolithiasis in cats

    Among the methods used to treat urolithiasis in cats, the simplest is catheterization. A catheter is inserted into the urinary canal. Veterinarians also perform urethrostomy. This is an operation to create an opening in the urethra. Stones are taken out through it and they are not allowed to overgrow until the animal’s condition stabilizes. The cystotomy method is used when stones cannot pass out on their own. The doctor opens the bladder cavity and removes stones from it. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

    1. Catheterization is the insertion of a special tube into the canal for forced drainage of urine. The veterinarian does this. The catheter is sometimes sutured. The animal should walk with it for 2-3 days. This procedure is carried out if stones are found, the urethra is swollen and re-clogging of the canal is possible. After the catheter is removed, the pet is placed on a drip and prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

    2. Urethrostomy is used in cases where the urethra is regularly clogged. The operation consists of removing the cat's scrotum, testes, penis and part of the urethra. The urethra is opened and sutured open to the skin. After surgery, you must carefully monitor the cleanliness of the wound to avoid getting an infection of the genitourinary system. After this procedure, the animal loses its appetite, becomes depressed and is in a depressed state.

    3. Cystotomy is the removal of stones from the animal’s bladder. The operation is considered more effective when large stones are detected in the bladder. Recovery occurs within two weeks.

    Folk remedies

    Is it possible to use non-traditional methods when urolithiasis is detected in cats? Treatment with folk remedies, such as herbs, spells and lotions, is not recommended without consulting a veterinarian. A doctor may recommend the use of herbal infusions and homeopathy only in the early stages of the disease and for prevention. Self-treatment of urolithiasis in cats may not only not help, but also cause harm.

    To prevent the appearance of stones in the genitourinary system, it is necessary to brew medicinal herbs and give the resulting decoction to your pet. Among the herbs that can be used for these purposes, it is necessary to highlight the following: heather, lingonberry, plantain, bearberry and many others.

    A decoction of lingonberry leaves is made in the following way. Dilute a handful of herbs with 3 glasses of water and boil for 10 minutes. Heather in the amount of 1 tablespoon is infused overnight in half a liter of boiling water in a thermos.

    The veterinarian may prescribe folk remedies for urolithiasis after treatment. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed for treatment. These are the drugs “Cantaris”, “Apis”, “Capsicum”, “Magnesia”, “Kotervin”, “Healthy Kidneys” and many others.

    When to treat at home

    The disease can easily become chronic. How should owners behave when going home with a recovered pet who has been diagnosed with urolithiasis in cats? Treatment at home is prescribed by a doctor, based on the degree of development of the disease at the time of contacting the clinic.

    If the disease has become chronic, then the animal requires special attention. Prevention of urolithiasis in cats consists of several main points:

    1. Constant presence of water in the bowl.
    2. Protecting your pet from drafts and hypothermia.
    3. Selection of special food.
    4. Pet's active lifestyle.
    5. Constant use of vitamins.

    It has already been noted that overweight cats are more often susceptible to this disease. Therefore, it must be reduced without fail. Food for cats with urolithiasis must be selected with the label “for neutered cats” or “for the prevention of urolithiasis.” Some foods may contain recommendations for use if cats have urolithiasis. Diet is also necessary.

    Types of urinary stones

    To choose the right diet, you need to know what type of urinary stones your pet has.

    For urolithiasis, after procedures to remove sand and stones, cats are prescribed treatment at home. The owner's main concern is diet. Stones come in different origins, so the diet for urolithiasis in cats varies.

    If the stones are of a phosphate nature of formation, then when creating a diet, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the products should increase the acidity of the urine. The basis of the diet should be meat. Dairy products should not be consumed. Vegetables low in calcium and alkali can be given in limited quantities. It could be pumpkin, Brussels sprouts. Add a few drops of lemon, currant, cranberry, apple and any other juice to drinking water. The main thing is that the juice consumed is sour.

    When oxalate stones form, it is necessary to exclude from the diet those foods that contain oxalic acid. These are sour vegetables that cats don’t eat anyway. Such stones help remove infusions of grape leaves, black currants, and pears. It is healthy to eat white and black bread, vegetable oil, cereals, and animal fats. You can give meat, fish and eggs in small portions.

    If the stones originate from uric acid salts, broths, liver sausage, and offal are excluded from the menu. Products that contain purine must be boiled, then some of the harmful components will go into the broth. The nutrition of cats with urolithiasis must be agreed with a veterinarian.

