English bulldog: description of the breed, its pros and cons, character of the animal. English Bulldog: types, description and characteristics of the breed English Bulldog care and maintenance

In the morning, it is recommended to wipe the puppy’s eyes with a special solution of calendula or sage (without alcohol), which can be purchased at any veterinary store. An equally convenient option is wet wipes for caring for the puppy’s eyes and ears, which also need to be cleaned. The ears are cleaned as they become dirty, approximately once every two weeks, using either the same special wipes or cotton swabs dipped in baby oil. At the same time, check whether the shape of your puppy’s ears is correct, especially if you are raising a show dog and plan to participate in exhibitions.
The correct position of the ear of an English Bulldog puppy is the so-called “rose”, when the “body” of the ear is laid back and its tip is at the bottom. If by 3-4 months the English Bulldog puppy’s ears stand up like a shepherd’s or droop like a spaniel’s, this defect will need to be corrected, but this can be done no later than this age. In the event that you purchased a dog not for exhibitions, but for the soul, there is no need to torture the puppy. In any case, yours is the most beautiful.
After walks, you should definitely wash your paws, preferably with soap, so that dirt does not subsequently cause inflammatory processes between the “toes.” In an adult dog, so-called “buns”, seals from which lymph leaks, can grow in these places. If daily hygiene does not help to avoid this scourge of bulldogs, a possible reason for the appearance of them in your dog is a food allergy, which will need to be reconsidered. Small “buns” can be smeared with brilliant green at night, more problematic ones can be smeared with ichthyol ointment or levomekol, just make sure that the bulldog cannot pull off the compress and lick the medicine.
A very young puppy should be immediately accustomed to trimming its nails and do not forget to carry out this procedure regularly, once a week, otherwise it will be impossible to convince an adult dog of this need. If you have special nail trimming scissors, even a novice dog breeder can handle small puppy claws. The main thing is not to touch the vessels of the claw; to do this, you can look it up to the light and cut it parallel to the floor, being careful. Firstly, this will give the limbs the opportunity to develop, which will promote correct posture, and secondly, in adulthood the dog will not suffer from ingrown or bent nails.
Sometimes he begins to limp, do not be alarmed, this is due to the rapid growth of the puppy, which the weight cannot keep up with, as well as to the ligaments that have not yet become stronger. In this case, you need to reduce physical activity and add foods rich in calcium and special calcium supplements to your diet. Until 4 months, the puppy should not be allowed to go down the stairs on his own in order to avoid injuries to the same ligaments; it is possible to go up, since the load on them and the joints in this case is less.
It is best to bathe your bulldog with a special shampoo for short-haired dogs as needed. Also, to care for your puppy, you will need a special rubber brush for combing the fur and massaging the skin, which clumsy bulldogs need, and a product for lubricating the folds.
Buy antihelminthic medications recommended by your breeder, which will need to be given to the puppy before each vaccination and for prevention - every six months, and high-quality products for treatment against fleas and ticks. Ticks pose the same danger to a short-haired bulldog as to other dogs, so they need to be treated between March and November, i.e. as soon as the snow melts and again until the first one falls - regularly.
Caring for a puppy at first glance does not present much trouble, but you need to understand that keeping an English bulldog requires a certain responsibility and knowledge of the weaknesses of the breed, which, as a result of centuries of selection, has become especially vulnerable. As they say, you have to pay for everything.

Toilet training a puppy. Walks

Good breeders toilet train their puppies from the first weeks of life, using special waterproof diapers, which can be purchased at a pet store, pharmacy or any large supermarket. Some people use rags along with diapers, but if you don’t want your puppy to sit on any thing you accidentally drop, or on his own bedding, the option with diapers is preferable. Newspapers are not suitable, because the puppy will definitely tear them up and then eat them, and the lead contained in any printed material is completely useless to a growing organism.
When you bring your bulldog home, he will most likely be nervous in a new place; here is the right time to put him on a diaper prepared in advance in a quiet, dark place. In the future, you will need to put the puppy on the diaper after eating, drinking water and sleeping, as well as after playing - just like with children. Never scold a puppy if he did “his business” in the wrong place and, of course, don’t poke an English aristocrat’s nose into puddles. Be patient, in the end, soon you will take your handsome man for his first walk, and gradually the puddles in the house will disappear.
As soon as all the necessary vaccinations have been completed, it is time for the first “ceremonial exit” to the street and accustoming to the collar. At first, the puppy does not need a “richly decorated” accessory, the main condition is that the collar should not be wide and leather, the puppy should be comfortable in it. Train him to wear a collar every time you are outside the house, i.e. on a walk, if you went on a visit, etc., but at home it is better to remove the collar so that the puppy does not feel embarrassed; the snub nose of an English bulldog is the cause of possible breathing problems. I would like to remind you once again that you should walk your English Bulldog strictly before eating. Make sure that the puppy does not become out of breath until his tongue is blue, do not walk for a long time and in too hot weather, English bulldogs are susceptible to heatstroke.
The English Bulldog is not a “sprinter” dog at all. He will not appreciate long walks, hikes in the forest and similar marathons; it is not without reason that he is called “a dog for lazy people,” which, given our pace of life and constant lack of time, is perhaps even a plus. The Bulldog, with its aristocratic imposingness, is rather a dog for the living room, your “plush” joy, a favorite of the whole family, especially children.

