Frequent painless urination causes. Causes of frequent urination without pain in women

It is not customary to talk out loud about the frequency of the urge to go to the toilet, since each of us considers this process to be purely individual and too personal, but when urination occurs with greater frequency than usual, we think about possible health problems. Both women and men experience an increased urge to urinate, but females face this problem much more often. It is known that frequent urination occurs in many diseases of the human urinary system, which require immediate and proper treatment. When a woman experiences frequent and painful urination, this suggests the possible development of some disease. But what to do when women experience frequent urination without pain, what are the reasons and is it necessary to take any measures?

The kidneys are responsible for the process of urine formation in the human body, but the central and peripheral systems are responsible for the process of urination itself. The norm is considered to be from 3 to 7 times a day, it depends on the characteristics of the body. If the number of trips to the toilet is more than 10 times a day, you need to pay attention to your health, even if frequent urination occurs without pain. In urology, frequent urination during the daytime is called polyuria, when more than 3 liters of urine is excreted per day, and nighttime and frequent urination is called nocturia, when a person gets up to go to the toilet more than once during the night. There are quite a few reasons that can cause frequent urination in women. The causes of frequent urination in women can be hidden either in the physiological characteristics of the body or have a pathological origin, since most diseases of the genitourinary system of infectious or non-infectious origin are characterized by frequent urination. Therefore, it is important to remember that a frequent urge to urinate in women is only a symptom indicating that you need to pay attention to your health or change your lifestyle.

Physiological causes of frequent urination in women

Frequent and painless urination in women often has natural causes, that is, physiological and manifests itself against the background of factors that do not threaten health. There are quite a few physiological reasons that provoke an increased urge to urinate.

  • The use of drugs with a diuretic effect (diuretics). Taking such drugs increases the removal of fluid from the body.
  • Nervous strain, stress, prolonged depression often increase the urge to urinate.
  • Improper nutrition leads to disruption of salt metabolism, which causes irritation of the bladder: spices, spicy, salty foods, fatty foods.
  • Excessive fluid intake: green tea, coffee, any alcoholic drink.
  • Hypothermia of the body. Frequent urges are noted in cases where the feet are cold.
  • The period of menstruation, when the female body eliminates excess fluid.
  • Age-related changes. Women in the climatic period experience the urge to urinate much more often than during their reproductive years. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.

Frequent urges cause significant discomfort in women, not only physical, but also psychological. Frequent urination without pain often does not pose a threat to a woman’s health, but if the urge to go to the toilet becomes too frequent, bothers you at night, or there is blood in the urine, it is cloudy or has sediment, you need to seek help from a doctor. It is not a fact that this is a sign of serious diseases, but still, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it.

Pathological causes of frequent urination in women

A woman’s genitourinary system is very sensitive to various pathogens, which, after entering the body, provoke the development of various diseases. Almost all diseases of the urinary system, including diseases of the kidneys and pelvic organs, are accompanied by frequent urges, but in addition to frequent urges to go to the toilet, other pronounced symptoms are also noted. Frequent urination and pain, various discharges, deterioration in general health are observed in the following diseases:


A common disease accompanied by frequent urge to urinate. In addition, cystitis is manifested by cutting and burning pain when going to the toilet, and the woman also feels a constant feeling of a full bladder. In more serious cases, urinary incontinence occurs. With cystitis, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination in women are often observed, which are present both day and night.

Congenital pathologies of the bladder walls

With this pathology, the urge always appears suddenly.


The presence of stones in the ureter or bladder causes a strong urge to urinate, which intensifies with any exercise or walking. This disease is characterized by a feeling of a full urinary tract, even during and after urination; there is also pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the groin.

Chronic pyelonephritis

In addition to the increased desire to empty the bladder, the woman experiences dull pain in the lumbar region, body temperature is elevated to 39 C. During the period of exacerbation, treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out.

Diabetes mellitus

Cardiovascular diseases. Frequent urination at night may indicate heart or vascular disease. In addition to nocturia, edema is noted, which disappears after taking diuretics and removing fluid from the body.

If the cause of frequent urges in women is pathological in nature, then treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and only after a diagnosis has been made.

Pregnancy is one of the periods when women experience frequent urge to urinate. This phenomenon is not pathological, but is considered a normal physiological process and does not affect the fetus in any way.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin increases, which can provoke frequent urge to go to the toilet. Starting from the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the bladder, and the reason for frequent trips to the toilet is the intensive work of the kidneys of a pregnant woman.

In the 2nd trimester, frequent urination practically does not occur. The only exception may be diseases of the urinary system.

In the third trimester, the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent because the uterus, as in the first trimester, puts pressure on the bladder. In addition, during this period the kidneys work several times faster, which causes an increased desire to go to the toilet.

But it is important to remember that frequent urge to urinate can be present in various diseases of the genitourinary system, so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, especially when, in addition to the urge to urinate for hours, there is pain, burning or other symptoms. During pregnancy, a woman is responsible for the unborn child, therefore all suspicions or the presence of any violations must be agreed with a doctor.

When to see a doctor

Frequent urination during the day or at night is only a symptom indicating that you need to change your lifestyle. If, in addition to the frequent urge to go to the toilet, other symptoms appear, then you need to go to a urologist. The main indications for visiting a doctor are:

  • pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen;
  • pain, burning when urinating;
  • urinary incontinence or retention;
  • general weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bloody discharge from the genitals.

