Frequent use of postinor. Consequences of "Postinor": reviews

Love is a wonderful, perhaps the highest feeling that arises between a man and a woman. Unfortunately, our life is not ideal; sometimes it happens that in a fit of passion, lovers forget about protection and contraception. It happens that contraception itself fails; even condoms do not provide 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy. What to do if you do conceive a fetus, but the pregnancy is unwanted?

There are a huge number of means to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, for example, postinor, refers to the so-called “emergency” contraception drugs, “next morning” abortion drugs.

Postinor has a triple action mechanism. It delays or stops the ovulation process - in this case, the egg does not leave the ovary into the fallopian tube, thereby stopping the process of conception. Postinor prevents sperm from fertilizing the egg. And finally, the drug changes the normal structure of the inner surface of the uterus. If conception does occur, the drug also has an abortifacient effect.

A drug postinor consists of synthetic hormones - levonorgesterel, and is taken according to instructions for taking postinor :
One tablet postinora taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse
The second tablet is taken twelve hours after the first dose of the drug.

According to pharmacists, the drug can prevent 85% of unwanted pregnancies. The chances of a successful interruption depend on the time of admission postinora according to instructions after intercourse and look something like this:
95% of successful termination of unwanted pregnancy - the drug is taken within 24 hours after the act;
85% of successful termination of unwanted pregnancy - the drug is taken within 25-48 hours after the act;
58% of successful termination of unwanted pregnancy - the drug is taken within 49-72 hours after the act.

Please note that doctors do not recommend using postcoital medications (used after sexual intercourse) more than once a month. If you have an intense sex life (sexual intercourse once a week or several times a month), then it is much safer to use other means and methods of contraception.

The thing is that postinor has side effects, consequences of taking postinor may result in various types of bleeding. This is due to the fact that as a result of using postinor, the level of the progestogen hormone in the blood sharply increases. Namely, this hormone is responsible for the inner surface of the uterus and thickens the endometrium. Bleeding is most likely to occur if 2-3 tablets of Postinor are taken over a short period of time. In case of severe uterine bleeding, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

In addition to bleeding, the consequences of taking postinor can result in other side effects, for example, vomiting, headache, lethargy. In case of severe vomiting for the first time two hours after taking postinor You should immediately consult a doctor, because the effect of the drug may not be sufficient to terminate the pregnancy.

If you have an irregular cycle, it is not advisable to use the drug. In the instructions for the drug itself, the developers indicate that Postinor is intended for women with a regular menstrual cycle.

It happens that after using the drug the opposite problem appears - lack of bleeding. In this case, you should not delay going to the doctor. If bleeding is delayed for 2-3 weeks, this may be caused either by pregnancy or by the effect of the drug itself.

Postinor should not be used by people suffering from liver and gallbladder diseases who have had Botkin's disease in their lives. The drug is contraindicated for adolescents during puberty, as it is a powerful drug that causes irreparable harm to the development of the hormonal system.

In almost all countries postinora It is not available in the open pharmacy system, and it can only be used after consultation with your doctor. With frequent use postinora the risk of ovarian dysfunction increases, which naturally calls into question the possibility of pregnancy in the future.

Postinor prices.

Postinor price on average is 300 rubles. But remember that at least price for postinor and is not great, the consequences of taking the drug can be harmful to your health if you do not follow the instructions and consult your doctor

Modern women have a unique opportunity, which our grandmothers did not have, to decide for themselves whether to give birth or not. Moreover, every representative of the fair sex can prevent an unwanted pregnancy without resorting to the help of doctors. This became possible thanks to the latest developments in the field of medicine. For several years, women have been using hormonal drugs that can quickly solve all problems with unwanted pregnancy. These include postinor.

Postinor is a drug that belongs to emergency contraception. The product is used after sexual intercourse. Today, there are many rumors associated with the effect of this drug, and conflicting statements about the consequences of postinor can be found in any reviews. We invite you to understand this important issue for many women.

Postinor action

Postinor is a hormonal agent that blocks the natural process of ovulation. The effect of postinor is as follows: the substances included in its composition stop the movement of sperm. Thus, after taking postinor, fertilization becomes impossible.