English bulldog and children

The Bulldog is a wonderful companion for both adults and children, whom he adores. They are very flexible, affectionate and playful. They say that an adult dog reaches the level of intellectual development of a 10-12-year-old person, and its completely humanly intelligent eyes and funny facial expressions will make it the best friend and “silent interlocutor” of your grown-up child. Bulldogs are very calm and practically do not bark. However, experienced dog breeders still do not recommend having a dog in a house where there is a small child. Children only after 5 years begin to understand that this plush miracle is not a toy and requires an attentive and caring attitude. However, explain to the children once again that the puppy should not be cuddled or allowed to jump from a height (from your arms or a chair). You need to be very careful when picking up an English Bulldog puppy.

About the care and maintenance of the wonderful breed English Bulldog

You decided to get a dog, you took a fancy to a plump, funny bulldog, and you realized that your life is missing this incredible creature. How does this decision come? Did you see an adorable baby at the Bird Market? Or were you struck by the hero walking with the owner? Or after visiting an exhibition and communicating with the owners, you understand that you want a bulldog, that a bulldog is the dog for you.

Buying a dog is not such a simple matter. This step needs to be carefully thought through. At the same time, you need to solve many questions for yourself. Are you able to properly care for your dog?

Do you happily take on all the work involved in caring for your dog?

It is important that none of the family members is categorically against it, that the whole family is prepared for the inconveniences associated with the appearance of a dog in your home. Think about where and with whom the dog will be during your vacation.

Each puppy, in addition to joy, brings with it many responsibilities. A puppy is not a toy or a fashion statement, it is a living creature that is strongly attached to its family. Remember that it requires a lot of time, patience and care. The worst thing for a bulldog, as for any other dog adopted into a family, is the subsequent loss of interest in it and abandonment of it. Unfortunately, many “living gifts” later become unnecessary, so think carefully before getting a dog, especially one as affectionate to a person as a bulldog.

How to choose a puppy?

We will take the liberty of giving you some hopefully useful advice.

First of all, you need to get information on where to find a bulldog puppy. To do this, you can contact a kennel club. Many puppies are sold through advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and dog show catalogs. And now the long-awaited address is in your hands, and you can go see the puppies.

It is very important to decide for yourself the question - what do you want: a dog “just for the soul” or a show-class dog? This does not mean that the first will need to be given less attention. But there are nuances in the acquisition, maintenance and exhibition preparation of the second one. If you are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to ensure that a real winner appears in the house, then, of course, it is better to turn to specialists who have been breeding for many years and have experience in selecting, purchasing, raising and training champion dogs. Although a lot will depend on your perseverance and patience, energy and time devoted to your beloved pet.

When purchasing a dog “for the soul”, you can opt for an adult animal. This will free you from the hassle associated with raising a puppy: multiple feedings, vaccinations, training for cleanliness, and possibly things spoiled during play. An adult dog, as a rule, is accustomed to cleanliness, a leash, and is well controlled. However, it should be taken into account that an adult dog has already formed its character and habits, and it is almost impossible to re-educate it.

If you want to raise a dog that matches your character, then you need to get a puppy.

Who to choose - a male or a female?

It depends on your character. The right to choose in this matter should be given to the family member who will bear the main responsibilities for caring for the pet.

Dogs of both sexes are slightly different in character: males can be somewhat more restrained in their feelings and more independent, females are more gentle, affectionate, and affectionate. Males are brighter representatives of the breed; their breed characteristics are more pronounced. During a walk, a male dog marks the territory with his scent, raising his leg to all corners, trees, and various objects. Even when trained to maintain cleanliness, some male dogs may mark the house when excited. Males are capable of running when they smell a bitch in heat.

Bitches go into heat 1-2 times a year - bleeding. During this period, bitches are walked on a leash to eliminate the possibility of accidental mating. It should be taken into account that choosing a female gives another advantage - she can give birth to her own kind. Everyone is good in their own way, so the choice is yours.

Whatever class you decide to buy a puppy: pet class - “for the soul”, breeding class - for breeding or show class - a show dog, the first and main thing you must be sure of is that the puppy is absolutely healthy It is best to take it at 6-8 weeks of age. Before six weeks of age, the puppy must still be with its mother and surrounded by its littermates. Healthy bulldogs are moderately active, inquisitive, and interested in everything around them, especially you. The puppy, however, may be distrustful and wary of strangers, which is not a sign of timidity or cowardice. On the other hand, he, of course, should not desperately try to hide, much less be afraid of his own breeder. Puppies should also not be uncontrollably restless and rush around the room at breakneck speed. These often turn into neurotic dogs who cannot stand closed spaces and cannot be left alone in the house. On the street they seem to become “wild” and run in large circles. Puppies in good conditions have a meaningful look and are pleasant to talk to.

If you are satisfied with the general appearance and behavior of the puppies, then you can begin a detailed examination of them. First of all, puppies have different coats than adult dogs. The coat acquires its final appearance during the process of growing and caring for the coat. The puppy's coat is shiny, thinner than that of adult dogs. The skin should not peel, be dry and dull. A healthy bulldog at any age has a shiny coat and a well-fed appearance. A well-grown puppy, already at two months of age, looks like a kind of hero with a powerful chest, a moderately drooping belly and a narrower but stronger rear. If you are offered a tall-legged, narrow-chested baby with an enormous belly, be wary. It is better to take a puppy from a good breeder and protect yourself from many expenses for veterinary problems in the future!!!

