Brochures secrets of youth and longevity. Eternal youth: secrets of longevity

A lot has been written about this in the media and on the INTERNET. And, for sure, each of us has our own favorite recipes and our own secrets. Perhaps someone will share them.

Someone follows a diet, someone works out according to some method, now there are also for every taste, in general, there would be a desire, and there is a lot of information.

There are many secrets of youth and beauty on the INTERNET from our and Hollywood celebrities; everyone can find what is acceptable and suitable for them.

You can, of course, highlight the basic rules that help us look younger.

1. In first place I would put COMPLETE SLEEP.

2. Moderation in diet. Again, someone is on a specific diet, for example Milkweed (opinions vary about this diet, but this diet is easy to maintain), someone is a vegetarian who uses separate meals. Depending on age, physiology, and health, the diet is selected individually.

3. The third golden rule is PURITY of the soul ( positive attitude, favorite job) and body (cleansing slag

c) both are equally important.

After 30 years it is recommended to take herbal decoction, which is called the elixir of eternal youth! It is believed that this herbal composition really has a positive effect on our cells, promotes their rejuvenation, nutrition and health.


200 grams of chamomile;

100 grams of immortelle;

100 grams of St. John's wort;

100 grams of birch buds.

Method of preparation: mix everything, grind to a powder state.

Infuse 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture into half a liter hot water(it’s better to do this in a thermos), then the broth must be filtered.

Take 1 glass in the morning 30 minutes before meals and in the evening just before bed (you can add a spoonful of natural honey for taste).

Course: one month. Repeat course should be carried out only after five years

4. Active image life, movement in any form (yoga, fitness, exercise equipment, cycling or hiking etc.). Active sex will rejuvenate you by 7-14 years, according to various sources. Fall in love, enjoy life,


5. Mental activity. By forcing our brain to work, we thereby slow down the process of age-related degradation intellectual abilities and at the same time the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism is activated.

6. Breathe more often fresh air and sleep in a ventilated area, as the body’s metabolism and manifestation age signs depend directly on the ambient temperature.

7. Do not overuse cosmetics and makeup. Lack of makeup or use of pastel colors will reduce your age by 5 years.

Sting, singer, 57 years old:

“To always look great, you don’t need much. Firstly, sports. Secondly, sex - it reminds the body that it is still wow, and on molecular level. Thirdly, less fatty foods. Fourthly, apples. Five pieces a day. It is advisable to eat them completely, along with the seeds. And finally, sleep. And not how much someone calculated in the laboratories, but how much you need.”

Once, Madonna’s personal trainer Kim Lee noted that the pop diva, who exchanged fifty dollars, has a figure like a 25-year-old girl. A woman’s excellent physical condition is explained not only by giving up meat and exercising in gym. The singer, who is eccentric by nature, does not consume meat, eggs, or milk.

oh and also sweets and alcoholic drinks. Madonna turns any meal into a kind of ritual, with each piece of food slowly chewed. Thanks to this, the brain quickly understands that the body is already full. In addition to working out in the gym, the celebrity runs for three quarters of an hour every day, relaxes and gets a good night's sleep.

P.S. I found about the same thing on the Internet, but under the title "Secrets Japanese longevity", and this is not surprising, the secrets of youth and wellness are equally good for all people, regardless of nationality.

Posted: Secrets of Japanese longevity

1. Eat vegetables. You need to eat at least a little every day raw vegetables or fruits, the healthiest ones are bright green or bright orange in color (lettuce, spinach, carrots). The body will regularly receive essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements and plant fibers.

2. Healthy fats. Fats are essential for the body, especially in old age. The whole question is which ones exactly. In sunflower and olive oil contains valuable acids necessary to increase life expectancy. Even a teaspoon a day will be enough. But butter not allowed, cheese and meat - in minimal doses.

3. Movement. Daily light exercise (not necessarily immediately after sleep), short walks and as much time as possible in nature.

4. Tobacco and alcohol. This is a ban, except for one thing: 350g of good, pure grape wine per day is beneficial.

5. Good mood. All experienced emotions remain not only “in the head”: they control most of the physiological reactions of the body. Therefore, we must learn not to worry, not to worry about trifles and to enjoy every little thing.

6. Brain work. It is necessary to constantly ask for work" gray matter", then you will be in a sober mind, especially often it is worth training your memory.

7. Relax. The ability to get rid of tension is always valuable; you need to choose time to relax.

8. Get a good night's sleep. It clears thoughts and gives rest to the body - allows you to slow down. heart rate, lower blood pressure, establish a system of hormonal secretions.

9. Cool. Defense system The body needs constant training. It is necessary not only to ventilate the room, but sometimes to freeze a little so that he remembers: you cannot rely on constant protection, you must be on alert to repel any infection.