If you have the above symptoms and a frequent urge to empty your bladder, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, who, after an examination, a collected medical history, and test results, will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Untimely treatment will lead to the progression of the disease, which can become chronic, negatively affect the woman’s reproductive system, or have serious consequences for the entire body.

Treatment of frequent urination in women

If the frequency of urination has become regular and there is a suspicion that it is pathological in nature, then you need to consult a doctor who, after examination, will be able to identify the cause and prescribe treatment. The first thing that should alert a woman is the urge at night, as well as pain of varying intensity during the period of emptying the bladder. If the cause of frequent urge to go to the toilet is an illness, then treatment will depend on the diagnosis. For example, in cases where frequent urination occurs against the background of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy.

When frequent urges occur against the background of renal dysfunction or as a result of gynecological diseases, then symptomatic therapy is prescribed, the action of which will be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. In some cases, the cause of frequent urges is hormonal imbalance. Then the doctor, after examination, prescribes hormonal drugs. It is important to note that hormonal medications can cause even greater harm to health, so they should be prescribed by a doctor individually for each woman.

If frequent urination is present in women, but after a full examination no pathology is found, then the cause may be hidden in the lifestyle that the woman leads. In such cases, the doctor will give useful recommendations on nutrition, drinking regimen, and tell you how to properly avoid factors that provoke this pathology.

Women who suffer from frequent urge to urinate, but the reasons are physiological in nature, need to adhere to several basic rules:

  • Limit fluid intake in the evening;
  • During urination, you need to tilt your torso slightly forward, this will help to completely empty the bladder;
  • Going to the toilet should be done upon immediate request;
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of liquids that have a diuretic effect: coffee, green tea, rosehip decoction;
  • Avoid foods that cause thirst: spicy, salty, smoked foods.

Frequent urges that bother you for a long time, even in cases where they are painless, should not be ignored. Therefore, you should not neglect your health; only a timely visit to a doctor will help identify the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment. It is important to remember that a woman’s health is an important component of any nation, and symptoms that appear against the background of any disorders should be dealt with by a doctor.

Frequent urination is the emptying of the bladder, the number of urges significantly exceeding the physiological norm per day. With the usual drinking regimen for a given person, the amount mictions(urination) is 4-6 times a day. Modern nutritionists recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of liquid during the day; accordingly, a healthy adult produces approximately the same amount of urine during the day.

In children, the frequency of urination depends on age. In the first days of life, babies urinate only 4-5 times a day, by one year - up to 16 times, by three years - up to 10 times a day, and by the age of 10, the number of micturitions already corresponds to the norm for adults. The bulk of urine is produced and excreted during the day. If urination occurs more often at night, then it is diagnosed nocturia.

Physiological causes of frequent urination

Oncold or when atmospheric pressure changes urination may become more intense due to vasoconstriction and increased filtration function of the kidneys.

Atuse of some products with a high fluid content (watermelon, melon, zucchini), the number of micturitions and urine volume also increase. Stress, alcohol, strong coffee or tea always increase the amount of urine produced and provoke frequent urination.

Regularage-related hormonal changes- both in adolescents and in older people - are manifested by an increase in the frequency of urination. Both options are classified as physiological, but the condition is corrected with medication to make people feel more comfortable.

Atpregnancy Frequent urination at the beginning of pregnancy and in the third trimester is considered normal, but only with adequate blood pressure and normal blood glucose levels. After childbirth without complications, urinary frequency decreases rapidly.

Elevatedphysical activity are accompanied by frequent urination, since with intense metabolism the formation of liquid and carbon dioxide always increases. Athletes and people with physical labor are advised to drink more water, but in small portions: this way they avoid dehydration and excessive “acidification” of the body, and small one-time drinking volumes do not increase the load on the vascular bed, heart, liver and kidneys.

If frequent urination is observed for 1-2 days, is not accompanied by the lower back or, and the body temperature remains normal, then we can assume physiological nature of the problem. After adjusting the diet, taking a break from training or physical work, stabilizing weather conditions, or adapting to repeated stressful situations, urination returns to normal.

Main difference transient(transient) frequent urination is a return to normal in a short time without treatment, and there are no unpleasant consequences for the body.

Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus

Diabetes mellitus is of two types, insulin dependent And insulin-independent. The first develops with a lack of insulin production, the second - with the development rigidity(immunity) of cell walls to glucose with normal amounts of insulin.

The essence of both variants of the disease is that glucose cannot penetrate the cells, so its content in the blood is increased (the norm is 3.3 - 5.5 mmol/l in peripheral blood, in blood from a vein up to 6.5 -7 mmol/l ). Physiologically, glucose is the main “raw material” for the formation of ATP, which provides the body with energy for all occasions. When glucose access is blocked, all tissues of the body suffer, with the most vulnerable being capillaries and nerve endings, when damaged they develop angiopathy(vascular diseases) and neuropathy. Diabetes mellitus increases blood viscosity and risk thrombosis, nutrition of organs is disrupted and normal functions are disrupted.

Early signs of diabetes mellitus are considered bulimia(uncontrollable hunger) polydipsia(constant thirst) and polyuria(significant increase in daily urine volume) with increased urination. The patient feels dry mouth, due to the release of glucose on the skin and mucous membranes, irritation and pustular rash develop, and boils often form. Urine may smell like rotting apples and contains glucose. Classic sources for diagnosing diabetes recommended that the doctor try the patient’s urine or place the container with urine outside. If you have diabetes, it is sweet: during tasting, the doctor will feel it, and the flies will immediately flock to the vessel.