The puppy's eyes should be clean, dark, shiny, without any discharge. From the moment puppies open their eyes until about three months of age, they may have a bluish tint. The more saturated the blue of the eyes, the darker their color will be in an adult bulldog.

When checking the bite, do not forget that at the age of 4-7 months the puppy’s milk teeth will be replaced by permanent ones, however, their examination gives an idea of ​​​​the possible bite in the future. The cutters should be arranged in a line. Both an upper jaw that is too long and a lower jaw that is too protruding are undesirable.

Puppies gnaw and chew on everything, so an infection can get into the oral cavity. For example, a brownish coating on the teeth indicates a history of plague. When teeth change, they will remain with the same plaque. This should be of particular concern to those who want to have a show dog. The smell from the mouth should not be sour or unpleasant. A bad smell indicates that the puppy’s diet is poor or there is not enough good quality raw meat in it, which will certainly affect its further development. Puppies fed too much porridge will appear fat and bloated. Needless to say, puppies must be clean. There should be no scratches or wounds on the skin, and no redness or rashes on the stomach. And under the tail - signs of diarrhea or inflammation. The puppy's coat should not emit a strong odor of urine or excrement.

Of course, you can wash the puppy at home and clean his eyes, but all this indicates how he spent his first, most important month in his life, during which the health and well-being of the dog in the future is laid. Don't forget that there are many other owners who are more responsible with their puppies, feeding them properly and keeping them clean. Let us remind you that it is better to purchase a puppy from a good breeder and protect yourself in the future from many expenses for veterinary problems!!!

Kolyada Elena, nursery "Favorite"

And a little more about puppies and adult English bulldogs...

You brought home a puppy and don’t know where to start: feed it as soon as possible, or better wash it, or maybe put it to bed as soon as possible, or has it already been vaccinated and you need to run outside???

Wait, wait, worry away - after all, you are already ready to meet the baby: there is already a warm, very soft, slightly elevated “place” for the puppy, there are rubber and soft toys, a comfortable bowl for food and a bowl for water. Therefore, as soon as you brought the puppy home, put him in his “place” and let him begin to get acquainted with the house from his sleeping “den”. You need to give him time to look around and settle in, especially if he is a 1.5 month old puppy or a phlegmatic lump. Most often, sociable bulldogs immediately demonstrate their increased need for attention and affection - so pet him every time he approaches you (and let this be your law for the rest of your bulldog’s life). It would be nice if you put in the bowl exactly the food that the puppy is accustomed to (usually prudent breeders give a little food with them “for the trip”). The English Bulldog is prone to allergies, so when purchasing a puppy, it is important to know what you can and cannot feed him. Ideally, of course, you feed your bulldog dry food (and you don’t need to get carried away with protein - especially for an adult bulldog), but you can, of course, maintain the necessary balance when feeding homemade food, although this is much more difficult.

An adult bulldog needs to be fed twice a day, after a walk.

In my nursery, I found what is most convenient: in the morning - food sprinkled with yogurt or kefir (not soaked), and in the evening - rice porridge with meat, grated carrots, chopped herbs and vegetable oil. Do not miss the important role of garlic in the bulldog’s diet: it is a strong anthelmintic, intestinal training, prevention of enteritis, and also eases breathing - twice a week we always give a small crushed clove.

Kids also enjoy eating buckwheat milk porridge with raisins and honey or low-fat cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and honey instead of sugar. The main thing to remember is that the English bulldog has a hard time withstanding changes in diet (even for the better), most of them immediately become covered with pimples, begin to itch or regurgitate food. If there is a need for a change, then you need to carefully observe the animal and do it as gradually as possible, but in general it is better not to experiment. If a bulldog is accustomed to a certain food, then let him eat it all his life. A dog, unlike us humans, does not need variety; a monotonous diet is always better for it. Snacks between feedings, when the dog is treated to something “tasty”, are very harmful. And, if you can’t stand it anymore, ask him to “earn his bread” by giving him a paw or following some kind of “house” command. Under no circumstances should you give him sausage, smoked meats, sweets, fatty foods, baked goods, canned food - this is harmful for all dogs, and for a bulldog it is simply fatal.

For a while, while the puppy is small, you need to arrange a place that should be well known to him and where he will go on urgent matters. And although they have now begun to use diapers for bulldogs (the tail does not interfere), I believe that it is still better to deal with puddles using traditional means, for example, a mop. And of course, you won’t poke the “aristocrat” into a puddle.

Play with your bulldog whenever you have a free moment. The bulldog will be happy to play with children, no matter what age they are, and will arrange a “circus tent” for you. I have always been amazed at how easily a small puppy transitions from play to sleep and vice versa. There is no way, even a puppy, will disturb you if you suddenly doze off watching TV, and, at the same time, will easily pick up the children’s idea of ​​turning the house upside down. The main thing is not to let him become out of breath until his tongue turns blue, and during games, do not turn him over on his back, but take him in your arms very carefully - bulldogs are prone to stomach volvulus.