    Nutritional Features

    It is beneficial for animals to eat raw meat with blood. This will help activate your metabolism. It is better to use lamb for these purposes. Fish is strictly prohibited for animals predisposed to urolithiasis. It is also necessary to exclude cheap food. You can give lactic acid products. They help normalize microflora. Meals need to be varied as much as possible. Mix feed and natural food. The best natural food for cats from early childhood will be meat, dairy products, vegetables and cereals. If you prefer food, you can only use dietary food. Experts recommend mixing natural food with high-quality food.

    Be sure to give your cats extra vitamins. For natural feeding, the owner can prepare small portions in reserve for some time. They can be put in the freezer. When you need to feed your pet, you need to take out a portion and defrost it. Cats are allowed to eat beef, chicken, lamb, vegetables, quail eggs, and cereals. Meat is mixed with vegetables and cereals. Pass through a meat grinder until the mass becomes homogeneous. Any meat must be frozen for 3-4 days before consumption. Give to the cat after treating it with boiling water. Fish can only be given boiled and in small quantities.

    Prohibited for consumption: pork, raw fish, oatmeal, wheat, legumes and milk.

    Disadvantages of natural nutrition

    Many experts believe that homemade food cannot be sufficiently balanced. The quality of products purchased for animals does not always meet the requirements that must be met to prevent the disease. Vitamins must be added to such food. Vitamin supplements on sale are presented in such a variety that some of them cause mistrust. To select a vitamin complex, you must consult a veterinarian. It is recommended to purchase the additive from the same manufacturer, without mixing all possible options together. At different ages and conditions of the pet, he needs a certain set of vitamins and microelements, which only a specialist can properly balance. If there is a desire and time to properly organize feeding with natural food, then such an initiative can only be welcomed. More often it happens quite the opposite.

    For those who do not have time to organize feeding their cat with natural products, food manufacturers offer a large selection of food for cats with urolithiasis. It can be given for prevention by mixing with other types of feed.

    Ready-made cat food

    Food is presented in dry form and in cans or bags with juicy pieces. Don't buy the first cat food you see. Urolithiasis requires serious consideration of its selection.

    There is a huge selection of dry food on the market now. Cheap economy-class formulas do not contain the necessary elements for the full development of a pet. The protein contained in this type of food is not digestible. Therefore, it is necessary to buy high-quality products without putting your pet’s health at risk. You need to choose food that will always be available for purchase. You should not switch your cat or cat from premium or super premium food to a budget option. This can lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

    The most optimal option for a balanced diet can be written as follows:

    100% food = 75% dry food + 25% canned food.

    Drinking water for your pet should always be available, fresh and clean. It will be better if it is passed through a filter. It is not recommended to give boiled water to cats. It has a bad effect on the condition of teeth and can destroy them due to the reduced content of calcium salts in it. Cats drink less than dogs because of their origins. The first cats appeared in northern Africa, where drought most often prevails. They may wake up at night to drink. Therefore, when they have a desire to quench their thirst, they should do so without hindrance.

    For cats of different ages and conditions, nutrition should be selected individually. Ready-made food is made for kittens, pregnant cats, neutered cats, aging and overweight pets. Therefore, many experts consider nutrition from ready-made packages to be more correct.

    Urolithiasis (UCD) is a terrible diagnosis that frightens owners to the core. Three ominous letters from the veterinarian’s mouth sound like a sentence. And indeed, the ICD is not a gift at all. This is a formidable enemy, deadly for a pet. However, with the right approach, it can be defeated.

    Urolithiasis or urolithiasis is a chronic condition characterized by the formation of salt deposits in the kidneys, bladder and urinary ducts. The movement of stones with urine flow leads to obstruction - blockage of the urinary ducts. The accumulation of fluid in the bladder leads to general intoxication. If emergency assistance is not provided to the animal, death is almost inevitable.

    Uroliths (“stones” and “sand”) differ in chemical composition. In cats, in 80% of cases, phosphate/ammonium/magnesium is formed. Other uroliths: ammonium urate, calcium oxalate, cystines. For treatment to be effective, the doctor must determine the type of deposits.

    Reasons for the appearance of ICD

    It is believed that cats are less susceptible to ICD than cats. Unsterilized cats develop urolithiasis at the same rate as sterilized animals. Urolithiasis is no more common in neutered cats than in non-sterile animals. However, castration at an early age (before 6 months) can lead to underdevelopment of the urethra. If such a cat gets urolithiasis, the disease will be more severe, since the narrow lumen of the urethra becomes clogged with deposits more quickly.

