Rehabilitation center for cerebral palsy. Rehabilitation centers for disabled children

Rehabilitation is a set of medical, psychological, pedagogical, professional and legal measures to restore the autonomy, ability to work and health of persons with limited physical and mental capabilities as a result of suffered (rehabilitation) or congenital (habilitation) diseases, as well as as a result of injuries.

Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy consists of 4 stages. (Appendix 2)

Therapy for cerebral palsy should be comprehensive and multidisciplinary. Treatment and rehabilitation started as early as possible in some cases allows one to avoid permanent disability patients with cerebral palsy and improve their quality of life. Main comprehensive therapy for cerebral palsy is a “team” approach using drug and non-drug methods.

Main directions and tasks of rehabilitation

1. Preparation

2. Development of a rehabilitation program and its implementation

3. Correction rehabilitation measures

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation

5. Recovery correct system triggering afferentation and reflex activity.

6. Prevention of increased muscle tone, equalization of its asymmetry.

7. Prevention of the formation of stable pathological conditions and pathological motor stereotypes.

8. Prevention of contractures and deformities.

9. Development of amplitude and accuracy of movements.

10. Concentration of attention on the correct and consistent “inclusion” of muscles in the motor act.

11. Basic principles neurorehabilitation: early start, continuity, adequacy, complexity, phasing, continuity.

12. Rehabilitation

Basic principles and directions of rehabilitation measures (Shabalina N. B. et al., 1988):

b adaptation of patients to life in conditions of a severe defect;

ь timeliness, interconnectedness, continuity of rehabilitation measures (treatment, career guidance, socio-psychological assistance);

ь appeal to the patient’s personality, instilling in him strong-willed qualities and purposefulness;

b stages of social and medical care for patients with cerebral palsy depending on age:

b specialized nursery-kindergarten, boarding school, vocational school, technical school;

ь outpatient, inpatient, sanatorium treatment(including a neurological, orthopedic hospital, prosthetics company, etc.);

b multidisciplinarity with the participation of specialists in various fields: rehabilitation specialist, psychologist, neurologist, pediatrician, speech therapist, etc.).

Types of rehabilitation

Therapeutic gymnastics

Taking into account the specifics of motor disorders in Cerebral palsy therapeutic Gymnastics has the following main tasks:

Development of straightening and balance, that is, the so-called postural mechanism, which ensures correct control of the head in space and in relation to the body.

Development of hand function and object-manipulative activity.

Development of hand-eye coordination.

Braking and overcoming incorrect postures and provisions.

Prevention of the formation of a secondary motor stereotype.

Under the influence of therapeutic exercises, adequate motor sensations arise in the muscles of a child with cerebral palsy. In the process of therapeutic exercises, the postures and positions of the limbs are normalized, and the muscle tone, violent movements are reduced or overcome. The child begins to correctly sense postures and movements, which is a powerful incentive for the development and improvement of his motor functions and skills.

Children with cerebral palsy must perform the following physical exercises:

v stretching;

v muscle relaxation and decreased tone;

v increase in amplitude and range of muscle movements various parts bodies;

v strengthening the muscles involved in the movements of various parts of the body;

v exercises to develop muscle endurance;

v training of normal muscle patterns for proper walking;

v balance training by walking on inclined planes;

v exercises to increase muscle strength.

Spa treatment

Krasnodar region





Hippotherapy is a special type of physical therapy where treatment is carried out with the help of a horse, and is a recognized means of rehabilitative influence on patients with somatic, mental illness. Consists of 4 sections:

· Theoretical classes with patients.

· Training in communication with horses

· LVE including physical exercises

· Caring for horses, including cleaning, washing, feeding

Occupational therapy is aimed at developing or restoring previously lost elementary skills, including motor functions. This is a peculiar therapeutic exercises, allowing you to train coordination and fine motor skills. She is able to adapt a person to everyday life, achieve independence in actions, adapt to everyday life, namely, performing household chores, cooking, self-care behind you.

The Bobath technique was developed by Bertha Bobath back in the 30s of the last century, an emigrant from Germany together with her husband, a neurologist. The approach is based on the stimulation of various body movements using special provisions body and limbs. As a result, there is a strengthening weak muscles, improving joint movement, reducing imbalances in body proportions. Such restorative rehabilitation allows you to expand motor skills and improve balance.

