Heart pain or neuralgia folk remedies. How to distinguish between heart pain or neuralgia, the causes of unpleasant symptoms

Each of us, at least once, has suffered the rigors of parting with a loved one. I suffered the pain of separation, the feeling of loneliness, the collapse of all hopes. But everyone endures it in their own way, some fall into terrible depression, shedding rivers of tears every day, some drown their grief in alcohol, some throw themselves into work, some try to quickly switch to someone else. . But no matter what we do, mental trauma It doesn’t heal so quickly, and it torments us for some time. The past will remind itself, constantly opening an unhealed wound. How to get out of this situation with the least losses.

Contents of the article:

What awaits us after the breakup?

For the first time in days, we are still experiencing the shock of hearing words about a breakup. We refuse to believe in all this. Your loved one persistently says that everything is over, nothing can happen between you anymore, but you listen and cannot believe it, it seems that what is happening is just a dream, and besides, it is not happening to you at all. And when you begin to understand everything, to realize, this is where it all begins, tears of despair, indescribable heartache, unwillingness to put up with what is happening. Everything, emptiness, life has collapsed, it has collapsed happy life, which we both imagined, which we dreamed about, all the plans for the future, that’s it, there’s nothing else. Loneliness, and the feeling that your soul mate has been taken away. But here you need to immediately realize that no matter how painful it is, life goes on, and whatever one may say, you also need to continue your life, but without him.

Many people prefer to turn to friends for help. Agree, it becomes much easier when there is an opportunity for someone to cry, hear advice, and receive support.

Some in such a situation try to protect themselves from others, go somewhere to the country, or lock themselves at home, not answer calls, and a sea of ​​​​tears, blocks of smoked cigarettes, insomnia, swollen eyes, etc. It is best not to withdraw into yourself at such moments. It is very difficult for one person to cope with grief; recovery in this case will be very long and painful.

Some people prefer to go all out, have a blast, visit discos, nightclubs, and drink alcohol. But even in this state, one should not forget about moderation. Of course, you can visit some fun event- to unwind, lift your spirits, and then maybe meet your destiny. But sleeping with the first person you meet is not recommended, since casual connections they never bring anything good. And in this situation they are unlikely to be comforting. Then you can regret it even more and much stronger. Alcohol is also not a way out of the situation, it is unlikely to help you forget, on the contrary, feelings and pain can play out with even greater force, and it will not affect your appearance and health. in the best possible way.

What will help us?

Doctors say that sport is the best way to cope with stress. You need to overcome yourself and go to the gym. Walking in nature is also healing.

We need to think through everything well, because we are all adults, and we need to soberly assess the current situation. This will come in handy in the future. Think about what you were wrong about, maybe you undeservedly hurt him, offended him, of course, he can’t be an angel either, but it’s still worth thinking about everything carefully, weighing all the pros and cons. Only such an analysis should be carried out exclusively on your own, without the help of anyone, because these are your feelings, and the relationship was only yours, and only you can judge them. Don't call him and beg him to come back. Most likely, this will irritate him, and also please his pride - “she is suffering because of me.” You shouldn’t reproach yourself too much, as you can develop an inferiority complex. Life is what it is, everyone breaks up sooner or later.

You are left alone, and this is not at all because you are unlucky, fat, old or ugly, no, the card just fell out. This is true today, but life is such an amazing thing that fate has left you alone now, only because it has a trump card in store for you, a real “prince on a white horse,” or on a black BMW. Agree, it’s stupid to cry and suffer about the past, not knowing what awaits you in the future.

Your future depends only on you, you just need to believe that everything that happens in our lives is for the better.

To make it easier to cope with a breakup with your loved one, you can follow some of the rules described below. It would seem that who can be an adviser in such spiritual matters, but you can’t do without advice and instructions, since you can simply go crazy delving into your memories and the past. Believe me, it has been tested through my own bitter experience.

Any event, even the saddest one, carries its own positive points, advantages and benefits. Before you come to the conclusion that life no longer makes sense and your luck has turned away from you, you should check whether this is actually true.

In this case, you can make a list, which includes only the positive aspects of your separation. You need to understand why this benefits you and put this list in a prominent place.