    There are a number of factors that serve as a catalyst for the onset of the disease:

    • poor nutrition, in particular an excess of minerals in the diet. Frequent feeding of fish, fatty foods, cheap food (no matter dry or canned) is a direct path to KSD. Dry food, balanced in composition, is absolutely safe;
    • mixed food (“natural” plus industrial food). Alternating morning-evening or day-day, mixing natural products and industrial feed in one feeding leads to metabolic disorders. And urolithiasis occurs precisely “thanks to” the disruption of metabolic processes;
    • insufficient fluid intake or drinking poor-quality water (from the tap);
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • inactivity, obesity;
    • congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system;
    • infectious diseases, staphylococci;
    • digestive tract dysfunction.

    Read also: Vasculitis in cats: causes, types and methods of treatment


    The first signs of the disease are subtle to the owner: the pet becomes less active, discomfort appears during urination, and appetite worsens. At this stage, KSD can only be detected by examining urine.

    As the disease progresses, the pet's condition worsens, there are more and more stones, they move along the urinary ducts, eventually closing the lumen completely or partially. During this period, symptoms become obvious:

    • tight, painful stomach;
    • obsession (the cat persistently fawns over the owner, constantly meows, trying to attract attention);
    • sharp pain when urinating (the pet meows while sitting on the tray);
    • frequent urges (the cat runs to the toilet ten times a day, but keeps asking and asking, scratches the door, protests when the owner closes the door to the toilet);
    • urinating in the wrong place, sometimes demonstratively (a perfectly behaved pet can climb onto the table and pee right in front of the stunned owner’s face - another way to attract attention);
    • blood in the urine (the urine becomes pinkish rather than yellowish as usual).

    Urolithiasis affects many cats of different ages; it causes sand to form in the kidneys and urinary system, and in later stages, stones. It most often affects cats. It is important to recognize the onset of the disease in time, show the animal to a veterinarian and begin treatment.

    Causes of the disease

    The main cause of urolithiasis in cats is lack of fluid.

    Many people believe that the occurrence of urolithiasis is promoted by feeding dry food and, but this is not so. There are many reasons for the development of the disease:

    • unbalanced feeding and metabolic disorders;
    • allergy;
    • hypothermia or overheating;
    • limited movement;
    • chronic kidney and bladder diseases;
    • diseases of the genital organs;
    • genetic predisposition.

    First of all, the occurrence of the disease is promoted by a lack of fluid. Make sure your cat has constant access to water. There is an opinion that dry food provokes the development of the disease, but, according to statistics, those animals that ate only natural food also suffer.

    The cause of KSD is feeding cats with low-quality food (economy class) or table food (smoked, salted, fried and fatty foods). Genetics and hereditary diseases play a big role.

    What breeds of cats are predisposed to this disease?

    It is believed that long-haired and some short-haired cat breeds are most prone to developing urolithiasis. These include:

    • Persian;
    • Himalayan;
    • Siamese

    When buying a kitten, ask the breeder whether his ancestors suffered from urolithiasis, because it is often inherited.

    If your pet has become less active and has lost his appetite, he may have urolithiasis.

    At the beginning of the disease, when sand just begins to form in the kidneys, it is difficult to diagnose KSD. The animal becomes less active and loses its appetite. Cats experience discomfort when urinating. The disease develops slowly and gradually becomes chronic.

    Owners begin to worry about their pet only in later stages, when stones form instead of sand, and the symptoms are already obvious:

    • the animal experiences pain when urinating and screams loudly on the tray, as the stones scratch the urinary ducts;
    • blood appears in the urine;
    • cats often sit in the litter box due to constant urges;
    • in some cases, the stone blocks the duct, and the animal does not empty itself even after numerous attempts;
    • the stomach becomes hard and painful;
    • cats often urinate on upholstered furniture or carpets;
    • the animal’s behavior changes (it becomes restless, attracts attention to itself, or, conversely, hides in dark corners);
    • breathing quickens, cats lose their appetite.

    If any of these symptoms appear, take your pet to a veterinarian immediately. Urolithiasis can be successfully treated in the early stages.

    Course of the disease

    If help is not provided in a timely manner, the cat will die in 3-4 days.

    Due to a number of reasons (improper feeding, chronic diseases, etc.) crystals begin to form in the bladder. Over time, they become more and more numerous, they take up space in the cavity and reduce the volume of the bladder.