10. Eat less. All people who have crossed the hundred-year mark in good health were moderate in food. Daily diet It would be good to keep it to no more than 2000 calories. Vitamins, especially A, E and C, would be good as a supplement.

11. Laugh. When you laugh, the muscles of your face, abdominals, diaphragm, and stomach work. In addition, oxygen reserves in the cells are renewed, the bronchi and lungs are straightened, and the airways are cleared. I wish you to live long, happily and in perfect health.


Health 07/30/2012

Today I would like to talk about recipes and secrets of longevity. Each of us would like to live a long, happy life, and at the same time we also want to remain healthy. Many of us know the common truths, but often do not apply them in life.

Residents of Asia maintain beauty and health thanks to ancient recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. I want to offer you oriental recipes for active longevity, beauty and health.

There are traditional methods Chinese medicine, which are still practiced in Shaolin under the guidance of Chinese sages. These secrets of longevity are outlined in one ancient instructive Chinese parable.

One day a traveler met ten hundred-year-old elders and asked them about recipes for longevity. Each of them had their own secret, which allowed them to reach such a respectable age.

Here are the ten secrets to longevity:

  1. Never drink wine.
  2. Walk one hundred steps after every meal.
  3. Eat only plant foods.
  4. Walk all the time.
  5. Do all household chores and wash clothes only with your own hands.
  6. Perform a set of physical exercises every day.
  7. Keep windows open and allow fresh air into the house.
  8. Accept sunbathing
  9. Keep early hours.
  10. Maintain a joyful mood throughout your life.

But: each of the elders followed not all, but only one of the listed rules, but followed it strictly! Isn’t it true, and we can use everything? Especially when we're talking about about one rule. Just don’t forget that it must be followed strictly!

Ten obstacles that can interfere with health and longevity.

Also in Chinese sources we can find ten obstacles that can interfere with health and longevity. It is easiest to harm yourself if:

  1. Not having the strength to quit smoking.
  2. Drink a lot all the time.
  3. Eating disorderly.
  4. Stay all day in bad mood and show no interest in your work.
  5. Do not engage in any physical labor.
  6. Be suspicious, envious, hot-tempered.
  7. Have an unbridled sex drive.
  8. Don't look for friends.
  9. Let illness take its course.
  10. Be like a “medicine bottle”, that is, at the slightest ailment, stuff yourself with medicines, without knowing the count.

I think that everything is very clear here. So simple and wise.

And now I want to tell you about secrets of longevity of Shaolin monks . This is a Buddhist monastery in China.

Housing and longevity.

The inhabitants of the monastery have a poetic commandment, according to which the dwelling must always have a clean floor and one can only be in it with with a pure heart. In other words, the house should be regularly cleaned by dusting it three times. During cleaning, water must be sprayed, which helps maintain normal air humidity, prevents it from becoming dusty, which means dry and dirty air gets into the lungs, causing diseases of the respiratory tract and cardiovascular system.

Sharp sounds, quarrels, insults are unacceptable in the house - everything should set the mood for peace and relaxation. The monks believe that since most of any person’s life is spent indoors, there is a very direct connection between living conditions and health.

Nutrition and longevity.

Shaolin monks consider moderation in food and eating to be one of the main guarantees of longevity. simple products. These are mainly vegetables, sometimes meat, but stewed or steamed. Food should satiate, but not burden the stomach, not burden the head, and toxins should be easily removed from the body. Alcohol is strictly excluded! The clothes of the monks are loose-fitting and strict in color, do not tighten the skin, and do not interfere with free blood circulation, which helps reduce the incidence of diseases of the skin and blood vessels.
Wearing such clothing helps improve metabolism and evaporate sweat, which means it creates a comfortable psychological and physical state, and has a beneficial effect on the body’s performance and resistance to diseases.

Life routine and longevity.

Everything that each monk does from morning awakening before going to bed is clearly scheduled and has a scientific basis. The key to the balance of yin and yang in the human body, its normal functioning, and therefore health, is the continuous process of “mutual generation”, and any failure in the clearly scheduled rhythm of life will cause disruption in work body.

Natural healing.

Having woken up, the monks head to a high mountain slope, where, facing southeast, they perform the “white crane greets the sun” exercise 10-15 times. Constant practice of this exercise refreshes the brain and strengthens the body.

Exercise "White Crane".

Spread your legs, clench your fingers, lower your arms down and press your palms inward external surfaces hips Relax all your muscles. Slowly raise your arms in an arc through your sides and up above your head. At the same time as you exhale deeply, lean forward and press your palms to the ground in front of you. The legs should be straight. Then lift your hands off the ground, raise them to knee level and lower them again, touching your palms to the ground. Perform this movement three times. Having done deep breath and exhale, raise your arms up in an arc and connect above your head to form a circle. Lifting your hands off the ground, begin to take a deep breath. Then, continuing to inhale, lower your arms to shoulder level, bend them inward and clench your fingers into fists. Exhaling, straighten your arms and lower them freely down, straighten your chest.