Diabetes insipidus is essentially a disease pituitary gland with disruption of hormone formation vasopersin. If it is deficient, the reabsorption of water into the nephrons(renal tubules) and its excessive excretion in the urine is observed, which leads to dehydration.

Causes of diabetes insipidus:

  • Pituitary tumors;
  • Complications after neurosurgical interventions or injuries;
  • brain;
  • Encephalitis;
  • Common viral infections;
  • Brain metastases;
  • Problems of blood supply to the pituitary gland;
  • Changes in calcium levels in the blood - above or below normal;
  • Nephrotoxic drugs ( amphotericin B, lithium);
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Sickle cell anemia;
  • Congenital form of the disease;
  • Old age of the patient.

Frequent urination in men

The causes of the problem are urogenital diseases caused by a nonspecific infection or sexually transmitted infection (STD); urolithiasis; inflammation (prostatitis) and glandular tumor (adenoma) of the prostate; dribbling.

Infectiousthe lesion is accompanied by increased urination. Moreover, at the same time there is a burning sensation in the urethra, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, pain irradiate(give) to the inner thighs, can be pulling or aching; at - herpes simplex– very strong and sharp. Not to be confused with shingles which is caused by a virus herpes zoster, not sexually transmitted, is accompanied by burning pain and skin rashes along the nerves.

Symptoms of infectious origin are combined with: purulent and yellow -, foaming -, white and curdled - (thrush); liquid and transparent are found when streptococcal lesions of the urethra.

Urolithiasisdisease. When metabolic processes are disrupted, particles of different chemical composition, shape and size are formed (stones, sand). Main types: oxalates– salts of oxalic acid; phosphates And urates(phosphoric and uric acid salts, respectively). The last type of kidney stones often combined with gout. The main sign of exacerbation of urolithiasis is renalcolic, attacks of sharp pain due to the passage of stones through the ureters and injury to their mucous. At the beginning of the attack, a urinary block is possible, but afterward, frequent urination, a one-time increase in urine volume, and hematuria(blood in urine). Outside of an attack, urination is frequent, and with concomitant urethritis it is painful. Often patients experience incomplete emptying of the bladder.

– inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease occurs in all age categories, but more often in men over 50 years of age. The prostate gland is located around the urethra and adjacent to the bladder. Inflammation irritates the receptors and false urges are felt when only drops of urine are released during miction. Prostatitis is characterized by frequent urge to urinate, especially at night, and concomitant symptoms of urethritis.

Causes of prostatitis development:

  1. Irregularity of sexual activity;
  2. Hypothermia and infection;
  3. STDs after unprotected sex, with frequent changes of partners;
  4. Seated work and physical inactivity, consequences – congestion in the pelvic cavity;
  5. Immune abnormalities;
  6. Concomitant urogenital diseases;
  7. Changes in hormonal balance after 50 years;
  8. Injuries, alcohol, smoking.

Adenomaprostate gland. As the tumor grows, it forms nodules that compress the urethra and affect the internal sphincter(orbicularis muscle) of the bladder. The main reason for the development of the disease is a change in the biolevel of androgens, which manifests itself with age. Disruption of venous and lymph flow, cardiovascular diseases, hypothermia and the prevalence of STDs also contribute as factors in the development of chronic inflammation of the prostate and then adenomas.

In men aged 40-50 years, adenoma is diagnosed in 10-11% of cases, which are associated with frequent and difficult urination; after the 50-year threshold, the frequency increases to 50%, and after 60, adenoma occurs in 80%.

The main symptoms of prostate adenoma:

  • Frequent urination, mostly at night, at the beginning of the disease - without pain;
  • Sluggish and thin stream of urine;
  • Urination is difficult; during miction you need to strain your abdominal muscles;
  • Intermittent urination;
  • In later stages - urine leakage and dripping, incontinence and painful ejaculation.

Dribbling - after urination, urine is released, it drips or leaks after leaving the toilet. The symptom occurs in 15-17% of healthy men and in 67-70% of patients with cystitis or urethritis, worsening the quality of life. The cause of the problem is weakness bulbocavernosus muscle, surrounding the initial part of the urethra.

Increased urination in women

Frequent urge to urinate is observed with inflammation of the renal pelvis ( pyelonephritis), bladder and urethra. UIn women, compared to men, these diseases occur approximately 3 times more often. The reason is in the anatomical features: the female urethra is no longer than 3 cm and wide, therefore ascending infection easily develops with STDs and nonspecific genital inflammations. Symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, frequent and painful urination, and fever. With pyelonephritis, the color of urine may resemble dark beer, which is also typical for, but unlike the latter, feces never become discolored.

Cystitisand urethritis– this is always sharp pain and burning in the urethra plus frequent urination in small portions. Women complain of an “unemptied” bladder, urinary incontinence at the beginning and bleeding in drops at the end of intercourse. The progress of the disease leads to variations in the color of urine: it becomes cloudy, and an admixture of blood is detected.

Rapidurination due to bladder stones: unexpected urges, up to involuntary leakage of urine, appear during physical exercise. loads, running, traveling in transport. During miction, the urine stream may be interrupted. Pain in the lower abdomen and above the pubis is felt at rest and during urination.