    Crystals have sharp edges that constantly irritate living tissue. During urination, cats try to get rid of all the contents, the crystals partially come out and damage the excretory channel, which leads to the appearance of blood in the urine.

    In cats, the urethra has an S-shaped bend, in which sediment gradually accumulates. This eventually leads to complete blockage. This almost never happens in females, since their duct is straight and wider, so the crystals do not linger in it.

    Due to the blockage, the animal does not defecate, but urine continues to be produced. Intoxication (poisoning) develops in the body; due to stretching of the bladder, blood vessels burst, and blood enters the urine.

    If the animal is not helped, it dies after three to four days due to poisoning or a ruptured bladder.

    Types of urinary stones

    It is important to determine the type of stones your pet has

    There are several types of urinary stones in cats. They differ in mineral composition. The most common are:

    • struvites;
    • calcium oxalates.

    The most common stones are struvite stones. They are formed from magnesium, phosphate and ammonium ions. Struvite appears in an alkaline environment; their appearance is facilitated by previous diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

    Oxalates are most often formed in the animal's kidneys. They are insoluble and appear as a result of an excess of calcium in the urine; they can only be removed surgically. It is important to correctly identify the type of stones, since diets that help get rid of struvite can promote the formation of oxalates.

    The most common treatment methods

    Which method to treat a cat depends on the severity of the disease

    Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the animal, which includes:

    • ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound);
    • blood tests;
    • urine test;
    • doctor's examination.

    Treatment depends on the severity of the disease, the cat's age and general condition. Urolithiasis is treated in two ways: surgical and conservative; in some cases, catheterization is used (a catheter is inserted into the urethra, through which sand or stones are removed).

    With a conservative method of treatment, the animal is prescribed medications that restore the functioning of the urethra and eliminate congestion. These include antibiotics (cantharis, magnesia, apis) and antispasmodics with the addition of sedatives (spasmolitin, baralgin, atropine). The animal is given a novocaine blockade in the lumbar region.

    If conservative treatment does not bring results, cats are prescribed surgery. The doctor performs cystotomy or urethrostomy (depending on the severity of the disease). In the second type of surgery, the surgeon artificially creates an excretory channel through which the stones are removed. Cystotomy is a complex abdominal operation in which the doctor removes large stones.

    Folk remedies and treatment at home

    Bearberry helps well in the early stages of the disease

    Treatment of urolithiasis with folk remedies is carried out only at an early stage. Before using them, you should consult a veterinarian so as not to harm your pet.

    Folk remedies include drinking decoctions and infusions of herbs (plantain, lingonberry, heather, bearberry). This method serves as an excellent prevention of urolithiasis in cats. In some cases, the veterinarian will recommend the use of homeopathic remedies.

    Treatment at home carried out after the disease has become chronic. The doctor prescribes medications that help destroy and remove stones and sand from the kidneys. The main component of treatment at home is the prevention of the formation of new crystals. You should carefully monitor your pet and if there is any deterioration, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    Nutrition for urolithiasis and prevention

    Buy special food for urolithiasis

    Prevention of urolithiasis in cats includes the following activities:

    • free access to fresh, clean water;
    • absence of drafts (do not allow the animal to become hypothermic or overheated);
    • selection medicinal food;
    • active lifestyle.

    Cat food for urolithiasis must be of high quality and must be marked “for the prevention of urolithiasis” or “for sterilized animals” (see more details - and). In the first months after treatment, you should feed your pet with Hills veterinary diet or. Under no circumstances give your cat cheap food (economy class), this will lead to a new development of the disease.

    If your cat eats natural food, carefully balance its diet. Animals prone to developing urolithiasis should not be fed fish. The basis of nutrition is meat (beef, lamb, chicken), add vegetables and dairy products to it.

    Include quail eggs and cereals in your animal's diet. Don’t forget about vitamins - with natural feeding, the cat should receive them regularly. Exclude milk, pork and fish from your pet's menu.

    Veterinarians advise cat owners to pay special attention to feeding. Sterilized and neutered animals should eat specialized food, this will significantly reduce the risk of developing urolithiasis.

    It is necessary to closely monitor the condition of your pet. Take blood and urine tests every six months to detect the onset of the disease in time. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, this will lead to disastrous results.

    Urolithiasis in cats is not a death sentence. Animals with this disease will live long and happy lives if you pay special attention to prevention. Take care of your pets and pay attention to any signs of illness. Remember that the disease is easier to treat in the early stages.

    Watch the video about urolithiasis in cats.



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