Throughout the year, Shaolin monks hang out and dry bedding and clothes in direct sunlight for about two hours every few days, and also sunbathe daily for 10-15 minutes in spring, summer and autumn, if the weather is sunny. They believe that sunbathing strengthens the body's resistance to various diseases.

Cold baths.

From time immemorial, Shaolin has practiced washing, washing feet and pouring cold water, which strengthens the body’s resistance, improves physical condition, and strengthens the will. Rubbing your feet with cold water before going to bed is also helpful.

Let's move on to specific recipes. So, oriental recipes and secrets of longevity, health and beauty.

Secrets of beauty and longevity from China. General strengthening tea.

To prepare tea you will need 1 tsp. goji fruit (Tibetan berry),
1 tsp hawthorn fruit, and half a teaspoon ground root ginseng.

A mixture is prepared from these components, which is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and left to steep for about 20 minutes. You need to drink half a glass warm in the morning and evening. Energy and vitality you are guaranteed.

Beauty secrets from Thailand. Green tea mask.

1 teaspoon of green tea leaves is poured into a glass. Fill 1/3 full hot water(but not boiling water). Infuse, wait until it cools, strain, and use the leaves themselves to make a face mask. Apply the leaves to your face for 15 minutes. The skin will be smooth and fresh.

Beauty secrets from Japan. Tangerine bath.

Japanese women love to bathe in sake to preserve their beauty. This recipe is slightly adapted for us. You can use vodka instead of sake.

Tangerine peels must be pre-treated with steam. Dissolve a small amount of ginger oil in a small glass of vodka (or you can simply grate the ginger root). Add all this to the bath. It is recommended to take it for 15 minutes. Your skin will be smooth, smell great, skin tone will be revitalized, and tension will be relieved perfectly.

Beauty secrets from Japan. Rice peeling for dry and sensitive skin . This peeling is excellent for revitalizing the epithelium.

Half a glass rice bran pour in a small amount of warm boiled water. Stir all this to form a thick paste. Apply this composition in a fairly thick layer to the skin of the face and neck. After about 10 minutes, wash everything off warm water, at the same time make yourself light massage. Then apply a cream that suits your skin type to your face. This peeling makes the skin silky, more vibrant and elastic.

Tibetan collection for cleansing the body - one of the most wonderful recipes for longevity, beauty and health.

How is Tibetan collection useful?

  • Metabolism improves.
  • Cleanses the kidneys.
  • Prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Improves joint flexibility.
  • Excellent for the heart and blood vessels.
  • Improves general condition body.
  • Rejuvenates the body.
  • Restores vision.

Recipe: 100 grams of St. John's wort, 100 grams of immortelle, 100 grams of chamomile, 100 grams of birch buds and 100 grams of honey. All herbs need to be ground, mixed and placed in a closed glass container. In the evening, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture and leave for 20-30 minutes. Drink a glass of this infusion in the morning, adding 1 tbsp. honey After this you can’t eat anything. After some time, drink the remaining infusion. You can have breakfast in an hour. Take daily until the entire herbal mixture is gone. This course is enough for 5 years.

Secrets of longevity, health and beauty from Tibet. Garlic extract for longevity.

Garlic has a beneficial effect on our health. The tincture, the recipe for which I give below, is a real cure for all diseases. In addition, it has a rejuvenating effect. This recipe is very famous. It is more than 5 thousand years old. It prevents heart attacks, is excellent for blood vessels, tinnitus disappears, and vision improves.

Recipe: Peel, wash, chop and grind 350 grams of garlic in a convenient bowl with a wooden or ceramic spoon. Transfer 200 grams of the resulting mass into a resealable glass container and pour 200 grams of a 96% solution ethyl alcohol. Close the container tightly and place in a warm place for 10 days. Then strain the contents and place them again in the same place for 2-3 days. Drink drops with cold milk (a quarter glass) half an hour before meals, strictly adhering to the scheme.

Day breakfast dinner dinner
1 1 drop 2 drops 3 drops
2 4 drops 5 drops 6 drops
3 7 drops 8 drops 9 drops
4 10 drops 11 drops 12 drops
5 13 drops 14 drops 15 drops
6 15 drops 14 drops 13 drops
7 12 drops 11 drops 10 drops
8 9 drops 8 drops 7 drops
9 6 drops 5 drops 4 drops
10 3 drops 2 drops 1 drop

Starting from day 11, drink 25 drops 3 times a day until the tincture runs out.

Secrets of longevity from Egypt. Egyptian tea Hibiscus.