Irritated (hyperactive) uricbubble due to increased signals for urination. The reason is an increase in the excitability of the nervous system during prolonged stress, fear and fright.

Weaknessmuscular wall of the bladder- congenital disease. The urge to urinate appears suddenly, but there is no pain or burning sensation.

Fibroids, benign tumor of the uterus. When it grows, compression of the bladder and increased urination are possible. Problems with urination increase gradually, combined with uterine bleeding, cycle disorders, nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

Omissionuterus and bladder– a consequence of weakness of the muscles that form the pelvic floor and the uterine ligaments. Complete prolapse of the uterus and the development of permanent urinary incontinence are possible.

Cordially-vascular insufficiency: hidden swelling appears during the day. At night, with the body in a horizontal position, the load on the heart decreases, and the accumulated fluid is eliminated through the kidneys. Night urination is copious and painless, the urine is light.

Autoimmunethyroiditis: antibodies to the tissues of the thyroid gland appear, active inflammation and dysfunction of the organ develop. State life-threatening, so remember the main, most striking symptoms:

  1. Frequent and copious urination, urine is very light;
  2. Rapid weight loss, up to several kilograms in a week;
  3. Noticeable hair loss, possibly in entire strands;
  4. Severe muscle weakness, starting from the hands - it is difficult to hold even a cup of tea;
  5. Heart rhythm disturbances - attacks of tachycardia up to 180-200 beats per minute.

Frequent urination in childhood

Frequent urination at night - nocturia, is not considered a painful condition in children under 7 years of age. Common causes are too much sleep, a feeling of coldness during sleep, and age-related weakness of the bladder sphincter. It is important to eliminate the cold factor by offering the child warm pajamas and a comfortable (not lower than +18 degrees) room temperature. It is recommended to give something salty at night, right in bed (a couple of olives, a piece of herring or bread with salt). Before going to bed, the baby must visit the toilet, and drinking should be limited 2 hours before bedtime.

If the problem nocturia is not resolved after 7 years of age, you must seek medical help. Otherwise, children may develop neuroses and obsessive fears (phobias), negative behavior changes and decreased self-esteem.

What to do if you experience frequent urination?

The lower abdomen and lower back hurt, a burning sensation appeared in the urethra during and after intercourse, the color of the urine has changed (cloudy, with blood, with pus) - immediately consult a urologist. Body temperature elevated to 38-39 degrees and dark urine are common signs of pyelonephritis.

If the color of your urine is lighter than usual, there is no pain or burning, and your overall health is normal: check your diet. If you are taking medications, carefully read the “side effects” and “contraindications” sections in the instructions.

Video: frequent urination in the program “Live Healthy!”

Regular urge to go to the toilet has a negative impact not only on general well-being, but also leaves an imprint on the psycho-emotional state.

Frequent urination in women at night

Nocturia or frequent urination in women at night is a common cause of sleep disturbances and a signal of problems in the functioning of any organs and systems. Every day, the kidneys excrete about 2.5 liters of fluid, with nighttime diuresis accounting for about 1/3 of this volume. If the functioning of the urinary system changes, then night diuresis accounts for about 2/3 of the daily amount of water. The causes of this condition can be either physiological or associated with pathological processes in the body.

Physiological factors of nictruria:

  • Pregnancy - in the last stages of bearing a child, the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, which causes a decrease in the volume of urine that fits in it.
  • The premenstrual period is characterized by fluid retention in the body due to hormonal changes. After menstruation, the condition returns to normal.
  • Menopause - this process is accompanied by a decrease in the elasticity of tissues, including the muscular frame of the bladder. This causes destabilization of its work. The organ cannot retain a large volume of fluid, causing the urge to go to the toilet at night.

In addition to the above factors, nocturnal pollakiuria is inevitable when drinking heavily before bed or consuming diuretic drinks.

Pathological causes of nocturia in women:

  • Infectious lesions of the urinary tract. Pathological processes in the urethra, ureters and bladder cause irritation of the mucous membrane of these organs, which leads to the urge to urinate.
  • Diabetes mellitus - this endocrine disease is caused by poor functioning of the pancreas, which synthesizes insulin. Because of this, the patient drinks a lot of fluid, causing dysuria. Urine is released in large volumes both during the day and at night. Against this background, there is increased dryness of the mucous membranes and, of course, severe thirst.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system - this can be cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, nephrosclerosis, cystopyelitis and other pathologies.
  • Chronic heart failure - in this case, nocturia in women is associated with blood stagnation and a malfunction of the genitourinary system.

When determining the causes of the disorder, a comprehensive individual approach is required. This is due to the fact that there is no clearly established norm for urination at night. Particular attention is paid to the presence of concomitant symptoms and the general condition of the patient.

Frequent urination in women during the day

The problem of pollakiuria is familiar to many people firsthand. Frequent urination in women during the day can be associated both with natural processes in the body and with various disorders. An increased desire to relieve oneself is considered quite normal during pregnancy and old age, before menstruation or during hormonal changes.

An unpleasant condition may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus. In the first case, the disease is associated with a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism in the body, which is manifested by a complex of various symptoms. In the second case, the patient suffers from severe thirst, so trips to the toilet are explained by drinking too much. The problem occurs with kidney disease and heart failure, as well as with uterine prolapse and many gynecological diseases.