In order for the postinor to be effective, you should follow the following rules when taking it:

  1. The first tablet should be taken as early as possible. Preferably immediately after unprotected sex. The earlier the tablet is taken, the higher the effectiveness of the product. A tablet taken more than 72 hours later does not produce results.
  2. The second postinor tablet should be taken 12 hours after the first.
  3. Both tablets should be taken with water.

A woman should know that taking postinor 48-72 hours after sexual intercourse protects against unwanted pregnancy by no more than 58%.

Side effects of postinor

Every woman is interested in the question “Is Postinor harmful?” Since Postinor is a potent hormonal drug, it can have a negative effect on the body. Different women experience different effects after taking Postinor. This depends on the characteristics of the body of each representative of the fair sex and on the individual tolerance of the components of the drug. The most common consequences after using postinor: vomiting, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities and hormonal disorders.

The instructions for the postinor indicate all of the above side effects. However, very often women complain of heavy bleeding in the first days after taking the drug, which does not stop for a long time - in this case, you should not listen to anyone’s advice, but should immediately consult a doctor. At such a moment, your life and the lives of your future children will depend on the right decision.

Contraindications to postinor

Postinor is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Also, the drug is contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • liver diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • thrombosis.

This hormonal drug should be taken only in the most urgent cases, no more than once a month. Under no circumstances should you take Postinor as regular contraception.

Before taking the drug, every woman should learn about the dangers of postinor. The drug Postinor is sold in every pharmacy, and the drug kit includes an insert - a detailed instructions for use. But, unfortunately, even there it is not indicated how postinor affects our body. Before using the tablets, you should carefully read this insert - after all, you are taking the drug at your own peril and risk. Do not forget, if you feel severely unwell after taking the first Postinor tablet, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The choice of modern contraceptives is large. Their actions boil down to two principles. Some need to be taken constantly, others - once and only in emergency cases. Postinor is an emergency drug. The drug reduces the possibility of unplanned pregnancy by 5-10 percent.

There is an opinion that postinor is a means of aggressive influence. Indeed, if the drug is used incorrectly, health problems can arise. It cannot be used constantly. In addition, be sure to read the instructions before use. Postinor has contraindications and side effects. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. Therefore, it is better to consult a gynecologist in advance.

Consequences of taking postinor

The consequences of taking postinor may not be dangerous to health if you take it too often. Some doctors recommend using it no more than once every 3 months. Others - no more than once a month. Abuse can lead to menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances. This is due to the active substance of the drug. It contains a concentrated dose of hormones. If no negative consequences are observed, you do not need to consult a doctor. Otherwise, consultation with a gynecologist is required. Delayed diagnosis and treatment of the consequences of using prostinor can lead to many female diseases.

Pregnancy after postinor

  1. If you take the pill no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, then pregnancy after postinor is unlikely. In the first 24 hours, its effectiveness reaches 95 percent.
  2. If conception does occur, the consequences can be negative. There is a possibility of changes in the structure of the uterus, miscarriage, etc.
  3. But if the pregnancy continues, there is no need to worry. Doctors have not identified any danger of prostinor’s effect on the fetus.

Menstruation after postinor: features

Menstruation after postinor can begin in a timely manner. A cycle failure is also possible. It may return to normal after some time. The instructions for the drug say that it can only be used by women with regular periods. To avoid serious consequences after use, you should consult a gynecologist.

Postinor action

There are two tablets in a package of pastinor. First you need to take one, then after some time - another (after 12-16 hours). Some doctors recommend drinking two at once. It often happens that women forget to take the second dose of the drug.

The product works as follows: the active substance levonorgestrel, an artificially created hormone, slows down the movement of the egg to the uterus. If it nevertheless reaches its goal, it does not allow it to attach to the wall. This is due to changes in the surface of the uterus due to the action of the drug.

The effectiveness of the contraceptive depends most on how quickly you take the pill. Don't delay. After 72 hours, the likelihood of getting pregnant will increase. The effectiveness of postinor may decrease due to taking other medications: for tuberculosis, HIV therapy, epilepsy and fungus. In addition, a similar result is achieved by combining the drug and medications containing St. John's wort.

Bleeding after postinor

Many people confuse bleeding after postinoration with the onset of menstruation. Actually this is not true. The effect of the contraceptive may cause acyclic discharge. They look like very scanty menstrual flow. Bleeding may last for 1-2 days. A delay of up to 5 days is considered normal. If the period is longer, you should consult a doctor. Pregnancy or hormonal imbalance may occur.

Postinor: side effects

After taking Postinor, many people feel nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, general malaise and weakness. This does not mean that all women should have this reaction. Side effects may not appear

Before using the drug, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Postinor should not be taken during adolescence. It can greatly affect the natural hormonal background of a girl’s growing body. The drug is contraindicated for people sensitive to the active substance, levonorgestrel, those who have suffered, women with liver diseases and thrombosis.

Postinor is used in emergency cases to prevent pregnancy. The tablets are taken once. The effectiveness of the contraceptive when used correctly can reach 95 percent. The main thing is timely use, no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Abuse of the drug can lead to health problems.

Before delving into the question of what the consequences of postinor are, let’s consider the purpose and principle of action of this drug.

Purpose and principle of operation

So, postinor is a means of emergency or, scientifically, postcoital contraception. This drug helps prevent unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse. They rarely think about the consequences of taking it, since it has no analogues, and therefore for many it becomes the only way out. And there is something to think about.

Postinor contains a large amount of the hormone levonorgestrel, which has a strong effect on the woman’s body. Levonorgestrel strikes in three directions at once:

  • It prevents ovulation, that is, it inhibits the process of egg maturation. An immature egg cannot be fertilized, and therefore pregnancy cannot occur.
  • Affects sperm, interfering with fertilization.
  • Affects the endometrium. Levonorgestrel can change the internal structure of the uterus, thereby preventing an already fertilized egg from attaching to its walls - medical abortion.

Thus, the effect of this contraceptive is to disrupt the normal functioning of the uterus and ovaries, which cannot pass without consequences for the female body.

Admission rules

As mentioned above, Postinor is a strong hormonal drug and can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. This drug has a number of contraindications that should never be ignored. It should not be taken by teenagers under 16 years of age, as it can cause hormonal disruption in a still developing body and lead to serious consequences. It is also not recommended for use in cases of liver failure, diseases of the biliary tract, individual increased reaction to the components of the drug, during lactation, etc.

You must take emergency contraception strictly according to the instructions: the first pill should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, and the second no earlier than 12 hours and no later than 15 hours after taking the first. It is important to take both pills before the third day after sex has passed, otherwise the pills will not have any effect.

It should be noted that postinor does not provide a complete guarantee of preventing pregnancy, and its effectiveness directly depends on the time of administration. So, a pill taken within the first 24 hours after sex gives the maximum guarantee - 95%, the effect of the drug on the second day is 80%, and on the third - about 50%.

Experts recommend using emergency contraception only in extreme cases and with a doctor's prescription. Also, you should not abuse it; it is better to think about protection in advance and use oral or barrier contraceptives. It is considered relatively safe to take postinor no more than two to three times a year.

Side effects

Among the side effects, the most common are uterine bleeding. This is due to an increase in the level of gestagen, which is responsible for the formation of the inner surface of the uterus. An overdose of the drug or failure to follow the instructions can lead to severe bleeding, which should immediately consult a doctor.

You may also experience: nausea, headache, vomiting, dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, allergic reactions.

It is believed that postinor, when used once, is not capable of causing any serious disorders in the body. However, we note that this statement is only true for completely healthy women. The majority are faced with various deviations in the functioning of certain systems and organs, not suspecting that all this is the result of the use of postinor.

Effect on the reproductive system. Menstrual irregularities associated with the use of this drug always occur, but are individual for each woman. For some, they manifest themselves in the form of minor intermenstrual bleeding, for others - in the form of 3-7 day delays, and for others - in the form of a long-term cycle failure, which can subsequently cause infertility.

Effect on blood vessels. The lethal doses of hormones contained in these tablets can affect blood clotting, which leads to the formation of blood clots. As a rule, changes in blood clotting occur either with repeated use of the drug, or in women who already have disorders of the vascular system or are prone to similar diseases. Such changes are dangerous, as they can lead to blockage of blood vessels and disruption of blood supply to certain organs, as well as to the risk of stroke.



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