Cleopatra herself loved him very much. Moreover, she not only drank it healing tea, but also took baths with hibiscus flowers.

Secrets of longevity from the Caucasus.

Pour 25 grams of fennel roots into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. You need to drink this drink 3 cups a day.

There is another version of this recipe: pour 1 teaspoon of chopped fennel fruits with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

You can read about other healthy recipes in my article.

My heartfelt gift for today Alyabyev's romance Nightingale performed Lamars of Chkonia. Not long ago, on my blog, I introduced you to this amazing Georgian singer. We listened to Dunaevsky's song “Under the Golden Moon”. I was very glad that you responded to this publication so much. Therefore, I continue to introduce you to the work of this singer. This novel is performed so often. You know him very well. But just listen to how subtly, beautifully, and incredibly expressively Lamara Chkonia performs it.

Health to everyone, enjoy the summer, because there is still last month. Spend it with joy and benefit, especially since the general mood of the month is new plans, ideas, inspiration, moving forward. Good luck to all of us!

Is it possible to make cottage cheese at home? Of course you can! This fresh cottage cheese is perfect for feeding even babies, small children, sick people and adults.

Burdock oil is used in the preparation of hair care products. Thanks to nutritional properties, burdock oil good for hair, helps smooth cuticle scales and regenerate structure.

Previously, wheat bran was used in livestock production to produce feed. But over time beneficial properties wheat bran made them an indispensable product in dietary diets.

Doctors and traditional healers have been practicing treatment with flaxseed oil since ancient times. Even then the application linseed oil helped cure burns, wounds, inflammation and stomach diseases.

Oat bran is simple and at the same time incredible healthy food. They reduce cholesterol and sugar levels in the body. Besides, oat bran are actively used in cosmetology.

See also



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    07 Sep 2012 at 10:48













    It is known that Tibetan lamas, even having crossed the age of a hundred, have a youthful appearance and good health, which many young people can envy. The monks of Tibet hid the secrets of their longevity for thousands of years. The amazing gymnastics of ancient lamas to preserve youth and health (five Tibetans or five pearls) became known after the publication of the book “The Eye of the Renaissance. Ancient secret Fountain of Youth" by Peter Kalder.

    According to the ancient monks, this complex of gymnastics (5 Tibetan pearls) is aimed at unwinding a complex system of energy centers (vortexes, chakras) in the human body. Let's try to explain it more simply - in the human body there are 19 energy vortexes, seven main of which are located along the spine, the remaining 12 are located in the nodes of the limbs of the arms and legs.

    These are quite powerful energy fields associated with the electromagnetic field of the earth. All of them are responsible for a specific system in the body, providing it with prana (universal energy). When some kind of vortex fades, vital energy weakens, and this leads to aging and deterioration of health.

    It is important for human health that energy vortexes rotate at maximum speed. The gymnastics complex - five Tibetans can increase the flow of vital energy and restore health. Even if you do at least one exercise, it will be great benefit for the body. Effect of execution full complex will increase several times

    Technique for performing the five pearls or five Tibetans complex

    A set of exercises is performed daily, it can be morning or evening, everyone chooses for themselves. At a slow pace. Breathing plays an important role in this. You can start with three repetitions of each exercise. After a week, add two more. Add two reps each week until you reach 21 reps.

    After each exercise, be sure to rest: Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Repeat three times. During all five Tibetan exercises, exhalation can be done through the mouth or nose, whichever is more convenient for you. The exercises are simple and age restrictions for this complex there is no.

    • Tibetan pearl - 1

    Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, spread both arms to the sides.

    Rotate around yourself in right side(only to the right!). Breathing is voluntary.

    That's how they get promoted energy chakras, and this significantly improves well-being, blood circulation in the brain and the whole body.

    • Tibetan pearl - 2

    Lie on the mat on your back. Lower your relaxed arms along your body, palms down. Legs straight, heels towards you.

    As you inhale, press your chin to your chest, simultaneously or alternately try to raise your straightened legs up, pulling your toes towards you. As you exhale, we return to the starting position.

    The abs are strengthened, the back muscles are strengthened, and this has a positive effect on the spine. After all, everyone knows that a healthy back is the key to health.

    • Tibetan pearl - 3

    This exercise will help relieve pain in the abs and back that may appear after performing the first pearl.

    Stand straight, kneeling approximately shoulder-width apart. The toes are bent at the back and rest on the floor. Hands are located slightly behind the hips. Press your chin to your chest.

    As you inhale, bend back as far as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

    With this exercise, the joints of the lower extremities are effectively developed. And most importantly, the flow of energy to the entire body is restored through lower limbs.

    • Tibetan pearl - 4

    Sit on the mat on the floor on your buttocks. Legs stretched out in front of you, toes pulled towards you. Place your hands on the floor. Press your head against the jugular cavity.

    While inhaling, resting your hands and heels on the floor, lift your buttocks up as much as possible and bend over. The head is thrown back as much as possible. As you exhale, take the starting position.

    Are training cervical vertebrae, headaches and neck pain disappear.

    • Tibetan pearl - 5

    Take a lying position. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes resting on the floor (upward-facing dog pose). At the same time, bend as far back as possible. To begin with, you can touch the floor with your knees. Ideally, your knees should not touch the floor.

    As you inhale, press your head to your chest, lift your buttocks as high as possible. Arms and legs remain straight. As you exhale, take the starting position.

    By regularly performing a set of exercises by Tibetan monks (five Tibetans or five pearls), within a month you will be pleasantly surprised by the result, your body and attitude will change so much!

    Since ancient times, people have sought to resist aging and invented means of eternal youth. Scientists have already made many discoveries in this area, but have not yet invented a wonderful elixir of longevity.

    The answer to the question “Why do we grow old and die?” has excited and continues to excite scientists, philosophers and ordinary people throughout the lives of all mankind.

    IN different times History declared the main enemies of long life to be:

    The cause was sought in a deficiency of certain substances or, conversely, poisoning by others. Each of these factors affects life expectancy, but still does not determine why we age.

    But even modern science cannot give an answer to why a person ages and dies. Now the most popular is the hormonal-genetic theory, according to which aging and longevity are inherent in genes. What is the secret of youth and longevity?

    The secret of longevity is in heredity

    Not long ago, a group of scientists discovered several such genes, which popular sources called “Methuselah genes” in honor of the biblical centenarian. Many centenarians from different parts of the world have these genes in their DNA. Moreover, they are usually inherited!

    Does this mean that everything is predetermined and our longevity depends only on genes? Of course not. Large quantity research has shown that even if you have the “Methuselah genes”, but do not take care of your health at all, your life is significantly shortened.

    On the other hand, many famous centenarians do not have any special genes, but thanks to a healthy lifestyle they celebrated their 90th birthday and even passed the 100-year mark.

    Genes also determine predisposition to certain chronic diseases:

    • Hypertension;
    • Atherosclerosis;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Obesity.

    If you have people in your family with these diseases, then there is reason to be wary and more attentive to your health. However, heredity is not always predestination. You have a higher risk, but if you are aware of this and follow preventive measures, the likelihood of illness decreases.

    Know your genetics, but don't be afraid of that knowledge. Use it to maintain and strengthen your health.

    The secret to longevity is lifestyle

    Genetics are important, but the quality and length of life is determined primarily by lifestyle.

    Regular physical exercise do not support health worse than a doctor. Walk 30 minutes a day and you will add 1.6 years to your life. And morning exercises for 30 minutes a week will add another 1.7 years.

    Many centenarians love laughter and this is no coincidence. It has been found that laughter can extend life years from 1.7 to 8 years.

    Normal and healthy sleep- an indispensable attribute of a long and healthy life. 7-8 hours good sleep per day will increase the chance of living 12 years more.

    Constantly supporting normal weight, corresponding to your design, you add another 6 years to yourself.

    If you manage to avoid serious and severe stress, you will significantly extend your life.

    Quitting smoking within 4 months last cigarette significantly reduces the risk of stroke or heart attack.

    Full rational nutrition will add several years to you at once.

    Statistics show that over the last century in most countries average duration life has increased several times. This is due to the state of medicine, the financial situation of the population, the level of hygiene, and working conditions.

    But average life expectancy is not individual longevity. Now the number of centenarians has also increased. If earlier old age and even old age The age of 60 years was considered, but now people who have crossed the 90-year mark are recognized as centenarians.

    There are areas in the world where the concentration of centenarians is particularly high. Scientists explain this by many factors - dietary habits, favorable environmental situation, adherence to traditions healthy image life and, of course, genetics.

    How many years can and should a person live? The Bible mentions 120 years. From a scientific point of view, no limits determined by biology or genes have yet been discovered. There are no upper limits to longevity. Therefore, you need to strive not for any specific number, but for a long, happy and healthy life, without thinking about records.

    The secret to longevity is hormonal balance

    Our bodies produce more than 100 different compounds called hormones. Their role in maintaining health is enormous. They regulate metabolism and maintain constant internal environment body.

    Thanks to hormones, the immune system is stimulated or, conversely, suppressed. Hormones regulate feelings of hunger and satiety. The condition of bones and teeth is controlled by the hormone calcitonin, produced in the thyroid gland.

    It is hubbub that largely determines such characteristics as resistance to stress and strain, physical endurance, performance, blood pressure, and the number of red blood cells in the blood.