The most difficult thing for a small bulldog to learn is usually the place where he should sleep. The Bulldog loves warmth and comfort, and his place should be impeccable in this. And don’t let this “teddy bear” seduce you; it doesn’t cost him anything to seize the bed of the owner or mistress.

As soon as the course of vaccinations is completed, go outside! And here the next science is training to a collar. At first, you need a collar that is not wide and without decorations, preferably a leather one, which will always be on the dog when it is outside the house (even if you spend the night outside your house) and you only remove the collar at home. A bulldog's snub nose is a cause of breathing problems.

And if we add to this a weak heart, it becomes clear that these dogs cannot tolerate heat very well. It’s better not to walk your bulldog at all in hot weather, especially not to take it to the beach with you and not allow it to run.

“At one time in the summer, my dog ​​and I generally walked only before dawn and after sunset,” says Maria Viktorovna Shchukina, head of the English bulldog section of the SODOLS club. For a dog suffering from heat, it is best to moisten the stomach, neck (not the head) and take it to a cool place. Transporting an English Bulldog in a car in hot weather is very dangerous, as it adds stress to everything. Even if your dog usually tolerates car trips well, you still need to always have anti-stress and heart medications with you (the well-known Corvalol has helped us out more than once). And, of course, under no circumstances should you leave a bulldog in a closed car, the dog may simply suffocate, unfortunately, such cases have happened.

Another bulldog problem is eye disease (entropion, third eyelid adenoma), which requires the help of a qualified surgeon, otherwise the dog faces blindness. It is better if, when removing the adenoma, the doctor preserves the third eyelid, because it performs important functions and is very necessary in a dog’s eye. Sometimes a bulldog puppy that is not yet a year old suddenly begins to limp. This is due to the fact that the dog himself is growing very quickly and gaining weight, and his ligaments are not yet strong enough. It is necessary to reduce physical activity and add foods and supplements containing calcium to his diet. Until four months, to avoid injury, the English Bulldog should not be allowed to jump into chairs or go down stairs on its own. Climbing up is possible, since the load on the puppy’s joints and ligaments is not so great.

The biggest problem with bulldogs is breeding. “All breed characteristics of the English bulldog are, for the most part, signs of degeneration, which are the basis for culling dogs in any other breed,” says Maria Viktorovna Shchukina. “They are the ones cultivated in this breed. This, of course, gives rise to a lot of problems, but this is the originality of the bulldog.” Breeding English bulldogs, even from a purely technical point of view, is quite difficult; experienced breeders can only cope with this task between three of them, otherwise nothing will come of it. But even after breeding a bulldog bitch, the breeder may be left without puppies. Because in bulldogs, ovulation does not always coincide with heat; it can generally occur on almost any day of estrus. In the West, a bitch’s readiness for mating is determined using a smear, but in our country, mainly, using the “scientific poke” method.

Bulldogs carry puppies normally, but when the time comes to give birth, difficulties begin again. Only one in ten English bulldog bitches can give birth to puppies on their own; all the rest have to undergo a caesarean section. Due to the short, curved lower back of the mother, the puppy cannot turn in the birth canal into the correct position and be born normally; moreover, the bulldog’s pelvis is quite narrow, and the puppy’s head is large. During childbirth, the life of such a dog and puppies depends entirely on the professionalism of the veterinarian. There have been cases when inexperienced doctors did not deliver all the puppies, or operated on the dog too early and delivered them prematurely, or when, after an inept caesarean section, the dog remained infertile forever. In addition, the veterinarian should always give the bulldog anesthesia very carefully, remembering that dogs of this breed have a weak heart. Therefore, you should always contact only those doctors recommended by the head of the club, the owner of the nursery, and not just anyone.

With proper upbringing, usually no problems arise with bulldogs, although some of them have difficulty learning to keep the house clean, but this is most likely due to their specific physiology, and not to their mental abilities.

Bulldogs are calm, non-aggressive dogs, sometimes, however, somewhat stubborn and arrogant. For example, I always proudly say that the pedigrees of the dogs in our kennel are dominated by dogs of English breeding: hence the balanced psyche and restrained character. The puppies have always adapted quite easily and quickly to their owners. No confusion and fuss, aggression and rudeness.

All owners talk about the special intelligence of our puppies.

Young bulldogs are, of course, more active, but after one and a half to two years they almost stop playing, many say that they have been replaced - they become respectable gentlemen, some kind of inner dignity appears in them. A bulldog is an absolutely unsportsmanlike dog, you cannot exercise it intensively, go to the forest with it, take it on hikes, you cannot force a bulldog to jump over barriers, it is not suitable for this, but for a walk with the puppy, take a rubber toy with you (which, when you get home, is easy can be washed).

While English Bulldogs are thought to be dull and difficult to train, this is actually not the case. Our kennel's stud dog Bon Jo Bowser Lee can carry out commands at the level of a shepherd dog and many have already witnessed the whole show that our Bonik loves to show with courage. The Bulldog is a very intelligent dog and enjoys learning. Another thing is that this dog is not suitable for guarding people; this is absolutely not typical for the breed. After all, for many years, bulldogs that were aggressive towards people were simply not allowed to be bred. And if you still try to teach a bulldog to guard, then it is too easy to disrupt his psyche and make him disabled. However, the bulldog is not averse to fighting with its relatives; its fighting spirit is indestructible. But this trait should not be encouraged.

“Sometimes people ask me why a dog like an English bulldog is needed? - says Maria Viktorovna, - well, what can you answer here, an English bulldog exists in order to be an English bulldog. There are works of art that do not fit into the classical canons of beauty, and the bulldog is a product of genetics.”

And I’ll add: there are dogs, and there are BULDOGS. With their amazing ability to incredibly embellish our lives, with their ability to communicate on a highly emotional level and of course with their unique (completely individual) appearance.

And let this snoring bulldog demonstrate this to you with his whole life!

Nikitenko E. V., English bulldog kennel “Leanto”

The main source of potential problems for an English Bulldog at any age is difficulty breathing, which can be noticeably worsened by overheating, increased physical activity, and stress. Don’t plan agility classes, long hikes, or a long game of tag—your bulldog’s body won’t appreciate it. A walk of moderate duration at a calm pace is quite a sufficient level of exercise.

A running English bulldog can reach speeds of up to 25 km/h. But here it is better to take your word for it than to test it in practice.

It is important to avoid overloading during puppyhood: the puppy’s musculoskeletal system is not ready for serious tests, and the risks of sprains and dislocations are high. Puppies gain weight quite quickly, and even a careless descent down the stairs or jumping into the owner's chair can have disastrous consequences for ligaments and joints. The puppy's activity must be controlled. If the puppy is eager to play with his peers and the other owners do not mind, give him this opportunity. Puppy games are good for developing and socializing. At the same time, carefully monitor the process and at the first signs of fatigue, distract, calm, and let the puppy rest.

Cleanliness is the key to health or how to care for an English bulldog

It is equally important to pay sufficient attention to the cleanliness of the skin and eyes every day. Train your puppy to be patient with the procedures. In the morning, the puppy should wipe its eyes with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. A bristle brush or mitten is perfect for grooming; once or twice a week, use light massaging movements to remove loose hairs from the coat. The folds of skin on the muzzle and body and, of course, the area under the tail must be wiped with cotton pads, first wet and then dry. The dog's body folds should never be wet. If you see that they are sweating, use a mild antiseptic, talcum powder, or baby powder. Not doing this is asking for trouble in the form of inflammation and dermatitis: treatment of skin diseases is much more difficult and costly than prevention. Caring for an English Bulldog does not require frequent bathing, but its paws should be washed daily. It makes sense to organize a “bath day” only when there is noticeable pollution, on average no more than once a month. Dermatitis in English Bulldogs can also be a reaction to frequent washing.

Regularly check the interdigital space and length of the claws; due to low physical activity, the English Bulldog's claws do not have time to wear down. They must be filed regularly or trimmed with a special nail clipper. It is also necessary to monitor and care for the teeth, gradually accustoming the dog to a toothbrush from childhood.

Who's the boss in the house?

There are key points in raising an English Bulldog, and one of them is related to the bulldog’s desire to lead. Keep in mind that English Bulldogs tend to make their own rules unless you make your own to follow. Bulldogs can be trained well if you choose the right incentive for them and be patient. The puppy’s sociability and charm should not disarm you, or your family members, and push you into making concessions. Subsequently, they can lead to problems with obedience and the health of the pet. Your main tools are consistency and persistence. Remember that the effort you put into regularly caring for and training your English Bulldog will be returned in spades if you show patience and perseverance at this stage. Pity should not replace attentiveness, and indulging whims is a sure way to raise a family tyrant. To prevent the dog from claiming the master's chair, take care of a cozy, quiet corner for your bulldog. Bulldogs, especially in puppyhood, love to chew anything that doesn't fit well. You can counter this with special chewing toys. And, of course, do not leave anything near the place where he eats that should not fall into his mouth.

The variety of breeds is amazing: Pekingese, Chihuahuas, terriers...

It can be difficult to make a choice, but if you want a medium-sized dog that is friendly and has a good disposition, but which could protect its owner without delay, you should pay attention to the English Bulldog.

The muscular dog will be an excellent companion and reliable bodyguard. Also, this four-legged pet will be an excellent nanny for children! You can learn everything about English bulldogs from this article - after reading, there will be no questions left!


Origin of the breed

Previously, bull baiting was practiced in England: a bull and a flock of dogs entered the arena and were supposed to “drop” it or make it run away. It was quite a popular pastime.

For such purposes, bulldogs adapted to combat conditions were used. A huge number of folds protected from serious injuries, and remarkable strength helped to win. Those ancient fighters were incredibly aggressive and bloodthirsty. They were almost impossible to train. The time has come and in the 19th century bullying was banned. The dogs were no longer needed, the breed almost disappeared, but there were those who appreciated the physical characteristics of the English bulldogs. They began to be “re-educated” and placed in the houses of aristocrats, since their small size allowed this. The dog turned out to be universal: both a reliable guard and a companion.

In the process of domestication, these pets lost their cruelty and aggression, so today they are considered purely domestic dogs, which can even be trusted to play with a child.

Description of the breed

The English Bulldog is always calm, calm and peaceful, despite its formidable appearance. In general, they are cute dogs, but only until someone decides to harm the owner. The offender will immediately recognize what a “bulldog grip” is.

Despite its small stature, the bulldog is a fairly active dog, but only in emergency situations! They get along well with other pets, and children will be happy to meet a four-legged nanny.