In such a list, for example, you can add an item such as: “Free communication with friends, man,” “Don’t be afraid to give reasons for jealousy,” “Finally you can wear a short skirt,” and the like. The longer your list, the better.

And yet such an old axiom as “everything is for the best in the best of all worlds” cannot fail to work. If you remember Demi Moore. It was also not easy for her to part with the Hollywood actor and sex symbol Bruce Willis. The newspapers pitied her with might and main, but all this was until she began dating a young Hollywood star Ashton Kutcher. Proving once again that the good is the enemy of the best. The reward for her pain and experiences was a new wave of popularity, a famous young lover and a contract with Versace. Therefore, you should not go to extremes, you still don’t know what gifts life has in store for you.

The time to resolve all unfinished business with your ex is when you are able to remain calm and cool. Such a delicate operation must be carried out very delicately, so that from the rank ex-boyfriend he did not become an enemy.

You need to break up gracefully so that there are no quarrels, fights, any showdowns, insults, this is of no use. It is unlikely that they will bring you both joy; nothing good will happen from this.

You shouldn’t take revenge and quarrel until the last moment. You shouldn’t take away gifts, or throw gifts at him that he once gave you, this is low, because what was done before the breakup was done with completely different feelings.

It is best to break up with a person so that later you can become friends, or at least not remember each other with an evil word. If you still have his things, or vice versa, it is better to call and agree in advance about when you can pick them up. Don't try!

Anger will pass sooner or later, and then how can you remember your actions? What if, by chance, fate once again decides how to behave in such a situation? After all, it will be a shame to look you in the eye later.

Still, in such a situation It is better to maintain adequacy and correctness. It is better to remain grateful to the person who gave you many happy days and hours, minutes and moments.

During this period of time, it is best present your plans for the future. What are you going to do when you become completely free and independent person. Present your prospects.

Can get together and head to the sea, or to Paris, or to Venice. Change your hair to a sultry brunette or a dazzling blonde. Learn to dance Latin dances, etc. You can take some useful courses, or take your driving test.

It’s best if your plans don’t include it for now. Thus, torn between your ex and future boyfriend, you will forget about the most important person in your life: yourself. Very soon you will meet a new lover, but until this happens, enjoy your freedom. And if you still want your new lover to be much better than the previous one, then in this case, you should use the time profitably and become the best yourself. Set a goal for yourself and persistently pursue it. Another option is to create a list of your wishes, make a kind of wish book, decorating it with appropriate pictures. Thoughts, no matter how they materialize, so it’s worth dreaming and striving for something beautiful. On the one hand, such childish fun will bear fruit, no doubt about it. You just have to dream about something real and more accessible.

Change yourself!

Agree, probably the biggest challenge for a girl is the first meeting with her ex. Since no one has yet repealed the law of meanness, the ex is sure to meet at the exact moment when we, with an unwashed head and in old pants, are walking with loaded bags from the store.

For many girls, for some reason, parting with a loved one is to some extent associated with a huge amount, extra pounds gained, unkempt hair, etc. Are you really claiming the title of a girl who doesn’t love herself? If this is not the case, and you want to conquer men’s hearts, you urgently need to take care of yourself!

You shouldn’t evoke pity from your friends with your appearance. You need to discipline yourself, especially since you now have much more time for yourself. You can make all kinds of skin masks without fear of scaring anyone with your appearance. It's time to go to a beauty salon; in addition to the fact that you will look great, all procedures, from pedicure to solarium, will be mentally beneficial. And when you meet your ex, you will look stunning, let him once again regret what he refused. Let everyone think that the breakup was only good for you.

Once again, having thoroughly analyzed why you broke up, you shouldn’t blame yourself for everything. Even if you have given some reason for this, nothing is done just like that, think, maybe it was He who provoked you to such behavior or actions? Maybe it’s much easier for him to break up than to admit his guilt in something. Just so as not to be guilty in the current situation. Or maybe there really was no love, just affection. If you have to part with someone or something, it is best to let it go with a light heart, if you both really have sincere and bright feelings, true love, then everything can still come back. When people simply cannot live without each other, despite the mistakes someone has made, they forgive. To love, to some extent, means to be able to forgive. We all learn from our mistakes, and if we are ready to change something in ourselves for the sake of our loved one, then it is worth doing, because no matter how you look at it, love is the most beautiful feeling that transforms people. Feelings in this case must be sincere.

If you broke up, and one of you two does not agree to reconciliation, then what is there to kill, spoil your nerves, health, then this is not the person whom fate has prepared for you. This means that your true love is walking somewhere, waiting for you to appear in his life, and you are crying and grieving over the past.

You shouldn’t do this, no matter how painful it is, as they say, patience and work will grind everything down, time heals, everything passes and is forgotten. The one who faces his past turns his back on his future, the past is the past because it has already passed and cannot be returned, but your future can still be corrected. So don’t panic, everything is entirely in your hands. Correct yourself, correct your future. Don’t leave yourself to your own devices, because those who value and love themselves attract the same feelings. Love yourself, pamper yourself, because you deserve it, and until you do it yourself, no one will.

Life is still beautiful, no matter how difficult it is, we continue to move forward, fight for our happiness, and rise up. Look around how much beauty there is around. Open yourself to beauty, passion makes us better. Don't waste time, life doesn't stand still. And you certainly shouldn’t worry about partings for a long time, nothing good will come of it, and when everything is forgotten, you yourself will understand that really, how stupid it was to suffer for a person who was not destined for you by fate, hugging that one and only one who strives to make First of all, happy you!

Don't get hung up on one thing, don't stand still. Man was created to feel, to forgive, to love, without feelings, people are not robots. In order to endure all the hardships and adversities easier, you need to soberly assess the situation, whether it is worth it in this case. Love, quarrels, breakups, tears and depression, all these are components full picture our life. A person cannot do without love, cannot help but love, and accordingly wants to be loved, but in order to meet his destiny, he sometimes needs to go a long and not always pleasant way.

The situation of separation from loved ones is probably familiar to everyone. Many overcome this with peace of mind and quickly find a new passion. And someone has to long time suffer. Because of this, the question: “how to survive a breakup with a loved one” worries many people.

Saying goodbye to a loved one is always unpleasant. Emotional pain and apathy are faithful companions of separation. It is much more difficult to get used to this thought when you have already become emotionally attached, “clinging” to someone else. How can you easily cope with a breakup with your loved one? Advice from a psychologist can help with this difficult issue.

Parting at the peak of feelings is tantamount to surgery without anesthesia.
Oksana Nerobkaya. Have a banker. Capital Love Story

Breakup formula

Experts have come up with the so-called “breakup formula.” According to it, the initiator of separation leaves only 1/3 of the negative emotions (resentment, bitterness, etc.) for himself, and the remaining 2/3 remains for the person abandoned. However, those who are faced with such a situation have no time for calculations. Here I would like to cope with my surging emotions.

In this case, the advice of psychologists will come in handy. They will help you calm down and build a clear plan of action, and will allow you not to fall into depression. Thanks to such advice, a person in short terms will be able to feel mental relief and open up to new and beautiful things.

Experts say that the period of separation anxiety can occur before three years– it all depends on the person’s psychotype. How can you easily survive a breakup with your loved one?

What you should definitely NOT do

Certain stereotypes have formed in our society. This also applies to how easier it is to survive a separation from your loved one. In most cases, these tips only worsen the original situation. Here are the most common “recommendations”:
  1. Instantly being forgotten in the arms of another.
    The most popular and destructive mistake among people going through a breakup. It is possible that in the first moments it will become easier. But this is not a panacea for sadness. You will only make yourself more depressed later.
  2. Seek salvation in alcohol.
    Besides the fact that it is harmful to health, such a hobby will not bring moral satisfaction. As a result, in the morning you will wake up not only with the same thoughts, but also with a headache.
  3. Turn off all means of communication. Isolate yourself from society.
    Remember that your loved ones and friends need you. Forget about them for a long time not worth it.
  4. Thinking that this is a temporary separation.
    It happened, and you need to accept this fact. Let this person go, don’t hold grudges or anger towards him.
  5. Don't be fooled by your brain's tricks.
    Our mind is a complex and multifaceted thing. And sometimes, when we don’t even want to think about something or completely forget, the brain can suddenly give us “lost” information.
After a breakup, memories from the past can often pop up in your head: how good it was with your loved one. In fact, this is just an illusion. And there is no need to try to return anything.

Switch to what really interests you in the present. Over time, these thoughts will either go away completely or will no longer bother you so much.

And what happens after?

Above, we looked at the main steps that will help women and men get through a breakup painlessly. But what to do after these steps? Psychologists have some advice for this question:
  1. Find an interesting hobby for yourself. No matter how banal it may sound, hobbies help improve your mood, as well as expand your worldview. You will not notice how you will feel a surge of new strength and a desire to create something new and interesting. In addition, many hobbies will contribute to making new acquaintances. For example, dancing is one of the most popular modern hobbies. With this activity you can kill “two birds with one stone”: keep your body in great shape and meet interesting people.
  2. Change your perception. As has already been said, do not rush into a new relationship immediately after a breakup. Separation also has its advantages. You will have time to think about your mistakes and what you can change in yourself. In addition, this is a great opportunity to understand more about what kind of person you need to be happy. You now have a lot of time at your disposal to analyze your actions.
  3. About a change of scenery. Very effective advice. If possible, change your usual environment. Travel to another city or country. Such trips help to conduct better self-analysis, and unnecessary thoughts are guaranteed to disappear from your head.
  4. Plan your life. You used to have things in common life goals and guidelines for two. Now you are alone with yourself, it’s time to reconsider your views and priorities.

The most unpleasant thing about a breakup is not the breakup itself.
And the fact that they constantly tell you that you made a mistake.
And as a result, you stop trusting yourself for a while.
Kristen Stewart

Healing week

Today, the so-called 7-day plan is very popular among psychologists. It is necessary to build a clear structure of your actions for the week, to fit yourself into the framework. Here rough plan actions that make it easier to cope with parting with a loved one. And at the same time develop self-discipline.
  1. 1st day. Start keeping a journal. A great way to express all your emotions. Write down your daily experiences in it. Over time, you will be able to trace the gradation of self-improvement. Every week the emotions will become more positive.
  2. 2nd day. Give yourself a gift. It doesn't matter what it is - a trip to the hairdresser, a day at the spa or a trip to the amusement park. Main goal A day like this brings relaxation and pleasant emotions.
  3. 3rd day. Review your diet and exercise. You don’t have to go on a strict diet and disappear for days on end. gym. It would be appropriate morning exercises which will then become a habit. It is enough to start every day with 10 minutes of light exercise, and a stream of endorphins will flow into your blood. This clears your head of unnecessary thoughts, and you can focus on what really matters.
  4. 4th day. Appearance. It has already been said above that appearance must always be well-groomed. It gives you confidence. After separation, the desire to take care of oneself often disappears. Overcome it and remember that looking great is a daily effort that is necessary under any circumstances.
  5. 5th day. Arrange a trip to nature. A small picnic will help you relax and put your thoughts in order.
  6. 6th day. Spend time with friends. Don't isolate yourself. Communication will help you not to lose heart and be distracted.
  7. 7th day. End the week with an enjoyable activity. It doesn’t matter what it is – reading, cooking or watching TV series.
As you can see, many psychologists’ advice overlaps. There are differences somewhere, however, they have the same basis.

Of all the tips, the following main points can be highlighted:

1. Put a bold point

This is a difficult step. Especially in the first month. It is necessary to let go of the person, and yourself too, with a calm soul. Understand that life goes on and there are many new and interesting things ahead. It is important to recognize that you and your previous partner now have very different lives.

2. Drive away persistent thoughts.

It's also not the easiest step. There is no point in falling into despair. You can be sad just a little in order to throw out your negative emotions.

At this stage of life, auto-training will come in handy. Praise yourself for every little thing, admire yourself. Life is wonderful!

3. Say no to hate

One of the most common mistakes is to hate the person from whom the separation occurred. Yes, separation situations are completely different. But there is no point in accumulating anger. This is a page turned, so try to let this person go by wishing him happiness from the bottom of your heart.

Forgive your ex, because anger and hatred will become a real obstacle to new feelings. Think about your mistakes and don’t blame your ex-chosen one.

4. It is necessary to understand that you cannot return the past

Constantly looking back will only cause harm in the form of deep depression. It will be quite difficult at first. But, having overcome yourself, you will soon understand that living in the present and thinking about the future is wonderful.

Separation from people dear to your heart is always sad. And for many it is very difficult. To answer the obvious question in such a situation, “How to survive a breakup with a loved one?” The advice of a psychologist can give the answer.

The end of a relationship is not the end, but the real beginning for a new life, new discoveries and adventures. Remember this and be happy.

Question for readers

How did you cope with breaking up with your loved one? Was it very difficult?

People meet, fall in love, then get married, have children and live happily ever after. old age... Everyone would like this, and everyone expects this from love. But, unfortunately, not every relationship, even the strongest at first glance, is able to overcome all difficulties and lead to everything described above.

People not only meet and get married, but also break up.

And, although this happens quite often, it seems to everyone that he is the first and only in his grief. It's not clear how to get over a breakup. It is unclear how to proceed further. And it is absolutely impossible to survive the pain, because it is unbearable. Is this all about you? Then the article is addressed specifically to you. And it will help you cope with the problem that has arisen, overcome it and forget about the offense forever.

Tip one: you need to understand that you are not unique in this

Believe me, people break up, perhaps even more often than they get married. Most of those who are now enjoying happy marriage, in the past there was the same pain and betrayal. And often people who experienced a breakup note that it was for the better, and it was this that led to the appearance of another loved one in their life, who turned out to be the one and only one.

Of course, it is not easy to understand and, most importantly, accept this. You are feeling resentment, disappointment, despair. And I certainly don’t want to hear that many people have had this and, they say, it’s all time will pass, feelings will subside, and a new sun will shine in the sky. But, no matter how banal it all sounds, that’s exactly how it is. You are not the only person who was abandoned. And, for that matter, the pain of separation has been experienced by billions of people for millennia. This has existed since the very beginning of humanity, and almost everyone managed to survive and found the strength to move on.

Of course, at first the feelings will simply roll in, and the melancholy will seem suffocating. But it’s hard for everyone after a breakup. It is important to understand that you are not unique in this. And since you managed to survive everyone else, you can too.

According to which the initiator of the breakup retains only a third of the bitterness and disappointment, while the other two-thirds goes to the “abandoned party.” However, when a relationship is bursting at the seams, we usually have no time for arithmetic: separation, even if it happened by your will, can be either difficult or very difficult - there is no middle ground. However, a clear plan and recommendations from psychologists will help you avoid falling into deep depression and survive the separation from your loved one with minimal emotional loss.

Step 1: Allow yourself to suffer

Yes, that's right. Advice to “go to work”, “get distracted” and “forget about this idiot” will not help you now - any relationship needs to be mourned. You wouldn’t demand an instant recovery from a flu patient, would you? So, allow yourself to “cheer” to your heart’s content: lock yourself at home alone with chocolate cake, be sad to Adele’s tear-jerking ballads, cry on a friend’s shoulder. For pain to subside, it must first be accepted and felt. With one an important condition: Set a strict deadline after which Adele's album will be replaced by something more upbeat, and you will move from tears and reflection to action.

Step 2: End the relationship

A difficult farewell has taken place, the i's have been dotted, you have gone to different apartments - and yet you are still connected by many threads that remind you of your previous relationship and permanently drive you into depression. American psychologist Rachel Sussman, in her book on how to survive a breakup with a loved one, advises to ruthlessly get rid of all such “anchors”: delete SMS messages, unsubscribe from updates on social networks and even buy new bed linen. And supporters of the esoteric approach strongly advise, firstly, to burn “artifacts” (there are real cases when the girls burned wedding dresses- they say it helps), and secondly, return his gifts to the ex-lover, or at least sell or give them away.

Step 3: Blacklist it

Even if you are forced to communicate with ex-lover, try to completely stop all contact with him for a while. Including mail and SMS. As Rachel Sussman states in her book The Breakup Bible, optimal time it will be a month - after this time you will have developed “emotional immunity” and communicating with your ex-boyfriend will be much easier.

Step 4: Ask for help

Not necessary professional psychologist- although it would be very useful to contact him. Arrange a manicure evening with your friends, order pizza, watch a couple of funny movies, go to karaoke together, or even, like Carrie Bradshaw after her failed wedding, on a trip - taking your friends, of course. Finally, a support group can be found without leaving home, among completely strangers: So, real girl from the USA named Katherine, who canceled own wedding, created a whole blog about how to survive a breakup and called it SimplySolo. The site became incredibly popular and became not only an outlet for Katherine, but also.

Step 5: Be irresistible

The joke that the worse things go for a girl, the better she should look, as usual, is only part of the joke. It’s still more pleasant to be sad with impeccable hair, fashionable makeup and (of course!) new shoes. And, of course, don’t forget the rule: in any incomprehensible (read: unpleasant) situation, go... to the gym. A good dose of endorphins will definitely not hurt you now.

Step 6: Find Sources of Joy

Bake a cake according to a new recipe, learn how to braid hair, rearrange the furniture in the room - pleasant emotions can be found even in the little things. It will be even better if you have the opportunity to please someone else: babysit a friend’s child, help a friend with a renovation, or finally, carry a bag of groceries for an elderly neighbor. Even small acts of kindness will take your mind off things and lift your spirits.

Step 7. Review plans and goals

When there are two of us, we make joint plans, choose common guidelines and make numerous compromises. Now that the second variable has disappeared from the equation, it’s time to reconsider it. The heroine of the sensational “Eat. Pray. Love”, in search of her true self, she changed three countries - an option, of course, is expensive, but you can start small. Have you long dreamed of visiting Norway, but put this idea off until later, since your lover did not recognize any other vacation other than a beach one? Or were you hesitant to change your profession because your boyfriend convinced you that banking was your calling? Having decided to go beyond the usual boundaries, you will be surprised to discover that parting brings with it not only bitterness, but also freedom - and only you can decide how to use it.

Probably everyone has experienced in life unpleasant moments parting with a loved one. It doesn’t matter who left whom, both of them still feel empty. After all romantic dates began so beautifully, the relationship developed rapidly, it seemed that it would always be like this. But the end came unexpectedly, leaving sadness and longing for past love. Parting seems to be the only thing the right decision, but where to get the strength to overcome the moment of explanation?

Prerequisites for separation

Time passes, for some people break up initial stage relationships, for others after a long time, but the prerequisites for such a step are most often the same for everyone. At first there are minor quarrels and misunderstandings, small conflicts that develop into violent scandals. Irritation, coldness and indifference are increasingly evident in relationships. There comes a moment when one of the couple or both understand that this is the end and nothing can be glued together. Parting - the only way out. Ideal option, when both unanimously came to this decision. In this case, psychological losses are minimized. But if you are the initiator, then there is always time and opportunity to weigh the pros and cons and prepare the ground for a correct separation.

The decision must be firm, without hesitation. It is better to repeatedly analyze all the moments of your relationship and the personal qualities of your loved one, since such decisions should not be made spontaneously. If a breakup is inevitable, choose a convenient moment and try to devote enough time to the conversation. An unsuccessful solution would be your silent disappearance. Such an act is regarded differently; there is a possibility that the partner will do everything to search. It is important that the conversation takes place in person and not over the telephone. Serious explanations await, the reasons should be stated in such a way that after the separation there are no omissions left, and the abandoned person does not feel deceived.

Having made your final decision, do not reassure your partner by saying that you will take a break from the relationship, and do not hint at a possible future together later. Some people are overly emotional, and empty expectations end sadly.

Avoid direct reproaches and accusations, especially humiliation. Most often, both parties are to blame for a broken relationship. Maybe your partner simply did not turn out to be the expected ideal that your imagination pictured him at first. The conversation should proceed calmly, without a raised tone or coldness, in order to avoid stormy scenes.

Explain the reason for the breakup, which must be valid, even if it is not true. Thank you for the pleasant moments during your meetings without going into details. Offer to remain friends if possible. There are enough such examples when people have reached mutual understanding and maintain friendly relations, in some cases even as families.

The situation may be the opposite - they left you. It seems that life has stopped constant feeling loneliness does not leave, frustration and resentment overwhelm. Occasionally the thought pops up that you need to overcome everything and start over. This is what we should focus on.

There can be many reasons for separation - the initiator is one of the partners or they came to this decision together. The mental wound remains in both one half and the other. Similar situations of friends and acquaintances will give a hint on how best to break up, but advice family psychologist should not be rejected.

A mutual decision is the most favorable option. Passion and love passed away as you got to know each other day by day. The desire to be the best for your partner has disappeared. The relationship has become routine and there is no point in continuing it. In this case, there is a chance of a return, maybe the monotony is to blame, and you were in a hurry. Try to recall pleasant moments that gave you both pleasure. If resuscitation is not possible, then decision made Breaking up will not cause any particular harm to anyone, but it is important to maintain respect and your own dignity. Break up calmly, without hysterics or scandal, leaving behind good memories of yourself and your past relationships.

The initiator of the separation is usually in a more advantageous position. Think about where to start and how to notify your partner so that the explanations are painless for him, and therefore for you. Avoid significant dates for a moment of unpleasant conversation and harsh phrases. Best for announcing a breakup home environment, try to resolve everything in one meeting, excluding the possibility of subsequent showdowns.

The most unpleasant option is the initiative of the opposite half. A statement from a loved one that you can no longer be together. Your feelings, hopes for the future, devotion are trampled at one moment and, as it seems to you, humiliated. The state of emptiness cannot be conveyed. And the situation is even worse when the initiator is someone else. What to do, how to survive?

In first place, oddly enough, are tears. An excellent remedy for healing (according to psychologists), healing wounds. Inner pain destroys from within, and what is poured out splashes out negative emotions and, as a result, weakens.

Don't waste your own energy on suffering. Direct it in a more pleasant and useful direction for you. Get busy active work in personal and industrial matters. Show kindness to those in need (parents, neighbors, friends). This will make you feel useful and needed.

Psychologists assure that a huge role for recovery psychological state will play dramatic changes in a person’s appearance and external environment. A new hairstyle, a change in clothing image, updating the interior of the apartment, any experiment will make you feel like a different person and will give a powerful impetus to starting a new life.

  1. Do something. Active actions Quite often they help a person out in moments of seeming hopelessness. Work helps you switch your attention to performing immediate responsibilities and take your mind off problems. personal, does not leave time for worries at least for some period of time. An alternative would be studying, an exciting hobby. Take your free time.
  2. Some people treat stress with sports. Along with the expended energy, negative emotions go away, which can destroy you in moments of despondency.
  3. Get rid of things that remind you of your loved one. Hide, if you don’t dare throw away, joint photographs, gifts from him (her) until the pain subsides.
  4. Do not go to places where you can meet, and do not arrange “random” meetings. Such moments will only worsen your state of mind. This applies to sad love songs and romantic films. Don't artificially tickle your nerves.
  5. Try to take the positives out of the current situation, look for the positive. Previously, there was not enough time for personal matters, they paid too much attention to their significant other, but now there is an opportunity to take care of themselves. Take advantage of this chance.
  6. There is no need to invent ways of revenge. Sometimes, after parting, the one who was left tries to do the same in relation to the other chosen one (chosen one). Just think first that another person will experience experiences similar to yours, and it won’t make you feel any better.

If you were left in preference to someone else, don’t blame yourself, don’t look for shortcomings in yourself, don’t create illusions. Physically and mentally let go of your ex-lover or loved one who left you and continue to live on, striving for new acquaintances and relationships. The experience gained may even come in handy.

Emotional experiences, pain, tears after parting with a loved one. Everything passes, a little time and smart decisions will help you overcome stress. And the belief that the end of one relationship is the beginning of life from scratch is obligatory.

Video: how to survive a breakup with a loved one



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