Vojta therapy - the main idea is to influence certain parts of the body using graduated pressure. This helps the nervous system activate the muscles of the body as much as possible. Facial expressions and movement are also involved here. eyeballs, skeletal muscles, intestinal muscles and bladder. Such stimuli contribute to the formation of motor rehabilitation, and therefore the normalization of body movements.

Hydrotherapy - It is based on warm water, and the therapy itself is aimed at relaxing certain muscle groups. This course has several sets of exercises to relax, stretch and strengthen muscles. The procedures themselves are performed in swimming pools. This type of rehabilitation, together with other methods, can increase the effectiveness of treatment for patients with cerebral palsy, and improve coordination, sense of balance, and develop muscle strength.

Garden therapy - The essence of therapy is the child’s interaction with nature. Thus, on the territory of all clinics in Germany there are beautiful parks. In addition to their aesthetic function, they also serve as relaxation for patients. As a result, they experience an improvement in their physical and mental condition. Such parks provide places for walking and solitude. All patients are given special shoes for walking. The entire territory of the park is designed in such a way that it has many natural exercise equipment - steps, slopes and various surfaces (grass, sand, wood, crushed stone). For the rehabilitation of children, there are play areas made from natural materials. These include caves, hills and other attractions.

Dolphin therapy is another type rehabilitation treatment for children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Interaction with the animal occurs under the careful guidance of several specialists - a trainer, psychologist, psychotherapist, physical therapy specialist, and speech pathologist.

Only specially trained dolphins are used for contact. The learning process is based on the principle of a game. In this case it happens active stimulation tactile, visual, emotional contact between the child and the dolphin, which leads to the development of speech and motor skills.

An important factor in the use of dolphin therapy is increased interest and positive emotional mood children to these animals, which reduces the internal psychological communication barrier and, as a result, stiffness of movements. In addition, tactile sensations are very important in the application of this therapy. By influencing biologically active points on the child’s body, the dolphin stimulates the necessary certain areas of the nervous system that are responsible for the corresponding reflexes. In some cases, the therapist invites the patient to touch the animal with his hands or feet if violations of the upper or lower limbs.

Another, no less important effect in this therapy is a kind of hydromassage of the skin and internal organs. This occurs due to the fact that the dolphin, using its tail fin, creates a certain movement of water around the child, which significantly reduces the load on the joints and actively trains the muscles.

Children's cerebral palsy- this is a pathology that is characterized by a violation of motor activity due to damage to the brain - damage to the cortex, brain stem or capsule occurs.

Detrimental effects on life important organ multitude. They are divided into three groups: pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum activity of the baby - depending on the time of receipt of the pathology.

Phases of development of cerebral palsy

The course of the disease varies, of which there are three:

  1. Early stage– age up to 5 months. It manifests itself as a delay in the child’s development, preservation of reflexes, like in newborns, and the inability to play with one of the hands due to impaired muscle tone.
  2. Initial residual phase– age up to 3 years. By the age of two, a child does not try to speak, asymmetry in the body and movements is noticeable, increased sweating is noted, and the baby often chokes on food or his own saliva.
  3. Late residual phase– age over 3 years. It manifests itself as stiffness, shortened legs on the affected side, impaired swallowing, hearing, speech, vision, urination and defecation disorders, dental pathology, and convulsions.

It is important for parents not to ignore. When found alarming symptoms you need to see a doctor immediately.

Modern approach to treatment and rehabilitation

Treatment and rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy are aimed at social adaptation in society.

Methods, means and rehabilitation programs are based on a complex, diverse impact on the child, which includes many diverse approaches: medical, physical, mental, socio-economic, professional and personal.

The activities are aimed at correcting motor defects, improving motor activity, communication opportunities, developing skills for the patient to act independently in everyday life, emotional and social development, training and education.

The goal of rehabilitation is the physical and social adaptation of the sick child and the expansion of his individual capabilities. Each child with cerebral palsy is prepared individual program rehabilitation, which is why doctors work with him in rehabilitation centers.

Set of events

The main task of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy is the maximum development of skills and abilities. Correction method movement disorders- this is the formation of motor actions by stimulating rectifying reflexes.