Dysuric syndrome may occur with additional symptoms, which indicate problems such as:

  • Pyelonephritis - urine contains impurities of pus and blood, lower back pain, chills, elevated body temperature, general weakness.
  • Urolithiasis - painful sensations above the pubis, interruption of the urination process until the organ is emptied, incontinence during physical exertion, coughing, laughter.
  • Cystitis is a burning sensation and pain in the urethra, a feeling of an incompletely emptied bladder.
  • Genital infections - vaginal discharge of various types, swelling and redness of the external genitalia, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes.
  • Urethritis – burning, pain and itching in the urethra, mucous discharge from the urethra.
  • Uterine fibroids – menstrual irregularities, lower abdominal pain, uterine bleeding.

If the endless urge to go to the toilet causes anxiety and painful symptoms, then you should immediately seek medical help. The doctor will diagnose the pathological condition and prescribe its treatment.

Frequent urination in the morning in women

Important indicators of health are the frequency and nature of bladder emptying. Their changes allow us to draw conclusions about the state of the urinary system and identify various diseases. Normally, a person urinates about 7-10 times during the day. Exceeding this amount should cause concern.

Frequent urination in the morning in women can be associated with completely harmless factors. For example, if you drank a lot of liquid before going to bed, or ate watermelon or other diuretic foods. This is observed in pregnant women, with various hormonal changes in the body and when using dysuric medications before bedtime.

If dysfunction occurs with additional symptoms, then this may indicate diseases such as cystitis, urethritis, overactive bladder, adnexitis, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and much more. Treatment for a painful condition depends entirely on its cause. Thus, infectious and inflammatory pathologies are treated with antibiotics, and for hormonal disorders, replacement therapy is indicated.

Itching and frequent urination in women

Itching and frequent urination in women occur with many inflammatory and infectious pathologies. Let's consider the possible causes of the disorder.

  • Fungal infections - most often women encounter candidiasis. Infection occurs when the vaginal microflora is disrupted due to antibiotics, tight synthetic underwear, irritating sanitary pads, or regular changes of sexual partners.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases - this can be a herpes infection or gardnerellosis. Both pathologies cause vaginal dysbiosis, itching and a regular urge to urinate.
  • Vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory lesion of the genital organs by gonococci or Trichomonas.

If itching occurs immediately after emptying the bladder, this may indicate the following pathologies:

  • Cystitis is diagnosed in more than 25% of women, in 10% of cases it occurs in a chronic form.
  • Urolithiasis - stones and sand irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary canal. This causes burning, pain, and bleeding.
  • Urethritis is an inflammatory lesion of the urinary canal, causing itching, burning, and pain.

The painful condition can be triggered by pathologies of internal organs, hypothermia of the body and various injuries. There are also non-infectious causes of the disorder: psycho-emotional experiences, failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules or allergies to cosmetics, pinworm infection, diabetes mellitus. The final diagnosis is made by the doctor after a gynecological examination, smears and tests.

Frequent urination in women after sex

For many people, sex is a source of emotional release and pleasure, but in some cases it can lead to unpleasant and even painful consequences. Many people ignore discomfort after sexual intercourse, considering this condition not dangerous. Moreover, one of the symptoms of a pathological process in the body is frequent urination in women after sex. Its appearance indicates disruption of the normal functioning of the urinary system.

Let's look at the main causes of the disorder:

  • Postcoital cystitis is an inflammatory process that is quite common among women who are sexually active. Symptoms appear a short time after sex. The painful condition is associated with the introduction of harmful microorganisms from the male urethra into the female urethra and bladder.
  • Aggressive sexual intercourse, in which the mucous membranes of the external genitalia and urethra are injured. In this case, microtraumas open the way for the penetration of pathogenic agents and the development of inflammatory reactions.
  • Failure to comply with intimate hygiene is a high risk of developing various infectious pathologies of both the bladder and vagina, and the adnexal apparatus of the uterus.
  • Disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina - bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by dysuric disorders and other painful symptoms.
  • Weakened immune system - a violation of the protective properties allows bacteria and viruses to enter the body, causing various diseases and inflammatory reactions.
  • Metabolic disorders – diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, obesity and more.
  • Hormonal disorders - when the secretion of female sex hormones is disrupted, problems with the reproductive system and many inflammatory pathologies arise.

Pollakiuria can occur not only after vaginal, but also after oral or anal sex. During oral sex there is a risk of transmitting the pathogen from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity to the genitourinary organs and vice versa. Against this background, inflammation of the gums and tonsils may develop. As a rule, patients with immunodeficiency conditions face this problem. Anal intercourse can cause the development of not only cystitis, but also pyelonephritis.

To prevent a painful condition, preventive methods should be followed: maintain intimate hygiene, increase the protective properties of the immune system, use barrier contraceptives (condoms) when having sex with an unfamiliar partner or developing inflammation of the genital organs in a regular person, and also undergo regular preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

Itching, burning and frequent urination in women

The anatomical structure of the female reproductive system contributes to the appearance of inflammatory reactions in the urethra and bladder. Such a symptom complex as itching, burning and frequent urination in women occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Infectious factors (inflammation of the bladder, urethra, external and internal genital organs).
  • Cystitis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Urogenital chlamydia.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Ureoplasmosis.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Herpetic infections.
  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Atrophic vulvovaginitis.
  1. Non-infectious factors (mechanical, chemical irritation).
  • Failure to comply with intimate hygiene or its improper implementation.
  • The use of cosmetics that change the normal level of acidity and inhibit the healthy microflora of the vagina.
  • Hypersensitivity to chemical contraceptives.
  • Using tampons or pads with poor hygiene.
  • Injuries to the urethra (urolithiasis, improper insertion of a catheter, rough sexual intercourse).
  • Helminthic infestations.
  • Abuse of foods or medications that irritate the bladder.