Dogs of this breed are excellent conversationalists and companions.

Caring for English bulldogs, however, is difficult - in no case should you allow them to overheat, and you need to approach the choice of food with all responsibility, because the heavy body puts a lot of stress on the short legs, so you can’t lead to obesity!

The English Bulldog is a stocky but powerful dog. A wide and strong chest, a huge number of folds, a protruding jaw, a massive head - these are the physical characteristics of dogs of this breed. Average weight - 22 kg, height at withers about 35 cm.

  • Spotted
  • brindle
  • Ginger
  • White and red-white
  • Brown-yellow


English Bulldog – calm and friendly dog. It can be trained, but only an adult, conscientious and responsible person should do this, because a four-legged friend can sometimes be extremely stubborn and lazy. During training, you should never yell at the dog, because the breed is sensitive and understands everything.

Thanks to such qualities as: calmness, friendliness, devotion, the English Bulldog will become an excellent friend for children and a companion for the owner.

These dogs will never look back at their owner - if a problem arises, they can solve it themselves. With pets and small children get along well, but it’s better not to keep a cat and a dog together, because the dog can direct its energy in unnecessary directions, and the cat can suffer physically! The English Bulldog is always self-confident and balanced, and does not bark for no reason (calmness at night).

Important! As a puppy, you need to wean your dog from jumping on your chest, otherwise, being an adult and heavy, the bulldog can knock you down!

How long do they live?

Unfortunately, the life expectancy of these dogs is short - with proper care, only up to 10 years, and in general, English bulldogs die after 7-8 years. The main causes of death are:

  • Oncology
  • Cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, cardiomyopathy and stroke)
  • Volvulus
  • Low immunity, which is why pets are susceptible to various respiratory diseases.

It is interesting that dogs that almost never part with their owner and who are psychologically “comfortable” live long.

The lifespan of English bulldogs depends on heredity, living conditions (hot climates are not suitable for them), nutrition, the amount of attention paid by the owner, and many other factors. So, it is within the power of the owner to prolong the life of the pet by taking proper care of it!


  • Fortunately, the English Bulldog's coat is smooth and combing is not difficult. A stiff bristled brush works great. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a week.
  • Need to pay attention folds on the muzzle: If dirt has accumulated, wipe with a damp swab and then with a dry one. If you leave the fold wet, allergies may occur. You shouldn’t use cosmetics either!
  • There is no need to bathe your pet too often - no one has canceled the peeling of the skin. If the wool happens to get dusty, it is better to wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • Teeth also require a lot of attention: you need to constantly monitor their health and brush them, otherwise tartar will not take long to appear!
  • Trim your nails regularly!
  • You can't run without a break and walk until you're blue in the face - English bulldogs don't need enormous physical activity, but on the contrary, they are contraindicated. These lazy people like going out for a walk just to do their business.

Dogs of this breed are incredibly sensitive: they can overheat even a couple of hours after birth, and because of their short hair, bulldogs’ bodies are not adapted to low temperatures.

You should take a pack of ice with you on your trip to cool your dog down if necessary. The main thing is not to overdo it. They also place a wet, cool towel in the box with the puppies to avoid overheating. If signs of heat stroke appear, such as shock and fainting, it is necessary to remove the secretion from the dog’s mouth and immediately go to the veterinary clinic.

  • Since they have sensitive digestion, it is necessary to practice mixed food: vegetables, meat (40%) and cereals. Bulldogs need a special diet and it is better if the veterinarian tells you what to feed your pet.
  • Washing this sissy once every couple of months is enough. You can be allowed to swim in reservoirs in the warm season, but only under the strict control of the owner: the front part of the body is heavy, so bulldogs swim poorly.
  • Every morning you need to clean your eyes with a cotton swab soaked in boiled water.

If the owner wants to participate and win in various exhibitions and competitions, it is necessary to care for the dog much more: grooming, ideal cleanliness, manners, the dog should not show aggression towards other animals, always obey the owner, be able to walk on a leash, not be afraid of large crowds people. Documents and vaccinations are required!

Imposing english bulldog does not seem agile at all, but rather resembles a strong, stocky farmer than a fighter. But, in fact, he is able to surprise anyone with his agility.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children


In the 13th century in England, the breed acquired its current name from the English word “bull”. The bulldogs overwhelmed them. English Bulldogs are incredibly powerful dogs. When they need something, they will sweep everyone out of their way. When baiting of tethered bulls by dogs was banned by law in 1835, the English Bulldog breed practically disappeared. Luckily, a group of Bulldog fans saved the day. After this, they began to breed dogs whose character became more suitable for a companion dog.

English aristocrats watched with admiration as powerful dogs drove down huge bulls. They recalled that before the advent of bulldogs, smaller and less powerful dogs were released into the arena in a pack, from which almost all the dogs died under the heavy hooves of an animal maddened by pain, leaving the rich owners with neither money lost in a bet nor a reason for fun.

The Bulldog, often called the English Bulldog, is a friendly, calm, good-natured dog. The English Bulldog is very confident. Where other dogs will look to the owner for support, the bulldog will say: “In any case, I can handle it myself.” The English bulldog has become the unofficial symbol of the American Marine Corps.

Today, the English Bulldog is a dog that is 100% man-made. Today's loving English Bulldogs were so cruel in ancient times that they were banned from the streets of Rome.

The English mastiff and its smaller copy, which served British butchers, livestock traders and herders as a working dog reminiscent of a Rottweiler and Bullenbeiser, claimed the role of “bull-biter”.

Among the first "bulldogs", however, there were dogs of different sizes, colors and with different jaw structures. “Natural selection” was carried out by bulls, destroying animals unsuitable for fighting, and man watched the fights, and then consolidated and developed in dogs those qualities that contributed to the creation of the perfect four-legged fighter.

Thus, the mastiff usually grabbed the bull by the ear, scruff or neck and tried to knock down the enemy. But due to their large size, mastiffs often got caught on the bull's horns or under the hooves.

But “butcher dogs”, thanks to long-term selection, were better able to protect themselves from a formidable enemy and had another remarkable feature - the desire to grab a bull by the nose. And since this is the most sensitive place for the hoofed giant, it was the bulldog who grabbed the bull’s nose that was able to completely paralyze his will and discourage him from resisting. The fight, by the way, was considered over if the bull fell or ran away from the arena.

"Proper dog"
Bull baiting was prohibited by law in 1835 - and the large population of bulldogs was “out of business.” But not for long - the qualities of the dogs have already been appreciated.

Bulldogs quickly turned from “gladiators” into excellent bodyguards, defenders, watchmen and simply worthy companions.

However, after appearing in the houses and royal chambers, the fearless bulldogs still had to sacrifice something - their difficult character. The British sent aggressive dogs to plantations in the New World, and tried to re-educate those dogs that remained to protect the aristocrats - aggressive, embittered bulldogs were inappropriate in secular interiors.

Since a “classic” gentleman must have a “respectable” dog, breeders of that time gave preference to balanced, loyal to strangers (to a certain extent) and reliable bulldogs. Unfortunately, fearlessness and perseverance suffered during the “re-education” process.

Of course, even today the bulldog, without hesitation, will stand up for its owner. But we are unlikely to see that indomitable warrior who entered the arena face to face with the mighty bull. However, so what? The main thing is that the enterprising and wise English gave the world a loyal and sensible friend.

Description of the breed: character, size, life expectancy

The bulldog has a funny face with all the folds and cheeks. But make no mistake. The English Bulldog is a very tough dog. The jaw protrudes forward and exposes the teeth. The skin in folds helped the dogs in battle - even if the enemy grabbed them, they still retained maneuverability in battle. The folds on the muzzle are needed to prevent blood from pouring into the eyes during a fight. Broad shoulders and a large head create a squat appearance.

The English Bulldog is a dog with a massive head and a small pelvis. Because of its shape, the English Bulldog is often unable to give birth to puppies without the help of a veterinarian. Puppies do not pass through the birth canal normally and therefore dogs most often undergo a caesarean section. Additionally, English Bulldogs are brachycephalic dogs, which means they have a depressed nose and head.

Because they breathe with their mouths open and swallow a lot of air, they often pass gas. You either need to ignore it or stock up on air freshener. They may not be the most gentle dogs, but English bulldogs are amazing. They remain the national dog of England. During World War 2, the bulldog was considered Churchill's dog because it represented the courage and strength of England. True, Churchill had a bulldog, not a bulldog.

The English Bulldog is a real homebody. He loves to hang around the sofa and is ready to sleep all day. He is not the type of dog that likes long walks. He prefers to hang around close to home. The English Bulldog is very stubborn. If he doesn't want to do something, then you will have to spend a lot of effort to force him to do it. His funny behavior will surely make you smile often. The English Bulldog sets up very strong and behaves well with them. He loves to chew on things and to prevent this trait from becoming destructive, provide him with plenty of chew toys and hide his slippers.

In general, the English Bulldog does not tolerate heat well. If you live in a hot climate, an English Bulldog may not be the best choice. The English Bulldog is great for city living. They don't need constant exercise, they don't need to run for an hour. For most, it is enough to move well once or walk for 20 minutes 2 times a day. It all depends on the dog. Younger people need more work than older ones.

The English Bulldog is not suitable for those who cannot stand drool and smell. But if this dog suits you, it’s love at first sight. They love to be in the company of family.


The English Bulldog is a medium-sized dog. Height at the withers is 35-40 centimeters. English Bulldog weight: males about 25 kilograms, females - 23 kg.


The English Bulldog is considered one of the sickest dog breeds. He has a lot of congenital or hereditary diseases. They may have various problems with the heart, as well as with the musculoskeletal system.

English bulldogs live about 8-10 years.

Raising and training an English bulldog

Unlike many other breeds that have a craving for freedom in their blood, bulldogs, when they appear at your home, adapt within a few days or even hours, as if in a previous life they slept on your rug or ate from a bowl you prepared. And although they learn quickly, as if intuitively, bulldogs, like other dogs, need education. Otherwise, one day you may realize that you have raised a spoiled child, a stubborn person, or even a threat to others.

The first rule of the “bulldog whisperer” is to be a friend to the dog. Once you put your pet on a chain or “confine” it in a cramped enclosure, you will lose the trust of the dog, which, in order to grow into a worthy companion, needs to be close to people all the time.

However, you need to immediately show the bulldog “who’s boss.” Otherwise, before you know it, you will become your dog’s “subordinate.” Bulldogs love to lounge in a chair, on a sofa, or on a comfortable bedding. But don’t allow them too much - the day after tomorrow your pet will turn from a beloved “boy” into a mature “husband” of impressive size and with terrifying jaws. This guy won’t even notice how he moves you off the sofa, turning to the other side. Therefore, it is better to immediately arrange a place for the dog where it will be comfortable and will not disturb anyone. By the way, bulldogs generally understand the language of rewards rather than punishment better. Therefore, if the puppy ate your favorite slipper, just squat down next to him and firmly but calmly explain that he did wrong.

If you are convincing enough and, of course, stop leaving slippers near your pet’s eating area, the unpleasant “incident” will not happen again. To be on the safe side, you can buy your bulldog chewing toys - this will both entertain him and protect him from thoughtless “manipulations” with furniture, shoes and clothes.

The Bulldog is quite trainable if you agree with him. He can be stubborn because he wants to do things his own way and he has the muscle and strength to do it. The English Bulldog is not a dog that you can't do anything with, but it's also not a dog that wants to please you. Bulldogs live by their own rules. They are very, very lazy.

They love to lie around everywhere, but sometimes they can run around. They love to play, but according to their own rules. The English Bulldog seems to live in its own world. You are here to feed and entertain him - there is no other reason. They want to be whoever they want. To train an English Bulldog, you will have to understand its incentives. If it's food, praise, whatever you find works for your dog, use it. Because if you want to play by your own rules, you won't get very far.

Thus, teaching an Englishman to behave well is not at all difficult. The first two to three months of attention and patience are especially important.

Be careful!

The owner will have to go through much more worries during the period of growth and formation of the young bulldog’s body. And this is not surprising, given the unusual appearance of the Englishman.

He has a short and flat muzzle, which is why your pet can snore deafeningly in his sleep. By the way, this is another reason why you should “move” the dog from the sofa to the floor, or better yet, to an empty room.

In addition, due to the special structure of the body, the bulldog suffers from difficulty breathing and has a weak heart, so it is not capable of long and hard work, which means it will not be an ideal travel companion for those who like hiking or long daily runs.

The puppy must not be allowed to become exhausted. Overload in puppyhood - both mental and physical - has serious consequences, which are often irreparable.

And finally, beefy bulldogs are prone to obesity. And it’s not just that the British love to eat, but also their slow metabolism. And given the weak joints, an overweight young bulldog can suffer serious injury - a common occurrence in pre-teens of this breed.

Another “trouble” of the mighty dogs is allergies. Moreover, some bulldogs are irritated by flowers, grass, pollen, and the hot sun. Therefore, when the first signs of an allergic reaction appear, you should contact a veterinarian, who will advise how to protect yourself from the “scourge.”


The shedding process in an English Bulldog puppy begins at approximately 9 months. Shedding can be alleviated by brushing your dog regularly. During brushing, you remove dandruff, dust and dirt from the English Bulldog's coat, which also gets on the skin. If you don't do regular cleaning, your dog is more likely to develop skin diseases.

Brushing is also a kind of massage, which is useful for the English Bulldog, since after it the blood flows to the skin, which in turn stimulates metabolism. In addition, dead hair is removed.

An English Bulldog needs to be brushed 1-2 times a week. A bristle brush is ideal for this purpose. After which it is recommended to groom the dog with a cloth brush or a special mitten. This procedure ensures the cleanliness of the wool is no worse, and perhaps better than washing. Another option is to clean the English bulldog with a vacuum cleaner.

At first he may resist, but he will quickly get used to this procedure. In summer, when it is hot, the English Bulldog can be lightly moistened with water (we do not recommend using shampoos). The dog especially likes this event after walking outside. It is very important to ensure that the dog is not in a draft after washing.

It's best not to bathe your English Bulldog when it's cold. The rest of the time he can be bathed once every 2 months. In order not to harm the skin and coat of the English Bulldog, it is important that the water is not hot, no more than 34-36 degrees. For washing you need to use a special shampoo. After this procedure, it must be wiped dry. You are allowed to go for a walk only when the coat is completely dry.

In winter, it is useful to “bathe” your English Bulldog with clean snow. In the summer, it would be a good idea to replace washing the house with frequent swimming in open water (preferably in running water and with gentle banks). This procedure should be carried out in places not intended for swimming of people and where livestock is not watered. Remember that the front of a Bulldog's body is heavy. Because of this, they swim poorly.


It's no secret that a balanced diet is a prerequisite for the proper development and growth of a dog. Given their tendency to obesity, bulldogs especially need it.

It’s up to you to decide what to feed your pet, super-premium dry food or natural food. The main thing is to stick to one diet plan, don’t forget about vitamins and mineral supplements (if you give your bulldog natural foods) - and love your big little friend. Perhaps it is the love of the owner that turns a warrior and a “bull dog” into a loyal and obedient, real gentleman.


Do you want to buy an English bulldog? You can, of course, look for information on Internet sites or in newspapers with advertisements. But first of all, you must understand for yourself the purpose for which you are purchasing a dog. Do you need a future show champion or a pet? The cost of your pet will depend on this. Puppies from champion parents are expensive, companion dogs are much cheaper. In this regard, there is such a price range.

The cost of English bulldog puppies varies from $170 to $1250 rubles.

Photo of the English Bulldog breed

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