The following methods are used for this:

Children with cerebral palsy need to regularly engage in exercise therapy - this helps to stretch the muscles, relieve tension from them, expand the range of movements; sets of exercises have been developed aimed at endurance, preparing for walking, relieving cramps, and improving balance.

For children with cerebral palsy they are used more often than others the following programs and means of rehabilitation:

Ready-made rehabilitation programs

The most effective is the “Early Rehabilitation” program, intended for children under one year old. Aimed at correcting delayed psycho-speech and motor development resulting from damage to the nervous system during gestation, childbirth, or in the first months of life. It includes consistent and long work doctors and parents of the child.

Rehabilitation can begin from 3 one month old. The course lasts 5 days and is repeated monthly if necessary. The admitted child is carefully examined.

The complex of activities of this program includes: biomechanical correction of the spine, reflexology, massage, breathing exercises, exercise therapy, paraffin applications.

Taking a set of measures normalizes muscle tone, improves motor activity, breathing rhythm, blood circulation, tissue metabolism - this stimulates the child’s psycho-speech development and motor skills.

The Early Rehabilitation program reduces neurological disorders in young children and gives them a chance to avoid physical disability in the future, helps them adapt socially and be full-fledged people in society.

Rehabilitation centers in Russia

There are not many rehabilitation centers in Russia. Most of them are located in Moscow. There are 4 rehabilitation centers here. Also There are similar institutions in Tula, Voronezh, Samara, Vologda, St. Petersburg, Elektrostal and Belgorod.

Not only children, but also their parents undergo rehabilitation in the centers.

All of them are equipped with modern equipment, each employs only experienced doctors and other medical personnel.

Treatment of cerebral palsy in Russia

Government centers

Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology (NPC DP) of the Moscow Department of Health

Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology (NPC DP) of the Moscow Department of Health is one of the leading medical, scientific, organizational and methodological institutions in Moscow and Russian Federation. Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Psychoneurology is government agency, works in the Moscow healthcare system and is subordinate to the Moscow Department of Health. The clinic was opened on July 1, 1983. During our work at the Scientific and Practical Center for Children's Care, we have accumulated a wealth of experience in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with congenital and acquired pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system, pathologies of the spine and chest, deformities of the limbs, joint contractures.

State Autonomous Institution "MNPC for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities due to cerebral palsy"

The center was established by order of the Moscow City Government No. 1979-RP dated September 21, 2010. The purpose of the Center is to create innovative technology, which significantly affects the quality of life of Moscow families with disabled people with severe limitations (in movement, communication, training, orientation, etc.).

Center for medical and social rehabilitation of disabled people with severe forms of cerebral palsy State government health care institution of the city of Moscow "Center for medical and social rehabilitation with a permanent residence department for adolescents and adult disabled people with severe forms of cerebral palsy who do not move independently and do not serve themselves, Department of Health of the city of Moscow" ( GKUZ TsMSR cerebral palsy DZM).

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Children's Health" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The center provides outpatient and inpatient care medical care children and teenagers of Moscow, Moscow region, Russia, near and far abroad countries. Children from the neonatal period to 18 years can receive specialized medical care at the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
The provision of paid medical services is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 27 of January 13, 1996, the Regulations on the commercial sale of medical services in the Scientific Center for Health Care of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of January 15, 1999. Medical care is possible both upon application for registration of a monopoly of voluntary medical insurance, and and under contracts with attachment through leading insurance companies Moscow and regions.

Morozov Children's Hospital

At the Morozov Children's Hospital city ​​hospital has four city advisory clinics:
  • advisory clinic;
  • children's ophthalmological advisory clinic (eye);
  • Consultative and diagnostic cardiology department;
  • consultative and diagnostic department for children with central nervous system lesions,
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Thanks to this combination - a clinic and a dispensary, a hospital and a sanatorium - it is possible to carry out step-by-step treatment and dynamic observation for the sick.
At the base Morozov Hospital students are trained in 20 departments of two medical universities(RUDN University and Russian State Medical University). The third medical school of the Moscow City Health Department operates on the territory of the hospital.

Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education

The institute carries out research and experimental work, analyzes experimental data, develops programs and methods for teaching children with intellectual disabilities, and produces scientific and methodological materials. The institute's staff includes specialists in the field of physiology and neurophysiologists, general practitioners, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, child psychologists, teachers of the deaf, typhlopedagogues, speech therapists, and oligophrenopedagogues.
The CDC provides counseling to children from infancy to 18 years of age, and no special referral is required. The CDC provides consultations to children and adolescents living in any region of the Russian Federation, CIS countries, near and far abroad.