In addition to the above reasons, itching and burning in combination with pollakiuria may indicate a condition during pregnancy, before/after menstruation, or endocrine disorders.

To determine the cause of the painful condition, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination and undergo a series of laboratory tests. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor draws up the most optimal treatment plan.

Diarrhea and frequent urination in women

As a rule, diarrhea and frequent urination in women are not signs of any pathologies, provided, of course, that there are no additional symptoms. This may be a normal reaction of the body to certain disturbances in its functioning.

If a combination of diarrhea and polyuria makes itself felt over a long period of time, then this may indicate pathologies such as:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart failure, heart attack).
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, diabetes).
  • Stones in the urinary tract or kidneys.
  • Liver or kidney failure.
  • Cystitis.
  • Viral or bacterial infections.
  • Weakened pelvic floor muscles.
  • Overactive Bladder
  • Various injuries.

As for the physiological causes of diarrhea and diuresis, this may be:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Condition before or after menstruation.
  • Food or drug poisoning.

Particular attention should be paid to urinary tract infections (UTIs), as they are a typical cause of bladder dysfunction and diarrhea. The mechanism of development of the painful condition is associated with the entry of bacteria into the organ through the urethra. According to medical statistics, about 50-60% of women have experienced a UTI at least once in their lives.

There are certain risk factors for this pathology: irritation and inflammation of the vagina, changes in the structure of the urinary system during pregnancy, various chronic diseases, improper wiping after using the toilet, sexual trauma, hydration and urinary retention for a long time.

To diagnose the cause of the unpleasant condition and eliminate it, you should seek medical help. After a set of various examinations, the doctor will prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Constipation and frequent urination in women

There are many causes for problems such as constipation and frequent urination. Women are most often diagnosed with the following disorders:

  • Diabetes mellitus (type 1 and 2).
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Stones in the bladder.
  • Overactive bladder.
  • Infectious kidney lesions.
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Use of laxatives and diuretics.
  • Stress and emotional distress.
  • Lack of fiber in the diet.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Some medications.

Similar symptoms occur during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body cause dysuria and difficulties with bowel movements. Another possible cause of the disorder is urinary dysfunction. Most often it is diagnosed in childhood. The problem occurs due to damage to the muscles that control the bladder and bowel movements. Various neurological diseases can cause damage to the nerve fibers that supply the bladder and are responsible for bowel function.

If regular urge to go to the toilet and constipation persist for an extended period of time, then this is a reason to immediately seek medical help. Without timely treatment, there is a risk of developing an acute inflammatory reaction and intoxication of the body with feces.

Nausea and frequent urination in women

According to medical statistics, every day a woman visits the toilet from 3 to 6 times, while the number of small visits completely depends on the volume of fluid drunk, metabolic rate and a number of other physiological factors. Symptoms such as nausea and frequent urination in women are most often associated with the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Condition before menstruation.
  • Menopause.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Abuse of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.
  • Overeating foods with diuretic properties (cucumbers, cranberries, lingonberries, watermelon).
  • Nervous feelings.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Disorders of the genitourinary system.
  • Endocrine disorders.

All of the above factors require careful diagnosis and differentiation. If this condition is left without medical attention, it can lead to its progression and worsening of painful symptoms.

Bloating and frequent urination in women

Many people face problems such as flatulence and pollakiuria. Several factors are believed to be the cause of this condition. Abdominal bloating and frequent urination in women are in most cases associated with pathological changes in the genitourinary system.

Causes of the disorder:

  • Drinking large amounts of fluids, especially carbonated drinks, coffee or alcohol.
  • Pregnancy - during growth, the fetus begins to put pressure on the genitourinary organs, causing unpleasant symptoms.
  • If flatulence and the urge to go to the toilet are accompanied by pain, stinging or burning, then this indicates a progressive inflammatory process.
  • Hemorrhoids - symptoms arise due to increased pressure on the cavernous vessels.
  • Oncological diseases.

To establish the root cause of the painful condition, a comprehensive diagnosis is indicated. It consists of an ultrasound examination, various laboratory tests and smears, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. Based on the results of the examinations, the patient is prescribed a treatment regimen.

Frequent urination due to nervousness in women

A periodically diagnosed pathology in both children and adults is bladder neurosis or frequent urination due to nervousness. In women, this condition is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system. The first section holds urine by contracting the sphincter, and the second is responsible for relaxing the walls of the bladder and sphincter to remove fluid. Various stresses and nervous experiences lead to excitability of each of the departments, which is why dysuric syndrome occurs.

The disorder is associated with the following factors:

  • Increased muscle tension. When stressed, the muscles are in an overstrained state, putting pressure on the bladder. This causes the urge to go to the toilet.
  • Obsessive thoughts and ideas. Neurological disorders force you to concentrate on your physical sensations. Most often this is the desire to urinate.

The painful condition may be associated with damage to the nerves in the urinary tract, that is, neurogenic bladder. In this case, in addition to stress, pollakiuria is provoked by Parkinson's disease, systemic atrophy, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, stroke or herpes zoster, which affects the nerve endings in the sacral region.