    Our sleep is also partly dependent on hormones, primarily melatonin. Hormones determine our psychological state. And this is only a small part of the list of “job responsibilities” of hormones.

    Organs and cells are responsible for their production endocrine system-pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, thymus, gonads, islet cells of the pancreas, as well as the walls of the stomach, intestines and blood vessels.

    The endocrine system has a lot of enemies - infections, injuries, disruptions immune system, poisoning, deficiency useful substances in nutrition, stress. Any problems in it lead to a complete breakdown of all functions in the body. Therefore, maintaining hormonal balance is an important component of a long and healthy life.

    Treat endocrine diseases It is necessary only under the supervision of a doctor; self-medication is dangerous and can lead to even greater imbalance. Be sure to visit an endocrinologist if you notice at least one of the following symptoms.

    1. Sudden weight loss or gain while maintaining familiar image life.
    2. Swelling of the face, neck, arms and legs, often not associated with increased fluid intake.
    3. Pressing sensations in the neck area when wearing even not too tight collars, problems with swallowing, sensation foreign body in the throat.
    4. Various skin problems - increased dryness or sebum production, pallor skin, sticky sweat, frequent pustules and fungal diseases, poor healing of scratches and wounds.
    5. Hair loss and thinning, early gray hair, enhanced growth body hair, especially in women.
    6. Decreased vision, dry eyes, lacrimation, bulging eyes.
    7. Dry mouth constant feeling thirst, increased urination.
    8. Increased or, conversely, decreased heartbeat, irregular heart rhythm, pressure surges, sudden feeling of heat or chilliness in the extremities, trembling hands, muscle cramps.
    9. Unpredictable mood swings, tearfulness, excessive excitability, memory impairment, causeless anger.
    10. Chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, drowsiness, insomnia, restlessness, fussiness, if these characteristics are not characteristic of you.
    11. Violation menstrual cycle in women and a decrease erectile function in men.

    The secret to longevity is protection from toxins

    In popular literature, the word “waste” is often mentioned, which supposedly pollutes the body and leads to disease. This term is absolutely unscientific; it has nothing to do with medicine and physiology.

    No doctor has ever discovered deposits of slag. In the intestines serious illnesses Fecal stones may form, but in this case the reason is not slagging, but intestinal dysfunction.

    Salt deposition in the joints (gout) is also associated with metabolic disorders that need to be treated.

    Does this mean that there are no harmful foreign substances in our body? In fact, end products of metabolism are constantly formed in it, which have a toxic effect - urea, ammonia, and various salts. Dangerous compounds can come from food, water, and medications.

    At infectious diseases Viruses and bacteria also produce toxins.

    All these compounds must be removed from the body. U healthy person This is completely handled by the kidneys, liver, intestines, and skin (through sweat). But in case of diseases, especially age-related and chronic ones, you need to provide your body with support so that increased amount toxins did not lead to accelerated cell destruction and aging.

    You just have to do it right. How? This is the next secret of longevity and youth.

    The secret to longevity is in your personal ecology

    Your personal ecology is another secret to longevity and youth. Living in big cities has its advantages, but... environmental situation It’s hard to call them good. You personally cannot change it, it requires the efforts of the whole society, but you are quite capable of reducing the adverse effects of poor ecology on yourself and your loved ones.

    Go for walks in parks and forests as often as possible. But walking at a brisk pace or running along city roads will bring more harm than good.

    Regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilation in the house. To reduce the amount of dust, insert mesh and regular gauze into the windows. Good cleaners in the apartment are indoor flowers. Humidify the air, especially in winter. The easiest way is to place a container of water next to the batteries.

    When carrying out repairs, try to choose safe materials. Solid wood is always better than fiberboard; acrylic or water-based paint emits less toxic substances than nitro enamel.

    Do not cover floors with carpets or hang carpets on walls. They are dust collectors and breeding grounds for mites, the secretions of which cause allergies.

    Keep books in locked cabinets and wash regularly soft toys and decorative pillows.

    Do not keep electrical appliances turned on if they are not needed. This will not only save electricity, but also reduce electromagnetic radiation which negatively affects health.

    Protect yourself from noise pollution. Reading in silence is much healthier than endlessly watching TV. For good sleep In quiet areas, use earplugs.

    Reduce usage household chemicals. It can be replaced with no less effective, but much more by safe means- soda, mustard, vinegar, citric acid and laundry soap.

    Purify tap water using filters or jugs, or at least let it settle and boil.

    The secret to longevity is smart cleansing

    If there is no urgent need, you should not force your body by resorting to radical methods cleansing. This may be dangerous to your health.

    Gross interference with bowel function using regular rinsing or laxatives leads to chronic disorders of its functioning, imbalance of microflora, acid-base balance, smooth muscle tone, and mucosal injuries.

    Many herbs, teas and capsules for cleansing the blood, liver, and general cleansing of the body are themselves toxic, causing great harm health. Use of oil and lemon juice to cleanse the liver often leads to emergency hospitalization and operations - gallstones the ducts are blocked and biliary colic develops.

    Does this mean that cleansing is not necessary? Not really. The body needs to be helped, but for this purpose softer and at the same time effective methods are used. First of all, this is proper nutrition, fasting days or therapeutic fasting.

    Baths, baths and herbal medicine will help, but chosen wisely. Drink a lot of water and move more, and then no emergency methods You will not need cleansing that is hazardous to your health.

    The secret of longevity is rest

    The secret of longevity is rest. During sleep, the body has time to rest, recuperate, and sometimes even heal, since during these few hours all the energy that is spent on everyday activities during the day goes to “repairing” damaged cells. The brain is rebooted, it gets rid of unnecessary information.

    Recently, the fact was discovered that it is during sleep that the brain gets rid of toxins. This greatly reduces the risks of diseases such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease.

    It is recommended to sleep about 8 hours. During this time, we manage to go through several complete cycles, consisting of two important phases - slow and REM sleep. People who sleep less or more than this amount of time get sick more often and age faster.

    It is known that in Mediterranean countries there are more centenarians than in the north. Some scientists believe that the secret partly lies in the traditional daytime rest - the siesta.

    It helps to relax and relieve tension accumulated in the first half of the day. The level of joy hormones, endorphins and serotonin increases, which improves mood and performance.

    The risk of strokes and heart attacks is reduced. This kind of sleep is much healthier than coffee or energy drinks. Doctors believe the most beneficial sleep between 13.00 and 15.00.

    But there is important condition- its duration should not exceed half an hour.

    The secret to longevity is a positive attitude

    Youth is not just a face without wrinkles, slim figure And tripping. All this can be achieved with cosmetics, exercises, diets. But if you have the attitude of a very old man and have no interest in life, no rejuvenating techniques will help you.

    The main attributes of true youth are a feeling of flight and the presence of interest in what is happening around, in everything new that is happening. This is what makes even those who have long reached retirement age young.

    Never tell yourself or others that you look bad, and truly enjoy compliments. You are charming, you like yourself, and others have noticed your beauty, so enjoy it.

    Be sure to compliment yourself, first right in bed, and then in the morning in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Repeat the formula regularly: “I enjoy life and am completely satisfied with myself. I am satisfied with my abilities and capabilities. I am calm and confident."

    Do something that really interests you, be active in it, whatever it is. And don’t blame age - anyone who loves to dance will do it at any age.

    Try to communicate with those with whom you feel good and happy. Be interested in the latest news in fashion, science, and politics to keep up to date with modern life.

    Love yourself at any age and remember that everything is in your power, including your youth.

    Best regards, Olga.

    Is it possible to maintain or restore youth and health?
    Without a doubt!
    Youth can be extended, health can be preserved and even restored!
    I'm talking here about youth and health of the body, which automatically implies youth of the soul.

    First of all, stop dying. Change your settings.
    What does it mean? Nowadays, few people would argue that it is our ideas and beliefs that control our lives.

    From childhood we see how people grow old. An attitude is deposited in the mind (not without the help of others): I will be like that too. At the same time, scientists claim that a person is able to live much longer than he lives now. In fact, if our body is renewed every 7 years, where does youth and health go?

    For a person who owns special knowledge and practicing a special way of life, youth and health - only side effect its development.
    And yet: how to preserve a person’s youth and health?

    Secrets of health and longevity
    How to prolong (regain) youth

    These are the main secrets of youth, health and longevity.
    They are available to everyone, and how fully you will use them depends on you.
    Let's look at them in detail.

    Change your age

    First of all, break the connection between your passport and your condition.
    There is no need to justify your weakness by the date of your birth! I can now do things that I couldn’t do 30 years ago (I didn’t train much). On your birthday, subtract, not add, your years.

    Change your state

    State* most important. Whatever condition you are in, this is the result you will get! Whatever you do, create a state in yourself that corresponds to the result you intend to achieve. Intend to be young and healthy. Intention is everything! The rest is just an application to support it.
    What is the difference between 5-year-olds and 75-year-olds? Children are flexible, inquisitive, carefree; old people are ossified, shackled by habits (experience), weakened by comfort. Everything is possible for children, old people don’t need anything anymore!

    • Take a photo of yourself when you were young and healthy. Go back to that time and remember how you felt then (this is bodily memory). Bring back this feeling of youth and health, remember it.
    • Every evening, when you go to bed, induce this state and maintain it until you fall asleep. Be firmly convinced that you are the same now as you were when you were young.
    • When you wake up in the morning, return your body to a state of youth and health (vigor, lightness, freshness, more to come whole life). Feel young and healthy without a shadow of a doubt! Practice this state during the day, as soon as you remember it in the bustle of everyday life.