St. Petersburg Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Expertise, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation of Disabled People named after G. A. Albrecht

The center includes a multidisciplinary clinic with 500 beds, which has several orthopedic departments. The children's rehabilitation and recovery center for disabled children provides comprehensive rehabilitation of children aged 14-18 years, mainly with limitations in the ability to move, self-care, labor activity, training.

OSU Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

Regional state budgetary institution "Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities» has been operating since 2003 on the basis of the Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Belgorod Region dated March 27, 2001 No. 200 “On the organization regional center medical and social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities.”
Property owner (founder): Belgorod region.
The functions and powers of the founder of the Center from the Belgorod region are managed by social protection population of the Belgorod region.

Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities, OGBU SO

Our Center is a modern state rehabilitation institution equipped with rehabilitation, diagnostic equipment for medical and social rehabilitation and equipment for psychological and pedagogical correction, development of communication skills, socialization of children with disabilities.

The main components in the work of the Center with special children are an individual-personal and differentiated approach to each child, complexity, continuity, systematicity and continuity in rehabilitation work.

Regional rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities “RODNIK”

Created in 1997 for the purpose of social adaptation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities from 3 to 18 years old. It is a specialized institution with year-round operation. During the year, the Center organizes 14 races, of which 4 are in summer period. The duration of the rehabilitation shift is 21 days. The center is unique, has an excellent material and technical base, and is equipped with modern equipment.
Every year, more than 1,000 children with various types of diseases undergo rehabilitation courses at the center.
The youngest children and children in need special care, come to the center with their parents. An individual rehabilitation route is drawn up for each child - schedule medical procedures, correctional, educational classes, leisure.

GUSO Kusa Regional Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

The inpatient unit of the Center accepts disabled children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system aged from 4 to 17 years inclusive, who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and who need constant outside care and do not have established medical contraindications for admission to this institution.
The complex rehabilitation department accepts disabled children, children with disabilities, children under dispensary observation in healthcare institutions, as well as family members and other persons accompanying them.
The main pathology of children undergoing rehabilitation is a disease of the musculoskeletal system:
- cerebral palsy;
- arthrogryposis;
- Perthes disease;
- congenital malformation of the limbs;
- consequences of traumatic brain injuries and conditions after removal of spina bifida;
- myopathy.

Republican Center for Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Mental Disorders

The Republican Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Mental Disorders has been operating since 1992. Services are provided for children aged 1-2 months. up to 18 years of age in a day care department. Day hospital designed for 75 beds.
Children are admitted to the department on referrals from local neurologists, psychiatrists, orthopedists with various neuropsychiatric disorders:
. organic lesion central nervous system (cerebral palsy, congenital anomalies development, consequences of neuroinfections, perinatal lesion nervous system, brain injury and spinal cord, mental retardation, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, etc.)
. functional disorders(neuroses, encephalopathy of various origins, diseases of the autonomic nervous system, minimal brain dysfunctions etc.)
. diseases of the musculoskeletal system ( movement disorders with cerebral palsy, scoliosis, flat feet, etc.)

Federal State Institution "Children's psychoneurological sanatorium "Teremok"

The sanatorium accepts for treatment children from 2 to 17 years old, with or without an accompanying person, with psychoneurological diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. An individual rehabilitation treatment and rehabilitation program is being developed.
The sanatorium is located in Kaliningrad region, resort town of Zelenogradsk, on the shore Baltic Sea(300 m.).

Federal State Institution Clinical Sanatorium "Progress"

In a picturesque corner of the Khostinsky district of Sochi, at an altitude of 150 m above sea level, the Progress multidisciplinary clinical sanatorium is located. The territory of the Progress sanatorium in Khosta is 15 hectares, the perimeter length is 2 km 800 m. In total natural factors The Progress sanatorium in Sochi is considered unique: the clean air of the foothills and subtropical vegetation create a special healing microclimate that promotes good mood, rest and treatment in Sochi.

ICR "Children" is modern center rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy in Moscow. We work with patients of all ages using advanced techniques, tested by Western and Israeli doctors. Every second child suffering from cerebral palsy (CP) needs our help, because without the necessary support, such people develop not only motor, but also mental disorders.