The following symptoms are characteristic of neurosis:

  • Paruresis (psychogenic factor) is the difficulty or inability to go to the toilet in front of strangers, even with a strong desire.
  • Patients do not feel their bladder. Because of this, trips to the toilet become regular. This symptom may be accompanied by pain in the lumbar and perineal area.

Neurotic disorders are difficult to diagnose, but they are easy to treat. As a rule, to eliminate them, various anti-stress drugs or tranquilizers, physiotherapy and a therapeutic diet are prescribed.

Frequent false urge to urinate in women

As a rule, frequent false urge to urinate in women indicates the development of an inflammatory process. But do not forget that the urinary system is multi-level, that is, it is not only the bladder and neurons, it is also many other organs. Based on this, pollakiuria can occur at any level due to the influence of certain pathological factors.

Let's consider the main causes of false pollakiuria:

  • Inflammatory diseases.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Gynecological pathologies.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • Menopause.
  • Pregnancy
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Venereal infectious diseases.

In addition to the above factors, the disorder can occur due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, diseases of the central nervous system, constipation, uterine fibroids, and iron deficiency anemia.

There are also more harmless reasons: abuse of coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, sweets. In any case, if discomfort persists for several days and interferes with normal life, you should seek medical help.

The process of going to the toilet is a rather intimate thing. Especially among the fairer sex. Each woman lives in her own rhythm, and the frequency of trips to the toilet is determined by the individual characteristics of the body. But what to do if the rhythm is disrupted? What can frequent urination in women indicate, and what diseases is a symptom of an increased desire to “pee”?

There are a huge number of diseases in which this symptom is observed. We will look at the 5 most common cases when women experience frequent urge to urinate.

So, if you want to go to the toilet much more often than usual, it may be:

Inflammatory bladder disease

Cystitis, according to statistics, causes suffering to every third woman in the world, and in our country almost 40% of the fair sex have a chronic form of the disease. The most common causative agent of the disease is Escherichia coli. The bacterium enters the bladder through the urethra, attaches to the walls of the bladder and begins to eat away the mucous membrane.

Acute cystitis is characterized by frequent and painful urination, the appearance of blood in the urine, pain in the bladder and perineum. These symptoms are also observed in the chronic form of the disease during periods of exacerbation.

Sexually transmitted infectious diseases

Trichomoniasis - frequent painless urination in women may indicate an advanced course of a certain disease from the above groups. The fact is that the female genitourinary system, in fact, is a single whole, and an infection that occurs in the urinary organs easily switches to the genitals.


Kidney stones can remain in place for many years without causing any symptoms. But if at the slightest exertion you want to run to the toilet, you may have to go for an ultrasound scan.

Exacerbation of the disease is accompanied by sharp pain in the lower abdomen during exercise and pain in the lower back. Painful urination appears with interruptions in the stream during the process. Many patients experience hematuria.

Gynecological diseases

A benign tumor of the uterus (), growing to a certain size, begins to put pressure on the bladder. Naturally, the urge to urinate occurs more often.

The same symptom is observed with prolapse of the uterus, due to weakening of the ligamentous apparatus. Frequent urination and incontinence usually occur when there is significant displacement of the uterus. Characteristic signs of organ displacement are also nagging pain in the lower abdomen, the sensation of a foreign body in the vagina, heavy and painful periods, and bleeding from the vagina.

Physiological reasons

Frequent urination without pain is not always an alarming symptom. Perhaps the reasons for frequent trips to the toilet lie in the field of physiology. For example, weakness of the walls of the bladder is a congenital pathology, the elimination of which requires a set of physical exercises.

Often women run to the toilet out of excessive excitement, for example, before an important event. And sometimes the reason is certain diets, during which increased fluid intake is expected. So if the frequency of urination increases for a short period or there are certain prerequisites, there is no need to worry. Although, as doctors say, there are no absolutely healthy people.

Many parents are faced with a situation where the child begins to run around and pee frequently without other complaints or deterioration in health. This usually occurs during the day, and the intervals between urination can be 10-15 minutes. There are no symptoms at night. This problem begins to appear at the age of 4-6 years; boys are more prone to the pathology.

Don’t rush to panic and stuff your child with medications. First, you should think about why your child often wants to pee and what other symptoms are observed. If there are no signs of urinary tract infections and kidney pathologies, then this condition is called pollakiuria, or “children's daytime frequency syndrome.”

The volume and frequency of urination are directly related to age. Indicators may increase or decrease when consuming diuretic products (melon, watermelon, berries), as well as large amounts of liquid. Approximate urination rates are as follows:

  • 0-6 months: up to 25 times a day, but not less than 20 times;
  • 6 months - 1 year: 15 times +/- 1 time;
  • 1-3 years: average 11 times;
  • 3-9 years: 8 times a day;
  • 9-13 years: 6-7 times a day.

As you can see, a small child needs to satisfy the urge to go to the toilet much more often, but by the age of one year their number decreases by half, and at 2 and 4 years old this figure becomes close to an adult.

The daily volume of urine, on the contrary, increases with age, as does the portion. The older the baby, the frequency of urges decreases, but if this does not happen, parents naturally have anxious questions. What could this be connected with?

Pollakiuria: information for parents

Frequent urge to urinate in children sometimes appears when they start attending kindergarten. This is emotional stress, and not all babies quickly adapt to new living conditions. Also, manifestations of the disease may be associated with problems in the family, quarrels between parents, and an unfavorable atmosphere in the home.