    Young and healthy: pay attention to your body and remember this state. You can remember your childhood to compare and understand what exactly you need to keep within yourself throughout your life.

    Note: The gap between today's age and your desired age should be such that you can trust yourself.

    Bring back the shine to your eyes.
    Notice how clean, shining the eyes of children are and how dull those of old people are. Look sometimes into young eyes to use them to tune your eyes. How to set it up musical instruments using a tuning fork or „ inner hearing“When you remember this feeling.

    Change your lifestyle

    The young and healthy cannot sit around all day moaning and complaining. Youth is characterized by activity (both physical and social). There are, of course, those who grow old prematurely, but we are not talking about them.
    Enter the image and gradually begin to live in accordance with it.

    Find something you like, it’s good if it’s useful to other people.
    Enjoy life, seek and cultivate within yourself positive emotions. Evil, arrogant, envious people do not look young and attractive and age faster.

    Move: go hiking, skiing, swimming... - everything that gives you health also works for youth. Engage in creative activities that help you express yourself: painting, dancing, singing…. By the way, about the voice: a person’s voice changes with age. Preservation is one of the conditions for prolonging youth. Start creating your life, live according to your heart.
    Listen to harmonious music: not necessarily just classical, but definitely not rock. The rhythm of rock “knocks” a person out of his natural rhythm.

    Relax more often alone with nature, listening to birds, wind, stream, sea, etc.
    Look for the company of young, enthusiastic and cheerful people. Don’t act like a preoccupied “business sausage.” Seriousness is not necessarily a sign of great intelligence.
    Constant worrying creates unnecessary tension in the body. Hence osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis and, as a consequence, other health problems.

    But periodically creating extreme situations for yourself (several times a year) is very useful. This could be swimming in an ice hole, crossing the desert or climbing mountain peaks.
    The choice here is huge. .
    The point is to make our body and psyche work at maximum efficiency. This turns on the reserve capabilities that are dormant in normal conditions, and the body rebuilds itself to optimal mode work. The excess is removed, energy is added, and the ability for self-healing increases. The old is destroyed and the young appears.

    “To make the body work correctly, three types of activity are needed: emotional, physical and volitional. We need new experiences. New challenges need to be solved.
    — If there are enough types of activity, will a person be healthy?
    - It will almost never age.
    - Why?
    - After 50, you will understand that the young are always in shape, and the old, as it were, gather themselves for life every morning. The right combination of activities allows you to stay in shape longer.”

    One of the aspects of the form, for example, is the desire to get up in the morning, anticipating an interesting day. As a contrast: you don’t want to get up, you’re tired of everything, you can hardly force yourself to get up, because you have to - this is what it means to collect yourself.
    Don't give up on your age. What you could do physically and emotionally at 20-25 years old must be continued after 50. Walk up to your floor if you live in a high-rise building - this is gymnastics that does not require additional time.

    „— You asked to talk about longevity practices. Here is one of them: put on your shoes while standing.
    “But I feel more comfortable sitting.”
    — Now you occasionally sit on a stool to lace your shoes, in a year you will have a special stool for this, in two years you will also have a bench next to the stool to make you bend over less. By seventy, you won't be able to put on your shoes on your own.
    - Agree. But this is not such a longevity practice.
    “It’s a thousand little things like this that constitute the practice of longevity.”
    … You walk slowly, walk faster than average.”
    Vladimir Serkin “Shaman’s Laughter”

    Under normal circumstances, live in accordance with natural rhythms. Feel when the world is waiting for you active actions, and when non-intervention.
    Eat in accordance with your diet, exclude meat at least from your daily diet.
    Rest when you are tired and do not sit in front of the TV (computer) if your body asks for movement. Remember best vacation change of activity: work with your head, stretch your body and vice versa. Very important good sleep(including for skin condition).

    Live healthy life. Practice the principles of impeccability as a means of optimizing your relationships with the world and closing energy leakage holes.

    Married people live longer than single people. Mutual love increases life energy. Reasonable sexual activity prolongs the youth of body and soul. Sex is an exchange of male and female feminine energies between partners, equalizes the overall energy state.

    Daily gymnastics, especially for spinal flexibility, stretching. Better to use complete systems: hatha yoga, qigong, etc.
    Self-massage: just rub your body with your hands every morning, comb your hair with your fingers, massage your face.
    Eat special complexes exercises to stop internal biological time, for example: “Eye of Rebirth”.
    Regarding youthful skin: skin condition depends on general level health and cleanliness of the intestines.
    Smoking and alcohol significantly worsen appearance person.

    * State- an emotional and psychological mood that corresponds to a certain bodily sensation.



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