What do our patients get?

The Interdisciplinary Center implements a comprehensive program that includes hardware and drug treatment and subsequent psychological rehabilitation children with cerebral palsy. Its goal is the evolution of the strengths of the person affected by the disease and the restoration of body functions lost due to cerebral palsy. To do this, we use advanced medical technologies, involving both the patient and his family members in the work.

We rely on our own methods of physical and social rehabilitation of disabled children with cerebral palsy, offering advanced methods of encouraging the patient to active work. The main task of the team of specialists is to develop and stimulate the desire to achieve physical, creative and mental activity.

Experienced doctors - rehabilitation specialists, psychologists, physiotherapists, neurologists, speech therapists, massage therapists and art therapists - are busy ensuring this aspiration. Children are supported by a multidisciplinary team that can develop and implement an individual rehabilitation plan.

Our specialists offer truly effective methods of psychological and motor rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy in Moscow, therefore positive reviews you will see about the work of the ICR “Children” in any social networks or on thematic forums.

Main directions of the rehabilitation program

At the Children's Children's Center, individual, group and mixed approaches to the recovery of preschool children and adolescents with cerebral palsy who receive comprehensive care are practiced:

  • drug and movement therapy;
  • development of self-service skills;
  • stimulation of the cognitive sphere, speech and hearing skills;
  • joint overcoming of difficulties during socialization.

The medical institution uses innovative technical means and unique simulators for the rehabilitation of disabled children with cerebral palsy. Our medical center has hardware and software systems with feedback, simulators, modern massage tables and other equipment at its disposal.

Features of group work

After developing an individual plan, the child is offered group classes. This approach to therapy increases socialization and improves the results of interaction with a speech therapist, psychologist and movement therapist.

Meetings are held from 9:00 to 14:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and from 15:00 to 19:00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, which allows you to choose a schedule convenient for children and their parents. The composition of the group does not exceed five people, and in difficult cases it can only accommodate two babies.

Family support

The parents of our patients receive help from psychologists. During group classes People accompanying children and schoolchildren with cerebral palsy are in comfortable waiting areas. They can influence the scheduling by choosing convenient time visit to the doctor. Our managers will help you choose a charity organization that is ready to solve the financial difficulties of the patient’s parents.

How to make an appointment

The interdisciplinary center “Children” is ready to work with patients of any age. We are engaged in medical rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy up to one year old, training of preschoolers and interaction with adolescents. To make an initial appointment with a speech pathologist, simply indicate your phone number in the form. feedback(it is located at the bottom of this page). Our consultants will contact you within 30 minutes and answer all questions.

Cerebral palsy (CP) in a child implies a certain style and rhythm of life aimed at recovery motor activity affected limbs little patient. It is almost impossible to do this on your own, since adequate treatment includes the whole complex activities that should be carried out by a qualified doctor. The developed rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy in specialized centers develops muscle abilities and allows them to calmly adapt to society.

The disease develops as a result of damage to the central nervous system, in particular the departments responsible for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The causes may be birth injuries due to improperly performed care, discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the pelvic outlet of the woman in labor, intrauterine infections, striking nerve tissue, for diseases endocrine system mothers, proven hereditary predisposition. Detection of pathology is possible using ultrasound screening, blood tests, or after birth in the first year of life, when the child should take his first steps.

The earlier the disease is detected, the more likely significant improvement in health. The neurologist prescribes an individual plan for the treatment and rehabilitation of cerebral palsy. Traditionally, it includes balneotherapy, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy using specialized modern equipment. Sometimes dolphin and hippotherapy are added.


It involves relieving symptoms by placing the patient in baths with natural mineral water or artificially prepared solutions of mineral salts with the addition of sulfur or carbon dioxide, oxygen, their increased concentration enters the blood through skin and lungs, the functioning of the nervous system, heart, blood vessels is stabilized, tissue trophism and metabolism are improved. As a result, the pain subsides, the muscles relax, and movements become more active.

Typically, a rehabilitation center offers therapy with artificial waters, since not all treatment and preventive institutions have the ability to work in conditions of full provision natural sources. There are two main groups of baths: pearl and radon.

Radon baths are based on therapeutic effect decay of a radioactive substance - radon. Immunity improves, indicators decrease blood pressure, heart rate, breathing stabilizes, cell regeneration accelerates.

Pearl baths are affected by air bubbles, the difference between the temperature of water and air. Recommended for atonic and ataxic forms cerebral palsy.

Dolphin therapy and hippotherapy

Dolphin therapy first appeared in the United States of America and then spread throughout the world. Used for many neurological disorders, Down syndrome, retardation in physical and mental development. Treatment of cerebral palsy in Russia similar method less relevant, but such a central region as the Moscow region has similar resources.

The therapy is based on ultrasonic vibrations produced by animals, the beneficial effects of water, moderate activity of the limbs and positive emotions obtained from contact with dolphins. The child’s well-being is monitored by a pediatrician, neurologist, psychotherapist, and other doctors.

Contraindications to similar procedure include epileptic seizures, sharp or chronic diseases in the acute stage of infectious or non-infectious origin, benign, malignant neoplasms, phobias.

Hippotherapy differs in its mechanism of action on the damaged organism. A child, riding a horse, experiences oscillatory movements, controls his position in space, tries to hold correct posture. Strengthens musculoskeletal system, vestibular apparatus.


The rehabilitation center must have modern equipment that medical personnel can use.

Most widely used electric currents, modulated fixed frequency of electron movement (amplipulse therapy), their effect is combined with the administration of drugs (electrophoresis). The current increases muscle tone during muscle atrophy (electric stimulation) or, conversely, calms (electrosleep).

Magnetotherapy predominantly has a bioresonant effect and calms nervous system, improves blood circulation.

Laser therapy strengthens vascular wall, increases the restorative abilities of the blood. It is carried out in three ways: acupuncture, intravenously and cutaneously.

Additionally relaxes the striated and smooth muscles thermal wrap, application of paraffin and mud. The impact occurs on the cervical, thoracic and lumbar region spine, upper and lower extremities involving large, medium and small joints. Passes pain syndrome, lymphatic drainage increases, metabolic processes aimed at synthesis necessary substances and energy education.

Therapeutic exercise and massage

The longest item in terms of time is the one that includes continuous classes physical therapy. Gymnastics are performed either individually or with a small group of patients. The movements consist of smooth turns of the head, tilts of the body in different directions, and the arms and legs are included in the process. A rehabilitation therapist teaches how to crawl, sit, hold a certain position, and correctly transfer body weight from one limb to another. Older children learn to walk, correct gait defects, and maintain coordination of movements. Of particular interest to young patients are aerobics, dancing, hobbies that develop fine motor skills, drawing, and playful activities. Articular gymnastics corrects and restores speech, which contributes to quick adaptation in society.

The massage is based on point impact on certain parts of the body, rubbing, kneading muscles that are in hypertonicity. Experts use essential oils, sudden changes in temperature up to very low indicators. Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy through regular external pressure the time frame is reduced several times.

Social rehabilitation

External changes in the upper and lower extremities, impaired coordination of movements and speech significantly affect the perception of a person by the people around him. Society is wary of the patient or laughs at him, especially in kindergarten or school. The patient's self-esteem drops, signs of mental disturbances and perception of the surrounding world appear, and emotional timidity develops.

The rehabilitation center for children with cerebral palsy provides a staff of specialists, including psychologists, speech therapists, who regularly work with patients, capable of treating not only the body, but also the mental state. Therapy takes place in a conversational form using techniques and tests to identify psychological problems, individual therapy is being developed to eliminate behavioral discomfort.

In addition, in ordinary comprehensive schools social education should be carried out; teachers are obliged to explain behavior to children, educate right attitude to the sick, disabled and other people with certain special needs. Social workers are required to conduct family checks and analyze the parents’ attitude towards the child.


Sanatoriums imply not only rehabilitation, but also drug treatment of pathology. Such treatment and preventive institutions are organized in cities and regions with a pleasant climate, mountainous terrain, near the sea or in full contact with nature in order to stabilize the emotional sphere.

Used medicines, administered in sanatoriums, include anticonvulsant medications with strict control of the dosage of the drug, analgesics and antispasmodics for constantly recurring seizures, antioxidants, neuroprotectors and vitamin complexes in combination with the use of essential microelements.

Rehabilitation depends on the type of disease, but in 60% of cases the person begins to walk independently and calmly finds his own place in society.



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