Let's look at it from a medical point of view. Pollakiuria in children: what is it? This is a disease in which the child often runs to the toilet (every 10-30 minutes, 30-40 mications per day), while not drinking much fluid and sleeping peacefully at night.

Urination is painless, panties do not get wet due to urinary incontinence, and the baby is trained to use the toilet. Another important sign is a small amount of urine per urination, and the daily total volume does not exceed the norm.

If at two years old a child often goes to pee, this can be associated with the physiological characteristics of the body or psychological ones, when children, especially 2-year-old girls, are just getting used to the potty, and they want to perform a new action more often.

But frequent urination of a 3-year-old child can no longer go unnoticed by parents. Less commonly, symptoms appear at age 5 and are usually the result of some kind of shock or emotional stress.

Psychological reasons for frequent urination in children require proper parental behavior. It is unacceptable for ridicule, reproaches, irritability or punishment to arise about this.

Boys and girls cannot control the frequent urge to urinate; it happens involuntarily, unintentionally. Parents should be patient, try to focus less on the problem, but be sure to take the child to be examined by a pediatrician and have his urine tested.

Physiological pollakiuria

Very often, a child pees without pain and other symptoms that usually indicate serious illness. Here it is appropriate to consider physiological pollakiuria associated with drinking large amounts of fluid.

If the baby drinks a lot, then the natural reaction of the body is the urge to urinate. But this situation also cannot be ignored.

The question is: why does the baby have such an increased need for fluid? Sometimes extreme thirst is simply caused by physical activity or habit. But it may also indicate the presence of diabetes mellitus, and therefore requires medical advice.

The physiological manifestation of the disease is harmless. Everything will go away on its own in 1-2 months if the parents behave correctly, without emotionally aggravating the problem, especially if it is caused by a strong shock. Physiological pollakiuria can be provoked by the following factors:

  • Excessive fluid intake. At the same time, the child asks to urinate on the potty, but never does it in his panties.
  • Stress and negative emotional arousal can cause similar phenomena.
  • Hypothermia of the body, not only in a 5-year-old child, but also in an adult, often causes frequent urination. Just warm up and the problem will go away.
  • Taking certain medications (diuretics, sometimes antiallergic and antiemetics).
  • Nutritional features. Some foods contain a lot of water. For example, in cucumbers and watermelon, cranberries and green tea, etc.

In such cases, the disease goes away on its own if the provoking factor is excluded. In the case when a child often runs to the toilet due to stress, it is necessary to ensure a calm emotional atmosphere around the baby, and over time everything will return to normal.

Pathological causes of frequent urination

A false urge to urinate in a child or teenager may be the first sign of pathological pollakiuria. But there are other symptoms:

  • frequent urination of the child is accompanied by pain;
  • nausea and vomiting appears;
  • tearfulness, lethargy, aggressiveness;
  • enuresis;
  • temperature rise.

A child may urinate frequently due to diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary, and central nervous systems.

Problems with the bladder can cause inflammatory pathologies. They are accompanied by pain symptoms and urination disorders. In girls, frequent urination and pain may not be a symptom of the disease, but a manifestation of early pregnancy. The occurrence of neoplasms of the pelvic organs cannot be ruled out.

The causes of incontinence or frequent urination in a 4-year-old boy may be associated with a failure in the transmission of nerve impulses coming from the brain. These processes can be caused by autonomic disorders, trauma, neoplasms in the spinal cord or brain.

Large amounts of urine are usually associated with kidney or endocrine dysfunction. In any case, if you notice an increase in the frequency of urination in a teenager or young child, do not waste time, consult a doctor immediately to establish an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of pollakiuria

If a child often goes to the toilet “smallly”, you need to find out the root cause of this condition. To do this, contact a pediatrician or urologist so that specialists can make a primary diagnosis based on symptoms and refer you for additional examinations.

A urine test will show the presence or absence of pathogenic microorganisms. A general and clinical blood test will help rule out diabetes. Uroflowmetry will determine the pathology of urodynamics of the urinary tract.

Sometimes an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder is prescribed or referred for consultation to a nephrologist. For physiological disorders, a visit to a psychologist is required.

In any case, the child’s frequent urge to go to the toilet cannot be ignored. But don’t panic, analyze the frequency of urine output and the amount of fluid. Perhaps this is just a temporary period that will pass without medications or medical intervention.

Treatment of frequent urination in children

What to do if a child begins to write frequently? Should we be alarmed or can we wait? First of all, you need to ask your doctor these questions to rule out urinary tract infections and any pathology.

Frequent urination in babies, accompanied by painful symptoms, requires immediate treatment. But first of all, the doctor analyzes the factors that could cause this. If this is a central nervous system disorder, sedatives are prescribed. If there is a tumor, surgery is required.

When inflammatory processes occur, uroseptics are prescribed, and in extreme cases, antibiotics. Frequent urination in adolescents often requires hormonal therapy and the prescription of cytotoxic drugs.

Prevention of disorders

There is no special prevention for this problem. But since problems with frequent urination are often associated with the emotional state of the child, it is necessary to ensure the psychological health of the family and eliminate quarrels, scandals, and stress.

Regularly show your baby to the pediatrician in the first year of life, do not allow hypothermia. Remember, in many ways, it is the correct attitude of parents towards the health of the family that will help eliminate a number of diseases.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs